What are witches afraid of? The speech and manner of speaking will help to recognize the witch: these women carefully monitor their speech, as if weighing every word, especially when they are angry or upset

Disagreements with neighbors are commonplace. It takes a lot of strength, energy, sometimes deprives health. But the situation is much more serious if the neighbor is a witch. Neighborhood with a witch is dangerous with frequent linings, stealers, and even damage.

It is more expensive to go to war with a witch, especially if she is experienced in magic. The fact is that living in the neighborhood, the witch has access to a vulnerable place - the house, and with the help of magic she can destroy this fortress slowly, so that the neighbors will not even notice. And if the witch is offended by something, then prosperity and a good atmosphere can leave the house literally with a wave of her hand. But there is a way out - to put a good defense.

What is dangerous neighborhood with a witch

Neighborhood with a witch in itself is not a danger. A leading woman always has something to do. This is the strengthening of protection at home, and work on your personal relationships in the family circle, the development of your strength. It takes a lot of time, effort and energy to fight with neighbors. Not a single sane witch will waste this time just for the sake of dirty tricks, it's another matter if some kind of conflict has occurred.

If a witch lives in your house, or has recently settled, keep in mind that she may be offended:

  1. Gossip. This witch immediately nip in the bud. Telling the details of the life of a neighbor, discussing them, misrepresenting information is not worth it. Of course, we are not talking about ordinary everyday conversations, but it is important to remember that this is an outsider, and in no case should his private life become a subject for discussion.
  2. Spit. No matter how strange this paragraph may seem, sometimes people themselves do not notice how they spit at the sight of a witch. This happens literally automatically. This action is rooted in antiquity, when spitting was a method of protection from a witch. This offends modern witches, and very much.
  3. Drinking through the wall. This is not about a festive feast, but about everyday drinking, drinking alcoholic beverages, followed by quarrels, loud songs or even a fight. A true witch does not drink alcohol, but she does not force others to adapt to her vision of life. But if the fact that the neighbors like to drink interferes with her everyday life, she gets angry and takes revenge. Maybe even lime the whole race with alcoholic demons.
  4. Things left near her apartment or house. It doesn’t matter if it’s a threshold, a door, or a place near the front door in the vestibule of the entrance, the main thing is that you can’t fill the witch’s personal space with anything. Sometimes this happens unconsciously. For example, there is no free space left in the vestibule, and you decide to leave the bike near the witch's apartment. Any person who understands the power of energy knows that a cluttered space attracts negative energy and stores this energy.
  5. Religious symbols. Or any magical symbols. No one forbids you to hang a cross on your front door, but trying to throw something with such symbols on a witch is a disastrous business. This also includes crossing at the sight of a witch, getting a pectoral cross out from under her clothes, scattering garlic at her doorstep. It is worth monitoring the behavior of your children and grandparents. Elderly or vice versa very young people often react negatively to the witch, which offends her.

But of course, there is a risk that the witch will turn out to be evil and will harm her neighbors just like that, out of anger or envy.

In a village house, harm from a witch neighbor can manifest itself in:

  • Loss of livestock fertility (a cow does not give milk, a pig does not gain weight);
  • Drying of the crop;
  • fire;
  • Livestock deaths.

In an urban environment, a witch is dangerous:

  • The departure of the husband from the family;
  • career destruction;
  • Children's illnesses (if they screamed a lot and prevented the witch from sleeping);
  • The appearance of small pests (mice, cockroaches, other insects).

It is not worth going to war with a woman - a witch and blaming her for all the troubles, such behavior will not lead to anything good. Hidden protection from it would be an ideal option.

Egregore protection from a witch

This protection is the best way to protect yourself from the witch. Egregor is a force backed by faith. We will analyze three defenses: Muslim, Christian and pagan, since these are the three most powerful religious egregores. To put such protection, you just need to relate to any of these egregors.

You will need:

  • For Christians: the cross.
  • For Muslims: rosary.
  • For pagans: any pagan amulet.

Holding the desired object in your hands, pronounce protective words:

“The cursed witch, she settled in the house. All the spiders ran away, mice and cockroaches gnashed. Only I won’t run away, now I’m not afraid of her anymore. My protection is with me - my egregor is with me. Behind me are (the deities and saints of the necessary egregor), with them I am not afraid of witchcraft. If he lays a lining - his hands will dry out, he won’t be able to conjure, he will impose an evil eye - his eyes will stick, he won’t be able to see, he’ll throw a bad word - his tongue will dry up, forever fall silent. And if we live peacefully, then we will live in goodness, but if evil thinks, my protection will hit her. By the power of my egregore, by the power of my god (prophet), so be it, from age to age. Let it happen."

After that, you need to perform your protective action, baptize, bow, and so on. The item on which the protective words were read should be stored in the house as close to the door as possible.

Household protection methods

If a neighbor has taken direct measures: she began to curse, threaten, leave pads near the house, you need to act decisively.

If you find a lining, you need to neutralize it. The lining can be: a needle stuck near a house or apartment, something spilled or scattered at the threshold (herbal decoction, blood, milk, earth, sand, straw, bones). You should be wary of gifts from a neighbor - they can also be a lining.

The gift must be placed under the stream of water from the tap, and left there for an hour. At the same time, you can whisper the following words:

“Water will wash everything away, water will take everything into the abyss - nothing on this thing will harm me.”

If we are not talking about a gift, then in the first place you can’t touch it with your bare hands, step on it, try it. If you find a lining from a neighbor, take a black garbage bag and gloves, take the item with gloves, if it is a liquid, then wipe it with a rag, all this must be thrown into a black bag along with a glove and a rag. The bag must be taken to a wasteland and its contents burned there, saying:

“Fire will destroy everything - my hands will not touch this. Everything will be consumed by the flame - I will not touch it. If you want to harm someone, try with fire. Don't touch me, stay away from me."

No one can be told that the lining was found.

If a neighbor constantly throws curses, you should, if possible, not listen, not memorize, and in no case repeat these words. You can whisper:

“Goy I don’t hear, goy go away, goy I’ll close my eyes.”

If you saw that a neighbor - a witch is doing some kind of rite or ritual near your house, you need to take a bucket, fill it with water literally 1/10 part and throw three tablespoons of salt there. Leave the house with this bucket, walk past the witch, saying these words to yourself:

“Salt pud, water - all this protect me. A neighbor walked past you, collected all your dirt and washed it away.

Water should be poured onto the first piece of land that caught your eye. This will help to neutralize the effect of the ritual practice of the witch, and the earth will absorb all the negative energy.

External protection of the house

You can protect yourself from a witch without resorting to ritual practices.

You can hang a wreath on the front door from the outside. In appearance, it can be on a Christmas wreath, with spruce decorations, ribbons. You need to weave a branch of birch into this wreath (you can have it without leaves, collected in the cold season). Such a wreath will protect from rituals for the destruction of peace and harmony in the family.

You can hang a cross on the door, made from any natural components: roots, branches, stems. Its size can be any. A large cross is no different from a small one, if at the moment when you make it, only good thoughts will be in your head.

You can sprinkle the entire entrance, as well as the front door, threshold and window frames from the side of the street with a decoction of meadow chamomile. At the same time, thinking about how chamomile repels any attacks from an unfriendly neighbor.

Buckwheat will be a good defense. Its thin lines should be sprinkled right under the entrance mat. At the same time, you need to think about the most protected place in the world, where you feel calm and peaceful. After close the lines of buckwheat with a rug. Close your eyes and imagine how the witch is trying to cross the threshold of the house, but she does not succeed. Smile and enter the house.

All these methods are able to protect against the magical attacks of the witch, keep the peace of all household members.


To drive her away from your house, you can go out to meet her with an ordinary kitchen knife in your hand, while the knife should be pointed towards the witch with the blade up. Pretend that you were walking from the kitchen and forgot to leave the knife, if it’s really in front of you, then you won’t see her again in your house. In addition, you can use a sewing needle. Stick it somewhere near the door with the tip up, and the witch will not come to you anymore.

For a long time, people used nettle leaves, wormwood and incense to protect their homes from sorcerers. Frankincense can be purchased in church shops, nettle and wormwood can be collected in the field. The collected raw materials need to be dried and fumigated with them in the room, it is believed that the power is afraid of the smell of these herbs alone.

One of the many effective ways to protect is the use of salt. In your pocket you need to carry a little ordinary table salt. After communicating with a person suspected of witchcraft, you need to turn your back on him, quietly throw a handful of salt from your pocket and, without turning around, quickly leave.

From and people often use small pins, pinning them with the tip up to the clothes from the inside. Many believe that witches are afraid of crosses and images, but this is not entirely true, they say that pin manipulation is much more effective. It is also advised to wear amulets and amulets against the effects of witches, amulets are charged with the help of special rites, without which these items do not work.

The Christian faith does not welcome the wearing of amulets and talismans by parishioners. Priests advise using only those means that are allowed by the church to protect against unfriendly people: incense, holy water, crosses, images, and to protect your home, place an icon above the front door. The most powerful, protecting the believer from witches and sorcerers, is considered "Psalm 90". It is recommended to read it every morning before leaving the house, and the holy power of prayer will protect you throughout the day.

In each mobile phone, during its development, there are functions that allow you to track the location of the subscriber, listen and record his conversations, and so on. However, there are special paid services that allow you to bypass wiretapping. For our country, however, they are not yet valid.

You will need

  • - new phone;
  • - new sim card.


If you think yours is being bugged in any way, make sure it's true. If you have, view the list of programs running on your mobile device - they can often be installed along with other applications. Also check for the current time period and duration of calls.

In this case, it is best to periodically reset these indicators so as not to be confused with real information. Check always outgoing . Delete all applications from yours, perform a factory reset, put a prompt before connecting the device to the Internet.

If you feel like your Internet conversations (for example, when using Skype), check the list of current processes in the task manager and also make sure that you do not have Radmin or similar utilities running on your computer for remote access to your computer . In this case, it is best to reconnect both subscribers by changing the IP address, or even better, by using a proxy server.

To protect against conversations, it is better to use digital communication technologies, since analog ones are very unreliable, and only certain mobile operators and special services have access to decrypting equipment for conversations over cellular communications.

If you want to stop listening to your conversations, it is better to change the device as well, since the operators have data about your IMEI. It is best to purchase a SIM card not in your name, since the data about you, up to your location in meters, is also known to the operator. After turning off the phone, remove the battery and SIM card from it as well.

Useful advice

Check your traffic metrics and call duration frequently.

Extortion is a crime in which the extortionist demands that material values ​​or rights to property be transferred to him under the threat of violence or disclosure of information disgracing a person. How to protect yourself from such a situation?


Keep your secrets to yourself. Do not dedicate acquaintances to the secrets of your personal life. Avoid doing things that you would be ashamed of.

Take measures to protect personal information: last name, first name, patronymic, passport data, address, do not disclose your phone number. Do not transfer such data to third parties and do not give permission for their processing unnecessarily. Be careful when posting information about yourself and your family on the Internet in general and on social networks in particular.

Stay away from people who have previously been accused of extortion or have a criminal record under this article. Don't get involved in shady businesses with people you don't trust.

Because the ransomware first "feeds the waters" trying to understand how important it is for you not to disclose certain information, keep your cool. Do not show how undesirable you are for the disclosure of the information the criminal has. Sometimes it makes sense to get ahead of the extortionist and “declassify” the information yourself. As a result, it will be possible to present information in the most favorable light and deprive the criminal of leverage on you.

Think about how you can counter ransomware threats. Perhaps you also have some information that is undesirable for him. In any case, inform the perpetrator that in fact extortion You have filed a complaint with law enforcement.

If you receive threats of harm to you or your loved ones, contact the police. Avoid direct negotiations with the extortionist, because in this case you will have to play by his rules, and they are obviously unprofitable and unpredictable. Having fulfilled the requirements of the criminal once, you are not immune from the fact that after a while he will not put up new ones.

Try to stock up on evidence of extortion: record the conversation on a voice recorder, install a hidden video camera. It is important to collect sufficient evidence of the crime so that a criminal case is initiated against the extortionist.

Protect your house it is necessary not only from thieves, but also from the negative impact that strangers can send. Any person, without knowing it, can envy your wealth, thereby automatically jinxing you and your home. There are also people who deliberately try to harm and send you various troubles with the help of. In any case, whatever the intent of the person, it is best to protect your home from this and not worry about anything.

You will need

  • - rock salt;
  • - church candle;
  • - cactus;
  • - chalk for drawing;
  • - icon.


Take some rock salt and say the following words on it: "Holy salt, cleanse my house, remove the negative, drive away all bad things." You need to speak in a calm and clear voice, exactly seven times. At the end, be sure to say: “So be it!”. Then add salt to the water and rinse the room with it.

Draw a small cross on the front doors with chalk, read the prayer “Our Father” while drawing, and at the end cross the door and sprinkle it with holy water. In addition to the cross on the threshold, you can depict a circle, a square or a pentagram. Be very careful with the last sign, because if you draw an inverted pentagram, it will begin to attract evil spirits and negative energy to itself.

Keep an eye on the condition of your entrance mat, it should not be dirty. The fact is that when a person, entering the house, wipes his feet, he, along with the dirt, leaves part of his negative energy. A rug in front of the door is common but effective for your home. In addition, by constantly monitoring the condition of the rug, you will not allow intruders to pour or throw charmed objects under it.

Feeling tired and some discomfort, light a church candle, hold it in your hands for a while, stand up and ask the image to save you and your loved ones from all sorts of misfortunes. Then extinguish the candle and hide it, and use it again next time. Remember the following: this candle must burn out just in front of the Seven Arrows, and you cannot put it on other icons.

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Servers, like some other members of the World Wide Web, can be subject to a hacker ddos ​​attack. This attack is a transfer of a huge number of packets that the attacked computer is unable to cope with. It is quite problematic to protect yourself from this type of threat, and therefore it is often necessary to resort to the help of highly qualified programmers in the field of computer system protection.


Contact an experienced specialist who is professionally engaged in site administration and, as part of his job, almost every day is faced with the need to repel ddos ​​attacks. Use it to block access to the server from certain countries where a hacker attack can come from. In addition, make a number of settings that can protect your computer from intruders. However, such measures are not always effective. They are only suitable if the attack is not very well organized and not too serious.

You can also go the other way. Contact the technical support of your hosting, which hosts your web resource, and ask for a replacement of your IP address. Sometimes such actions are enough for a novice hacker to stop conducting ddos ​​attacks, and most of these illegal actions are committed by beginners. For more serious protection, install a firewall, with the help of which most of the incoming traffic will be filtered and the server will continue its normal operation.

There is another option to protect your computer from hackers. To do this, ask for help from one of the specialized hosting companies that deal specifically with protecting servers from ddos ​​attacks. As a result, you will not only avoid technical problems, but also save your IP address. All available traffic in this case will be distributed to several servers. Ultimately, only useful traffic will reach you. All ddos ​​attacks coming to you will be blocked, and you can safely enjoy working on your computer.

An act of terrorism is an act of arson, explosion or any other generally dangerous act aimed at destroying as many people as possible and causing significant property damage.


In public transport, shops, parks, crowded places, be as suspicious as possible of “ownerless” packages, bags, boxes. If you notice that the person sitting next to you left his bag and left, pretending to be talking about it, in no case try to pick it up in order to get out of the minibus and return it to the owner. Without touching it, firmly and confidently ask the minibus driver to stop and drop off all passengers. After that, moving to a safe distance, call the police department or the FSB and report the find. Do not move the found object, do not try to move it or take a closer look!

Don't let panic arise. If you have any suspicions that you have found an explosive device, do not be hysterical about it in the whole area. Terrorists can be nearby and activate the charge when they see that people are running away - then many will suffer. Before the arrival of the police, ensure that all people calmly leave the danger zone without too much fuss - the crowd is prone to herd mentality, and panic will spread instantly.

In it is better to stay away from mass festivities, city and concerts in the squares. Unfortunately, these are the places that terrorists usually choose for their bloody deeds. Therefore, in such a “hot” time, it is better to stay at home and wait out the folk celebrations over a cup of coffee in front of the TV. Relying on a responsible approach to the work of law enforcement officers is not worth it: “frames” and other ways of recognizing terrorists have long since learned to bypass and very successfully. Do without a festive New Year's concert in the name of saving your own and the lives of people close to you - relatives and friends whom you wanted to take with you.

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Despite the civilization of the modern world, criminal news bulletins daily remind that anyone can encounter a criminal, which is why it is so important to know the basics of self-defense. To be able to protect your property, health and even life in a dangerous situation is simply necessary.


Aikido masters say that the best fight is the one that doesn't take place. In an open encounter with a criminal, there is no absolute probability of your victory, moreover, the bandit is usually confident in his superiority. Therefore, while such an opportunity exists, dangerous situations should be avoided by any means.

There is a term “victim behavior”, which means a course of action in which you yourself provoke a potential criminal to commit a crime against you. It can be a night walk alone through deserted dark streets, a public display of a large amount of cash or jewelry, provocative clothing - in general, everything that makes you an attractive victim in the eyes of a potential aggressor. Try to control your behavior, routes, wardrobe in such a way as to reduce the likelihood of meeting a criminal. The simplest rules, prompted by the instinct of self-preservation, will help you not to become a victim of a bandit, because you simply will not meet him.

If, despite all the precautions, you have become the object of criminal aggression, then first of all you should assess the situation and your chances in it. Enter into a conflict only when there is no other way out, or you are one hundred percent sure that you will emerge victorious from it. Otherwise, it might be worth losing money but keeping your health. Don't be a hero, because spending half a year in the hospital because of a couple of thousand rubles is very stupid.

Even with special training or self-defense weapons, your chances of winning a street fight are not super high. It's not so much the knowledge of techniques, but the willingness to hurt another person. The success of many crimes is built precisely on the fact that the aggressor is ready for conflict at any moment, and the victim is taken by surprise. When walking through dark alleys, entering an unlit entrance, keep a weapon of self-defense at hand and ready for battle. Otherwise, it will not help you, because the criminal will not wait until you find a gas canister in your purse.

Having already got involved in a fight, it makes no sense to talk about exceeding the limits of self-defense. Your goal is to win, that is, to make opponents incapable of further action. If you're capable of doing that, then it's worth the fight. Rest assured, the criminal will not be stopped by considerations of humanism. Only fear or pain. It is worth enrolling in self-defense courses precisely in order to develop the ability to attack first, which is atrophied in ordinary people.

In a situation of potential conflict, try to attract the attention of others as much as possible. The more witnesses, the less the bandit will want to commit a crime. Passers-by, sellers, neighbors - all of them can become more reliable protection against a criminal than a traumatic pistol or self-defense courses. To attract attention at the entrance, you should not shout “Help!”, But “Fire!”

Since ancient times, people have believed in the existence of witches. They were persecuted, brutally destroyed, although often they were innocent women who differed from the rest in intelligence, beauty, or, conversely, extraordinary ugliness. Witches were often considered healers who were asked for help in the treatment of diseases. Most of them really possessed some kind of magical gift, passed down from grandmother to granddaughter.


In the 16th century, the English jurist William West defined the term "witch". He said that ordinary women who succumbed to the promises of the devil and agreed to sell his soul become witches. After that, they were endowed with witchcraft powers and learned from the evil spirits all sorts of harmful actions. Witches flew on brooms or pitchforks, indulged in revelry all night long and sowed evil everywhere.

Russian witches were much less harmful and vicious than Western European ones. As a rule, these were simple village women, who, however, also flew on a broomstick and got along with devils, but were mainly engaged in love spells and stealing milk from neighboring cows. Milk mixed with dew was traditionally considered a favorite delicacy of witches. Perhaps a rather calm attitude towards witches in Russia was explained by the belief that existed among Russian peasants that every woman is a witch.

In fact, the word "witch" does not contain a negative connotation. It comes from the word "know", i.e. to know something that others do not know and do not notice. Witches can do not only evil, but also good deeds. They collect medicinal herbs, treat diseases, help find missing people.

The magical gift is usually passed down through the family line, and through one or two generations. A witch may pass it on to her granddaughter or great granddaughter, but the gift is never passed down from mother to daughter. The fact is that a daughter can turn into a rival for her still quite young, vigorous and energetic mother, and a granddaughter or great-granddaughter becomes an heiress after her death.

Even during her lifetime, the witch begins to prepare her successor. She teaches fortune-telling on cards, various rituals and introduces her to the action of healing herbs. However, a witch can fully transfer her abilities only after death. It is believed that if the witch does not pass on her magical gift, she will have to endure a long and painful agony. To transfer the gift, she asks the successor to bring her a glass of water, and then touches her hand and immediately dies.

There are 3 options for the further fate of the newly-minted witch. Either she accepts the gift and continues to develop the acquired power, or she tries to refuse it, but this leads to a serious illness and painful death. The only way to save your soul and body from death is to immediately go to a monastery and devote your whole life to prayer and serving God.

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Among the characters inhabiting the early works of Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol, a large place is given to witches. Moreover, each of them has not only a completely individual appearance, but also its own character and lifestyle.

For the first time, the image of a witch appears in Gogol in one of the most terrible stories of the cycle “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” - “Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala”. The old witch that appears on the Kupala night looks more like Baba Yaga. Her wrinkled face looks like a baked apple, and her body is bent into an arc. In addition, she has the features of a werewolf and a ghoul. She runs out into the forest clearing in the form of a large black dog, then turns into a cat, and only after a shout from her friend Basavryuk takes the form of an ugly old woman. The actions of the witch are horrifying in their cruelty: first, she feeds on the blood of the unfortunate little Ivas, and then takes the life of Peter, the main character of the story.

The witch from another story in the cycle - "May Night, or the Drowned Woman" - is a typical evil stepmother from folk tales. A ruddy white-skinned beauty marries a rich centurion and, turning into a black cat with iron claws, tries to strangle her young one. When the plan fails, the witch tricks her husband into driving her own daughter out of the house, thereby pushing her to commit suicide.

Perhaps the prettiest of Gogol's witches is Solokha from the famous "The Night Before Christmas". As befits a self-respecting woman, she is on a broomstick at night and does various dirty tricks: she takes the form of domestic animals, scaring village women, steals milk from cows, and even steals stars from the sky on Christmas night. However, the main goal of Solokha is different. The forty-year-old beauty charms all the local Cossacks: from the wealthy widower Chub to the very head.

Having completed "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka", Gogol returns to the theme of evil spirits in the story "Viy", which is included in his next cycle - "Mirgorod". It was here that the writer managed to create the most multifaceted and sinister image of a witch. A beautiful young lady with long eyelashes and a luxurious plait turns into an ugly old woman, then into a huge dog, drinks human blood and destroys foolish lads. She does not calm down even after death, rising and calling on all the evil spirits familiar to her in order to take revenge on Khoma Brutus, who became the unwitting culprit of her death.

There is a version that the great writer was afraid of women, although he was not indifferent to their beauty. Perhaps that is why he often depicted them as treacherous, cruel and at the same time charming witches.

Signs of evil eye and damage

Pay attention to how often:

  • you or your family are sick;

  • quarrels and scandals occur in your house;

  • you want to run away from your home.

If lately this has been happening very often, it is quite possible that damage has already been brought to your home. To make sure you have it, take consecrated salt and heat it in a frying pan for 15-20 minutes. If everything is fine in the house, the spice will be yellowish, if there is an evil spirit in it, it will turn dark brown or black. You can also walk around the house with a church candle in your hands. Where it crackles, lies some kind of spoken thing.

How to protect the house with amulets?

Branches of mountain ash, aspen, buckthorn, birch or spruce, consecrated on the Trinity, suspended above the front door, can serve as a talisman for the house. They will not let evil spirits and energy vampires into your house, they will prevent the passage of negative magical energy. Also above the threshold you can place:

St. John's wort or birch. Aspen is also able to protect the home from damage, but you need to be more careful with it. Otherwise, you can get the opposite result.

Through rituals and rituals

There are many ways to clean and protect the house from the evil eye and damage through rituals. The simplest and most effective of them are as follows:

Method one

Light a church wax candle. Arrange several white ones in front of you (according to the number of rooms in the house). Spread a little coal and a bunch of herbs on them (burdock, immortelle, wormwood), while whispering:

“I fold the coal so that it is warm in the house and grace. I will put wormwood so that there is protection from evil people. I put the immortelle so that health and well-being come to the house. I will add burdock so that the unclean threshold does not step over. Amen".

After that, you need to tie up each white handkerchief with white thread and spread it unnoticed in every room of your house. Nobody should see them!

Method two

Take three small onions, pierce each of them with a thick needle into which a red thread is threaded, and tie the thread in a loop around each vegetable. Hang in the kitchen, living room and bedroom for 7 days. Then take it off, put it on clean paper, salt it well, wrap it up and burn it to the ground in a wasteland or in a forest on a bright fire.

Method three

You can also illuminate the dwelling with holy water (following the example of the monks).

On Easter night, go to Church, take five candles, stand with them until the end of the service. At home, take four glasses, fill them with grain, put candles in them. Arrange glasses around the house: one - on a chair at the front door, the second - opposite it against the wall, the third - on the balcony, the fourth - in the bedroom by the window. The end result should be a cross. Light candles. With another candle, draw crosses outside, inside and on the windows. Circle these crosses with a piece of cotton wool wound around three matches and smeared with church oil. Sprinkle the house with baptismal water, going around the house three times from and to the front door from left to right and reading, at the same time, “Our Father”. Fumigate the house with dry wormwood or incense. Matches that were used during lighting should be taken out and buried where neither animals nor people walk.

As you can see, there are really many ways. But remember! All of them must be used carefully, strictly according to what is written. Otherwise, it may not work or, worse, lead to a weakening of the energy field of the house.

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Considering that at present "secret magical knowledge" is no longer secret, every day there are more and more people putting it into practice.

Many are attracted by the opportunities they get along with magical abilities. Take revenge on the offender, eliminate the rival, or simply feel superior to other people. Such actions are not prosecuted by law, which means that you can go unpunished.

This is an imaginary impunity. If the “spoiled” gets to the clairvoyant or psychic, and he removes the magical effect from him, then the owner will receive a reverse blow, amplified many times over. Fortunately, for every action there is a reaction. Having done simple manipulations, you find yourself under powerful protection from black magic.

Very often, negative programming occurs through food. This is a type of damage that is very common. In this case, first of all, the digestive organs are affected in humans. All methods of drug treatment do not bring any relief for a long time. If you are familiar with such a situation, you have become a victim of a black magician. First, turn to alternative medicine. Protection against this type of damage is very simple. Before eating or drinking suspicious foods, blow on them. Imagine it's hot food and you're blowing it to cool it down.

Lining is damage induced with the help of objects. It is impossible to protect yourself from it in advance, but you can destroy it. In this case, he will not be able to harm you. Finding strange things at home, do not rush to pick them up! With a broom, collect the lining on the scoop and burn everything, including the broom and the scoop. Try not to stand under the smoke. Having collected everything that did not burn down and the top layer of the earth where the fire was located, take it to the river and throw it into the water. Say at the same time: "From where it came, there it went." You will have to return home by another road and not look back. The place where you found the lining must be cleaned with consecrated water and read over it three times "Our Father".

Having found a needle, do not rush to pull it out with your bare hands. Take it with tongs and break its point. The sorcerer will receive a reverse blow, after which he will hardly be able to conjure anymore.

The evil eye is not a corruption, but also a rather unpleasant thing. Especially if a small child was jinxed. To prevent this from happening, take a pin and at 12 o’clock at night pin it to your clothes with the tip down with the words: “It is knocking, but it will not enter. He said he didn't get it."

Your photos carry complete information about you. Don't mindlessly give them away. When taking a photo, it is enough to cross your arms or legs, and you will be completely protected from any impact. Before posting your photos on the Internet, process them using Photoshop.

There is a universal and powerful method of protection that protects against almost all types of energy attacks. It does not work only for damage induced through food. It takes a little practice to master this technique. Be patient and in a few days you will succeed.

Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Imagine a fiery cross descending from the sky and descending right in front of you. It starts from the top of your head and goes all the way to the ground. Then the second cross is lowered and placed behind your back. You place the third cross on your right hand. The fourth one is on the left side. You are surrounded by four fiery crosses. After that, imagine that you, along with the crosses, are surrounded by a transparent oval shell. Now cover the inside of this shell with silver. Thus, you will get a mirror with the mirror side facing away from you, which will reflect any negative blow directed at you. Over time, a few seconds will be enough for you to install this protection.

In order to protect yourself from a witch, you should, first of all, not be afraid of her. But this is only if you know that the woman is a witch. But you should also be wary of accidental exposure from strangers or unfamiliar personalities. If you feel that you have any discomfort when communicating, then you should hold on to something metallic with your left hand. For example, it can be a simple coin that is in your pocket. When you suspect that a colleague is a witch, you can protect yourself from her with the help of special rites. Be sure to read the prayer “Our Father” at home before going to work. Additionally, also read a prayer-appeal to your own Guardian Angel. The prayer goes like this:

“My angel, my Guardian, appointed to me by the Lord, come with me. You are ahead of me, and I am behind you. Most Holy Theotokos, merciful protector, save and save the servant of God (proper name), cover me under your imperishable robe from evil people and all kinds of misfortunes that await me at work. Amen".

Arriving at work, you should say hello loudly to all colleagues. This is not a simple greeting, thanks to it you can get additional positive energy from other people. During the working day, you should try to stay in a good mood and smile as often as possible. A positive attitude can serve as a blockage from external negativity. Sitting at your workplace, try to imagine that you are shrouded from head to toe in a shiny shell. If you know which of your colleagues is a sorceress, you can protect yourself from a witch with houseplants. They need to be placed between your tables. In addition, a souvenir made of stone should be installed on the desktop, which will absorb negative energy. Periodically it should be rinsed under running water.

We make protection from the neighbor's witch

Witch protection is a must if you are sure that your neighbor is a witch. For a special ceremony, you must first purchase a cross that would easily fit in the palm of your hand. The ceremony must be carried out alone, when no one is at home. Clutching the cross in the palm of your hand, you should go to the front door. Near it you need to read the plot:

“The cursed witch has settled in our house. All living creatures from her presence fled and hid. Spiders huddled in the corners, mice and cockroaches settled in holes. But I won't run away and be afraid. My egregor is my protection, and he is with me. Behind my wall are the holy Archangels and Angels, no witchcraft is scary with them. If the witch lays a lining, then her hands will wither. The witch will not be able to conjure, as soon as she casts the evil eye, her eyes will immediately water up, she will not be able to see the white light. She will throw a bad word in my direction - she will become numb forever. By the power of the Lord and egregor - it will be so.

The cross after such a ceremony turns into a protective amulet, and you need to keep it as close to the front door as possible. You can also make a strong amulet that needs to be hung on the outside of the front door. In order not to attract attention, it should look like an ordinary Christmas broom, but a birch twig should be woven into it. Such an amulet will provide reliable protection from a witch if she performs rituals to destroy harmony and peace in the family.

If a prosperous and friendly atmosphere reigns in the family, then even if you guess that your wife or other closest relative is a witch, then it is hardly worth defending yourself in any way. Danger appears if there are scandals and disagreements in the family. In this case, the witch can do harm on a subconscious level in the process of another quarrel. If you feel that negativity is coming from your close relative, you should go outside as soon as possible and go to a living tree. Touching him, you should say the following words:

“I speak with kindness to the living, I protect from an evil word. I am protected by mother nature from an evil word and blasphemy, from illness and any misfortune. A star from the sky will soon fall and the evil witch will pass me by. Amen".

It is important to learn the words of the conspiracy by heart in order to pronounce them without stammering, and in case of a stressful situation, so that they do not fly out of your head. In addition, for protection, you should wear a protective amulet. Glass, which is known as the blue eye, has a very high protective power. Such jewelry can be purchased at an esoteric store. The longer a person wears such an amulet, the more it protects him. The original energy of the amulet can be given by holding it in the sun and asking for protection from dark forces.

Prayer from witchcraft and sorcery

You can protect yourself from a witch with the help of prayer. But this method can only help a sincere believer. The most powerful prayer from witchcraft and sorcery is the prayer of St. Cyprian. If you feel a great danger, you should lift it up in the temple. The full text is best taken from the bible. For daily use, a short version of a prayer appeal is suitable:

“Lord, Jesus, hear the prayer of the servant of God (proper name) and Cyprian. Forgive me my sins, which are committed according to the temptation of the devil and my own ignorance. I realize, Lord, that everything is your will, without your desire the birds would not fly, the vine would not bear fruit, the tree would not give birth. So I beseech You, Lord, by my power to stop the action of any witchcraft and sorcery that leads people astray. Show your mercy to me, support me on my earthly path and show me the way to the heavenly abode. Amen".

A prayer from witchcraft, which allows you to reliably protect yourself from a witch, must be read at home in solitude. While reading a prayer, it is necessary to mentally surround yourself with a bright light that drives away darkness. In addition, you should pray in a positive mood.

« There is no sin in a person - only diseases, impenetrable ignorance and the false use of forces and abilities » Sri Aurobindo.

Technique how to deal with a witch.

To deal with a witch, one must see, "be clairvoyant."

And if you have this clairvoyance, you should definitely see her "dead" relatives. It has always been a mystery to me how people without clairvoyance remove damage. It's the same as a blind man working as a bus driver.

It is necessary to properly isolate the living witch that you know from her physically dead relatives in the astral and on the ether, like dead witches who have died physically, but not in the astral and ether.

As soon as you interrupted the energy connection between them, a physically living witch instantly becomes weak and loses the ability of her clairvoyance in the astral and ether.

But I wrote the humane way of "half measure". Because there is pity. But pity for witches still won't save them from the Supreme Court. Pitying the witch, good, we still won’t do them.

Become and be a witch, the choice is voluntary. And to be a witch is very bad for a monad that is in the outer space of matter.

If the witch is not cut off from the generic witch energy properly, this energy connection between them will be restored again. And everything will start again.

The task at the first stage of the fight against the witch is to isolate her from the energy from which she feeds.It's like pulling the plug out of the socket and the light goes off. And then, you decide what you will do with the witch. Because by cutting off a witch from a power source and clairvoyance, weak witches become like ordinary women, and why should she actually do something bad. Here are strong seasoned witches, it is necessary to "strangle" harder, for this you need Strength.

How much time and effort it will take you to “de-energize” the witch depends on what initiation you have and on how you can see the ether and astral, and on what level the witch has. Because an independent struggle with a seasoned witch, for a person who does not have initiation in the White hierarchy, may not end with a "victory over the witch."

With the help of prayers, rolling eggs, casting wax, and so on, "incomprehensible" psychics or healers will not be able to remove the effects of a witch. Therefore, when people take on such a thing as “fighting a witch on an energy level” without initiation, it ends up being nonsense.

Many people are engaged in the technique of "de-energizing" energy isolation, success depends not only on who does it, but also on who they do it against.

I have always told people who have learned from me that before performing any actions in the astral plane or on the ether, everything must be properly examined, seen and scanned. “It is better to measure a hundred times and cut once.”

1. The first step - you see a witch in the astral plane.

2. The second step - you see in the astral plane a witch relative who is not physically alive. Usually, previous witches are visible behind it. Like, "chick from the witches."

3. The third step - you "destroy" them (already dead, who are in the astral plane). And if it worked out, then your witch will have no energy left.

4. The fourth step, you remove the impact that was made on you or your "ward".

5. Fifth step, it's up to you, I don't know what you want to do with the witch.

If at the beginning you looked at everything well, and it turned out that the witch does not have dead relatives in the astral, then she performed a ritual to initiate herself into a witch. In this case, you find intermediaries in this ritual and deal with them, as in the first "generic" version. And also find again the source of the "devilish" energy and try to cut it off. In principle, such cases, when women become witches not through the family, are extremely rare. But if you still get such a case, then there will be more “fuss” with such a witch.

In principle, such methods of dealing with witches are no worse than the Inquisition.

Maya (Petenkova O.V.)

Witches fear the FUTURE TIME the most. With the help of time, you can deal with the witch. Believe in yourself and in God. I wrote about the time on other pages of the site. If you need further advice. About how to get rid of the witch, please do not hesitate to call.

And also write about your experience and your stories on the forum. You can also ask questions on the forum.

10.07.2018Maya (Petenkova O.V.)

great God

Lord! Do not copy my texts, and do not post them without my permission and a backlink on your sites and blogs, because before posting them on the Internet, I take into account and protect my copyrights, I know how to do it. In addition, many texts are taken from my book. If you do not respect my copyrights, I can sue you at any time. Maya (Petenkova O.V.)

The greatest evil an enemy can do to us is to accustom our hearts to hatred. François de La Rochefoucauld

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