Technical report on the survey of architectural monuments. Inspection of historical buildings and architectural monuments

Issuance of a permit to carry out work to preserve the object cultural heritage regional significance, identified object of cultural heritage

Conditions for obtaining services in the OIV

  • Who can apply for the service:

    Legal entities

    Individual entrepreneur

    having a license to carry out activities for the preservation of cultural heritage sites

  • Service cost and payment procedure:

    Is free

  • List of required information:

    An application for issuing a permit to carry out work to preserve a cultural heritage site included in the unified State Register objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of peoples Russian Federation, or identified object of cultural heritage (research and survey work at the object of cultural heritage) (original, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Provided without refund

    It is submitted for obtaining permission in case of conducting research and survey work at the OKN.

    Application for issuing a permit to carry out work to preserve a cultural heritage object included in the unified state register of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, or an identified cultural heritage object (restoration of a cultural heritage object, reconstruction of a lost cultural heritage object, adaptation of an object cultural heritage for modern use) (original, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Provided without refund

    It is submitted for obtaining permission in case of carrying out work on the restoration of the OKN, the reconstruction of the lost OKN, the adaptation of the OKN for modern use.

    Application for issuing a permit to carry out work to preserve a cultural heritage object included in the unified state register of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, or an identified cultural heritage object (conservation, emergency response work at a cultural heritage object) (original, 1 PCS.)

    • Required
    • Provided without refund

    It is submitted for obtaining a permit in case of conservation work, emergency response work at the OKN.

    Application for issuing a permit to carry out work to preserve a cultural heritage object included in the unified state register of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, or an identified cultural heritage object (repair of a cultural heritage object) (original, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Provided without refund

    Submitted for permission in case of repair work on OKN.

    Identification document of the person submitting the application (original, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Provided without refund

    A document confirming the authority of the applicant's representative to submit an application and documents required for the provision of public services on behalf of the applicant (when submitting an application signed by the applicant) (original, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Provided without refund

    A document confirming the authority of the applicant's representative to sign the application on behalf of the applicant (when submitting an application signed by the applicant's representative) (original, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Provided without refund

    Copy of the development contract project documentation for the preservation of a cultural heritage site (for research and survey work) by the applicant (certified copy, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Provided without refund
    It is presented in the case of research and survey work (stitched, numbered, certified in the prescribed manner).

    Graphic plan (schemes) with designation of field research sites in the form of pits and soundings, signed by the applicant (original, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Provided without refund
    It is presented in the case of research and survey work at the OKN.

    Copies title pages project documentation with a stamp on its approval or a copy of the letter on approval of project documentation by the relevant body for the protection of cultural heritage objects (certified copy, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Provided without refund
    They are presented in cases of work on the restoration of OKN, OKN devices for modern use (stitched, numbered, certified in the prescribed manner).

    A copy of the contract for the restoration of the cultural heritage object by the applicant, the adaptation of the cultural heritage object for modern use with all changes and additions, annexes that exist at the time of application (if any) (certified copy, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Provided without refund
    It is presented in cases of work on the restoration of OKN, adaptation of OKN for modern use (stitched, numbered, certified in the prescribed manner).

    A copy of the contract for the conduct of architectural supervision and (or) a copy of the order on the appointment of a person responsible for the conduct of architectural supervision and a copy of the order on the appointment of a person responsible for conducting scientific supervision (certified copy, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Provided without refund
    They are submitted in cases of carrying out work on the restoration of OKN, adapting OKN for modern use, carrying out repair work, carrying out conservation work and emergency response work (stitched, numbered, certified in the prescribed manner).

    A copy of the contract for technical supervision and (or) a copy of the order on the appointment of a responsible person for technical supervision (certified copy, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Provided without refund
    They are submitted in cases of work on the restoration of OKN, adaptation of OKN for modern use, conservation and emergency work on OKN (stitched, numbered, certified in the prescribed manner).

    Design documentation (working documentation) for conservation, emergency response work, signed by authorized persons (original, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Provided without refund
    It is submitted in the case of conservation work, emergency response work.

    A copy of the contract for the applicant to carry out conservation, emergency work with all changes and additions, annexes that exist at the time of application (if any) (certified copy, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Provided without refund
    It is submitted in the case of conservation work, emergency response work at the OKN (stitched, numbered, certified in the prescribed manner).

    A copy of the order of the contracting organization on the appointment of those who are with this organization in labor relations and specialists certified by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation responsible for organizing the restoration work corresponding to their specialty, specified in the approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 19, 2012 N 349 (copy, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Provided without refund
    It is submitted in cases of carrying out work on the restoration of the OKN, adapting the OKN for modern use, carrying out conservation work and emergency response work on the OKN.

    A copy of the contract for the applicant to carry out repair work (in order to maintain the cultural heritage object in operational condition without changing its features that make up the subject of protection) with all changes and additions, annexes that exist at the time of application (if any) (certified copy, 1 pc. .)

    • Required
    • Provided without refund
    It is presented in case of repair work (stitched, numbered, duly certified).

    Project documentation (working) or working drawings for local repair work with a statement of volumes (list, inventory) of such work, agreed with the customer (original, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Provided without refund
    It is presented in case of repair work on OKN.
  • Terms of service provision

    15 working days

  • The result of the service


    • Permission to carry out work on the conservation of regional cultural heritage (working paper, 1 pc.)
  • Receipt Forms

    Through a legal representative

  • You can go to the executive authorities of the city of Moscow as part of a pre-trial appeal.

    Pre-trial (out-of-court) procedure for appealing decisions

    and (or) actions (inaction) of the Department, its officials

    persons, civil servants

    1. The applicant has the right to file a pre-trial (out-of-court) complaint against the decisions and (or) actions (inaction) of the Department, its officials, civil servants taken (performed) in the provision of public services.

    2. Submission and consideration of complaints is carried out in the manner prescribed by chapter 2.1 federal law dated July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services", the Regulations on the specifics of filing and considering complaints about violations of the procedure for the provision of public services in the city of Moscow, approved by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated November 15, 2011 N 546-PP "On the provision of state and municipal services in the city of Moscow", these Regulations.

    3. Applicants may file complaints in the following cases:

    3.1. Violation of the deadline for registering a request (application) and other documents necessary for the provision of public services, as well as the procedure for issuing and issuing a receipt
    in receiving a request and other documents (information) from the applicant.

    3.2. Requirements from the applicant:

    3.2.1. Documents or information or the implementation of actions, the submission or implementation of which is not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow for the provision of public services, including documents obtained using interdepartmental information interaction.

    3.2.2. Applications for the provision of services not included in the list of services approved by the Moscow Government that are necessary and mandatory for the provision of public services.

    3.2.3. Making a fee for the provision of a public service that is not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

    3.2.4. Documents or information, the absence and (or) unreliability of which
    were not indicated at the initial refusal to accept documents required for the provision of a public service, or in the provision of a public service,
    with the exception of cases provided for by paragraph 4 of part 1 of Article 7 of the Federal Law
    dated July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services.

    3.3. Violation of the term for the provision of public services.

    3.4. Refusal to the applicant:

    3.4.1. In the acceptance of documents, the submission of which is provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow for the provision of public services, on grounds not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

    3.4.2. In the provision of public services on grounds not provided for by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

    3.4.3. In correcting misprints and errors in documents issued as a result of the provision of public services or in case of violation due date such fixes.

    3.5. Other violations of the procedure for the provision of public services established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

    4. Complaints against decisions and (or) actions (inaction) of officials, state civil servants of the Department are considered by its head (authorized deputy head).

    Complaints against decisions and (or) actions (inaction) of the head of the Department, including decisions made by him or his deputy on complaints received in the pre-trial (out-of-court) procedure, are considered by a higher executive body of the city of Moscow in accordance with paragraphs 5.6, 6 of the appendix 6 to the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated November 15, 2011 N 546-PP "On the provision of state and municipal services in the city of Moscow".

    5. Complaints may be filed with the executive authorities of the city of Moscow authorized to consider them in accordance with these Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the bodies authorized to consider complaints), in writing on paper, in electronic form in one of the following ways:

    5.1. At the personal request of the applicant (representative of the applicant).

    5.2. By mail.

    5.3. Using the official websites of the bodies authorized to consider complaints in the Internet information and telecommunication network.

    6. The complaint must contain:

    6.1. The name of the body authorized to consider the complaint or the position and (or) last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the relevant official to whom the complaint is sent.

    6.2. The name of the executive authority of the city of Moscow or the position and (or) last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the official, state civil servant whose decisions and (or) actions (inaction) are being appealed.

    6.3. Last name, first name, patronymic (if any), information about the place of residence of the applicant - individual, including those registered as individual entrepreneur, or the name, information about the location of the applicant - legal entity, as well as the contact telephone number(s), e-mail address(es) (if any) and postal address to which the response should be sent to the applicant.

    6.4. date of submission and registration number a request (application) for the provision of a public service (with the exception of cases of appealing against a refusal to accept a request and its registration).

    6.5. Information about decisions and (or) actions (inaction) that are the subject of appeal.

    6.6. Arguments on the basis of which the applicant does not agree with the appealed decisions and (or) actions (inaction). The applicant may submit documents (if any) confirming the applicant's arguments, or copies thereof.

    6.7. Applicant's requirements.

    6.8. List of documents attached to the complaint (if any).

    6.9. The date the complaint was made.

    7. The complaint must be signed by the applicant (his representative). In the case of filing a complaint in person, the applicant (representative of the applicant) must submit an identity document.

    The authority of the representative to sign the complaint must be confirmed by a power of attorney drawn up in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The powers of a person acting on behalf of the organization without a power of attorney on the basis of the law, other regulatory legal acts and constituent documents are confirmed by documents certifying his official position, as well as the constituent documents of the organization.

    The status and powers of the legal representatives of an individual are confirmed by documents stipulated by federal laws.

    8. The received complaint is subject to registration no later than the working day following the day of receipt.

    9. The maximum period for consideration of a complaint is 15 working days from the date of its registration. The term for consideration of the complaint is 5 working days from the date of its registration in cases of appeal by the applicant:

    9.1. Refusal to accept documents.

    9.2. Refusal to correct typos and errors made in documents issued as a result of the provision of public services.

    9.3. Violations of the deadline for correcting typos and errors.

    10. Based on the results of consideration of the complaint, a decision is made to satisfy the complaint (in whole or in part) or to refuse to satisfy the complaint.

    11. The decision must contain:

    11.1. Name of the body that considered the complaint, position, surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the official who made the decision on the complaint.

    11.2. Details of the decision (number, date, place of adoption).

    11.3. Last name, first name, patronymic (if any), information about the place of residence of the applicant - an individual, including those registered as an individual entrepreneur, or the name, information about the location of the applicant - a legal entity.

    11.4. Last name, first name, patronymic (if any), information about the place of residence of the applicant's representative who filed the complaint on behalf of the applicant.

    11.5. Method of filing and date of registration of the complaint, its registration number.

    11.6. The subject of the complaint (information about the appealed decisions, actions, inaction).

    11.7. The circumstances established during the consideration of the complaint and the evidence confirming them.

    11.8. Legal grounds for making a decision on the complaint with reference to the applicable regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

    11.9. The decision taken on the complaint (conclusion on the satisfaction of the complaint or on the refusal to satisfy it).

    11.10. Information on the actions taken by the Department in order to immediately eliminate the identified violations in the provision of public services,
    as well as an apology for the inconvenience caused and information on further actions that the applicant needs to take in order to receive a public service (if the complaint is satisfied) or reasoned explanations about the reasons for the decision (if the complaint is denied).

    11.11. Procedure for appealing a decision.

    11.12. Authorized official's signature.

    12. The decision is made in writing using official forms.

    13. Among the measures indicated in the decision to eliminate the identified violations, among other things, include:

    13.1. Cancel earlier decisions taken(in whole or in part).

    13.2. Ensuring the acceptance and registration of the request, execution and issuance of a receipt to the applicant (in case of evasion or unreasonable refusal to accept documents and register them).

    13.3. Ensuring registration and issuance to the applicant of the result of the provision of public services (in case of evasion or unreasonable refusal to provide public services).

    13.4. Correction of typos and errors made in documents issued as a result of the provision of public services.

    13.5. Return to applicant Money, the collection of which is not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

    14. The body authorized to consider the complaint shall refuse to satisfy it in the following cases:

    14.1. Recognition of the contested decisions and (or) actions (inaction) as legal, not violating the rights and freedoms of the applicant.

    14.2. Filing a complaint by a person whose authority has not been confirmed in the manner prescribed by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

    14.3. Lack of the applicant's right to receive public services.

    14.4. Availability:

    14.4.1. A court decision that has entered into legal force on the applicant's complaint with identical subject matter and grounds.

    14.4.2. A decision on a complaint made earlier in a pre-trial (out-of-court) procedure in relation to the same applicant and on the same subject of the complaint (with the exception of cases of appealing against earlier decisions to a higher authority).

    15. The complaint shall be left unanswered on the merits in the following cases:

    15.1. The presence in the complaint of obscene or offensive language, threats to life, health and property of officials, as well as members of their families.

    15.2. If the text of the complaint (its part), surname, postal address and e-mail address are unreadable.

    15.3. If the complaint does not indicate the name of the applicant (representative of the applicant) or the postal address and e-mail address to which the response should be sent.

    15.4. If the body authorized to consider the complaint received a request from the applicant (representative of the applicant) to withdraw the complaint before a decision was made on the complaint.

    16. The decision to satisfy the complaint or to refuse to satisfy the complaint shall be sent to the applicant (representative of the applicant) no later than the working day following the day of its adoption, at the postal address indicated in the complaint. At the request of the applicant, the decision is also sent to the e-mail address indicated in the complaint (in the form electronic document signed electronic signature authorized official). In the same manner, the applicant (representative of the applicant) is sent a decision on the complaint, in which only an e-mail address is indicated for a response, and the mailing address is missing or illegible.

    17. If the complaint is left unanswered on the merits, the applicant (his representative) shall be sent, no later than the working day following the day of registration of the complaint, a written reasoned notice indicating the grounds (except for cases when the complaint does not indicate the mailing address and e-mail address reply emails or they are unreadable). The notification shall be sent in the manner prescribed for sending a decision on the complaint.

    18. A complaint filed in violation of the rules on competence established by clause 5.4 of these Regulations shall be sent no later than the working day following the day of its registration to the body authorized to consider the complaint, with simultaneous written notification of the applicant (his representative) about the redirection complaints (unless the complaint does not include a postal address and an email address for a response or they are illegible). The notification shall be sent in the manner prescribed for sending a decision on the complaint.

    19. Filing a complaint in a pre-trial (out-of-court) procedure does not exclude the right of the applicant (representative of the applicant) to simultaneously or subsequently file a complaint with the court.

    20. Informing applicants about the judicial and pre-trial (out-of-court) procedure for appealing decisions and (or) actions (inaction) committed in the provision of public services should be carried out by:

    20.1. Placement of relevant information on the Portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the city of Moscow and stands in places where public services are provided.

    20.2. Advising applicants, including by telephone, e-mail, in person.

    21. If, during or as a result of consideration of a complaint, signs of an administrative offense or crime are established, the official authorized to consider the complaint shall immediately send the available materials to the prosecutor's office.

    2. Termination or suspension of one or more documents required for the provision of public services.

    3. The applicant submitted an incomplete set of documents subject to mandatory submission by the applicant.

    4. The submitted documents contain false and (or) contradictory information.

    5. The application is signed and (or) submitted by an unauthorized person.

    6. Application for the provision of a public service by a person who is not a recipient of a public service in accordance with the Regulations for the provision of services.

    7. The applicant's application for a public service, the provision of which is not carried out by the Department or is carried out in accordance with other administrative regulations for the provision of public services.

    Grounds for refusal to provide services

    1. Grounds for refusing to accept documents required for the provision of public services, if they are identified after receiving the application and other documents required for the provision of public services.

    2. The types of work specified in the application for a permit do not correspond to the previously agreed project documentation for the preservation of a cultural heritage site.

    3. Suspension of activities (liquidation) of the legal entity - the applicant.

    4. The applicant does not have a license to carry out work on the preservation of cultural heritage objects or the types of work specified in the application for the issuance of the Permit are not included in the applicant's license for the right to carry out such work.

    5. Non-compliance of documents with the requirements of Articles 5.1, 36, 40, 41, 42, 45, 47.2, 47.3 of the Federal Law of June 25, 2002 No. 73-FZ "On objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation".

    It is difficult to find a city in the Russian Federation that would not have historical buildings or architectural monuments. They are really valuable, from many points of view, but over time, any building becomes dilapidated and begins to pose a threat to health, people's lives, violates the appearance of the city. Most of such facilities are located in the central part of the city, and the problem of their effective use becomes more urgent every year. Restoration with further use, perhaps by adaptation, or demolition

    To solve the problem in each specific case allows inspection of historical buildings and architectural monuments. This is a necessary procedure that is required by developers, local authorities seeking to improve the appearance of the settlement, make it more comfortable and safe for residents - any construction work affecting the integrity of an architectural monument, a historical building cannot be carried out without such an examination.

    Stages of inspection of historical buildings and architectural monuments

    1 Obtaining a task from KGIOP and developing a survey program

    2 Conducting a survey of an architectural monument

    3 Coordination of the conclusion on the inspection of the object of cultural heritage

    What is an architectural monument?

    Monuments of architecture and historical buildings are objects that were significant for the people in the past, in terms of its development, identity. Such buildings include objects that have a certain historical, cultural, archaeological or urban value.

    There are four main types of such objects:

    • Monuments. They are memorial apartments and houses, other buildings and structures with adjacent areas, individual monumental objects, mausoleums or individual burials, scientific or technical monuments, objects with historical, cultural significance. Also, this category includes archaeological objects and finds, including those that are hidden in the thickness of the earth or under water.
    • Ensembles. These include groups of buildings, monuments, united in a group according to a certain (often territorial) feature.
    • Places of interest. The group includes objects of man-made, natural or mixed origin, including those associated with important events in history or in life famous people having archaeological, cultural, religious or ecological value.
    • The historical settlements settlements, on the territory of which there are any cultural, historical buildings, monuments and so on. Or, objects with socio-cultural, archaeological, architectural or historical, cultural value.

    Features of conducting a survey of cultural heritage sites (CHO)

    In the survey of architectural monuments and other objects of cultural heritage, there are many points that require a special approach. An evaluation of diverse characteristics is carried out, for which experts from the most different areas. It depends on their assessment whether the object will be reconstructed, restored or demolished. But in all cases, the work must be coordinated with the Committee for State Control, Use and Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments (KGIOP).

    Scope of work in the examination of architectural monuments

    Any such building, in addition to value (historical or architectural), has its own specifications which are required to be investigated. Assessment of the technical condition of the facility includes the following works:

    1. Visual inspection from inside and outside, diagnostics with the help of special equipment.
    2. Geological foundation checks.
    3. Geological testing of the soil in order to exclude its “sliding” or washing out of the foundation by groundwater.
    4. Determination of the level of wear and strength properties of materials for walls, ceilings, partitions, other load-bearing structures, architectural elements, finishes. Laboratory analyzes and tests are used.
    5. Verification calculations of each design are carried out taking into account the detected defects and deformations of the object.
    6. Measurement work.
    7. Formation of the report.

    Contents of the technical report on the survey of architectural monuments and other objects of cultural heritage

    When compiling a document, experts are based on all the data and recommendations received. The technical report includes accurate and comprehensive information about the technical condition of the facility, the period during which the building will stand without the threat of its destruction (partial or complete), recommendations for its safe operation.

    Also, the report includes recommendations for strengthening or restoring structures, and provides methods for carrying out work. If necessary, recommendations are given for the restoration or reconstruction of the entire building, formed with the participation of relevant specialists (historians, architects, and so on).

    The submitted report is subject to mandatory approval by KGIOP. Only the agreed document becomes an official document, on the basis of which it is possible to obtain technical task for architectural restoration or other works.

    Get a free consultation!

    Kunin Yury Saulovich - Head of the department "Testing structures"
    Moscow State Construction University,
    professor, doctor of technical sciences

    Kotov V.I. - Senior researcher of the department "Testing structures"
    Moscow State Construction University

    In the early 1990s, churches and monasteries began to return to Russian Orthodox Church. The restoration of destroyed monuments of architecture and culture began. To develop a project for the restoration of monuments, it is necessary to carry out an engineering survey of building structures and a complex of engineering and geological surveys. A comprehensive survey of architectural monuments includes:

    – historical and archival research on monuments to determine the age of the building, the frequency of construction and restoration;
    - engineering and geological surveys to determine the soils underlying the base of the foundations, and soils to the depth of the compressible thickness;
    – geophysical surveys to determine the decompaction of soils, changes in the hydro-geological regime and foundation-soil contact;
    - measuring work to determine the geometric dimensions and volumes of monuments;
    – geodetic work to determine the uneven settlement of foundations and slopes of the building;
    - survey work on structures and foundations to identify defects and determine the degree of reduction in the bearing capacity of structures;
    – performing autopsies and soundings to identify metal elements of structural reinforcement and subsequent alterations of monuments during their operation;
    - determination of the physical and mechanical characteristics of materials to determine the strength and design resistance of masonry, concrete, steel, wood;
    — performing verification calculations of buildings, taking into account the detected defects and damages, deformations of buildings, changes in strength characteristics and subsequent alterations of monuments during their operation;
    – drawing up recommendations for strengthening structures and foundations, as well as for strengthening soils based on the results of a comprehensive survey of monuments.

    Fig.1. Plan of the Church of the Sign with the frequency of construction

    Historical and archival research on monuments helps to draw up a program of work to determine the strength characteristics of materials and perform geodetic work, since buildings built in different time, have different physical and mechanical characteristics of materials and different deformations. On the example of the Church of the Sign in the village of Kholmy, Moscow Region, the results of a comprehensive examination of the monument built in 1696-1826 are presented (Fig. 1).

    Engineering-geological and geophysical surveys made it possible to identify the strength and deformation characteristics of soils and unfavorable conditions at the site of the monument (Fig. 2). Unfavorable conditions in this case include suffusion processes (the phenomenon of small particles sand from under the soles of the foundations) at the level of the location of groundwater. The surveys revealed decompaction of soils and deformations of the corners of the building.

    Measurement-survey and geodetic work made it possible to identify horizontal and vertical deviations of the walls of the monument, which was taken into account when performing verification calculations. The church building is an "octagon on a quadrangle" with an eccentricity of weight application upper floors to the lower order of 0.5 m. Uneven foundation settlements, according to measurements, are 10-30 mm, which led to the formation of cracks in the walls with an opening width of up to 10 mm and wall slopes of up to 20 mm (Fig. 3).

    Fig.2. Engineering-geological and geophysical surveys under the building

    Fig.3. Graphs of uneven settlement of foundations and cracks in the walls

    The strength characteristics of masonry depend on the time of construction, condition and humidity. The strength of bricks and masonry mortar is reduced by 30-50% from defrosting and weathering with intensive soaking of facades. During normal use of the building, the strength of the masonry is largely independent of its moisture content.

    According to the results of checking the strength of the masonry of the walls of the Znamenskaya Church after 275-310 years of operation by destructive (in laboratory conditions) and non-destructive (on site) methods, it was revealed that the strength of the masonry of the walls of a later building is 1.25 times higher than the strength of the masonry of an earlier building (Fig. four).

    The calculation of the building, taking into account the foundations, base soils and the actual state according to the spatial scheme, made it possible to determine the zones of maximum soil deformations and stresses in the masonry (Fig. 5).

    Taking into account the actual data on the state of the building made it possible to draw up the necessary recommendations and measures for the development of a project for the restoration of the monument and restore the original performance of the structures.

    In a comprehensive survey of architectural and cultural monuments, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to uneven settlements of foundations and damage to the surface layer of masonry walls due to wetting and defrosting.

    Fig.4. Strength characteristics of masonry of late construction (left side) and early construction (right side)

    Rice. 5. Deformation scheme of the building wall together with the foundation soil

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