Bengal tiger pencil drawing. How to draw a tiger with a pencil step by step

Tiger drawing lesson, first you will learn from the pictures how simple and easy it is to draw a tiger head with a pencil in stages, and at the end of the lesson there will be a video of realistic drawing of a tiger head.

We must have at least three simple pencil, hard (2-4H), soft (1-2V, HB are also soft) and very soft (6-8V), as well as an eraser. I warn you right away, this is not professional drawing on A1 paper and where you need to draw each hair, no. We draw in order to learn how to draw a tiger's face, learn to see the scale and learn how to primitively (but pretty well) apply shadows, a sheet of A4 paper and even half of A4 is enough. The lesson is not difficult, everything is clear, the difficulty may arise at the very end, but this is not scary, because. you've already drawn the tiger's head, and "shadow ownership" will come later.

Step 1. Now we take the hardest pencil, we only need soft ones for last step, apply all the lines without pressing, lightly. First, draw a circle, it is divided by two parallel lines in the middle of the circle. every half horizontal line divided into three equal segments. About the same way, divide the bottom of the vertical line and go lower, as in the figure, there will be a chin.

Step 2. Draw the eyes of the tiger. First, draw two circles (pupils) and around them draw the outline of the eyes. Erase the unnecessary part of the eye from above. Then we draw the nose itself and two parallel lines from it.

Step 3. We draw the ears of the tiger and the line of the back of the head, click on the drawing to enlarge. Then we draw the muzzle of the tiger, extreme point muzzles should not go beyond the levels of the eyes, shown by the dotted line. Each half should be just below our main circle. Then we draw a chin.

Step 4. Still drawing hard pencil. We direct the color around the eyes. I left a contour on one eye so that you could see where and how to draw lines, the other eye was completely painted over. We finish the lines in the ears, draw three stripes on the muzzle (this is where the mustache will grow from).

Step 5. Draw the color of the tiger. If this picture is very colorful, then click on the next one, it is more pleasing to the eye. For a long time and monotonously we draw each spot on the muzzles of the tiger, do not make the lines too thick, I deliberately narrowed them a little, because then we will go over them with a pencil. Under the nose we make dark spots, at the bottom of the nose we make a small partition and above the lips we also make a partition. Then we draw mustaches at a tiger.

Step 6. Erase the circle, dashes, two intersecting lines. Now we take the most soft pencil and make dashes on the lines of the mustache. Look at the next image, what will be the hatching, we will use the upper one for hatching the stripes of the tiger, the lower one for the edges of the fur of the chin, the head itself, and the ears. You can always use the lower one, but you can be tormented.

Step 7. We will need very soft and medium soft pencils. First of all, we take a very soft pencil (6-8 V) and stroke the surface of the spots right along our drawn pale spots, slightly going beyond the edges, unevenly, so that there is an illusion of wool. We direct darker around the eyes, on top we hatch a little, as if eyelashes. We paint over the eyes. We make the ears fluffy, we already need the bottom hatching (in separate lines). Then we take the edges of the head, then the chin.

Good afternoon, today we have not an easy lesson, today we will show you how to draw a tiger. The tiger is one of the most beautiful and at the same time dangerous animals living on our planet. It is because of the beauty of their fur that there are very few of these animals left.

People who care about the fate of tigers are trying their best to save their population. Special protected areas are being created where these animals can live without fear that they will be hunted and that their cubs will grow up with their tigress mothers.

Learning how to draw a tiger

In our lesson on how to draw a tiger, we will draw the Bengal tiger, this is a subspecies of the tiger that lives in Pakistan, North and Central India, East Iran, as well as at the mouth of the Indus, Ravi, Sutlij, Ganges rivers. The population of this tiger is rapidly declining, and soon they may disappear altogether, as, for example, they were completely exterminated in Afghanistan. Let's start our lesson on how to draw a tiger.

Step 1
First, let's practice drawing the head of a Bengal tiger. Let's start with a profile. For auxiliary lines, use a 2H pencil. Let's draw a circle for the head. Let's draw the shape for the future muzzle in the lower right side of the circle. Then draw the lines of the neck.

Step 2
Now let's draw the outlines of the head. The coat of tigers is long, it is longer and thicker than that of most of the cat family. The fur on the muzzle is rather smooth, while the fur on the neck and chin is fluffy.

Step 3
We continue to add details on the head. We draw an eye, a nose and a mouth. As a rule, the lower lip of the tiger hangs down a little and a dark spot in the corners of the mouth merges the upper and lower lips. Add fur in the ears and on the neck.

Step 4
We complete the drawing by adding stripes, eyelashes and a mustache. Let's erase auxiliary lines to leave a clean image.

Step 5
Now let's draw the head of the tiger in full face. Let's start with the auxiliary lines. Draw a circle and guide lines for the nose and eyes. We also draw the lines of the neck.

Step 6
Since we're drawing the head from the front, it's best to start with the muzzle before moving on to the contours of the head. Let's draw the eyes (at a distance of the width of 2 eyes). Now we draw a wrinkled nose. Since the tiger is growling, let's draw the mouth open. The upper fangs are much larger than the lower ones. The tongue is hard to fit in the mouth. Don't forget to draw the lips and chin.

Step 7
Now let's draw the outline of the head and neck. Do not forget that the fur on the muzzle is smooth, and closer to the neck it becomes fluffy. In this figure the fur on the head is smooth. The ears are brought back and we cannot see them, as the tiger growls and gets angry.

Step 8
Let's draw additional wrinkles around the nose and eyes. We will also draw stripes and a mustache. Let's add a shadow in the mouth and around the lips. We draw lines on the tongue to give it volume.

Step 9
When drawing the tiger stripes, start at the top of the head and work your way down. We draw the stripes of the muzzle behind the ears, around the eyes and on the sides of the muzzle. Typically, tigers have many stripes above their noses, and the base of their whiskers is always marked with black spots. They also have black spots at the corners of their mouths. The lower the stripes along the body, the longer and thicker they are, as if forming the contour of the animal's body. The stripes on the tail are very frequent, and the tip of the tail is usually black.

Step 10
These cats have huge paws that grab prey with ease. On the front paws of the tiger there are 5 fingers, and on the back 4 all with retractable claws. The lateral toes on the paws are used by tigers to capture prey. In the front of the paws, thick fur, and in the back, long. There are also stripes on the paws.

Step 11
Here are the tiger's eyes from different angles. There are many emotions in the look of the tiger and he can tell what the animal feels in this moment. Tigers have large pupils and irises that cover almost the entire visible part of the eye. When viewed in profile, notice that there is a layer of membrane between the edge of the eye and the pupil, which creates the illusion that the pupil is wandering in the center of the eye.

Step 12
After we have practiced, let's start learning how to draw a tiger step by step. Draw a circle for the head, at the bottom of the circle draw a square for the muzzle. Draw guide lines for the nose and eyes. Now a big circle for the upper torso, and then another one for the bottom. Do not forget that these are auxiliary lines that will be removed later, so do not make them too bold.

Step 13
Now let's draw the head, eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

Step 14
Next in the lesson on how to draw a tiger, we will work on the back of the neck, front paws and chest. Let's draw big paws. The left paw is firmly on the ground, while the right paw is bent, the tiger is about to take a step forward.

Step 15
Let's finish drawing out the contours of the figure by drawing the tail, hind legs and underbelly. The tip of the tail is curved upwards.

Step 16
It's time to erase the auxiliary lines.

Erase guide lines

Step 17
Let's draw the hair on the neck, as well as the mustache and eyelashes.

Draw fur on the neck

Step 18
Now let's draw the stripes. Let's start from the top of the head and go down the back to the sides. There are no similar stripes, so draw as you can.

Step 19
To complete the image, let's add some shadows. Our tiger is ready!

Our tiger is ready

Our lesson on how to draw a tiger is over, the tiger is drawn, now you can decorate the drawing. If you liked the lesson, then you can subscribe to new drawing lessons that come out every week. Good luck!

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The main thing in the image of a tiger is a phased study of the drawing. So you can avoid basic mistakes and make the drawing beautiful and even. Having learned how to draw a head, you can move on to the image of a whole animal. And you can just do cartoon sketch, or apply face painting, which is easily washed off.

Draw a tiger head

The basis of the tiger's head in profile is a circle. Draw it approximately in the center of the sheet. Designate the kennels of the future nose and neck.

Based on the resulting figure, draw the shape of the muzzle, ears with hair, chin, nape and front of the neck. The muzzle of the tiger does not have pronounced swirls of wool. Adding details. Outline the mouth and nostrils and paint over it. Mark the line of the nose, eyes and hair in the ears, "beard" and hair on the chest in 2 rows. It remains to add only small parts: black stripes, mustache, and short hairs as needed.

The base of the full face is also a circle. To draw a tiger's face, divide the workpiece into 4 parts for the symmetry of the future portrait. Draw lines for the neck. Mark the eyes, nostrils and wrinkles at will. The tiger will growl, so draw an open mouth with fangs, tongue, gums, and mouth texture. Add volume to the cheeks and neck by painting fluffy fur. Add small details, hairs and mustaches and color the finished drawing.

We draw a tiger in stages

The easiest way to draw a tiger is with a pencil and step by step, because it is easier to make a rough sketch first, in which you can correct something, and then gradually complicate it. We plan general outline heads and torsos. To do this, draw a large oval - the torso, a slightly smaller oval covering the body - the chest, and a small circle - the head. Moreover, the body and chest should expand on the left side. Start drawing the face of the beast and then fill it in with the main details. Draw the front llamas fairly straight. In order to show the dynamics, you can depict one of them raised up. Paws are drawn, narrowing the contour downward. The elbows of the animals are not very pronounced, but still present. Their paw pads are large, with claws. The hind feet can be roughly divided into 3 elements: wide, leg-like, thin, and pads with toes. Now delete the extra parts of the sketch and circle the main drawing. Select the fur and draw the tail. Add stripes. Remember that they should not be drawn in whole spots, try to convey the structure of the coat. Now the drawing can be colored.

cartoon tiger cub

For children and beginners, it will be easier to draw a cartoon tiger with a pencil. And the easiest option is a cartoon tiger cub depicted step by step. Circle some round object - the basis for the head and make an elongated shape for the body. As always, divide the circle into 4 slices to make it easier to make the face symmetrical. Start processing the shape of the face: mark the contour of the ears, cheeks with protruding hair. Here it is not necessary to depict the detailed structure of the hairs, it is enough to indicate general form. Line up the eyes along the guide lines. They must be exaggerated. Mark the shape for the nose and mouth. Now add the inner contours of the ear and mark the transition from the ear to the head. Outline the iris, but do not paint over it. Make the pupils large, leave white highlights. Draw a short mustache, the upper contour of the nose and nostrils - dots. Now draw the paws of a tiger cub. They must be lifted up. Their peculiarity is that they are much shorter than those of an adult animal. Add a body. It should turn out pretty plump, because it is small. And complete general sketch, drawing the hind legs with claws. Draw pads for the front paws, and do not forget to draw a tail. Paint over the ears and stripes with black. You do not need to make a wool texture, this is a simple drawing for children. If you want, you can paint over what happened, or you can leave it as it is.

face painting

Children love to be painted. One of the ways to please a child is face painting. The muzzle of a tiger is rather a drawing for boys, but girls sometimes want to draw it on their faces. You can try to paint a child at home. Take white paint and paint over the gap between the upper lip and nose, chin, upper eyelids and part of the forehead, obliquely from them. Next, take the orange paint. This is the main color, so boldly apply it to the rest of the face. Wait for it to dry. Now you can take a thinner brush and apply black stripes, the contours of a tiger nose, line your eyes, make dots in place of the mustache. The nose can be shaded with black, or you can only make an outline, and paint over the middle with pink. You can draw fangs. To do this, draw lines from the lower lip - a contour, and paint over the middle with white.

Very young children will love the swirling mustache that is drawn directly on the face. Lips can be made black, or you can lower lip do not touch, painting only the top.

How easy it is to draw a tiger with a pencil in stages - for children and adults. We learn to draw a beautiful tiger with a pencil in stages with a child. Learn how to quickly and easily learn how to draw a beautiful tiger cub.

Every person in his life dreams of learning how to draw beautifully, especially children, they are interested in learning how to draw not only trees, the sun, people, houses, flowers, but also different animals.

Today we will see how you can easily and quickly learn how to draw a tiger. Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where the tiger is drawn. Look at the location of the tiger, how and where its body, head, tail, paws are located.

The body of a tiger is drawn in the center of the picture, the head of the tiger is on the left, the tail of the tiger is on the right, the paws of the tiger are drawn below. Now, in the same way, mentally, divide your sheet of paper for different parts body of the tiger, first of all determine where the body of the tiger will be drawn.

Start drawing the tiger from the body, it consists of two identical circles, there should be a small distance between the circles, draw one circle higher, the second lower, connect these two circles with a line from below.

Now, a little higher from the body of the tiger, draw a small circle - this will be the head of the tiger and connect the head of the tiger and the body with two lines.

Draw the muzzle of the tiger, it should be round and slightly pointed towards the bottom, draw the eyes of the tiger.

Now draw the two front paws of the tiger, they should be drawn as curved lines.

Draw the tail of the tiger, it should be drawn from the right side to the top long and curved.

Now we need to draw the muzzle of the tiger.

Draw the ears of the tiger, they should be drawn at the top in the form of small triangles, the edges of the ears should be slightly rounded, draw the eyes in the form of small ovals, with pointed corners at the ends.

Draw the tiger's eyebrows, they should be drawn in two small arcs. Draw the nose in the form of a small oval, elongated to the left and right. Draw the mouth as a small curved line.

Put a small hatch on the tiger's head on the right and on the chest - this will be the tiger's fur. In the figure, everything that needs to be drawn is drawn in red.

Now connect the head of the tiger and the body with a smooth line - this will be the back of the tiger, draw a curved line around the lower circle that ends in the center of the lower circle - this will be the hind leg of the tiger, because he is sitting in the picture. Draw the front paws of the tiger. In the figure, everything that needs to be drawn is highlighted in red.

Draw the front paws of the tiger, draw the fingers. Draw the hind paw of the tiger and its fingers, the second paw is not visible, because the tiger sits sideways. Draw the tiger's tail, it should be long and beautiful. Circle the contour of the tiger, erase the extra lines, color the tiger so that it is beautiful, striped.

Now let's draw another tiger, he is drawn standing up and looking the other way.

Look carefully at the picture, the body of the tiger is located in the center of the picture, the head is drawn on the right, and the tail is on the left, the tiger is standing, so all four paws are visible.

Take paper and pencil and start drawing the tiger from its torso. First draw two identical circles - this will be the body of the tiger. A little higher, draw another circle, a little smaller - this will be the head of the tiger.

Draw the ears of the tiger, they should be drawn in the form of two small triangles, the edges of the triangles should be slightly curved at the edges. Apply a small shading around the head - this will be the fur of the tiger.

Now draw the face of the tiger. First you need to draw the eyes, draw two small arcs, then draw the tiger's nose in the form of a small oval. At the bottom draw a mouth, it should be drawn in the form of small curved lines. Everything that needs to be drawn in the picture is drawn in red.

Draw the eyes of the tiger in the form of small ovals elongated and pointed at the corners, draw the lower part of the tiger's head. Everything that needs to be drawn in the picture is drawn in red.

Now you need to draw the two front paws of the tiger, draw the fingers on the paws. Connect the head and torso of the tiger, draw the chest and put a small stroke on it. Everything that needs to be drawn in the picture is drawn in red.

Connect the head and torso of the tiger with a curved line and connect the front of the torso and the back of it from below. Draw the hind legs and fingers on them. Everything that needs to be drawn in the picture is drawn in red.

Now draw the tail of the tiger, it should be drawn on the left long, almost to the ground. The tail in the figure is drawn in red.

Circle the contour of the tiger, erase the extra lines that you no longer need, draw stripes on the tiger, color them.

Look what a beautiful tiger you have.

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Learn to draw yourself, teach your children how to draw two tigers step by step, it took you a little time, but now you know how to draw. We wish you good luck in your future work.

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