Pavel will utyashev's declaration of love. Pavel Volya incredibly touchingly confessed his love to Laysan Utyasheva in honor of their wedding anniversary

Stas and Yulia Kostyushkina

The couple recently celebrated 10 years of marriage. By coincidence, on such an important day for the spouses, Stas flew off on tour. But this did not stop him from preparing a surprise for his beloved. The artist ordered a huge bouquet of flowers in the shape of a heart and ... donuts, which Yulia loves so much.

Kostyushkin published a confession to his wife on the social network: “I feel good with you, dear! On the back of the wedding ring, we have “Fidelity” written with you, and how nice it is to realize that in these ten years, no one has broken this word. It scares only one thing, that every year, I understand more and more that I can’t live without you (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved. - Approx. ed.) ".

Julia also announced her love publicly: “Love is ...... When on the tenth wedding anniversary they don’t give you a new car or trousers, but a specially ordered bouquet and a package of your favorite donuts, which you can’t do at all, but you love them so much...

Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota

They talk to each other about love every day. Rita emphasizes that next to Vlad she always feels protected. On Instagram, the girl has repeatedly urged fans to remind their loved ones of their feelings as often as possible, and not just on holidays.

In early summer, Sokolovsky and Dakota celebrated their first wedding anniversary. Here is the touching confession that appeared on Rita's page that day: "A whole year has passed since we became husband and wife🙈 The best year of our lives, full of adventure, travel, music, happiness and love. @vs20 husband, I love you ❤ 101 more? 🙈"

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov

In 2016, Dmitry composed a song for Olga's birthday, which they now consider the anthem of their love. Buzova also unusually confessed her feelings to Tarasov on the day of his 29th birthday.

She rented an entire football field and organized a festive fireworks display there. Later, Olga posted a detailed photo and video report on Instagram and wrote as many confessions: "There is nothing more tender than your touch ... I love you❤❤❤ you are my space, my planet🌍 Know that I will always be there for you", "Today is your day, dear @tarasov23 🐒👑 you are already sleeping ... and I'm lying next to you, and I understand how much I love you❤❤❤", "My dear, @tarasov23, I want you not to forget for a second that you are the best, I believe in you, and I will always be there 🙏🏻 You are my champion 🐒👑👑👑🏆 ⚽".

Anton and Victoria Makarsky

When Anton first saw Victoria (then still Morozova), he immediately understood: this girl would become his wife and mother of his children. Although before this meeting, Makarsky did not think about marriage at all.

Not much time passed, and he was already standing in front of Victoria, kneeling. On that day, Anton told his beloved that all his wealth was two T-shirts and one jeans. "But if you become my wife, I swear you won't regret it!" Makarsky completed his bold confession. Victoria, not at all embarrassed, replied: "All this does not matter. The main thing is that we found each other!"

Morozova also assured her girlfriends that she would never marry, because "the men in Russia have disappeared." However, fate decided otherwise.

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva

In 2014, on the occasion of his wife's birthday, Pavel stuffed an image of a child in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart. Thus, the showman confessed his love to Laysan and thanked her for her first-born son, Robert. In 2015, their daughter Sophia was born. After that, the tattoo on Volya's chest changed: now the drawing consists of two babies. It is possible that this change was not the last.

Bruce Willis and Emma Heming-Willis

The famous Hollywood actor in 2012 released a women's perfume called Lovingly, which means "with love" in English. Willis dedicated the fragrance to his wife, Emma Heming-Willis.

David and Victoria Beckham

A large number of David's tattoos are dedicated to Victoria. The ideal body of an athlete flaunts the name of his wife in Hindi, her portrait, as well as images symbolizing significant dates for them. The Beckhams have several paired tattoos that reflect their mutual feelings.

Olga Shelest and Alexey Tishkin

The TV presenter has always had a sparkling sense of humor. She even talks about her love for Alexei with a smile: "Every morning, for 18 years, I watch my @like_i_like mock a tube of toothpaste😤 and yet we are together💑 What is this if not love?😍" In such an original way Olga congratulated her husband on Valentine's Day in 2016.

Alexei is not prone to public expression of romantic feelings. However, photos of their daughters with Olga sometimes appear on his Instagram page.– Muses and Iris. Looking at the girls, you understand that this is the best proof of the love of one person for another.

November 27, 2017

Star spouses celebrated a wooden wedding. Utyasheva and Volya have been happily married for five years.


Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya are rightfully considered one of the strongest and most harmonious couples in the domestic show business. Before getting married, the lovers were friends for many years. The future husband and wife were united by a tragedy in the gymnast's family: Zulfiya Utyasheva. In 2012, Laysan became the legal wife of Pavel Volya, at that time the athlete was already waiting for their common son, Robert, with the comedian. Several good news were immediately confirmed by the honored gymnastics coach and mentor Utyasheva Irina Viner.

“There was no wedding at all - no white dress, no limousine with dolls. In memory of my mother, we decided to hold the wedding ceremony very modestly. They just went to the registry office in ordinary clothes and signed. And in the evening they celebrated the event at home, in a narrow family circle: there were Pasha's parents, his sister, my grandparents came from Bashkiria, ”the gymnast said about her wedding in an interview. November 27 marks exactly five years since that joyful moment. In honor of such an event, Volya published a touching message to his wife on his Instagram page.

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“We just walked around Moscow. Looked at everything, chatted about everything. Lots of laughing and hugging. They kissed at all corners, to the envy or even irritation of others. Much has been said about us in this world. And about the world within us. We went to cafes and restaurants, and in the evening we even thundered to the movies. We just went where our feet and our feelings led us. Our love. And we've been doing this for five years. And even more. And five years have already passed since we crossed the threshold of the registry office. And those were great years. The best. Thank you my dear. There is still a lot of time ahead. I'm proud to be by your side. What you saw, saw and chose me. That I am the father of our children. And I'm grateful to have you by my side. That we are together. What is WE! And I'm also glad that we celebrated our first "wooden" anniversary in a walk around Moscow. It was simple and extraordinary. It's so cool and important to walk and talk. I love you very much. Thank you for five years. And especially for this day. Walk. Speak up. Love, ”Paul touchingly congratulated his wife on their wedding anniversary.

Note that the couple have two children growing up: son Robert and daughter Sofia. Star parents fundamentally do not show the faces of the heirs to the public. According to Utyasheva and Volya, children should grow up and decide for themselves what information about themselves to make public.

Capable of such tenderness. But it turns out that just as much as he is a skeptic in Comedy, he is just as attentive and loving at home.

Pavel has already arranged tender surprises for his wife more than once. But his new congratulations on the occasion of the birthday of his beloved is just a tear knocker!

Photo by @pavelvolyaofficial

“My dear Lyasya. My little girl, today is your birthday. The numbers on the cake will say that you have become an adult, but you do not believe them. Yes, you became a queen, a diva, a woman, a mother, but you remained a girl, Volya began his congratulations. - I see it every time you laugh, every time a dimple appears on your cheek. You are strong, smart, brave. The best mother in the world, the most kind and caring, the best wife, companion, friend and accomplice. We and our children are the coolest and most fun gang in the world. Thank you for this. Thanks for a lot. For all! For everything that I am ready to shout to the whole world. For everything that is only between us. Be always happy, smile, laugh carelessly, loudly and provocatively. I love your laugh so much! This is the best music for me. Don’t think about anything: you succeeded, you succeed, you always succeed. After all, you are so pretty, diligent, with two bows on your head. Look at this photo, my dear. You are the same as me today! Always be like this, don't grow up. And I'll make sure no one disturbs our sandbox. I love you very much! The rest is at the meeting. Happy birthday, girl!

Utyashev must have been touched by the congratulations. And how could it be otherwise? But unlike her husband, she did not become frank, but wrote rather general words of gratitude ...

“Thank you to my family, my @pavelvolyaofficial, all my friends and colleagues! All-all-all for such kind and sincere congratulations! You make me happy! I love you,” said the mother of two children.

It is curious that this is not the first time that Paul has confessed his feelings publicly. And for the last time he was touched when Laysan gave him a daughter, Sofia.

“The coolest thing that happened to me this year (2015. - Approx. ed.), Friends: Laysan and I had a daughter! To say that I haven't changed is probably a lie. Last year, he talked about his son and how cool it is to be a father. Then I was a father, and now - daddy, daddy, - the humorist shared his joy. - Only with the second child I felt responsible. I don't do crazy, thoughtless things anymore. I'm skinny, but I'm a hot guy! I'll be honest: I used to be without brakes. He fought with everyone: because of sidelong glances, bad words. Now I won't do that. No fights, I have a lot of responsibility! Jealous daughter to the boys on the site.

Or remember at least the very first declaration of Pasha in love from the stage. There was a show, suddenly the lights went out in the hall. Pavel went backstage ... And the audience was already getting nervous - isn't this the end! But no, Pavel began to broadcast from behind the scenes:

“Your ears can hear my voice and your eyes can see my words. And believe me, it doesn't matter where I am. My voice will still ring in your head. Darling, someday we'll be old. And in our house, the decrepit Will will come out of the bedroom. And he will carry some unrelated crap about old age, autumn, a refrigerator ... Where are my orders? And you? You will always be beautiful. Old, but beautiful. You will sit in a chair in your favorite downy purple scarf. Why purple? Because I already bought it for you. At the Voronezh airport… I was drunk. Okay, one day we'll both be older. And the font will get bigger. Even more ... Imagine we are sitting in the living room. And our son will come to us, and with him our grandchildren. Ratibor, Hidalgo, Valera. But who knows what names our Robert has in his head. Once you and I had Robert in our heads. We will live by the sea. Do you hear this sound? I recorded the toilet bowl on the recorder. The sea was not nearby. But most importantly, I will love you always and everywhere. Today and tomorrow. Close and far. Right and left. Low and high. Everywhere and always."

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