KMW pitching: Alexey Durnev will star in a film about Alexey Durnev. Alexey Durnev: “Meanness, greed and hypocrisy are things much worse than flat feet

Today we will tell you about a TV presenter who became incredibly popular as soon as he published his first video on the Internet. Unlike most showmen, Durnev got fame easily. He did not have to go to auditions and prove something to anyone. Today you will find out if there is a folk star Alexei in the social network Contact.

Guy's biography

Social media leader

And now you will find out if there is a favorite of millions in social network Contact. Alexey VK is registered! If you want to go to the page of a famous TV presenter, then this link will come in handy for you:

Alexey has about 430 friends in Vkontakte and more than 126 thousand subscribers. All users can send personal messages to the TV presenter and subscribe to his page.

In VKontakte you can find about 250 photos with Alexey. Here are published photos of Durnev with different girls, photos in which Alexei acts as a DJ in nightclubs and many others.

Alexey VK published about 6 photo albums. Here you will find the photo album "Borispol", which contains joint photos of Alexei Durnev and Dasha Shi in Boryspil. The authors of this photo shoot are the wonderful guys Artur Dzhan, Mikhail Kapush and Alexey Pavlyuk. Another interesting album is the Durnev + 1 album, in which photos from the filming of the TV show are published. Alexey Durnev also published such albums in Vkontakte: “Fear and Loathing in Vodyaniki”, “The Rest”, and “Bydlotrip”. The album "Durnev" contains all the most famous photos project leaders. In the album "Bydlotrip" you can see photos from the trip of Alexei and his friends to Holaya Pristan, Cape of the Holy Trinity, Cape Aya, Katseveli and other corners of the Ukrainian Crimea.

Alexey Durnev VK posted about 125 videos on his page. Here you can watch different episodes of the show "Durnev + 1": "Aleksey VS Klitschko", "Children's questions for drunk guys", "Children's questions for drunk girls", "Program about roads and hip-hop music", " modern education 2012”, “How to create a real news story” and other funny videos.

Alexey has posted more than 2720 entries on his wall. Anyone can put "I like" near Durnev's entries and leave a comment. On the wall Aleskey posts his photos, funny video, various jokes, program releases and much more.

Now you know how to find the TV presenter's page in Vkontakte. If you become its subscriber, you will be the first to watch the latest episodes of the Durnev + 1 program in VKontakte. You also have the opportunity to personally ask your question to Alexey Durnev. Subscribe to his page - and you will not regret it!

Some presenters have been going to auditions for many years, and he was noticed after the first video on the Internet. Less than a year on the air and not even in prime time, and he already has tens of thousands of fans. Alexey Durnev is a national star or a native of the people.
Having comfortably settled down, I tried to talk to such a calm and aloof Lesha. What came of it - read below.

Unexpectedly for myself, I found myself sitting on the bed with Lesha Durnev in the photo studio, where we shot him for the new cover of our portal. Having comfortably settled down, I tried to talk to such a calm and aloof Lesha. What came of it - read below.

I would like to start our interview with a joke...

— Darling, look how beautifully the frost has decorated our windows!

- So here it is written in your hand that I am a fat fool !!!

No, it's cold.

Do you have higher education?

Yes, technical. I graduated from the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, specialty - "Information Protection in Computer Systems."

And how did you end up in Kyiv?

I came to work for the 2010 presidential election. Worked in the public party "People's Salvation Army"

And what did you save?

We saved the people.

I went to various events and fooled around

Failed as far as I can see...

And how did the Durnev+1 project start? I know what you did in the first transfer on the Internet?

Yes, I went to different events and fooled around. And then, after the second release, we received proposals to transfer the project to television. It must have been luck.

Do you remember the first event you came to shoot?

It was a facebook party on March 1, 2011. We filmed with professional equipment from the first transmission. We worked and are working with Vladimir Petrov, the owner of our production, and he provided us with an operator and equipment.

You will surely be recognized on the streets. What do you think about it?

Passers-by keep coming. If they just find out, then I try not to notice it. But often they ask to be photographed, give an autograph, talk about something. I try to ignore the conversations, but the rest is not an issue.

In short, I was cool.

Do they want to drink vodka with you?

All time. But of course I refuse. I do not like strangers, I try not to leave the house. I love being in the company of friends.

In general, this is how the stars behave ...

No, I've always been like this. Even at the beginning it was hard for me to work, shoot - all these strangers they touch you around, then you touch them ... Talking with them takes energy.

Is it easy for you to work with the camera?

Yes, back in school I worked as a presenter on the Mariupol TV channel MTV. I don't even remember the name of the show, but it still comes out on Sundays. Youth, in general, transfer. We filmed Mariupol rappers, breakdancers. In short, I was cool.

Wait, so you are from Mariupol, studied in Kharkov, and came to live in Kyiv? Not bad for a 25 year old...

Well, yes, but what's wrong with that? I just studied in Kharkiv, then even worked as the editor-in-chief of an opposition portal, the project ended up suddenly closing down, and I moved to Kyiv.

no one before us managed to become popular

But did you have the feeling that you would become famous on television?

Absolutely not. Nobody thought that this project would succeed. We filmed these programs in order to promote our then-news site -, on which we put funny news. The business was moving slowly, and we decided to promote it through some non-standard videos. We started filming the Lumpen program, there were links to our website everywhere, and we got good traffic through it. Well, then we immediately began to receive offers from the channels.

You know, it always seemed to me that Durnev + 1 was a commercial carbon copy for the Russian project Reutov-TV. Here they are - a real trash, and you have everything smoothed out.

We watched "Reutov-TV" and also decided to do something of our own, it's true. But, in general, there are a lot of such projects. Now there are two more live projects in Kyiv, but no one knows about them. No one before us managed to become popular.

And why did you succeed?

Don't know. My image and sense of humor were noticed in time. We now have a much more successful program than Reutov-TV. Their sense of humor does not reach the masses. Their most popular cat show video on the Internet has been viewed five times less people than our most successful release. But they are very cool, I am waiting for their third season and would love to meet them.

How do you get into private events?

Well, we are accredited under false names, but often it does not work out that way. In short, we are fighting.

Do you enjoy these activities or are you just making money?

Yes, what money! It's all conditional. Of course there is pleasure. I love it when people like it! I love to read positive reviews in the Internet.

And what, girls on the car are filmed?

What are your plans?

Well, I don't know yet. I would like to switch to another format, shoot a talk show, so that it would be somehow new and fresh.

What about your personal life?

Nothing. I don't have girls.

Do you use your popularity to sleep with girls?

Of course, and who does not use! In general, girls stick to me. I don’t even take pictures of them anywhere, they write to me all by themselves. They come to the door, bring food and drink. Well, cigarettes, when they run out ...

Do you read at all?

Nope. Well, the last thing I read was Barney Stinson's Bro Code. Do you know him? It's from the movie How I Met Your Mother.

Fortunately, no. What car do you have?

Opel Vectra. And what, girls on the car are filmed? It seems to me that the car needs something else. iPhone 4 at least. Well, or popularity, like mine.

How do you feel about bank loans?

Are you implying that I need to buy another car? Crap. Well no, I wouldn't take it. It's just that if you take a better car, it will cost much more.

Would you like to become the second Andrey Malakhov?

"Don't switch!" I do not know. Maybe. I have such life position smooth ... Everything is smooth for me. I worked in Kharkiv as the chief editor of the site, then I went to the polls, and then became the host. All by itself. What will happen next? It's kind of purple to me. I don't set goals in life. Here summer has come - zashib.

Interesting position. I'm going off topic. Didn't you get beat up on set for awkward questions?

It wasn't there yet. But recently I was doused with a gas canister. I was very drunk and offered all the girls in the Vodka Bar a threesome. My face was burning for a whole week! That spray can was still the simplest, but it did not eliminate me, and I continued my actions. He annoyed me.

Annoyed? So you like hard sex?

Of course, who doesn't love him. I tie the girls to the bed, tie them up, beat them with a belt. Such cool stripes then remain on the body ...

Oh my God! I think this interview can be ended, thanks for the conversation.

Yes, you too! It was my first interview on the bed!

Text: Nadia Shapoval

13:48 08.07.2011

A cheerful "lumpen", with an impudent physiognomy asking people ridiculous questions, the expressive host of the program "Durnev + 1" on the TET channel Lesha Durnev answers my questions, shares his thoughts on television, complains that he is deprived of female attention, and offers his services in exchange for new iPad:

- What are you doing on the channel for girls who don't care - are you looking for such a companion?

In fact, the main audience of our program is girls under the age of 17, as it was recently revealed. This is the most grateful audience - they cry at night, buy T-shirts with prints, order ringtones and send SMS so that Lesha Durnev is not kicked out from anywhere else they can be kicked out. If, for example, they put me in jail, then all these militant teenagers will shout with one voice “Free Angela Davis!”

- What are you willing to do in order to be on TV - what restrictions on freedom?

I have already gone to any lengths to be on TV. I have no days off - 3 shooting and 3 editing days a week. Even though the Bible tells us to rest on the seventh day, scary man Petrov tears up this book and makes me work every day.

- How much time do you need to evaluate who is in front of you - an idiot or a genius, or just a ragul, for example ...

Any person, in principle, is both an idiot, and a genius, and a ragul. It all depends on the situation in which he finds himself. My task is to put a person in a situation in which he will look ridiculous. There are people who around me feel like geniuses because I pretend to be stupid enough.

- What TV shows do you watch, which ones do you trust? What about channels?

My favorite show is top gear I look it up on the internet. I don't watch domestic channels at all. Is that TET on Mondays at 23.00.

- For what (programs-landmarks, presenters-idols)do you focus on your releases?

If you expected to hear that I have Reutov TV among the reference programs, then no. Although, of course, they are big smarties and joke well - I can’t do that.

In society, the image of a typical Donbass guy has settled down: a convinced homophobe, in music he prefers rap, in clothes - sports style. Are you an exception?

I am no exception, and I live by the rules. And, unlike many of our compatriots, he has not yet forgotten what a mess is.

Does a leather jacket help you through life?

Of course. The cross, tank top and leather jacket are my props. Moreover, the jacket is with me even in the thirty-degree heat, because without it they won’t recognize me. For example, in a pharmacy, elderly people often say: “Lord, this is Leshka Durnev! Why will he stand in line, let him already buy his Viagra.

I don't know all the general producers, and I won't name the top six TV channels either. But I think that something definitely needs to be changed. We were filming a video for a show on Khreshchatyk, I introduced myself famous TV presenter and approached the girls. 10 girls out of 10 said they don't watch TV.

- Who is Frunze?

Frunze is ... amazing, kind, bright man who has done so much for all of us...

- For example?

To be honest, I feel uncomfortable answering such questions: it is difficult to overestimate his contribution to our future. And Frunze 40, and Frunze 52 b - prominent people. In general, I do not know who Frunze is, but I once worked on a street named after this person.

- And Olena Teliga?

Olena Teliga? Um, my friends once came from Moscow, I call them, I say: “Where are you?”. And they: "We are going down the street of deer and carts."

It seems to me that Olena Teliga is a woman, first of all, and then everything else, because for each famous woman it is important to remain just a woman - no need to hang labels.

- In fact, this is a Ukrainian poetess.

Yes, by the way, this is a famous Ukrainian poetess, she is also Lina Kostenko, if I'm not mistaken...

- With whom would you go on reconnaissance - with Malchish-Kibalchishor with the Bad Boy?

For some reason, I always thought that this was the same person ... In general, I prefer to go on reconnaissance alone or with our cameraman Dima Shibaev.

- What is your attitude to jeans?

I am fine with jeans: it makes journalists feel like bribe-takers. If journalists are paid jeans, it means that not all is lost. But more often, evil editors take away the right to publish jeans from honest journalists, and this is very bad.

- ATDo you want to get married and have children?

Really want to. But in order to get married, you first need to enter into a relationship with a girl. intimate relationship I don't want to buy a pig in a poke.

- No marriage before sex?

Exactly! Great title, in my opinion. But the whole problem is that for some reason the girls do not like Lesha Durnev. Taking this opportunity, I would like to address all the girls from the pages of your publication: “Please pay attention to me! I am very kind and gentle, I will give you flowers and cook breakfast, if, of course, you stay with me until the morning. I will introduce you to my mother and grandmother, and we can even immediately choose what to name our children.

- You already haveiPad?

No, and probably never will be. Although, quite recently I was offered mobile phone of the same brand in exchange for intimate services. I have a phone, but I don't have an iPad. Therefore, if you have an extra sealed iPad (64 GB, 3g), and if you don't snore, I'm ready for a lot. AT recent times I have accumulated a lot of unrealized sexual energy and I'm ready to throw it all out. For the iPad.

I'm at an impasse, Lyosha... Maybe you could reconsider your last condition about snoring? Think about it well!

Photo by Jan Solnechny

When you find an error, select it and press Ctrl + Enter

Alexey, you have recently returned from Austria. The Durnev +1 program was engaged in trolling poker players there. Why did you choose the industry of card games, and not nightclubs, as in Ukraine?

I'm fond of card games a long time ago. It's already good tradition go to tournaments organized by Poker Stars. Already managed to play in Barcelona, ​​Monte Carlo, Vienna. And the nightclubs are the best we have. They are fine abroad. Everyone is too serious there, no one thumps much, and there is no such game as we have.

- That is, all "our game" from "thumping"?

Well, yes. People fight, show off in front of each other. Very fun to watch! And abroad, people come, talk quietly over a cocktail.

- Are you a gambler yourself? Are you playing for money?

Yes, I play for money. But mostly I lose. True, not too large sums. I'd rather talk about the amounts that I'll ever win.

In order to troll foreigners, it turns out that you must know how the local society lives, guess its mood.

We are looking for our own format and make a parody of travel programs that show the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Manneken Pis in Brussels for the thousandth time. We provide information, but at the same time we carry complete nonsense. For example, in Vienna we showed a sign indicating the end of the pedestrian zone. It depicts a woman and a man walking hand in hand. And the picture itself is crossed out. We have interpreted this to mean that heterosexual couples are no longer allowed to enter.

And at the imperial estate, near the entrance to the courtyard, there is a sculpture: a beefy man beats another man. AT classical program they would say about tourism that it is a myth ancient greece- Hercules fights off someone. We said that this is a homosexual security guard forcing a gaping passer-by to sodomy. At the same time, he proclaims: “Either a club in the eye, or in the ass again!”.

- What countries will be filmed in? next releases programs?

It is not yet clear. But we will definitely continue this trend. We are developing a travel show a la "idiot abroad". This is the technical name of the program. Personally, I would like to go to China. I have been to many countries in Europe. There everything is plus or minus in different ways, but in general people live a common way of life. The exception is Italians and Spaniards, who have a siesta. I was once shocked by this phenomenon. People work 5 hours a day. Rest the rest of the time!

- Would you like to move abroad?

It's not like moving... I'd like to go and learn a few European languages and get an education as a television producer. There is good university in London. But education there is very expensive. I think I have everything ahead of me.

- The competition for the role of your new co-host is coming to an end. How will the winner be determined?

- We have a standard system. The girls reached the semi-finals, then there will be a quarter-final and a final. At first it seemed that nothing good would come of this venture. They sent us some stuff. BUT normal members late realized when the competition ended. However, we considered interesting options. Applicants tried to shoot a block of programs. Now you can see who is the most interesting. For example, under the video of Nastya Vostokova, who hosts the program as a classic host, there are few comments. And Kristina Istomina from Crimea is being actively discussed. Although it is, to put it mildly, not very adequate. And the video seems to be recorded in a drunken state. Also, a lot of comments were collected by the video of another participant Katya. She looks like a model, but she has a street upbringing. She speaks in a hoarse voice and acts rather cocky.

- Didn't you initially set yourself the unspoken task of finding a girl who looked like Dasha Shi?

The new presenter should be similar to her inconsistency and cause an ambiguous reaction. We're just not interested beautiful girl with good speech. There are many other programs for such presenters. We need a girl who can break a glass on her head or fight a security guard.

- You once said that you write poetry. Can you quote a couple of lines?

I don't do it very often lately. Only if I come home very, very drunk can I sit down and write something. (Laughs - Note. ed). My poems are abusive and unformatted. I'm embarrassed to read them.

- Do you do any creative work besides work?

Work is creativity. Plus producing another program about cars. What I invent is my work. I do not have to write reports in the office during the day, and poems in the evening.

- You often mention alcohol, “drink”, “thump” ...

Yes, I drink a lot. When a girl opens my refrigerator, she is shocked - it is empty. Well, there are some missing eggs and dumplings ... That it's time to throw it away. But a lot of alcohol! I bring local drinks from abroad.

-What do you prefer from alcohol?

I love whiskey. And recently I was treated to Tatra tea liqueur. This is the Slovak national drink. It has 72 degrees of fortress. It is drunk like a liquor - sweet and thick, but at the same time it burns very much and intoxicates very much. Now I have literally 100 grams left. I really want to get it somewhere.

- You are currently renting an apartment in Obolon. Have you thought about buying a home?

I bought an apartment. But the house is still under construction. In a few months it will be put into operation. For now, I live in a rented apartment.

- How did you meet your girlfriend Katya?

We didn't have anything over the top. We talked on social networks for a year and a half, and then decided to meet.

- Do you live together?

No. Since we are still alive, it means that we do not live together.

- But relationships lead to this ...

Are you friends with my girlfriend? (Laughs - Note. ed.).

You are the owner original surname Durnev. If the girl who agrees to become your wife does not want to take your last name, how will you react?

Can we say that she will end up in traumatology? (Laughs - Note. ed.). I think that, on the one hand, this is not a fundamental issue. On the other hand, I would like her to bear my last name. If I decide to propose, I think the girl will adequately behave in this situation.

- Your parents live in Mariupol. Do you help them financially?

They refuse. But I don't insist too much. The parents are working. They are all right. I try to pamper them somehow, as they once did me in childhood. We did not live well, however, on holidays I received gifts that were clearly beyond the reach of our family.

- Does it annoy you when strangers ask you to take a picture, get an autograph?

Sometimes annoying. Recently, Katya and I went to a business meeting in an institution in the center of Kyiv. Empty hall. At one table there is a person who is waiting for us, and at the next table there is a company. Someone from this party says: “It’s this one!”. And he points his finger at me. Or somehow there was a situation in the bar. A person from an actively drinking company comes up and asks to be photographed. And his friend, just as drunk, for a long time cannot find how the camera turns on in the phone. Barely turns on. Then the phone runs out of memory. All this drags on for a long time. Pleasant, of course, in such a little. But sometimes the right people come across.

- Do you ever feel sorry for the average people over whom you harshly joke in the Durnev +1 program?

No. Yeah, I don't think I'm being that harsh. In this we are limited by the TV channel.

- Do you personally have any taboos in this regard?

I believe that there can be no taboo in humor.

- And if we are talking about speculation on dramatic themes is that ok too?

Undoubtedly. Moreover, I will tell you that one of the most popular animated series in the world, "Family Guy" (in the Russian translation of Family Guy) does this all the time. In one of the episodes there was a sketch on the topics of incurable diseases. The boy in the hospital was happy. His parents surrounded him with balloons and gifts. But dad broke everything off: “You are not particularly happy. You still have brain cancer." Such jokes are very popular all over the world. Especially in the States. We have such a level of humor, even at night it is impossible to imagine on the air. This is controlled at the channel management level.

You shot videos in which you troll Ukrainian politicians. Have you received threats after such programs?

There were no direct threats. Unless indirect - from people with incomprehensible accounts in social networks.

You joked about the opposition. For example, you had a conflict with Arseniy Yatsenyuk. Now he has come to power. Are you scared now?

No, it's not scary. Recently I spoke with the mayor of Kharkiv when he was at the congress of the Party of Regions. And I joked: “Gennady Adolfovich, this is your last congress! You will all be imprisoned!” And he told me: “Look, so that you are not imprisoned! It was you who offered carrots to someone! But I think everything will be fine. Otherwise, I will continue my joke and offer him a carrot again.

- Don't you think that you are earning negative karma for yourself by constant trolling? Are you not afraid of this?

Maybe some negative karma and is being earned. But if you answer, I'm afraid or not - I'm not afraid. I will say that all these people, "offended" by me, do not take jokes so close to their hearts. For example, Olya Polyakova. We met her at some point. social event. When she saw me, she began to yell across the hall: “Oh my God, my beloved man is coming!” At the same time, she ran to meet me. I don't think she continues to hold a grudge against me.

Who are you really friends with?

My friends - ordinary people. It's pretty hard for me to make friends. Of those with whom I made friends recently, these are Dima Shibaev, Yura Kaplan, Vlad Ivanenko. On my birthday you can meet absolutely different people. One works as a storekeeper in a warehouse, the other - Chief Editor Playboy. And at the same time they have a lot of common topics for communication.

- What do you value in people?

Sense of humor. It is very important.

I love. But I haven't read anything for a long time. When he flew to Vienna and took with him e-book. Wrote down the Da Vinci Code. 20 pages read. It didn't go any further. I read a lot of articles on the Internet on political and economic topics.

Your program ridicules ignorance, primitiveness, stupidity. But lately we have stupidity in the trend itself. Why do you think?

I don't know where it came from. There is an expression that among humpbacks it is a shame to be slender. And the low-educated layer protects itself and influences everyone else. This has been happening for a long time. This is also a problem in our schools. I don't know what to do with it. But something is needed. It's a ticking time bomb. And it slowly explodes.

- You actively criticize representatives of Ukrainian show business. Who causes the most irritation?

Kamaliya, Oxy - this is the party. Well, at least everything is clear with Kamaliya: who sponsors her, in what direction she works. But Oxy has just been driving a Hummer with Oxy license plates around Kyiv for 10 years ... I can’t imagine a portrait of a person who will come to her concert. And if this is a business project, is it really not clear that it is a failure? People from this party are condemned for bad taste, bad behavior, and they all continue to go to events ... There was also Masha Fokina. But she stopped just in time.

- Did you have orders to make fun of someone for money?

It's a secret. It happened, but we didn't take it. There was one order, but after evaluating it, we answered: “We don’t need money! And so, with pleasure!

- With whom was it more difficult to communicate - with the stars or with the deputies?

MPs are also stars. All Ukraine knows them. In general, our country is more obsessed with politics than with show business. If Shufrich gave concerts, and Lyashko told how he spent the day, they would gather full houses.

- In the "Goddess of Shopping" you often criticized not even the choice of girls' clothes, but their figure, appearance ...

- ... figure, appearance, education. And if they spoke badly.

You generally have such a critical approach - you see someone on the street and look for what is wrong with this person? You saw a girl and note to yourself: oh, the legs are crooked!?

No, I'm saving up all the bile for the program. On the street, I am kind and treat everyone well.

KMW pitching: Alexey Durnev will star in a film about Alexey Durnev

On September 8, as part of the traditional Kiev Media Week forum, a series of KIEV CoProduction Meetings pitchings will take place. Perhaps the most intriguing project of the upcoming presentations is the film "Contract", in which the odious TV presenter and two-time deputy candidate Alexei Durnev intends to play himself. The rivals of the "Contract" are "" Konstantin Konovalov and "" Maxim Ksenda. Both films participated in OIFF-2015 pitchings. In this case, the latter won an unconditional victory.

In total, the CoProduction-2015 catalog lists 24 projects that are applying for international cooperation. Among them are the Ukrainian reality show "Phobia", the Georgian documentary "Steps in the Air", the German docudrama " Leningrad Symphony". From feature films, who did not make it to the final, "", which was also presented at the Odessa Film Festival, is of interest.

As for the finalists, as already mentioned above, the Contract is of interest. The declared genres are comedy, parody with dokreality elements.

About what:"Alexey Durnev - Ukrainian TV presenter, who made a career on practical jokes and “trolling” of the townsfolk on the streets of Kyiv, becomes an “enemy of the Maidan” - he is threatened on the net, written on the TV channel and scolded on the street. His show on Youtube was watched by MEPs and EU officials, on whose initiative the vote on Ukraine's accession to the European Union was postponed, because in Alexei's show, the inhabitants of the Ukrainian capital look illiterate, uneducated and uncultured. Show Durnev removed from the air. At the same time, from a certain Svetlana Sergeevna, representing an unknown organization, he receives an offer to return to the Internet and work in the usual format of trolling polls, but already on a European scale, to show that countries that have received EU membership are now in the position of servants Brussels, Berlin and Paris, that European integration will bring problems and troubles to Ukrainians. Having received a refusal from Alexei and his team, Svetlana Sergeevna makes them an offer that cannot be refused, since Durnev’s health and life are in danger.

The desired partners for co-production are the countries of Western and Eastern Europe.

Journalists of the site contacted Alexei to clarify some details of the future film. According to the TV presenter, the idea of ​​the "Contract" belongs to the team of authors. The required budget is within $500,000. At the same time, Durnev clarified that the project already has sponsors: “We are now discussing the conditions with them.” One of the main roles will be played by Yuri Kaplan, better known as the frontman of the Valentin Strykalo group.

An interesting project under the working title SchengenStory came from Slovakia.

About what: May 2007. There are several months left before Slovakia joins the Schengen zone, therefore, on the Slovak-Ukrainian border, significant changes to increase the level of security. A young policeman from Bratislava is transferred to the eastern border to infiltrate as a "mole" in the local unit and uncover smuggling schemes. He finds himself in a place where several cultures intersect, where several languages ​​are spoken. Here he will become a figure in a dangerous game played by the local police and organized crime ... ".

The indicated countries for co-production are Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary.

Another participant from our country is "".

About what:"" is a collection of eight comedy stories ("Subscriber", "Passenger", "Patient", "Buyer", "Voter", "Plaintiff", "User", "Spectator") that happen to every socially active community member. Main character every story suffers from substandard services provided by unscrupulous organizations or citizens. But every patience comes to an end and justice triumphs in the final.

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