Philosophers of Chinese Taoism believe that the world. The main ideas of the philosophy of Taoism

"Those who say they can explain the Tao don't understand it, and those who understand it don't explain anything..."

Once in Zhou China, along with three powerful religions ( Confucianism and Buddhism) a unique philosophical doctrine arose, at the origins of which, according to legend, was the sage Lao Tzu(Old baby) who wrote a Taoist treatise "Tao Te Ching", which outlines the main provisions Taoism. Central to the religious doctrine of Taoism is the doctrine of Dao(which is also called neo-Confucianism). Dao- "the unborn, giving rise to all that exists", the universal Law, dominating forever and everywhere, the Fundamental Principle of being. Incomprehensible to the senses, inexhaustible and constant, without name and form, Tao gives name and form to everything. Target practicing Taoism - to become one with the Tao, to merge with Him, knowing ...

In his treatises on the Tao, Lao Tzu wrote that "in the face of death, everything is insignificant, because of everything that exists, Nothing peeps through. Nothing is the fundamental principle of the world, everything arises from nothing. Nothing is the path of things, phenomena, processes, because everything follows from Nothing and everything returns to Nothing". Losing the personal beginning (ego, "I"), the Taoist joins the Tao - the Great Nothing, comprehending the Great Nothing and becoming it, he is able to become anything, not being more than "I", but becoming Everything and Nothing at the same time ...

Everything in the world happens spontaneously, naturally, according to the will of Heaven, the Taoists believe, thanks to a mechanism called the "heavenly spring". Trying to influence the course of events, a person violates harmony, therefore one of the Taoist principles is inaction(whale. wu wei). Wu-wei is not inaction, it is action outside the mind, outside of reasoning, action in a meditative state of silence of the mind, when actions flow naturally, without assumptions about the course of events, without interpreting them, without explanations ... In the state of Wu-wei, you can chop wood , paint pictures, cultivate a garden - do anything if your mind is silent at the same time. The adept takes an observant position towards everything, especially towards himself. He is unflappable and analyzes through intuitive thinking, but not discursive.

The heavenly spring, a kind of "first push", initiates a person's life, which then spontaneously proceeds from birth to death. Observing nature, studying medicine, alchemy, astronomy, geomancy etc., engaging in Taoist breathing, meditative practices, an adept can achieve connection, merging with Tao, acquire the state of Tao, the state of immortality. The world in its essence does not contain contradictions, but an eternal transformation takes place in it. The practitioner of Tao must meekly follow His flow, staying in naturalness and natural simplicity; to accept everything that life offers, inwardly calmly and naturally, without contradicting one's true nature, without waging war with oneself. Calm down and accept the world as it is here and now. Following this path, being in natural harmony with the world, in harmony with nature, it is possible to gain longevity and prosperity of the spirit. According to the Taoists, nature creates itself and organizes itself, having a higher spiritual principle in its fundamental principle. All manifestations of nature are manifestations of this spiritual principle. It is in the comprehension of constant natural activity that the source of the deepest Truth about the world is hidden, the Taoists believe.

Lao Tzu wrote that there are three treasures which are the highest mentors of man are love, moderation and humility.

Taoist doctrine is based on the postulate of the Eight Pillars, which are branches of Taoist practices and philosophy. The main emphasis in them is on health and longevity, on therapeutic and health-improving systems of exercises and harmonious relations with the outside world.

  1. Dao(path) philosophy. A person should strive to comprehend the meaning and purpose of life, his destiny, the laws of nature and society.
  2. Tao update. Through exercise and meditation, the practitioner should achieve health and longevity.
  3. Tao of proper nutrition. Taoist food is based on vegetarian cuisine.
  4. The Tao of Forgotten Food. It is also necessary to remember about therapeutic nutrition, including fasting, diets and herbal medicine to ensure a certain dietary regimen.
  5. Tao of healing. The regulation and correct use of the vital energy given to us in this incarnation is required. The method of repositioning of protruding organs by massage, acupuncture and other forms of manual therapy is used.
  6. Tao of sexual wisdom. Sex and conception of a child should be conscious and controlled actions.
  7. Tao of perfection. It is necessary to achieve excellence in any area for yourself and others, including with the help of prediction systems (astrology, fingerprint divination, numerology, horoscopes and forecasts for the future).
  8. Dao of success. It is necessary to develop a strategy that will allow the adept to harmonize the laws of nature and society. This strategy implies a relentless mastery of the sciences, psychology and philosophy, including in practice.

The Taoists believe that man is eternal substance, and his body is a kind microcosm, the accumulation of spirits and divine forces, the result of the interaction of Yin and Yang, male and female principles. Anyone who seeks to achieve immortality (or youth and longevity) must first of all try to create conditions for all these spirit-monads (there are about 36,000 of them, according to the ancient Taoists) so that they do not seek to leave the body. This is achieved by restricting food, special physical and breathing exercises. Also, in order to achieve immortality, the practitioner must perform at least 1200 good deeds, and at the same time one bad deed nullifies everything.

Taoism considers the human body as the sum of energy flows. qi, which is similar to the Universal life force inherent in everything in this world and filling with life all the organs of the human body. The flow of Qi energy in the body correlates with the flow of Qi energy in the environment and can change. Taoism defines a close relationship between the body, mind and environment. Many principles originate from this Taoist postulate. Chinese medicine and various psychophysical practices. Breathing exercises allow you to control the energy in the body. Concentrating while doing the practice, a person must connect his Qi energy with natural Qi. This allows you to improve your internal Qi energy, which in turn contributes to longevity and an increase in human capabilities.

Taoism has come a long way and for today is a traditional Chinese religion. In recent years, a large number of Taoist temples and monasteries have opened. Today, the revival of interest in Taoism is largely due to the special popularity of qi gong techniques, which directly goes back to Taoist internal alchemy. Taoism in its modern form is a kind of religion, with magnificent rites and rituals, beautiful temples and the deepest esoteric content based on ancient sacred techniques for improving the body, mind and spirit. And although today it is believed that Taoism is experiencing another decline, however, the purpose of its existence continues to justify itself - it leads more and more seekers to the understanding that it is the inner life of a person that is the most important on this earth.

How and where did Taoism originate? What was it originally - a philosophical doctrine or a religion? Taoism has continuity in Chinese religious beliefs, rooted in prehistoric times. The central text of the Taoists is the Tao Te Ching. Book of Way and Virtue. It was written by the mythical philosopher Lao-tzu (Chinese - “old baby”), who lived in the 6th century BC. In this treatise, as well as in the no less famous legacy of another Chinese sage, Zhuang-tzu, religious ideas are transformed into pure philosophy , where Tao replaces the Heavenly Sovereign.As a religious school, Taoism developed only by the 3rd century AD.

What are the basic tenets of Taoism? The main principle of the Taoists is wu-wei - non-resistance to the flow of things and focus on internal self-improvement. This is a way of interacting with de - the physical manifestation of the transcendental path of dao. The Taoist trinity of supreme pure beings who produced the world is called San Guan. The Trinity denotes both the transcendent reality, the law and the righteous emperor, and the three elements - heaven, water and earth. Eight Immortals - Ba Xian are especially revered. They are considered to have once lived. Lao Tzu himself is proclaimed the first man, temples are erected in his honor and sacrifices are made.

Why is the teaching of Taoism considered mystical and even shamanistic? The breadth of the teaching allowed Taoism to include shamanic practices, cults of deceit and bribery of the spirits of nature, which are the faith of the peoples of China who have stopped in their development. In the pursuit of immortality, the Taoists invented alchemy in the 4th century BC. For comparison, alchemy came to Europe much later, only in the 13th century AD. From internal alchemy, where the leading role was given to mercury in filling the body with vital energy qi, as well as the use of various herbs, the famous Chinese medicine originated.

What do the techniques of qigong, kung fu and feng shui that are common today have to do with Taoism? The internal and external alchemy of achieving immortality together constitute wushu. Qigong, as a meditative practice of breathing and controlling qi, traditionally pays great attention to sex, drawing energy from the “inmost feminine.” In the monastic environment, sex without ejaculation became widespread. build monasteries in the mountains and develop martial practices of kung fu, which were also borrowed by Buddhists. The meaning of these practices was the transformation of the body and consciousness, the acquisition of superpowers and the cultivation of the “inner baby" - the Taoist analogue of the soul. The philosophical foundations of Feng Shui lie in the ancient folk epic "The Book of Changes". This teaching is about the proper organization of space, removing obstacles to the wind-like circulation of qi energy. It was developed by the Taoists and used in the construction of ritual centers and the design of personal space.

What is the status of Taoism in China today? A popular proverb says: “A Chinese is born as a Taoist, lives as a Confucian, and dies as a Buddhist.” At present, Taoism is recognized as the traditional religion of the country, and Taoist temple complexes are actively developing.

Name: Taoism
Time of occurrence:
Founder: Lao Tzu
sacred texts: Tao Te Ching

Once in Zhou China, along with powerful religions ( and ), a unique philosophical doctrine arose, at the origins of which was the sage Lao Zi (Old Baby), who wrote the Taoist treatise "Tao Te Ching", which outlined the main provisions of Taoism.

Central to the religious doctrine of Taoism is the Doctrine of Tao (also called neo-Confucianism). Tao - "unborn, giving rise to all that exists", the universal Law, ruling forever and everywhere, the Fundamental Principle of being. Incomprehensible to the senses, inexhaustible and constant, without name and form, Tao gives name and form to everything. The goal of a practitioner of Taoism is to become one with Tao, to merge with Him.

Everything in the world happens spontaneously, naturally, according to the will of Heaven, according to the Taoists, thanks to a mechanism called the “celestial spring”. Trying to influence the course of events, a person violates harmony, therefore one of the Taoist principles is non-action (Chinese Wu-wei). Wu-wei is not inaction, it is action outside the mind, outside of reasoning, action in a meditative state of silence of the mind, when actions flow naturally, without assumptions about the course of events, without interpreting them, without explanations ... In the Wu-wei state, you can chop wood , paint pictures, cultivate a garden - do anything if your mind is silent at the same time. The adept takes an observant position towards everything, especially towards himself. He is unflappable and analyzes through intuitive thinking, but not discursive.
The world in its essence does not contain contradictions, but an eternal transformation takes place in it. The practitioner of Tao must meekly follow His flow, remaining in naturalness and natural simplicity; to accept everything that life offers, inwardly calmly and naturally, without contradicting one's true nature, without waging war with oneself. Calm down and accept the world as it is here and now. Following this path, being in natural harmony with the world, in harmony with nature, it is possible to gain longevity and prosperity of the spirit.

Lao Tzu wrote that there are three treasures that are the highest mentors of a person - this is love, moderation and humility.
Taoist doctrine is based on the postulate of the Eight Pillars, which are branches of Taoist practices and philosophy. The main emphasis in them is on health and longevity, on therapeutic and health-improving systems of exercises and harmonious relations with the outside world.

  • Tao (way) of philosophy. A person should strive to comprehend the meaning and purpose of life, his destiny, the laws of nature and society.
  • Tao update. Through exercise and meditation, the practitioner should achieve health and longevity.
  • Tao of proper nutrition. Taoist food is based on vegetarian cuisine.
  • The Tao of Forgotten Food. It is also necessary to remember about therapeutic nutrition, including fasting, diets and herbal medicine to ensure a certain dietary regimen.
  • Tao of healing. The regulation and correct use of the vital energy given to us in this incarnation is required. The method of repositioning of protruding organs by massage, acupuncture and other forms of manual therapy is used.
  • Tao of sexual wisdom. Sex and conception of a child should be conscious and controlled actions.
  • Tao of perfection. It is necessary to achieve excellence in any area for yourself and others, including with the help of prediction systems (astrology, fingerprint divination, numerology, horoscopes and forecasts for the future).
  • Dao of success. It is necessary to develop a strategy that will allow the adept to harmonize the laws of nature and society. This strategy implies a relentless mastery of the sciences, psychology and philosophy, including in practice.

Taoists believe that a person is an eternal substance, and his body is a kind of microcosm, an accumulation of spirits and divine forces, the result of the interaction of Yin and Yang, male and female principles. Taoism considers the human body as the sum of energy flows Qi, which is similar to the Universal life force inherent in everything in this world and fills all the organs of the human body with life. The flow of Qi energy in the body correlates with the flow of Qi energy in the environment and can change. Taoism defines a close relationship between the body, mind and environment. Many principles of Chinese medicine and various psychophysical practices originate from this Taoist postulate.

Taoism has come a long way and for today is a traditional Chinese religion. Today, the resurgence of interest in Taoism is largely due to the popularity of the Qigong technique, which is directly traceable to Taoist internal alchemy.

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