The most gigantic and ancient labyrinth in the world. Labyrinths of antiquity that could lead to despair of anyone

Egyptian labyrinth. Rice. Tony Pecoraro

It is believed that the oldest Egyptian labyrinth, built in 2300 BC. e., located near Lake Birket-Karun in the vicinity of Cairo. It was a huge building with an area of ​​70 thousand square meters, surrounded by a wall. Inside it there were 1.5 thousand ground premises and the same number underground (there were tombs of pharaohs and crocodiles). In front of the entrance to the labyrinth hung a sign with the inscription: "Madness or death - that's what the weak or vicious finds here, only the strong and kind find life and immortality here."
Many travelers and just lovers of antiquity associate Egypt with the pyramids, however, the most outstanding building of the Egyptians was not the pyramids, but a huge labyrinth that was built next to Lake Moiris, known today as Lake Birket-Karun, located west of the Nile River - 80 kilometers south of the modern city of Cairo.

Egyptian Labyrinth Reconstruction by Athanasius Kircher

The Egyptian labyrinth described by the ancient historian Herodotus was built as early as 2300 BC and was a building surrounded by a high wall, where there were one and a half thousand ground and as many underground rooms. The labyrinth occupied a space with a total area of ​​70 thousand square meters. This entire colossus was used as a tomb for pharaohs and crocodiles, which in Egypt were considered as sacred as the rulers. Although there is evidence that the labyrinth was the center from which the kings ruled the country, but mainly it served religious purposes. It was a temple complex in which sacrifices were made to all the gods of Egypt.

Reconstruction based on Sir Flinders Petrie's excavations

The complex system of corridors, courtyards, rooms and colonnades was so intricate that, without a guide, an outsider could never find a way or exit in it. For the most part the labyrinth was immersed in absolute darkness, and when some doors were opened, they made a terrible sound, like thunder. Before big holidays, mysteries were performed in the labyrinth and ritual sacrifices were made, including human ones. So the ancient Egyptians showed their respect to the god Sebek - a huge crocodile. In ancient manuscripts, information has been preserved that crocodiles actually lived in the labyrinth, reaching 30 meters in length.

Although it is believed that the labyrinth was the center from which the kings ruled the country, it mainly served religious purposes. It was a temple complex in which sacrifices were made to all the gods of Egypt. Visitors were not allowed to explore the underground rooms of the labyrinth, which contained the tombs of kings, as well as the tombs of sacred crocodiles.

The connection of the labyrinth with myths is best understood when you get acquainted with the religious rituals dedicated to the Egyptian god Osiris, who, according to the ancient Egyptians, was once the king of Egypt.

Ruins of the Labyrinth

Osiris was the god of the dead, or god afterlife. Every year his death was played out in a religious mystery. Under loud lamentation and crying, the ritual of sacrificing the sacred bull Apis, which symbolized Osiris, took place. This lamentation turned into cries of joy when the priest announced to the people the joyful news of the resurrection of Osiris. With these mystical rites, the Egyptians linked their hopes for life. They believed that every person, and not just the king, after death is likened to Osiris.

The Egyptian "labyrinth" is not a maze of confusion, but is a funerary temple that the greatest of the pharaohs of the XII dynasty, Amenemhat III, built to the south of his pyramid near Hawara, not far from El Fayoum. This is an unusually large structure - the dimensions of its base are 305 meters long and 244 meters wide. The Greeks admired this labyrinth more than any other Egyptian building, with the exception of the pyramids. In antiquity it was called "the labyrinth" and served as a model for the labyrinth in Crete.

With the exception of a few columns, it is now completely destroyed. Everything we know about it is based on ancient evidence, as well as on the results of excavations carried out by Sir Flinders Petrie, who attempted to reconstruct this building.

The earliest mention is by the Greek historian Herodotus of Halicarnassus (circa 484-430 BC), who mentions in his History that Egypt is divided into twelve administrative districts ruled by twelve rulers.
Manetho, High priest Egypt from Heliopolis, who wrote in Greek, notes in his surviving work in fragments, dating from the 3rd century BC. e. and dedicated to the history and religion of the ancient Egyptians (which has come down to us in the form of quotations cited by other authors), that the creator of the labyrinth was the fourth pharaoh of the XII dynasty, Amenemhat III, whom he calls Lahares, Lampares or Labaris and about whom he writes as follows: “He ruled eight years. In the Arsinoe nome, he built a tomb for himself - a labyrinth with many rooms.

The authors of antiquity do not offer any single, consistent definition of this outstanding structure. However, since in Egypt during the time of the pharaohs, only sanctuaries and structures dedicated to the cult of the dead (tombs and funerary temples) were built of stone, then all their other buildings, including palaces, were built of wood and clay bricks, which means that the labyrinth could not have been palace, administrative center or monument (provided that Herodotus, speaking of "monument, monument", does not mean "tomb, which is quite possible).

Here is what the Greek historian Diodorus Siculus writes about him in the Historical Library, who between 60 and 57 BC. e. visited Egypt:

"This Labyrinth is remarkable not so much for its size, but for the cunning and skill of the internal structure, which cannot be reproduced."

Manetho, the high priest of Egypt from Heliopolis, notes in his Egyptiac, which has been preserved in fragments, that the creator of the labyrinth was the fourth pharaoh of the XII dynasty, Amenemhat III, whom he calls Lampares or Labaris, and about whom he writes as follows: "... ( He) ruled for eight years. In the Arsinoe nome, he built himself a tomb - a labyrinth, with many rooms.
On the other hand, since the pharaohs of the XII dynasty built pyramids as tombs, the only possible purpose of the "labyrinth" remains the temple.

The answer to the question of how this "maze" got its name remains unconvincing. Attempts have been made to derive the term from the Egyptian words "al lopa-rohun, laperohunt" or "ro-per-ro-henet", meaning "the entrance to the temple by the lake". But there is no phonetic correspondence between these words and the word "labyrinth", and nothing similar has been found in the Egyptian texts either. It has also been suggested that the throne name of Amenemhat III, Lamares, the Hellenized version of which sounds like "Labaris", comes from the name of the temple of Labaris.

The German Jesuit and scholar Atanasius Kircher attempted to reconstruct the Egyptian "labyrinth", apparently based on ancient descriptions. In the center of the drawing is a labyrinth, which Kircher may have modeled on samples from Roman mosaics. Around are images symbolizing the twelve nomes - the administrative units of Ancient Egypt, described by Herodotus (II. 148).

From other sources: The Egyptian labyrinth was a giant quadrangular structure, the dimensions of the base of which are 305 x 244 meters. The Greeks admired the labyrinth more than any other Egyptian building, with the exception of the pyramids.

Pliny the Elder (23/24-79 AD) in his “ natural history” also gives a description of the labyrinth: “Still exists in Egypt in the Heracleopolis nome, the one that was created first, as they say, 3600 years ago by King Petesukh or Titoes, although Herodotus says that this whole structure was created by 12 kings, the last in among which was Psammetichus. Its purpose is interpreted in different ways: according to Demotel, it was the royal palace of Moterida, according to Lyceum - the tomb of Merida, according to the interpretation of many, it was built as a sanctuary of the Sun, which is most likely. And then he tells about the extraordinary strength of the Labyrinth and that it was divided between twelve nomes: red granite], which can hardly destroy even centuries, even if with the assistance of the Heracleopolitans, who treated this structure with extraordinary hatred ...

It is impossible to describe in detail the location of this building and each part separately, since it is divided into regions, as well as into prefectures, which are called nomes, ... in addition, it has temples of all the gods of Egypt, and, moreover, Nemesis in 40 aedicules ( closed chapels of mortuary temples) concluded many pyramids of forty girths, occupying six aruras (0.024 hectares) at the base ...

Historians testify that the Egyptian Labyrinth adequately competed with the famous wonders of the world.

Labyrinth of Amenemhet, served as a prototype for the Labyrinth at Knossos


As we go through life, we have no idea where we will be tomorrow. We strive for a goal, but do not know how to achieve it. We stray, risking being in a dead end. We are puzzled: which way to choose? The symbol of our life is a labyrinth. The history of labyrinths is long, complex and confusing. Just like human life.
The ancients say that it is impossible to simply go through the labyrinth, and The best way moving along it is a dance or steps that describe certain figures: figures on the surface, figures in space, ritual and magical figures. In a sense, along the road of life, we must also move forward dancing, thus determining the process of evolution.
The symbolism of the labyrinth in the first millennium BC. e. spread throughout the Old World. From the Mediterranean, it penetrated to the East, later it will become popular in the West: in Spain, England, Scandinavia and Russia. In Scandinavia, the Baltic States and Russia, you can find more than five hundred very archaic labyrinths made of stones. Their builders did not shun either small cobblestones or large boulders. These structures are called the "Trojan fortresses" of the North. The diameter of most of them is from seven to eighteen meters. Many correspond to the classical Cretan labyrinth type with one entrance. The timing of their construction was determined by the age of the lichens that covered the stones. All of them were erected around the XIII - XVII centuries. Their purpose is still unclear to scientists.

Labyrinths beckon, confuse, frighten, and can even bring to despair those who find themselves in them. There are many stories about labyrinths from which it is impossible to get out. And even if the exit was close, some unknown force returned the victim to the starting point... The labyrinth refused to let its guests go...

Scientists suggest that the answer lies in the structure of the labyrinth, in its transitions and traps. Getting into them, a person lost his orientation and immediately fell into a panic! In ancient times, labyrinths were used to drive unwanted people crazy, and to increase intimidation, the passages were “decorated” with human bones, images of demons and other evil spirits. In mythology, the labyrinth is a symbol of death and rebirth. It protects a place endowed with special power and restricts access to it. This place embodies the transition zone between the two worlds, and the labyrinth itself is a symbolic gate. The first labyrinth-like rock paintings appeared on Earth in the Stone Age. It is difficult to say what the prehistoric artist had in mind when carving sinuous lines and spirals, but the idea was passed down through the centuries, finally turning into a global symbol - seven lines twisted around the center.

The sign of the labyrinth, scratched on the wall of the tomb in Luzzanas on the island of Sardinia, erected at least four thousand years ago, is considered the oldest found. AT recent times labyrinths once full sacred meaning, have become a common attribute of parks and attractions, changing and becoming more complex as the person's ideas about the universe have been transformed, a kind of model of which was the labyrinth.

One mention of the labyrinth draws in the imagination modern man unusually complex, intricate intricacies of passages, narrow paths and dead ends, surrounded by stone walls. Such an image familiar to us is actually far from the “original source”. Most of the ancient "classic" labyrinths were created according to the same, well-defined pattern with a single very winding path leading from the entrance to the center. These are the petroglyphs in the form of labyrinths that have survived to this day, discovered in Galicia, in northwestern Spain, and date back to 2000 BC. e., clay tablets depicting labyrinths found in the Greek city of Pylos, which are 3,000 years old, drawings of labyrinths scratched on the ruins in Turkish Gordion, dating back to 750 BC. e.
Egyptian maze
In ancient Egypt, in the city of Abydos, there were labyrinths called Karakol. They were almost round temples, in the corridors of which ceremonies were held, symbolizing the stages of evolution and the road that leads a person to his center.
A very ancient labyrinth was located near the city of Cairo. It was built back in 2300 BC and was a building surrounded by a high wall, where there were one and a half thousand ground and the same number of underground rooms. The total area of ​​the labyrinth was 70 thousand m2. Visitors were not allowed to explore the underground rooms of the labyrinth, there were tombs for pharaohs and crocodiles - sacred animals in Egypt.

The complex system of corridors, courtyards and rooms in the labyrinth was so intricate that without a guide, an outsider could never find a way or exit in it. The labyrinth was immersed in absolute darkness, and when some doors were opened, they made a terrible sound, like thunder or the roar of a thousand lions.

All the northern labyrinths are made of small stones, they look like an oval in plan, and inside there are intricate passages leading to the center of the structure. There are several types of labyrinth designs. It has been noted that labyrinths of different types can coexist, and the same designs can be found in territories separated by hundreds of kilometers. There is no generalizing work on the northern labyrinths, but researchers from different countries have been working on these mysterious structures for more than 150 years.

Stone labyrinths often bear the names of cities or fortifications here - "Troy", "Babylon", "Nineveh", "Jerusalem". In Finland, in addition, there are the names "Fence or the road of the Giants", "The Game of St. Peter", "Girl's dances", etc. biblical motifs, local legends. Labyrinths were used for folk games and festivities between Easter and midsummer. Usually the girl was put in a circle and danced towards her. Such customs are an example of reuse historical monuments. In science, several points of view have been expressed about the purpose and chronology of labyrinths. They see in them objects associated with fishing magic, the cult of the dead, they attribute calendar significance to them.
On the Solovetsky Islands there are about 30 labyrinths and more than 1000 mounds and various symbolic stone patterns. Most of them belong to the 11th - 1st millennium BC. e. Until now, these structures remain one of the most mysterious places on the ground. There is no vegetation on them, except for mosses and berry bushes. Planted plants and trees die, and animals avoid these places.

One of his unsolved mysteries is still the origin of stone labyrinths - strange, mystical patterns laid out on the surface of the earth. How and when they appeared on the islands, by whom they were created and what purpose they served - researchers to this day cannot give an unambiguous answer to these questions.

The labyrinth has only one entrance, which at the same time serves as an exit: a person who decides to go through the labyrinth and follows its rules will, after a while, be surprised to find that he left in the same place where he entered. The age of the labyrinths is about three thousand years, archaeologists say. Who exactly left on the islands these whimsical patterns from stones, it is not known for certain. According to one version, these were ancient Pomeranian tribes, long forgotten, according to another, northern sailors who explored the cold waters of the Breathing Sea, now called the White Sea. Proponents of this hypothesis reinforce their arguments by the fact that almost all labyrinths are located on the coast.

Another unsolved mystery is the purpose of strange stone ornaments. There are many versions: from purely scientific to absolutely fantastic. AT different times prone to hoaxes "theorists" considered labyrinths as traces of aliens, means of communication with which ancient people communicated with the Cosmos, and even portals to another world. Oddly enough, with latest version in solidarity with most serious researchers. They believe that the labyrinths served sacred purposes and were really used to move to another world - the afterlife. In these places, primitive people performed rituals of burial of the dead. Even the drawing of labyrinths itself speaks in favor of this theory. Its spiral shape resembles coils of coiled snakes. It was the snake in the Karelian-Finnish epic that served as a symbol of death and was associated with other world: her bite sent a person straight to realm of the dead. Many scientists also explain the complex structure of the drawings by the fact that the ancient peoples believed: entangled in the labyrinth, the soul of the deceased will not be able to return and harm the living.
The world is a maze. No exit, no entry
There is no center in the monstrous dungeon.
You are here wandering through the narrow walls
To the touch, in the dark - and there is no way out.
In vain you wait that your path is by itself,
When he makes you choose again
Which again will force to make a choice,
Will end. You are condemned by fate.
Along the endless stone sprouts
A two-legged bull, dropping shreds of foam,
Whose sight terrifies these walls,
Like you, wandering in more often crossroads.
Wandering through the maze, no longer believing
That I will meet at least an animal in it.

From the end of the 15th century, labyrinths began to appear in churches, on church floor tiles. Such floor images of labyrinths became an integral part of the punishment, when the repentant sinner had to go on his knees through all the twists and turns of the labyrinth. Such penance was imposed on those who could not make the pilgrimage to holy places, and was called "the road to Jerusalem."

With the spread of Christianity, the ancient pagan symbol of the labyrinth gradually changed and began to be perceived as an allegorical image of the thorny path of man to God or the way of the cross of Christ. maze in Christian philosophy and architecture becomes a metaphor for the material world, passing through which a person must fight the Minotaur - Satan. In the labyrinth of temptations and sins, a person, like Theseus, can only rely on his own steadfastness and the saving thread of Ariadne - Faith. This interpretation of the symbol of the labyrinth led to changes in its design.

To XII century a labyrinth with eleven paths becomes dominant in the Christian tradition - this number symbolized the concept of "sin" for a medieval Christian. The imposition of a cross on top of concentric paths led to the establishment of a quadrant form of labyrinths, although the adherence to the classical configuration was often preserved. It was during this period that such images appear on the floors of churches and cathedrals in Europe. Magnificent labyrinths, lined with colored stones, ceramic tiles, marble, porphyry, adorned the floors of temples in Chartres, Pavia, Piacenza, Amiens, Reims, Saint-Omer, Rome. Many of them were decorated with allegorical images of Theseus and the Minotaur, scenes from the Holy Scriptures.

The purpose of most church labyrinths remains unclear. It has been suggested that some of them may have been used to correctly determine the day of Easter. Part of the labyrinths, apparently, served as an object of contemplation and discussion in theological conversations. It is known that the labyrinths in the cathedrals of Chartres, Reims, Arras and Sens became a kind of imitation of the pilgrimage route to Palestine and were sometimes called the “Way to Jerusalem”. In those days, for the majority of believers, a trip to the Holy Land was impossible, and they did it in a symbolic form - they went through the entire church labyrinth on their knees, reading prayers.
Oh horror, these stone nets
And Zeus cannot be untangled. haggard,
I wander through the maze. I am a convict.
On an endless parapet
The dust has frozen. direct galleries,
Measured by long steps
Twisted in secret circles
around the past years. I want to go faster
Walk, but only fall. And again
I see in the gathering darkness
Those terrible luminous pupils,
That is the roar of an animal. Or an echo of a roar.
I'm going. Around the corner, in the distance
Perhaps lurking at the ready
The one who's been craving fresh blood for so long.
I've been longing for deliverance for just as long.
We are both looking to meet. As before,
I believe in this fading hope.

The art of creating labyrinths began to undergo significant changes with the expansion of human ideas about the world. Great geographical discoveries, the success of the natural sciences, the emergence of the doctrine of the plurality of worlds - all this was reflected in the philosophical perception of the labyrinth - a symbol of the universe and human life. Labyrinths are gradually disappearing, in which everything is predetermined and the path is possible only along one path laid once and for all. They are being replaced by more and more complex ones, with numerous options for passages, where a person himself chooses the path among the tangled paths and dead ends. Such hedge labyrinths have become an indispensable part of many gardens and parks in Europe, turning into a very popular entertainment for the aristocracy.

Numerous labyrinths, differing in variety and exquisite taste, were arranged in the possessions of the powerful Gonzago clan from Mantua, a walk through the labyrinth created in 1669 in the garden of Versailles was considered an exciting journey, and the labyrinth, planted in 1670 in the garden of the Villa Altieri in Rome, became a favorite pastime of Pope Clement X, who liked watch his servants try to find a way out. greatest flourishing the art of creating "living" labyrinths has reached in the UK, becoming one of the national symbols of the kingdom. The famous labyrinth at Hampton Court, built in 1690 for William of Orange, has survived to this day. A magnificent example of the maze in the Tudor garden at Hatfield House in Hetfordshire has been restored from old engravings, and the labyrinth of laurel bushes at Glendergen House in Cornwall, planted in 1833, still impresses with its sinuous paths. Today labyrinths, becoming more and more complicated, are created on the basis of mathematical models and theories. Placed in parks and along tourist routes, they offer exciting intellectual entertainment, a test of ingenuity and luck.

Home unsolved mystery the ancient symbol remains its origin. Dozens of hypotheses expressed in this regard have not been able to explain the emergence and then spread around the world of an intricate pattern of a winding path. Perhaps this image was prompted by nature itself - spiral and labyrinthine forms are characteristic of the shells of some mollusks, distinguishable in a coral colony, underground passages of anthills. Perhaps the ancient artists, who often drew simple spirals and sinuous lines, gradually improving and complicating these geometric figures, thus came to the symbol of the labyrinth. Rock carvings of concentric rings in the form of a bowl or recess, dating back to the Neolithic era and common along the entire Atlantic coast of Europe, also claim the role of its “ancestors”. A number of researchers believe that the evolution of precisely these forms led to the emergence of the symbol of the labyrinth. Finally, there are suggestions that the labyrinth pattern could appear when trying to ancient man depict the complex movement of the sun and planets.

The history of the labyrinth is still not over. His roads, like an endless tape of time, tend to go further and further, leading a person to an unknown goal, which is all the more desirable, the less predictable the path in the labyrinth.

superstitions of the labyrinth
In ancient times, the image of the labyrinth was considered an excellent amulet. So, the Tohono and Pima Indian tribes from american state Arizona today, like thousands of years ago, weave baskets from dry stems, roots and leaves of plants growing in the desert, and decorate them with a labyrinth pattern in order to protect themselves from evil spirits. In Pakistan and Iceland, labyrinth symbols are carved into tall tree in the garden to keep thieves away. In Sri Lanka, the labyrinth pattern is woven into the fabric for blankets and into the base of willow baskets; in Scandinavia and India, they lay out a labyrinth of stones in desert places or on the coast, if they want the fulfillment of their cherished desire. True, there is a but. It is believed that the labyrinth in exchange for a fulfilled dream takes a person seven years of life /
Going to a dangerous place, you can try to draw a labyrinth pattern in the palm of your hand. And the trouble will pass by.

Children under seven years old and old people who have crossed the 70-year mark are not taken into the labyrinth. The labyrinth supposedly can take the souls of both.

Do not go to the labyrinth and pregnant women - there is a sign that otherwise the child may become entangled in the umbilical cord.

The evil spirits that live in the labyrinth can be deceived by wearing other people's things. So, if you get lost, change clothes with your companion, and there is a way out.

It is better not to take pictures in the passages of the labyrinth and against its background: troubles in life and problems with memory and vision may begin.

If, standing in the center of the labyrinth, make a wish, and then quickly find a way out, you can assume that your wish will quickly come true.

To avoid the insidiousness of the labyrinth, you need to leave some thing as a gift, for example, toss a coin.

Version held by many modern researchers, lies in the fact that the labyrinths were conceived as a kind of laboratory for the improvement of the spirit, special mystical rituals were performed inside. It is no coincidence that the structure of the labyrinth resembles the structure of the brain! A person, going through the labyrinth to the end, overcame his deepest fears and became one of the initiates into the secrets of this and that world. Moreover, he gained new strength, vigor and resurrected in body and soul. The labyrinth was seen as a way to the realm of the dead and a way to gain magical power. There is an assumption that a person passing through the labyrinth symbolized the Sun, dying and resurrecting, and therefore, joined the ancient natural rhythms. ladies of the heart danced along the winding passages to the center of the "giant". Quote message

The girl, tied to a chair, is breathing heavily and bleeding. His hands are also tied with a tight rope. His clothes are torn, there are no shoes on his feet, and his glassy eyes stare at the floor without any zest for life. Behind the boarded-up window, strange lowings are heard - zombies. There is blood around the chair, which drips from the girl's face and from her tied hands. The rope was also dyed red. There are no tears visible on the face, apparently, they have already mixed with another liquid.

The door opens and three guys come in. Two blondes. One of them has short hair, the second has shoulder-length hair, and the third is brunette with shoulder-length hair. One of them, the one with the blond short hair, approaches the girl and breaks into a smile.

How are you? he says almost in a whisper.

Silence. The guy takes out a knife and puts it on the cheek of his victim. She silently sits and looks down, not even twitching.

Will you be silent now? - after this phrase, she looked up and looked at the blonde, who was waiting for at least some kind of reaction. But nothing more, silence and a look in which a terrible fear was read, which, it seemed, could not be hidden by anything.

After a short silence, the other two guys were engaged in their weapons, sat on the couch and listened to the loud screams that the girl made, trying to escape from the chair. Completely without any emotion, they continued their work while the other went crazy with pain.

And so? The guy looked at her again, only now a deep cut was visible on her face, passing through her right eye.

The blood flowing from the eye perfectly replaced the tears. Looking at this, he smiled, holding a knife in his hand. The girl remained silent, trying to close her eyes. Then he stood behind her and, bending down, began to draw bright stripes on his arms from the side where the veins passed. She started screaming again, pointing her head at the ceiling and opening her eyes wide. green eyes. The chair staggered in all directions, but it was useless to do anything.

Stepping away, he began to admire her new notes on both hands, made with his knife. On the left hand, the words "Madness" were clearly visible. On the right side: "Or death." The words themselves were written in large printed letters, from which blood flowed.

After standing for a while and admiring, he approached in front and lifted the girl's head by the chin so that she looked into his eyes, gasping for breath.

What should you say? - he asked.

Bastard, - the girl barely said, after which she received a slap in the face.

Uncultured, - after this phrase, he walked away for two minutes, and then returned with strange bracelets, inside of which sharp spikes were visible. Now you will pay for your insolence.

The guy bent down and put the bracelets on the captive's legs so that the spikes completely sank into the skin, and she herself howled in pain, trying to fight back with her legs, even hitting the blond in the face a couple of times, and in vain. He got up and gave another hard slap so that she had to turn her head away. From her eyes flowed a stream of tears that slowly flowed through the blood on her cheeks. He laughed out loud at the sight.

Dean, another attack, - said the brunette, after which the laughter of that stopped.

Crap! he swore as he loaded his gun. - Then let's go!

The girl opened her eyes and fell from the tree, landing on her feet and pulling her pair of kukris from their scabbards. She aimed her weapon at a guy with short dark hair who was sitting on her bike. There was fear on his face.

This yours? He got off the motorcycle. I didn't know, sorry...

The girl shoved the kukri back into its sheath and pulled out a gun, aiming at the guy.

But I'm just, - after this phrase, a bullet pierced his head, and he fell to the ground without any signs of life.

She put away her gun and, jumping on the bike, rode towards the city. It was already light outside, so it was easy to recognize the road. There were zombies everywhere, so you had to turn or shoot back.

Finally, having reached a supermarket, the girl got off her motorcycle and went into this building. Empty. But on the other hand, there were chips, all kinds of canned food, bread, water bottles and even chewing gum on the shelves. Without hesitation, she took a loaf of bread, water and a pack of Lays. The only good thing about the apocalypse was the free food. And it was also good for those who simply could not stand people, and there were many of them.

Having strengthened herself and, leaving the store, the girl looked around. Her attention was drawn to the sound of gunshots coming from the roof. Throwing an empty bag of chips on the ground, she ran to the next entrance and rushed up the stairs, first taking out a gun.

Knocking out the hatch door with her foot, she jumped onto the roof and, squatting down, aimed in the direction where the three guys who appeared in her dream were standing. Opposite them stood a guy of about twenty (her peer) with blond hair that hung down to his shoulders. The bangs covered her eyes so that it was difficult to see their color. He held a pistol in his hand, pointing at those guys who also held pistols in their hands.

The most gigantic and ancient labyrinth in the world October 14th, 2016

Egyptian labyrinth. Rice. Tony Pecoraro

It is believed that the oldest Egyptian labyrinth, built in 2300 BC. e., located near Lake Birket-Karun in the vicinity of Cairo. It was a huge building with an area of ​​70 thousand square meters, surrounded by a wall. Inside it there were 1.5 thousand ground premises and the same number - underground (there were tombs of pharaohs and crocodiles). In front of the entrance to the labyrinth hung a sign with the inscription: "Madness or death - this is what the weak or vicious finds here, only the strong and good find life and immortality here."

I didn't know about this building at all. At the word "maze" everyone remembers, or at least. So what is this Egyptian labyrinth? I invite you to learn more...

Many travelers and just lovers of antiquity associate Egypt with the pyramids, however, the most outstanding building of the Egyptians was not the pyramids, but a huge labyrinth that was built next to Lake Moiris, known today as Lake Birket-Karun, located west of the Nile River - 80 kilometers south of the modern city of Cairo.

Egyptian Labyrinth Reconstruction by Athanasius Kircher

The Egyptian labyrinth described by the ancient historian Herodotus was built as early as 2300 BC and was a building surrounded by a high wall, where there were one and a half thousand ground and as many underground rooms. The labyrinth occupied a space with a total area of ​​70 thousand square meters. This entire colossus was used as a tomb for pharaohs and crocodiles, which in Egypt were considered as sacred as the rulers. Although there is evidence that the labyrinth was the center from which the kings ruled the country, but mainly it served religious purposes. It was a temple complex in which sacrifices were made to all the gods of Egypt.

Reconstruction based on Sir Flinders Petrie's excavations

The complex system of corridors, courtyards, rooms and colonnades was so intricate that, without a guide, an outsider could never find a way or exit in it. For the most part, the labyrinth was immersed in absolute darkness, and when some doors were opened, they made a terrible sound, like thunder. Before big holidays, mysteries were performed in the labyrinth and ritual sacrifices were made, including human ones. So the ancient Egyptians showed their respect to the god Sebek - a huge crocodile. In ancient manuscripts, information has been preserved that crocodiles actually lived in the labyrinth, reaching 30 meters in length.

Although it is believed that the labyrinth was the center from which the kings ruled the country, it mainly served religious purposes. It was a temple complex in which sacrifices were made to all the gods of Egypt. Visitors were not allowed to explore the underground rooms of the labyrinth, which contained the tombs of kings, as well as the tombs of sacred crocodiles.

The connection of the labyrinth with myths is best understood when you get acquainted with the religious rituals dedicated to the Egyptian god Osiris, who, according to the ancient Egyptians, was once the king of Egypt.

Ruins of the Labyrinth

Osiris was the god of the dead, or god of the underworld. Every year his death was played out in a religious mystery. Under loud lamentation and crying, the ritual of sacrificing the sacred bull Apis, which symbolized Osiris, took place. This lamentation turned into cries of joy when the priest announced to the people the joyful news of the resurrection of Osiris. With these mystical rites, the Egyptians linked their hopes for life. They believed that every person, and not just the king, after death is likened to Osiris.

The Egyptian "labyrinth" is not a maze of confusion, but is a funerary temple that the greatest of the pharaohs of the XII dynasty, Amenemhat III, built to the south of his pyramid near Hawara, not far from El Fayoum. This is an unusually large structure - the dimensions of its base are 305 meters long and 244 meters wide. The Greeks admired this labyrinth more than any other Egyptian building, with the exception of the pyramids. In antiquity it was called "the labyrinth" and served as a model for the labyrinth in Crete.

With the exception of a few columns, it is now completely destroyed. Everything we know about it is based on ancient evidence, as well as on the results of excavations carried out by Sir Flinders Petrie, who attempted to reconstruct this building.

The earliest mention is by the Greek historian Herodotus of Halicarnassus (circa 484-430 BC), who mentions in his History that Egypt is divided into twelve administrative districts ruled by twelve rulers.
Manetho, the high priest of Egypt from Heliopolis, who wrote in Greek, notes in his surviving work in fragments dating from the 3rd century BC. e. and dedicated to the history and religion of the ancient Egyptians (which has come down to us in the form of quotations cited by other authors), that the creator of the labyrinth was the fourth pharaoh of the XII dynasty, Amenemhat III, whom he calls Lahares, Lampares or Labaris and about whom he writes as follows: “He ruled eight years. In the Arsinoe nome, he built a tomb for himself - a labyrinth with many rooms.

The authors of antiquity do not offer any single, consistent definition of this outstanding structure. However, since in Egypt during the time of the pharaohs, only sanctuaries and structures dedicated to the cult of the dead (tombs and funerary temples) were built of stone, then all their other buildings, including palaces, were built of wood and clay bricks, which means that the labyrinth could not have been palace, administrative center or monument (provided that Herodotus, speaking of "monument, monument", does not mean "tomb, which is quite possible).

Here is what the Greek historian Diodorus Siculus writes about him in the Historical Library, who between 60 and 57 BC. e. visited Egypt:

"This Labyrinth is remarkable not so much for its size, but for the cunning and skill of the internal structure, which cannot be reproduced."

Manetho, the high priest of Egypt from Heliopolis, notes in his Egyptiac, which has been preserved in fragments, that the creator of the labyrinth was the fourth pharaoh of the XII dynasty, Amenemhat III, whom he calls Lampares or Labaris, and about whom he writes as follows: "... ( He) ruled for eight years. In the Arsinoe nome, he built himself a tomb - a labyrinth, with many rooms.

On the other hand, since the pharaohs of the XII dynasty built pyramids as tombs, the only possible purpose of the "labyrinth" remains the temple.

The answer to the question of how this "maze" got its name remains unconvincing. Attempts have been made to derive the term from the Egyptian words "al lopa-rohun, laperohunt" or "ro-per-ro-henet", meaning "the entrance to the temple by the lake". But there is no phonetic correspondence between these words and the word "labyrinth", and nothing similar has been found in the Egyptian texts either. It has also been suggested that the throne name of Amenemhat III, Lamares, the Hellenized version of which sounds like "Labaris", comes from the name of the temple of Labaris.

The German Jesuit and scholar Atanasius Kircher attempted to reconstruct the Egyptian "labyrinth", apparently based on ancient descriptions. In the center of the drawing is a labyrinth, which Kircher may have modeled on samples from Roman mosaics. Around are images symbolizing the twelve nomes - the administrative units of Ancient Egypt, described by Herodotus (II. 148).

From other sources: The Egyptian labyrinth was a giant quadrangular structure, the dimensions of the base of which are 305 x 244 meters. The Greeks admired the labyrinth more than any other Egyptian building, with the exception of the pyramids.

Pliny the Elder (23/24-79 AD) in his Natural History also gives a description of the labyrinth: Petesukh or Titoes, although Herodotus says that the whole structure was created by 12 kings, the last among whom was Psammetich. Its purpose is interpreted in different ways: according to Demotel, it was the royal palace of Moterida, according to Lyceum - the tomb of Merida, according to the interpretation of many, it was built as a sanctuary of the Sun, which is most likely. And then he tells about the extraordinary strength of the Labyrinth and that it was divided between twelve nomes: red granite], which can hardly destroy even centuries, even if with the assistance of the Heracleopolitans, who treated this structure with extraordinary hatred ...

It is impossible to describe in detail the location of this building and each part separately, since it is divided into regions, as well as into prefectures, which are called nomes, ... in addition, it has temples of all the gods of Egypt, and, moreover, Nemesis in 40 aedicules ( closed chapels of mortuary temples) concluded many pyramids of forty girths, occupying six aruras (0.024 hectares) at the base ...

Historians testify that the Egyptian Labyrinth adequately competed with the famous wonders of the world.

Labyrinth of Amenemhet, served as a prototype for the Labyrinth at Knossos


The main question that torments every person on Earth is: “Which way to go in order to understand the World and know the Truth? How to live?" Science, philosophy and religion are engaged in the search for Truth. Everyone approximately knows how many directions in science exist today. But there are no fewer religions. As of January 1, 1993, there were 40 religious organizations in Russia alone; the most numerous are Russian Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Muslim, Judaism, Buddhism. So which one of them the right way and who is wrong? Or maybe they all say different languages are talking about the same thing?

In order for a person to know the truth, one must receive information from a pure source, which are holy people and books. For example, to learn about Christ, one must read the Bible (in the first version), and not revised by contemporaries or what the inhabitants say about this book. Since the same book different people interpreted in different ways - depending on their level of development and understanding of life.


dedication or baptism is the development of the spiritual principle contained in its infancy in every person to the level of consciousness. Initiation is also the revelation to man of the secrets of being. Initiation is the essence of human development, it cannot be obtained by anyone's good will (especially for money) and confirmed by all kinds of diplomas (as is now practiced in dubious organizations). Initiation is a state of a person's spirit. It exists or it doesn't. Initiation ceremonies are only an external form. True baptism is the baptism by fire, the attainment of wisdom, the victory of the spirit over the animal nature of man. The ancient sages say that there are three types of baptism:

1. There is only an external form, and the name for it is optional;
2. This is the baptism with "the water of truth," or the awakening of the soul to the consciousness of the truth. At this time, a person receives a new name, expressing the level and purpose of this person (Gen. 17.5);
3. Baptism by "the fire of the spirit" and the name it bestows expresses the power of the perfect and immortal divine man(Rev. 2:17). For example, 12 Apostles of I.Kh. received it.

Initiation into priests (adepts, initiates, prophets) in Ancient Egypt took place in three stages: "water", "fire" and " copper pipes". Schure in his book "Great Initiates" says that the first and second test ("water" and "fire") is the overcoming of base passion, fear, doubt, hatred, fear of the "abyss" (unknown truth). They develop self-control and patience. The applicant was invited to pass through the labyrinth of a secret sanctuary, in which a small mistake threatened death. The Teaching, having passed through these two deadly tests and emerged from the labyrinth, advanced to the third test with "brass pipes" - a cup of pleasure - glory. He was greeted by a beautiful priestess, the woman of his dreams, devouring him with wondrous wet eyes full of passionate love. In her hands was a goblet of wine for the "winner". If the student was tempted by wine and a woman (thinking that the hour of his rewards and triumph had come), then he lost, becoming a slave, and not a student of the priests in the temple of sciences. “He who lives as a slave of his flesh lives in darkness,” said the priests, “Truth cannot be given. It can be found either within oneself, or not found at all. Teachers cannot "make" an adept, the person himself must become one. "Work and wait!" they said. Many aspired to become Initiates, but few succeeded. “Who wants to become what he should be, must cease to be what he is,” said the mentors. The priest-teacher told the applicant: “Everyone who touches our teaching puts his life on the line. Madness or death is what the weak or the vicious find here; only the strong, kind, pure in heart and by the power of renunciation find life and immortality here. It is an abyss that returns only the brave in spirit. And if your courage is imperfect, give up your desire. For after this door closes behind you, retreat is no longer possible.”

Those who passed all the trials (“twenty ordeals”) and did not succumb to pride, “twenty-two mysteries of Genesis” were revealed. Because full knowledge can be revealed only to those who have gone through all the trials and remained humble and hardworking. The initiate became an enlightener - a prophet, a clairvoyant and a creator of souls, that is, a Teacher.

The priests said: “For only he who rules over himself can rule over others. Only he who is free himself can lead to the freedom of others.”

To rule the world, you must have three qualities:

1. wisdom, which does not depend on education, it is the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, to choose the right way and to solve the problem correctly;
2. force, but not physical, but spiritual;
3.solvency(means), and it will come when there is wisdom to recognize what is really necessary, decide and do the right thing. But it will be as much as necessary to solve the problem, no more.

In Russian fairy tales, renewal is given as a jump of a noble hero into a boiling, and then into cold water in the cauldron ("Humpbacked Horse"). After that, the hero turns into a beautiful prince. The envious rival perishes during these trials.

Any mission is a tragedy. And in vain wait for roses on your way. Most likely, the path will be full of hardships, difficulties and misunderstandings of others.

Let's take a parable. One man complained that the cross he was carrying was too heavy. The man took and sawed off part of the cross. And the cross became lighter. The man joyfully walked along the road and overtook another traveler, who, suffering, but enduring, carried his big heavy cross. After a while, there was an abyss on their way. The man with the big cross laid it on the edge of the abyss and, like over a bridge, crossed to the other side. The cross of the other (shorter) did not reach the second edge of the abyss, and the man fell into the abyss. One, albeit difficult, but reached the goal, and the second - died. "The one who endures to the end will be saved."

Another parable describes the path of a person's life, striving to find the Truth. His path goes through the Valley of Humiliation, in which eight trials meet in turn: Despondency, Debauchery, Difficulty, Deceit, Punishment, Discontent, Shame and Arrogance.
* « Despondency”, here a person may fall into lamentations about his “difficult lot”, but must open the door to the next stage of his path;
* « debauchery”, which lures the traveler with flattery and promises (power, money ...). But the Teachers warn: "The feet of debauchery reach to hell";
* « Difficulty» (lack of money, loss of loved ones, illness…);
* « Deception"("Old Man") - an old man who offers to receive comfort and contentment by deceit. He has three Daughters: "Lust" of the body, "Lust" of the eyes and "Pride" of life. Whoever yields to them falls into slavery;
* « Punishment when Someone, without saying anything, beats the traveler for all his sins. This is Moses, who does not tolerate those who do not keep the commandments of God. But Jesus forbids Him to touch the traveler;
* « Discontent» his life (the person believes that he was underestimated);
* « Shame rebelling against religion. “Shame” says that faith in God shows the cowardice of a person, his lack of education and shames the traveler in this. But the Bible says - do not be afraid to be considered a fool for your faith, you are wiser than those who shame you;
* « Krasnobay"("beautifully speaking"). It is difficult to distinguish him from a decent person, since he speaks beautifully and seems to be correct about life, but he himself does not live according to the laws of God. He fools people's heads, leading them to nowhere. He can be perceived as a true friend and Teacher, but this is a deception leading to a dead end. These are false teachers.

Having passed all the tests, he cognizes Life and true Happiness - the “cosmic fire” lights up in him (the person begins to glow like a saint). Walt Whitman said about this: bright sun how quickly you would kill me, if the same Sun did not rise in me myself. Ramakrishna (Gadadhar Chaatterjee) (1836-1886), an Indian thinker and the largest spiritual and religious reformer, considered his disciple Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902) blessed among people the more, the more his disciple passed the tests. In spirit Vivekananda was older than his Master Ramakrishna.

Eastern wisdom says: “Whoever is afraid of exhausting himself will surely become a beggar. Give yourself away, no matter the cost, if you really want to experience happiness in life.” The Mahabharata says, "Man has no greater enemy than himself." “He who has not heard anything in his life, who has not understood anything, has grown old like a donkey. Only his belly grows more and more, and he appreciates life less and less ”(Buddha). The cosmos helps all of us grow spiritually, but: "God helps those who help others." A person who has found his mission on Earth and follows it, despite all the difficulties, will experience spiritual delight, a feeling of supreme happiness. In this case, he cannot have rivals, since no one but him can fulfill his mission on Earth.

Ascetics have to pay dearly for revealing the secrets of the Universe. Pasternak wrote:

« Live and burn in everyone's custom,
But then you will only immortalize life,
When her light and majesty
With your sacrifice you will draw a path
» .

A. Chizhevsky (physician, chemist, artist, poet and cosmist), who discovered a new direction in science (solar-terrestrial relations), spoke about the discoverers:

« In their struggles
They have no shelter, they are persecuted,
But in these gloomy persecutions
The lot is hidden - the lot of the saints
» .

A voluntary test and sacrifice can be the renunciation of the person himself from worldly joys. But not by sacrificing oneself or another person, any living creature (ram, lamb, dove), as this is equivalent to killing a living soul. Only the initiates come to renunciation of worldly joys, since they no longer belong to themselves and their families - they serve the Truth. The Bible also speaks of the renunciation of everything earthly (even the creation of a family) for the initiates (Matt. 19): “... not everyone can accommodate this word, but to whom it has been given. For there are eunuchs who were born in this way from their mother's womb; and there are eunuchs who are gathered from the people; and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven. Who can accommodate, let him accommodate.

One can cite the incident that happened to the Buddha, when five beggars, after seeing how the Buddha ate rice and stew, left, losing faith in his search for truth. The Buddha said: “Oh, brethren, one who has entered the Path should not fall into two extremes. One of them is in passions, connected with the enjoyment of passions, low, rude, characteristic of an uninitiated person. The other is connected with self-torture, mournful, not associated with vanity ”(“ What is beyond measure is unhealthy ”). Buddha, moving away from extremes, chose the middle path, giving insight, knowledge, leading to calm, higher understanding (Nirvana): “First of all, you need to know the four holy truths: existence is suffering; the source of existence is the thirst for life; the destruction of the thirst for life - destroys existence; the desire for pleasure is destroyed by entering the Path of the Spirit's upliftment, which in turn consists of eight parts: true views, true aspirations, truthful speech, good behavior, an honest way of earning a livelihood, true suffering, faithful memory, true self-deepening. "The ideal, not covered by the material, does not exist." And if you look into the eyes of the saints, you can see an attentive and serious attitude to people, life, events. A person in the presence of a saint feels the gaze of a strict, just and loving Teacher (Note that the expression of the eyes of sectarians is completely different - it most likely frightens with its detachment from life and resembles the look of a zombie). "Burn without scorching (without destroying) the environment!" It's not about self-torture, it's about self-restraint.

Let's give a parable: there lived a brahmin who tortured his body, wore clothes of the most cruel fabric and burned his body in five places. A nun saw him and said: “You don’t burn what should burn, but you burn what should not burn.” The brahmana got angry and said: “Wretched woman, what do you mean by what you have to burn?” The nun replied, “If you want to know what to burn, burn the wrath of your heart. Then it will become a pure and sincere heart. When the bull is harnessed to the cart and the cart does not move, then the bull is hit, not the cart. The body is like a cart, but the heart is a moving bull.”

Every person faces a choice - what he values ​​​​above all in life: arbitrariness; power and wealth or freedom, light, truth, goodness. folk proverb says: "A man is worth what he fusses about."

AT Chinese Book Change states "four (consecutive) paths to excellence". The first way is to approach the understanding of the text wise sayings. The second way is through actions to come to an understanding of the variability of the world. The third way is to approach the understanding of events through the arrangement of cosmic laws; the fourth way is through clairvoyance to approach the understanding of predictions. Initiated in knowledge, begins not to fight with the outside world, but to interact and learn from it. Strange as it may seem, but it is easier to fight than to teach the “mind to reason”.

Three conditions for the formation of personality . It is not enough to be born as a personality, it is important who forms the personality. First of all, it is the family, teachers and environment. Therefore, for the correct upbringing of a person, as a rule, three conditions are necessary:

1. in the family, one of the parents should set an example of serving the Truth with their lives;
2. at school, teachers (or at least one of them) are obliged to instill in children an interest and love for learning;
3. a mentor (Teacher) should appear in the environment, who will acquaint you with the Cosmic laws and help you find your mission on Earth.

One wise man said: "Heart - to the Fatherland, Soul - to God, Life - to people, Honor - to no one."

Three stages in personality development. The path to the Truth is not fast, but passes through three levels of consciousness from the lowest to the highest: youth (morning), maturity (noon), old age (evening).

Maturity- higher work - "midday" ("comrade") ("summer"). Flowering period, fire control. In this state, a person stays for about 18 years. Motto: "I'm on my own, you're on your own." Neutrality. The main goal in life is money, fame, comfort. There is, as it were, a stop for comprehending the received energy-information, a transition from the external energy “yang” to the internal energy “yin”. Color - green (analysis). At this time, a person opens his soul for the second time - in front of himself.

Old age- most high level works - “evening with night time” (“master”) (“autumn”, “winter”). The growth of the fruit and the fall of it in order to create a further process of insemination of the soil. The process of obtaining philosopher's stone". This takes up the rest of the time. Motto: “Everyone who is not against me is with me. We are all children of one Heavenly Father. We are all brothers. Someone older, someone younger. We must help each other in our difficult path to Truth.” There is a creative, creative (internal), mental work "yin". This is intelligence, friendship, help, kindness, love for people. The purpose of life is the idea of ​​cognition of truth, work for the Cosmos. Color - blue (creativity). At this time, a person for the third (and last) time reveals himself to the Universe (God).

At the first stage of development (youth), the student must feel his darkness, vices and learn to work, obey and be silent. At the second stage (maturity), he is introduced into the field of application of the good qualities he has acquired. The disciple becomes partly initiated. At the third stage of development (old age), the student is given the key to understanding the hierarchies (through parables, legends), which the initiate understands as he initiates his Spirit and to the extent of his mind. The transition from step to step is smooth and continuous.

One brilliant writer was asked how he relates to creativity. He will answer: “When I was 15 years old, I said:“ I am. When I turned 25, I said: "Me and Pushkin." At 40, I said: "Pushkin and I." Now I say: "Pushkin!"

Alchemists argued that the development of man, the growth of his spirit, goes through three levels. The first transition from a “solid state to a liquid state” is the cultivation of the ability to listen to others and perceive information, to be tolerant of others. The second is dissolution in love for the Higher Forces (the Absolute, God and truth). The third is burning for an idea (self-sacrifice).

Eastern philosophy also speaks of a hierarchy of hierarchical levels in spirituality. There are three of these levels. There is also a fourth, higher one, which does not belong to the Earth. The first level is the work of the physical plane. The second level is mixed labor, for example, economics and military affairs. The third level is mental work, for example, pedagogy, medicine. But the highest level of work, not subject to anyone, is the fourth - the work of the prophets, sages, elders, genius, who themselves are - the Law. Through them, people receive the Higher Cosmic Laws, which everyone, without exception, must follow. The fourth plane of man cannot and must not be tamed. Otherwise, progress will stop. Moreover, this is the only category of people that has the right to immunity. No other person (neither the king, nor the president, nor the ambassador, nor the deputy) should have this right. If this hierarchy is respected, then harmony sets in on Earth, which is called differently by different parties and religions: the golden age, paradise, communism - all this is one and the same.

There is a very good saying in the East: “Simple nails are not made from good iron, good man- a simple soldier. And the aphorism "To each his own" means that each person should be engaged in his own spirit (and not someone else's) business. It is wrong if a person inherits the business of his father, if he does not like it (as happens under a private capitalist system). It is more correct when a post is filled according to education, talent and desire (as happens in developed socialist production). Another thing is that the name of the system "socialist" in Russia does not quite correspond to the really socialist one.

An example of the fulfillment of his mission (on Earth) is an episode from the Bible, when John the Baptist doubted that he had the right to baptize the very Son of God - Jesus. (Matt. 3): “Then Jesus comes from Galilee to the Jordan to John - to be baptized by him. John held Him back and said, “I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?” But Jesus answered and said to him, “Leave it now; for it behooves us to fulfill all righteousness. Then John admits Him."

Awareness of life or, as Roerich said - "opening of centers" occurs in two ways: wrong and right. In the first case, humanity begins to become aware of the world (“opens its eyes” to the world) after stress or diseases (neuralgia, rheumatism, asthma, consumption). At the same time, although the centers are revealed, they are only partially revealed. Full disclosure energy centers(chakras) occurs only when choosing the second path - through the spiritual work of a person. That is why many people come to spiritual work and reconsider their attitude to life after severe stress, illness and injury.

From all that has been said, it follows that the transition from one level to another should be carried out only through creation (training), and not through capture (violence). So, in a family, a child should be under the control of his parents until he grows up and becomes wiser. If we compare the two people Pugachev and Lomonosov, who began their climb up the social ladder from the same level, then Mikhail Lomonosov walked a long path of creation (training), and Emelyan Pugachev chose a shorter path - the path of capture. It is hard even to imagine what would have happened to Russia if an illiterate and aggressive, albeit talented, Pugachev had come to power! But we, alas, sometimes put Pugachev above Lomonosov. Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Hitler can also be attributed to the invaders.

This law also implies that any person in his development, in the process of many reincarnations, goes through all levels of the hierarchy. Therefore, all of us in the future, with good work and living according to Cosmic laws, will be geniuses and prophets. But this process is long.

For example, let's cite an episode from the Bible (Jesus' conversation with Barabbas), when Barabbas suggested that Jesus quickly restore order in the country with the help of a revolutionary coup and the seizure of power. Jesus asked Barabbas to follow him and teach all people the Cosmic Laws. For this, Barabbas, due to his short-sightedness and illiteracy, accused Jesus of cowardice and choosing for himself more easy way in life. Just the same thought about Jesus and ordinary inhabitants at the general judgment seat of the prophet.

An indicator of the level of spirituality of the country, the ruler and the people is the attitude towards the "higher hierarchical levels" (scientists, artists, doctors, teachers). Each state, ruler, person, no matter what he says about himself, helps and stimulates the level to which he belongs. “Judge them by their deeds,” says the Bible. King Solomon, knowing and understanding this hierarchy, paid several times more for a learned slave than for a physically strong and healthy one intended for physical labor. Because "of all the creative energies, thought is the highest." Such behavior of the wise king Solomon was not always understood and favorably accepted by the nobility of that time.

In our century, Japan, in order to restore its economy after the Second World War (1941-1945), stimulated science and acquired the latest scientific developments, which put it in first place in the development of production. What path will the global (and Russian) higher hierarchy in the coming 21st century?

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