The largest ethnic groups and small peoples. The most numerous peoples of Russia

The national composition of Russia The peoples of Russia: Atlas of cultures and religions List of meanings of a word or phrase with links to the corresponding ... Wikipedia

- “Peoples of Russia. Atlas of Cultures and Religions" includes basic information about the peoples inhabiting the Russian Federation at the present time. The first part of the publication represents the space of the Russian Federation in synchronous and historical aspects and consists of ... ... Wikipedia

The national composition of Russia Peoples of Russia: Atlas of Cultures and Religions Peoples of Russia: Encyclopedia is an encyclopedia published by the Big Russian Encyclopedia publishing house in 1994 ... Wikipedia

Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia Ethnopsychological Dictionary

FINNO-UGRIAN PEOPLES OF RUSSIA- the peoples of our country (Mordovians, Udmurts, Mari, Komi, Khanty, Mansi, Saami, Karelians) living in the north of the European part, in the northern, central and southern parts of the Urals and originating from the Ananyin archaeological culture (VII III ... ...

Turkic peoples of Russia Ethnopsychological Dictionary

TURKIC PEOPLES OF RUSSIA- representatives of the Turkic group of the peoples of Russia (Tatars, Chuvashs, Bashkirs, Tuvans, Khakasses, Altaians), living today mainly in the Volga region, the Urals, Southern Siberia and the Altai Territory and representing quite original, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

- ... Wikipedia

Tungus-Manchurian peoples of Russia Ethnopsychological Dictionary

TUNGUS-MANCHUR PEOPLES OF RUSSIA- Yakuts, Nenets, Koryak, Itelmen, Nanai, Orochi, Chukchi, Evenki, Evens, Eskimos living in the Far North, Siberia and the Far East of our country. Their representatives are distinguished by discipline, diligence, unpretentiousness in ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy


  • Peoples of Russia, Pantileeva A. (ed.-comp.). This album introduces the reader to the color lithographs "Peoples of Russia", made according to the drawings of E. M. Korneev, which the artist performed during his stay on an expedition to the most remote ...

    Main article: Artemis Fowl (novel series) In the world of Artemis Fowl, many more sentient (and sometimes semi-sentient) races live in addition to humans. These races, which people consider fabulous, make up the fairy people, forced to live underground due to ... ... Wikipedia

    The list takes into account only those languages, the literature in which is represented by original works of art. Dead languages ​​known only from inscriptions, as well as languages ​​in which there are only folklore records or translations of educational ... ... Wikipedia

    I. Having told of the end of the flood, and that according to with God's promise such a judgment will never again come upon the earth (Gen 9:9-19), the Bible gives the S.N., who make up the new humanity, to whom this promise is intended (Gen 10; cf. Acts ... ... Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia

    Adyghe mythology Australian mythology Ainu mythology Akkadian mythology Andaman mythology Armenian mythology African peoples mythology Ashanti mythology Benin mythology Ganda mythology Dogon mythology Dahomean mythology ... ... Wikipedia

    See: List of active separatist movements in Asia List of active separatist movements in America List of active separatist movements in Africa List of active separatist movements in Europe List of active separatist movements in ... Wikipedia

    Genre Documentary Director Yuri Malyugin Producer Yakov Kaller Scriptwriter ... Wikipedia

    List of famous personalities associated with Tashkent The structure of categories containing articles about Tashkent residents: [-] ... Wikipedia

    Main article: Public Academy of Sciences The list includes a list of public associations of public academies of sciences created in Russia in accordance with the Federal Law of August 23, 1996 No. 127 FZ “On Science and State ... ... Wikipedia

    Below is a list of People's Artists of the Armenian SSR by year of awarding the title ... Wikipedia

    List of characters in ancient Greek mythology whose homeland is unknown This article contains data on the characters of ancient Greek mythology whose homeland is not mentioned in the sources. Contents 1 Bridegrooms of Hippodamia 2 Participants of the campaign against Thebes ... Wikipedia


  • Reindeer. Management of behavior and populations. Reindeer breeding. Hunting, L. M. Baskin. For the first time, folk methods of reindeer management in reindeer herding and hunting are given a scientific description and explanation. A summary of the methods of working with deer among all reindeer herding peoples is presented ...
  • World population. Ethno-Demographic Handbook, S. I. Brook. The reference book provides data (as of mid-1978) on the population on a global scale: birth and death rates, marital status, marriages, divorces, age composition, sex structure ...

Chinese actor and director Jackie Chan

In second place among the largest peoples of the Earth are Arabs, which currently number about 350 million people.

In fifth place among the largest nations of the planet are Bengalis- the main population of the state of Bangladesh and the state of West Bengal in India. The total number of Bengalis in the world is over 250 million (about 150 million in Bangladesh and about 100 million in India).

Indian writer and poet Rabindranath Tagore, Bengali by nationality

bengali girl

In sixth place among the largest peoples of the Earth are Brazilians(193 million people) - a nation that was formed in the same way as the American nation - by mixing different ethnic groups.

Brazilian soccer player Ronaldinho

The seventh largest people on the planet - Mexicans, of which there are 156 million people in the world, of which 121 million people. live in Mexico and 34.6 million live in the US. On the example of the Mexicans, one can note the conventionality of dividing people into nations. Those Mexicans who live in the US can be considered Mexicans and Americans at the same time.

Mexican Ximena Navarrete - Miss Universe 2010

Mexican football player Rafael Marquez, captain of the Mexico national team

The eighth largest people on Earth - Russians, of which there are about 150 million people in the world, of which 116 million live in Russia, 8.3 million in Ukraine, 3.8 million in Kazakhstan. Russians are the largest people in Europe.

Russian actress Irina Ivanovna Alferova

The ninth largest people in the world - Japanese(130 million people).

Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki

Close the ten largest peoples of the Earth Punjabis. In total, there are 120 million Punjabis in the world, of which 76 million people. lives in Pakistan and 29 million in India.

14th largest people in the world - marathi(80 million people) - the main population of the Indian state of Maharashtra.

Indian actress Madhuri Dixit of the Maratha people

15th largest people on Earth - tamils, of which there are 77 million people in the world, of which 63 million live in India.

Tamil Indian actress Vyjayanthimala

Indian chess player Viswanathan Anand (Tamil by nationality), current world chess champion.

Approximately the same number as Tamils ​​(77 million people) in the world, there are Vietnamese(Viet).

There are also no less than 75 million people Telugu- the main population of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.

About 70 million people are Thais- the main population of Thailand.

Thai Piyaporn Deejin, Miss Thailand 2008

Another big nation Germans. There are 65 million Germans in Germany. If we also count people of German origin, then we get a more impressive figure - 150 million people. For example, in the US, 48 million people have German roots, making them the largest ethnic group among Americans.

German actress Diane Kruger

The term "people" has several meanings. It is understood as the population of a country (for example, the people of India, the people of Switzerland, the people of France, etc.), workers, just a group, a crowd of people (in the expression: there are a lot of people on the street, etc.) and, finally , what scientists call the term "ethnos", "ethnic community". An ethnos (people) is defined as a stable set of people historically established in a certain territory, having common relatively stable features of language, culture and psyche, as well as a consciousness of their unity and difference from all other similar entities.

Several thousand peoples live in the world. They differ from each other in their numbers, level of social development, language and culture, racial appearance.

    Dancing leader of the tribe. New Guinea.

    Swazi woman in festive attire. Swaziland.

    The art of Tunisian carpet weavers is known all over the world.

    Children's party in Hanoi.

    thumb|Mongolian woman in national dress.

    Norwegian schoolchildren.

    Girls from the island of Nauru.

    Large Indian market in the city of Toluca. Mexico.

    frame|right|Belarusian folk holiday.

    frame|right|Sugarcane harvesting in Cuba.

    Modern races of the world.

    frame|center|Representatives of the main races.

    A Tajik girl harvesting cotton.

    The inhabitants of Yakutia are accustomed to severe frosts.

Fluctuations in the number of different ethnic groups are very significant. Thus, the number of the largest nations exceeds 100 million people. These are Chinese, Hindustanis, US Americans, Bengalis, Russians, Brazilians, Japanese. Tiny endangered ethnic groups (more precisely, fragments of ethnic groups) do not number even 10 people today. These include ouma, yoba, bina in Papua New Guinea and others. Differences between ethnic groups are no less significant in terms of the level of socio-economic development: with peoples that are actually still at the stage of primitiveness, peoples that are highly developed in social terms coexist. There are also great linguistic and cultural differences. Each people speaks a special language, although it happens that several ethnic groups use the same language or, conversely, one ethnic group speaks several languages. At the same time, many languages ​​are related to each other, and the degree of this relationship varies. The range of similarities and differences in the culture of different peoples is also significant.

The principles of classification of the peoples of the world are different. In ethnography, ethnolinguistic classification is most often used, grouping all peoples on the basis of linguistic kinship. This classification also helps in historical research, as it gives a genetic interpretation of the existing similarities between peoples. According to the ethnolinguistic classification, the peoples of the world are divided into the following families: Indo-European, Afroasian (Semitic-Hamitic), Kartvelian, Ural (Ural-Yukaghir), Dravidian, Altai, Eskimo-Aleutian, Chukchi-Kamchatka, North Caucasian, Sino-Tibetan, Miao-Yao, Austroasiatic, Austronesian, Parathai, Na-Dene, North Amerindian, Central Amerindian, Chibcha-Paes, Pano-Caribbean, Andean, Equatorial-Tukanoan, Australian, Andaman, Niger-Kordofan, Nilo-Saharan, Khoisan, as well as several Papuan. Along with the peoples united by the listed families, there are also ethnic groups that occupy an isolated position in linguistic terms. These are Basques, Burishi, Kets, Nivkhs, Ainu, etc.

The largest of the families is Indo-European, uniting 45% of the world's population. The peoples of this family live in most of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, foreign Europe, Iran and Afghanistan, in the northern and central regions of South Asia. They also predominate today in America and Australia. (All the peoples included in a particular family are named in the appendix to the article.

The Kartvelian family is small (0.1% of the world's population). It includes Georgians living in Transcaucasia and ethnic communities close to them. The peoples of the Ural (Ural-Yukagir) family (0.5% of the world's population) live in the Trans-Urals, in the far north of Siberia, in the Volga region, in the north of the European part of Russia, in the Baltic States, Finland, and northern Scandinavia and Hungary. The Dravidian family (4% of the world's population) is concentrated mainly in South Asia. The peoples of the Altai family (6% of the world's population) form a series of geographically unrelated areas from the Balkan Peninsula to the Russian Far East. Many scientists consider the groups included in it to be genetically unrelated and attribute them to several different families.

A small Eskimo-Aleut family, whose range mainly covers the extreme north of North America and Greenland, unites, as the name implies, Eskimos and Aleuts. The small peoples of the Chukchi-Kamchatka family (Chukchi, Koryaks, Itelmens) live in the extreme northeast of our country.

The peoples of the Afroasian family (5% of the world's population) are settled in Southwest Asia and North Africa. The Afroasian family includes the Semitic, Berber, Cushitic and Chadic groups.

The North Caucasian family is relatively small in number (0.1% of the world's population). It includes two groups - Abkhaz-Adyghe and Nakh-Dagestan.

The Sino-Tibetan family (23% of the world's population) is inferior in number only to the Indo-European (it includes the Chinese, the most numerous people on Earth).

The peoples of the Miao-Yao family (0.2% of the world's population) live in China, as well as in Vietnam and some other countries of Southeast Asia. The two most significant ethnic communities are the Miao and Yao, which is where the name of the family comes from. Some researchers consider the Miao-Yao as a group within the Sino-Tibetan family, others as a group within the Austroasiatic family.

The peoples of the Austroasiatic family (2% of the world's population) live for the most part in Southeast Asia, as well as in the adjacent regions of South and East Asia.

The Austronesian family (5% of the world's population) unites peoples living in a vast area from Madagascar to the Hawaiian Islands and Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean.

The Parathai family (1.5% of the world's population belongs to it) is concentrated in the countries of Southeast Asia and neighboring regions of China. It does not always stand out as an independent unit. Some scholars consider it a group of the Sino-Tibetan family, others combine the Parathai and Austronesian families.

The Indian peoples of America are linguistically divided into families Na-Dene, North Amerindian, Central Amerindian, Chibcha-Paes (south of Central and northern South America), Pano-Caribbean, Andean, Equatorial-Tukanoan. Of these families, the Andean family is the most significant (0.4% of the world's population), it includes the largest Indian people - the Quechua.

The Australian family, as its name suggests, is centered in Australia. It unites very small aboriginal peoples of this continent.

The Andaman family consists of several very small ethnic groups of the Adaman Islands (Ongyo, etc.).

In New Guinea and the adjacent islands (the New Guinea region in terms of the complexity of the ethnic structure surpasses any other region of the globe), the Papuan peoples live, uniting in ten families according to their linguistic affiliation: trans-New Guinean, West Papuan, Sepik-Rama, Torricelli, East Papuan, East Chendravasih Gulf of Chendravasih, kvomtari, arai, amto-musian. Only the first five families are significant, of which the trans-New Guinean family stands out (the peoples that make up it form 0.1% of the world's population).

The peoples of sub-Saharan Africa form three families: the Niger-Kordofanian (6% of the total world population), the Nilo-Saharan (0.6%), and the Khoisan. The Nilo-Saharan family as a whole is localized to the north of the Niger-Kordofanian; small peoples of the Khoisan family (Hottentots, Bushmen, etc.) live on the southern periphery of Africa and in Tanzania.

A number of peoples of the world occupy an isolated position in linguistic terms. Two peoples separated by language - the Nivkhs and the Kets (both very small in number) - live in the Asian part of our country. In the far north of South Asia, in the mountains of Karakoram, there is a small Burishi people, whose language also occupies an isolated position. In Europe, an isolated language is spoken by the Basques, who live in the Pyrenees, on both sides of the border between Spain and France. Isolated languages ​​are also spoken by the Ainu (Hokkaido, Japan). Finally, a large group of peoples speaking isolated languages ​​lives in New Guinea (Borumeso, Warenbori, Pauwi, etc.), but it is possible that the classification of the languages ​​of the New Guinean peoples as isolated is not the result of true genetic isolation, but a consequence of their still poor study.

Some researchers are trying to identify more distant linguistic kinship, highlighting macrofamilies in addition to families. So, for example, the Indo-European, Kartvelian, Dravidian, Ural-Yukaghir, Altai, Eskimo-Aleutian, and sometimes Afro-Asian families are combined into a Nostratic macrofamily; all Indian families (except Na-Dene) - into the Amerindian macrofamily.

In addition to the ethno-linguistic classification, there is also an areal classification, when peoples are grouped into large regions, called historical-cultural or historical-ethnographic regions. Within these areas, in the process of long historical development, a certain cultural community has developed.

The peoples of the world are also divided into three main races: Caucasoid (or Caucasoid), Mongoloid and Negroid. The eastern area of ​​the Negroids is often regarded as a special Australoid large race. Some foreign scientists single out a greater number of basic human races, for example, Americanoids, Lapanoids, the Malay race, etc. (see map).

As a result of the mixing of various large races, the so-called contact races were formed, of which there are quite a lot at present. So, from the mixing of the eastern branch of the northern Caucasians and the northern Mongoloids, the Ural (Ural-laponoid) racial group originated. The mixed group includes the South Siberian group that arose from the first centuries of the new era in the vast steppe space between the Urals and the Yenisei, in which Mongoloid features predominate. In the Middle Ages, in the more southern regions, mixed Central Asian groups were formed with the dominance in most cases of the Caucasoid element. In the east and southeast of Asia, there was a zone of contact between Mongoloids and Australoids, where a number of mixed forms arose at different times, for example, the South Asian group with a predominance of Mongoloid features.


INDO-EUROPEAN FAMILY Slavic group Russian Ukrainians Belarusians Poles Czechs, Slovaks Serbs, Montenegrins, Muslim Slavs, Croats, Slovenes, Macedonians Bulgarians Baltic group Lithuanians Latvians Germanic group Germans Austrians German Swiss Alsatians, Luxembourgers Dutch, Flemings, Frisians, Afrikaners English Scots Scots and Anglo-Irish Anglo-Canadians Anglo-Australians, Anglo-Sealanders Anglo-Africans Americans USA, including African Americans Anglo-speaking peoples of Central America, the West Indies and South America (Bahamians, Jamaicans, etc.) and the islands of the Atlantic Ocean (Sectarians, Tristans) Swedes Norwegians Icelanders Faroese Danes Celtic group Irish Welsh Bretons Romanesque group Italians Sardinians Italo-Swiss Corsicans French Walloons Franco-Swiss Franco-Canadians Guadalupe, Martinique, Guianan, Haitian, Reunion, Mauritian, Seychelles Cuban Dominican Puerto Rican Mexico нцы Гватемальцы Гондурасцы Сальвадорцы Никарагуанцы Костариканцы Панамцы Венесуэльцы Колумбийцы Эквадорцы Перуанцы Боливийцы Чилийцы Аргентинцы Парагвайцы Уругвайцы Испанцы Каталонцы Португальцы, кабовердийцы Галисийцы Бразильцы Румыны Молдаване Албанская группа Албанцы Греческая группа Греки Армянская группа Армяне Иранская группа Персы Курды, луры, бахтиары Белуджи Таджики, хазарейцы Афганцы (пуштуны) Ossetians Nuristani group Nuristani Indo-Aryan group Bengalis Assamese Oriya Biharis Hindustanis Rajasthani Gujaratis Marathas Panjabis Sindhis Nepalese Pahari Sinhalese Maldivians Indomauritians, Guyanese-Indopa-Pakistans, Fijian-Indians Kashmiris, Sheena and other Dardic peoples Gypsies AFRASIAN FAMILY Semitic group Arab peoples, Egyptians and Dr. ) Maltese Jews of Israel Amhara, Gurage, Tigray, Tigre Berber group Kabila, Tamazight, Shilh, Tuareg and others Kushite group Oromo Somali Afar, Bej a, Sidamo and others Chadian group of Hausa, Angas, Kotoko and others KARTVEL FAMILY Georgians DRAVIDIAN FAMILY Tamils ​​Malayali Kannara Telugus Gonds, Oraon, Braguis and other Dravidian peoples URAL-YUKAGIR FAMILY Finno-Ugric group Finns Karelians Estonians Saami (Lapps), Mordovians, Mari, Udmurts, Komi Hungarians Khanty, Mansi Samoyedic group Nenets, Nganasans, Selkups Yukaghir group Yukaghirs ESKIMO-ALEUT FAMILY Eskimos, Aleuts ALTAI FAMILY Turkic group Turks Azerbaijanis Various Turkic-speaking peoples of Iran Turkmens Tatars, Crimean Tatars Bashkirs, Nokhs Karakalpaks Kirghiz Uzbeks Uigurs Altaians, Shors, Khakass Tuvans Yakuts, Dolgans Chuvashs Mongolian group Khalkha-Mongols Oirats Kalmyks Buryats Mongols of China Tungus-Manchurian group Evenks, Evens, Nanais, Udeges and other Manchus Korean group Koreans Japanese group Nivkhi Nivkhi Chukchi-Kamcha Chukchi Koryaks Itelmens NIGERO-KORDOFAN FAMILY Niger-Congo group Western Atlantic subgroup Fulbe, Wolof, Serer, Diola, Temne, Kisi and others Central Niger-Congo subgroup Moe, Grusi, Gurma, Senufo and other peoples of Gur Bakwe, Bete and other Kru peoples Akan, Anyi, Baule, Ewe, von Ijo Yoruba, Nupe, Bini, Igbo, Ibibio, Tiv, Bamileke and others Fang, Mongo, Rwanda, Rundi, Ganda, Luhya, Kikuyu, Kamba, Nyamwezi, Swahili, Kongo, Luba, Bemba, Malawi , Makua, Ovimbundu, Shona, Tswana, Pedi, Sutho, Xhosa, Zulu, Tsonga and other Bantu peoples Zande, Chamba, Mbum, Banda, Gbaya and other Adamaua-Ubangu peoples Mande group Malinke, Bambara, Soninke, Susu, Mende and others Kordofanian group Ebang, Kadugli and others NILO-SAHARAN FAMILY Eastern Sudanese group Nubians, Dinka, Kalenjin, Luo and others Central Sudanese group Bongo, Sara, Bagirmi, Moru, Mangbetu and others Bert Bert group Kunama Kunama group Saharan Kanuri, Tubu and others Songai group Songhai and others Fur Fur group Mabang group Mabang and others Komuz group Koma and others KOYSAN FAMILY Bushmen, Hottentots BASQUES BURISHI Burishi NORTH CAUCASIAN FAMILY Abkhazian-Adyghe group Abkhazians, Adyghes, Kabardians, Circassians Nakh-Dagestanian group Chechens, Inlezushs, Avars, Dargins and other KETS Kets SINO-TIBETA FAMILY Chinese, Hui Bai Tibetans, Bhutanese and others Myanmar Yizu, Tujia, Hani, Manipur, Naga, Karen, Kachin, Garo, Bodo, Newari, Tamang and others AUSTRIASIAN FAMILY Mon-Khmer group Viet, Muong Khmer, Highland Khmer Asli group Semangi, Senoi Nicobar group Nicobar people Khasi group Khasi Munda group Munda, Santals and others group Malaysian Malays, Cham Javanese, Sundas, Madhurians, Indonesian Malays, Minangkabau and other Tagals, Bisayas, Iloks and


NA-DENE FAMILY Athabaskan (Navajo, Apache and others), Tlingit, Haida NORTH AMERINDIAN FAMILY Maya, Quekchi, Quiché, Kaqchikel, Algonquian, Sioux and others CENTRAL AMERINDIAN FAMILY Aztecs, Shoshone, Otomi, Mishtec, Zapotec and others Chibcha-PAES Miskito, paez and others ANDean FAMILY Quechua, Aymara, Araucans and others

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