With a Korean surname and a Russian soul: how Koreans live in Russia. The ancestors of the Koreans were the Chinese, not the "Altai" peoples

The history of the state of South Korea (Republic of Korea) dates back to 1945, when the Korean Peninsula was divided after the Soviet-American agreement, and then in 1948 the formation of two states - North (DPRK) and South Korea. In those years, the population of South Korea was 19 million people, and the country itself was one of the most underdeveloped and poor in the region.

Population census in ancient times

The state of Korea has a long history. Since ancient times, the population of Korea (South and North) has been under strict accounting. This was done by the elders in the villages, who every three years provided information to officials about the number of families and people in each village. Information was collected by counties, then by provinces and summarized in general figures already in the capital.

However, the reliability of this information has long been in doubt, since it was possible to underestimate the real number (presumably by at least 2 times). Each village and province was interested in a lower number of people living in order to pay less taxes or join the army.

Scientists suggest that in the 15th century the population of Korea was about 8 million people, and by the beginning of the 19th century it had grown to 15 million. Most of the Koreans lived in villages (about 97%). The number of inhabitants of the capital fluctuated during this time from 100 to 150 thousand people (during the reign of the Li dynasty).

The population of Korea in the 20th and 21st centuries

The first completely reliable census took place only in 1910 and gave a figure of 17 million people. For comparison: the population of Russia at that time was 160 million.

In 1948, the country was divided into two states: North Korea and South (9 and 19 million citizens, respectively). Since then, the percentage of people living at different ends of the peninsula has remained almost unchanged (2:1 - South:North).

By 1998, the population of South Korea was already 46.44 million people, and it could already compete in numbers with large European countries: England (57 million), Poland (38 million), France (58 million), Spain (40 million).


Until the early 20th century, Korea's female population was young and the birth rate was very high. One Korean woman gave birth to an average of 7-10 children, but a third of them died in infancy and another third before the age of 10 years. Life expectancy for men was 24 (!), and for women - 26 years. Thus, in those years, the high birth rate was fully compensated by high child and adult mortality, because the total population increased rather slowly.

During the era of Japanese colonization of the country (first half of the 20th century), the demographic figures are improving due to the emergence of new treatments, new medicines and a decrease in mortality. By 1945, the average life expectancy for men was 43 years, for women - 44, that is, almost 2 times longer.

The biggest spike in the birth rate occurred between 1945 and 1960 (the start of the economy), at which time the government began to worry that South Korea's population was growing too fast. In this regard, there have been attempts to limit the birth rate of Koreans.

The economic progress of the country brought changes to these figures: as education increased and life improved, the birth rate began to fall. By 1995, Koreans live for 70 years, and Korean women - 78, which is 3 times more than in the beginning of the 20th century.

In 2004, the number of Koreans was 48.4 million, the duration for women - 72.1, men - 79.6 years.

Population growth of Korea, its capital and demographic indicators in the 20th-21st centuries

According to the table, one can trace the dynamics of the increase in the number of inhabitants of the Republic and a significant change in demographic indicators for more than 100 years.

Table. Demographics (Republic of Korea)


million people

Capital Seoul, number of inhabitants, people

Average life expectancy (men/women), years

(North + South)

no data
no data
no data

9.9 million (excluding suburbs)

no data
no data

23 million (suburban)

By 2017, the Republic of Korea has become one of the most highly developed countries in the world. Modern Korean women have an average of 1.18 children. Although most of them do not work, they show no desire to have many children. This is due to the expensive education that needs to be provided to children, and more late age when children start working and contribute to the family budget.

Korean nationality

The official language is Korean, although it has 6 dialects with differences in pronunciation and grammar. From the middle of the 20th century, texts began to be written from left to right, 50% of the words were borrowed from Chinese.

What is the population of South Korea national composition and religious? Koreans make up 90% of the country's population, and 10% - national. minorities, among which the Chinese predominate (20 thousand). Coming to the country to work a large number of people from China, the Philippines and the Malaysian islands.

According to the latest statistics in 2016, 46% of Koreans do not identify themselves with any religion, the rest adhere to Buddhist and Confucian religious movements, and there are also Protestants and Catholics.

The population density is quite high - 508 people / km 2, with 47% of the population living in two cities - Seoul (11 million) and Busan (4 million).

In 2016, the population of the Republic amounted to 51.634 million. The largest cities are Seoul, Busan, Incheon, Daegu, Taejon, Ulsan.

Korean character traits

The most main feature Koreans - industriousness, which underlies national character. A career for young citizens is the main life goal.

Korean Character Features:

  • always "save face", do not raise their voice, do not show resentment, anger or weakness;
  • respectful attitude towards guests, all the best for them;
  • respect for elders, the young man always and in everything agrees with the elder (brother, father, grandfather);
  • patriotic solidarity, always ready to help their friend both at home and abroad.

Hard-working Koreans only recently switched to a 5-day working week and a working day of 8 hours (before that there was a 6-day week for 10 hours a day). Koreans study or work almost continuously, it is not even customary for them to go to a bar and drink beer with friends, and it would never even occur to them to play several hours a day on a computer. A Korean child, on average, has 1 hour of entertainment per day and devotes 10-12 hours to study, then passes exams, becomes a student, etc.

Economic development

Now the Republic of Korea has become an industrial country with a highly developed industry.

But after the end of the Korean War in 1953, it found itself with a dilapidated economy, its GDP was below the level of underdeveloped African countries. And Natural resources in this country were at a minimum level.

A little over 60 years have passed - and now it is an industrial country with a highly developed industry. GDP per capita (South Korea) in 2016 amounted to more than 37 thousand dollars, the unemployment rate for 2016 was 3.6%.

What is the mystery of this transformation? Experts say that the answer to this question must be sought, first of all, in the Koreans themselves. After all, both the government (since 1961, when President Park came to power), and the people of South Korea themselves set themselves the goal of creating a country with highly educated specialists, and all forces and means were subordinated to this. A whole generation of people with a high level of education has learned in the country, who laid the foundation for industrial and economic prosperity.

Also, President Park, by increasing his powers and power management, forced wealthy Koreans to invest in the industry of their country, in particular, in the creation of shipbuilding.

The employment rate of the population of South Korea in 2016 was 65% for residents of working age (15-64 years old) who have well-paid jobs. Among men, this figure is higher (76%) than among women (55%).

Koreans are rightly proud of their level (85% of adults have completed secondary education) and the quality of education. The country has a very high standard of living, the average family income per person in 2016 was more than 19 thousand dollars a year.

Urban and rural population

During the period of the "Korean economic miracle" (1960-1985), South Korea rapidly transformed from an agricultural to an urbanized country with a high level of industry. AT agriculture due to the mechanization of people, less and less people were required, and in cities with such industrial growth, more and more. This process influenced urban population South Korea. The population of cities over the years has grown from 34 to 65% due to the massive relocation of peasants.

Until 1970, the South Korean capital was a chaotic pile of one-story houses. Now Seoul surprises tourists with its ultra-high building density, which is explained not only by the high cost of land, but also by the traditions that have developed even earlier in Korean villages to allocate as much as possible large area under scarce land for plowing.

Megapolis Seoul

The distribution of the population of South Korea is characterized by high density - 453 people / sq km on average in the country, as well as a high share of urbanization: over the past 60 years, the percentage of the urban population has increased from 34% (1960) to 80% (2015).

A special role in urbanization is given to Seoul, which has been inhabited by 100-150 thousand people for almost 5 last centuries. But in 1936, Seoul was already inhabited by 727 thousand, in 1945 - 901 thousand, in 1960 - 1.5 million. by 9%.

Economists attribute this to the emergence of satellite cities of Seoul, to which residents of the capital began to move. They are attracted to cheaper housing, Fresh air and good environment. All of these satellites are connected to Seoul by subway lines.

The huge zone of Seoul and its satellites (more than 80 km in circumference) is now home to 45% of the total population of the Republic, which is an example of an extremely high concentration of population in the metropolitan area (for example, only 13% of the English population lives in London).

Thrifty Nation

Koreans are a very frugal nation. It is interesting to know how and how much the population of South Korea spends money on utilities and other expenses? Main principle here is the separation of bills and expenses. Any Korean family opens several accounts, which allows them to share expenses for education, food, etc.

The most most of- this is education at a university, for which they begin to save money from the first months of a child's life. To buy groceries and visit a restaurant ( national tradition) - your separate account, for utilities - as well. Moreover, Koreans most often buy products via the Internet (it is 40% cheaper than in a store). And for travel in public transport, they generally came up with the idea of ​​paying with a credit card.

Korea is dying?

Recently, the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea predicted that the population of South Korea is gradually dying out due to low birth rates in recent decades. Researchers have calculated that this will happen by 2750.

With the current number of 50 million people, a decrease is predicted total number Koreans by 2136 to 10 million people. The coming years will confirm or refute these statements.

Each nationality has its own specific features, which are unusual for representatives of other nations and cultures. One of the most prominent representatives such peoples are considered Koreans. Their many traditions and customs are fundamentally different from our established norms relating to a variety of areas.

I propose to get acquainted with the ten most interesting features of the Korean way of life, which distinguish this Asian people from many others.

Men, Women and Children: Personal and Social Relationships in Korean

The first thing that significantly differs the people of Korea is their relationship. Residents of the country see the role of masculine and feminine in a slightly different way than we do. Here prevails matriarchy, and it is the woman who is considered the head of the family.

Moreover, the Koreans consider St. Valentine exclusively the patron saint of the "weak" (that is, for them it means male) half. Therefore, on February 14, in souvenir shops you can meet mostly women choosing gifts for their loved ones. However, exactly one month later, the situation changes. On March 14, the country celebrates White Day, when gifts are already received by women.

It is interesting to note that both in February and March, cosmetic stores make a solid bargain. The fact is that Korean men are quite normal about makeup. At the same time, if for many of us painted young man still continues to evoke a feeling of hostility, then in this country a man with makeup is a completely normal and common phenomenon.

Koreans believe that in this way they take care of their appearance. Therefore, the phrase “can I take your mascara?” is normal for dialogues between spouses.

next interesting feature Korean people is age. If, for example, you are 25, and you meet a Korean who names exactly the same number of years in relation to himself, then by our standards he is still only 24.

A child spends 9 months in the mother's womb, and the people of Korea believe that this period must be included in the general life treasury. Therefore, three months after birth, a Korean turns a year old. Agree that although such a position is rather unusual for us, it is quite logical.

Another difference social life in Korea is considered incredible industriousness. The average working day in most companies is 14 hours. Thus, most Koreans spend more time at work than with their families.

Often, many of them appear at home only for the weekend, which is associated with long distances to the place of work. Therefore, large enterprises often equip collective rest rooms, where employees spend the night between work shifts.

Education and life

Koreans are very sensitive to questions. parenting. Here there are two important moments that parents need to pay attention to. The first of these is respect for the older generation. The second concerns the development of communication skills.

Koreans are trying early childhood prepare the next generation for the future family life and existence in a collective environment. At the same time, they do not forget about the development of the intellectual abilities of children.

Warm and favorable relationships in Korean families are complemented by the desire to provide comfortable living conditions. Koreans in their scrupulousness reach the point that in many houses and apartments electrically heated toilets.

The same unusual "resting places" can be found in many restaurants, clubs and boutiques. At the same time, warm toilets often cause queues near toilets in public places.

The most terrible tradition of the Korean people for us, of course, is considered eating dog meat. However, for last years this practice has almost disappeared. Most Koreans began to prefer more natural food for other nationalities.

Also, they never eat their pets. For cooking, only the meat of dogs of a specially bred breed was used and is used now.

Signs and superstitions: almost like ours, but a little different

Speaking of national characteristics of the Korean people, it is also worth noting some of the signs and superstitions characteristic of the representatives of the nation. Panic is considered the most striking among them. fear of the number "4". Like our number "13", this serial number often missing from hotel and office floor numbering.

Moreover, in some of them all other numbers containing a four are excluded. Also interesting is the fact that the cost of real estate, in the number of which there is an ill-fated figure, can be significantly lower than analogues.

The next unusual sign for us is to establish taboo on red ink or paste. Any letter or gift signed in this color will be regarded by Koreans as a manifestation of hatred.

Locals believe that it is the red color that symbolizes death. Therefore, do not try to give your Korean friend a gift signed with a scarlet pen or marker. The recipient of such a "surprise" will perceive it as a wish for death, and will become your worst enemy.

Another sign of the Koreans, incomprehensible to us, is the opinion about the dangers of sleeping with the fan on. However, this time everything is very simply explained. The local climate is rather dry and hot. Therefore, it is contraindicated for people with a weak heart to spend nights under rotating blades. The abrupt transition from cool to incredible heat after turning off the fan can cause very unpleasant consequences.


I haven't written something for a long time, when I looked at the date of the last entry yesterday, I gasped. I really don't control time. Well, let's not rant and get straight to the point. I would like to talk about people who are considered strangers among their own, and their own among strangers.

Ethnic Koreans

For the most part, books, dissertations, theses, therefore, you yourself understand that it is impossible to fit everything into one article, but even into 2 articles. Therefore, I will write everything here very briefly, but I think everything will be very clear, although some aspects will remain open to me.

Types of Koreans:

The emphasis is on history. Of course, I’m not very much a historian, but there are several, mmm, not exactly species, but rather groups Korean people:

  1. Those who moved to Russia before the 19th century.

Korea was, well, just a very poor country, and everyone wants to eat, and in general, live well. Therefore, many Koreans before the 19th century moved to Russia. How? Across the frontier, which was established in 1861. The Koreans received citizenship of the Russian Empire, and lived / worked peacefully in the field. In general, we must give them their due, because it is hardworking people no matter who says what.

By the way, simple riddle For those who have been or are in Korea:

Meeting grandmothers on the streets of the city, you probably saw how they walk, bent over in three deaths. Question: why do they walk like that?

  1. Those who moved in the first half of the 20th century.

And here we are faced with history. In 1905 Russia lost Russo-Japanese War. Under an agreement concluded in Portsmouth Russian empire recognized that Korea became a colony of Japan. They say that this treaty hurt our reputation, but in fact it was drawn up by two equal parties. We lost a lot, but Japan spent more on the war. Plus, we didn't pay any indemnity.

So that Korean people slowly continued to move until the 30s of the 20th century. There were basically 3 reasons for this:

  • Plenty of land to work on.
  • Loyalty of officials and the sovereign to the settlers.
  • Fled from the Japanese.
  1. Chinese Koreans.

Below I will give a little more detailed information but let's stop here for now. The majority of Chinese Koreans live in the Yanban Korean Autonomous Prefecture. Their number is relatively large - approximately 2,200,000 souls. Koreans also came here in the period from 1860 to 1945 due to the Japanese occupation. Started 5 years later Korean War, and those who were in China did not want to return to their homeland. As a result, they took Chinese citizenship. The district itself was formed in 1952.

A little help:

There are Koreans from Sakhalin, but I know absolutely nothing about them. I've only heard that they exist. If someone reads me from Sakhalin, or if someone knows about the “local” Koreans, write in the comments.

How did Koreans end up in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan?

The thing is that in the 20th century, under Stalin, mass exiles of Koreans began because of the suspicion that they could act as espionage in the interests of Japan. Do not forget, the Japanese keep Korea as a colony until the 45th year. And now apparently the government decided x to relocate. If you have an ethnic Korean friend in Russia, then ask where his grandparents are or where his family came from. Surely the answer will be that relatives are in Kazakhstan or Uzbekistan.


For all the time I heard 3 names of groups:

  1. 고려사람 (Koryeosaram)
  2. 교포 (kyepo)
  3. 조선족 (Joseongchok)

Koryosaram is the name given to those Koreans who live in Russia and the CIS countries. Gyeopho are those who live in Europe, America and Australia. Well, chosonchogs are called those who live in China, that is, Chinese Koreans.

A case from one's life

Let me tell you a story that made me think. Not far from my university, where I study Chinese, there is a store where a Korean runs everything. And then one day after class, I decided to go there and buy all sorts of funny things. I go to the checkout, the cashier makes the calculation and asks me something in Chinese. I look at him and suddenly ask "한국분이신가요?" I omitted his courtesies addressed to me, something else is important here:

The person is an ethnic Korean, speaks Korean, and also knows Korean culture, but he does not recognize himself as a Korean. In his mind, the idea was formed that he was of a different nationality. This moment got me thinking.


Mmmm, the state helps ensure that all ethnic Koreans return to their historical homeland, and visas are proof of this. But I can’t say that the citizens of South Korea expressed their negative attitude towards visiting brethren, because I simply didn’t see or hear such a thing. But many do not like Joseonchoks. The most common reason: impudent, lazy cowards who threw the country into hard times. The funny thing is that it was mostly the “youngsters” who told me this, and not the older generation.


It is much easier for an ethnic Korean to get a job in Korea than, say, for me, but nevertheless, I have never heard of such a person getting a high leadership position in Korean company. Organize your business? Yes, I have heard and seen such people more than once, but to directly get a leadership position? No, I have not come across this.

In general, the Joseonchoks receive the greatest advantage. In addition to Korean, they speak Chinese, as well as the cultures of 2 countries, and this greatly facilitates their life in Korea.

I remember that I was still studying at language courses and at the 4th level there was one girl with me. She is Joseon and her father is Chinese and her mother is Korean. The funny thing is, dad and mom don't speak each other's language. I do not know how they communicated, but the fact remains. What do we get as a result? As a result, this young lady spoke both Chinese and Korean, but as far as I remember, she spoke Chinese many times better. I still remember how she freaked out when she told how she translated the quarrels of her father and mother.

So, she constantly offered the Chinese various help in finding jobs because she had already plowed in some firm, but she still accepted different offers from other companies. In my opinion, she "fed" a lot of Chinese.

Ehhh, yes. Good girl was kind.

My advice

If you are a representative of the Korean nation and live in Russia and the CIS countries, but at the same time want to work in Korea without knowing the language, then the advice is as follows:

Learn the language!

If you look at your obedient servant, you can clearly see that I am anyone, but not an Asian, and certainly not a Korean. Yeah just take a look at me

I will be forgiven a lot, and if I say something in Korean, Koreans will only say “한국어 진짜 잘 하시네요!” while patting me on the back. That is, I have the right not to know the language at all, because I am Russian. I lived and grew up in Russia and my native language it is "great and mighty".

In your case, if you do not speak Korean at work, then the bosses and work colleagues will only “씨” kat. Despite the fact that your native language is Russian, Kazakh or Uzbek. You are an ethnic Korean! Kindly know your language and your culture.

Although you can stupidly score at everyone and work quietly at the factory for 10-12 hours every day and rest only on Sundays.

But if you can communicate in Korean, that is very high probability the fact that the boss will already reckon with you and put you even higher than the chosonchok, because you gained knowledge with your own sweat and blood at a conscious age, and not from childhood.

That's about what I wanted to tell. I see that it turned out a little and for sure you don’t understand much, so you can ask your questions. If I know the answer, I will answer right away.

That's all! I'm sorry that I write so rarely, it's not from evil that I do this :)

Thanks to all!

The people who are the main population of the two states of the Korean Peninsula: the Republic of Korea and the DPRK. They also live in many Asian countries. The total number in all countries of the world exceeds 81 million people. Of these, the Republic of Korea accounts for the majority - about 50 million. 24 million people live in North Korea.

There are large diasporas of Koreans in other countries. Over a million Koreans live in China and the US. You can also find them in Central Asia, Japan, Russia, Canada, Australia, Philippines. The language is Korean. Also, they can use the languages ​​of the countries of residence for communication. Most Koreans are adherents of atheism, not leaning towards any of the religions. However, there are supporters of Confucianism, Christianity, Buddhism, traditional animistic beliefs. Until the 14th century, the importance of Buddhism was greater than it is now.

Koreans - ancient people. They go back to the proto-Altaic peoples, and the ethnogenesis was also influenced by the Paleo-Asians and the inhabitants of Austronesia. In the 1st millennium BC, Joseon, a near-state formation, arose. From him came the self-name of Koreans Joseon Saram. Later, already at the beginning of our era, the Han tribes influenced the Koreans.

Representatives of the people were traditionally engaged in arable farming. They grew rice (the basis of the entire diet of Koreans), corn, millet, beans, vegetables, melons. Cattle breeding was developed worse and was limited to the use of animals for auxiliary agricultural work. Sericulture has become widespread, in coastal areas - fishing and other marine crafts. Korean artisans became famous for their ceramic and lacquer products. Currently moving from traditional economy to the developed industry ended. Both the Republic of Korea and the DPRK have achieved high level development, only the first state - on a capitalist basis, and the second - on a communist one.

At villagers elements of the national pre-industrial culture are preserved. The dwellings they build for themselves are still quite traditional. The houses are plastered with clay and rise on peculiar earthen foundations fifty centimeters high. Such housing is heated by means of a chimney laid under the floor. This method of heating is called ondol. Surprisingly, the Koreans have kept it even in modern cities, only partially modernizing it. For fun, we will inform you that more often than any other technology, in Korean homes you can see a very old version of the radio. It will not be difficult to buy a radio receiver - at any place in the bazaar. They differ only in design and manner of execution.

Among the villagers, men traditionally wore pants and a wraparound jacket. white color. Women wore short chogori blouses, pants loose fit and the same skirt, called chima. In winter, women wore padded robes. Shoes - straw sandals, in bad weather they wore high shoes made of wood. At home, they took off their shoes and walked barefoot. Now Koreans have massively switched to European-style clothing.

Seasoned rice is the basis of the Korean diet. The most popular meat is pork, less often dog meat is used. In general, Korean cuisine is characterized by an abundance of spices (garlic and pepper). alcoholic drink- warm vodka made from rice.

For a long time, the Koreans kept the rudiments of tribal relations. It got to the point that all namesakes began to be considered relatives. This perception was influenced, among other things, by Confucianism and the cult of ancestors.

On May 11, Professor Kim Wook from Tanguk University in Seoul reported to the public on the results of his genetic research, which can revolutionize the ideas about where the ancestors of modern Koreans came from.

According to him, the closest relatives of Koreans, at least on the maternal side, are Han Chinese and Japanese. According to the hypotheses prevailing until now, based on linguistic and archaeological research, the ancestors of modern Koreans migrated to the Korean Peninsula from the Altaic-Mongolian region several thousand years ago. In other words, Koreans are considered as historical relatives of the Mongols.

Professor Kim Wook examined the DNA of 185 Koreans and compared them with the DNA of neighboring peoples. In doing so, he used the DNA contained in mitochondria, the cellular structures that supply our body with energy. Mitochondria are being actively studied in modern genetics in order to find out the origin various ethnic groups and the ways of their migration across the planet over long periods - hundreds, thousands and tens of thousands of years. Other DNA molecules - those contained in the cell nuclei, "mix" during the fusion of the sperm and the egg, as a result of which the child receives hereditary information from both the father and the mother. However, the DNA contained in the mitochondria of the egg is not affected during fertilization, which means that it is passed down through the maternal line from generation to generation practically unchanged for a long time. It is this (as well as the mutations that occur in them from time to time) that makes it possible to use mitochondrial DNA to trace the origin and ways of movement of entire peoples on the planet. Probably, many have seen appeared in recent times popular articles about some prehistoric African Eve, from which all people living on Earth now descended. And although these publications are sometimes somewhat yellowish-sensational, they are related to quite serious research in the field of mitochondrial DNA.

The results of Professor Kim Wook's many years of work show that, on the maternal side, Koreans, firstly, are closest to the Hans (the main nationality of China) and to the Japanese - but not to the Mongols. Secondly, according to Professor Kim's data, the popular talk in these parts about the "purity of Korean blood" has no basis - the Korean mitochondrial gene pool is very diverse. In other words, the modern Korean nation was formed as a result of a mixture of a number of ethnic groups.

Professor Kim Wook emphasized that the results of genetic studies may well contradict the hypotheses of linguists and archaeologists. This really shouldn't be surprising. For example, one of the arguments of archaeologists in favor of the fact that the Koreans are not related to the Hans is as follows: in ancient times, the ancestors of the Koreans used bronze swords, the shape of which differs from the contemporary Chinese swords. The precariousness of this argument, in the opinion of the editor of "SV", is quite obvious. One can imagine a lot of reasons why the ancient inhabitants of the peninsula preferred swords of a different shape. However, Korean scientists often proceed not from the facts themselves, but from a certain line of the party and government, under which the necessary facts are then adjusted. At present, the mentioned line is, in particular, to certainly prove the uniqueness of Korean culture in comparison with Chinese and Japanese. The hypothesis about the "Altai" origin of the Koreans fits very well into this stream. Perhaps it would be even better to prove extraterrestrial origin Korean nation, but it will already be somehow too much, although in North Korea Everything seems to be moving in that direction. In such a situation, the works of Professor Kim Wook may well help some to return from the transcendental realms to the sinful earth. To pistils, stamens and other dull materiel.

We will wait for the reaction of the Korean scientific world to the research of Professor Kim and new lively discussions.

"Seoul Herald"

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