Make a rag doll step by step instructions. Charm doll twist

A twist is the same as a column. At the base of the doll is a tightly twisted piece of fabric or a birch bark tube.

The main feature of this doll is that it is made without a needle. As well as many other dolls.

Folding and tying the fabric, we do not make a single seam and needle prick, because this is our girlfriend and shoreline, and it is worthless to prick her body with a needle.

Pieces of fabric of the desired size are also torn off by hand, without the help of scissors.

To make the body of the doll, we take a small dense fabric about 20x20 cm in size. Having folded one edge of the fabric inward by 3 cm, we make a tight roll-roll. This will be the body of our doll. Where the edge of the fabric is folded in will be the base. It will turn out thicker so that the doll is stable.

Now, approximately at the level of the neck and belt, we tie our twist with a thread or rope.

Next, we make the head and arms. We take the same square of fabric, preferably white, so that our beauty is white-faced. We cover the twist in the center with a white cloth and form the head. Inside, you can put cotton wool or a small piece of fabric to make the head round, and tie it with a thread at the level of the neck. Now you need to straighten the fabric, determine where the front of the doll will be, and remove the extra folds back, rounding the head.

Now we make hands. We align the opposite, free ends of the fabric, determine the length of the arms and fold the excess fabric inside the sleeve, removing the edges in the middle. From the edge we measure the dimensions of the doll's palm and pull the fabric with a thread. Here are the hands ready.

We tie the remaining corners of the fabric around the body with a thread on the belt. Depending on the tension of the fabric, we determine the direction of the hands. They can be wide spread, and slightly lowered.

Traditionally, such dolls did not have a face, they were faceless. It was believed that, having a facial expression, the doll acquired a soul and lost its mystery, magic and protective properties. May our doll always have a bright face!

The base of our doll is ready. Now the most interesting creative work: we will dress our doll. Here you can show all your imagination and skill. There are often many shreds and scraps of fabric left in the house that can be used for our doll's costume. It can be a wide sun skirt, and a colored sundress, and a shower warmer, and a poneva.

Hair and braids can be made from wool or cotton yarn, measuring the desired length and number of threads. You can fix them on your head with a ribbon or scarf. The rest of the details of the doll's clothes and decorations are a matter of the hostess's taste!

Work sequence:

Prepare 4 squares measuring 16 * 16 cm:
1 plain fabric
3 pieces of multi-colored fabric,
1 piece of triangular shape with a leg size of 13 cm (scarf).
Pieces of batting or synthetic winterizer.

Take a square of plain fabric, put a synthetic winterizer in the center of the part and twist the ball with threads. Draw handles from opposite corners of the square.

Make two balls of multi-colored fabric for the doll's chest.

Attach the chest to the prepared part and twist with threads.

Fold the remaining part in the form of a triangle or square and, attaching to the back of the doll, twist it with threads.

We turn to decorating the doll: tie a scarf on the head, tie an apron on the waist (you can use braid, satin ribbon, lace beads, beads).

The doll is ready!


Birch is one of the most revered trees in Russia. In traditional wedding ritual songs the girl-bride is displayed in the form of a white birch tree. In Russia, the birch symbolizes only the feminine. AT Central Russia the girls had a tradition on February 14 (February 1, according to the old style) to "guess on the groom" with the help of a birch bark doll. The cherished name of the betrothed was written on the birch bark.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that modest, but such cute Stolbushka dolls were wound so diligently and accurately in the Vladimir villages on birch bark tubes. Apparently, this name was given to the doll for the similarity of its main part with the column. But perhaps there are other, deeper roots for the appearance of such dolls.

Researchers describe many games of village youth, which they called Stolbushki. In some of them, things or crafts made by girls during gatherings before Christmas were indispensable attributes. At the base of the Vladimir Stolbushka there is a piece of birch bark, at the base of the Kursk and Arkhangelsk Stolbushka - coarse fabric tightly twisted into a column.

Rag doll spin

simple rag doll- "twist" can be done with children who do not yet have sewing skills. To make it, you only need pieces of fabric and thread.

The base of the doll is a piece of any fabric folded and twisted into a tube. For the stability of the future figure, you can make a hem at the bottom of the bundle.

Having covered the blank on top with a square of white fabric, we tie it with a thread along the neck line and get the head. To make it rounder, you can put a little cotton wool under the fabric.

Handles-sleeves will turn out if you drag the opposite corners of the fabric square with threads. In this case, it is better to first bend the edge of the corner of the fabric inside out, and then tightly tie it with a thread - you get a hand or cuff of a puffy sleeve. Hands can be given any direction.

The remaining two corners of the fabric square must be straightened and tied with a thread at the waist. Get a sweatshirt.

Hair and a braid can be made from threads or elastic material (knitwear). To do this, wrap a doll head with a strip of knitwear, then cut the hanging ends into three ribbons and braid them into a braid. Hairstyle on the head can be fixed with a bandage ribbon.

You can dress up the doll in different ways - in a skirt or a sundress. You can make a skirt without using a sewing needle. To do this, cut the fabric in the form of a circle with a hole in the middle - you get a sun skirt. The skirt can also be made zapachnoy by laying a strip of fabric in the folds and tightening the thread at the waist. In both cases, the top of the skirt must be covered with a wide belt (braid, ribbon, etc.).

An apron, a scarf, beads - everything that your imagination tells you can complement the costume. This doll can be dressed in folk costume its area - it is especially interesting!

Manufacturing principles folk toys- patchwork doll:

Use the simplest puppet designs.
Use any flap at hand.
Strictly follow the rules of saving material.
In work, use straight and oblique pieces of fabric, extracting beauty from ordinary, it would seem, junk scraps, edges, skins of matter.

They began to make a doll by rolling a piece of linen cloth into a rolling pin. This is the base of the doll. The face was covered with a piece of white cloth, tied with a thread - and the doll is ready. And then she was sewn a braid of thread or linen tow, and sometimes even from real human hair. Some of you probably noticed how your grandmother, after combing her hair, does not throw her hair out of the comb, but puts it in a bag or bag; it's an echo ancient custom- hide the hair behind a mirror or in a secluded place for a doll on a “braid”. So, our doll with a scythe. Now you can dress her up. From the most beautiful and brightest patches of calico, bright red calico, and Chinese fabrics, they sewed real clothes that looked like the clothes of adults. And the doll wore a headdress such as was common in this region: kokoshnik, po voinik, kiku, or a scarf knitted in a special way, decorated with ribbons, sparkles, beads.

If you have looked at rag dolls in a museum, you have probably asked yourself the question: “Why does the doll have no face?” The doll remained faceless (that is, without a face, without a face) for a long time because people were afraid to completely liken it to a person, because they believed that a doll with a “face” seemed to acquire a soul and could harm the child. Later, this magical meaning was forgotten, and the doll began to draw or embroider eyes, nose, mouth.

Of course, no matter how good a rag doll is, it still cannot be compared with a real doll. What girl has not looked spellbound at the store counter at a plastic or rubber (as if alive) beauty doll with blinking eyes, wonderful curls, dressed in a lush silk or lace outfit. Now the dolls have “learned” to walk and talk, they can be washed, combed their hair, dressed, undressed, sewed and knitted clothes for them. But the love for a patchwork doll among the people has not passed - many mothers still make them with pleasure, and children play with them with pleasure, because, unlike the purchased one, it is the one and only and inimitable in the whole wide world.

The doll from a rag doll-spin to a modern one has undergone many transformations. Her face and hands were made of wood, sculpted from paper pulp - papier-mâché, made from porcelain, clay, plastic, until, finally, soft, durable rubber appeared. And yet, give yourself a little joy, but try to make a spin doll for yourself.

Master class on making dolls - twists.

Completed by: student 4 "A" class Usina Araylym

Purpose: play doll for a child; amulet; handmade gift; decoration of a favorite corner in the room.

Target. Extraction of beauty from ordinary, seemingly junk scraps, scraps of edges of matter.


1. Learn how to make a rag doll in a seamless way, showing imagination and creativity.

2. Generate interest in folk art. To restore and preserve for new generations such a phenomenon as a folk traditional doll.

3. Consolidation of labor skills in children: folding, folding, twisting, wrapping, tying.


2 squares of white fabric (20x20) for the torso and blouse;

One square (20x20) and two strips of colored fabric for a sundress;

Rectangular patch for the apron and triangular for the scarf;

White threads;

Cotton wool for volume;


Man-made dolls have accompanied the life of peasants for centuries. They were carefully kept in chests and passed down from generation to generation. Mothers, older sisters, grandmothers sewed dolls for small children, “... with all their incredible employment, they found time for this. The child was specially taught the traditional methods of making a doll, and from the age of five, any girl could make a simple rag doll. And girls began to learn how to make dolls from the age of three.

main feature dolls lies in the fact that it was made without a needle and faceless. For a child, a doll will be a toy-girlfriend and a talisman at the same time, so it’s not worth pricking it with a needle, and making a face according to folk beliefs it is impossible, since such a doll can gain a soul and become dangerous. A "faceless" doll is considered an inanimate object and cannot harm the child. A doll made with love with her own hands will be the pride of her craftswoman.

The doll is just a feast for the eyes

To the surprise of all children

If you want to learn

Make this doll

You don't have to be lazy

And put in the effort!

Preparation for work.

Doll making technology

B We take one square of white fabric and fold the edges inward, as shown in the photo. Where the wider edge is folded in (on the right) will be the base. It will turn out thicker so that the doll is stable.

We put cotton wool (synthetic winterizer) in the middle so that our doll is not too thin.

We perform tight twisting.

It turned out a twist - a steering wheel. This is the "body" of our doll.

At the level of the neck and belt, we tie the twist with a thread.

We take the second square of white fabric, place a twist and a piece of cotton wool in the center to make the head more round.

We tie with a thread at the level of the neck.

Straighten the fabric. We will try to remove extra wrinkles from the doll's face.

We form the hands: we determine their length and wrap the excess fabric inward. We remove the edges of the sleeve in the middle.

We measure the size of the palms and drag them with a thread. We tie the free corners around the body with a thread on the belt, trying to distribute the fabric evenly.

The base of our doll is ready. But the outfit is your imagination and creativity. We take two narrow colored strips of fabric and place them crosswise over the shoulders on the chest and back. We tie a thread on the belt.

We fold the square of colored fabric in half, placing the thread inside. We tighten the thread, apply the fabric to the belt, evenly distributing it around, and tie it.

We tie a scarf to the doll, tie a belt and the doll is ready.

But my doll is sad: I have someone to dance with.

Make friends for her, the doll will have more fun.

Folk charm dolls have been known for a long time. Making such dolls is very interesting and an exciting activity. And in this master class we will make a twisted charm doll. It is done quickly and easily.

To make a twist doll, we need:

  • Body cloth;
  • Fabric for dress and scarf;
  • Lace;
  • Sewing;
  • Canvas;
  • Threads;
  • Needle;
  • Sintepon;
  • Scissors.

For the manufacture of folk doll better take natural fabrics. It is desirable that it be cotton, linen. For a dress, you need to take one color of fabric, and for a scarf some other, so that the doll's clothes are not boring.

First we need to make the base of the chrysalis. To do this, take a fabric of beige or white color. And cut off a small square about 20 by 20 centimeters.

Bend one centimeter on one side. And put a little padding polyester on the fabric. We roll it up. The bottom will be the part where we tucked the fabric.

Determine the location of the neck and waist. And we tie these places with a thread, making a knot at the back.

Now we will make the doll's head. To do this, we again take the synthetic winterizer and put it on top, where the head should be. We put the doll itself together with this padding polyester on a square of fabric of the same color. The corners should look to the sides.

Now we turn the corners sticking out to the sides and form handles. We turn the fabric inside. Tie with thread.

We also need to tie with a thread and the waist area.

We begin to decorate our twist.

To do this, take the fabric that was chosen for the dress. Cut off two small strips.

We distribute them on the chest of the pupa crosswise. And tie with thread.

After that we make a skirt. We measure the length from the waist to the bottom and add another two centimeters.

Cut the fabric to the desired length and width. And sew on the bottom. This will be a wrap.

We tuck the top of the fabric inward and place the thread in this fold.

We put a skirt on the doll and tie it at the back with the thread that we inserted into the collar.

Now we need to make an apron. To do this, we use a canvas of two colors.

We pull out a few threads along the edges and get a fringe.

One apron should be smaller than the second.

We fasten the aprons on the doll in the same way as we fastened the skirt.

We tie a lace on the head.

And on top we put on a scarf and tie it at the back.

Here is such a twisting doll!

How going back to basics helps your baby develop

There are a lot of dolls in the store, but not all of them bring up our children the way they do. spin dolls (pillars).

For the first time I learned about the twist doll at the Alekseevskaya fair in Kotelnich. It was then at the workshop of folk craftsmen that I met a craftsman, teacher, art therapist Nina Vasilievna Osipova.

She told me about the benefits of a spin doll. Although the word "benefit" is unacceptable to the doll ... Rather, she is an ideal assistant and educator for both you and your baby.

- Nothing develops motor skills, imagination, attention like a doll, - says Nina Vasilievna, - and continues - and also brings up in a child such qualities as patience, attention and perseverance.

What can these non-childish barbies with parameters a la 90-60-90 and frankly terrible Winxes give when they do not carry any education, and most importantly, our primordial culture? After all, according to the words and experience of the craftswoman, when making a doll, a child health points on the hands are activated, motor skills develop.

By the way, the first doll was already made to a newborn, which is called: "baby"- similar to a child wrapped in diapers, and which fits easily into a child's palm.

"Baby" is especially necessary if your baby has increased muscle tone. When the baby crumples the toy, the palm is massaged, which (as science has now proven) has a connection with all the organs of the body through active points.

They say that the "baby" helped even in severe cases, that is, if the child was born with some kind of congenital disease. By the way, the child himself, instinctively feels that the “massage” is over, and releases the “baby” - then he is put into another pen.

- I remember my aunt, who knew how and made such spinning dolls for all the kids from any material at hand. There is also our Vyatka doll - it is made from three pieces of matter, - the craftswoman recalls. - I myself have been doing this business for many years and I understand that a doll is folk wisdom. After all, the meaning of the doll is not only in the game. She seems to grow with your child. At first - from the palm of a baby, then it gets bigger and bigger. In Russia, it was also believed that twists were also amulets. That is why they were made without a face. It was believed that, having a face, the doll received a soul, thereby losing magic and protective properties.

And one moment. Scientists have already proven that the huge dolls that our stores are “teeming with” and which are worth big money harmful to the psyche of children. Yes, and you must admit that it can be closer and more expensive than a thing made with your own hands ...

And while working with dolls, Nina Vasilievna noticed: a twist doll makes children really cultured people. Class teachers thank her for master classes on the topic: "Folk Twist Doll".

- Teachers tell me that boys stop offending girls, protect them. Discipline and organization in the classroom is enormously increased. And the very atmosphere in the classroom, in relations between children, becomes warm and friendly, - the craftswoman shares.

Do-it-yourself spin doll: instructions

  • Don't be lazy! For the joint production of a spin doll, prepare four squares of fabric: 1 - plain, 3 - multi-colored, a piece of batting or padding polyester (you can also use cotton wool) and cut a scarf from the fabric for the doll. The dimensions of the "main" squares can be taken 16 * 16 or others, depending on what you want to get in the end.

  • Take a square of plain fabric, put a synthetic winterizer in the center of the part and, having made a ball, twist it with threads. Draw handles from opposite ends of the square.
  • Make two balls from multi-colored fabric - the doll's chest. Attach the chest to the prepared part and twist with threads. (This step is not shown in the diagram, but you can include it in the process).
  • Fold the remaining fabric in a triangle or square and, attaching it to the back of the doll, twist it with threads.
  • We decorate the doll by tying a scarf on her head, tying an apron around her waist. In this case, you can use a satin ribbon, lace ribbon, beads - it all depends on the imagination of your baby and you :).

That's all, the traditional spin doll is ready!

From myself I will add the following fact. When I was in the second maternity hospital and was preparing for childbirth, on June 1 there was organized holiday concert, dedicated to the day child protection. Young artists performed at the concert. Everything was sweet and touching. And at the end of the cultural program, the children gave us souvenirs - a spin doll - a “baby” in diapers!

Without exaggeration, I can say: now this is my daughter's favorite toy.

Maria Savelyeva, specially for

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