Meditation to increase female energy: techniques and secrets. Women's meditation on the opening of the female energy center - "Heavenly Lotus of the Goddess

Meditation and filling with feminine energy are inextricably linked. It is in a relaxed meditative state that a woman can completely relax, let go of all negativity and get rid of stress. How to meditate correctly - read below.

Women's meditations for relaxation and relaxation

There are many ways to meditate. We will talk about the most universal.

What do we have to do:

  1. Pick up calm and soothing music that you like and relaxes. Avoid dynamic, fiery melodies
  2. Get into a comfortable position and focus on your breathing. This will help to abstract from extraneous thoughts and relax as much as possible.
  3. As soon as you manage to enter a relaxed meditative state, start saying positive affirmations to yourself. What they will be depends on your desire. Listen to the feelings of your own soul
  4. At the end, when the music is over, don't open your eyes right away. Sit or lie down for a few minutes, listening to your feelings.

Examples of positive affirmations that can be used during meditation:

  • I have a lot of energy and femininity that fill every cell of my body.
  • I look at the world with love and gratitude, and it reciprocates
  • I am completely healthy, young and beautiful
  • I feel better and better every day
  • I am filled with love and gladly give it to others, and then receive love in return
  • I live in happiness and harmony, my life is getting better every day
  • I am a pure channel for Divine love, truth and beauty
  • I enjoy every moment of this day. With me Divine harmony, peace and abundance
  • Divine love comes from me, blessing everyone who gets into my environment
  • I am surrounded by the sacred halo of Divine love, truth and beauty
  • I believe that all my problems are solvable and dissolve in the mind of God

During meditation, you can not turn to anyone in particular, but you can send a mental request to God, the Universe or other Higher Forces in which you believe. You can direct energy to yourself, to loved ones, relatives and friends. It all depends on your desire.

Important sources of filling female energy

Meditation is good, but you need to take care of other ways that will help you fill your soul with positive energies and tune in to the best.

Sources of replenishment of femininity can be as follows:

  1. Spiritual music and prayers. This is also a form of meditation. Strive to find God in your soul and often turn to him with gratitude
  2. Physical activity. In a healthy body healthy mind. Find a sport that is comfortable for you and that fills you up. Yoga, dance, gym, fitness, stretching or just long walks in the park - whatever pleases your soul
  3. Time for yourself. Sometimes you need to be alone and do what you love. It can be all kinds of hobbies, passions, or a "beauty day" when you fill the bath, light scented candles, make masks and various pleasant body treatments.
  4. Women's responsibilities. Cleaning, cooking, raising children is also a powerful way to fill up and restore female strength.
  5. Daily regime. Go to bed before 22:00 and get up at dawn. There are no "owls" and "larks". It is this mode that is most comfortable for a woman.
  6. Connect with people who inspire you. Favorite friends, mentors, teachers, mothers and mothers-in-law with whom you are on good terms
  7. Proper nutrition. Get rid of junk food in your diet, add delicious and healthy foods to it
  8. Travels. Anywhere - even to another country, even to a neighboring city. Experience matters, not location
  9. Personal care. Beauty salons, spas, massages - a colossal way to relax and fill up. A nice bonus - beauty and youth that will stay with you for a long time

Do what you love, what is pleasant and comfortable for you, combining it with meditations and other spiritual practices. Then harmony and happiness will firmly settle in your life.

Watch a video with a magical meditation that fills with feminine energy:

Where does the feminine energy go?

Before you begin to fill with feminine energy, it is important to understand where and why it goes. You need to know this in order to eliminate the causes and lose your strength less.

Factors due to which you lose the energy of femininity:

  • "toxic" people. These are the so-called energy vampires, after communication with which you feel squeezed out, like a lemon. These can be sworn girlfriends with eternal complaints about life, a boss who insults you, or even a mother who harasses you with criticism.
  • stressful situations. Stress is detrimental to a woman, so it is important to protect yourself from its sources. These are all kinds of quarrels, conflicts, financial difficulties, problems in relationships. Learn to solve them calmly, look for compromises and avoid anything that causes emotional stress.
  • Watching TV and news. Negativity is constantly pouring on us from blue screens: scary stories are constantly being told in the news, TV shows are full of negativity. Avoid it, keep only sources of positive information for yourself
  • Quarrels and conflicts. There is nothing to talk about, such situations provoke a leak of your feminine energy. Learn to resolve conflicts peacefully and wisely, like a woman. Do not participate in disputes, disengage from criticism
  • Condemnation and discussion of other people. Stop gossiping, judging and criticizing - by doing this you only harm yourself. Learn to see only the good in people, compliment and praise, thank

This is not a complete list of the reasons why you lose your femininity and lose energy day after day. But it is quite enough to protect yourself from the main sources of negativity. Then the process of filling with energy will go faster, and meditation will really bring benefits.

Greetings, our dear readers!

In this article, you will find out why meditation to increase female energy so important to good health. Our recommendations are suitable for all girls, regardless of their age and marital status. In order to always remain attractive, radiate happiness and goodness, you just need to remember to meditate to increase female energy. Get ready to discover the main beauty secrets!

See also Self-dislike, self-rejection is the cause of suffering for many people. Self-dislike gives rise to uncertainty in one's own strengths and capabilities, uncertainty in attractiveness and in the fact that a person can be in demand, interesting and needed by other people.

At a young age, girls try to attract the attention of potential gentlemen: they put on revealing outfits, flirt, and brightly paint. Not many people think that they are simply wasting their feminine energy and health at the moment. For example, Eastern women, on the contrary, cover their bodies and give attention to only one man, while remaining energetically whole.

Addictions, changing partners, anger at men, revealing outfits and abortions harm the energy field and also prevent it from growing. The fair sex, who knows what a rebirth and increase in female strength is, remains full of energy even in old age. Daily meditation to increase vitality can give the desired vivacity for the whole day.

In order to get sick less and feel as healthy as possible even in old age, you need to learn the technique of relaxation and increasing energy. Daily nerves and stress damage the energy field and that is why it is so important to learn how it is restored and increased.

Women who use relaxation techniques are less likely to get sick, and their hormonal levels are always in order. Those who do not forget about regular meditation and know how the process of increasing female energy occurs often feel better than the rest of their peers.

The main advantages of meditation to increase female energy are:

  • long youth
  • reducing the amount of stress
  • opportunity to get to know yourself and your needs better
  • hormonal improvement
  • ability to control your emotions
  • better concentration
  • increased brain activity

Meditation Techniques

To feel the desired surge of strength and increase in female attractiveness is actually not so difficult. Daily meditation will allow you to forget about boring problems and allow you to feel as calm and harmonious as possible.

In order to meditate was always comfortable and interesting, you can periodically change techniques to increase female energy. Using relaxing music or relaxing in silence can also diversify the process.

In this article, we have prepared such ways to increase female energy and relax:

1. Meditation to increase energy

Before starting relaxation, you should take a comfortable position and completely relax. The body should be light and weightless, arms, legs and neck relaxed. Close your eyes. Imagine that it is deep night outside.

Mentally be in the field. You relax carefree in a hammock, which shakes a light warm breeze. Raise your eyes to the sky, there are many bright stars and a beautiful full moon. Stretch your hands to the moon and mentally ask for strength and happiness. Feel how the flow of energy and light from the moon comes to you. The body is enriched with female energy, your biofield is increased.

At the end, thank the moon for her gifts. Imagine how during meditation your energy field increases, it emits a bright and pleasant light. Together with you in the radiance is your soulmate and children. Share mentally with them a ray of light. You feel good all together, your biofield is increased.

Do not forget that an extended meditation scenario contributes to an increase in female energy. Turn on some nice relaxing music. You can mentally imagine the desired events and illuminate them with moonlight - this will help bring their favorable outcome closer.

2. Meditation for the accumulation of feminine energy

In order not only to increase, but also to concentrate the desired energy flow in oneself, this technique should be used. Meditation also helps to prolong youth. The increase and accumulation of energy occurs through the uterus, so it will be maximally involved.

Meditation to increase strength includes the following actions:

  • The eyes are closed. Try to focus all your feminine energy in your womb
  • While inhaling, tighten the internal muscles
  • As you exhale, try to imagine how you are filled with energy in the lower area of ​​the body.
  • Repeat the same exercise up to 15 times until you feel a pleasant pulsation in the uterus.
  • After that, as you exhale, feel the female energy rise from the Earth itself up through the feet and completely fill you.
  • Try to float in the air, in this space. You are the space
  • Slowly descend to the Earth and mentally compress the space to the size of your body
  • Can you open your eyes

3. Pearl meditation - energy recovery

This meditation contributes to the increase in female energy, as well as the restoration of the biofield. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and relax completely. You need to take two calm breaths and exhalations. On the second exhalation, try to direct all the energy into the uterus, keep breathing. Imagine that it contains your natural source (waterfall, river, stream).

During meditation, try to dissolve into this source. Feel how an unknown force lifts you and carries you into the sea. Once in the whirlpool, you feel how it pulls you deeper and deeper under the water.

Mentally open your eyes and look at the bottom. There is a shimmering pearl, it is she who is the source of your energy and attractiveness. Swim to her and take her. Put a pearl in the uterus - your female attractiveness increases. Swim to the surface of the water, slowly open your eyes - the meditation is over. Your biofield is increased, you are enriched with the necessary sexuality.

Dear readers, we hope that our article will help you feel a surge of strength and help increase your female energy. Regularly apply various meditations, and you will feel a surge of strength and confidence.

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Today, for our beloved women, in continuation of the theme of female power and femininity, which we started in the last issue with Meditation, we have prepared Rules for every day to restore and harmonize female energy so that you are always healthy, happy and loved the way you deserve it. .

Rules for every day to restore and harmonize female energy

Following these simple rules will help you discover and enhance your feminine power and attractiveness, which will improve the quality of your life.

  1. Manage your attention.

Remember the well-known Eastern postulate - "Where your attention is, there is your energy" and try to keep track of what you are directing it to.

Are you focused on worries about someone or something, on thoughts about the past, which draws your energy and gives energy to the person you are thinking about? Or is your attention focused on yourself, inside yourself, on your development and improvement?

By directing your attention to another person, and it does not matter here that it can even be negative thoughts, feelings and resentments, you thereby feed him with your energy. And he, unlike you, will get better and better.

Think about yourself, about whether you can attract your man if you do not have energy? Will you be able to attract the fulfillment of your desire if you lack energy?

Do not waste your energy thoughtlessly, save it, accumulate it in yourself, direct your attention to yourself, use energy to improve your life.

A well-groomed and happy woman always attracts attention. This tells men that this woman loves herself and does not waste her energy, which means that she is already potentially many times more attractive and interesting than the rest.

Managing your attention, direct it to what brings you joy, pleasure, from which you are filled with energy and strength, which makes you want to strive to achieve it. Do things that contribute to the disclosure of your creativity, what your heart responds to and your soul aspires to.

  1. Maintain the balance of your feminine energy (balance of movement and rest, light and darkness, expansion and contraction).

You know the well-known Yin-Yang symbol, which reflects the balance in nature of two principles, female and male, which complement each other.

Yin symbolizes the feminine - darkness, silence, stillness, contraction, dampness, cold.

Yang symbolizes the masculine principle - light, movement, loud sound, expansion, dryness, warmth.

Observe yourself, on what energies you are more likely to be at work and at home, among friends and on vacation, and make adjustments to your behavior.

Are you more in motion or at rest? Are you aiming to expand your influence or vice versa? What do you do at your job? Who do you feel like more - a man or a woman? What do you wear - pants or dresses?

In the female energy, there should be a predominance of Yin energy, the energy of peace, contrary to the rhythms of modern life, when we are constantly in active movement and, accordingly, on the yang, male energy.

Often we are engaged in active market capture (expansion) on an equal footing with men, thus occupying a yang position. Adding Yin energy here, activities aimed at compressing and gathering, does not hurt at all. And very often, changing the vector of your energy will help you achieve greater success in the business that you are doing.

Even at work, the manifestation of softness, femininity in the place can be very helpful and will contribute to understanding, balancing relationships or the situation in the team.

Arrange moments of relaxation for yourself more often, when you can just soak in the bathroom or lie on the couch with a book, relaxed and calm. In these minutes, your feminine energy will be restored and activated in you.

Various spa procedures restore your feminine energy well, because at these moments you are at peace and your attention is directed to yourself. Here, as "2 in 1", our 1 and 2 rules are respected.

Fitness, yoga, Pilates will also help you direct your attention to yourself and at the same time fill yourself with energy.

Wear more women's clothing- skirts, dresses, sundresses - this will also help you to be filled with feminine energy and perceive the energy of the earth, which will help you restore your feminine nature.

In addition, shopping is a great way to pump your feminine energy, recharge your attention to your beloved and cheer yourself up.

Consider the female rhythms of the body - your energy is born in peace and darkness therefore, the night is the best time for her recovery. With light, even a small type of night light (and light is a masculine, yang energy), this does not happen, therefore, knocking down your rhythm of life, going to bed late, you do not give the opportunity to optimally and fully restore your feminine energy and bring it into balance with male. And accordingly, you will be more tired, look bad, become like a man ... and then not far from illness, because. your feminine energy will be greatly depleted.

A complex of practices for youth and beauty, you can get in our Collection of Meditations for Transformation "Eternal spring… Radiance of Youth, Beauty and Attractiveness " with a special spring offer.

  1. Regularly perform practices to relieve stress, cleanse, fill with energy, joy, love, awareness of yourself and your desires.

We recommend on a regular basis - optimally at least once a day, at least once a week - to perform practices that will help you restore your feminine energy, fill you with strength, joy, femininity and love, which is natural for you by nature.

They will help you improve the quality of your life, be happy, loved and filled with women.

Use and practice to your advantage:

In women - 90% of female and 10% - male energies, in men - on the contrary (according to other sources - this is a ratio of 60 to 40). If it is much more or less, this is already too much.
What is it and how does it manifest itself in our lives?
Women with a predominance in the masculine side are endowed with an excess of masculine energy, respectively, they behave like men, think like men, look at the world like men. And what's wrong with that, you ask, because acting like a man means being active, purposeful, achieving your goal at all costs, going ahead, being a leader, an organizer, and so on. But these are the qualities of a man. For a man, this is their nature, for them it is easy and natural to compete, to lead. Remember how males behave in nature, competing for the attention of a female, leading in packs. And for the soul in the female body, such a position is an incredibly difficult and heavy burden. A woman with her inherent softness and anxiety of thought begins to quickly deplete, taking a masculine position, her psyche quickly gets tired, her female intuition becomes dull, life's luck leaves her, because with all her actions she tells the Universe - I will achieve this myself, I will achieve everything myself. So she pulls this cart herself, loaded with vital concerns about herself, children, and also puts her husband on this cart. Domestic violence often arises because of this: after all, a husband does not beat a woman, he beats a man in a skirt, who is a kind of competitor for him, who does not allow himself to be active in life or make decisions, but takes over all male functions.

Initially, girls from childhood grow up with a predominance of masculine qualities, for which there can be many reasons. This is also the wrong upbringing, when parents set the primary goal for their daughter - brilliant studies in order to have a prestigious and well-paid job. Often mothers say to their daughters: "You must learn not to depend on anyone and be independent." And practically no attention is paid to the development of female qualities and the role of wife and mother in the family. Another reason for male-female disharmony is that the girl imprints the image of her unhappy mother, who leads and pushes her husband around, does not put him in a penny. Therefore, the daughter has a picture of the weakness of men: how can such men provide for a family, you have to do everything yourself and rely only on yourself.

Therefore, our task now is to become women ourselves, to comprehend our feminine essence, the female Share and teach this to our daughters and granddaughters, since a woman creates peace in the family. It is from female energies that a family is created, a woman fills her family with her energies. The climate and atmosphere in the family depend mainly on the condition of the woman, and the breakup of the family is essentially the decision of the woman. Even if a man finds himself another, this is not only his responsibility, but also the responsibility of a woman. Men are very rarely the initiators of divorces, and mistresses are often turned on precisely because of the lack of female energy, which his wife does not give him. Female energy is a means for a man to earn money, so you can take it personally when complaining that your husband earns little by asking yourself the question: how much female energy, attention, care, love do I give him for this?

The fact that a man is made by his woman is an indisputable fact. Therefore, dear women, look at your man. If he doesn’t suit you in some way, then ask yourself: how much I am a true woman, how feminine qualities are manifested in me, do I always behave like a woman. If you are still with this man, then there are reasons for that, among which may be your low self-esteem, and your undeveloped femininity. As you begin to develop your femininity, your husband will either begin to become a real man, or you will naturally break up if he is not ready for change. Remember one important thing: do not try to remake others, take care of yourself, develop feminine qualities in yourself, and the world around you will begin to change!

Meditation on awareness of your femininity:

Put on calm, pleasant music. Meditation is done in the supine position. Bend your legs at the knees. Place your hands on your lower abdomen, palms down. Left hand on top. Close your eyes and relax. Feel the warmth emanating from your palms and filling your uterus. Imagine that the whole room is filled with pink. Breathe in and feel the pink fill your womb as you breathe in. And exhale all your clamps, resentments and irritations. With each breath, you are filled with pure, pink energy and dissolve all adversity with it. And breathe them out. Now imagine that you are lying in a marvelous garden. Birds of paradise and many flowers sing all around. A warm breeze envelops your body, and light floral aromas reach you. Feel what these smells are, it can be a gentle naive aroma of a tea rose, or a mysterious aroma of jasmine, or any other one coming from your wonderful garden ... Breathe this aroma through the womb and fill with it. With each breath, it fills your uterus, gradually filling your entire body. This is how the ancient priestesses filled themselves. Now you are one of them - the Goddess of love, who has access to the invisible laws of this world. Fill yourself with this fragrance. Feel how your whole body now radiates this fragrance. Stay in this state for a while and gradually open your eyes. Roll over on your stomach and rise like a cat. Do everything smoothly and calmly. Under no circumstances jump up abruptly.

Do this every day, at least for 28 days (or better, of course, use it as a daily meditation, you can do it before bed). And you will be very surprised at the miracles that will begin to happen in your life, as well as the special attention from men.

Meditation to increase female energy:

The main female meditation on the disclosure of the female energy center - "Heavenly Lotus of the Goddess"

This meditation will help you become aware of your feminine center, your feminine essence. It will make it possible to start changes in the hormonal system, increasing the amount of female hormones and start producing more pheromones that attract men to a woman. This meditation allows a woman to accumulate female energy, increasing her energy attractiveness for men, to maintain youth, beauty and health.

Posture: This meditation is best done in the “two moons” position. Sit with your legs crossed to form one moon. Round your back a little. Lower your chin slightly, the top of your head looks at the sky. Place your hands on the lower abdomen, almost on the pubis. Left hand on top. You should be comfortable in this position. If you feel more comfortable, you can lean on something with your back, but do not fall through your back. Check that there is no tension in the shoulders. If it is still there, raise your shoulders as high as possible and hold them like that for half a minute and then release them, and they will relax on their own. Relax your stomach.

Close your eyes.
See and feel your body, the floor you are sitting on, how it presses on your buttocks. See and feel the big toe of your right foot. See and feel the left thumb. See and feel your right thumb. See and feel the big toe of your left foot. See and feel your crown. And now you can see and feel how a funnel of light appears above your head. A stream of light from the sky descends directly on the top of your head. Start inhaling light through the crown of your head. Light white light through the top of your head fills your head with each breath, removing unnecessary thoughts. Washing and cleansing it. Light light washes your face, removing tension from your forehead, washes your eyes, relaxing them and soothing, washes your cheeks. Cheeks relax. A light, pleasant light flows onto your chin, washing it and relaxing it. A light pleasant light fills your mouth and relaxes your tongue more and more. The tongue lies relaxed on the palate near the teeth. You may feel a slight current of energy through your tongue.
A light, pleasant light relaxes the tongue even more and descends in a soft stream onto the shoulders along the back of the neck. We continue to inhale the light, pleasant light with the crown of our head and, in a light, pleasant stream, it spreads over the shoulders, relaxing them. With each breath, the light more and more fills our shoulders and washes the forearms with a soft stream, descending into the elbows, wrists and filling the hands. Our hands are filled with a light, pleasant light that we breathe in through the top of our heads. And this light washes away all tense, dark, unnecessary things from our hands, removing tensions in contacts with men and women from our lives.

We inhale a light, pleasant light with the top of our head, and, washing our shoulders, it begins to spread over our back and chest and fill our torso with a light, pleasant relaxation. A light, pleasant light fills our body more and more, relaxing it, washing our internal organs, removing everything dark and unnecessary from them, healing and rejuvenating them.
Allow light light to penetrate through the diaphragm into the abdomen and relax it, washing out tension from it, washing it, cleansing the intestines. We inhale light pleasant light through the top of the head, allowing it to fill the muscles of the buttocks, ovaries, uterus.

Continuing to inhale the light, soft, pleasant light through the crown of your head, let it, filling your body, descend into your thighs, washing them, taking away everything unnecessary, everything tense and filling them with a light, pleasant light. A light, pleasant light fills our thighs and then flows down to the knees, washing them with light, healing them, and flows down to the shins and calves. The shins and calves are filled with a light, pleasant light, more and more relaxing.
We breathe in a light, pleasant light through the top of our head, and it fills our body more and more, flowing down and filling our feet to the very tips of our toes, washing our body, healing it, washing away everything dark, unnecessary, tense.

Our body is completely filled with light, pleasant light. There is so much light in the body that our body begins to emit light through the skin outward, filling the space around us with a light, pleasant light, filling it with light. Our body and the space around us will be filled with light more and more, healing us, rejuvenating and relaxing more and more.

And in this state of light, pleasant relaxation and light, feel and see the palms of your hands and, perhaps, you will feel a light, pleasant flow of heat coming from your hands to the lower abdomen. Let the light, pleasant flow begin to fill your belly with light, pleasant warmth more and more.

Warm, pleasant relaxation fills your stomach more and more. And perhaps in this warm, pleasant relaxation inside the abdomen, you can see and feel and become aware of your female center - your womb. It can be an image, a thought, a sensation, a sound, a pulsation. Just keep your attention on your feminine center and the warmth from your hands down your belly.

What is your women's center? How she looks like? What does she feel? Maybe she wants to tell you something? Or maybe you would like to talk to your women's center? Ask about something or ask for help. Now you can do it... The answer can come in the form of an image, a feeling, a thought, a symbol, a word, a state. Remember this. And when you're done, thank your women's center and smile at her. And when you're ready, take a deep breath in and out and come back to the here and now. See and feel your feet, hands, shoulders, back, hips, head. Gently stretch your whole body. Smile at your body, thank it for helping you, and open your eyes. Do not rush to get up, allow yourself to enjoy this state of touching the sacred female center and its energy. When you're done, draw your feminine center as you saw it in meditation. With this image, you can always return to the state of being in the women's center. This amazing experience of your feminine essence.

By performing the “Female Energy” meditation, day by day and step by step, you will increase your female energy in yourself, allow female energy to rejuvenate you, heal and restore your soul, which will certainly attract the attention and admiration of men in your address. Your female energy will become completely controlled by you. You will learn to receive help, support and confidence in your feminine beauty and feminine charms from your feminine energy.

Meditation "Female Energy"

Discover your feminine! If you have forgotten what it is to be a woman, or if you want to strengthen your femininity, become more attractive to men, more calm and harmonious, then relaxation and meditation will help you.

Why do we lose femininity and beauty?

How often, with age, many women notice that they lose their lightness, coquetry, some kind of feminine component and become somewhat like men. Thoughts, behavior, and sometimes appearance become more masculine than feminine.

An inevitable component of modern life, or yet we ourselves shoulder masculine qualities, and then complain that men do not perceive us as women.

The right decision!

Relaxation and meditation help to get rid of stress, feel inner harmony, peace and joy. They allow a woman to feel like a keeper of the hearth, a secret priestess of love and a real woman.

In this article, you will find several meditations to help you relax and discover your feminine side¹.

Performing these meditations, step by step, day after day, you will increase the amount of female energy in yourself, allowing it to rejuvenate you, restore your body and heal your soul, attracting the attention and admiration of men.

You will learn to communicate with your women's center, receiving help and support from it.

"Heavenly Lotus of the Goddess". Basic Women's Meditation on Opening the Women's Energy Center

This meditation will help you become aware of your feminine center, your feminine. It will enable the hormonal system to increase the amount of female hormones and begin to produce more pheromones that attract men.

This meditation allows a woman to accumulate female energy, increase her energy attractiveness, maintain youth, beauty and health.


This meditation is best done in the “two moons” position.

1. The woman sits down so that her legs, crossed, form one moon. The back is slightly rounded. The chin is slightly lowered, the top of the head looks at the sky.

2. Hands are placed on the lower abdomen, almost on the pubis. Left hand on top. This position should be comfortable. For more comfort, you can lean on something with your back, but it should be rounded.

3. Next, the woman checks that there is no tension in her shoulders. If it is still there, the shoulders rise as high as possible and are held in this state for half a minute. Then they are released, so the shoulders relax on their own.

4. Then the woman relaxes her stomach.


1. Eyes closed. A woman needs to see and feel her body, gender, how it presses on the buttocks.

2. Then you need to mentally see and feel the big toe of the right foot, then "see" and feel the big toe of the left hand.

4. After the woman tries to imagine and feel the crown. A funnel of light appears above it. A stream of light descends from the sky directly onto the head.

5. The practitioner imagines how she “breathes in” this light with the top of her head.

A light white light fills the head with every breath, removing unnecessary thoughts, clearing the mind. Light washes the face, removing tension from the forehead, washes the eyes, relaxing them and soothing, washes the cheeks. Cheeks relax.

A light, pleasant light flows onto the chin, washing it and relaxing it. This light fills the mouth and relaxes the tongue more and more. The tongue lies relaxed on the palate near the teeth.

6. A woman feels a light current of energy passing through her whole body. A light, pleasant light relaxes the tongue even more and descends in a soft stream onto the shoulders along the back of the neck, relaxing them. With each breath, the light fills the shoulders more and more and washes the forearms with a soft stream, sinking into the elbows, wrists, filling the hands.

The hands are filled with a light, pleasant light that is inhaled through the crown of the head. This light washes away everything tense, dark, unnecessary from the hands, removes tension in contact with men and women.

A light, pleasant light fills the body more and more, relaxing it, washing the internal organs, removing everything dark and unnecessary from them, healing and rejuvenating them.

8. Then light light penetrates through the diaphragm into the abdomen and relaxes it, washing away tension from it, cleansing the intestines. Light fills the muscles of the buttocks, ovaries, uterus.

9. Continuing to inhale the light, soft, pleasant light through the crown of the head, the woman allows it to fill the whole body, sink into the hips, washing them, taking away everything unnecessary, everything tense. Light flows into the shins and calves. They relax and clear.

10. Then the light coming through the top of the head reaches the very tips of the toes, washing the body, healing it, washing away everything dark, unnecessary, tense. There is so much light in the body that it itself begins to exude light through the skin to the outside, filling the space around with it.

11. In this state of light, pleasant relaxation and light, the practitioner tries to feel and see with her inner gaze the palms of her hands, to feel a light, pleasant flow of heat coming from her hands to the lower abdomen.

12. This pleasant warmth and relaxation fills the stomach more and more. In this state of relaxation and meditation, a woman tries to feel her feminine center - the womb. It can be an image, a thought, a sensation, a sound, a pulsation.

13. Then the practitioner simply keeps her attention on the female center and the warmth coming from the hands to the lower abdomen. At this moment, you can talk to your women's center, for this the woman concentrates on her feelings in this area and asks about what is important to her.

The answer can come in the form of an image, sensation, thought, symbol, word, state.

14. When a woman has asked all her questions, she mentally thanks her female center and smiles at him. Then the practitioner takes a deep breath, exhale and returns to her normal state.

Returning to the "Here and Now" moment, the woman examines her body, gently stretches, rubs or strokes those parts of the body that she wants. It is important to enjoy this state of peace and bliss, to let it into your life.

At the end of the first meditation, it is recommended to draw your female center as it was in meditation. With the help of this image, you can at any time return to the sensations experienced during meditation, return to the state of being in the female center.

Meditation "Filling the honey gates"

This meditation allows you to strengthen the muscles of the vagina, make them elastic and toned. This starts the processes of rejuvenation at the level of the hormonal system.

Over time, this practice allows you to discover the ability to see and feel the movement of energy flows between a man and a woman when having sex.

By increasing the woman's sensitivity, this practice allows those who have not yet experienced orgasm to reach orgasm. It also helps to make orgasms brighter and longer.

While doing this practice, care should be taken to keep the abdomen, anus and perineum muscles relaxed.


1. A woman sits on the edge of a chair. The legs, bent at the knees, should be at an angle of 90 degrees in relation to the body. Hands are located in the lower abdomen (left on top).

2. Next, the practitioner gently closes her eyes and shifts her attention to her breathing. She will simply watch her breath, the way her chest rises and falls, how the air fills the lungs, and how it leaves them.

3. Together with the exhalation, the woman imagines that tension and unnecessary thoughts are leaving the body. There is only inhalation and exhalation. Inhale and exhale.

4. Then the woman begins to imagine how, with each breath, the vagina draws in a light liquid of a pleasant, pale pink color, viscous in consistency, like liquid honey. On exhalation, the muscles of the vagina simply relax.


You do not need to specifically strain the muscles and retract them! Only the imagination works. The way the vagina draws in the honey fluid as you inhale and relaxes as you exhale is simply imagined during practice.

It is important to remember this feeling and vision of drawing in, you just need to imagine and feel it.

5. After a few minutes, the woman notices that the muscles follow the thoughts. On inhalation, the muscles of the vagina draw in a pale pink liquid, and on exhalation, they relax more and more. The sensations are as if the muscles of the vagina are like a tube for a cocktail, through which a pale pink liquid is drawn in.


The muscles of the anus, perineum and abdomen are relaxed and do not participate in this process. Putting her hands on her stomach, a woman better monitors the tension in her stomach and relaxes it.

6. This step is a MANDATORY rule to complete this technique!

Finishing meditation, the woman puts her hands on the lower abdomen on the right. Left hand on top. Then she performs 36 small circles with her hands on her stomach, without pressing on her stomach - first in one direction, then in the other.

Then for several minutes the hands lie on the stomach, allowing the energy to be gently distributed inside the stomach, to fill it. After that, the woman opens her eyes and returns to her normal state.

Meditation "Girdle of Aphrodite"

This meditation will allow you to see and feel yourself anywhere as the divine Aphrodite², attracting male attention.

This amazing state of the Goddess will give you the opportunity to feel like a real woman, beautiful and magnificent.

This inner state is well felt at a distance, it is able to attract men when necessary.

During meditation, it is good to light a pink candle and incense with the scent of a rose.


1. The woman lies comfortably on her back. Hands along the body with palms up.

3. Then the practitioner takes three deep breaths and exhales and begins to imagine that her body is falling through the floor with her back down, there is a feeling of falling and softly floating with her back down.

The whole body feels light as a feather. Vaping helps to relax the body more and more.

4. Far below the woman represents a thin luminous strip of the river. After some time, the body completely sinks to this surface of the river. The waves pick up the body and carry it, gently washing and relaxing with their light, pleasant touches.

Washing the body, the waves cleanse it, relax and remove all tension and all unnecessary thoughts and sensations. The river carries the body further and further.

5. In her inner eye, a woman imagines a blue sky high above her, floating clouds, birds that sweep over the river, butterflies or dragonflies.

It is important to feel your presence in this place. A woman in her imagination seeks to hear the chirping of grasshoppers and the singing of birds on the banks, the aroma of herbs. It is possible to feel the taste of river water on the tongue.

6. The woman continues to imagine that the river carries her farther and farther, soft waves wash over the body, relaxing it more and more.

Gradually, the river becomes narrower, the trees that grow on the banks create a corridor of branches and leaves, sunbeams play on them. All the space around is flooded with light, pleasant warmth and light.

Gradually, the flow of the river becomes slower, and now it carries the practitioner into a small bay, the shore is covered with pleasant golden sand.

7. Next, the woman imagines how she goes ashore and sees a yellow brick path leading from the coast into the forest. Walking along this path, the practitioner enjoys the warmth and beauty of the wild nature. Dense thickets of trees surround the path, creating a magical forest corridor with beautiful flowers and butterflies.

It is important to feel the aromas of amazing flowers, see the magical animals and magical creatures of this ancient forest. A state of amazing peace and security reigns in this magical forest. This state passes to the woman.

The practitioner feels that with every breath she is filled with magic and magic. The yellow path leads her to a clearing where an amazing temple stands. This is the temple of the goddess of love and beauty - Aphrodite.

This temple can change its shape and color. Perhaps there are symbols and inscriptions on it. The woman tries to examine him carefully. You don't have to enter right away.

Only when the practitioner feels that she is internally ready, when she understands what she wants to ask the goddess, does she enter the temple.

Maybe there are people in it, and maybe there is no one there. It is important to feel the atmosphere of the temple, to imagine it. After some time, the practitioner will see a girl in a green dress, she will invite her to enter the golden door with a gesture.

On the altar stands an ancient statue of the great goddess. She wears an amazing magical belt around her hips. The practitioner kneels down and lowers her head in obedience in prayer.

When the woman raises her head again, she sees that the ancient statue has come to life. Her emerald eyes look with love and interest. Then the practitioner thanks the goddess of eternal youth and love for all that she has already done in life, for the love that was or is, for the creativity and beauty of the world.

8. The practitioner then notices the goddess taking off her magical belt and holding it out to her. This is a magical belt that, like a magnet, attracts men to a woman, making her irresistible.

This magical belt was used by the great goddess Hera - the wife of the supreme god of Olympus - when Zeus lost his interest in her. With the help of this belt, the Queen of the Amazons fell in love with Tsarevich Hippolytus.

9. A woman takes this belt and puts it on her hips, literally feeling its pleasant weight. It is important to present the belt in detail, to see what it is made of, what patterns, symbols, signs are on it. The practitioner should remember this feeling of the belt on her thighs so that she can call it up again if necessary.

11. Having opened the door, the practitioner finds herself in her reality, in the “Here and Now” moment. She takes a deep breath, stretches, and opens her eyes.

Now the woman again recalls the feeling of the weight of the magic belt on her hips. When necessary, she just needs to evoke this feeling in herself, it gives a woman unimaginable attractiveness in the eyes of men.

From Eugenie McQueen's book "Women's Meditations for Every Day and Every Occasion" (

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ For more ways to express your femininity, see the article: "How to reveal your femininity?"

² Aphrodite - in Greek mythology - the goddess of beauty and love, who was included among the twelve great Olympic gods (

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