Story about the Russian people. Origin of the Russian people

Before the Russians become a nation, they need to restore themselves as a people

AT Russian society there is no consensus on who the Russians are - a people or a nation? This is due to the influence Soviet period formation of Russia and with the fact that each of these concepts promises its pros and cons, can potentially influence the vector of further formation of Russian society and the set of principles for the formation of the Russian World. An impromptu watershed separating these two groups of people is the concept of " Soviet people"from the USSR, with the usual and inherent ideology of internationalism.

Figuratively speaking, people who miss Soviet Union, and to the opinion "Russians are the people" closer people who consider the periods of the Russian Kingdom and Russian Empire. Therefore, before starting to search for an answer to the question: Russians are a people or a nation, it is necessary to define these two terms, as well as briefly assess their essence.

About terms

People- the term of the science of ethnography (Greek ethnography) and it is understood as an ethnos, that is, a group of people common in origin (blood relationship), which, in addition, has several unifying features: language, culture, territory, religion and historical past.
That is, people are a sociocultural phenomenon.

Nation is a socio-economic, cultural, political and spiritual community of the industrial era. The nation is studied by the theory of political doctrines, and the main task of the nation is to reproduce a common cultural and civic identity for all citizens of the country.
That is, nation is a political phenomenon.

To summarize: the concept of "people" is based on interrelated ethnic processes that do not always depend on the will of people, and the concept of "nation" is closely related to the influence of the state apparatus. Shared historical memory, language and culture- the property of the people, and the common territory, political and economic life is closer to the concept of a nation. We note one more point: the concept of the people arose much earlier than the concept of the nation.

In relation to the development processes and the formation of the state, it can be argued that the people create the state, and then the state voluntarily forms the nation: the basis of the nation is the principle of citizenship, not kinship. A people is something organic and living, a nation is an artificially built rational mechanism.

Unfortunately, in the pursuit of civil unity, the nation involuntarily nullifies everything original, ethnic and traditional. The people who created the state and are the core of the nation, gradually loses its ethnic identity and natural self-awareness. This is due to the fact that the living, natural processes of linguistic evolution, traditions and customs in the state acquire a strictly formalized form. Sometimes the price for the formation of a nation can be a split and confrontation within the people.

There are two conclusions from the above:

  • The nation is an analogue of the people, which is artificially formed by the state.
  • The people are the people, the nation is the principle, dominating over people, the ruling idea.

The people create the state, and the state voluntarily forms the nation

About Russian problems

An approach to the Russian question would not be complete without mentioning the enormous external and internal pressure on the Russian community over many centuries, which sometimes took kind of outright ethnic and cultural terror. In the history of Russia, there are three most significant and striking moments of attempts to break and reformat Russian identity:

  1. reforms of Peter I which manifested themselves in all spheres of Russian life, the stratification of Russian society, followed by the separation of the elite from the common people
  2. Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 who actively fought against Orthodox religion and culture, pursued a policy of Belarusianization of Russians, and used distortions of Russian identity
  3. color revolution 1991, was characterized by a particularly violent defamation of Russians in the global media space, where everything Russian was presented in an exceptionally derogatory light, also Western countries a policy of reducing the birth rate in relation to Russians was carried out and the replacement of Russian folk culture with symbols and concepts of Western media culture

It can be argued that for almost three centuries, the Russians were subjected to quite conscious pressure from their own state. The goals were different, the methods also corresponded to their time, but the result of the impact was always Russian weakening and their societies. Add to this numerous wars, epidemics and famine, multiply this by the extermination of the most prominent Russian representatives, and the picture will be even more depressing.

Russians are very "historically tired" and very much "washed out": ethnic identity is distorted, folk culture is not perceived to the right extent, mortality exceeds the birth rate of the formation of the Russian people, habits and worldview are confused and cosmopolitan, the institution of the family and the internal ties of the people are destroyed. The Russian state actively and harshly used the Russians, doing practically nothing to maintain their national and.

Russians are very "historically tired"

And what?

If now Russian state will begin the formation of the Russian nation on the basis of the Russian people in its current state, then the result will be disastrous both for the state and for the Russian people, who, in spite of everything, are still aware of themselves as a people. Although, of course, depending on what nation the state wants to form ...

The example of the events in Ukraine clearly shows what attempts to form a nation on the basis of a people with distorted ethnic identity , formatted historical memory and state-imposed archetypes and landmarks.

without due and complete restoration of the Russian people in all its uniqueness: ethnic, cultural, religious, ideological, behavioral and geopolitical, it is impossible to create a reliable and integral Russian World, and ultimately the Russian nation. Russians need to be a little conservative about themselves for a while...

The rituals, customs and traditions of the Russian people are rooted in distant old times. Many of them have changed significantly over time and have lost their sacred meaning. But there are some that still exist. Let's consider some of them.

The calendar rites of the Russian people are rooted in the days of the ancient Slavs. At that time, people cultivated the land and raised cattle, worshiped pagan idols.

Here are some of the rituals:

  1. Sacrificial rites to the god Veles. He patronized pastoralists and farmers. Before sowing the crops, people went out into the fields, wearing clean clothes. They decorated their heads with wreaths, they held flowers in their hands. The oldest villager began to sow and threw the first grain into the ground
  2. The harvest was also timed to coincide with the festival. Absolutely all the villagers gathered near the field and sacrificed the largest animal to Veles. The men began to plow the first strip of land, while the women at that time gathered the grain and gathered it into sheaves. At the end of the harvest, they set the table with a generous treat, decorated it with flowers and ribbons.
  3. Maslenitsa is a calendar rite that has survived to this day. The ancient Slavs turned to the sun god Yaril with a request to send a rich harvest. They baked pancakes, danced round dances, burned the famous Maslenitsa scarecrow
  4. Forgiveness Sunday is the most important day of Shrovetide. On this day, people asked for forgiveness from relatives and relatives, and also forgave all insults themselves. After this day, Great Lent began.

Despite the fact that Maslenitsa has lost its religious meaning, people still take part in mass festivities with pleasure, bake pancakes and enjoy the coming spring.

Christmas traditions

It is impossible not to say about the Christmas rituals, which remain relevant to this day. They are traditionally held from January 7 to January 19 in the period from Christmas to Epiphany.

The sacred rites are as follows:

  1. Kolyada. Youth and children go from house to house dressed up, and the residents treat them with sweets. Now they rarely carol, but the tradition has not yet become obsolete
  2. Holy divination. Young girls and women gather in groups and arrange fortune-telling. Most often, these are rituals that allow you to find out who will become narrowed, how many children will be born in marriage, and so on.
  3. And on January 6, before Christmas in Russia, they cooked compote with rice, cooked delicious pastries and slaughtered livestock. It was believed that this tradition helps to attract a rich harvest in the spring and provide the family with material well-being.

Now the Christmas rites have lost their magical sacrament and are used mainly for entertainment. Another reason to have fun in the company of girlfriends and friends is to arrange a group fortune-telling for the betrothed, dress up and carol on holidays.

Family rituals in Russia

Family rituals were given great importance. For matchmaking, wedding or baptism of newborns, special rituals were used, which were sacredly honored and observed.

Weddings, as a rule, were scheduled for a time after a successful harvest or baptism. Also, a favorable time for the ceremony was considered the week following happy holiday Easter. The newlyweds were married in several stages:

  • Matchmaking. In order to marry the bride to the groom, all close relatives from both sides gathered together. They discussed the dowry, where the young couple would live, agreed on gifts for the wedding
  • After the blessing of the parents was received, preparations for the celebration began. The bride and her bridesmaids gathered every evening and prepared a dowry: they sewed, knitted and wove clothes, bed sheets, tablecloths and other home textiles. Singing sad songs
  • On the first day of the wedding, the bride said goodbye to girlhood. Girlfriends sang sad ritual songs of the Russian people, farewell laments - after all, from that moment on, the girl turned out to be in complete submission to her husband, no one knew how her family life would turn out
  • According to custom, on the second day of the wedding, the newly-made husband, along with his friends, went to his mother-in-law for pancakes. They arranged a stormy feast, went to visit all the new relatives

When in new family a child appeared, he had to be baptized. The rite of baptism was performed immediately after birth. It was necessary to choose a reliable godfather - this person bore great responsibility, almost on a par with parents, for the fate of the baby.

And when the baby was one year old, a cross was cut off on his crown. It was believed that this rite gives the child protection from evil spirits and evil eye.

When the child grew up, he was obliged to visit his godparents every year on Christmas Eve with refreshments. And those, in turn, presented him with presents, treated him with sweets.

Watch a video about the rituals and customs of the Russian people:

mixed rites

Separately, it is worth talking about such interesting rituals:

  • Celebration of Ivan Kupala. It was believed that only from that day on it was possible to swim. Also on this day, a fern bloomed - the one who finds a flowering plant will reveal all the innermost secrets. People made bonfires and jumped over them: it was believed that a couple who jumped over the fire, holding hands, would be together until death
  • From pagan times came the custom to commemorate the dead. Per memorial table there must have been a rich meal and wine

To follow the ancient traditions or not is everyone's business. But you can not build them into a cult, but pay tribute to the ancestors, their culture, the history of their country. This applies to religious practices. Concerning recreational activities, such as Maslenitsa or the celebration of Ivan Kupala - this is another reason to have fun in the company of friends and soulmate.

Russians are extraordinary numerous people, formed from the tribes of the Eastern Slavs. Today most of Russians live in the territory Russian Federation(more than eighty percent of its population). And where did the Russian nation come from?

Russians descended from the Indo-European group of peoples. According to archeological data, the Slavs appeared in the first millennium BC. They are the direct ancestors of the Russians and some other peoples. Slavic tribes, more precisely, East Slavic, gradually settled and occupied the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmodern Russia.

Eastern Slavs are even called “Russian Slavs”. Each tribe had its own name depending on the region of their location. But later they all united (in the twelfth century), and then gave rise to Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians (this happened in the seventeenth century).

After the tribes united, formed Old Russian people. Major groups Eastern Slavs from which the Russians originated:

  • Krivichi.
  • Slovenia.
  • Vyatichi.
  • Northerners.

It is necessary to note the Finno-Ugric tribes: Merya, Meshchera, Muroma and others. But the processes of uniting the tribes were disrupted due to the invasion of the Mongols. Cossacks, Belarusians, Ukrainians gradually began to separate. The Russian state was formed in the fifteenth century, from where the Russian people appeared.

Where did the Russian people come from can be found from the ancient literary sources: "The Tale of Bygone Years", "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", "The Book of Veles".

Where did the word "Russian" come from?

It is not difficult to guess that the name of the people came from the word Rus, that is, from the state in which they lived. In turn, the word origin of the word Rus is still controversial. There are many versions on this subject, which you can read about in the article "Theories of the origin of the name Rus".

Initially, the word "Russian" was not used, they said - Russian people. In the seventeenth-eighteenth centuries, the name "Russians" came, then - "Great Russians". But at the same time, the word “Russians” also appeared here and there.

Where did the Russian land come from?

The emergence of Russia, the state occurred as a result of the settlement of the lands by Slavic tribes. Initially, these were Kyiv, Novgorod and the territories adjacent to them, the banks of the Dnieper and Dniester rivers. The Russian land was then called Old Russian state, or Kievan Rus. Gradually, independent Russian principalities were formed (starting from the twelfth century). Then, in the middle of the sixteenth century, the Russian land was called the Russian kingdom. Since the eighteenth century - the Russian Empire.

Where did the Russian language come from?

Russian is an East Slavic language. It is very common in the world, and also occupies the lion's share among others. Slavic languages by frequency. Today Russian is the state language in Russia. In addition, it is the same in some other countries that have several languages.

Russian people - East Slavic ethnic group , is the most numerous ethnic group in Europe. According to various sources in the world lives from 129 to 160 million people. Russian diaspora is huge and concentrated in the countries of the former USSR: in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Moldova and other countries. 86% of Russians live in their historical homeland - in Russia. Two-thirds of the Russian population are adherents of Orthodox Christianity. National language- Russian.

The origins of the Russian people

People related by origin: and. Assumptions about the origin of the Russian people several. Here are the most famous:

1. Danubian theory.

The chronicler Nestor worked diligently on the compilation of The Tale of Bygone Years. The author determined the territory of the settlement of the Slavic tribes along the Danube. Subsequently, the historians Klyuchevsky and Solovyov developed the chronicler's version. Many linguists and researchers still adhere to this theory.

2. Scythian theory.

The outstanding Russian genius Mikhail Lomonosov adhered to the Scythian-Sarmatian version of the origin of the Russian people. In his work "Ancient Russian history» Lomonosov pointed out that the Russian people was formed as a result of mixing Slavic tribes and the Finno-Ugric tribe. According to the historian, the pagan beliefs of our ancestors have much in common with ancient culture.

3. Baltic theory

The hypothesis about the origin of Russians is based on DNA research of various peoples. According to the scientist Hellenthal, the roots of the Russian population are certainly connected with the trans-Baltic peoples and migration. Altai peoples. Aleksey Shakhmatov also calls the territory of the Neman and the Western Dvina the ancestral home of the Russians.

Nuances of Russian culture

Russian culture- this is an immense layer, consisting of centuries-old traditions and bright rituals, unshakable spiritual values, a specific manner of lifestyle, household habits. That very Pushkinian “Russian spirit” is acquired by a person born in the expanses of our Motherland. Russian man- this is strong in spirit personality. breadth of soul, simplicity, kindness characterize the Russian ethnos. Throughout history, the Russian people have experienced colossal trials: wars, famine, devastation, natural disasters, enslavement Tatar-Mongol yoke. A stern disposition, a simplified attitude to everyday difficulties, diligence and a lack of fear of the enemy characterized the Russian people in the Middle Ages. Mysterious Russian soul modern man not immediately revealed to strangers.

Pride of Russian culture is a legacy famous artists and writers, composers and architects. Such names as Pushkin, Tolstoy, Shishkin and Levitan, Tchaikovsky and Glinka pop up at lightning speed when it comes to Russian geniuses. But not only in creativity, but also in other fundamental areas, whether it be medicine, military affairs or rocket science, Russians will proudly add to the list of eminent world personalities.

ancestral traditions

In the modern way of life of a Russian person, of course, much has changed. High-speed cars, household comfort, glossy clothes, trendy gadgets have penetrated into every home. However, and this is fortunately, at the most significant moments for a Russian person, he returns to the incorruptible Slavic traditions and rites.

Russian wedding certainly begins with matchmaking, and the festivities still contain elements of ancient traditions: the ransom of the bride, the family loaf, gifting the young. Baptismal and funeral rites have hardly changed. In many families, farewell to the deceased still follows ancient traditions (hanging mirrors, funeral rite, funeral food). The cohesion of the Russians was manifested not only during the sad events, but also in carrying out festivities.

It is still widely celebrated Pancake week. The tradition of burning an effigy, the ritual of forgiveness of insults and eating delicious pancakes give this holiday a special attraction. Among church holidays most revered among Russians are Christmas and Easter. In winter, the children have fun, walking from house to house and singing carols. For the glorification of Christ, children receive sweets and money from the owners. For Easter, fragrant Easter cake and colored eggs will be prepared in every house. The tradition of visiting cemeteries these days, remembering departed relatives and friends, has not been eradicated.

The Russian people carefully honor ancient traditions which appeared in the times of Russia. These customs reflected paganism and the veneration of idols, which replaced them with Christianity, the ancient way of life. Traditions were born in every household occupation of the inhabitants of Russia. The experience of older generations was passed on to young followers, children learned worldly wisdom from their parents.

In ancient Russian traditions, such features of our people as love for nature, hospitality, respect for elders, cheerfulness and breadth of soul are clearly manifested. Such customs take root among people, it is easy and pleasant to follow them. They are a reflection of the history of the country and people.

Main Russian traditions

Russian wedding

wedding traditions ancient Russia are rooted in pagan times. Weddings within and between tribes were accompanied by worship of pagan idols, thematic chants and rituals. At that time, the customs of different villages differed from each other. A single rite originates in Russia with the advent of Christianity.

Attention was paid to all stages of the event. Acquaintance of families, meeting of the bride and groom, matchmaking and bride-to-be - everything happened according to a strict scenario, with certain actors. Traditions affected the baking of a wedding loaf, the preparation of a dowry, wedding dresses, and a feast.

The wedding was rightfully considered the central event in the wedding celebration. It was this church sacrament that made the marriage valid.

Russian family

From time immemorial, the Russian family has accepted and honored the traditions and family values of his people. And if in past centuries there were persistent patriarchal foundations in the family, then to XIX century such foundations were of a more restrained traditional character; in the 20th century and at the present time, the Russian family adheres to the moderate, but familiar traditions of Russian life.

The head of the family is the father, as well as older relatives. In modern Russian families, the father and mother are in equal degrees of supremacy, equally engaged in raising children and organizing, maintaining family life.

However, common traditional and Orthodox holidays, as well as national customs are celebrated in Russian families to this day, such as Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter, New Year and intrafamilial traditions of weddings, hospitality, and even, in some cases, tea drinking.

Russian hospitality

Meeting guests in Russia has always been a joyful, kind event. A wanderer who was tired from the road was greeted with bread and salt, offered him rest, led to a bathhouse, paid attention to his horse, changed into clean clothes. The guest was sincerely interested in how he traveled, where he was going, whether his journey had good goals. This shows the generosity of the Russian people, their love for their neighbors.

Russian loaf

One of the most famous Russian flour dishes, which were prepared for the holidays (for example, for a wedding) exclusively married women and put on the table by men, is a loaf, considered a symbol of fertility, wealth and family well-being. The loaf is decorated with various dough figures and baked in the oven, it is distinguished by its rich taste, attractive appearance worthy of being considered a true work of culinary art.

Russian bath

Bath customs were created by our ancestors with special love. A visit to the bath in ancient Russia pursued not only the goal of cleansing the body, but also the whole rite. The bath was visited before important events and holidays. Bathing in the bath was taken slowly, in good mood with loved ones and friends. The habit of pouring cold water after the steam room - another Russian tradition.

Russian tea party

The appearance of tea in Russia in the seventeenth century not only made this drink a favorite among Russian people, but also laid the foundation for the classic Russian tea tradition. Such attributes of tea drinking as a samovar and its decorations make tea drinking at home cozy. Drinking this fragrant drink from saucers, with bagels and pastries, biting with sawn sugar - traditions have been passed down from generation to generation and observed in every Russian home.

Russian fair

In traditional holidays folk festivals opened their doors in Russia various fun fairs. What could not be found at the fair: delicious gingerbread, painted handicrafts, folk toys. What could not be seen at the fair: buffoons, games and fun, a carousel and dances with round dances, as well as folk theater and its main regular host - the mischievous Petrushka.

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