Working with books in the library. Book monuments: definition and types

The book is a great achievement of human civilization and the entire world culture. It has passed the same long way of development as the man himself and human society. For centuries, it has changed its appearance, acquiring more and more perfect features: clay tablets, papyrus scrolls, huge folios with parchment sheets, and finally, the paper book-code familiar to us, which in recent times, the era information technologies, more and more insistently being squeezed out of everyday life by audio and electronic publications.

However, no matter what form a book takes - a modestly published brochure or a luxuriously decorated edition - throughout history it has played an outstanding role in a person's life: it educates, reveals the secrets of being, helped to fight ...People all over the world are aware of the great role of the book, dedicating numerous monuments to it in all corners of the globe.

But the book itself as such is a monument to the era and its achievements. The term "book monument" has become widespread since the mid-1980s. XX century, when the issue of the need to preserve a valuable book as a monument of culture and history began to be discussed more and more often. By the 1990s The beginning of work on the “Regulations on book monuments of the Russian Federation” dates back, in accordance with which work continues to this day on the creation of the “Unified Fund of Book Monuments of the Russian Federation”, the “Code of Book Monuments of the Russian Federation” and the “Registers of Book Monuments of the Russian Federation”. The adoption of the term “book monument” in science and practice made it possible to more accurately determine the place of a book among other remarkable monuments of history and culture - scientific, literary, artistic, architectural, fine, musical ...

Currently, the meaning of the term "book monument" is based on two meanings of the term "monument". Firstly, a monument is understood as a value category that encompasses the results of human activity that highly reflects the culture and history of its era. Secondly, this word means unique (one-of-a-kind) historical source, document. The first meaning is more related to book monuments representing the publication as a whole (i.e. not unique, existing in circulation). The second - to unique book monuments - special copies of publications, the significance of which is formed not during the creation of a book, but in the process of its life in society.

The "book monuments" today include:

1) handwritten books, publications created on early stages the development of the book (for a domestic book, these are all publications published up to 1830 inclusive);

2) publications of a later historical period, in which the most significant achievements of all areas of social development, as well as events and eras of great historical significance, receive a specific reflection (in the repertoire, textual preparation, editing, commenting, artistic design and printing performance).

Editions after 1830 are characterized as valuable books (book monuments) of the period of selective acquisition. For their identification as monuments, a whole line criteria. Here are just some groups of publications that were published after 1830 and belong to the category of "book monument":

· The first editions of the most important state documents.

· The first and lifetime editions of classical works of science and literature and their best reprints.

· First editions of documents representing milestones history of science and literature (individual works, collective collections, creative programs, manifestos, archival documents).

· Books that are rare and valuable in appearance (e.g. format, paper, title page design, placement of material, illustrations, cover).

· Books with inscriptions and marks (for example, author's inscriptions signed by the authors on all copies of the edition, censors', editors' and publishers' marks, book owners' inscriptions, readers' marks).

In the language of legal documents governing the activity in relation to book treasures Russian Federation, book monuments- these are “printed and handwritten monuments: individual books, newspapers, magazines, cartographic, musical and other publications, book and manuscript collections that have outstanding spiritual, aesthetic, printing or documentary merits, representing on a global or national scale, on a regional or local scale socially significant scientific, historical and cultural value and protected by special legislation.

In accordance with Russian legislation, book monuments, like other types cultural heritage are subject to state protection.



On the formation of state policy in the field of preservation of library collections as part of the cultural heritage and information resource of the country

On May 20, 1998, at a meeting of the Collegium of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the issue of forming a state policy in the field of preserving library collections as part of the country's cultural heritage and information resource was considered.

The Collegium heard information on the state of preservation and safety of library collections, on the results of the work of the Interdepartmental Commission for checking the accounting and storage regime of collections of all federal libraries under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, organized by the Department of Libraries and Information in accordance with the instructions of the Presidium of the Government of the Russian Federation (minutes No. 5 dated 06.02.97).

An analysis of the audit materials shows that despite the efforts made by federal libraries to preserve collections, in recent years, as a result of chronic underfunding, the situation with ensuring the safety and security of federal library collections has deteriorated sharply, and in a number of libraries has become critical.

To get out of this situation, along with the urgent need to improve budget financing, it is necessary to take a whole range of measures to organize a systematic approach to solving the problems of ensuring the safety and security of library collections, which is especially important in conditions of lack of funds.

The collegium reviewed and approved the documents developed for this purpose by the leading libraries of the country by order and with the participation of the Department of Libraries and Information:

Conclusion on the organization of accounting and the mode of storage of funds in federal libraries under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Draft Concept of the National Program for the Preservation of Library Collections of the Russian Federation.

Sub-program project - "Conservation of library collections", one of the components of the National Program.

Draft Regulations on book monuments of the Russian Federation.

The project of organizing a federal center for the preservation of documents on the basis of the Department for the conservation of documents of the Russian national library.

The Collegium approved the work of the Department of Libraries and Information on the formation of state policy in the field of preservation of library collections.

In order to further implement this policy, improve the efficiency of work to ensure the safety and accessibility of library collections

I order:

1. Recognize the direction of activity for the preservation of library funds as part of the cultural heritage and information resource of the country as one of the main priorities of the state cultural policy.

2. To approve the Concept of the National Program for the Preservation of Library Collections of the Russian Federation.

3. Recommend to the cultural bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to accept the concept of the National Program for the Preservation of Library Collections of the Russian Federation as the basis for developing regional programs for the preservation of library collections.

4. Department of Libraries and Information (E.I. Kuzmin) and federal libraries to complete the development of the National Program for the Preservation of Library Collections of the Russian Federation during 1998-1999. Department of Economics and Finance (A.B. Savchenko) to provide for this the necessary funding.

5. The Department of Economics and Finance (A.B. Savchenko), together with the Department of Libraries and Information (E.I. Kuzmin), within three months, to submit proposals for attracting additional funds, including extrabudgetary funds, for regular financing of work within the framework of the National Program conservation of library collections.

7. The Department of Libraries and Information (E.I. Kuzmin) to prepare proposals for the creation, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 26.06.95 N 594, of the Directorate of the National Program for the Preservation of Library Collections.

8. Approve as the base institutions for the development and implementation of the National Program for the Preservation of Library Collections on the topic "Book Monuments of the Russian Federation" - the Russian State Library, "Conservation of Library Collections" of the Russian National Library, "Creation of an Insurance Fund and Preservation of Information" - the All-Russian State Library Foreign Literature named after M.I. Rudomino, "Use of Library Collections" - State Public Historical Library, "Security of Library Collections" - Center for the Safety of Cultural Property GosNIIR. Basic organizations to work in close contact with federal and regional libraries and other cultural institutions. The overall coordination of the Program is carried out by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Russian Library Association.

9. The Russian National Library (V.N. Zaitsev) to create a federal Center for the Conservation of Library Collections on the basis of the Department for the Conservation of Documents of the Russian National Library as a base unit for the implementation of the National Program for the Preservation of Library Collections of the Russian Federation in the part "Conservation of Documents". Approve the project of his organization. The Department of Economics and Finance (A.B. Savchenko) to provide for the costs of organizing and maintaining the Center in the draft budget of the Russian National Library starting from 1999.

10. In general, approve the draft Regulations on book monuments of the Russian Federation, send it for approval to the interested departments, with a view to subsequent submission in the prescribed manner to the Government of the Russian Federation for approval.

11. To impose control over the execution of the order on the Deputy Minister V.P. Demin.

N.L. Dementieva

Project. Regulations on book monuments of the Russian Federation

Regulations on book monuments of the Russian Federation*

* The project was prepared by order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation by a group of authors consisting of: Yatsunok E.I., Petrova L.N., Tolchinskaya L.M., Starodubova N.Z.

This Regulation has been developed in accordance with federal laws and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation that determine the state policy in the field of preservation and multiplication of the national cultural heritage.

The regulation establishes the general principles of accounting, formation of funds, organization of storage and protection of book monuments of history and culture, which are the property of all peoples of the Russian Federation and constitute an integral part of the national and world cultural heritage.

1. General section

1.1. Basic concepts

This Regulation uses the following basic concepts and their definitions:

monuments of history and culture - movable and immovable material objects that are results and evidence historical development peoples, individuals, states, representing as such a socially significant (universal) cultural value and protected by special legislation;

book - a work of spiritual and material creativity, presented in sign-symbolic or pictorial form, reproduced, as a rule, on a paper or parchment basis in the form of a handwritten code or printed edition of any material structure (book, newspaper, magazine, sheet, card, complete); book monuments of history and culture (book monuments) - individual books, book collections that have outstanding spiritual, aesthetic or documentary merits, representing as such socially significant scientific, historical and cultural value and protected by special legislation;

a single book monument - a separate book with independent qualities of a valuable historical and cultural object;

collection - book monument - an organized collection of single book monuments and (or) books that are not valuable in their disunity, but possessing the distinctive advantages of a historical and cultural object in the aggregate;

fund of book monuments - the most representative and unique in its composition, a specialized collection of single book monuments and (or) collections - book monuments, formed in cultural institutions in order to optimize their preservation, study and popularization and considered as such as a complex valuable historical and cultural object ;

accounting of book monuments - a set of rules and procedures that ensure the identification of book monuments, their identification, registration, accounting and documentary registration, acceptance under state protection;

state register of book monuments - a list of book monuments protected by the state, compiled in the order of their state registration, indicating registration numbers, status and category of protection;

a set of book monuments - descriptions of book monuments, annotated in detail, brought together and organized in a systematic manner;

list of accounting book values ​​- a list of identified book values ​​offered by their fund holders for historical and cultural identification and inclusion in the state register of book monuments.

1.2. Scope of the Regulation

The norms established by these Regulations shall apply:

- to all book monuments, regardless of the form of ownership, maintenance or management;

- throughout the territory of the Russian Federation;

- in relation to all legal entities and individuals located or operating in the Russian Federation.

1.3. Ownership of book monuments

Book monuments may be owned

- states (federal and subjects of the Russian Federation),

- organs local government(municipal),

- public organizations,

- individuals and

- other subjects.

The determination of the forms of ownership and powers of owners, owners and managers of book monuments is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of protection of national cultural heritage and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

2. Types of book monuments

2.1. On the basis of the criterion of integrity, individual book monuments are singled out, collections - book monuments.

2.1.1. Single book monuments can be

- handwritten books

- printed publications and

- copies of publications.

Editions - book monuments - are books, the very fact of the appearance of which and (or) the originality of the material embodiment, as well as the peculiarities of existence, are of outstanding historical and cultural significance.

Copies - book monuments are:

- the highest quality (reference) specimens isolated from total circulation publications, in general, possessing the merits of historical and cultural value, in the amount necessary and sufficient to perform historical, cultural and memorial functions;

- all surviving copies in case of special value and rarity of the edition;

- copies of both valuable and ordinary publications that have received outstanding or documenting value in the process of their creation or existence (the so-called special copies: with autographs, marks, censorship restrictions, etc.).

2.1.2. Collections - book monuments are:

- special book collections, formed according to historical and book characteristics and reflecting the evolution of book business and book printing;

- collections of printed materials of critical stages in the development of society as authentic, adequate and one-time evidence of events and phenomena of historical significance, making an exceptional contribution to their understanding;

- systematized, personal and other book collections that in some outstanding way characterize times, events, peoples, territories, objects (themes), forms and styles, other important manifestations of the historical and spiritual development of society;

- personal collections (personal libraries), which are:

1) collections collected by prominent statesmen or public figures, scientists and cultural figures, reflecting the range of their general cultural or professional interests, connections and business contacts, revealing the laboratory of their creative thought;

2) outstanding bibliophile collections, regardless of social status their collectors.

3. Funds of book monuments

Funds of book monuments are:

- funds of rare and valuable books, formed as integral systematized collections;

- archives of the national press, in the aggregate documenting the national repertoire; archives local press;

- "Rossica" funds as the only representative meetings of their kind foreign books related to Russia in terms of content, authorship or linguistic affiliation;

- local lore collections, made up of books related by content or origin to certain territories or localities of Russia.

4. Categories of book monuments

4.1. According to the degree of historical and cultural value, book monuments are divided into

- world,

- national (federal),

- regional,

- local.

4.1.1. World-class monuments include books that have universal meaning for the formation and development of human society as a whole or are outstanding creations of world culture:

- all ancient and medieval handwritten books,

- early printed editions (incunabula) and paleotypes, domestic editions of the 16th century,

- individual handwritten books, editions and copies of both the old and the new (after 1830) time,

- personal collections and funds of book monuments of world significance.

4.1.2. The monuments of the national (federal) level include books that are of paramount importance for the knowledge and development national history and culture:

- handwritten books up to modern,

- early printed editions of the XVII - first quarter XIX centuries, regardless of language and place of their appearance,

- individual editions and copies of modern editions,

- national press archives,

- personal collections and funds of book monuments (rare and valuable books) of modern times.

4.1.3. To monuments regional significance include publications of all types and types, the value of which is determined by their historical and cultural significance for the corresponding region and the peoples inhabiting it:

- local press collections (press archives),

- ethnic, local history, personal and other special collections, personal libraries,

- separate valuable editions and copies.

4.1.4. Monuments of local importance include publications of all types and types, special, personal and other collections, individual copies of special historical and cultural value for the respective area.

5. Identification of book monuments

5.1. Chronological, social value and quantitative criteria are used to identify book monuments.

5.1.1. The chronological criteria are:

- "age" of the book, determined by the duration of the time interval between the date of manufacture or production of the book and the present time;

- phasing that characterizes the book not only as a document that adequately and simultaneously reflects turning points social development, but also as their direct belonging and integral part.

5.1.2. Social value criteria are:

- outstanding distinctive qualities inherent in the book as an object of material culture;

- valuable functional properties acquired by the book in the system of social relations in the process of its existence. The subject signs of the value of a book are: the originality of its material embodiment, special forms, artistic, pictorial-graphic or compositional solution, the remarkableness of the very fact of the appearance of the book. Functional signs of the value of the book are uniqueness, priority and memoriality.

- Uniqueness distinguishes the book as the only one of its kind, preserved in one copy or having individual features of scientific and historical significance (litters, autographs, hand coloring, censorship restrictions, etc.).

- Priority characterizes the book as the first publication in time of the works of the classics of science and culture, other works that have a fundamentally importance for the history of science, culture, socio-political development. Priority also applies to the first samples of various printing techniques and book design.

- Memoriality correlates the book with the life and work of outstanding personalities, figures of the state, science and culture, with the work of scientific and creative teams as well as important historical events and memorable places.

5.1.3. Quantitative criteria are the low distribution and rarity of the book.

- Less common are books made in a small number of copies, as well as books, all copies of which are concentrated due to some historical circumstances within a small limited area or in a narrow circle of owners.

- Rarity characterizes the book as preserved in a relatively small number of copies.

5.2. Book monuments are identified according to individual criteria, in their combination and in a complex. Quantitative criteria are used taking into account the chronology and social value properties of the book.

5.3. The listed criteria of book monuments bring archival and museum aspects to the memorial function of libraries.

6. Accounting for book monuments

6.1. Accounting for book monuments is carried out by identifying book values, their evaluation, registration, description, documentation and acceptance under state protection.

6.2. Accounting objects can be single (separate) books, book collections and funds, other aggregates of historical and cultural value, while taking into account not only the complex value itself, but also each of its components, which, according to its characteristics, can be considered an independent value.

6.3. Accounting for book monuments is carried out by specially authorized state bodies for the protection of cultural heritage (hereinafter: bodies for the protection of cultural heritage) of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

6.4. Book monuments are taken into account regardless of who owns, manages or uses them.

6.4.1. Book values ​​that are in state (federal and subjects of the Russian Federation) and municipal property, as well as in joint ownership with the participation of the state, are submitted for examination and registration without fail.

6.4.2. Book valuables owned public organizations, other non-state legal entities, as well as private individuals, are taken into account on a voluntary basis, subject to the relevant statements of their owners (owners).

6.5. The organization of all activities to identify book values ​​is provided by the bodies for the protection of cultural heritage of the appropriate level. Direct work on the search, identification and evaluation of book values ​​is carried out by state fund depositories (libraries, museums, archives, bodies of scientific and technical information and documentation, etc.), which are responsible for the preservation certain types and categories of book monuments in the respective territory.

6.6. Examination of book valuables is carried out by expert commissions of bodies for the protection of cultural heritage with the involvement of specialists from state depositories of the corresponding profile. The powers of an expert on book monuments may be entrusted to these institutions in full.

6.7. Identification of book monuments is carried out by:

- study of the available documentary funds of libraries, book chambers, archives, museums, NTI bodies, and other depositories;

- selection of newly incoming valuable documents through all channels of current acquisition, including purchase, gifts, book exchange, receipt of legal copies, etc.;

- organization of special purchase actions for the acquisition of book values ​​in the second-hand book sector, at auctions, from private individuals;

- organization of archeographic expeditions;

- searching for and cumulating documentary data about book monuments that disappeared under unclear circumstances, are listed as undiscovered or are on the wanted list.

6.8. Book values, on which a positive opinion of experts has been adopted, are included by the cultural heritage protection authorities in the Lists of registered cultural values ​​before they are given the official status of book monuments. For the entire time of resolving the issue of the status of these values, they are subject to the provisions of the legislation and other legal norms relating to state-protected monuments of history and culture.

6.9. The object acquires the official status of a state-protected book monument after its state registration and inclusion in the State Register of book monuments on the basis of the relevant decision of the federal authorities executive power and (or) public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

6.10. Accounted revealed book values ​​that are not accepted under state protection are under the control of cultural heritage protection authorities.

6.11. The state register of protected book monuments of the world and national (federal) levels is carried out by a specially authorized government agency protection of the cultural heritage of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

6.12. Registration and maintenance of registers of book monuments protected by the state at the regional and local levels is carried out by territorial bodies for the protection of cultural heritage.

6.13. Book monuments of the regional level can be transferred to the status of national (federal) monuments by the decision of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

6.14. Assignment of the status of book monuments of world importance to outstanding national (federal) book monuments and their registration in the Lists world heritage are carried out by the relevant decisions of the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage Committee on the proposal of the Russian Committee for the UNESCO Memory of the World Program.

6.15. Registration of book monuments is carried out on the basis of an application for registration of the owner (owner, manager) of the monument.

6.16. An application for the registration of a book monument, the unified form of which is established by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, contains information about the owner (owner, administrator) of the monument, a bibliographic description of the monument, its bibliographic and historical characteristics, a description of the state of conservation and storage conditions, a historical reference, including data on the origin or the source of acquisition of the monument, on the basis of which an entry is made in the State Register of book monuments.

6.17. Each book monument accepted under state protection is assigned a security number in the general sequence of the Register, indicating the category of protection.

6.18. Disagreements that arise between the applicant and the state registration authority in connection with the level of status assigned to the monument or the refusal to register it, are eliminated by a special commission of independent experts.

6.19. The owner (owner, manager) of a book monument is issued a special certificate of the established form, which gives the right to state support for the maintenance and preservation of the monument in accordance with its level.

6.20. Book monuments of national (federal) significance, regardless of their location, are included in the unified State Register of national (federal) book monuments of the Russian Federation. State registers of book monuments of regional and local significance are formed within the boundaries of the respective administrative-territorial units.

7. Code of book monuments of the Russian Federation

7.1. The code of book monuments of the Russian Federation is organized as a single systematized all-Russian database of book monuments of the Russian Federation at all levels.

7.2. The code of book monuments of the Russian Federation contains information about the composition of book monuments, their number, distribution throughout the country, about their owners (owners) and custodians, and about the features of use.

7.3. The Code of book monuments of the Russian Federation includes both single book monuments and collections - book monuments, funds of book monuments, and other aggregate collections.

7.4. The code of book monuments of the Russian Federation is formed by the method of a consolidated catalog on the basis of information provided by fund holders in electronic, printed and (or) card forms in accordance with specially established rules.

7.5. The description of book monuments is carried out in accordance with GOST 7.1-84. "Bibliographic description of a document" and "Rules for compiling a bibliographic description" (M., 1986-1993), applied to book monuments in full form, including optional elements. A specific part of the description of a book monument is a passport, which includes a bibliographic annotation that describes the monument in detail (decoration, illustrations, printing technique, paper (carrier), dedication inscriptions, notes in the text, bookplates, owner's bindings, etc.), information about the history origin of the monument, its physical condition. Early printed books are described in accordance with the "Rules for compiling a bibliographic description of early printed publications" (M., 1989), handwritten books - according to the description method for the "Consolidated catalog of Slavic-Russian handwritten books stored in the USSR. XI - XIII centuries." (M., 1984).

7.6. The formation of a set of book monuments of the world and national (federal) levels is carried out by the Russian State Library. Codes of book monuments of regional and local levels are formed by central state libraries subjects of the Russian Federation within the boundaries of the respective territory. The Russian State Library is the holder of the general data bank on book monuments.

8. State storage of book monuments

8.1. Under the state storage of book monuments is understood organized system measures to ensure the accounting, preservation and use of book monuments located in libraries, museums, book chambers, archives, bodies of scientific and technical information and other depositories of the Russian Federation on the rights of possession, disposal (management) or use of state and (or) municipal property.

8.2. Book monuments that are public or private property may be transferred to state storage at the request or with the consent of their owners (owners) on mutually acceptable terms.

8.3. The state storage of book monuments of the Russian Federation is organized on the basis of profiling (specialization) of fund depositories, taking into account their type, status, specific tasks and material capabilities.

8.4. The state storage of book monuments has three levels of organization:

- national (federal),

- regional (subjects of the Russian Federation) and

- local.

8.4.1. At the national level, the formation and storage of collections of book monuments of world and national (federal) significance is ensured.

8.4.2. At the regional level, they form and store as much as possible complete collections book monuments of regional importance.

8.4.3. At the local level, the most complete collections of book monuments of local importance are created and stored.

8.4.4. The specialization of regional and local depositories does not prevent them from collecting and storing book monuments of world and (or) national significance.

8.5. Book monuments that are in state custody are subject to mandatory state registration in accordance with established rules, as well as reflection in consolidated federal and regional data banks.

8.6. Organizations and institutions of the state storage of book monuments carry out their internal accounting in accordance with GOST 7.20-80 "Accounting units for the collections of libraries and bodies of scientific and technical information", GOST 7.35-81 "Library documentation. Primary accounting documents", "Instructions for accounting for the library fund "(M., 1995), "Instructions for accounting and storage of museum valuables located in state museums of the USSR" (M., 1984), "Collection of regulatory documents that ensure the uniformity of accounting, storage and use of documents of the State Archival Fund of the USSR, permanently stored in the funds of the libraries of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR" (M., 1990).

8.6.1. The inventory book (inventory), intended for individual accounting of incoming and outgoing book monuments, as well as for monitoring their safety, contains data on each copy, including printed editions, maps, postcards, etc., as well as usually in a group way materials.

8.6.2. Each copy is assigned an inventory number corresponding to the number of its fixation in the inventory book, and a storage cipher. A book of total accounting and a book of the movement of book monuments are also kept. book monuments different types they are counted separately.

8.6.3. Re-accounting (checking) of book monuments is carried out at least once every 5 years. The results of the check are documented in an act and transferred to the registration authorities.

The frequency of re-registration (checking) of the funds of book monuments, numbering 100 thousand copies or more, is determined individually in agreement with the cultural heritage protection authorities.

8.6.4. Normative documentation on the formation, accounting and preservation of the funds of institutions and organizations classified as especially valuable objects of the cultural heritage of the Russian Federation is approved by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation or in agreement with it.

8.7. Book monuments stand out from general meeting documents of depository institutions into separate funds of book monuments (rare and valuable books), the content, storage and use of which is regulated by GOST 7.50-90 "Conservation of documents. General requirements", regulatory acts of the Russian Federation on the protection of national cultural heritage, as well as this Regulation.

8.8. A scientifically substantiated redistribution of book monuments in the system of state storage is allowed. Exchange offers are regularly published in a special bulletin of the Central Book Exchange Fund of the RSL.

8.9. Registered collections and funds are not subject to disbanding, dismantling or liquidation without special permission from the cultural heritage protection authorities.

The exception is ordinary circulation copies of publications that are part of collections and funds, which can be replaced by better-preserved copies of the same publication.

Note. The composition of collections and funds may change both in the direction of replenishment and scientifically justified alienation of individual copies, if a more in-depth subsequent study did not confirm their compliance with the status of book monuments. The act of recognizing the non-compliance of the book with the criteria of historical and cultural value is its exclusion from the State Register of book monuments.

8.10. It is not allowed to exclude book monuments from the depositories due to obsolescence (moral obsolescence), as well as physical wear and tear due to their exploitation by consumers or natural physical aging of materials. The only reason for writing off book monuments is their loss as a result of unforeseen circumstances and impacts.

8.11. Any changes in the composition of the funds of book monuments, due to their movement, new acquisitions or losses, are documented and regularly sent to the protection authorities that registered these monuments.

8.12. The status of the state custodian of book monuments of the Russian Federation gives institutions the right to make facsimiles, as well as insurance and working microcopies of monuments at the expense of funds allocated for the implementation of federal programs for the preservation of national cultural heritage and the creation of a Russian documentation insurance fund.

8.13. Federal institutions and organizations provide all types of activities to identify, record and preserve book monuments of world and national (federal) significance, regardless of their location and affiliation, in accordance with their specifics.

8.14. The Russian State Library is the federal research and coordinating center for working with book monuments of the Russian Federation.

The functions, tasks and content of the activities of the RSL as a federal research and coordinating center for working with book monuments of the country are determined by the relevant regulatory act approved by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, and are also reflected in the Charter of the RSL.

8.15. Regional institutions and organizations provide all types of activities to identify, record and preserve book monuments of regional and local significance within the boundaries of their territories, regardless of ownership and departmental affiliation.

The functions of regional scientific - methodological and coordinating centers are performed by central libraries subjects of the Russian Federation.

8.16. Institutions - custodians of book monuments of the Russian Federation carry out activities for the disclosure of book cultural values, their relaying and public accessibility. Mandatory forms of information are the creation of an extensive system of catalogs, card indexes, reference publications that reflect the funds of book monuments in many aspects, and the organization of museum and exhibition historical and book expositions.

9. Preservation and conservation of book monuments

9.1. The preservation of book monuments is understood as their state, characterized by the degree of retention of operational properties, subject to the maximum preservation of the appearance of documents and signs of its authenticity.

9.2. The preservation of book monuments is ensured through their conservation, i.e. creation and maintenance of the normative mode of storage, stabilization and restoration, in accordance with GOST 7.50-90 "Conservation of documents. General requirements" and "Guidelines for the implementation of GOST 7.50-90".

9.2.1. The mode of storage of book monuments includes:

- temperature and humidity regime (maintaining the standard parameters of temperature and humidity through systematic monitoring and regulation using air conditioning systems or heating and ventilation facilities);

- sanitary and hygienic regime (hygienic treatment, entomological and mycological supervision of the state of book monuments);

- light mode (maintaining the normative parameters of the illumination of documents through the use of highly efficient light-protective equipment during their storage and use, especially when exposed).

9.2.2. Stabilization - protection of book monuments from mechanical, physico-chemical and biological effects of the environment through their processing, which slows down aging and prevents damage. Stabilization is carried out by individual and mass methods of neutralization of acidity, hardening, disinfection, disinfestation, as well as mounting, encapsulation, placement in acid-free cardboard containers.

9.2.3. Restoration of book monuments - restoration and (or) improvement of the operational properties of the document, as well as its form and appearance, is carried out by cleaning, replenishing, strengthening the originals with the obligatory preservation of signs of their authenticity. The most valuable objects are pre-copied. When copying, non-destructive methods are used.

9.3. The conservation of book monuments is carried out using non-destructive environmentally friendly technologies, durable substances and materials, methods recommended by existing standards and new developments of leading restoration centers in Russia.

9.4. Stabilization and restoration of book monuments is carried out by highly qualified specialists in specialized departments who have the appropriate permission.

10. Safety of book monuments

10.1. The safety of book monuments is understood as a set of legal, engineering, technical, organizational and special measures that prevent the loss of book monuments due to theft and theft, vandalism, man-made accidents, natural Disasters, other dangerous circumstances and actions.

10.2. The legal security of book monuments is ensured by the relevant legislation of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, this Regulation, other by-laws and regulations in the field of preserving the national cultural heritage.

10.3. In order to ensure the safety of book monuments, sets of measures are being developed and implemented to predict, prevent and suppress acts of vandalism, damage, and theft of funds.

10.4. Engineering and technical protection of storage sites for book monuments is ensured by the technical strength of the storage facilities, their location in rooms with an emergency exit or near staircases and elevators, a multi-line fire alarm system, specially selected fire extinguishing equipment in accordance with the standards of the "Uniform Requirements for Technical Strengthening and signaling equipment for protected objects" RD 78.147-93 and "Fire safety rules for cultural institutions of the Russian Federation" (VPPB 13-01-94) and agreed with representatives of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

10.5. Technical and special services conduct regular supervision of the condition and correct operation of engineering and technical equipment (electrical installations, heating, ventilation, water supply, sewer systems, etc.), provide its maintenance and repair.

10.6. Organizational support for the protection of book monuments is carried out through the development and implementation of a set of means and measures for their safety, namely: forecasting the state of protection; assessment of the effectiveness of the access control regime, physical and electronic protection, a set of job and special instructions; constant analysis professional level keepers.

10.7. In relation to book monuments, along with the general, specific standards and requirements are developed and implemented that correspond to the characteristics of this type of cultural property.

11. Use of book monuments

11.1. The main principle in the use of book monuments is the priority of preservation over accessibility.

11.2. Book monuments as part of libraries are in a mode of use close to archival and museum ones.

11.3. General rules use of book monuments are:

- the maximum possible replacement of originals with copies when issuing to users;

- issuance of originals for scientific purposes and in special cases requiring appropriate justification;

- provision of originals to users only within the walls of the holding institution in specially designated premises and in the presence of a custodian on duty;

- development of exhibition and museum display as a form of wide access to the originals of book monuments.

11.4. Special rules use are established for book monuments of the highest category of protection.

11.5. Direct access to the originals is carried out in cases where the published work is studied in organic unity with material form its incarnation.

11.6. To work only with text, as well as in case of unsatisfactory physical condition of the document, the user, as a rule, is provided with a copy. The originals are issued for a limited time.

11.7. Book monuments that are in the mode of archival storage are provided to users in the absence of the required publications in the funds of institutions that do not perform archival functions.

11.8. Access to publications from funds and collections - book monuments is carried out only in the absence of relevant materials in the funds general purpose of this institution.

11.9. Insurance and working copies are created for book monuments in formats and on media that allow their multiple subsequent copying. Working copies form a fund for the use of book monuments.

11.10. Particularly valuable book monuments are subject to reprography in the system of the Unified Documentation Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation in case of loss of the originals as a result of emergency situations.

11.11. Exhibiting or other forms of moving book monuments outside the institutions (organizations) - custodians is subject to their mandatory insurance at the expense of legal entities and individuals who have received permission to move, for a period agreed with the cultural heritage protection authorities. The sums insured are set on the basis of peer review produced in accordance with the methodology approved by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

11.12. The export of book monuments outside the Russian Federation is carried out in the manner determined by the Law of the Russian Federation "On the export and import of cultural property".

11.13. Commercial activities related to the use of book monuments are regulated by the orders of the cultural heritage protection authorities.

12. Fund of book monuments of the Russian Federation

12.1. Book monuments registered in state registers of all levels (federal, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal) and under the protection of the state, regardless of their origin, place of storage, form of ownership, management or use, constitute the total (single) Fund of book monuments of the Russian Federation.

12.2. The integrity of the Fund of book monuments of the Russian Federation is ensured by:

- a unified approach to book monuments as a cultural heritage of the country, which makes it possible to implement a unified policy for their preservation and use;

- a unified accounting system for book monuments, providing for general principles for their description, identification and registration;

- a unified system of information about book monuments, both in order to control their preservation, and in order to study, popularize and access;

- general requirements for sanitary and specifications content of book monuments;

- state guarantee of support for the preservation of the cultural heritage of the Russian Federation.

12.3. As part of the Fund of book monuments of the Russian Federation, funds of book monuments may be allocated according to regional, sectoral, specific and other characteristics.

12.4. The fund of book monuments of the Russian Federation functions as a single complementary system.

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about book monuments of the Russian Federation)

Books (handwritten and printed) and other types of publications, as well as book collections with outstanding spiritual, aesthetic, printing or documenting properties, representing a socially significant scientific, historical, cultural value and protected by special legislation, are called book monuments (GOST 7.87-2003) . The term "book monument" is synonymous with the terms "rare book", "valuable book". It allows you to more accurately define the concept, put the book on a par with other types of historical and cultural monuments.

Compared to other books, which are mostly perceived only by neutral media, book monuments require a different approach. They present the book as a cultural phenomenon that combines the published work and the way it is materialized. The book monument carries an important historical and cultural potential, is a reflection of both book culture and contemporary culture. human history and culture in general. This determines the task of preserving book monuments as objects of cultural heritage.

In accordance with GOST 7.87-2003 “Book monuments. General requirements» when identifying book monuments, chronological, socially holistic and quantitative criteria are used.

The chronological criterion should be understood as the "age" of the book, determined by the length of the time interval between the date of the book's creation and the present time. To establish the upper date of the chronological criterion in the process of identifying a book monument, one should take into account the features of the history of development various areas knowledge, as well as the specifics and history of book publishing in each specific industry and locality. This principle is the simplest and most obvious. It defines the chronological limit, up to which all publications published in a certain territory can be classified as book monuments. For example, book monuments include all publications up to 1830 inclusive, regardless of the place of printing.

Under the social value criterion one should understand the distinctive properties of a spiritual and material nature, the signs of which, as a rule, are:

  • phasing, which characterizes the book as a document that adequately reflects the most important turning points in social development, as well as being their direct belonging and an integral part;
  • uniqueness that distinguishes the book as the only one of its kind, with individual characteristics that are of historical, cultural and scientific significance;
  • priority that characterizes the book as the first ever edition of the classics of science and literature or the first published edition (edition-book monument), which is of fundamental importance for the development of science and technology, including printing technology and book design, history and culture, social -political development (religion, philosophy, morality, etc.);
  • memoriality, correlating the book with the life and work of prominent personalities, figures of the state, science and culture, with the work of scientific and creative teams, as well as with important historical events and memorable places;
  • collectibility, indicating that the book belongs to a collection that has the properties of an important historical and cultural object.

In accordance with this criterion, book monuments include all publications, contemporary events and eras of great historical significance and adequately reflecting them (for example, the Great French Revolution and the Paris Commune, the Great October Socialist Revolution and the first years of Soviet power(1918-1926), the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. and etc.). Book monuments include Social Democratic and Bolshevik publications before 1917, banned and illegal publications, destroyed by censorship and preserved in small quantities of copies. Recently, they include books returned from special stores.

The memorial principle includes publications related to the activities of people and entire scientific and creative teams (institutes, government agencies, clubs, publishing houses) that have played a recognized role in history, spiritual life, science, any areas of culture, for example, lifetime editions of outstanding figures of science, culture and literature, as well as publications dedicated to the anniversaries of individuals, institutions, geographical objects, events, etc.

The social value criterion refers to book monuments publications that bear the stamp of historical events or famous personalities. These can be books with autographs or marks, ex-librises or super ex-librises, as well as books with an interesting history of existence, for example: publications that have kept notes and marks on their pages local residents during their participation in the Civil or Great Patriotic war. In accordance with this criterion, collections collected by prominent statesmen and military figures, as well as figures of science, culture, and art, are classified as book monuments. The selection of documents according to the memorial principle makes it possible to recreate the history of the country as a whole or a separate region through the book.

It is impossible to adequately reflect history and culture without publications of mass demand. Examples of such publications are textbooks, primers, publications of the printing house of I.D. Sytin, many publishers of the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries.

Difficult to apply is the principle of uniqueness, originality of the publication, part of the circulation, one or more copies. This takes into account the features of the publishing nature, for example: publication on original materials or using rare printing techniques.

Editions that are hand-painted or have special publisher's marks, as well as books of special sizes (for example, miniatures) or small editions, etc. are considered unique. However, they can be book monuments only if these features turn the publication into a work of art, a monument of culture and the art of book printing. For example, if a book, the size of which does not exceed 10x10 cm, is made as reduced copies of books in the usual format, then it is not a book monument.

A small-circulation edition will only be classified as a book monument if its rarity is associated with the historical or cultural significance of the content of the book, or if one took part in its preparation famous artist, or the document has any publishing features, handmade binding.

Signs of a quantitative criterion are the low prevalence (small circulation, limited access) and the rarity of the book, determined by the relatively small number of surviving copies. The quantitative criterion, as a rule, does not apply on its own, but increases the value of the book.

When identifying book monuments in the document fund of the library, it is possible to use an approximate profile of acquisition of funds of rare and valuable books, developed on the basis of documents adopted in the federal library centers of the country.

According to the degree of historical and cultural value, book monuments are divided into the following levels (categories):

  • world,
  • state (federal),
  • regional,
  • local (municipal).

World-class book monuments include book monuments that are of universal importance for the formation and development of human society as a whole or are outstanding creations of world culture.

The assignment of the status of a world-class book monument to a document and its registration in the World Heritage Lists is carried out by the relevant decisions of the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage Committee.

Book monuments of the state (federal) level include book monuments that are of paramount importance for the knowledge and development of national science, history and culture. Among them:

  • handwritten books in full according to the 17th century. inclusive, from the 18th century. - selectively;
  • early printed editions in full up to 1850 inclusive, printed editions after 1850 - selectively;
  • archival copies of the national press;
  • book collections of federal importance.

Book monuments of the regional level include book monuments, the value of which is determined by their historical and cultural significance for the corresponding region and the peoples inhabiting it, including the territories densely populated by certain ethnic groups. Among them:

  • handwritten books from the 18th century. - selectively;
  • early printed editions in the languages ​​of the peoples inhabiting the region, published after 1850, other printed editions after 1850 - selectively;
  • archival copies of the local (subjects of the Russian Federation) press;
  • book collections of regional importance.

The assignment of the status of a book monument of the federal or regional level and its registration in the register of the country or region is carried out by special authorized state authorities of the corresponding level.

Book monuments of the local level include book monuments that are of particular value for a particular area (city, town, village, etc.). The assignment of the status of a book monument of the local level (district, city, settlement) to a document and its inclusion in the register of book monuments of the local level (district, city, settlement) is carried out by authorized municipal authorities.

Investigator SO at the Ministry of Internal Affairs

in Ensk

police lieutenant V.A. Losev

    Appendix N 1. The procedure for classifying documents as book monuments Appendix N 2. The procedure for registering book monuments in the register Appendix N 3. The procedure for maintaining the register of book monuments

Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of May 3, 2011 N 429
"On approval of the procedures for classifying documents as book monuments, registering book monuments, maintaining a register of book monuments"

In accordance with Article 16.1 federal law dated December 29, 1994 N 78-FZ "On librarianship" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii 1995, N 1, item 2; 2004, N 35, item 3607; 2007, N 27, item 3213; 2008, N 30 (part 2), art. 3616; No. 44, art. 4989; 2009, No. 23, art. 2774; No. 52 (part 1), art. 6446), paragraphs 5.2.9.(14) - 5.2 .9.(16) of the Regulations on the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 406 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation 2008, N 22, Art. 2583; N 42, Art. 4825; N 46, 5337; 2009, N 3, item 378; N 6, item 738; N 25, item 3063; 2010, N 21, item 2621; N 26, item 3350), I order:

2. To impose control over the execution of this order on the Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation A.E. Busygin.

A. Avdeev

Registration N 21606

The procedure for classifying documents as book monuments, the rules for registering the latter and maintaining their register have been established.

Book monuments are subdivided into individual and collections.

The latter are a collection of documents that acquire the properties of book monuments only when they are joined together due to their origin, species relationship, or other characteristics.

Attribution to single book monuments is carried out in accordance with chronological or social value criteria.

So, according to the chronological principle, handwritten books up to the 19th century belong to single book monuments; copies of domestic and foreign editions before 1830 and 1700, respectively.

According to the social value criterion - handwritten books ancient tradition XIX-XX centuries; copies of illegal and prohibited publications of the 19th-early 20th century; handwritten books or copies of printed publications with autographs, additions, notes, notes, drawings of prominent public and statesmen, workers of science and culture, etc.

A single book monument is considered to be documents that have been preserved in their entirety in their original form, as well as those that are in a fragmentary state, as well as being part of other documents.

Information about documents and collections that have signs of book monuments is included in the All-Russian code of the latter.

To assign the status of a book monument, an expert assessment is carried out.

Book monuments are registered by the Ministry of Culture of Russia. A special register is maintained. In particular, it contains information about persons who own or manage registered book monuments.

Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of May 3, 2011 N 429 "On approval of the procedures for classifying documents as book monuments, registering book monuments, maintaining a register of book monuments"

Registration N 21606

This Order shall enter into force 10 days after the date of its official publication.

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