Episodes most important for revealing the character of Andrei Sokolov “The fate of a man. About Pussy Riot & masculine, but not Putin's tears! The episode in the church is the fate of a person each character

Synopsis of an open lesson in literature.

Platoon: 12

Date: 04/28/12

Lesson topic:

"The Fate of a Man" is the embodiment of the tragic fate of the Russian people during the Great Patriotic War.

Lesson Objectives:

  1. To acquaint with the biography and work of M.A. Sholokhov.
  2. To acquaint students with military themes in the works of Soviet writers on the example of M.A. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man".
  3. Develop the skills to work independently with a literary text, the ability to express and argue your opinion.
  4. To cultivate love for the Motherland, respect for its difficult history, love for the native language and literature.

Materials and equipment: presentation, portrait of I.A. Sholokhov, text, textbook, film by S. Bondarchuk “The Fate of Man”.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Actualization of knowledge.

Many Soviet people went through the Great Patriotic War. Among them were writers and poets.

What are the names of poets, front-line writers? (Slides №5,6,7,8)

Nikolai Mayorov, Mikhail Lukonin, Semyon Gudzenko, Pavel Kogan, NikolaiKulchitsky - went to the front, many of them did not return from the war.

One of the works devoted to the events of the Great Patriotic War is the story of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man".

And what can you tell about Sholokhov himself, the author of the story "The Fate of a Man"? (Performance of students with a pre-prepared presentation).

3. Learning new material.

And now let's go directly to the story "The fate of man." Pay attention to the composition of the story.

What are the features of the composition and plot of this work?

(The author uses a special compositional technique - a story in a story. The plot of the work includes Andrey Sokolov's story about his fate. This is a confession of a courageous person: after all, in order to survive all the troubles, torments and sufferings that he has endured in the story, huge mental strength is needed .)

(The hero of the story, Andrey Sokolov, is an ordinary, simple person. He appears together with a little boy, whom he calls his son. The author immediately notices an incomprehensible feature: the child’s clothes, although not new, are solid, the torn sleeve is neatly sewn up, and the father’s clothes are sewn carelessly - it is immediately clear that it was a man darning, the author suggested that his casual interlocutor was either a widow or did not get along with his wife.)

Why do you think Andrei Sokolov tells the story of his life to a stranger?

(Probably because the hero of Sholokhov has experienced a lot, and he has no close people, except for Vanyusha adopted by him. But the boy is still small, besides, he also drank grief - he lost his parents, and his mother died when they were traveling together on a train, during the bombing, and his adoptive father takes care of him and takes pity on him. Yes, and such a story is not for a kid. Andrey is a driver by profession. Seeing a man waiting near the car, he thought that he was also a driver - that means, "his brother," as they say. “It’s sickening to smoke and die alone,” Andrey awkwardly justifies himself.)

The story "The Fate of a Man" takes place shortly after the war; however, the story itself was written much later in 1956: about 10 years passed between a chance meeting with the person who became the prototype of Andrei Sokolov and the creation of the story.

Why do you think such a story could not have appeared earlier?

(There is no pronounced ideological position in the story. Although Andrei Sokolov mentions that half of the prisoners were communists, this does not matter for the plot and the meaning of the story. Moreover, Sholokhov's hero was in German captivity, which was regarded as a crime under Stalin "It is known that those who escaped from German camps often ended up in Soviet camps. In addition, only during the period of the so-called thaw, it became possible to put humanistic, rather than ideological values ​​at the forefront - family, mutual understanding, peaceful work, human dignity and compassion. Story " The fate of a man" is imbued not with the pathos of a victorious hero, but with the inescapable longing of a man who has lost everyone who was dear to him.

“Sometimes you don’t sleep at night, you look into the darkness with empty eyes and think: “Why did you, life, cripple me like that? Why so distorted? There is no answer for me either in the dark or in the clear sun ... No, and I can’t wait! - Andrey Sokolov complains.)

What are the main milestones in the fate of Andrei Sokolov? What helped the hero survive?

(In a short story, Sholokhov experiences the whole life, the whole fate of the hero, the “simple Soviet man”: his pre-war life, going to the front and saying goodbye to his family, captivity, unsuccessful escape, release, death of the family, meeting with Vanyushka, who became the hero’s son. help to endure sincere generosity, humanity, cordiality, a sense of responsibility.)

How does the hero perform in all trials?

(The forces of Andrei Sokolov seem limitless, he has an indestructible will to live, to fight for justice: “And I, with my last strength, but went”; “I spent a month in a punishment cell for escaping, but still alive ... I remained alive!” "Always, in all circumstances, Andrei does not lose a sense of human dignity, does not bend before troubles. Sokolov's fortitude is so great that it amazes even inveterate sadistic fascists.

The hero had to endure the most terrible test - the news of the death of his wife and daughters, the death of his son on the last day of the war. It seems that there is no strength left to live, it is impossible to survive such grief. But the hero did not waste his sensitivity, the need to give warmth and care to others, he feels his own and other people's pain with his heart.)

What is the significance of the episode "In the Church"? how do people behave? Which position is closest to Sokolov? How did the hero himself behave?

(In the episode "In the Church" Sholokhov reveals the possible types of human behavior in inhuman circumstances. Different characters embody different life positions here. A Christian soldier prefers to die than, having resigned to circumstances, recede from his convictions, however, at the same time he becomes the culprit in the death of four people "Kryzhnev is trying to buy his right to life by paying for it with someone else's life. Meekly awaiting his fate as a platoon commander. But only the position of the doctor, "who did his great work both in captivity and in the dark," arouses sincere respect and admiration in Sokolov.

In any conditions, to remain oneself, not to change one's duty - this is the position of Sokolov himself. Neither humility, nor the opposition of his life to the lives of other people, the hero does not accept. That is why he decides to kill Kryzhnev in order to save the platoon leader. It is not easy for Sokolov to kill, especially the murder of “his own”, it is hard on his soul, but he cannot allow one person to save his own life at the cost of the death of another.

The episode "In the Church" shows how cruelly the character of the hero is tested. Life puts him before the need to choose. The hero does what his conscience tells him to do.)

In what scenes of the story "The Fate of a Man" is the "Russian dignity and pride" most fully shown? Comment on these scenes. (Showing a fragment of the film "The Fate of a Man" by S. Bondarchuk)

(The dialogue with Muller is not an armed battle between two enemies, but a psychological duel, from which Sokolov emerges victorious, which Muller himself is forced to admit. The victory of the Soviet troops on the Volga and the victory of Sokolov are events of the same order, since the victory over fascism is, First of all, a moral victory).

What role does the meeting with Vanyushka play in the fate of Sokolov?

(An unexpected meeting with a child, an accidental "fragment of the war", revives the hero. Love and compassion evoke a response in the boy's heart. Andrey Sokolov not only does not submit to fate, but also makes his own fate, changes the boy's orphan fate.)

(Sholokhov, in the image of his hero, reveals the tragedy of our entire people, its disasters and sufferings. The author's pain, sympathy is felt in the very tone of the narration, in the choice of the hero - a simple man, in the vicissitudes of his fate. The main method of constructing a story - antithesis - also serves as an expression of the author's positions: peaceful life, quiet happiness - the destructive force of war; goodness and justice - monstrous fanaticism, cruelty, inhumanity; devotion - betrayal; light - darkness. It is clear which side the author is on, what ideals he defends.)

What is the meaning of the story's title? (slide number 11)

We analyze the meaning of the word "fate" according to Ozhegov's dictionary.

  1. A confluence of circumstances independent of the will of a person, the course of life circumstances;
  2. Share, fate;
  3. The history of the existence of someone or something;
  4. Future, what will happen

Fate is an ambiguous word.

  1. How is it used in the title of the story? (It shows not only the history of the existence of Andrei Sokolov, but also how he could not submit to circumstances, was able to survive. In the battle with fate, he showed great strength of character.)
  2. Let's once again name those character traits that helped Andrei Sokolov survive, overcome difficulties. (Fortitude, generosity, ability to love, courage, compassion, kindness, etc.)

Sholokhov, without embellishment, describes the life of his hero in German captivity. Returning to his homeland, Andrei painfully experiences the loss of his relatives. Indeed, the fate of this simple man, who does not stand out in any way from the multitude of such simple people, is very difficult.

What is the humanism of the story?

(Despite everything, Andrei Sokolov has not lost the ability to empathize. He does not hesitate to take care of little Vanyusha. In captivity, Andrei honestly shares miserable crumbs of provisions with his comrades, kills a traitor who decided to announce to the Germans that one of the prisoners was a platoon commander .

We see that Andrei's tormented heart is still capable of sincere love. As a result of the shocks, Andrey's health was greatly undermined: “... My unshed tears, apparently, have dried up in my heart. Maybe that's why it hurts so much? This worries Andrey, but not because of himself, but because of Vanyusha: “... Somehow we would have lived with him, but my heart swayed, the piston needs to be changed ... Sometimes it grabs and presses that white light in eyes fade. I'm afraid that someday I'll die in my sleep and scare my son.")

What is instructive about the story of Andrei Sokolov?

(Andrey Sokolov, a simple man, a soldier and a father, acts as the guardian and defender of life, its foundations, moral laws that have evolved over the centuries. Sholokhov's hero defends the meaning and truth of human existence itself.)

The author does not talk about how the life of Andrei and his adopted son developed further. Sholokhov pursued a different goal - to show what war does to human life. “Two orphaned people, two grains of sand, thrown into foreign lands by a military hurricane of unprecedented strength ... Is something waiting for them ahead? And I would like to think that this Russian man, a man of unbending will, will survive and grow up near his father’s shoulder, who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, overcome everything in his path ... "

4. Summing up.

Answer the question in writing: "How did the fate of Andrei Sokolov become an expression of the fate of the whole people?" (Slide number 16)

(Analysis of the work of students in the lesson, grading)

5. Homework.

Teacher of Russian language and literature Melentyeva E.A.

The story of Mikhail Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man" tells about the life of a soldier of the Great Patriotic War, Andrei Sokolov. The ensuing war took everything away from the man: family, home, faith in a brighter future. Strong-willed character and firmness of spirit did not allow Andrei to break. The meeting with the orphaned boy Vanyushka brought new meaning to Sokolov's life.

This story is included in the 9th grade literature curriculum. Before you get acquainted with the full version of the work, you can read the online summary of Sholokhov's "The Fate of a Man", which will introduce the reader to the most important episodes of the "Fate of a Man".

main characters

Andrey Sokolov- the main character of the story. He worked as a driver in wartime until the Fritz took him prisoner, where he spent 2 years. In captivity was listed under the number 331.

Anatoly- the son of Andrei and Irina, who went to the front during the war. Becomes a battery commander. Anatoly died on Victory Day, he was killed by a German sniper.

Vanyushka- an orphan, adopted son of Andrei.

Other characters

Irina- Andrew's wife

Kryzhnev- traitor

Ivan Timofeevich- Andrew's neighbor

Nastenka and Olushka- Sokolov's daughters

On the Upper Don came the first spring after the war. The scorching sun touched the ice on the river and a flood began, turning the roads into a blurry slurry that was not passable.

The author of the story at this time of off-road had to get to the Bukanovskaya station, which was about 60 km away. He reached the crossing over the Elanka River and, together with the driver accompanying him, swam across in a boat full of holes from old age to the other side. The driver swam away again, and the narrator remained waiting for him. Since the driver promised to return only after 2 hours, the narrator decided to take a smoke break. He took out cigarettes that got wet during the crossing and laid them out to dry in the sun. The narrator sat down on the wattle fence and became thoughtful.

Soon, he was distracted from his thoughts by a man with a boy, who were moving towards the crossing. The man approached the narrator, greeted him and asked if it would be long to wait for the boat. We decided to smoke together. The narrator wanted to ask the interlocutor where he was heading with his little son in such impassability. But the man was ahead of him and started talking about the past war.
So the narrator got acquainted with a brief retelling of the life story of a man whose name was Andrey Sokolov.

Life before the war

Andrey had a hard time even before the war. As a young boy, he went to the Kuban to work for kulaks (wealthy peasants). It was a harsh period for the country: it was 1922, the time of famine. So Andrei's mother, father and sister died of starvation. He was left all alone. He returned to his homeland only a year later, sold his parents' house and married the orphan Irina. Andrei got a good wife, obedient and not grouchy. Irina loved and respected her husband.

Soon the young couple had children: first, the son Anatoly, and then the daughters Olyushka and Nastenka. The family settled down well: they lived in abundance, they rebuilt their house. If earlier Sokolov drank with friends after work, now he hurried home to his beloved wife and children. In the 29th, Andrei left the factory and began working as a driver. Another 10 years flew by for Andrei unnoticed.

The war came unexpectedly. Andrei Sokolov received a summons from the military registration and enlistment office, and he leaves for the front.

War time

Sokolov was escorted to the front with the whole family. A bad premonition tormented Irina: as if for the last time she was seeing her husband.

During the distribution, Andrei received a military truck and went to the front for his steering wheel. But he did not have to fight for a long time. During the German offensive, Sokolov was given the task of supplying ammunition to soldiers in a hot spot. But it was not possible to bring the shells to their own - the Nazis blew up the truck.

When miraculously surviving Andrei woke up, he saw an overturned truck and detonated ammunition. And the battle was already going somewhere behind. Andrey then realized that he was right in the encirclement of the Germans. The Nazis immediately noticed the Russian soldier, but they did not kill him - labor was needed. So Sokolov ended up in captivity along with fellow soldiers.

The captives were herded into a local church to spend the night. Among those arrested was a military doctor who made his way in the dark and questioned each soldier about the presence of injuries. Sokolov was very worried about his arm, dislocated during the explosion, when he was thrown out of the truck. The doctor adjusted Andrey's limb, for which the soldier was very grateful to him.

The night was restless. Soon one of the prisoners began to ask the Germans to release him to relieve himself. But the senior escort forbade anyone to let out of the church. The prisoner could not stand it and wept: “I can’t,” he says, “desecrate the holy temple! I'm a believer, I'm a Christian!" . The Germans shot the annoying pilgrimage and several other prisoners.

After that, the arrested fell silent for a while. Then conversations began in a whisper: they began to ask each other who came from where and how they were captured.

Sokolov heard a quiet conversation next to him: one of the soldiers threatened the platoon leader that he would tell the Germans that he was not a simple private, but a communist. The man who threatened, as it turned out, was called Kryzhnev. The platoon commander begged Kryzhnev not to extradite him to the Germans, but he stood his ground, arguing that "his own shirt is closer to the body."

After hearing Andrey shook with rage. He decided to help the platoon leader and kill the vile party member. For the first time in his life, Sokolov killed a man, and it became so disgusting to him, as if he "strangled some creeping reptile."

camp work

In the morning, the Nazis began to find out which of the prisoners belonged to the Communists, commissars and Jews, in order to shoot them on the spot. But there were none, as well as traitors who could betray.

When the arrested were driven to the camp, Sokolov began to think how he could escape to his own. Once such a case presented itself to the prisoner, he managed to escape and break away from the camp for 40 km. Only in the footsteps of Andrei were dogs, and soon he was caught. The set dogs tore all his clothes and bit him to the point of blood. Sokolov was placed in a punishment cell for a month. After the punishment cell, 2 years of hard work, hunger, and bullying followed.

Sokolov got to work in a stone quarry, where the prisoners "manually hammered, cut, crushed German stone." More than half of the workers died from hard work. Andrei somehow could not stand it, and uttered reckless words in the direction of the cruel Germans: “They need four cubic meters of production, and one cubic meter through the eyes is enough for each of us.”

There was a traitor among his own, and reported this to the Fritz. The next day, Sokolov was asked to visit the German authorities. But before leading the soldier to be shot, the commandant of the block Muller offered him a drink and a snack for the victory of the Germans.

Almost looking into the eyes of death, the brave fighter refused such an offer. Muller only smiled and ordered Andrei to drink for his death. The prisoner had nothing to lose, and he drank to get rid of his torment. Despite the fact that the fighter was very hungry, he never touched the appetizer of the Nazis. The Germans poured a second glass to the arrested man and again offered him a bite to eat, to which Andrey replied to the German: “Sorry, Herr Commandant, I’m not used to having a bite even after the second glass.” The Nazis laughed, poured Sokolov a third glass and decided not to kill him, because he showed himself to be a real soldier, loyal to his homeland. He was released to the camp, and for his courage they were given a loaf of bread and a piece of lard. The block divided the provisions equally.

The escape

Soon Andrei gets to work at the mines in the Ruhr region. It was 1944, Germany began to surrender its positions.

By chance, the Germans learn that Sokolov is a former driver, and he enters the service of the German office "Todte". There he becomes the personal driver of a fat Fritz, an army major. After some time, the German major was sent to the front line, and Andrei along with him.

Again, the prisoner began to visit thoughts of escaping to his own. Once Sokolov noticed a drunken non-commissioned officer, led him around the corner and took off all his uniforms. Andrei hid the uniform under the seat in the car, and also hid the weight and telephone wire. Everything was ready to carry out the plan.

One morning, Major Andrei orders to take him outside the city, where he supervised the construction. On the way, the German dozed off, and as soon as they left the city, Sokolov took out a weight and stunned the German. After that, the hero took out a hidden uniform, quickly changed clothes and drove at full speed towards the front.

This time, the brave soldier managed to get to his own with the German "present". We met him as a real hero and promised to present him for a state award.
They gave the fighter a month off: to get medical treatment, to rest, to see his relatives.

For starters, Sokolov was sent to the hospital, from where he immediately wrote a letter to his wife. 2 weeks have passed. An answer comes from the motherland, but not from Irina. The letter was written by their neighbor, Ivan Timofeevich. This message was not joyful: Andrei's wife and daughters died back in 1942. The Germans blew up the house where they lived. Only a deep hole remained from their hut. Only the eldest son, Anatoly, survived, who, after the death of his relatives, asked to go to the front.

Andrei arrived in Voronezh, looked at the place where his house used to stand, and now a pit filled with rusty water, and on the same day he went back to the division.

Looking forward to meeting my son

For a long time Sokolov did not believe his misfortune, he grieved. Andrei lived only with the hope of seeing his son. Correspondence began between them from the front, and the father learns that Anatoly became the division commander and received many awards. Pride overwhelmed Andrei for his son, and in his thoughts he already began to draw how he and his son would live after the war, how he would become a grandfather and nurse his grandchildren, having met a calm old age.

At this time, the Russian troops were rapidly advancing and pushing the Nazis to the German border. Now it was not possible to correspond, and only towards the end of spring did my father receive news from Anatoly. The soldiers came close to the German border - on May 9, the end of the war came.

Excited, happy Andrei was looking forward to meeting his son. But his joy was short-lived: Sokolov was informed that a German sniper shot down the battery commander on May 9, 1945, on Victory Day. Anatoly's father saw him off on his last journey, burying his son on German soil.

post-war period

Soon Sokolov was demobilized, but he did not want to return to Voronezh because of difficult memories. Then he remembered a military friend from Uryupinsk, who invited him to his place. That's where the veteran went.

A friend lived with his wife on the outskirts of the city, they had no children. Andrey's friend hired him to work as a driver. After work, Sokolov often went into the tearoom to have a glass or two. Near the teahouse, Sokolov noticed a homeless boy of 5-6 years old. Andrey found out that the homeless child's name was Vanyushka. The child was left without parents: the mother died during the bombing, and the father was killed at the front. Andrew decided to adopt a child.

Sokolov brought Vanya to the house where he lived with a married couple. The boy was washed, fed and clothed. The child of his father began to accompany him on every flight and would never agree to stay at home without him.

So the son and his father would have lived for a long time in Uryupinsk, if not for one incident. Once Andrei was driving a truck in bad weather, the car skidded, and he knocked down a cow. The animal remained unharmed, and Sokolov was deprived of his driver's license. Then the man signed off with another colleague from Kashara. He invited him to work with him and promised that he would help him get new rights. So they are now on their way with their son to the Kashar region. Andrei admitted to the narrator that he would not have survived long in Uryupinsk anyway: longing did not allow him to stay in one place.

Everything would be fine, but Andrei's heart began to play pranks, he was afraid he would not stand it, and his little son would be left alone. Every day, the man began to see his deceased relatives as if they were calling him to him: “I talk about everything with Irina and with the kids, but I just want to push the wire apart with my hands - they leave me, as if melting before my eyes ... And here is an amazing thing: during the day I always hold myself tight, you can’t squeeze a “ooh” or a sigh out of me, but at night I wake up, and the whole pillow is wet with tears ... "

A boat appeared. This was the end of the story of Andrei Sokolov. He said goodbye to the author, and they moved towards the boat. With sadness, the narrator looked after these two close, orphaned people. He wanted to believe in the best, in the best future fate of these strangers to him, who became close to him in a couple of hours.

Vanyushka turned and waved goodbye to the narrator.


In the work, Sholokhov raises the problem of humanity, loyalty and betrayal, courage and cowardice in war. The conditions in which Andrei Sokolov's life put him did not break him as a person. And the meeting with Vanya gave him hope and purpose in life.

Having become acquainted with the short story “The Fate of a Man”, we recommend that you read the full version of the work.

Story test

Take the test and find out how well you remember the summary of Sholokhov's story.

Retelling rating

Average rating: 4.5. Total ratings received: 9756.

Literature lesson in 9th grade

The theme "Russian national character" in M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of Man"

The purpose of the lesson: to help students comprehend the ideological and artistic content of the story, its deep moral essence; to feel the emotional atmosphere of the story, to think about eternal moral values.

Lesson objectives: to improve the skills of independent analysis of the work, the ability to highlight the main thing, to develop speech.

Methodical equipment: portrait of M. Sholokhov, dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov, audio recording of a fragment of the story, text of the work, recording of the film by S. Bondarchuk “The Fate of a Man”, illustrations for the story by B. Alimov and O. Vereisky.

lookahead task : the story "The fate of a man", know the summary of the lesson, prepare a message about the main character's speech.

Teaching methods : verbal (analytical conversation), visual (reproductions, video frames, audio recording), ICT (presentation for the lesson), practical (work with text).


1. Sholokhov at school: A book for teachers! Aut.-stat.M. A. 1-Iyankovsky.- M.: bustard, 2001.

2. Sholokhov spring: Educational and methodical. Allowance / Comp. L. I. Pugachenko, V. V. Vasiliev, N. I. Ivashchenko. - Voronezh-2006.

Z. M. A. Sholokhov “The fate of man” - Moscow, 1986.

During the classes

I. Introductory speech of the teacher

We can say that already a whole generation lives without war. Not every year, but every day, there are fewer and fewer people who participated in hostilities, who saw the war.

Interest in this period in the history of our country does not fade, on the contrary, young people are trying to understand what helped these people survive and win, why do many participants remember the cruel, bloody, deadly years of the war with a bright feeling?

Apparently, because they were young, the war was a time of genuine and unconditional values, where love and unconditional friendship were tested. People were united, united by one common goal - to destroy the enemy, courageously defended every inch of their native land, at any moment they were ready to give the most precious thing - life for the freedom of the Motherland, showing miracles of heroism and stamina, courage and inflexibility of the Russian spirit, Russian character.

What kind of character should a Russian person have in order to overcome the moral trials sent by fate. What could you keep in your soul? Mikhail Sholokhov told about this in the story “The Fate of a Man”, and our conversation in the lesson is about this.

Topic message:Russian national character in M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man" (1 slide)

II Motivation of educational activity (2 slide)

(At the choice of students, entry in diaries).

Write a review on a read work in diary.ru

Answer the question in writing: “Can Sokolov’s personality be considered heroic?”

III. The message of the topic, the purpose of the lesson, the epigraph (slide 3)

The Russian character is light, open, good-natured, compassionate, when life does not require him to make a heavy sacrifice. But when trouble comes - a Russian person is stern, strong in work and merciless to the enemy - not sparing himself, he does not spare the enemy ...A.N. Tolstoy "Russian character" (write on the board)

IV. Reproduction of students' knowledge

    Tell us about the history of the creation of M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man."(Student's post.)

(Message prepared by a student).

In the first post-war year on the hunt with Sholokhov, such an incident occurred. There was a big spring flood. Sholokhov was sitting near the wattle fence at the river crossing, resting. A man with a boy approached him, mistook him by his clothes and hands in fuel oil for “his brother-chauffeur”, told about the painful fate. She excited Sholokhov. Then he decided to write a story. But only 10 years later he turned to this plot and wrote The Fate of Man in a week. In 1956, just before the New Year, Pravda printed the beginning of the story. And January 1, 1957 - its end. It became an event in the life of the country. There was a stream of letters from readers to the editor, on the radio, to the village of Veshenskaya. Sholokhov himself said about his work: “I would like my books to help people become better, become purer in soul, awaken love for man, the desire to actively fight for the ideals of humanism and the progress of mankind. If I have succeeded in some way, I am happy.”

2) What is the originality of the composition of the story?

(Student's message)

The story has a circular composition: it begins with the author's meeting with random fellow travelers - Andrei Sokolov and Vanyushka - and ends with parting with these people, who have become close and dear to the author. In the story, several climaxes can be distinguished: at the commandant Muller, the adoption of Vanya.

V. Dictionary work (slide 4)

Choose synonyms for the word fate.(Fate, lot, fate, fate, share, predestination, destiny.)

What is the lexical meaning of this word in S. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary?(“The path of life traveled by one or another person or an entire people, state.”)

It was in this meaning that M. Sholokhov used this word. A person should always be the master of his own destiny, no matter how difficult, sometimes tragic circumstances life puts him. Andrei Sokolov was the master of his own destiny.

Character - a set of mental, spiritual properties of a person, found in his behavior; person with character, strong characterOzhegov S.I. . Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language).

- What positive character traits can we name?(slide 6)

(Write on the board the words:perseverance, generosity, self-confidence, honesty, courage, fidelity, ability to love, patriotism, compassion, diligence, kindness, selflessness. )

- Can we say that Andrey Sokolov, the main character of the story, has those character traits that we have named?

The old truth says: Sow a habit, you reap a character, sow a character, you reap a destiny.

VI. Work on the text of the story

(brief retelling)

We learn that a man is walking with a boy. What interested the author in this pair? (In the boy's clothes, everything betrays maternal care, and the man looks unkempt).

Eyes. “The eyes are as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such an inescapable longing that it is even difficult to look into them.”

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. What can be said about our hero? Why does he have those eyes?

(The author “became uneasy” from such eyes. They clearly talked about the difficult, tragic life of his interlocutor, who decided to tell his “brother-chauffeur” about himself. Let's follow the fate of Andrei Sokolov following Sholokhov).

1. How many parts can Andrey Sokolov's story about his life be divided into?

(Into three parts: before the war, war, after the war).

(A retelling of the episode with the code name “Peaceful Life” - from the words: “At first my life was ordinary ...” to the words: “What else do you need? Children eat porridge with milk, they have a roof over their heads, dressed, shod.”)

In the twenty-ninth yearlured me cars. Studied auto business, sat downper
lamb on a truck
. Thengot involved and no longer wanted to return to the factory.
Driving seemed more fun to me. So he lived for ten years and did not notice how
they passed. Passed as if in a dream. Yes, ten years! Ask anyone
an elderly person - did he notice how he lived his life?
He didn't notice a thing !
I worked these ten years, day and night. I made good money and we lived
no worse than people . And the children delighted: all three studied "excellently", and
the eldest, Anatoly, turned out to be so capable of mathematics that about him
even in the national newspaper wrote. Where did he get this
talent for this science, myself,
brother , I don't know. It was just very me
flattering, and I was proud of him,
passion how proud !
For ten years we have accumulated a little
money and put before the war
house with two rooms , with pantry and corridor. Irina bought two
goats. What more do you need? Children eat porridge with milk, there is a roof over their heads,
dressed, shod, therefore, everything is in order.

- What does Andrei Sokolov see happiness in?

We notice that the hero of the story does not speak about wealth, about jewelry, he rejoices at the little, it would seem. But this is the most valuable thing on earth: a home, harmony in the family, the health of children, respect for each other. Andrey Sokolov concludes his story with the words: “What more do you need?” Everything in his life is harmonious, the future is seen clearly.

How does the character describe his speech?

- What is it that changes the established order in the family?

In a world built with care and love, war bursts. The life of people is inseparable from historical events. This is how history intervenes in the fate of man.

- Why does Andrei Sokolov begin his story about the war with memories of peaceful life?

He went through many trials, and what seemed ordinary became more expensive.

(The commented reading of the episode with the conditional name “Farewell Scene” - from the words: “All four of mine saw me off: Irina, Anatoly and daughters - Nastenka and Olyushka” to the words: “She remained like that in my memory for the rest of my life: hands, pressed chest, white lips and wide, open eyes full of tears.") (slide 7)

The students pay attention to the fact that Andrei's memories are full of bitterness for the discontent he showed towards his wife. “Evil has taken me here! By force, I parted her hands and gently pushed her in the shoulders ... ”And pushed me away for not behaving like other women, for her words:“ My dear ... Andryusha ... I won’t see you ... you and I. .. more... in this... world...” Perhaps she foresaw something...(slide 8)

2. How is the fate of Sokolov at the front?

The soldier did not have to fight for long. He was taken prisoner in May 1942 near Lokhovenki. He wanted to meet his death standing, but they didn’t shoot him, but took him prisoner. And here Sokolov showed his character. “You see, what a deal, brother, from the very first day I decided to go to my people. But I definitely wanted to leave.slide 9)

Sholokhov introduced a description of captivity into the story, which was not typical of Soviet literature of that time. He showed how heroically and worthily the Russian people behaved in captivity, how much they overcame. “It’s hard for me, brother, to remember, and even harder to talk about what happened in captivity. When you remember the inhuman torments that you had to endure there in Germany, when you remember all the friends and comrades who died, were tortured there, in the camps, the heart is no longer in the chest, but in the throat beats, and it becomes difficult to breathe ... "(slide 12)

How did you get captured?
- The episode in the church, the case of the traitor.
- At the commandant of the camp Muller.
- "The Science of Hate" (in captivity).

- What character traits of Andrei Sokolov helped him survive the difficulties of captivity? In what episodes did they manifest themselves most clearly?

Analysis of the episode in the church.

What variants of human behavior does Sholokhov depict in this scene (a Christian soldier, Kryzhnev, a platoon commander, a doctor)? Which position is closer to Sokolov?

(In the episode in the church, Sholokhov reveals possible types of human behavior in inhuman circumstances. Different characters here embody different life positions. But only the position of the doctor, “who did his great work both in captivity and in the dark,” causes Sokolov sincere respect and admiration. In any conditions, to remain oneself, not to change one's duty - this is the position of Sokolov himself. The hero does not accept either obedience or opposing his life to strangers. That is why he decides to kill Kryzhnev in order to save the platoon leader. It is not easy for Sokolov to kill, especially the murder of his own He has a heavy heart, but he cannot allow one person to save his own life at the cost of the death of another, for he sees salvation only in the unity of people.)

- How did Sholokhov show that selflessness, fortitude, endurance are inherent in many Russian people? Who do we notice these same traits of character?

Students remember how tired, barely walking Russian prisoners of war supported Andrei Sokolov so that he would not fall and be killed. I also remember the doctor who, under heavy rain, in the dark, passed and looked for the wounded among the prisoners and selflessly helped them, not thinking about his life. “This is what a real doctor means! He did his great work both in captivity and in the dark!”

1. Submission to circumstances, cowardice, meanness, hypocrisy influenced the fate of this man.

2. He accepted death at the hands of those whose lives he wanted to give to the enemy in the name of his salvation.

3. An ordinary act of a doctor turns out to be a feat against the backdrop of betrayal.

Watching the episode with the conditional name "Call to Muller" (video) and (slide 13)

- Why did commandant Muller “generously” give Andrei Sokolov life?

Müller is a very ruthless man, “he has a leather glove on his right hand, and a lead gasket in the glove so as not to hurt his fingers.” He goes and hits every second person in the nose, bleeds. Such a person does not value human life, considers himself the strongest, confident in his impunity, even in some kind of chosenness. It is scary to speak the truth to such people directly in the face. But Andrei Sokolov was not afraid to tell Muller personally what he said in the barracks. Despite the fact that he was completely dependent on the commandant, he behaved with great dignity. This is the dignity and appreciated the commandant Muller, calling Andrei Sokolov "a real Russian soldier."

- Do we value his words?

Yes very. This was recognized by the enemy, the one who always treats others with disdain, sees the best only in himself.

From the heroic side, the character of Andrei Sokolov is revealed. We emphasize resilience, dedication, courage. Students ask me to add generosity to the list of positive character traits. (Arriving at the barracks, the hero of the story shared "Muller's gifts" with everyone.)

What does Sokolov think about as he prepares for death?

Why did Muller need to personally execute a Russian soldier during

gala dinner?

Why, before shooting a prisoner, does he arrange a drinking ritual?

Why does he agree to drink, but refuses snacks?

Who wins this fight and when? What is the meaning of this victory?

How does the content of the image of the protagonist expand due to this parallel?

What words express Sokolov's view of the duty of man. Men. Soldier?

(The dialogue with Muller is not an armed battle between two enemies, but a psychological duel, from which Sokolov emerges victorious, which Muller himself is forced to admit. The camp commandant wanted a repetition of Stalingrad, he got it in full. The victory of the Soviet troops on the Volga and the victory of Sokolov - events of the same order, since the victory over fascism is, first of all, a moral victory. So an ordinary person becomes in Sholokhov the embodiment of a national character. Fascism is opposed by a hero and the great power of patience, so characteristic of the Russian people. Sokolov’s credo: “That’s why you are a man, that’s why you are a soldier, in order to endure everything, to demolish everything, if the need called for it.”)

(Slide 14) - gymnastics for the eyes

Perseverance, tenacity in the struggle for life, a spirit of courage, camaraderie - these qualities come from the tradition of a Suvorov soldier, they were sung by M. Lermontov in the poem "Borodino", Gogol in the story "Taras Bulba", they were admired by L. Tolstoy in "Sevastopol Stories" and "War and Peace". A. Sokolov, the hero of Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man", has all these qualities.

11. How is the fate of Sokolov after the war?

What did Sokolov have to endure after escaping from captivity?


Fate dealt cruelly with the soldier. The house is the hearth, the keeper of family happiness, comfort, protection from the “winds” of fate. Together with the house, hope, the meaning of life, and happiness are also lost. The ruined hearth brought grief, disappointment, emptiness into his life. He was left alone with all the vicissitudes of fate.(slide 15)

Only for a moment “joy flashed to him, like the sun from behind a cloud: Anatoly was found.” And again there was hope for the revival of the family, there were "old man's dreams" about the future of his son, grandchildren. Man must live in the future. But this was not destined to come true. Anatoly died. Again grief fell upon the man, again, as they say, fate turned away from him.

(The most terrible thing for Sokolov was the loss of loved ones. Twice he interrupts his story, and both times - when he remembers with his dead wife and children. It is in these places that Sholokhov gives expressive portrait details and remarks: “I looked askance at the narrator, but not a single tear I saw in his, as if in dead, extinct eyes. He sat, bowing his head dejectedly, only his large, limply lowered hands trembled finely, his chin trembled, his firm lips trembled ";" The narrator was silent for a minute, and then he said in a different, intermittent voice : “Come on, brother, let's smoke, otherwise something suffocates me.” How great must be the pain that this person experiences if he, more than once, looking into the face of death, never giving in to the enemy, says: “ Why did you, life, cripple me like that? Why did you distort it like that?" my unshed tears seem to have dried up in my heart.”)

- How can a person who finds himself in such a difficult situation change?

A person can become hardened, hate everyone, especially children who would remind him of his own. At such moments, a person can take his own life, losing faith in its meaning.

- Did this happen to Andrey Sokolov?

No, circumstances did not break the hero of the story. He continued to live. Sholokhov writes sparingly about this period in the life of his hero. Worked, started drinking until he met a boy.

Meeting Sokolov with Vanyushka.

(Episode analysis). (slide 16)

Andrei Sokolov drew attention to the “ragged man”. And Sholokhov's descriptions became brighter, more colorful. What comparisons: “eyes are like stars at night after rain!” Direct assessment: “And I fell in love with him so much that I already, a wonderful thing, began to miss him ...” I will take him to my children!”

The heart of Andrei Sokolov did not harden, he was able to find the strength in himself to give happiness and love to another person. Life goes on. Life goes on in the hero himself. This shows the strong character of a person.

9. Listening to an excerpt from the story "The fate of a man." (slide 17)

- Can a small child cling trustingly to every person like this, just like that?

No, not for everyone. The kid did not turn away, did not run away from Sokolov, recognized his father in him. Vanyusha felt the human participation of this man, his kindness, love, warmth, he realized that he had a protector. (We emphasize the noted character traits of Andrei Sokolov.)

Why does Sokolov decide to adopt Vanyushka? What is common in their fate?

After meeting with the boy, whose “eyes are like a star after the rain”, Sokolov’s “heart departs, it becomes softer”, “it became light and somehow light in the soul” As you can see, he warmed up. Vanya is the heart of Andrei Sokolov, his life has found meaning again.

So. Vanya found his father, and Andrei Sokolov found his son. Both found a family. Where are they going and why? (They go to the Kasharsky district. Sokolov is waiting for work there, and Vanyushka is going to school).

10. The word of the teacher.

There remains a doubt about what lies ahead for our heroes. What do you think? Will Andrey Sokolov survive? What lies ahead for them?(slide 20)

(“Yes, he will manage. Ahead is life, family, grandchildren. Because Sokolov proved with his life that he is an unbending person. And Vanya will help him with this.”)

16. What do you think is the most important feature of all of the above? (Patriotism, love for the Motherland).

17. What do you mean by this concept? (The very concept of the Motherland, in the name of the duty to which the hero is ready for the greatest self-sacrifice, in the story of M. Sholokhov appears as a very capacious concept. The Russian man went through all the horrors of the war imposed on him and, at the cost of enormous, irreparable personal losses and tragic deprivations, defended the Motherland , approved the great right to eternal life on earth, to the bright future of his country.)

18. Appeal to the words of L. Tolstoy(slide 21)

Through the physical and moral trials, Sokolov carried a pure, wide, open soul to everything good, the Russian soul. A person becomes truly beautiful, truly a person, when he is able to overcome his own weakness, gain courage, step over the fear of evil triumphing at the moment, before the inevitability of life's fate.

And at the end of our reasoning, I would like to put an ellipsis, because it is impossible to fully understand what is the beauty of the soul of a Russian person, his character. The Russian character, like the Russian soul, has always been and remains a mystery to world culture.

VII. The results of the lesson V. Summing up.

Love for the Motherland is not an abstract concept, This love has a basis: family, home, school, the place where you were born. This is where the Motherland begins. And even if fate takes away the most precious, dignity and love for one's people will help to find everything anew.

If you have cultivated human dignity in yourself, it will help you save a person in any situation. And then, after the world cataclysms, a Russian man of unbending will and a little boy with the symbolic Russian name Ivan will walk across the spring Russian land towards the Future. And the whole Russian people, the whole of Russia, will follow them.

Grading, justification.

Literature lesson in grade 9.

Teacher Maskaeva Tatyana Vasilievna.

“Yes, here they are, Russian characters!” (A.N. Tolstoy)

(The image of a folk character in M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man").

A Russian man, a man of unbending will, ... will be able to overcome everything in his path, if his Motherland calls him to this.

M. Sholokhov.


one . Goal setting.

Topic V.O. V. occupies one of the most important places in Russian literature,

Today, the focus of our attention will be the story of M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man."

The fate of Andrei Sokolov, the protagonist of the story, is highly
dramatic. But this is the fate of an entire nation. A. Sokolov is no exception, he
One of many. I

The writer, step by step, traces the path of his hero in the hurricane of war, through the circles of hell of fascist concentration camps. And it is important for us to see the main thing in this man - what Sholokhov saw.

“The journey of the soul through ordeals” (Dostoevsky's expression) could not devastate the soul of this Russian man, could not kill humanity in him.

What character must a person have in order to overcome

moral tests sent by fate? What could you keep in your
soul? Sholokhov told about this in the story "The Fate of a Man", about this
our conversation in class.

The topic of our lesson ............................................... ................. As an epigraph, I took a quote from the work of M. Sholokhov, which, in my opinion, reflects the problem raised.

2.History of creation.
On New Year's Days - December 31, 1956 and January 1, 1957, the story "The Fate of a Man" was published in Pravda, in which the protagonist was a captured Soviet soldier. This was shortly after the 20th Congress of the Communist Party, when a change in attitude towards Soviet prisoners of war was already brewing, who were declared traitors by Stalin and who were sent straight from the fascist camps to the "native" camps. And although Sholokhov did not dare to say what awaited the prisoners of war in his homeland, the very choice of a hero became an act of civic courage. The story is dedicated to Evgenia Grigoryevna Levitskaya. Sholokhov had a warm friendship with her family.

3. Exchange of impressions after reading the story.

The story appeared at the end of 1956. This is a rather rare occurrence in the history of literature, when a short story becomes an event.

Why do you think this story attracted so much attention?

(It describes the feat of the people with the utmost clarity and truthfulness, expresses admiration for the stamina and courage of ordinary people, before the strength of character of the protagonist.)

4. Actualization of knowledge.
How do you understand the word character?

What do you think the national character is?

5. Work with the text of the work.

A plan for characterizing a literary hero is written on the board, which will help us identify the character traits of the protagonist of the work.
- portrait;
- deeds;

Relationships with other characters;

- Still not knowing the history of his life, what can we say about this man?

(Eyes as if sprinkled with ashes; a lot of grief fell on the lot of Andrei Sokolov; we see Sholokhov's sympathy). .

What parts can we divide the hero's story about his life into?

(Pre-war life, war, post-war months).

Let's listen to the student's story about the hero's pre-war life. Think about what character traits A. Sokolov manifests during this period? Write it down.

- In what does A. Sokolov see the happiness of the pre-war period? Read out.

(The ability to love, fidelity, kindness, diligence.)

- What changes the established order in the family?

To show the character of the hero, the writer, as a rule, depicts him in unusual situations, sends him hard life tests, puts him before a choice. Analyzing the text, the actions of A. Sokolov, we will try to identify the features of his character. Don't forget to take notes. We will compare them at the end of the lesson.

- How was the military fate of Andrei Sokolov?

- In what episodes relating to wartime, in your opinion, the character of the main character of the story is manifested?

(Scene in the church, conversation with Muller, adoption of Vanyushka.)

For analysis, let us turn to an episode depicting prisoners of war in a church. Retell it briefly.
People behave differently in extreme situations. So the prisoners in the church are no exception. M. Sholokhov depicts in this scene different variants of human behavior. Which?

(Christian Soldier prefers to perish than to submit

circumstances, deviate from their beliefs. But more are dying with it
four people.

Kryzhnev trying to buy his right to life at the cost of betrayal. "Its

shirt closer to the body.

Platoon resignedly waiting for his fate.

Doctor continues his work.)

-What position is closest to Sokolov? Read out.

(“That’s what a real doctor means! He did his great work both in captivity and in the dark.” In any conditions, to remain himself, not to betray his duty - this is the position of Sokolov himself.)

How did the hero behave in this situation?

Why does he decide to kill Kryzhnev? What is the hero going through?(It’s hard on the soul, it’s hard to kill “one’s own”, but Sokolov cannot allow one person to save his life at the cost of the death of another. He sees salvation only in the unity of people).

Why does the writer introduce the image of a traitor into the story?

(To show that obedience to circumstances, meanness, cowardice,

hypocrisy affected the fate of this man

And now let's turn to the episode of the duel with Muller.

Pay attention to the illustration. The artist managed to convey all the tension of the moment.

What is the place of this episode in the story?

(Climaxing, central episode.)

- What can an unarmed person oppose to fascism?

(Only fortitude, personal courage.)

Mueller is a terrible person. How does he behave towards prisoners of war?

What does Sokolov think about as he prepares for death?

(About the family. He knows that he must die, but the man began to "collect his courage" in order to "fearlessly, as befits a soldier" to face death.)

-Why did Muller need to personally execute a Russian soldier during
gala dinner?

(Müller needs not only to shoot a prisoner of war, but also to extremely humiliate the enemy. He wants a repetition of what, as it seems to him, happened at Stalingrad. He imagines that by bringing a Russian soldier to his knees, he will thereby, as it were, merge with his invincible army. )

Why, before shooting a prisoner, does he arrange a drinking ritual?

- In what physical condition is Sokolov?

(Extremely emaciated, "hungry like a wolf.")

- Why does he agree to drink, but refuses snacks?

(He drinks to his death. “Even if I get drunk, before I go into the yard, part with my life.” “I wanted to show them the damned ... that I have my Russian dignity and pride, and that they didn’t turn me into cattle, no matter how hard you try.)

- Why is the culmination of the story not an armed clash between the two armies, but a “peaceful” dialogue of the warring parties?
(The dialogue with Muller is not an armed clash between two enemies, but
psychological duel, from which Sokolov emerges victorious, which
Müller has to admit.)

What is the meaning of this victory?

(A moral victory won.)
Read Muller's words.

Muller praises personal qualities

captured soldier.

-How does the attitude of the Nazis towards Sokolov change during the episode?
(Interest appears, they discover self-esteem in
a prisoner; refusing to drink to the victory of German arms, he enters into
open confrontation with Muller, the camp commandant, well-fed, strong,
an armed adversary who can physically destroy a prisoner in
any moment.)

-The conversation in the commandant's room takes place at the time of the Battle of Stalingrad. Is there a connection between this event of world-historical significance and the particular episode depicted in the story?

(The camp commandant wanted a repeat of Stalingrad, and he got it in full

measure. The victory of the Soviet troops on the Volga and the victory of Sokolov are the events of one
order, since the victory over fascism is a victory, first of all,
moral.) I

So an ordinary person becomes for Sholokhov the embodiment of a national character. Fascism is opposed by a hero and the great strength of patience so characteristic of our people.

- In what words does Sokolov express his view of the duty of a man, a man, a soldier? Read out.

(The readiness to endure, to “survive” becomes Sokolov’s life credo. “That’s why you are a man, that’s why you are a soldier, to endure everything, to demolish everything, if the need calls for it!”).

Write down those traits of Sokolov's character that you noted in this
- What did Sokolov have to endure after escaping from captivity?

(He learns about the death of his wife, daughters, loses his son on Victory Day. The war took everything from him.)

The war with the soldier was brutal. Joy flashed for a while, like the sun from behind a cloud.

(Portrait, dead dead eyes. “Why did you, life, cripple me like that?

Why so distorted? The hero's heart "petrified with grief" so much that

he can't even cry. “... and my unshed tears can be seen on

dried up heart. Maybe that's why it hurts so much.")

How can a person who finds himself in such a situation change?

(May become hardened, hate everyone).

The character of A. Sokolov is the embodiment of not only the heroism of the Russian people,
but also his tragedy. It is as a great tragedy that the war is depicted in the story. It gives rise to universal orphanhood and loneliness, destroys everything that has been created with such difficulty. “There was a family, my own house, all this was molded for years, and everything collapsed in a single moment, I was left alone,” says the main character. But even in the whirlwind of war, even after the tragedies he experienced, A. Sokolov did not lose his warmth, the ability to sympathize.
Let us turn to the episode of the meeting and adoption of Vanyushka.

Here is a frame from the film of the same name, which was a huge success. Directed by Sergei Bondarchuk. He's in the lead role. The film became a classic of Russian cinema, was awarded the Grand Golden Prize of the International Film Festival in Moscow (1959), the Lenin Prize (1960) and other awards.

-How is the character of A. Sokolov revealed in his relationship with


(You cannot save the world from destruction alone. According to Sholokhov, a person is able to resist the destruction of his own personality. The hero of the story who has lost loved ones cannot remain indifferent to someone else's loneliness.)

Why does Sokolov decide to adopt a boy?

Can a child reach out to every person so trustingly?

- What do their destinies have in common?

- What does Vanyushka feel when he finds his father?

- What is Sokolov himself going through?

(It became easy and light in the soul).

- What could the war not take away from Sokolov?

(Humanity, compassion, striving for family unity).

- Is the hero alone in his ability to sympathize?

(No, there are many examples of compassion. Mistress. This is the embodiment of the humanistic essence of the whole people.)

(Admires, sympathizes, sympathizes.)

- What character traits inherent in A. Sokolov did you write down?

Compare with my notes.

Writing on the back of the board:

fortitude, generosity, self-confidence, courage, fidelity, diligence, ability to love, patriotism, compassion, kindness, selflessness, self-sacrifice, conscientiousness,

responsibility, breadth of soul.
These are the best features of the Russian national character, the presence of which helped Andrei Sokolov to withstand such difficult trials, to preserve himself as a person.
6. Summing up.
- What is the meaning of the title of the story "The fate of man"? How do you understand the word destiny?

( dictionary work).

In his story, M. Sholokhov described a person who is able to withstand the blows of fate, showed a truly great strength of character, the strength of the spirit of the protagonist. A. Sokolov is depicted in different guises: husband, father, soldier. All this is united by a capacious word in its meaning - a person.

On the one hand, the title testifies to the author's attention to
separate human personality, and on the other Sholokhov emphasizes that,
the fate of A. Sokolov is the fate of all the people who have gone through the most cruel
trials during the bloodiest war of the 20th century and preserved
high humanistic values: kindness, mercy,

“I would like my books to help people become better, become purer in soul, awaken love for man, the desire to actively fight for the ideals of humanism and the progress of mankind. If I succeeded to some extent, I am happy,” these are the words from M. Sholokhov's Nobel lecture.

I would like to end the lesson with the words of A. Tolstoy, a quote from whose story is taken as the topic of the lesson: “Yes, here they are, Russian characters! It seems that a man is simple, but a severe misfortune will come, in big or small, and a great power will rise in him - human beauty. This is the kind of human beauty that we find in the main character of M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man."
7. Homework.

Write a review about M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of Man".

8. The result of the lesson.

Evaluation of students' activities.


Portrait of M. Sholokhov;

Illustrations for the work;

Notes on the board;

Characteristics plan of a literary hero;


Sections: Literature

Purpose: to teach to comprehend the ideological intent of the work by analyzing the text.

Tasks: to form in students an idea of ​​the meaning of human existence, to develop the skills of analyzing a work of art, to show the role of antithesis in the text, to educate the rejection of war.

Equipment: portrait of M. A. Sholokhov, text of the work, film recording

S. Bondarchuk “The Fate of a Man”, illustrations for the story by B. Alimov and

O. Vereisky.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

II. Introductory speech of the teacher.

The motherland is like a huge tree on which there are no leaves to count. And everything that we do good, adds strength to it. But not every tree has roots. Without roots, even a slight wind would have knocked it down. Roots feed the tree and bind it to the ground. Roots are what we lived yesterday, a year ago, a hundred, a thousand years ago. This is our story. In today's lesson, we will turn to one of the most important events in the history of our Motherland. This is the Great Patriotic War.

Only selfless devotion and love for the Fatherland allowed our people to win that terrible war. We will look at it through the eyes of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov. And his story “The Fate of a Man” will help us in this. Having traced the life path of Andrei Sokolov, the main character of the story, we will not only learn about his fate, but also try to answer the question of what the Motherland meant to him, and, I hope, we will learn from him to selflessly love his Fatherland just as directly, openly and selflessly.

IV. The main part of the lesson. Work with the text of M. A. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man”.

1. The history of the creation of the work.

(Message prepared by a student).

In the first post-war year on the hunt with Sholokhov, such an incident occurred. There was a big spring flood. Sholokhov was sitting near the wattle fence at the river crossing, resting. A man with a boy approached him, mistook him by his clothes and hands in fuel oil for “his brother-chauffeur”, told about the painful fate. She excited Sholokhov. Then he decided to write a story. But only 10 years later he turned to this plot and wrote The Fate of Man in a week. In 1956, just before the New Year, Pravda printed the beginning of the story. And January 1, 1957 - its end. It became an event in the life of the country. There was a stream of letters from readers to the editor, on the radio, to the village of Veshenskaya.

2. Word of the teacher.

So what is the meaning of the popularity of this work? How did this story attract the attention of many readers? What is he talking about?

(student answers).

From whom do we learn about the fate of Andrei Sokolov?

(We learn about the fate of Andrei Sokolov from himself. He tells the story of his life to the author, whom he met by chance at the crossing).

Is the whole story told from the point of view of the protagonist?

(No. At the beginning and at the end of the story, the narration is conducted on behalf of the author).

What is the peculiarity of the composition of the story?

H. Student's message.

The story has a circular composition: it begins with the author's meeting with random fellow travelers - Andrei Sokolov and Vanyushka - and ends with parting with these people, who have become close and dear to the author. In the central part of the work, the narration is conducted on behalf of the protagonist, which allows not only to follow the events of his life, but also to see them through his eyes, to comprehend his own assessment of his actions, to understand his experiences.

(expressive reading of the episode)

We learn that a man is walking with a boy. What interested the author in this pair? (In the boy's clothes, everything betrays maternal care, and the man looks unkempt).

Eyes. “The eyes are as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such an inescapable longing that it is even difficult to look into them.”

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. What can be said about our hero? Why does he have those eyes?

(The author “became uneasy” from such eyes. They clearly talked about the difficult, tragic life of his interlocutor, who decided to tell his “brother-chauffeur” about himself. Let's follow the fate of Andrei Sokolov following Sholokhov).

5. Word of the teacher.

How many parts can Andrey Sokolov's story about his life be divided into?

(Into three parts: before the war, war, after the war).

How did our hero live before the war? In what does Sokolov see his happiness in pre-war life?

(The pre-war life of the hero is not rich in events. Civil war, hungry youth, work in a carpenter's artel, and then at the factory and behind the steering wheel of a car, marriage, children, a house with two rooms - all these are signs of the most ordinary biography of a person of that generation to which Andrei belonged Sokolov: But it is in this life, although not rich, but completely arranged, that the hero sees simple human happiness: "What else do you need? Children eat porridge with milk, they have a roof over their heads, they are dressed, shod, so everything is in order."

How does Andrei talk about himself and how about his loved ones?

(Telling about the happy years of pre-war life, the hero speaks with enthusiasm about his wife, children, and sparingly about himself, while not hiding his weaknesses, for example, rudeness towards his wife, addiction to drinking. Moreover, he feels guilty for something you can't blame.)

What happens to Andrei Sokolov at the front?

(At the front, Andrei Sokolov is a driver, carries shells for an artillery battery. In May 1942, he goes to the front line, in a hurry, because his comrades die without shells. His truck is blown up in a minefield, Sokolov was shell-shocked. When he woke up, he ended up in the rear the Germans, so he ended up in captivity.)

6. Analysis of the episode in the church.

What variants of human behavior does Sholokhov depict in this scene (a Christian soldier, Kryzhnev, a platoon commander, a doctor)? Which position is closer to Sokolov?

(In the episode in the church, Sholokhov reveals possible types of human behavior in inhuman circumstances. Different characters here embody different life positions. But only the position of the doctor, “who did his great work both in captivity and in the dark,” causes Sokolov sincere respect and admiration. In any conditions, to remain oneself, not to change one's duty - this is the position of Sokolov himself. The hero does not accept either obedience or opposing his life to strangers. That is why he decides to kill Kryzhnev in order to save the platoon leader. It is not easy for Sokolov to kill, especially the murder of his own He has a heavy heart, but he cannot allow one person to save his own life at the cost of the death of another, for he sees salvation only in the unity of people.)

7. Analysis of the episode of the duel between Andrei Sokolov and Lagerführer Muller.

(Expressive reading of the episode).

What does Sokolov think about as he prepares for death?

Why did Muller need to personally execute a Russian soldier during

gala dinner?

Why, before shooting a prisoner, does he arrange a drinking ritual?

Why does he agree to drink, but refuses snacks?

What place does this episode occupy in the composition of the story?

Who wins this fight and when? What is the meaning of this victory?

How does the content of the image of the protagonist expand due to this parallel?

What words express Sokolov's view of the duty of man. Men. Soldier?

(The dialogue with Muller is not an armed battle between two enemies, but a psychological duel, from which Sokolov emerges victorious, which Muller himself is forced to admit. The camp commandant wanted a repetition of Stalingrad, he got it in full. The victory of the Soviet troops on the Volga and the victory of Sokolov - events of the same order, since the victory over fascism is, first of all, a moral victory. So an ordinary person becomes in Sholokhov the embodiment of a national character. Fascism is opposed by a hero and the great power of patience, so characteristic of the Russian people. Sokolov’s credo: “That’s why you are a man, that’s why you are a soldier, in order to endure everything, to demolish everything, if the need called for it.”)

8. Word of the teacher.

What did Sokolov have to endure after escaping from captivity?

(The most terrible thing for Sokolov was the loss of loved ones. Twice he interrupts his story, and both times - when he remembers with his dead wife and children. It is in these places that Sholokhov gives expressive portrait details and remarks: “I looked askance at the narrator, but not a single tear I saw in his, as if in dead, extinct eyes. He sat, bowing his head dejectedly, only his large, limply lowered hands trembled finely, his chin trembled, his firm lips trembled ";" The narrator was silent for a minute, and then he said in a different, intermittent voice : “Come on, brother, let's smoke, otherwise something suffocates me.” How great must be the pain that this person experiences if he, more than once, looking into the face of death, never giving in to the enemy, says: “ Why did you, life, cripple me like that? Why did you distort it like that?" my unshed tears seem to have dried up in my heart.”)

The war took everything away from Sokolov. No family, house destroyed. Hometown has become a stranger. And he went wherever his eyes look, to Uryupinsk, with a withered heart, alone.

9. Viewing an excerpt from the film by S. Bondarchuk “The Fate of a Man”. Meeting Sokolov with Vanyushka.

(Episode analysis).

Why does Sokolov decide to adopt Vanyushka? What is common in their fate?

After meeting with the boy, whose “eyes are like a star after the rain”, Sokolov’s “heart departs, it becomes softer”, “it became light and somehow light in the soul” As you can see, he warmed up. Vanya is the heart of Andrei Sokolov, his life has found meaning again.

So. Vanya found his father, and Andrei Sokolov found his son. Both found a family. Where are they going and why? (They go to the Kasharsky district. Sokolov is waiting for work there, and Vanyushka is going to school).

10. The word of the teacher.

There remains a doubt about what lies ahead for our heroes. What do you think? Will Andrey Sokolov survive? What lies ahead for them?

(“Yes, he will manage. Ahead is life, family, grandchildren. Because Sokolov proved with his life that he is an unbending person. And Vanya will help him with this.”)

V. Summing up.

Love for the Motherland is not an abstract concept, This love has a basis: family, home, school, the place where you were born. This is where the Motherland begins. And even if fate takes away the most precious, dignity and love for one's people will help to find everything anew.

If you have cultivated human dignity in yourself, it will help you save a person in any situation. And then, after the world cataclysms, a Russian man of unbending will and a little boy with the symbolic Russian name Ivan will walk across the spring Russian land towards the Future. And the whole Russian people, the whole of Russia, will follow them.

VI. Homework. (At the choice of students).

Write a review for a book you've read.


1. Sholokhov at school: A book for teachers! Aut.-stat.M. A. 1-Iyankovsky.- M.: bustard, 2001.

2. Sholokhov spring: Educational and methodical. Allowance / Comp. L. I. Pugachenko, V. V. Vasiliev, N. I. Ivashchenko. - Voronezh-2006.

Z. M. A. Sholokhov “The fate of man” - Moscow, 1986.

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