Three monkeys. Symbolism of the monkey

2016 is the Year of the Monkey. Among the 12 animals, the monkey is considered one of the smartest. AT folk culture In China, the monkey is loved and revered.

Since ancient times in China, there has been a very rich culture officials. Monkey in Chinese - hou - is consonant with the name of the hereditary title of the nobility of the second of the five upper classes - marquis. Therefore, people dreamed of being promoted and given the title of hou, hoping for a prosperous career. Thus, since then, the monkey has become a symbol of a happy omen and wealth. Even more interesting is that the Chinese considered monkeys to be an intelligent animal that understands human feelings. According to ancient records, monkeys even served in the imperial court.

There is a stone sculpture depicting three monkeys in the Shandong province of east China. different poses: one of them covers her mouth with her hands, the other - her ears, and the third - her eyes. In fact, these animal figures warn of the need for officials to follow Confucian teachings, to strictly observe bureaucratic protocol. "You can not speak, listen and see something that does not correspond to etiquette." Only by adhering to these rules can one receive an appointment, live in wealth and honor.

During the reign of the Ming and Qing dynasties, it was quite common to find paintings that depicted monkeys on horseback, following the flight of bees, such works meant "the imminent assignment of the title hou". In modern times it became more pictures with monkeys.

Following the development of monkey culture, idiomatic expressions, sayings and proverbs associated with this animal appeared.

In addition, many paintings, paper clippings, sculptures and artworks in the form of monkeys appeared.

Monkey culture is also evident in the Chinese martial art. The monkey style got its name from the movements that are similar to the movements of this animal. According to the historical records that have survived to this day, the style of the monkey appeared during the reign of the Han Dynasty, now during the performances different types martial art all over the country, monkey style is an integral part. In the Shaolin fist fighting technique, in the southern styles of Guangdong wushu, monkey movements are also traced.

In the vast territory of Central China, where the Han people live, ancient tradition reverence and respect for the monkey. For example, at temple fairs in Huaiyang County, Zhoukou City, Henan Province, from the second day of the second month to the third day of the third month on lunar calendar mass-sold clay toys, which are called "ancestral monkeys". These figurines are made in the form of a revered spirit with a crown on its head. The facial expression of the animal is majestic and serious. The symbol of female fertility is depicted in the lower part of the monkey's body; the animal was revered by people as the founder of the clan.

On stone balusters in many temples flaunt different images monkeys. "Stone monkey" in Chinese - shihou - is consonant with "time", it means adaptation to climate change, portends Good times and good luck. Since ancient times, people say: "When the stone monkey (good times) knocks on the door, then the year will be calm."

Usually during the celebration of the New Year, people put on the monkey amulet to children. According to legend, the monkey protects the child in childhood, and endows him with abilities and talent in adulthood. Village families in Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces often tie a small stone figurine of a monkey to six or seven-month-old children so that the child learns to crawl.

People also say that children born in the year of the Monkey are lucky in everything. Although this claim has no scientific basis, many Chinese spouses choose the Year of the Monkey for having children.

Sun Wukong: the classic image of a monkey

Creator classic look monkey in Chinese literature was a writer who lived and worked during the Ming Dynasty, Wu Cheng'en. His novel Journey to the West features the Monkey King Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong, who was born from a magic stone, has amazing skills, the Taoist teacher who took him as a student taught him 72 transformations. After he made a brawl in the Heavenly Halls, he was imprisoned by the Buddha under the mountain of the Five Elements. Subsequently, Sun Wukong, along with the demi-human pig Zhu Bajie, the monk Sha Wujing, accompanied the Buddhist monk and scholar Xuanzang, went to the West (to India) for the sutras. On the way to the West they fought with evil spirits, overcame 81 obstacles and hardships, finally returned to China with the sutras. As a reward for diligence, the Buddha of the Western Paradise appointed Sun Wukong the All-Conquering Buddha. Under the pen of Wu Cheng'en, the Monkey King Sun Wukong became the epitome of justice and synonymous with the very best. Today, the character of Sun Wukong is familiar to every Chinese, moreover, he is also known to the world.

Sun Wukong is not afraid of anyone or anything, so he dared to threaten the King of the Sea Dragons of the Eastern Sea, make a commotion in hell, and then in the Heavenly Halls, in addition, he argued with the Buddha. All this indicates that Sun Wukong is a rebel, he does not intend to endure coercion, is not ready to adhere to established patterns. Fearless spirit, fidelity and optimism allowed him not to be afraid of difficulties, to boldly rebuff challenges. Sun Wukong has the qualities of a hero.

As is obvious, the monkey had a profound effect on China. The image of this animal expresses the wishes of the people for well-being, happiness, longevity and good luck.

The editors of the site "Renminwang" congratulates the New Year of the Monkey, wishes all readers well-being, happiness and good luck.

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Monkey are cheerful, energetic and witty little creatures who have strong ties to many religious groups. One of the Buddhist legends says that before the Buddha ascended to heaven, he invited all the animals in the world to join him. Unfortunately, only twelve accepted this offer, and the Buddha rewarded them by naming all the signs of the Zodiac as such. The monkey is the ninth sign of the Chinese calendar, and the next Year of the Monkey - 2028 year.
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So let's continue Monkey Tattoo Meaning?

The monkey was assigned to accompany a monk carrying the holy teachings of the Buddha. The sharp mind and courageous spirit of the animal protected the monk from demons, helping him spread the sacred teachings of the Buddha in different corners peace. Thus, monkeys are seen as messengers of the gods and protectors.

Monkey also symbolize Repentance and Salvation. In Buddhism, one of the first steps on the path to Enlightenment involves calming the restless "monkey mind" through meditation.

There is sometimes intense debate over the controversial use of primates in various scientific experiments. Since these animals are considered to be the closest genetic relatives of humans, they are test subjects in space research programs and clinical trials that are considered unsafe for humans. However, many animal activists continue to lobby for their rights.

Monkey Tattoo Meaning

Monkey tattoos come in all colors and sizes. Throughout human history these charming creatures are the embodiment of:
  • Intelligence and wit
  • Protection
  • Fertility
  • Harmony
  • Justice
  • Spirituality.

Monkey Tattoo Design Options

Whether you prefer the spiritual message of a tribal tattoo or an ironic design, Monkey tattoos include many features that can give your personality a whole new twist. Important Monkey Tattoo Variations include:

Chimpanzee Tattoos

With a genetic difference of about 3%, chimpanzees are our closest living relatives. This makes them prime test subjects for countless controversial experiments. Chimpanzees have a special place in our hearts and many people with chimpanzee tattoos feel a close connection to these wonderful animals.

Monkey Tattoo - Can't hear, can't see, can't speak

The Three Wise Monkeys are 8th century Tendai Buddhist folklore that became part of the Confucius Code of Conduct. The original concept didn't actually include monkeys, the phrase was "Mizaru, Kikazaru, Iwazaru" which means "do not hear, do not see, and do not speak". However, when pronounced, the term "zaru" sounds like "saru", which means "monkey". Since then, this saying has been associated with monkeys. There is a fourth monkey, "Shizaru", who is usually depicted with his arms crossed and hinting - "do no evil". People with this tattoo are associated with the Code of Conduct and morality of Confucius.

Monkey belly button tattoo

"Quick, bite my finger!"
People have always been looking for creative ways to decorate the indentation of the navel. One such design includes images of animals such as cows and monkeys. The Monkey Belly Button Tattoo is an extension of "bite my finger" and a great way to show off your playful nature.

Tattoo monkey mechanic

Mechanic Monkey loves to take things apart to get them back to working order. In the wild, monkeys are notorious for touching, digging, pushing, and smashing objects in an attempt to figure out how they work. The Mechanic Monkey Tattoo is the quintessential image of your inquisitive nature and symbolizes the exploratory spirit of these animals. They represent your need to discover and explore.

Evil monkey tattoo

« Angry monkey lives in Chris Griffin's closet and is his nemesis in popular series"Griffins". She constantly bares her teeth and points at Chris with her finger. Chris is afraid of her and tries not to be alone in his room. However, the evil monkey eventually befriends Chris, sharing several pearls of wisdom with him. And in the series "Hannah Banana" the family learns about her existence, because before that no one believed Chris that she really exists. Having an Evil Monkey tattoo is a fun way to mark this series. As you understand, this image has no deep spiritual meaning.

Monkey Skull Tattoo

The image of a monkey looking at a skull sends a powerful message about human mortality. The skull usually represents Death and Destruction, while the monkey symbolizes Humanity as a whole (since we share a common ancestor). Monkey Skull Tattoos are associated with people who are trying to cope with drastic changes in their lives. Read about

The famous Shinto shrine Nikko Tosho-gu in the Japanese city of Nikko houses a work of art known throughout the world. A carved panel depicting three wise monkeys has been located above the door of this temple since the 17th century. The carving made by the sculptor Hidari Jingorō is an illustration famous phrase“I don’t see anything, I don’t hear anything, I don’t say anything.”

Three wise monkeys. / Photo:

It is believed that this proverb came to Japan from China in the 8th century as part of the Tendai Buddhist philosophy. It represents three dogmas that symbolize worldly wisdom. Carved panel with monkeys - only one small part big series panels at the Tosho-gu shrine.

Three monkeys at the Tosho-gu shrine in Nikko, Japan.

There are 8 panels in total, which are the "Code of Conduct" developed by the famous Chinese philosopher Confucius. In the collection of sayings of the philosopher "Lun Yu" ("Analects of Confucius") there is a similar phrase. Only in the edition, dating from about the 2nd - 4th centuries of our era, it sounded a little differently: “Do not look at what is contrary to decency; do not listen to what is contrary to decency; do not say what is contrary to decency; do not do what is contrary to decency." It is possible that this is the original phrase, which was shortened after it appeared in Japan.

World War II poster addressed to the participants in the Manhattan Project.

The monkeys on the carved panel are Japanese macaques, which are very common in the Land of the Rising Sun. Monkeys sit in a row on the panel, the first of them covers its ears with its paws, the second closes its mouth, and the third is carved with closed eyes.

Monkeys are commonly known as "see not, hear, not speak", but in fact, they have their own names. The monkey that covers its ears is Kikazaru, the one that covers its mouth is Iwazaru, and Mizaru closes its eyes.

Three wise monkeys on the beach in Barcelona.

The names are probably a play on words as they all end in "zaru", which is Japanese means monkey. The second meaning of this word is "leave", that is, each word can be interpreted as a phrase aimed at evil.

Together, this composition in Japanese is called "Sambiki-Saru", that is, "Three mystical monkeys." Sometimes, a fourth monkey named Shizaru is added to the well-known trio, which represents the principle of "doing no evil." It is worth noting that according to the generally accepted opinion, Shizara was added much later in the souvenir industry, only for commercial purposes.

Casting from brass.

Monkeys represent an approach to life in the Shinto and Koshin religions. Historians believe that the symbol of the three monkeys is about 500 years old, however, some argue that such a symbolism was spread in Asia by Buddhist monks, originating in the ancient Hindu tradition. Pictures of monkeys can be seen on ancient koshin scrolls, while the Tosho-gu shrine, where the famous panel is located, was erected as a sacred building for Shinto believers.

Most old monument cosin.

Contrary to popular belief that the three monkeys originated in China, "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" sculptures and paintings are unlikely to be found in any other country than Japan. The oldest koshin monument that featured monkeys was built in 1559, but it only has one monkey, not three.

A large, tailless monkey is an animal highly revered in Ancient Egypt, Africa, India and China. The small-tailed monkey, like the large tailless one, has a higher symbolic status in the East than in the West.

Monkey ability; to imitation and the variety of forms of behavior make its symbolism generally contradictory. She embodies both positive and negative aspects of a person.

According to the ancient mysteries, the monkey represents the state of man before the soul entered him. The monkey also personifies the return of man, deprived of the divine nature, to the animal state.

Most often, the monkey serves as the personification of sin, in particular physical. She also symbolizes cunning, deceit, the pursuit of luxury, spitefulness, laziness and, because of her angular movements, drunkenness. The ability of monkeys to imitate human behavior used for ridicule - vain lavia and stupidity.

Sometimes monkeys serve as a symbol of learning. The image of the cynocephalus (dog-headed monkey, or baboon) served in Eshpt as a hieroglyph meaning writing. The baboon is the symbol of the moon, and Thoth is the planet Mercury. Since the ancients believed that the Moon accompanies Mercury through the heavens, the dog-headed monkey is described as a faithful companion of Thoth. Baboon in Egyptian iconography symbolizes wisdom.

In the Tibetan tradition, the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara (incarnated in the Dalai Lama) originally appeared in the form of a sacred monkey who showed compassion for the giantess, from whose marriage the six ancestors of the Tibetan people descended.

AT Indian epic monkey Hanuman, indian god monkeys, has a noble soul, an extraordinary mind, a great physical strength; he is a warrior and faithful companion of the god Rama. It is a symbol of courage, perseverance and self-sacrifice. It was thanks to the monkeys that the god Rama defeated the terrible and evil giant (Rama made an alliance with Hanuman, and he sent numerous detachments of monkeys and bears to help the god).

The monkey (along with the white elephant and the cow) is the third sacred animal in India. Until now, there are temples where monkeys are sovereign masters, where every day they receive a large number of food (this at a time when hundreds of people in the country are starving). There are monkey hospitals (when thousands of people die without medical care). Moreover, despite the colossal damage caused by monkeys agriculture, devastating vast areas of fields, they enjoy complete immunity, they cannot even be driven away. At one time in India, killing a monkey was severely punished; Europeans who committed such a crime were forced to leave the country. Now Hindus are more tolerant, but even now insulting a monkey by action causes strong dissatisfaction among religious people.

Stories of monkey kings are also found in Chinese myths where they act as dexterous and smart heroes. In Chinese art, the gibbon symbolizes maternal care.

In Japan, the monkey cry is a symbol of deep longing;

Along with this, toy monkeys are considered in Japan as talismans protecting children. The famous symbolic figure "kochin" - three monkeys who see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil (carved wooden sculpture located in the temple of the first Tokugawa shogun in Nikko), - symbolizes wise caution. These carvings have always been considered in the East as a talisman that protects against slander.

Christian tradition treats the monkey with great suspicion, identifying it with vice, passions, idolatry and diabolical heresies.

In Western art, the monkey personifies hypocrisy, sinfulness, deceit, laziness, the pursuit of luxury, criminal intentions, lust, greed. In the Middle Ages, the devil was often depicted as a monkey. The image of a monkey with an apple in its mouth symbolized the fall of Adam and Eve. A monkey in chains means victory over sin. Often monkeys in a caricature form depict minor flaws in human nature or are an allegory of imitative art.

The attitude towards monkeys as a symbol is ambiguous and largely depends on belonging to Eastern or Western culture.

European fears

AT Christian world the animal represents human vices, as it is associated with carnival, buffoonery and acting. In French tradition, the monkey is associated with love. in English and German there are phrases with the mention of primates, denoting a drunk person.

Asian delight

Eastern peoples identify the animal with lightning speed, dexterity, and caution. In India, Egypt, the monkey represents courage, selflessness and dexterity. In ancient Mexico, the animal symbolically represented the wind. In Egypt, the baboon is the personification of wisdom.

AT Ancient China gibbon was a symbol maternal love. The Japanese still believe that the monkey symbol protects children. In Mexico, animals are worshiped as the embodiment of their dead ancestors. The Chinese art of feng shui home improvement defines the monkey symbol as protection from bad luck and cunning.

iconic meat

It is believed that monkeys are very. They have a large brain - a recognized delicacy in Africa, China, South Asia. According to the eaters with animal meat, wisdom, a sense of humor, wit, and a wonderful memory are transmitted.

Ancient Chinese mythology conveys the ability to run fast with meat big monkey. One of Japanese fairy tales tells that the illness of the wife of the underwater king was treated with monkey liver.

Religious cults

The deification of primates is expressed in the image of the gods in their guise. The river deity Wuzhiqi in ancient China had the body of an animal. In Buddhism, the monkey is an early incarnation of the Buddha, but it can also represent ugliness, deceit, greed, insatiability in satisfying sensual desires.

In Hinduism, Rama's companion is the monkey-like god Hanuman (having a broken jaw), who is endowed with great strength and ability to fly, change size and appearance. The god of thunderstorm Indra (Slavic Perun) broke his jaw, throwing a spear. Being the son of the wind god Vayu, Hanuman symbolizes the gift of healing, fertility.

In India, there are still temples where monkeys live as a sacred animal. The macaques that flooded the states of India, causing a lot of trouble to people, nevertheless, they remain inviolable for local residents.

Three Controllers

The well-known composition three monkeys covering their eyes, ears and mouth with their paws - not to see, not to hear, not to talk about evil. Presumably, these images came from Japanese beliefs in three entities that live in every person.

They observe the actions of the owner and twice a month during sleep they report to the Lord of Heaven about the evil done. In order to avoid heavenly punishment for unseemly deeds during the "reporting periods", the followers of the faith spend night vigils, refusing to sleep. The symbol of three monkeys protects the owner from slander and slander.

Humans from monkeys and vice versa

legends different peoples claim that monkeys are people who once went wild. Similar myths are alive among the Indians of Central America and among the natives of Southeast Africa. The mythology of the ancient Greeks mentions the island of Pitecus (monkeys), whose population, the Kerkop tribe, was turned into animals for constant lies.

In Tibet and South China, on the contrary, they proudly recognize the origin of their kind from animals. This is probably due to the totem nature of ancient symbols, just as the tribes in Russia were identified with the bear, elk and other representatives of the fauna.

In Buddhism, the sacred monkey, from which the Tibetans descended, is the incarnation of the saint (bodhisattva) Avalokiteshvara. Each Dalai Lama, who is the spiritual father of the locals, is considered the earthly incarnation of this deity.

Art and nature

The Middle Ages recognized the image of a monkey as an allegory visual arts, since they considered the creativity of people only an imitation of the creativity of Nature. Monkeys paved the way into space for people, having previously flown around the earth from America. Until now, medical experiments have been carried out on animals, using the physiological and psychological similarities with humans.

Monkeys are kept as pets, which in some cases serve as service animals for the disabled. In tourism and farming, primates often act as pests that cause significant damage to business profitability and people's property.

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