Persian female names and their meanings. Muslim female names and their meaning Persian girl names are beautiful and modern

Choosing a name for your child, especially for a girl, can be quite difficult. I would like to embody all my experiences and love in one word, instilling tenderness into it and wishing happiness. The names from all parts of the world listed in this article will come to the rescue.

Giving a name to a person in infancy is an important step for parents. It is it that lays the foundation of a person's character and changes his fate. After all, it is not in vain that one of the proverbs says: "as you call a boat, so it will float." Increasingly, modern moms and dads stop giving their children standard names and become interested in foreign ones.

Foreign names are attracted by the fact that they have a wide variety of options that have not yet been able to bore the usual Russian ear. In addition, everyone tries to break away somewhere abroad: on vacation, on a trip, for work, and thus gets acquainted with people whose names “cut into the soul”, come to taste and like.

A beautiful foreign name for girls opens it from the other side and makes you feel much higher than everyone else. In addition, such a name opens up wide opportunities for her to communicate with foreign people who will perceive her as their own.

beautiful foreign names for girls

It is worth highlighting the Top 10 most beautiful foreign names for girls:

  • 10th place: Bella - from Italian this name is translated as "beautiful" or simply "beauty." The name is popular in Europe, in the West, in Russia and in the South
  • 9th place: Vivien - this name originated from the ancient Latin language. If you decipher it literally, then "vivus" is "live". At first this name was considered masculine, but later they began to call women
  • 8th place: Gloria - this name also has deep Latin roots. It is abbreviated as "Laura" and is translated as "glory" or "glorious"
  • 7th place: Irene - there may also be such a variation as "Irena". The name has deep Greek roots and literally translates as "peace" or "peace"
  • 6th place: Lillian is a name that often sounds like "Lily". It has very strong meaning and translates as "the need to dominate", "the need to be the main"
  • 5th place: Jasmine - the name has ancient Muslim roots and is translated as "jasmine flower" or "jasmine branch". The name is associated only with a fragrant plant
  • 4th place: Regina - this name has the same Latin roots as most names. If translated literally, it sounds like "queen" or "queen"
  • 3rd place: Emma - the name has " Greek character" and literally translates as "flattering!. The name is very popular and common in Europe, in the West and even in Russia
  • 2nd place: Teresa - has a name Greek origin and strong character. Literally, the name can be translated as "protector"
  • 1 place: Eve is the name of the first woman on earth. It is full of mystery, strength and femininity. The name took its origin in Ancient Israel and "Hava" stands for "breathe" or "live", "full of life"

Beautiful Asian names for girls

Asian names have a special flavor, they embody many interesting values, the warmth of the climate and the piquancy of traditions. In some cases, based on religious beliefs or their personal preferences, parents give their daughter exactly asian name. You should get acquainted with the most popular and beautiful Asian names:

  • Benazir- the name has a very strong and powerful sound, similar to male names, but nevertheless it is a female Asian name that sounds like "incomparable"
  • Nanaka - has a deep meaning and stands for "God's blessing" or "God's grace". A popular Asian name that sometimes has the variation "Nanako"
  • Hiroyuki - sometimes this name sounds like "Hiroyuki". It is of Japanese origin and has the meaning of "strong, self-confident person"
  • Minkhtu is an old name of Asian origin. One of the most popular names. It literally translates as “bright”, “pure”, “immaculate”
  • Yuyu - short name of Asian origin. They are often called girls so that they have a happy future, because "Yuyu" is translated as "happy"
  • Amaterasu - an old Asian name originally from Japan. It consists of several main parts: "ama" - translated as "sky", and "terasu" - as "shine". Literally deciphered, this name means “glowing in the sky”, but it is also worth noting that in ancient Japanese mythology there was such a sun goddess who ruled in heaven and her name was “Amaterasu”

list of the most beautiful asian names for girls

Beautiful names for oriental girls

The eastern name is the very personification of femininity and tenderness. Many mothers want to give their daughter an oriental name that she will carry through her whole life. Such names are very sweet-sounding and soft to the ear, shrouded in secrets and tales of the East. Each oriental name has its own specific secret meaning and precious, like a handful of diamonds and gems.

The most beautiful oriental names:

  • Aziza - translated as "rare", "valuable, precious". Such names were given in ancient times to girls who had royal roots and lived in luxury.
  • Farida - an ancient Arabic female name, which can literally be translated as "diamond". This name was given to girls who were considered very beautiful, simply incomparable beauty.
  • Adil - also an Arabic name, which has a translation, like "honest" or "fair." The name has a very strong energy
  • Amina - the mother of the prophet Muhammad had such a name, it literally stands for “faithful” and “reliable”. The name is often found in eastern countries and sometimes has such a variety as "Aminat"
  • Leila - a frequent oriental name, which many associate with "darkness", "night". The name has a very strong energy and at the same time tenderness
  • Maryam - or another variation of the name "Mariam". The name has deep eastern roots. Literally, the name translates as "pious" or "God's servant"
  • Fatima - popular oriental name, which is of Arabic origin. If translated literally, then you can translate the name as “adult” or even “weaned”
  • Halima - a beautiful Arabic name that has a strong meaning. It reveals the character traits of a woman, such as "meekness", "gentleness", "patience"
  • Yasmin - variation of the eastern name "Jasmine". The name embodies the beauty, fragrance and beauty of jasmine blossoms.

beautiful oriental names for girls

Arabic beautiful names for girls

There are a lot of beautiful Arabic names, some of them are common, others are not. Arabic names always have a deep meaning within them, secret meaning and a special relationship with nature. The Arabic language is one of the most ancient and all Arabic names are somehow connected with its original words and phrases.

Every Arab with all his heart wishes only happiness for his child, and the first thing he gives him is a beautiful name with a deep meaning. Girls must have sonorous names, such that their husbands will like them. The Arabic name should emphasize the extraordinary sensitivity, femininity of the girl, but at the same time arouse interest and speak of her as an ardent woman.

beautiful arab female names:

  • Aisha - one of the most popular Arabic names. It is worth noting that it is borrowed from Muslims. The name is distinguished by a special euphony. Literally, it can be translated as "the beloved wife of the Prophet" (which indeed is the case, Aisha was his beloved wife)
  • Liyan - Arabic name that has beautiful translation and sounds like happy life». given name is one of the few that has no religious overtones, but is simply focused on wishing a good life for your child
  • Jana - a relatively new Arabic name, which has become widespread in the Arab countries. Literally, it can be translated as "fresh fruit". You can also find this female name in the Koran. A woman with this name is considered a "fruit of paradise" in the garden of Allah
  • Nur - Arabic name, which is quite popular in Europe today. Literally, this eastern name is translated as "a ray of light." Arabs believe that such a name predicts in advance the child to become a caring wife and keeper of the hearth in the future.

Beautiful Arabic names for girls

Beautiful Jewish names for girls

Hebrew names are mainly distinguished by the fact that they have a special religious connotation. But, as centuries-old practice shows, such names are unusually strong in character. In addition, some of them are so common that sometimes you don’t even know that this name originated from the Jewish people.

Beautiful Jewish names:

  • Aviva - one of the simplest names that has no religious overtones. It is very gentle and invariably associated with nature, as it literally translates as "spring"
  • Adas - a beautiful name that originated from the Jewish people. It literally translates as "myrtle tree". It is noteworthy that this is a royal name
  • Adele - a very popular Jewish name all over the world. Literally, it translates as "daughter of the Baal Shem Tov"
  • Bracha - just a beautiful Hebrew name that has a simple religious significance"blessed"
  • Gita - popular Hebrew name, very simple to hear and simple in meaning: "good"
  • Dina - very popular modern name originating from the Jewish people. It literally translates as "judgment". It is noteworthy that this name was the name of the daughter of Jacob and Leah
  • Leia - she is Lea (Leah). An ancient Jewish name with a deep historical and religious character. This name was the name of Jacob's wife, in particular, the foremother of the entire Jewish people
  • Sarah - a very popular Jewish name, which has a translation as a "powerful", "ruling" woman. Sarah was the name of the wife of Abraham - also the foremother of the entire Jewish people

beautiful Jewish names for girls

Tibetan beautiful names for girls

Each Tibetan name is unique. It is noteworthy that in Tibet there are no special differences between male and female names: one name can be given to both a boy and a girl. The people invented their own national names, but that invariably influenced environment: nature, type of human activity, days on which children were born, as well as some features appearance child. Same way a huge impact Buddhism, a religious belief, influenced the formation of names in the Tibetan language.

Beautiful Tibetan names:

  • Anurad - beautiful Tibetan name given to little girls. It translates as "star"
  • Ardana - also only a female name, which is given only to girls. It translates as "ardent" or "passionate"
  • Dava - a true Tibetan name that has a beautiful translation of "moon"
  • Darima - beautiful and incredibly strong Tibetan name, which has an exact translation as "Goddess" and "foremother"
  • Dulma - only a female name, which is translated as "mother-savior"
  • Ranshen - common name for men and women, but especially popular with girls. The name translates as "jewel"
  • Handa- Tibetan female name, which translates as "virgin savior"
  • Lhatse - a very beautiful sounding name for women in Tibet. It has an exact translation as "beautiful like a Goddess"

most beautiful tibetan names

Beautiful Modern Turkish Names for Girls

Turkish names are also shrouded in a special sweetness and mystery of the East, but nevertheless they are more “European”. Often they have a deep Muslim meaning and character, they often describe beauty. natural phenomena and feminine beauty.

Beautiful Turkish Names:

  • Aigul - one of the most popular Turkish names, which is common in many Arab countries. This name is translated as "moon"
  • Ainur - many female Turkish names are somehow connected with the beauty of the moon - celestial body. So "Ainur" is translated as "blessed moonlight"
  • Beshgul - beautiful Turkish name describing the beauty of flowers. It literally translates as beautiful bouquet from the "five roses"
  • Goje - the name given Turkish men to their women. In the name they discovered the beauty of their beloved wives and daughters, and therefore it can be translated as “value” and “beauty in my eyes”
  • Deniz -popular name, which has several of its variations in modern times. But literally the name translates as "sea"
  • Kanan - a beautiful female name that has only one pleasant and understandable meaning: "beloved"
  • Lale - another "flower" name for women in Turkey. It translates as "tulip"
  • Melek - simple name meaning "angel"
  • Nergis - in the continuation of the "flower theme of names" has a translation as "narcissus"
  • Selvi - beautiful Turkish name, has the translation "cypress"
  • Esin - a name for women that has a translation like "inspiration"

beautiful Turkish names for girls

Beautiful Azerbaijani names for girls

Like most eastern names, Azerbaijani ones originated in the Muslim faith. There are quite a few beautiful names in Azerbaijan:

  • Aida - name translated "sparrow"
  • Isla - beautiful name with the translation "dawn"
  • Ayten -gentle name for a girl with the translation "half moon"
  • Arzu - a beautiful name that translates as "desire"
  • Basira- a strong oriental name, which literally translates as "with an open soul"
  • Gozal - gentle name for girls with the meaning "beauty"
  • Gulnar (or Gulnara) - beautiful and gentle name for a girl with the translation "pomegranate flower"
  • Gunash - bright and sonorous name for girls with the translation "sun"
  • Jahan - strong female Azerbaijani name with the translation "peace"
  • Lala - tender name for a girl with the translation "beautiful flower"
  • Latifa - a popular name all over the world, which has a fairly original translation, like "an anecdote or a joke"
  • Naila - gentle female name, which stands for "enjoyment of life"
  • Elmira - popular and very sonorous name for girls, which translates as "princess"
  • Zulfiya - a popular name that has a rather interesting translation and stands for "curly"
  • Mahabbat - beautiful female name with a pleasant translation "love"

beautiful Azerbaijani names for girls

Armenian names for girls are rare and beautiful

  • Anahit- translates as "heart", as well as "happiness"
  • Araxia- means "protection"
  • Gayane- a beautiful name with the meaning of "home" or "family"
  • Zara - strong female name, translated as "priestess of fire"
  • Naira - name meaning "free"
  • Nana - simple Armenian name with the translation "mother"
  • Narine - beautiful female name, translated simply: "woman"
  • Sate - translates as "divine"
  • Seda - Armenian name with the translation "weakness"
  • Shagane - a popular name among Armenians, which has the translation "kind"

beautiful Armenian names for girls

Beautiful names for Kazakh girls

  • Azhar - simple Kazakh name for girls, translated as "pretty"
  • Aybala - name with translation "beautiful like the moon"
  • Aidana - beautiful name with the translation "chastity"
  • Ainur - popular Kazakh name, stands for "moon-faced"
  • Banu - strong Kazakh name with the translation "lady"
  • Gaziza - old Kazakh name with the translation "kind"
  • Gafur - name meaning "forgiving"
  • Gulshara - a very tender female name that tells everyone about its owner: “beautiful face”
  • Dana - female name meaning "knowing", as well as "chaste"
  • Dara - meaning "unusual" or "standout"
  • Daria - real Kazakh name, which translates as "big river"
  • Zara - Kazakh name with the translation "golden"
  • Zumrad - precious name for women meaning "emerald"
  • Kamaliya - beautiful Kazakh name, which translates as "flower"
  • Leila - gentle name with the translation "night"
  • Shamsia - has a simple meaning like "sunny"

beautiful Kazakh names for girls

Beautiful Tajik names for girls

It is worth highlighting a few beautiful Tajik names for girls:

  • Afshona- a popular name in Tajikistan, which has a meaning, like the girl who "scatters flowers"
  • Barfi (or Barfina)- a popular name that has a simple translation, like: "snow" or "snowy"
  • Boni - an unusual Tajik name, which is quite rare. It has a translation and meaning: "the one that protects" or "the one that protects"
  • Gulyanda- a popular and beautiful name for girls in Tajikistan. It means "graceful"
  • Laylo is another common name for girls born in Tajikistan. It literally stands for "dark-eyed"
  • Ruzi- a short but very significant Tajik name, which has a very important meaning - "happy"
  • Sitora- a beautiful and tender name for girls born in Tajikistan. It literally translates as "star"
  • Suman- a gentle name for girls. This name translates as "white flower"
  • Firdeus- another gentle name for women, it elevates its owner and gives her the meaning of "paradise"
  • Shahnoza- a popular oriental name in Tajikistan, it translates as "daughter of the Shah"

beautiful Tajik names for girls

Beautiful Uzbek names for girls

It is worth highlighting a few beautiful Uzbek names with their meanings:

  • Asmira - meaning "chief princess"
  • Guli - translates as "rose" or "flower"
  • Dilbar - has its own translation as "charming"
  • Zilola - a beautiful name that compares a girl to a "lotus flower"
  • Lola - a simple name that carries the meaning of "wild flowers"
  • Nafisa - a beautiful name that speaks of a woman as "graceful"
  • Olma - Another original name, which translates as "apple"

beautiful Uzbek names for girls

Beautiful Moldovan names for girls

Moldovan names were formed depending on what influenced the person more: the Bible (that is, religious considerations), Slavic or Romanian influences (borrowing names), ancient Roman and Latin names.

Beautiful Moldovan names for girls:

  • Adelaide - beautiful Moldavian name, which has a noble character and says that its owner is “from a good family”
  • Angela - name of Moldavian origin, which means "messenger" or "bringing news"
  • Aurika - a popular Moldavian name often given to girls. It means "golden"
  • Bianca - a popular name that comes from Moldova. It can be interpreted as "pure" and "immaculate"
  • Danina - Moldavian name, which has its roots deep in Latin language. It can be translated as "deity" or "divine"
  • Constanta - a simple Moldavian name, quite common and it has a translation like "permanence"
  • Michaela - name of a religious nature, which translates as "like God"
  • Roxana - beautiful Moldavian name that means "dawn"
  • Florica - name for a girl with the meaning "blooming"

beautiful Moldovan names for girls

Beautiful Georgian names for girls

  • Aliko - old Georgian name meaning "omniscient"
  • Giuli - a common name for girls in Georgia, which translates as "rose"
  • Gelika -strong name for a girl, which translates as "wolf"
  • Dariko- Another Georgian name that has a religious character. This name stands for "God's gift"
  • Daria - primordially Georgian name, which has strong character and translated as "mistress"
  • Jamalia (or Jamala) - beautiful name, which is translated as "beauty"
  • Lamar - gentle Georgian name, which translates as "sea"
  • Lali (or Lala) - gentle name for a girl with the translation "ruby"
  • Manana - name with a religious character: "appearance to heaven"
  • Maream - one of the most popular names in Georgia with the translation "beloved of God"
  • Sopho - a common name among girls that brings "wisdom" to its owners

beautiful Georgian names for girls

Beautiful English names for girls

beautiful american names for girls

Beautiful European names for girls

  • Daniella - a name with a religious interpretation, it translates as "talking with God"
  • Diana - the name has ancient roots and is translated as "Goddess of the hunt"
  • Monica - translated from ancient Latin as "advice"
  • Mary - has a rather strange translation "bitter"
  • Julia - a name that once spoke of the belonging of women to the genus Yuliev
  • Sofia - common European name, translated as "wise"

beautiful European names for girls

Beautiful names for French girls

  • Charlotte - strong female name, which translates as "courageous" or "strong"
  • Anette - translates as "grace"
  • Dominica - translates as "belonging to God"
  • Georgette
  • Giselle - translation "hostage"
  • Lucia - interpreted as "light"
  • Nicole -"winner"
  • Estelle -"star"

beautiful french names for girls

Beautiful German names for girls

  • Agnet - an old German name that means "chaste"
  • Adelind (or Adelinda) - no matter how strange it may seem, but the name has the meaning of "noble snake"
  • Belinda - similar in meaning to Adelinda, but translated as "beautiful snake"
  • Brunnhild - a rather rude, but strong name, which translates as "warrior woman"
  • Wilda - rare, beautiful name with the translation "wild"
  • Gertrude - a true German name, which has a literal translation: "point of a spear"
  • Gretta - beautiful and common German name meaning "pearl"
  • Kristen - the name has religious roots and is translated as "in the footsteps of Christ"
  • Laura - denotes the noble plant "laurel"
  • Odelia - German name translated "rich"
  • Raik (Raya, Raya) - has a noble translation: "peaceful ruler"
  • Hilda - German name with the interpretation "combat"
  • Elsa - meaning: "an oath to God"

beautiful german names for girls

Beautiful Spanish names for girls

  • Maria - Spanish name, which translates as "patron", has religious roots
  • Lucia - Spanish name meaning "easy"
  • Letitia - beautiful name with the translation "happy" or "joyful"
  • Milagros - a name that means "joy" or "miracle"
  • Mercedes - a name that translates as "merciful"
  • Manuella - a religious name that says "God is with us"
  • Veronica -"one that brings victory"
  • Dolores - has connotations of "mourning" or "sad"
  • Carmen - has an exact translation of "vineyard"

beautiful spanish names for girls

Greek names for girls are rare and beautiful

  • Alexia - translates as "protector"
  • Ambrosia - Greek name, which translates as "immortal"
  • Andromeda - a strong name that says that a woman "thinks like a warrior"
  • Nicoleta - a name that literally says "victory of the people"
  • Olympia - divine name, translated as "house of the gods"
  • Pandora - name means "gift"
  • Lucia - reliable, leader, revolution

beautiful Greek names for girls

Beautiful Italian names for girls

  • Allegra - a name that says that its owner is "cheerful, cheerful"
  • Vittoria - literally "conqueror" and "victorious"
  • Michelina - is the one that "looks like God"
  • Patricia - stands for a woman from a noble family
  • Gabriella - Italian name, translated as "power from God"

Beautiful Polish names for girls

  • Agnieszka - translates as "pure" and "immaculate"
  • Anya - the name says that the woman is "gracious"
  • Boguslav - name glorifies God
  • Grasia -"pleasant"
  • Danuta -"divine", "deity", "God is my judge"

Beautiful Indian names for girls

  • Abha - girl "radiant", "with light"
  • Bharat - a name that translates as the name of the country "India"
  • Devi - stands for "Goddess"
  • Indira - name, the translation of which sounds like "beauty"
  • Karishma - translates as "miracle"
  • Madhavi - translates as "spring", "spring time"
  • Radha - common name in India, translated as "successful"

Beautiful names for Japanese girls

  • Aneko - literally translated as "older sister"
  • Kaidi- a beautiful name denoting a maple leaf
  • Sakura - beautiful name meaning "cherry blossom"
  • Mariko - translates as "child of truth"
  • Nariko -"sissy" if translated literally

Beautiful Persian names for girls

  • Abhayat - a name whose translation means "water"
  • Ava - a name that means "voice"
  • Adiba - literally, it's "harmony"
  • Darina -"woman of wealth"
  • Tabanda - translates as the one that "glows from within"

Beautiful foreign names for girls of twins and twins

Parents often want to name their twin children at the same time similar, but completely different. consonant names. Here are some ideas:

  • Allah and Bella
  • Angelica and Angelina
  • Snezhana and Milana
  • Marina and Darina
  • Masha and Dasha
  • Anya and Yana
  • Kira and Ira
  • Tanya and Anya

Video: "Unusual, beautiful and rare names for girls"

And now we present you a selection of the most common Iranian names in Russian transcription, along with their meanings. I am sure that you will find names here that are common to Russia and Iran :)

In addition to Arabic names (they differ in religious roots - basically, these are names famous figures Islam), is also used in Iran great amount Armenian, Assyrian, Turkish, Kurdish, etc. names not included in this list.

I think it's worth noting that the name structure in Iran is different from the one in Russia.
Surnames began to be used in Iran only after 1919, and before that, in order to distinguish people with the same names from each other, they resorted to various kinds of additions related to the city of birth, profession, qualities of a person (his nicknames), etc.

In modern Iran, names and surnames are used, but we do not have patronymics. However, one name can consist of several words (mainly, this applies to names of Arabic origin): for example, "Amir Ali" consists of two separate names, but in this combination it can also be used as one, individual name. This rule also applies to surnames: they can also consist of several parts and are sometimes very long (for example, “Naderi Afshar Sharif Niya”), although this is rather rare.
In Iran, it is not customary to use diminutive forms of names that are so common in Russia. Although some names are still provided diminutives, they are more of a comic-ironic connotation (for example, “Fereidn” can sound like “Fer”, “Kambyz” or “Kamran” - like “Kam”, “Elnaz” - like “Elѝ”).

Above you see an image of the Iranian internal passport - "shenas-name". It also replaces the birth certificate. It also includes all information about marital status, children and even the death of the owner. There are several various versions shenas-name. Here is the latest version (we intentionally removed the photo).

Women's names

Ava- "voice, call"
Azadeh- "free-thinking"
Azar- "fire", the name of the 9th month of the Iranian calendar
Azita- Iranian princess name
Akram(arab.)- "venerable"
Anahita- "perfection", goddess of water and fertility
Anush- "happy, fortunate"
Argavan- "red purple"
Arezu- "a wish"
Armagan- "gift"
Asal(arab.)- Honey
Atefe(arab.)- "affection, sympathy"
Atusa- Iranian princess name
Afsane- "story"
Ahu- "roe deer"
Ashraf(arab.)- "noble, most noble"
Banafshe- "violet"
Bahar- "Spring"
Bahar- "the one that brings spring", "spring flower"
Behnaz- "best for caresses"
Bat- "unique, special"
Vida- "found, obvious"
Ghazaleh- "gazelle"
Ghazal- "gazelle"
Gassedac- "Dandelion"
Gelare- "eyes"
Gisu- "curls"
Gita- Variety of song
Giti- "world, universe"
goli- « Pink colour, ruddy"
Golnaz- "sweet as a flower"
Golnar- pomegranate flower
Gonche- "bud"
Daria- "sea"

Delaram- "meek in heart"
Delbar- "bewitching, beloved, breaking hearts"
Dina- Dina; also "judge"
Doña- "world"
pity- "dew"
Dawn- "embroidered silk"
Zahra(arab.)- "courage"
Zeinab- “a tree with a pleasant aroma”
Ziba- "gorgeous"
Zohre- planet Venus
Yegane- "unique, unique"
Yekta- "unique, unique"
Katayoun- The heroine of "Shahnameh"
Kiana- "nature"
Kimia- "alchemy"
Cookub(arab.)- "star, celestial body"
Incense- Variety of flower
Lale- "tulip"
Leila (arab.)- "night"
Lily- "lilac"
Malihe(arab.)- "beautiful, sweet"
Mana- "likeness", the name of the goddess
Mandana- Iranian princess name
Manizhe- The legendary heroine "Shahnameh"
Marjan- "coral"
Marzie(arab.)- suitable, worthy
Maryam- "tuberose", Mary
Masoume(arab.)- "sinless, innocent"
Mahdokht- "daughter of the moon"
Mahin- "greatest"
Mahnaz- "glory of the moon"
Mahrokh- "moon-faced beauty"
Mahsa- like the moon
Makhtab- "Moonlight"
Mahshid- "Moonlight"
Mehrangiz- "the cause of God's love"
Mehri- "sun, loving, kind"
Mehrnaz- "glory of the sun"
Mehrnush- "Feeling of the Goddess"
Mine- "enamel"
Mina- "paradise"
Miter- Goddess of Kindness
Mozhgan- "eyelashes"
Maybe- "good news"
Mona- Goddess name
Monir(arab.)- "shine"
Morvarid- "pearl"
Nagme- "melody, song"
Nazanin- "Darling"
Nazgol- "cute flower"
Nazila- "Darling"
Narges- "narcissus"
Naseem(arab.)- "pleasant breeze"
Nastaran- "rose hip"
Nahal- "young sprout"
Nahid- "star, planet Venus"
Negar- "Darling"
Negin- gemstone in a frame (on a ring, other jewelry)
Neda- "voice, call"
Niayesh- "prayer"
Nicky- "kindness, purity"
Nick- "good, beautiful"
Nilufar- "lotus, water lily"
Nushafarin- creative joy
Noushin- "sweet"
Newsha- "listener"
Parastu- "martin"
parvane- "butterfly"
Parvin- Constellation name
Bet- "fairy"
Pariah- "like a fairy"
Pegah- "dawn"
Pune- "mint"
Puran- "descendant"
Wound(arab.)- "elegant, refined"
Raha- "free"
Roya(arab.)- "dream, vision"
Roxanne- "brightness"
Roshanak- "little light"
Sagar- a cup of wine
Sadaf- "pearl"
Saye- "shadow"
Salume- Salome
Samira- black girl
Sanaz- "full of grace"
Sanam(arab.)- "deity"
Sarah- Sara; "pure and perfect"
Sarvenaz- "tall, slender tree"
Sugar(arab.)- "dawn"
Sepide- "dawn"
Setare- "star"
Simin- "silver, made of silver"
Sogand- oath, promise
Soraya- Constellation name
Soheila(arab.)- "star"
Sudabe- The heroine of "Shahnameh"
Susan- "burning, flaming"
Susan- "lily of the valley"
Tara- "star"
Tarane- "song"
Tahere(arab.)- pure in heart
Tahmineh- The heroine of "Shahname", the wife of Rostam
Tina- "clay"
Tuba(arab.)- "perfect, the best"; also the name of the tree of paradise
Faranak- The heroine of "Shahname", the mother of Fereydun
Farangis- The heroine of "Shahnameh"
Farahnaz- "joy"
Farzane- "wise"
Fariba- bewitching, attractive
Faride- "special, precious"
Farnaz- "luxurious, flirtatious beauty"
Farhonda- "happy, joyful"
Fateme(arab.)- Name of Prophet Muhammad's daughter
Fereshte- "angel"
Firuze- "turquoise"
Forug- "brightness"
Foruzan- "shine"
Hale(arab.)- "nimbus"
Hastie- "Existence"
Hater- "remembrance"
Hedie- "gift"
Hengame- "a miracle, a pearl that everyone rejoices"
Hoda(arab.) -
Homa- "phoenix, fabulous bird"
Khorshid- "sun"
Shabnam- "dew"
Chagayeg(arab.)- "poppy"
Shadi- "happiness"
Charare- "sparkle"
Shahla- "dark-eyed woman"
Shahnaz- "beloved of the king"
Shahrzad- "born in the city"; Scheherazade from the Thousand and One Nights.
Sheida- "wishing love"
Shiva- "bewitching"
Width- "sweet, pleasant"
Shifte- "enchanted, captivated"
Shokufe- “bud, flower”
Shokuh- "luxury, splendor"
Shohre(arab.)- "famous"
Elaheh(arab.)- "goddess"
Elham(arab.)- "inspiration, revelation"
Yalda- Name of the longest night of the year
Yasamin- "jasmine"

Male names

Abbas(arab.)- "frowning, stern in appearance", another meaning: "lion"
Abtin- Hero of Shahnameh
Akbar (arab.)- "big"
Ali (arab.)- "high"; also son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad
Amjad (arab.)- "the most perfect, glorious"
Amine (arab.)- "honest"
Amir (arab.)- "king, emir"
Anush- "eternal"
Anushirvan- Name of a Persian king from the Sassanid dynasty
Arash- Hero of Persian folklore
Ardalan- Name of an Iranian Kurdish dynasty
Ardeshir- Famous king from the Sassanid dynasty
Arzhang- Hero of Shahnameh
Armand- "ideal, hope, aspiration"
Armin- Hero of Shahnameh
Aref(arab.)- "wise"
Arshya- "throne"
Assad(arab.)- "a lion"
Asghar(arab.)- "small"
Afshin- Commander of the Iranian army in ancient times
Ahmad(arab.)- "the most commendable"
Ashkan- Founder of the dynasty of Iranian kings
Barbad- famous musician s at the court of Khosrov Parviz
Bachmann- Name of the 11th month of the Iranian calendar
Bahram- Hero of Shahnameh
Behzad- "born great, the best of those born"
Behnam- "respected, venerable, with a good reputation"
Behrang- "best color"
Behruz- "fortunate, lucky"
Bijan- Hero of Shahnameh
Borzu- "high"; hero of Shahnameh
Vafa(arab.)- "loyalty"
Gobad- Hero of Shahnameh
Daryush- The name of the Persian king (Russian version: Darius)
Javad(arab.)- "generous, generous"
Javid- "eternal"
Jalal(arab.)- "greatness"
Jalil(arab.)- "great"
Jamshid- Hero of Shahnameh
Jafar(arab.)- "river"
Jahangir- "conqueror of the world" (Russian equivalent: Vladimir)
Zartosht- Zoroaster
Iraj- Hero of Shahnameh
Kazem (arab.)- "one who tames his anger"
Kamal- "perfection"
Cambyses- "lucky"
Kamran- "success, luck"
Camyar- "success, luck"
Karim(arab.)- "generous"
Kasra- Hero of Shahnameh
Keyvan- "world, universe"
Kiyumars- Hero of Shahnameh
Kiyanush- Hero of Shahnameh
Kurosh- King from the Achaemenid dynasty (Russian version: Cyrus)
Majid(arab.)- "great, noble"
Mani- An artist who later claimed to be a prophet
Mansour(arab.)- "protected by God"
Manouchehr- Hero of Shahnameh
Massoud(arab.)- "fortunate, prosperous, happy"
Mahmoud(arab.)- "praised"
Makhyar- Hero of Shahnameh
Mehdi / Mahdi (arab.)- "slave"; name of the 12th (hidden) imam among Shia Muslims
Mehran- One of the royal families from the Sassanid dynasty
Mehrdad- "God's gift"
Milad- "birth, Christmas"
Mojtaba(arab.)- "chosen one"
Morad(arab.)- "a wish"
Morteza(arab.)- "chosen one"
Mohammad(arab.)- "highly respected"; also the name of the Prophet of Islam
Mohsen(arab.)- one who does good
Mostafa(arab.)- "chosen one"
By the look- "promise, good news"
Nader(arab.)- "rarity"
Nasser(arab.)- helper, friend
Omid- "hope"
Payam- "letter, message"
Parviz- Hero of Shahnameh
Parsa- "pure in heart, pious"
Parham- Abraham
Pejman- "broken hearted"
Payman- "Promise"
Puya- lively, cheerful
Pulad- "iron", the name of the hero of myths
Ramtin- Famous musician from the Sassanid dynasty
Reza(arab.)- “will, consent, permission”
Rostam- One of the main characters of "Shahnameh"
Ruzbe- "lucky"
Sadeg(arab.)- "sincere"
Myself- "high rank, royal position"
Sasan- Founder of the Sassanid dynasty
Sattar(arab.)- “covering (sins)”, one of the names of God
Sepehr- "heaven"
Sirus- King Cyrus the Great
Siyavash- Hero of Shahnameh
Siyamak- "man with black hair"
Sorush- messenger angel
Soheil(arab.)- "star"
save- Hero of Shahnameh
Tahmasb- Hero of Shahnameh
Tahmures- Persian king's name
Turaj- Hero of Shahnameh
Faraz- "above, above, above, on top"
Faramarz- Hero of Shahnameh
Farbod- "right, traditional"
Farid- unique, unique
Farzad- "native splendor, beauty"
Fariborz- Hero of Shahnameh
Farhad- Hero of Shahnameh
Farhang- "noble birth"
Farshad- "happy"
farshid- "happiness"
Fereydun- Hero of Shahnameh
Firuz- "victorious"
Foruhar- "essence, meaning"
Khabib(arab.)- "friend"
Hadi(arab.)- "guide, leader, commander"
Hamed(arab.)- one who praises
Hamid(arab.)- "commendable"
Hasan(arab.)- "good"
Hafez(arab.)- "defender"
Hashayar- Name of a Persian king from the Achaemenid dynasty
Haydar(arab.)- "a lion"
Hesam(arab.)- "sharp sword"
Homayoun- "royal, happy"
Hormoz- Hero of Shahnameh
Khosro- The last mighty king at the head of the Sasanian Empire
Hossain(arab.)- "good"
Human- "someone with good behavior"
Hutan- "someone distinguished by a strong and slender body"
Hushang- Hero of Shahnameh
Shaiyan- "worthy"
Shahab- "shooting star, meteor"
Shaheen- "falcon"
Shahpur- "king's son"
Shahram- "King Ram"
Shahruz- "lucky"
Shahrokh- "royal face"
Shahrdad- "God's gift"
Shahriyar- king, king
Ebrahim(arab.)- Abraham
Emad(arab.)- "confidence"
Esmail(arab.)- Ismail (son of Abraham)
Esfandiyar- Hero of Shahnameh
Ehsan(arab.)- "good"
Younes(arab.)- And she
Yousef(arab.)- Joseph
Yakub(arab.)- Jacob, Jacob
Yahya(arab.)- John

A correctly chosen name has a strong effect on the character, aura and destiny of a person. positive influence. It actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and state, improves health, removes various negative programs of the unconscious. But how do you pick the perfect name?

Although there are cultural poetic interpretations what female names mean, in reality, the influence of the name on each girl is individual.

Sometimes parents try to choose a name before birth, making it difficult for the baby to form. Attempts to use astrology are no longer applicable, astrology and numerology of choosing a name have squandered all serious knowledge about the influence of a name on fate through the ages.

Christmas calendars, holy people, without consulting a seeing, perspicacious specialist, they do not provide any real help in assessing the influence of names on the fate of the child.

Lists of popular, happy, beautiful, melodic female names - in fact, generalizations, and completely turn a blind eye to the individuality, energy, soul of the child.

Beautiful and modern Persian names should first of all suit the child, and not the relative external criteria of beauty and fashion. Who don't care about your child's life.

Various characteristics according to statistics - positive features name, negative traits name, choosing a profession by name, the impact of a name on business, the impact of a name on health, the psychology of a name can only be considered in the context deep analysis character, energy structure, tasks for life and kind of a particular child.

Name compatibility topic(and not the characters of people) is an absurdity that turns inside out on interactions different people internal mechanisms of influence of the name on the state of its bearer. And it cancels the entire psyche, the unconscious, energy and behavior of people. It reduces the entire multidimensionality of human interaction to one false characteristic.

Meaning of the name does not give a full effect, this is only a small part of the effect. For example, Roshni (brilliant) does not mean that the girl will be happy in family life, and the bearers of other names are unhappy. The name can weaken her health, block her heart center and she will not be able to give and receive love. On the contrary, it will help another girl to solve problems for love or family, it will greatly facilitate life and achieve goals. The third girl may not bring any effect at all, whether there is a name or not. Etc. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics. And the same name. But fates are different.

The most popular Persian names for girls are also misleading. 95% of girls are called names that do not make life easier. You can only focus on the innate character of the child, spiritual vision and the wisdom of a specialist. And experience, experience and once again the experience of understanding what is happening.

The secret of the female name, as a program of the unconscious, a sound wave, vibration is revealed by a special bouquet primarily in a person, and not in semantic meaning and description of the name. And if this name destroys the child, then there would be no beautiful, melodious with a patronymic, astrological, blissful, it would still be harm, destruction of character, complication of life and aggravation of fate.

Below is a list of Persian names. Try to choose a few, the most suitable in your opinion for the child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the impact of the name on fate, .

List of female Persian names in alphabetical order:

Azer - fire
Amarded - immortality
ameretet - immortality
Anehita - impeccable
Arzu - desire
Atefeh - attachment

Benu is a lady

Galzer - rose garden
Hound - flower germ
Gulistan - earth

Jaleh - dew
Darya - ocean, river, sea

Ziba is beautiful
Zuleika - brilliant beauty
Zulekha - brilliant beauty
Zerin - golden

Kohinoor - mountain of lungs

Lelekh - tulip

Minu - heaven, paradise
Minu - heaven, paradise
Mojgen - eyelashes
Morverid - pearl
Manez - the glory of the moon
Mehvesh - like the moon
Mehdokht - the daughter of the moon
Mehteb - like moonlight
Mahshid - moonlight

Niga - care
Nilofer - water lily
Nilufer - water lily
Nilufer - water lily
Nousha - pleasant, sweet
Nesrin - wild
Naheed - impeccable

Omid - hope

Parvain - Pleiades
Parvin - Pleiades
Parvena - butterfly
Parisa is like a fairy
Peri is a fairy

Roshni - shining
Roshen - bright, illuminating
Roshenak - a brilliant woman
Roshenera - the light of the assembly

Simin - silver
Senez - full of grace

Tehirih - chaste, pure

Firuza - successful

Hershid - the sun
Horvaytat - health, perfection
Khorded - health, perfection
Horshed - the sun

Sherin - sweet
Shiren - sweet
Shirin - sweet
Shabnam - dew
Shenaz - the pride of the king
Shahrizad - city man
Shahrazad - city man

Jasmine - jasmine flower
Yasemin - jasmine flower

Fate is character. Character is corrected, including through thoughts. The most the main idea This name. The name lays changes in the character. Then character changes fate and future. Since all people are different, any generalizations that ignore the individuality of a person are incorrect.

How to choose the right, strong and suitable name for a child in 2019?

We will analyze your name - find out right now the meaning of the name in the fate of the child! Write to whatsapp, telegram, viber +7926 697 00 47

Name neurosemiotics
Yours, Leonard Boyard
Switch to the value of life

Each nation has its own national names. If for other nations they sound funny, difficult to pronounce, then for themselves they are the most beautiful names that have a certain meaning.

The name for the person himself is always dear and desirable. FROM early age he gets used to it and treats it with great trepidation.

Consider how Persian names sound and what meaning they have.

First you need to determine who the Persians are.

This is one of the varieties of the Iranian nation. Rich culture and ancient traditions are the main features of the Persian people.

Persian names are mostly associated with Islam. But there are also those who are not connected with the Muslim religion.

Persian names and their meaning

The Persians took the choice of names for their children very seriously. Every parent wants their child to have a certain quality. For example, the owner of the name Bakhtiyar was supposed to be lucky in everything and happy for the rest of his life. The owner of the name Nariman was considered a strong spirit.

Any name among the Persians consisted of a long chain of several names. That is, in addition to his main name, he was joined by the name of his father, grandfather, occupation, place of residence. If the bearer of this name has a son, then the name of the son was also added to this chain.

Let's figure out what this means long name as: Abu Farhad Firuz ibn Khershid ibn Yusuf Khatamkari Ganjavi. This means that Firuz is the son of Hershid and the grandson of Yusuf, has a son Farhad, is engaged in inlay work on wood, was born in the city of Ganja.

As you can see, the name is difficult to pronounce, but beautiful and original.

Persian names are derived mainly from Arabic.

Also, such phrases as “aga” (meaning “master”), “haji” (one who visited Mecca), “mullah” (preacher of Muslims), “ostad” (“master”, “teacher”) were also added to the names. , "Mashkhadi" (who visited Mashhad), "Mirza" ("educated") and so on.

Also, children were given names that were formed from the name of the month when he was born. For example: a person born in the first month was given the name Farvardin, in the eighth month - Aban, in the eleventh - Bakhman.

Those born on the Novruz holiday were given the name Novruz.

Women's names

Women's names emphasized the beauty, tenderness and intelligence of the girl. They were called words derived from the names of flowers, stones, stars, planets, and so on.

Such female names are known as: Aidana - means chastity, Anehita - impeccability, Danai - wisdom, Ziba - beauty, Sherin - sweetness, Tehirih - purity, Khorded - means health, Niga - caring and others.

AT modern world some names have become so popular that they are called girls and other nationalities. Especially popular are such beautiful Persian names for girls as: Aidana, Ainagul, Anisa, Guldana, Guldar, Gulzada, Gulfara, Gulchachak, Gulnaz, Gulchechek, Darina, Daria, Dilara, Zara, Zarina, Nargiz, Raushania, Roksana, Rubina, Yasamin and so on.

All these harmonious names speak of beauty, femininity and tenderness of the weaker sex.

Male names

A lot of known Persian names for the male. They also have their own meanings, which denote the mind, strength, wisdom, justice, courage, success of men.

For example: Anvar means “radiant”, Rustam is a hero, Rushan is light, Tamaz is approval, Tigran is a tiger, Farhad is smart, Eldar is domineering.

Especially popular are such names as: Ayvaz, Bakhtiyar, Rustam, Faiz, Yadgar, Yasmin, Farhad and so on.

Some Persian names are borrowed from other languages. Therefore, there are also such: Ali, Muhammad (Muslim), Martha, Thomas (Aramaic), Brian, Dylan (English), Alison, Olivia, Bruce (French), William, Leonard, Charles (German), Angel, Selina (Greek ), Mia, Donna (Italian), Nadia, Vera, Boris (Slavic) and others.

Persian kings

One of the great Persian kings was Darius 1. He was able to conquer Babylon, invaded Egypt, India, Phoenicia. Of no small importance, probably, was his name Darius, which means "winner".

After his death, his son Xerxes took the throne. His name means "hero among kings". Xerxes managed to stop the uprising in Egypt. When he was fifty-five years old, he was killed in a conspiracy.

In history, such names of Persian kings as Artaxerxes, Cambyses, Cyrus, Hystaspes and others are also known.

Any name has its own meaning, so your child needs to be careful when choosing it. Some names leave a negative imprint on future fate heir.

Persian (New Persian, Farsi, زبان فارسی) is the leading language of the Iranian group of the Indo-European family of languages, which has a rich centuries-old literary tradition, including recognized masterpieces of world literature. Originated as a continuation of the Middle Persian language in the era of the Islamization of Iran, after Arab conquest and was strongly influenced by the Arabic language.

Today, many native Persian names are allegedly given out as Arabic, or even for, which is not always true. For example, the name has Persian roots. The connection of Persian names with the names of the Indo-European peoples is obvious, because the Persians are the settled descendants of the Indo-European Aryan nomadic people, which are ok. 15th century BC e. arrived in Eastern Iran from Central Asia, displacing the Assyrians, Elamites and Chaldeans from there.

Often there are names that are similar to (, etc.). Persian names occupy a significant percentage in Azerbaijani, in, in, in, in Tajik, in Turkish and even in Uzbek names, which is not surprising. The Persian Empire, starting from the Sassanid Empire (224 to 651) and until the 19th century, occupied a vast territory including Central Asia and the Caucasus. The peoples living in the Persian Empire adopted Persian names. After the conquest of Persia by the Arabs and the adoption of Islam, the Persians now began to adopt foreign, Arabic names. By far the most popular male name in Iran, as in other Muslim countries - Arab; and . Persian names are written Arabic letters, and in Arabic it is not customary to write vowels in everyday life, which is why the pronunciation of Persian names is often distorted. For example, the Persian name is written in Arabic (رستم) because of which it can be read both as, Rustam, and as, and as Rastim. Or, for example, the name (فردوسی) - Firdusi, Firdaus, Firduz, etc. Sometimes there are funny coincidences in Arabic and Persian. For example, the Persian name "garnet flower" in Arabic means "fire, flame, heat of hell." The father calls his girl this beautiful name, but the mullah does not knowing the meanings Persian names, claims that this is a forbidden name because it means " hellfire". Another of the incidents; the mullahs forbid calling children angelic names or in honor pagan gods, but among Persian names such names are not only not prohibited, but also very popular. For example "angel", or; , - pagan goddesses. Many Persian names sound the same in the related Persian language - Sanskrit. For example, the well-known building - the "crown-palace" has Persian roots. Special mention should be made of the peoples living in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In the Urdu and Pashto languages, the share of Persian names also occupies a huge percentage.

Below are excerpts from various articles on the topic of personal, Persian names:

In addition to Arabic names (they differ in religious roots - basically, these are the names of famous figures of Islam), a huge number of Armenian, Assyrian, Turkish, Kurdish, etc. are also used in Iran. names.

I think it's worth noting that the name structure in Iran is different from the one in Russia.
Surnames began to be used in Iran only after 1919, and before that, in order to distinguish people with the same names from each other, they resorted to various kinds of additions related to the city of birth, profession, qualities of a person (his nicknames), etc.

In modern Iran, given names and surnames are used, but there are no patronymics in Iran. However, one name can consist of several words (mainly, this applies to names of Arabic origin): for example, "" consists of two separate names, but in this combination it can also be used as one, individual name. This rule also applies to surnames: they can also consist of several parts and are sometimes very long (for example, “Naderi Afshar Sharif Niya”), although this is rather rare.
In Iran, it is not customary to use diminutive forms of names that are so common in Russia. Although diminutive options are still provided for some names, they are more of a comic-ironic connotation (for example, “Fereidỳn” can sound like “Ferѝ”, “Kambyz” or “Kamran” - like “Kamy”, “Elnaz” - like “ Eli").

Among the Persian names, one can single out the names that have survived to this day from the ancient Persian language, from the pre-Islamic era, when Zoroastrianism was widespread. Such names usually contain in the name part azer "fire". Most of such names are used for both boys and girls, since there are no morphological means in Persian for distinguishing names by gender; such names are attributed either to male or female on the basis of lexical-semantic criteria; the exception is some female names formed from Arabic words with the addition of the final haye howez. This group of names includes those that were once worn by Zoroastrian priests (for example, Azerbad), in the past the names of Zoroastrian temples (Azerbahram, Azermehr, Azernush, Azerhordad, etc.), as well as names derived from the word "fire": Azer , Azerbu, Azergul, Azernush, Azerin, etc.

The names of another group are formed from Persian appellatives and have a transparent etymology, for example: "calm", "great master", "homeless", "strong, durable",

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