OGE: arguments for the essay “What is good? Do good! Good books for children about good deeds The theme of kindness in the literature of the work.

Gorshkova Elena Pavlovna



Good and evil in the works of Russian literature

Scientific work

Completed by: Gorshkova Elena Pavlovna

11th grade student A of school No. 28

Checked by: Sabaeva Olga Nikolaevna

Russian language teacher and

literature school number 28

Nizhnekamsk, 2012

1. Introduction 3

2. "Life of Boris and Gleb" 4

3. A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" 5

4. M.Yu. Lermontov "Demon" 6

5. F.M. Dostoevsky "The Brothers Karamazov" and "Crime and Punishment" 7

6. A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" 10

7. M.A. Bulgakov "White Guard" and "Master and Margarita" 12

8. Conclusion 14

9. List of used literature 15

1. Introduction

My work is about good and evil. The problem of good and evil is an eternal problem that has worried and will worry humanity. When fairy tales are read to us in childhood, in the end, good almost always wins in them, and the fairy tale ends with the phrase: "And they all lived happily ever after ...". We grow, and over time it becomes clear that this is not always the case. However, it does not happen that a person is absolutely pure in soul, without a single flaw. In each of us there are shortcomings, and there are many of them. But that doesn't mean we're evil. We have a lot of good qualities. So the theme of good and evil arises already in ancient Russian literature. As they say in the “Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh”: “... Think, my children, how merciful and merciful God is to us. We are sinful and mortal people, and yet, if someone harms us, we are ready, it seems, to pin him right there and take revenge; and the Lord to us, the Lord of life (life) and death, bears with us our sins, although they exceed our heads, and throughout our life, like a father who loves his child, and punishes, and again draws us to Himself. He showed us how to get rid of the enemy and defeat him - with three virtues: repentance, tears and alms ... ".

"Instruction" is not only a literary work, but also an important monument of social thought. Vladimir Monomakh, one of the most authoritative princes of Kyiv, is trying to convince his contemporaries of the perniciousness of internecine strife - Russia, weakened by internal enmity, will not be able to actively resist external enemies.

In my work, I want to trace how this problem has changed for different authors at different times. Of course, I will dwell in more detail only on individual works.

2. "The Life of Boris and Gleb"

We meet a pronounced opposition of good and evil in the work of ancient Russian literature "The Life and Destruction of Boris and Gleb", written by Nestor, a monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. The historical basis of events is as follows. In 1015, the old prince Vladimir dies, who wanted to appoint his son Boris, who was not in Kyiv at that time, as the heir. Boris's brother Svyatopolk, plotting to seize the throne, orders to kill Boris and his younger brother Gleb. Near their bodies, abandoned in the steppe, miracles begin to happen. After the victory of Yaroslav the Wise over Svyatopolk, the bodies were reburied and the brothers were proclaimed saints.

Svyatopolk thinks and acts at the instigation of the devil. The “historiographical” introduction to life corresponds to the idea of ​​the unity of the world historical process: the events that took place in Russia are only a particular case of the eternal struggle between God and the devil – good and evil.

"The Life of Boris and Gleb" - a story about the martyrdom of the saints. The main theme also determined the artistic structure of such a work, the opposition of good and evil, the martyr and the tormentors, dictated a special tension and "poster" directness of the culminating scene of the murder: it should be long and moralizing.

A.S. Pushkin looked at the problem of good and evil in his own way in the novel “Eugene Onegin”.

3. A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

The poet does not divide his characters into positive and negative ones. He gives each of the characters several conflicting assessments, forcing them to look at the characters from several points of view. Pushkin wanted to achieve maximum lifelikeness.

The tragedy of Onegin lies in the fact that he rejected Tatyana's love, fearing to lose his freedom, and could not break with the world, realizing its insignificance. In a depressed state of mind, Onegin left the village and "began wandering." The hero, who returned from a journey, does not look like the former Onegin. He will no longer be able, as before, to go through life, completely ignoring the feelings and experiences of the people he encountered, and think only about himself. He has become much more serious, more attentive to others, now he is capable of strong feelings that completely capture him and shake his soul. And then fate again brings him to Tatyana. But Tatyana refuses him, because she was able to see that selfishness, that selfishness that lay at the basis of his feelings for her .. Injured feelings speak in Tatyana: it was her turn to reprimand Onegin for not being able to see all the depth in her in time her soul.

In Onegin's soul, there is a struggle between good and evil, but, in the end, good wins. We do not know about the further fate of the hero. But perhaps he would have become the Decembrists, to which the whole logic of the development of character, which had changed under the influence of a new circle of life impressions, led.

4.M.Yu. Lermontov "Demon"

The theme runs through all the work of the poet, but I want to dwell only on this work, because. in it the problem of good and evil is considered very sharply. The demon, the personification of evil, loves the earthly woman Tamara and is ready to be reborn for good for her sake, but Tamara, by her nature, is not able to respond to his love. The earthly world and the world of spirits cannot converge, the girl dies from one kiss of the Demon, and his passion remains unquenched.

At the beginning of the poem, the Demon is evil, but by the end it becomes clear that this evil can be eradicated. Tamara initially represents good, but she causes suffering to the Demon, since she cannot answer his love, which means that for him she becomes evil.

5.F.M. Dostoevsky "The Brothers Karamazov"

The history of the Karamazovs is not just a family chronicle, but a typified and generalized image of contemporary intellectual Russia. This is an epic work about the past, present and future of Russia. In terms of genre, this is a complex work. It is a fusion of "life" and "novel", philosophical "poems" and "teachings", confessions, ideological disputes and judicial speeches. The main problem is the philosophy and psychology of "crime and punishment", the struggle between "God" and "devil" in the souls of people.

Dostoevsky formulated the main idea of ​​the novel "The Brothers Karamazov" in the epigraph "Truly, truly, I say to you: if a grain of wheat, falling into the ground, does not die, it will bear much fruit" (Gospel of John). This is the thought of the renewal that inevitably takes place in nature and in life, which is invariably accompanied by the dying of the old. The breadth, tragedy, and irresistibility of the process of renewing life are explored by Dostoevsky in all their depth and complexity. The thirst for overcoming the ugly and ugly in consciousness and actions, the hope for a moral revival and familiarization with a pure, righteous life overwhelm all the heroes of the novel. Hence the "anguish", the fall, the frenzy of the heroes, their despair.

At the center of this novel is the figure of a young commoner, Rodion Raskolnikov, who succumbed to new ideas, new theories, circulating in society. Raskolnikov is a thinking man. He creates a theory in which he tries not only to explain the world, but also to develop his own morality. He is convinced that humanity is divided into two categories: one - "they have the right", and others - "trembling creatures" that serve as "material" for history. The schismatics came to this theory as a result of observations of contemporary life, in which everything is allowed to the minority, and nothing to the majority. The division of people into two categories inevitably raises in Raskolnikov the question of what type he himself belongs to. And to clarify this, he decides on a terrible experiment, he plans to sacrifice an old woman - a pawnbroker who, in his opinion, brings only harm, and therefore deserves death. The action of the novel is built as a refutation of Raskolnikov's theory and his subsequent recovery. By killing the old woman, Raskolnikov placed himself outside society, including even his beloved mother and sister. The feeling of cut off, loneliness becomes a terrible punishment for the criminal. Raskolnikov is convinced that he was mistaken in his hypothesis. He experiences the anguish and doubts of the "ordinary" criminal. At the end of the novel, Raskolnikov takes the Gospel in his hands - this symbolizes the spiritual break of the hero, the victory of the good in the hero's soul over his pride, which gives rise to evil.

Raskolnikov, it seems to me, is generally a very controversial person. In many episodes, it is difficult for a modern person to understand him: many of his statements are refuted by each other. Raskolnikov's mistake is that he did not see in his idea the crime itself, the evil that he committed.

Raskolnikov's condition is characterized by the author with such words as "gloomy", "depressed", "indecisive". I think this shows the incompatibility of Raskolnikov's theory with life. Although he is convinced that he is right, this conviction is something not very sure. If Raskolnikov was right, then Dostoevsky would describe the events and his feelings not in gloomy yellow tones, but in bright ones, but they appear only in the epilogue. He was wrong in taking on the role of God, having the courage to decide for Him who should live and who should die.

Raskolnikov constantly oscillates between faith and unbelief, good and evil, and Dostoevsky fails to convince the reader even in the epilogue that the gospel truth has become Raskolnikov's truth.

Thus, Raskolnikov's own doubts, internal struggles, disputes with himself, which Dostoevsky constantly leads, were reflected in Raskolnikov's searches, mental anguish and dreams.

6. A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

A.N. Ostrovsky in his work "Thunderstorm" also touches on the theme of good and evil.

In The Thunderstorm, according to the critic, “the mutual relations of tyranny and voicelessness are brought to the most tragic consequences. Katerina Dobrolyubov considers a force that can resist the bone old world, a new force brought up by this kingdom and its amazing foundation.

The play Thunderstorm contrasts two strong and solid characters of Katerina Kabanova, a merchant's wife, and her mother-in-law Marfa Kabanova, who has long been nicknamed Kabanikha.

The main difference between Katerina and Kabanikha, the difference that separates them into different poles, is that following the traditions of antiquity for Katerina is a spiritual need, and for Kabanikha it is an attempt to find the necessary and only support in anticipation of the collapse of the patriarchal world. She does not think about the essence of the order that she protects, she emasculated from it the meaning, content, leaving only the form, thereby turning it into a dogma. She turned the beautiful essence of ancient traditions and customs into a meaningless ritual, which made them unnatural. It can be said that the Kabanikha in The Thunderstorm (as well as the Wild One) personifies a phenomenon inherent in the crisis state of the patriarchal way of life, and not inherent in it initially. The deadening influence of wild boars and wild ones on living life is especially evident precisely when life forms are deprived of their former content and are already preserved as museum relics. Katerina, on the other hand, represents the best qualities of patriarchal life in their primordial purity.

Thus, Katerina belongs to the patriarchal world - all other characters in it. The artistic purpose of the latter is to describe the reasons for the doom to death of the patriarchal world as fully and multi-structured as possible. Thus, Varvara learned to deceive and seize the opportunity; she, like Kabanikha, follows the principle: “do whatever you want, if only it was sewn and covered.” It turns out that Katerina in this drama is good, and the rest of the characters are representatives of evil.

7.M.A. Bulgakov "The White Guard"

The novel tells about the events of 1918-1919, when Kyiv was abandoned by the German troops, who surrendered the city to the Petliurites. The officers of the former tsarist army were betrayed at the mercy of the enemy.

In the center of the story is the fate of one such officer's family. For the Turbins, a sister and two brothers, the fundamental concept is honor, which they understand as service to the fatherland. But in the ups and downs of the Civil War, the fatherland ceased to exist, and the usual landmarks disappeared. Turbines are trying to find a place for themselves in the world that is changing before our eyes, to preserve their humanity, the goodness of the soul, not to become embittered. And the heroes succeed.

In the novel, there is an appeal to the Higher Forces, which must save people in a period of timelessness. Alexei Turbin has a dream in which both the Whites and the Reds go to heaven (Paradise), because both are loved by God. So, in the end, good must win.

The devil, Woland, comes to Moscow with a revision. He watches the Moscow philistines and passes sentence on them. The culmination of the novel is Woland's ball, after which he learns the history of the Master. Woland takes the Master under his protection.

After reading a novel about himself, Yeshua (in the novel he is a representative of the forces of Light) decides that the Master, the creator of the novel, is worthy of Peace. The master and his beloved are dying, and Woland accompanies them to the place where they now have to live. This is a pleasing house, the very embodiment of an idyll. So a person who is tired of the battles of life gets what he aspired to with his soul. Bulgakov hints that in addition to the posthumous state, defined as "Peace", there is another higher state - "Light", but the Master is not worthy of Light. Researchers are still arguing why the Master is denied the Light. In this sense, the statement of I. Zolotussky is interesting: “It is the Master himself who punishes himself for the fact that love has left his soul. The one who leaves the house or whom love leaves does not deserve the Light ... Even Woland is lost in front of this tragedy of fatigue, the tragedy of the desire to leave the world, leave life "

Bulgakov's novel about the eternal struggle between good and evil. This work is not dedicated to the fate of a certain person, family or even a group of people somehow connected with each other - he considers the fate of all mankind in its historical development. The time interval of almost two millennia, separating the action of the novel about Jesus and Pilate and the novel about the Master, only emphasizes that the problems of good and evil, the freedom of the human spirit, its relationship with society are eternal, enduring problems that are relevant for a person of any era.

Bulgakov's Pilate is not at all shown as a classic villain. The procurator does not want the evil of Yeshua, his cowardice led to cruelty and social injustice. It is fear that makes good, intelligent and brave people a blind weapon of evil will. Cowardice is an extreme expression of inner subordination, lack of freedom of spirit, dependence of a person. It is especially dangerous also because, once reconciled to it, a person is no longer able to get rid of it. Thus, the powerful procurator turns into a miserable, weak-willed creature. On the other hand, the vagabond philosopher is strong in his naive faith in the good, which neither the fear of punishment nor the spectacle of general injustice can take away from him. In the image of Yeshua, Bulgakov embodied the idea of ​​goodness and unchanging faith. Despite everything, Yeshua continues to believe that there are no evil, bad people in the world. He dies on the cross with this faith.

The clash of opposing forces is most vividly presented at the end of A.N. Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita, when Woland and his retinue leave Moscow. What do we see? "Light" and "darkness" are on the same level. Woland does not rule the world, but Yeshua does not rule the world either.


What is good and what is evil on earth? As you know, two opposing forces cannot but enter into a struggle with each other, therefore the struggle between them is eternal. As long as man exists on earth, there will be good and evil. Through evil we understand what good is. And good, in turn, reveals evil, illuminating the path to truth for a person. There will always be a struggle between good and evil.

Thus, I came to the conclusion that the forces of good and evil in the world of literature are equal in rights. They exist in the world side by side, constantly opposing, arguing with each other. And their struggle is eternal, because there is no person on Earth who has never committed a sin in his life, and there is no such person who has completely lost the ability to do good.

9. List of used literature

1. S.F. Ivanova "Introduction to the temple of the word." Ed. 3rd, 2006

2. Big school encyclopedia, volume 2. 2003

3. Bulgakov M.A., plays, novels. Comp., intro. and note. V.M.Akimov. True, 1991

4. Dostoevsky F.M. "Crime and Punishment": Roman - M .: Olympus; TKO AST, 1996

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. December is just around the corner, which means that exactly a month remains before writing the final essay.

This is not so little, considering that in four weeks, with a lot of work, you can write from 5 to 10 trial essays.

This article is devoted to one of the thematic areas offered to graduates in 2018. It is formulated as follows: the essay "Kindness and". To successfully write a text on this topic, just follow a few simple steps.

We formulate specific topics of the essay

To begin with, we propose to comprehend the declared direction and formulate 5 approximate topics. This does not mean that you will get them on the exam. But, at least one or two of them, you will come closer to understanding the problem. For example take the following topics:

  1. - "How do kindness and cruelty coexist in the heart of a person?";
  2. - "Is a cruel person capable of a good deed?";
  3. Why do kind people become cruel?
  4. - "Where does kindness end and cruelty begin in a situation of war?";
  5. Why are children so cruel to each other?

Choose a topic that is closer to you and proceed to the next stage of work.

Looking for quotes

Quotes will help diversify the essay. They are best placed in the introduction to the essay. Well Chosen Quote makes it possible to build on it and formulate your own.

To link sentences, use expressions constructed:

“A well-known scientist suggested that yellow unicorns are rather rare creatures, and one cannot but agree with this / this idea is confirmed in fiction, / and life experience confirms this ...”

or based on his rebuttal:

“The writer proposes to consider yellow unicorns as a normal phenomenon, but we will try to ... prove the opposite / argue with this point of view / reason differently ...”

For example, using the aphorism of Honore de Balzac:

"Cruelty and fear shake hands"

You can comment on the essay about the causes of cruelty.

And a quote by Leo Tolstoy will be the best start to your own reasoning:

“The best qualities without kindness are worth nothing, and the worst vices are easily forgiven with her ...”

Arguments from the literature on the topic of kindness and cruelty

A good illustration in the stated direction will be the behavior of Pugachev in " Captain's daughter» A.S. Pushkin.

Terrifying in their cruelty, the scenes of the rebels' massacre of the captain and captain are replaced by an episode of the inexplicable good nature of the rebel in relation to Pyotr Grinev. What makes the same person be either heartless or merciful?

The famous Gogol story " Taras Bulba” tells about the life of the Cossacks, whose goal of life is to defend in military combat. In a situation of war, the world is divided into “us” and “them”, therefore Taras Bulba, sincere and fair in peaceful life, becomes merciless to his son when it comes to loyalty to the Fatherland.

Believing that the right punishes the wrong, "one's own" - "alien", the father brutally kills his own son. The cruelty of Bulba is due to the era in which he lives, the culture and traditions of his environment.

M. Gorky in the play " At the bottom"draws images of heroes who find themselves outside the normal social environment. All of them, for various reasons, become inhabitants of a rooming house, in which cruelty, envy, and the desire for deceit reign.

Only Luke the comforter is kind. But in fact, his kindness is not enough to save them: it dissolves in words and is not confirmed by deeds. Such kindness is worse than cruelty: it becomes destructive for the characters.

In addition to the titles mentioned, it is permissible to refer for arguments to:

  1. the story of I. S. Turgenev "Mu-mu"
  2. his novel "Fathers and Sons"
  3. novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov"
  4. poem by S.A. Yesenin "Anna Snegina"
  5. story by A. I. Solzhenitsyn “Matryonin Dvor
  6. novel by B. L. Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago"
  7. epic novel by M. A. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don"
  8. and other literary sources.

Getting Started

We will try our best succinctly formulate the main idea, illustrate it with logical, interrelated arguments and draw a conclusion corresponding to the main thesis voiced at the beginning.

Let's sketch plan: Kindness and cruelty. The writing". It should consist of three elements:

  1. - introductions;
  2. - the main part;
  3. - conclusions.

Additional Tips take here:

Let's take the third topic as an example: Why do kind people become cruel". On the draft, we will write arguments that will help illustrate the evil, aggressive behavior of a person who was previously in good standing.

To the two main arguments, it would not be superfluous to add a third one (better - from Western European literature). Each paragraph should end with a mini-conclusion, and the entire text of the work should end with a generalizing conclusion.

An example of a final essay: “Why do kind people become cruel?”

The Chinese sage Confucius said: "All people are born good." It is difficult to argue with this: babies do not know envy, slyness, lies. They are defenseless before people and are equally open to good and evil. Why does it happen that kind people become cruel?

In loving families, calm sons and affectionate daughters grow up. And if the family is dysfunctional (parents quarrel, take care of themselves, disappear altogether), childhood collapses. What a person will be depends on the environment in which he grows up. If someone good-natured shows aggression and callousness towards others, it means that he was hurt, offended, insulted, forced to lose faith in people.

An example of this is the official Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin from the story of N.V. Gogol's "Overcoat". Honestly serving in his department, the "little man" did not dream of anything, but as soon as Akaky Akakievich wished for a new overcoat, Providence laughed at him. The overcoat was perceived by the official as alive - he thought about her so much, he prepared for a new life, the symbol of which she became, for so long.

And when the overcoat finally passed into his possession, the unknown took it away. Bashmachkin died of shock. The ghost of Akaky Akakievich began to take overcoats from everyone he met. So N.V. Gogol described the model of the birth of cruelty: the offended becomes the offender. True, it occurs only after the death of the hero.

In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment", the problem reaches its climax. The murder of an old woman by a student Raskolnikov is a reaction to the cruelty of the world around him, which burdens the hero. Blood begets blood, evil cannot stop evil.

Only the sacrificial love of Sonya Marmeladova breaks this chain. Pride gives way to repentance, cruelty gives way to kindness, which lived in Raskolnikov's heart even when he was a child. Another example of the transformation of a kind person into a cruel one is illustrated by the beautiful girl Lorelei, recorded by the German romantic poet Clemens Brentano.

The river fairy Lorelain (or Lorelei) sits on top of a rock and sings sweet songs that drive everyone who hears them crazy. The beauty of Lorelei is destructive, but she does not please the girl, because her heart is broken by unrequited love. Having suffered from the cruelty of her lover, Lorelei indifferently destroys other young men, and then she herself dies. So cruelty destroys everything around and inside a person.

No matter how kind we are, life sends us severe trials, and not everyone has the strength to endure. Few people retain such qualities as cordiality and for life. People become cruel in order to protect themselves from new pain, to take revenge, to fight back those who offended them. Only love can break this cycle. It is she who gives strength to live on.

We analyze the results and prepare for the exam

The final essay will show how ready you are for the exam in the Russian language.

Even if the credit is successfully received, honestly ask yourself questions:

  1. How many literary works have I read?
  2. — Do I know how to select quotes and arguments?
  3. Can I draw logical conclusions?
  4. Was it easy for me to write an essay?

If the answer to at least one of these questions is negative, it makes sense to continue writing trial essays, bringing this skill to perfection. Then part FROM your written exam will absolutely delight both you and the examiners.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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Dear reader!

By reading the books in this

opportunity to reflect on what

such kindness, mercy, think about those

people who live near you and,

maybe need your

help and support.

Andersen, G.H. Tales and stories / G.Kh. Andersen

-M.: Square, 2008.-350s.

There are fairy tales in the world that make people kinder; you are holding one of them. "" is the most poignant story of the great Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen. She, like the aching sound of a flute, touches the strings of any soul, causing bright tears. The classic Christmas story about a poor orphan wandering through the smart streets on the eve of the New Year, acquired a completely new sound under the brilliant pen of Andersen. Everyone knows that a wish made on New Year's Eve will surely come true. The match girl was also fulfilled: she finally received the love, care and warmth that she lacked so much. The book is addressed to children of primary, middle and senior school age.

Astafiev, V.P. Belogudka / V.P. Astafiev.

-M.: Det.lit., 1987.-152s.

The stories of Viktor Astafiev are imbued with faith in a person, in his moral strength, they make you be kinder to each other, more attentive to other people, their troubles and joys.

Gorky, M. At the bottom. Egor Bulychov and others / M. Gorky.

- M .: Art, 1987. - 304 p. - (School library).

At the heart of Maxim Gorky's play "At the Bottom" is a dispute about a person and his capabilities. The heroes of the play are people who find themselves at the very "bottom" of life. What can help a person? Can anything save him at all? In the dispute about a person in the play three positions are especially important - Bubnov, Luka and Satin.Luke is the most complex character in the play. It is with him that the main philosophical question of the work is connected: “Which is better: truth or compassion? Is it necessary to bring compassion to the point of using lies, like Luke?

Hugo, V.M. Cosette / V.M. Hugo - M .: Dragonfly-Press, 2006.

- 62s.: ill. - (Student's library).

" Cosette An excerpt from Victor Hugo's Les Misérables. The story of a little girl who finds herself in the service of cruel innkeepers will not leave young readers indifferent and will help them learn to sympathize with someone else's misfortune. For younger children.

Dostoevsky, F.M. Wounded heart: stories, stories, articles / F.M. Dostoevsky. -M.: Young Guard, 1986.

- 494p.- (Youth Library).

I want to bring to your attention the story "The Boy at Christ on the Christmas Tree" from F.M. Dostoevsky's book "The Wounded Heart". Yes, "Christ's boy on the Christmas tree" is a short story, but very impressive! I don't know if there can be indifferent people who read it. A short story about a little orphan boy. New Year and Christmas are my favorite holidays, and these days especially it hurts to see homeless, poor, destitute people.And children - it hurts doubly.I would like us all to be a little kinder to each other and not remain "deaf" to the misfortunes of those who turned out to be weaker and more vulnerable.I advise everyone to read this story.

Zheleznyakov, V.K. Chuchelo/V.K. Zheleznyakov.

-M.: Astrel, 2010. - 65s.: Ill. - (Planet of childhood).

Tale "Scarecrow"was first published 36 years ago. It became popular, a famous film was made on it, and thousands of boys and girls could recognize themselves in the heroes of Scarecrow." They called ScarecrowLenka Bessoltsev for his dissimilarity, naivete, eccentricity. But under the label, fastened on by inattentive and cruel guys, there was a warm, loving heart, a subtle, noble nature and an unusually courageous and honest character.
Many "stuffed animals" live on the planet, both small and large, but not everyone succeeds in fighting the unjust majority and winning.
Highly artistic illustrations in
made by talented artist Ekaterina Muratova.
Korolenko, V.G. Children of the Underground /V.G. Korolenko

- M .: Books of the Seeker, 2011. - 62 pp. - (Student's library).

The story is very sad, the main character of the story, the boy Vasya (the son of a judge), accidentally meets two children Marusya and Valek during a walk, who live in terrible impoverished conditions. Vasya is the son of a judge, and therefore is familiar with such a concept as breaking the law, he has well mastered the formula "it is not good to steal", and therefore the beggars, who earn their living by stealing, cause him a feeling of contempt and indignation. But when he sees the poverty of his little friends, he begins to look at many things differently. Looking at the world from an unusual point of view, Vasya will discover many new and unknown things. For example, he will understand that behind the farcical performance of beggars on the street, the true tragedy most often hides. The ending of the story is sad: little Marusya dies. The book is addressed to children of primary school age.

Kuprin, A.I. Stories / A.I. Kuprin.-M.: Enlightenment, 1989.

-319s.:ill.-(School library).

The book includes stories about children, itinerant actors, about the circus, about animals - about everything that Kuprin especially loved, that he knew very well and how he lived. My attention was especially attracted by the story of the Miraculous Doctor.

A few lines about the story. Misfortunes one after another fall on the Mertsalov family. Due to a serious illness, the father is left without work, all the savings go to his treatment. Then the children began to get sick: the youngest girl died, another one was delirious and feverish. The older boys, sent by their mother to petition their father's former employer, return empty-handed. Mertsalov's unsuccessful attempts to find at least some work lead him to despair, he decides to commit suicide. And there seems to be no way out of this hopeless poverty, from a dirty and cold basement. An accidental meeting with a stranger in the city garden, where Mertsalov was going to commit suicide, changed his fate. The participation and help of a wonderful doctor helped to overcome misfortunes, family life improved, the children managed to grow up and become people. The memory of the Miraculous Doctor is sacredly kept in the Mertsalov family. I recommend this book to a wide range of readers.

Likhanov, A.A. Innocent secrets / A.A. Likhanov.

-M.: Childhood. Adolescence. Youth, 2005.-287p.: ill.

Really innocent secrets are kept in the soul by a boy from a prosperous family, Zhenya, who was deceived by his parents into a camp at sea for orphanage children, but what changes does this lead to in his fate.

Likhanov, A.A. Nobody: a novel / A.A. Likhanov.-M.: Dom, 2008.


The novel by Albert Likhanov, like many of his works, is dedicated to the eternal theme of the writer - orphanhood, the protection of the disadvantaged, offended by the family and society of children. In the center of the work is the image of a teenager from the orphanage Nikolai Toporov.

“No one” is the name of the boy, who disinterestedly took him into the hands of the patrons from the “new” gangster world. A pure and bright soul perishes. The book is intended for the general reader.

Oseeva, V.A. The magic word / V.A. Oseeva.

-M.: Samovar, 2010.-77s.: ill.- (School library).

Remarkable about the magical power of kind words and deeds, about the relationship between children and adults.
Recommend for elementary school students.
Platonov, A.P. Yushka: novels and stories / A.P. Platonov.-M.: Sov.Russia, 1984.- 464p.:ill.

People scream for kindness. Where's she? How cruel is the world! How hard it is for us unfortunate people! And when kindness is near, it is either considered useless, even ridiculous, or even simply trampled into the dirt, killed as the main character. Yushka, that was the name of the hero of our story, was ill with consumption. And so he became old beyond his years, was very naive and kind. No one understood Yushka and everyone thought that Yushka was not like everyone else, and therefore everyone beat him and called him names. Yushka never drank tea and collected money. It turned out that he had an adopted daughter and he gave her money to study. Yushka had such a good heart. It seems to me that every person should have a good heart, like Yushka.

The book is intended for the general reader.

Pristavkin, A.I. The golden cloud spent the night: stories

/ A.I. Pristavkin.- M.: Sov. writer, 1989.-321p.

The story of Anatoly Pristavkin "A golden cloud spent the night ...", extremely sincerely and honestly tells about the difficult life of orphans in wartime. This story brought the author wide fame and was awarded the State Prize of the USSR. She literally stunned the readers with her tragic sound and the high note of a merciful attitude towards a person.

Rasputin, V.G. French lessons / V.G. Rasputin.

-M.: Art.lit., 1987-479s.: Ill.

Valentin Grigoryevich Rasputin (born in 1937) was recognized as a classic during his lifetime, his name is known throughout the world, his books have been translated into dozens of foreign languages. The tragedy and bitter truth of his works struck readers - it is not for nothing that his novels and stories have been filmed and staged on many theater stages.
In our days, when literature is intensely searching for a "hero of our time," the Russian people of Rasputin's prose, with their extraordinary courage and patience, have become even more important and necessary for all of us.
The book "French Lessons" includes the most favorite works of Valentin Rasputin by readers.

Happy and useful reading!

However, it's not all that bad: Faktrum lists 10 wonderful examples of human kindness and compassion.

1. Mother Teresa's work

In 1999, on the threshold of the new millennium, Americans voted to recognize Mother Teresa as the most revered person of the century. And according to a poll conducted by CNN, she was admired more than Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, Albert Einstein and Helen Keller.

What makes her so special?

Mother Teresa, born Agnez Gonge Boyagiu and called the Angel of Mercy, was a Roman Catholic missionary and nun who devoted her whole life to helping others. Today, when people think of saints, they usually think of Mother Teresa.

In 1950, Mother Teresa founded the Order of the Missionaries of Charity, whose main task was to care for the sick, homeless and helpless. In 1979, Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. However, one highly controversial 2013 study suggested that Mother Teresa's reputation and holiness may be somewhat exaggerated. She truly dedicated her life to helping others, but her homes for the dying sometimes could offer nothing but prayer to alleviate suffering.

Mother Teresa passed away in 1997.

2. "Project Linus"

The Linus Project is a non-profit organization that distributes blankets and quilted homemade blankets to sick or injured babies, children, and adolescents in hospitals, shelters, social service organizations, and charities. The goal is simple: to give people a sense of security and comfort when they need it most.

Project Linus has local leaders in every state, and there are volunteers, the so-called "blanketeers".

For example, in Fayette County, Georgia, since 2010, volunteers have sewn, crocheted, and then distributed 1,155 blankets to local children, and in 2012 they sent 147 hand-sewn blankets to children affected by Hurricane Sandy. .

3. "Bikers Against Child Abuse"

Bikers Against Child Cruelty (or WACA) is another non-profit organization. Since 1995 they have been working to protect children from violence and raise public awareness of child abuse. Their goal is to make children who have been physically, emotionally or sexually abused stop being afraid. Because the absence of fear is an important step towards healing. The group also helps fund therapy and therapeutic activities.

Volunteer bikers from this organization strive to ensure that children feel safe. They also try to help in situations where children are being abused by law enforcement officers, employees of child care agencies, and others. Whether bikers are present in court, at parole hearings, accompanying a child to school, or simply living in the neighborhood, the very fact of such a presence makes those who abuse children think. No, bikers are not people's combatants. They are more like bodyguards. Wouldn't you feel safer if you had a big crowd of guys in Harleys by your side?

4. "Anti-protests" caused by the Westboro Church

The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) is mostly known for its anti-gay outcry. Representatives of this church are often seen at various high-profile military funerals. They arrange pickets there, holding banners with various defiant slogans.

One can only imagine what began when this highly controversial church suddenly announced that its protests were nothing more than an attempt to stir up the public.

For example, when Vassar College students learned that the Westboro Church was going to picket their campus, which is loyal to the LGBT community, they immediately organized a counter protest.

And students from Texas A&M University once formed a "human chain" just to stop any attempts by church representatives to picket a military funeral.

Other "anti-protesters" from the organization Angel Action brought with them three-meter angel wings, and covered the representatives of the church from all sides, thus hiding them from the view of others. Another group, the Patriot Guard Riders, also used "non-violent means of protection" - shields, with which they prevented church representatives from picketing at another military funeral.

5. The work of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The work of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is not only a dramatic act of kindness, but also a dramatic act of charity.

Bill Gates, as part of a program he co-created with Warren Buffett, has publicly pledged to donate half of the money he has earned over his lifetime to charity. By 2011, Bill and Melinda Gates had already transferred $ 28 billion to the Fund (that is, more than a third of their fortune).

The Foundation provides money to a wide variety of organizations, helping to solve global problems such as poverty and hunger, address global health issues such as preventive vaccinations and ensuring the availability of reliable medicines. The Foundation, for example, gave $112 million to Save the Children to help at-risk newborns, and $456 million to MVI, which develops new malaria vaccines.

6. Pope John Paul II pardoned his would-be murderer

A Turkish assassin named Mehmet Ali Agca shot three times at Pope John Paul II in St. Peter's Square in the Vatican. It happened on May 13, 1981. One bullet bounced off the Pope's index finger and hit him in the stomach. The other hit her right elbow. Later, John Paul II will say that he survived only thanks to the divine intervention of the Virgin Mary.

On May 17, 1981, just four days after the assassination attempt, the pontiff publicly forgave Agca, saying that he forgave him even when he was taken to the Gemelli hospital in an ambulance. And in 1983, the Pope visited Agca in prison, where he was serving his 19-year sentence. During this meeting, John Paul II took his would-be assassin by the hand and forgave him, this time looking into his eyes.

7 Nelson Mandela Invites His Jailer To His Inauguration

Nelson Mandela was convicted of sabotage during apartheid South Africa, after which he spent 27 years in prison on Robben Island.

When he was finally released in 1990, he had no desire to take revenge on his former jailers. And what's more, he invited one of them, a white man named Christo Brand, to his presidential inauguration in 1994. Brand was also invited to the 20th anniversary of the release of Nelson Mandela. Another prisoner of Nelson Mandela, James Gregory, also spoke and wrote a lot about his friendship with the famous political prisoner.

Both Gregory and Brand spoke of their deep respect for Mandela. Brand, in particular, spoke about his transformation from a man who supports apartheid to a man who opposes oppression and racial segregation. According to Brand, his life under the influence of Mandela has changed a lot, and their friendship has become a lesson in forgiveness for many in this world.

8 Ivan Fernandez Anaya deliberately loses to Abel Mutai

Kenyan runner Abel Mutai led the race in Navarre, Spain in December 2012. The runner thought that he had already crossed the finish line, but in fact it was about 10 meters away.

The Spanish runner, Ivan Fernandez Anaya, who claims to be in second place, could well have taken gold, but did not. Instead, Fernandez Anaya caught up with Mutai and gestured for him to finish first. Later, Fernandez Anaya said that he did not deserve the first place, and preferred honesty to victory.

9. Christmas Truce

By December 1914, the First World War had already claimed almost a million lives (and a total of 14 million would die in this war), but for one day - Christmas - a truce was established between British and German soldiers.

It is still not known exactly how true this story is, and how much its details are exaggerated. But if you believe her, then the British soldiers in the trenches on the front line suddenly heard a familiar tune coming from the German trenches nearby. It was "Silent Night" (English "Silent Night"), with which the unauthorized fraternization between enemies began. There were no shots or explosions during the Christmas truce. The soldiers, rather tired of the war, simply shook hands, and then shared cigarettes and threw canned food across the Western Front.

10. Iphigenia Mukantabana forgave Jean Bosco Biziman

In 1994, an ethnic war raged in Central Africa between the Hutu and the Tutsi people. It was in that year that Iphigenia Mukantabana's husband and five of her children were killed by Hutu militia. The actual culprit in the horror that befell her family was a neighbor of Iphigenia named Jean Bosco Bizimana.

Ten years later, Iphigenia, while weaving baskets as part of the Rwanda Path to Peace project, met a weaver named Epifania Mukanundvi, who turned out to be the wife of Jean Bosco Biziman.

Jean Bosco himself was serving a 7-year term in prison for the crimes he committed during the genocide, but it was his public request for forgiveness, delivered in a Rwandan court, that helped Iphigenia forgive this man and gave her the strength to move on.

8 questions about Russians from an American site

Factroom on Yandex Zen

How Instagram Addiction Occurs and Why People Get Addicted to This Social Network

People with very high IQs don't need friends.

Often you can find a situation where too smart "nerd" in the class shuns the rest of the guys. Scientists have found that there really is a connection between the level of a person's intelligence and his social ties. To “smart people” communication often seems like a waste of time, and unprepared people simply cannot share their interests.

Help. An essay on the topic "Kindness is a treasure" and even with a literary example !!! and got the best answer

Response from 404 Not Found[guru]
Kindness is the best quality of a person. It helps a person to learn a lot. Without her there was no life, everyone would go sad and unhappy. Kindness she is like a fairy, brings good to the house and helps in difficult times. Many people do not know how to do good, but only evil. It's good that there is kindness in the world, I love it very much and cherish it. I want you to have it too. Kindness is the very, very best thing. And the best word. It is like a rainbow, multi-colored and kind, Have it and spread it. I wish you all well.
find a literary example

Answer from Џ [guru]
Help someone who needs help and he will remember you!
When he needs help again...

Answer from Boris the animal[guru]
Well, for example, "Crime and Punishment" .. kind Lizaveta and the old pawnbroker her sister - with a treasure under the bed .. and what a kind Sonechka Marmeladova! just a treasure.
Go ahead, girl, develop the theme.

Answer from Karina[active]
The most important quality of a person is kindness. Nowadays, finding a kind person is as difficult as finding a treasure. Probably just more expensive. Every day people become angrier, and after all, for a long time this quality of a person was glorified in many works of Russian writers, from an early age children were instilled with kindness. there are a lot of examples, but I want to remember the fairy tale "Cat's House": the evil cat did not want to let the kittens in, but when grief came to her, everyone turned away from her and only good kittens let the aunt cat in and the cat became happy and they built a new house, big and beautiful. if not for the kindness of the kittens, each would have lived separately in a ruined house and were not happy. after all, kindness (I will steal the first answer) helps a person learn a lot. Without her there was no life, everyone would go sad and unhappy. Kindness she is like a fairy, brings good to the house and helps in difficult times. Many people do not know how to do good, but only evil. It's good that there is kindness in the world, I love it very much and cherish it. I want you to have it too. Kindness is the very, very best thing. And the best word. It is like a rainbow, multi-colored and kind, Have it and spread it. I wish you all well.

Answer from Sasha Korshunov[active]
The main reason is that he was trying to please two classes at once, the rich and the poor. Therefore, the reforms were carried out either to please one or the other. Until finally everyone got bored. Even those who put him on the throne.

Answer from Vadim Andreevich Gorbunov[newbie]

Answer from Andrey Sovertkov[newbie]
Kindness is a sincere and bright feeling, expressed in a disinterested, kind attitude towards people and in general towards all living things in this world. Kindness will be the basis of such feelings as mercy, empathy, sympathy, and even push to heroism.

Answer from TREAT ESAUL[newbie]
kindness to you hana pnh all

Answer from Lyubov Sevastyanova[newbie]

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