Sholokhov chronological table briefly. Sholokhov's biography

Stanitsa Veshenskaya, in the region of the Don Cossacks, in the family of a "nonresident" native of Ryazan, Alexander Mikhailovich Sholokhov.

1912 - Admitted to the first class of the Karginsky parochial one-class school for men (in the second year of study). The teacher of native speech was Mikhail Grigorievich Kopylov, a character in the novel " Quiet Don”, displayed in the book under his own name.

1915–1918 - studies at the Bogucharsky male gymnasium of the Voronezh province. In 1918, when the occupying German troops approached this city, he interrupted his studies and left for home.

1918–1919 - living with his parents, he witnesses the tragic events of the Veshensky uprising of 1919: the massacre of captured Red Army soldiers, the murder of I. A. Serdinov by Daria Drozdova, the presentation of awards and cash prizes by General Sidorin, commander of the Don Army.

1920–1920 - lives with his family in the village of Karginskaya, participates in the elimination of illiteracy, serves in the village revolutionary committee, works as a teacher elementary school, works in a surplus appraisal.

1922 - comes to Moscow, is engaged in self-education, takes part in the work literary group"Young guard".

1923 , September - the newspaper "Yunosheskaya Pravda" published the first work - the feuilleton "Test" signed "M. Sholokh". Begins to be published in youth newspapers and magazines.

1924 - first piece of art- the story "Motherland". He returns to the Don and since then has been constantly living in his native places.

1926 - the first book is printed - "Don stories" (in the publishing house "New Moscow" with a foreword by A. Serafimovich).

1928 - The novel "Quiet Flows the Don" (1928-1940) begins to be published in the magazine "October".
end of April - participates in the work of the 1st All-Union Congress of Proletarian Writers as a delegate of the MAPP.

1929 , beginning of February - the publication of the first separate edition 2nd book of the novel "Quiet Flows the Don" in the publishing house "Moscow worker".

1930 - meeting and conversation with I. V. Stalin. M. A. Sholokhov - K. I. Priyma: “... In the controversy about the Quiet Don, Stalin showed more tact and understanding than the orthodox leaders of the RAPP, who, as you know, delayed the publication of the third volume of the novel for a year and a half. October magazine, and then prevented its publication as a separate book.
Throughout the year, he has been working on the 6th part of the novel Quiet Flows the Don.
September - on the screens of the country comes out Feature Film"Quiet Flows the Don" based on the 1st book of the novel (directors I. Pravov and O. Preobrazhenskaya). Silent film, voiced in 1934.
autumn - hard work on the novel "Virgin Soil Upturned".

1931 - travels to the collective farms of the Upper Don, becomes a witness of the famine on the Don.
January 16 sends a letter to I. V. Stalin, in which he reports abuses during collectivization on the Don.

1932 - the first book of the novel "Virgin Soil Upturned" (magazine " New world"). Sholokhov joins the ranks of the CPSU (b).

1941–1945 - serves as a war correspondent for the Soviet Information Bureau, the newspapers Pravda and Krasnaya Zvezda (along with A. Tolstoy, I. Ehrenburg, A. Platonov, E. Gabrilovich, I. Krivitsky). Demobilized in December 1945.

1942 - the story "The Science of Hatred" in the newspaper "Pravda".

1943 - the beginning of work on the novel "They fought for the Motherland", published in the newspaper "Pravda" (remained unfinished).

1956, Dec. 31 –1957, January 1 - the story "The Fate of a Man" (Pravda newspaper).

1960 - the second book of the novel "Virgin Soil Upturned" ("Literary Gazette").

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov (1905 - 1984) - Soviet writer, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, author of such well-known works as "Quiet Flows the Don" and "Virgin Soil Upturned".

early years

Mikhail Sholokhov was born on May 11 (24), 1905 on the Kruzhilin farm (now the Rostov region) in the family of an employee of a trading enterprise.

The first education in Sholokhov's biography was received in Moscow during the First World War.

Then he studied at the gymnasium in the Voronezh province in the city of Boguchar. Arriving in Moscow to continue his education and not enrolling, he was forced to change many working specialties in order to feed himself. At the same time, in the life of Mikhail Sholokhov there was always time for self-education.

The beginning of the literary path

His works were first published in 1923. Creativity in the life of Sholokhov has always played an important role. After publishing feuilletons in newspapers, the writer publishes his stories in magazines. In 1924, the newspaper Molodoy Leninets published the first of a cycle of Sholokhov's Don stories - "The Mole". Later, all the stories from this cycle were combined into three collections: Don Stories (1926), Azure Steppe (1926) and About Kolchak, Nettles and Others (1927).

The heyday of creativity

Sholokhov became widely known for his work on Don Cossacks during the war - the novel "Quiet Flows the Don" (1928-1932).

This epic eventually became popular not only in the USSR, but also in Europe, Asia, and was translated into many languages.

Another famous novel M. Sholokhov is "Virgin Soil Upturned" (1932-1959). This novel about the times of collectivization in two volumes won the Lenin Prize in 1960.

From 1941 to 1945 Sholokhov worked as a war correspondent. During this time, he wrote and published several stories, essays ("The Science of Hatred" (1942), "On the Don", "Cossacks" and others).
Sholokhov's famous works are also: the story "The Fate of a Man" (1956), the unfinished novel "They Fought for the Motherland" (1942-1944, 1949, 1969).

It is worth noting that important event in the biography of Mikhail Sholokhov in 1965 was the receipt of the Nobel Prize in Literature for the epic novel Quiet Flows the Don.

last years of life

From the 60s, Sholokhov practically ceased to engage in literature, he liked to devote time to hunting and fishing. He donated all his awards to charity (the construction of new schools).
The writer died on February 21, 1984 from cancer and was buried in the courtyard of his house in the village of Veshenskaya on the banks of the Don River.

Chronological table

  • When Sholokhov came to woo one of the daughters of P. Ya. Gromoslavsky, the former Cossack ataman offered to marry his other daughter - elder Mary. In 1924 they got married. They lived in marriage for 60 years, four children were born in the family.
  • Sholokhov was the only Soviet writer who received Nobel Prize with the approval of the current government. He was called "Stalin's favorite", although Sholokhov is one of the few who were not afraid to tell the leader the truth.
  • Around the name of Sholokhov, the problem of the authorship of his works periodically surfaced. After the publication of the novel The Quiet Don, the question arose: how could such a young writer for such short period was able to create such a voluminous work. By order of Joseph Stalin, a commission was even created, which, having studied the writer's manuscript, confirmed his authorship.

The great Soviet writer M. A. Sholokhov was born on May 11 (24), 1905 on the Kruzhilin farm, once Donetsk, and now Rostov region. Considering the topic "Sholokhov's biography, briefly about the main thing", it is certainly worth noting that he was born future writer under the name Kuznetsov, but then in 1912 he changed it to Sholokhov, but more on that later. Own elementary education he received in Moscow, back in the First World War, but then continued his studies at the gymnasium of the city of Boguchar (Voronezh province.). Then, in 1922, he returned to Moscow again to enter the institute, but without enrolling there in order to feed himself, he began to earn extra money as a laborer. Sholokhov spent his free time from work on self-education.

Biography of Sholokhov. Briefly the most important

His father - Sholokhov Alexander Mikhailovich - was from the Ryazan province. He was engaged in buying up livestock, sowed grain, was a clerk on commercial enterprise, then manager at the mill. The writer's grandfather was a merchant of the third guild.

The writer's mother was Anastasia Danilovna Chernikova, the daughter of a former serf and a settler to the Don. Having become an orphan, she was married off by her mistress-landowner Popova to the son of the Cossack stanitsa ataman Kuznetsov.

But then, nevertheless, she left her husband for Alexander Sholokhov. Their son was born illegitimate, and therefore at first bore the name Kuznetsov. Even after her official husband died in 1912, she was able to marry Sholokhov and rewrite her son in his last name.

Sholokhov's biography briefly and without exaggeration tells about the hard life of people who survived wars, poverty and devastation. The writer saw all this with his own eyes, and his fate did not differ from the fate of millions of other Russian people who had arrests, exiles and captivity, but Sholokhov was extraordinarily lucky, and he was able to live a life worthy of a Soviet person.

The beginning of creativity

He began publishing in 1923. At that time, these were feuilletons, but then stories followed them, which later, in 1926-1927. compiled three collections: “Azure Steppe”, “Don Stories”, “About Kolchak, Nettles and Others”.

But the epic work “Quiet Flows the Don” (1928-1940) brought Sholokhov the greatest popularity. This work was translated into many languages ​​and became widely known not only in the Soviet Union, but also beyond its borders.

"Virgin Soil Upturned"

And then another equally well-known literary masterpiece, a two-volume book about the times of collectivization - "Virgin Soil Upturned" (1932-1959). For him, the writer received the Lenin Prize.

Sholokhov's biography briefly tells that during the Second World War he served as a war correspondent and wrote several essays and stories: "The Science of Hatred", "Cossacks", "On the Don", etc.

Highly famous works Sholokhov became "The Fate of a Man" (1956) and the novel, which remained unfinished - "They Fought for the Motherland" (1942-1969).

Nobel Prize and recent years

Sholokhov's biography (briefly) also notes the fact that in 1965 he was awarded one of the most prestigious world awards in the world of literature - the Nobel Prize - for the novel "Quiet Flows the Don". In general, the writer Sholokhov had many awards from the government, including the Stalin Prize (1941), the Lenin Prize (1960). He was an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1939), twice a Hero Socialist Labor(1967, 1980). In 1943 he was given the rank of colonel.

In the 60s, Sholokhov wrote practically nothing, he liked to go fishing and hunting. He donated most of his money to charity.

In the winter of February 21, 1984, the writer died. He died of throat cancer. Sholokhov was buried in the courtyard of his house in the village of Veshenskaya, located on the banks of the Don River, famous by him.

With his wife M.P. Gromoslavskaya - the daughter of one of their Cossack chieftains - he lived in marriage for 60 years. He married her in 1924, and four children were born in their family.

Sholokhov: biography briefly. Table

M. A. Sholokhov was born

First published in newspapers

The books “Don Stories”, “About Kolchak, Nettles and Others”, “Azure Steppe” were published.

The literary epic "Quiet Flows the Don" was created

Written novel "Virgin Soil Upturned"

The work "The Fate of Man" was released

Received the Lenin Prize for the work "Virgin Soil Upturned"

Sholokhov was awarded the Nobel Prize for The Quiet Flows the Don

1967, 1980

Awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, twice

February 21, 1984

He died of cancer and was buried in the village of Veshenskaya near the Don.

Mikhail Alexandrovich became one of the few Soviet writers who were allowed to tell the truth to the leader. His life and work organically intertwined in the period of building socialism. Studying Sholokhov's biography briefly, it is impossible to doubt his talent and love for his land. But once in Soviet society, doubts nevertheless arose about his authorship of the works he wrote. However, the commission, created by order of Joseph Vissarionovich himself, having carefully studied his drafts and manuscripts, confirmed the authorship of his works.

Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov- Russian writer and public figure, one of the largest authors of Soviet "official" literature, Nobel Prize winner. Endowed with an original epic talent, he acted as the successor to the traditions of L. Tolstoy's realism on the basis of new life material and in the conditions of a new historical era. world fame Sholokhov brought epic Quiet Flows the Don, ranked among the most powerful novels of the 20th century.

The life of M. Sholokhov in dates and facts

May 24, 1905- was born on the Kruzhilin farm of the Donetsk District of the Don Cossack Region (now the Sholokhov District of the Rostov Region), in the family of a clerk-manager of a steam mill.

1914 -1918- studied in Moscow, in the city of Boguchar, Voronezh province, as well as in the village of Vyoshenskaya. He graduated from the 4th grade of the gymnasium, after which for two years he tried himself in various small positions that required elementary knowledge: he taught adult farmers to read and write, conducted a population census, served in the village revolutionary committee, worked as an elementary school teacher, clerk of a procurement office. At the end of the tax courses, he served for some time as a food inspector, after which he took part in food appropriation as part of the food detachment.

AT 1922 for "excesses" in the ongoing surplus appraisal, the revolutionary tribunal sentenced Sholokhov to death, however, taking into account the minor age of the offender, he replaced the death penalty with a suspended sentence. In the same year, Sholokhov left for Moscow in the hope of continuing his education and studying literary activity. But for admission to the workers' faculty, the writer did not have enough work experience and the direction of the Komsomol, so he was forced to earn a living by the hard work of a loader, bricklayer, laborer. BUT artistic creativity required self-education and work on himself, which Sholokhov tried to make up for by participating in the work of the Young Guard literary group and visiting training sessions conducted by V. B. Shklovsky, O. M. Brik, N. N. Aseev.

1923- the first feuilletons of Sholokhov were published in the newspaper "Youthful Truth".

1924 G. - published his first story "Mole". At the end of the same year, the writer moved to the village of Karginsky, from where he moved to the village of Bukanovskaya, where he married MP Gromoslavskaya, the daughter of the former village chieftain.

1926- Sholokhov's books appeared "Don stories" and "Azure steppe".

1928 -1940- created an epic novel Quiet Don for which he was awarded in 1941. Stalin Prize. The writer donated this award to the National Defense Fund. material from the site

1931 -1959- worked on a novel "Virgin Soil Upturned".

1941 -1945 He was a war correspondent for the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper. On the material of personal impressions began to write a novel "They fought for their country", excerpts from which he published from time to time until 1954. The novel was left unfinished.

1956- wrote a story "Destiny of Man".

1965. - was awarded the Nobel Prize with the wording "for the artistic power and integrity of the epic about the Don Cossacks at a turning point for Russia."

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On this page, material on the topics:

  • biografiya v datah wolohova
  • biography of M. Sholokhov
  • short biography of Sholokhov by dates
  • facts about Sholokhov
  • biography of Sholokhov by dates briefly

Role and place in literature

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov - Soviet writer, Nobel Prize winner, who revealed the theme in his works brutal fight between the proprietary world and the socialist world that was just emerging at that time. The author wrote about the people and for the people. Therefore, he did not strive for pretentiousness. artistic word in literature. the main objective- to convey his simple but truthful word to the working masses.

Alexey Tolstoy noted the merits of the writer, saying that he is "a wonderful phenomenon in our literature."

Origin and early years

Mikhail Sholokhov was born on May 11 (24), 1905 on the farm Kruzhilin (now Kruzhilin) ​​in the Rostov region. At first, the boy was given the surname Kuznetsov, because his mother, Anastasia Danilovna, was formally married to the son of Ataman Kuznetsov. She was forcibly given in marriage, as she was the daughter of a serf. But years later, she went to the real father of the future writer - the prosperous commoner Alexander Mikhailovich Sholokhov. In 1912, Mikhail received the surname Sholokhov. Children like Mikhail, who were born out of wedlock and from socially different parents, were called nakhalyats by the Cossacks. Mikhail Sholokhov will later write about this in his story "Nakhalenok".

As a child, Sholokhov felt that he was growing up in an atmosphere of ambiguity. That he illegitimate son Cossacks by mother and tradesman, will embarrass him all his life.


The first teacher of Mikhail was Timofey Mrykhin, hired by his father, who taught literacy. In 1914 he received his first education in a gymnasium in Moscow. And from 1915 to 1918 he studied at the gymnasium in the city of Boguchar. Returning to Moscow, Sholokhov tried to continue his education, but failed. Therefore, he tries himself in various working specialties in order to survive. At the same time, he is engaged in self-education.


The year 1923 was for Sholokhov the beginning of the path to literary recognition. At this time, his works were published for the first time. In 1924, the publishing house of the newspaper "Young Leninist" published Sholokhov's story "The Mole", which became the first in a cycle of Don stories. Then the writer will combine all these works into three collections: "Don stories" (1926), "Azure steppe" (1926) and "About Kolchak, nettles and other things" (1927).

Major works

The real popularity came to Sholokhov after the publication of the novel Quiet Flows the Don (1928-1932) about the life of the Don Cossacks during the war. After a while, this epic became famous not only at home, but also far beyond the borders of the USSR and was translated into different languages. And in 1965, Sholokhov received the Nobel Prize for the novel "Quiet Flows the Don".

Sholokhov's novel "Virgin Soil Upturned" also gained fame. The author describes the period of collectivization so realistically that his work was awarded the Lenin Prize.

During World War II, Mikhail Sholokhov worked as a war correspondent. In addition to the horrors of war, he also saw the heroic destinies of people who fought for their homeland. The works of this period are especially touching. It is worth noting the story "The fate of man." The author shows us tragic fate one hero, but does not include his name in the title, because she shared such a fate most of people during the war.

Last years

From the beginning of the 60s, Mikhail Alexandrovich was already little engaged in literary activities, and devoted more time to hunting and fishing. The awards that the author received for his works were directed to the construction of new schools.

Chronological table (by dates)

Year(s) Event
1905 Year of birth of M. Sholokhov
1912 Mikhail Kuznetsov received the surname of his real father - Sholokhov.
1914 Received first education
1915-1918 Years of study at the gymnasium in the city of Boguchar
1922 Moving to Moscow, self-education, work in the Young Guard group
1923 The first published work "Trial"
1926 The beginning of the printing of "Don stories"
1928 The start of printing "Quiet Flows the Don"
1932 Release of the first book "Virgin Soil Upturned"
1941-1945 Working as a war correspondent
1956 The story of the fate of man
1965 Presentation of the Nobel Prize
1984 The writer is gone

Interesting facts from the life of Mikhail Sholokhov

  • Sholokhov got married to youngest daughter ataman Gromoslavsky, but as a result he married the eldest at the suggestion of her father.
  • Stalin himself showed sympathy for Sholokhov, although he was not afraid to tell him the truth.
  • When the novel "Quiet Flows the Don" was published, there was a discussion about authorship. Many could not believe that Sholokhov, still young at that time, could write such a grandiose work. But the commission confirmed its authorship.
  • In 1965, Sholokhov was awarded the Nobel Prize.

Writer's Museum

In 1979, the first museum of the writer was opened. It is located in Western Kazakhstan. In 1984 in the Rostov region was opened State Museum-Reserve Mikhail Sholokhov. The house-museum of Sholokhov in the city of Nikolaevsk is also known.

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