The origin of the symbol of the three monkeys. Three wise monkeys

Hello, dear readers seekers of knowledge and truth!

Perhaps among the oriental souvenirs you have come across figurines of monkeys covering their mouths, eyes or ears. These are three monkeys - I don’t see, I don’t hear, I won’t say. They have a curious and entertaining history dating back several centuries.

Today's article will tell you what cute figures of monkeys mean, where they come from, thanks to whom they saw the light, what non-obvious meaning they have, and also whether they somehow correlate with religion.

What are they called

The very name of the three monkeys indicates their national origin. They are called so - "san-zaru", or "sambiki-no-saru", which means "three monkeys" in Japanese.

I don’t see anything, I don’t hear, I won’t say anything - in this case, the word “nothing” should be understood precisely as evil. Philosophy and life position is this: I do not see evil, I do not hear it, I do not speak about it, which means that I am completely protected from it. Monkey figurines are a symbol of the rejection of the evil of this world.

Each monkey is named differently:

  • Mia-zaru - closes eyes;
  • Kika-zaru - covers the ears;
  • Iwa-zaru - closes the mouth.

The meaning of their names lies in their action, or rather inaction: "miazzaru" is translated as "not to see", "kikazaru" - "not to hear", "ivazaru" - not to speak.

"Why just monkeys?" - you ask. The fact is that the second part of all the above actions - "dzaru" - is consonant with Japanese word denoting a monkey. So it turns out a kind of pun, the originality of which can only be fully appreciated by a true Japanese.

AT recent times a fourth monkey is increasingly being added to the monkey trio. Her name is Shi-zaru, and she personifies the moral of the whole phrase - "I do no evil." In the images, she covers her tummy or “causal places” with her paws.

However, Shi-zaru did not take root among the relatives, especially in Asia. According to one statement, the reason for this is the unnaturalness of this monkey, because it was allegedly invented artificially as a verified marketing ploy.

Another opinion says that the problem is in Eastern numerology, which calls the number "four" bringing misfortune. So the famous figurine of the trio remained, and not the quartet.

Symbol origin

The figurine's hometown is Nikko, which is located 150 kilometers from the capital of Japan, Tokyo. The Japanese love this place, and this is not surprising - here is the Tosho-gu Shinto shrine. It is a striking complex of carved buildings - a real masterpiece of woodcarving.

No wonder Tosho-gu is listed world heritage UNESCO. But another of its attractions is the stable. It is here that the San-zaru carved sculpture flaunts above the door since the 17th century. Its author is Hidari Jingoro, the man who made the story of the three monkeys known to the whole world.

Monkeys are generally very popular in Japan. In this country, they are considered wise animals, personifying resourcefulness and entailing success.

Often near the houses you can see a sculpture of a monkey - Migawari-zaru. In another way, it can be called a double of a monkey. She drives away evil spirits, evil spirits that are able to attract misfortune, illness, injustice.

Religious overtones

An offshoot of Buddhist thought, Tendai, claims that the monkey symbol reached Japanese lands through the Chinese Buddhist monk Saicho in the 8th century. Even then, three monkeys meant a practical mind and boundless wisdom.

Indeed, gladly accepts and supports wise saying from the lips of San-zaru: you do not need to notice the evil that takes place around, just as you do not need to commit it, feed it, and then the path to Enlightenment will be cleaner and easier.

Moreover, figurines of monkeys are quite often used in Buddhist shrines. But it would be wrong to consider that they originate in philosophy.

In fact, the three "dzaru" date back to the Japanese cult of Kosin, which, in turn, "migrated" from the Tao religion of China. According to the Kosin belief, certain entities live in a person who watch the owner.

If he cannot cope with internal evil, once every two months these entities find out the master's secrets about atrocities, directing them to the Almighty.

Three monkeys on the walls of Tosegu Temple, Nikko city, Japan

To avoid punishment, a person needs not to see, not to hear evil, not to talk about it and not to commit it, and on dangerous days, when entities can break out, one should not even sleep!

Similar worldly wisdom associated with renunciation, renunciation of evil deeds is found in many religious directions and their sacred texts: in the Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Judaic, Jain religions.


Thank you very much for your attention, dear readers! May wisdom and luck never leave you.

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Symbolic group of three monkeys paws covering eyes, ears and mouth appeared in the East, according to most sources. More specifically, the "birthplace" of the three monkeys with a high degree of certainty is called Japan. This is confirmed both by historical artifacts and linguistically.

The prohibitions expressed by the composition "do not see, do not hear, do not speak" (when recording using kanji見猿, 聞か猿, 言わ猿 - mizaru, kikazaru, iwazaru) consist of an action verb and an archaic suffix giving a negation " -zaru". So this suffix is ​​consonant with the word "monkey", in fact, is a voiced version of the word " Sarah"(猿). It turns out that the image of three monkeys is a kind of pun or rebus, a play on words that is understandable only to the Japanese.

The most ancient of famous images three monkeys are also found in Japan. Most likely, the composition of the three monkeys first appeared in the local Japanese cult Ko-shin. In China, this teaching (in Chinese, Geng Shen, 庚申) is well known and elaborated in the Taoist canon, Geng Shen practices have been described since ancient times and can be considered part of the living Taoist tradition. In Japan, the ritual practices of Ko-shin were first carried out among educated nobility at the imperial court and only after that they gained some distribution among the wider population, gaining the support of individual Buddhist schools. At present, the cult of Ko-shin in Japan has almost completely disappeared, and if it has survived anywhere, it has either degenerated into banal regular parties with alcohol, or has turned into cultural reconstructions.

Brief background: in the East, the magic of numbers has always been honored and the monkey is considered not only as an animal: it is also a number or, if you like, one of the phases of the universal cycle. If we recall the now especially popular eastern "animal" calendar, in which alternating years are indicated by one of 12 animal symbols, one can also see a monkey among them. The monkey occupies the ninth position in a cycle of 12 phases. When 10 tons are added to 12 animals. "heavenly stems", Associated with 5 primary elements, even more are formed major cycle of 60 phases. Any events are cyclical, the development of all situations can be decomposed into 60 phases until the next turn. There are large, sixty-year and small, sixty-day cycles. Especially celebrate the 57th day or year, which is considered extremely unlucky. And this 57th phase is called “ko-sin”, where “ko-” (庚) is one of the primary elements, usually called metal, and “-sin” (申) is a monkey.

From the Chinese Taoists, the Japanese learned about the three entities ("worms") that live in the human body. They tempt their carrier into committing various rash acts, and then regularly, on the night of that very "monkey" day of ko-shin, when the carrier falls asleep, they go with a denunciation of his misdeeds to higher powers. Followers of a folk cult (Ko-sin in Japan, Geng-shen in China) hold collective vigils every 60 days to prevent the three worms from contacting the supreme deity.

Japanese cultists often depict the six-armed, blue-faced punishing deity Shomen Kongo (靑面金剛) on scrolls and stone carvings. Sometimes one, two or three monkeys became his attribute companions (apparently, the importance of the monkey day influenced). Gradually, it was the three monkeys (probably because of the three internal worms in man) that began to predominate, and the postures became unambiguous (recall the homophony of reading actions expressed by monkeys). Most likely, it was in this way that a stable composition with three monkeys was formed, but for a very long time it did not receive independence, remaining an attribute somewhere under the feet of the blue-faced deity.

Three monkeys gained fame and fame in Nikko (日光), one of the historical religious and cultural centers of Japan. Nikko's most famous attraction is the Toshogu Shinto Shrine (東照宮), famous for the intricate carvings that adorn the buildings. Some compositions that make up the decoration of buildings are recognized as masterpieces, for example, a sleeping cat or three monkeys. Monkeys do not decorate the central building of the sanctuary complex, but only the stable. Moreover, the carved panel with the composition “I don’t see, I don’t hear, I don’t speak” is not the only one, but among the various monkey poses, the Japanese singled out these three figures. Since then, these are the most famous three monkeys in the world, the standard of composition, even any symbolic group of three monkeys can be called "Three Monkeys from Nikko".

Monkeys from Nikko are interesting to us in historical terms because they give a well-defined, materially fixed upper limit for the appearance of a symbol. The construction of the stable with its decorations is confidently attributed to 1636, that is, by this time the three monkeys clearly existed as a single composition.

A much earlier example is provided by Buddhist literature. Monk Muju at his most famous book"Collection of sand and stones" sometime between 1279 and 1283. wrote down a poem in which three monkey negatives are mentioned by name, and in the parable-commentary to this poem, these negatives are directly called monkeys. That is, in the XIII century. at least one Buddhist monk knew and appreciated the pun on which the symbolism of the three monkeys is based.

Legends call the name of the first Japanese who depicted three monkeys, this is the founder of a branch of Buddhism tendai, the great teacher Dengyo-daishi (Saichō, 最澄). He lived in the 8th-9th centuries. and many "discoveries" that have entered Japanese culture are attributed to him. Dengyo allegedly could bring the symbol of three monkeys from China along with the teachings of the Lotus Sutra, tea, etc. But, nevertheless, the legends remain legends. We see the three monkeys as more of a Japanese endemic than a symbol that came from the mainland. In general, at the Tendai school and its cult center - Mount Hiei near Kyoto, there are extremely many coincidences associated with three monkeys, so the cultural and geographical localization of the symbolism is very likely there.

But with the biological prototype of the three monkeys, it’s easier: if the symbol appeared in Japan, then most likely the only monkeys living in the country were depicted - Japanese macaques (lat. Macaca fuscata).

About principles and names

Turning to the theme of the story of the three monkeys, one cannot but consider separately the issue of the principles symbolized by them, and independently of the prohibition to see, hear and speak and the prohibition to see, hear and speak precisely evil.

Three "no"

Analogies of a stable bunch of denials or prohibitions to see-hear-speak can be found in many religious and philosophical teachings of both the East and the West. In this sense, the principle expressed by the three monkeys is much older than the monkeys themselves.

The most commonly cited quote is from Confucius.

In addition to Confucianism, Taoism is also indicative, in which the central concept - Tao - is apophatically described through three negations:

If with a high degree of probability it can be considered that the visual composition with monkeys appeared in the environment of the Kosin cult, which has undeniable roots in Chinese Taoism, it would be very tempting to assume that it illustrates a Taoist principle. However, there is no evidence for this, and material evidence rather refutes this assumption.

Against evil

In English and in general Western culture monkeys are often referred to as “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” (do not look at evil, do not listen to evil, do not speak evil), which significantly shifts the meaning of the symbolism (see the Philosophy of the Three Monkeys section). It is enough to recall the Taoist understanding of the dual unity of opposites or the desire not to build boundaries in definitions and judgments in order to give rise to persistent doubts about the presence of evil in the original understanding of symbolism. Indeed, in Japanese it is 三匹の猿 (three monkeys) or 見猿, 聞か猿, 言わ猿 (do not see, do not hear, do not speak). Apparently evil comes from the West.

If not with absolute certainty, then with a very high degree of probability it can be argued that the ban on seeing, hearing and speaking evil existed in Western culture before the symbolism of the three monkeys was introduced.

In the history of the United States there is an outstanding figure who laid many of the foundations of the American nation - Thomas Paine ( Thomas Paine) - an Englishman, but one of the "founding fathers" of America.

In his letter we see familiar denials:

At the time of writing these lines, Japan has long been pursuing a policy of self-isolation and any relations with the outside world were minimal, so the possibility of the influence of Japanese monkeys on Payne's work can be ruled out.

And in order not to be limited to the New World, we will give an example from Europe

In the old church of St. Paul in Roquardine ( Wrockwardine, Shropshire ( Shropshire), England) in the 19th century. was reconstructed, during which new stained-glass windows were inserted. In one of the compositions, three angels hold scrolls with imperatives, which will later be written on the figures of three monkeys: “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” (do not look at evil, do not listen to evil, do not speak evil)

It can be concluded that the exotic symbol that came from Japan met with the principle of rejection of evil already familiar to the West, which led to a rethinking and added popularity to the three monkeys.

Alternative origin theories

The theme of the origin of the three monkeys cannot be considered exhausted without revealing the theory of the origin of symbolism outside of Japan. As mentioned above, in Japan, the composition of the three monkeys is often considered borrowed from China. This point of view is shared, in particular, by the long-term researcher of the topic, Michio Iida (飯田 道夫). Judging by the article in the Chinese section of Wikipedia (Chinese), China also agrees with this theory. But China is only an intermediate link here. The symbolism of the three monkeys, as if, came along the Great Silk Road not from anywhere, but straight from ancient egypt. Among the images of the Egyptian sacred baboons and in the vastness of all Asia up to Japanese islands researchers are trying to find hard evidence for the existence of the composition of the three monkeys before its appearance in Japan. So far, as far as we know, no such evidence has been found, although a significant number of interesting artifacts with unclear or controversial interpretations have been selected.

While respecting the opinion of adherents of the non-Japanese theory, we, however, will take the liberty of calling it only an alternative one until really decisive arguments appear.

The origin of the popular and recognizable in all countries composition of three monkeys covering their eyes, ears and mouth is associated with the countries of the East. With a higher probability, the birthplace of the symbol is Japan. It is connected with the main abode of the Japanese, the mausoleum of the ruler Ieyasu Tokugawa, in the city of Nikko. The walls of the temple of the Sacred Stables are decorated with carved half-meter figures of monkeys, which demonstrate the non-recognition of evil with their poses.

Three monkeys I don’t see, I don’t hear, I won’t say - a symbol of what, which means in different countries not treated the same way:

  • according to one theory, a person cannot reach Nirvana until he gives up different kind desires, this is what the monkeys symbolize, covering their mouths, ears and eyes;
  • according to legend, three scout monkeys were sent by the gods on a mission to inform people about the sins;
  • in the indigenous religion of Japan, Sambiki-saru, as this symbol is also called, occupy a place of honor - they guard the horses belonging to the gods;
  • one can trace the similarities with the three principles of Buddhism: the purity of action, word and thought.

Three monkeys do not see, do not hear, do not say - a meaning that is often interpreted incorrectly. The Buddhist religion tells us about not doing evil, but this does not at all mean rejection of reality and indifference to everything that happens around. Therefore popular in Western countries the interpretation of "do not see, do not hear, do not speak", when monkeys do not allow evil to penetrate by closing their mouths, eyes and ears, does not correspond to the real meaning assigned to this symbolic group of monkeys.

It is more correct to use the symbol as a conscious rejection of bad deeds and a manifestation of wise caution: “I see no evil. I don't hear bad. I'm not talking about evil." It is logical to mention the fourth monkey, covering his stomach or groin with his paw, which demonstrates the principle “I do no evil”, unfortunately, it is not common, among the Japanese the number four brings misfortune, but Sezaru, that is the name of this monkey, can be found in India.

In general, in Eastern countries, monkeys as such are treated with respect, they denote good luck, resourcefulness, a subtle mind and talent. In the popular Eastern calendar they are given the ninth position in a cycle of 12 periods. The upcoming 2016 is just that.

In India, where the image of monkeys came from Chinese missionaries, the sacred monkeys embody the idea of ​​detachment from evil and its non-action. In Indian religion, the monkey Hanuman, the monkey god, is a noble protector, a warrior endowed with sharp mind and incredible strength.

Small figures of Sambiki-saru represent moral and ethical honesty and decency.

Monkeys with closed mouths, eyes and ears are by nature a very positive and benevolent symbol. Souvenir figurines of these monkeys are a talisman, they put protection from evil words and slander, and toy monkeys guard the kids.

Such a gift will appeal to people who want to maintain some kind of purity and kindness in our dual and imperfect world. If you don't see, hear or talk about evil, then I am protected from evil.

Three wise monkeys, presented in the Buddhist concept, are found many times in movies, animation, books, and souvenirs. They have taken a strong place in contemporary art.

Three wise monkeys on a carved wooden panel decorating the sacred stable at Toshogu Shrine, (Nikko, Japan)

Three monkeys(from Japanese: 三猿, sangyong or sanzaru, also 三匹の猿, sambiki no saru, literally "three monkeys"; English three wise monkeys, "three wise monkeys") - sustainable artistic composition, a symbol expressing the principle "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil".

Monkeys are called Mizaru- she closes her eyes, "who does not see evil"; Kikazaru, - closes the ears, "who does not hear evil", and Iwazaru, - covers his mouth, "who does not speak of evil." Sometimes a fourth monkey is added to the composition - Shizaru"who does no evil". She may be depicted with her hands covering her groin.

known various interpretations symbol of three monkeys. In Western culture, three monkeys are often viewed negatively as an expression of an unwillingness to notice, acknowledge and discuss existing problems.


The three monkeys gained popularity thanks to the image above the doors of the sacred stable in the Shinto shrine Toshogu in the Japanese city of Nikko. In total, the building is decorated with 8 carved panels, two of which depict a composition with three monkeys. The carving was done in the 17th century. artist Hidari Jingoro. It is believed that he used Confucian moral principles as a basis. Among other Buddhist legends, three monkeys penetrated Japanese philosophy with the teachings of the Tendai school, which came to Japan from China in the 8th century. during the Nara period.

AT Chinese culture a principle similar to the image of three monkeys can be found in the book of Confucius (Kung Tzu) “Lun Yu”: “Do not look at what is contrary to decency; do not listen to what is contrary to decency, do not say what is contrary to decency, do not do what is contrary to decency" It is possible that this phrase was rethought and simplified in Japan.

Although the Confucian principle has nothing to do with monkeys, the composition may have come from a simple play on words. In Japanese, "mizaru, kikazaru, iwazaru" (见ざる, 闻かざる, 言わざる, or with the kanji suffix, 见猿, 闻か猿, 言わ猿), literally "do not see, do not hear, do not speak." "Shizaru" is also written as "し猿", "don't do". In Japanese, "zaru" is an archaic negative verb conjugation, coinciding with "zaru", a vocalization of the suffix "saru" meaning "monkey" (this is one of the readings of 猿). Thus, apparently, monkeys arose because of a play on words.

However, it is possible that the three monkeys have deeper roots than simple game words. The shrine in Nikko is Shinto and the monkeys are extremely importance in the Shinto religion. There are even important holidays which are celebrated in the Year of the Monkey (occurring every twelve years) and a special festival is celebrated every sixtieth year "Koshin".

Belief (or practice) Koshin (jap. 庚申) - folk tradition, which has roots in Chinese Taoism and has been supported by the monks of the Buddhist school of Tendai since the end of the 10th century. It was the belief of Koshin that gave the most massive examples of images of three monkeys. A significant number of stone stelae are known throughout eastern Japan around Tokyo. In the later Muromachi period, it becomes a tradition during Koshin observance to erect a carved stone stele depicting monkeys.

The "Three Monkeys" were described as assistants to Saruta Hito no Mihoto or Koshin, the road deities. The Kosin festival was held every 60th day. It is believed that on this day all the bad deeds committed over the past 59 days are revealed to Heaven. It is possible that the three monkeys symbolize everything that has been done wrong.

AT English language, monkey names are sometimes presented as Mizaru, Mikazaru, and Mazaru. It is not clear how the last two words came about.

folk belief

Three monkeys that cover their eyes, mouth and ears most likely appeared in the environment of the Koshin folk belief, which has roots in Chinese Taoism and experienced Shinto influence.

It is not entirely clear what exactly caused the appearance of monkeys in the Koshin belief. Monkeys are thought to be related to Sansi and the heavenly Jade Emperor Ten Tay not to see, speak or listen to a person's bad deeds. Sanshi (Jap. 三尸) are three worms that live in the body of every person. Sancy is watching good deeds and, especially, the bad deeds of its carrier. Every 60 days, on a night called Koshin-machi(庚申待), if a person is asleep, the sansshi leave the body and go to Ten-Tei (天帝), Heavenly God to give an account of the deeds of that person. Ten-Tei, on the basis of such a report, decides whether to punish a person, send illnesses to him, shorten his life or send him death. Followers of the Koshin belief who have reason to fear the consequences of their transgressions must stay awake during the night of the Koshin to prevent the Sanshi from going to the Heavenly Emperor.

The meaning of the proverb

There is controversy over the origin of the phrase expressed by the three monkeys. Various explanations of the meaning of the expression "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" are known.

  • In Japan, the proverb is simply regarded as an analogue of the "golden rule".
  • Some simply take the proverb as a reminder not to peep, eavesdrop, or gossip.
  • The early association of the three monkeys with the six fearsome armed deities of Vajrakilaya is a reference to the Buddhist idea that if we do not hear, see, or speak of evil, we ourselves must be delivered from all evil. This is reminiscent of the English proverb "Speak of the Devil - and the devil appears" ("Remember the Devil - and the devil appears").
  • Some believe that one who is not exposed to evil (through sight or sound) will not express that evil in their speech and actions.
  • Nowadays, "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil" is commonly used to describe those who do not want to be involved in a situation, or someone who deliberately ignores an immoral act.
  • In the Italian version, "Non vedo, non sento, non parlo" (see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing), expresses "Omerta" - the code of honor and mutual responsibility in the ranks of the mafia.
  • In many interpretations, the phrase can be seen as a way to avoid the spread of evil. Do not listen to evil, lest they influence you. Do not read about evil or look at evil so that it does not affect you, and finally do not repeat evil verbally so that it cannot spread.

Cultural influence

Statuette three wise monkeys

The three wise monkeys and related proverbs are famous throughout Asia and the Western world. They have been the source of many works of art e.g. ukiyo-e painting

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