Sarah full name. Diminutive and affectionate variants

The origin of the name Sarah has pronounced Hebrew roots. Translated into Russian, this name means “lady”, “noble, respected woman”. Some linguists tend to think that it has a deeper meaning. Therefore, they interpret it as the “ancestor”, “mother”, “mother of all people”. Despite the fact that this beautiful name is very common in America and Europe, in Russia only girls from Jewish families are called this way.

Character traits

Either the ancient origin, or the fact that the name is extremely common in the Bible, left a certain imprint on its bearer. The secret of the name Sarah hides an extremely kind, shy and timid personality, as if "not from our century." She eschews noisy events and social events (solemn dinner parties). Being an aristocrat by nature, she tries to avoid "plebeian" entertainment in her opinion, preferring romantic walks to all discos.

He tries not to enter into conflicts with anyone and bypass problems. But this does not mean that she is afraid of difficulties. On the contrary, her character is distinguished by excellent fighting qualities, will and firmness, but the girl prefers not to expose her strength to the public.

The characteristic of the name Sarah gives its owner an amazing intuition, which she knows how to use. Perhaps that is why it is extremely difficult for her to make contact with strangers. But she loves old, time-tested friends and cherishes their friendship. Sarah is not a leader's name. She does not try to study, does not dream of a career or fame in general. This is a typical "home woman", who inherited softness and kindness not only from her mother, but absorbed her from the entire female maternal line.

But Sarah's character is not always molasses - she hates when something is imposed on her. A girl's pride can sometimes be very painful. This nullifies all natural softness, makes her a conflicting and absurd person, capable of ruining relations with everyone around her. She can be windy and obstinate, do not hesitate to go for forgery and deceit in achieving her goals. But this behavior is the exception to the rule.

Interests and hobbies

Sarah, as a rule, chooses quiet hobbies related to future motherhood and home. As a child, she enjoys attending circles of needlework and applied art. In his youth, he studied cooking and home design with ardor. And in anticipation of the child, it is mandatory to enroll in the school of mothers.

Profession and business

Despite the fact that Sarah does not experience the enthusiasm of a true careerist and always puts her family first, nature endows her with good creative potential. Having realized it, she can become a good actress, singer, art critic, artist, musician and teacher with a capital letter. She is unlucky in business. She has neither a "Jewish" acumen, nor a business "vein", so her undertakings, most often, are doomed to failure.


Sarah is in good health. But her nerves are not always all right: she can succumb to uncontrolled outbursts of anger and be overly impressionable. Also, the internal secretion organs are a weak point, but a woman is not used to complaining about her health.

Sex and love

Sarah is able to envelop a loved one with adoration. He does not forgive betrayal, preferring a break to a long showdown. She herself remains faithful to her promises, never betrays or deceives her lover.

She is rather reserved in her sexual life. Sometimes she has impulses of sensuality, especially if she meets "the love of her life." The girl chooses from the crowd of applicants the strongest, patient and financially secure man, a kind of alpha male.

Family and marriage

Sarah begins to look for a spouse quite early and marries early. Already in the course of family life, she becomes a good wife and mistress, a patient and loving mother, able to give all her love to her relatives. But, despite this, the marriage of the "summer" owner of the name rarely develops successfully, unlike the more cautious and prudent "winter" and "autumn" women.

If Sarah is mistaken in the chosen one, only a child can prevent her from leaving him. In the presence of common children, she silently endures and obeys her husband, even if she does not agree with him in her soul.

The name - Sarah, of Hebrew origin, meaning - "ancestor", or - "mother of many people." As a rule, Sarah is a very gentle and sympathetic person who inherited her character and her abilities from her mother. But her appearance is paternal, perhaps therefore, she is more attached to her father than to her mother. Also, the owner of this name is very kind, sociable and often a somewhat nervous person who does not like to be imposed on her at all. And if she chose the path of self-affirmation, then painful pride can often become the cause of her conflict and irascibility, which will not so much question her kindness as spoil her relationships with others.

Often, Sarah is always strong not only physically, but also psychologically. Her desire to be happy often leads to the fact that in search of her only and main happiness, she can quietly live life. Many do not like this woman, for her too windy character and obstinate behavior. After all, she constantly tries to prove to others that she is the best and most magnificent. She always achieves her goals, using all possible means, up to forgery and deceit. And her greatly inflated demands on the world around her are often not always useful for herself. But it is worth noting that sometimes in very difficult situations, Sarah can drastically change her attitude to everything that she previously did not understand and considered unnecessary. Among women with this name, there are many people of creative professions: musicians, artists, singers, but there are also accountants, cooks, teachers.

Sarah is strong not only physically, but also psychologically.

As a rule, Sarah marries very early and quickly becomes a good housewife and an exemplary wife who is very patient and who loves her husband and children. But, despite the large number of negative qualities, Sarah is always able to show maximum love for her dear person. For him, she will do everything possible and impossible. But betrayal, this woman does not forgive. Therefore, the rupture of relations will be without discussion and very fast. Sarah, born in winter, is often a wayward, quick-tempered and overly impressionable woman who, in anger, often becomes uncontrollable. She always has a strong will, great intellect and cannot stand any dictate.

Such Sarah is often witty and ironic. On the career ladder, step by step often moves forward and will not calm down until it climbs to the very top. Sarah, who was born in the summer, is often a kind and gentle person who is often unlucky. Colleagues usually get along well with her, perhaps because such Sarah does not tolerate slander at all. Her marriage, too, often develops - unsuccessfully. "Autumn" Sarah often happens to be a wise and unhurried person who always carefully thinks through her every step. And all her actions are distinguished by prudence and prudence. In people's assessments, such Sarah is also very - cautious, so it often seems that she herself does not know what she wants.

Sarah's name day

  • Name Sarah according to the zodiac sign: Suitable for Cancers.
  • Sarah's Talisman: carnelian.
  • Sarah's patron saints: Sarah of Libya.
  • Sarah Name Compatibility: favorable relations with the names: Andrey, Valentin, Gennady, Dmitry, Evgeny, Mikhail, Ruslan.

This is a purely Jewish name in origin, and its translation is interpreted as "noble girl." The topic of the meaning of the name Sarah is interesting, as is the question of origin, which is not surprising, because this name for girls, despite the rarity, is fraught with as many interesting things as almost none of them have.

It is believed that it promises a newborn girl a lot of good, but at the same time contradictory qualities. From an early age, she is characterized by such characteristics as energy, activity, restlessness, pampering, inability to sit still and concentrate on important matters, intolerance of boredom and monotony. She has an excellent character - her peers are drawn to her, and not only because of her optimistic mood and good manners, but also because of her devotion and loyalty. It does not need attention, it is enough without that. He loves to play with peers and make noise, rowdy and move away from sent, does not obey his parents, although he does not do anything too bad. Cheerful and positive, and that's why she is surrounded by friends and comrades.

School years will turn her into a diligent and serious lady, but not much. She will lack concentration - she will leave any business halfway, her goals are illusory and rarely achieved, and her lifestyle turns her into a clowness in the eyes of teachers, although no one can argue that she is talented and capable. She won’t become an excellent student, teachers will often criticize her non-obligation and lack of performance, but in sports she can “catch luck by the tail” - she is an adorer of team play and adrenaline. Her peculiarity - along with pampering, also has leadership inclinations, which not everyone can boast of ...

In his student years, he will acquire seriousness, diligence, commitment and impetuosity. Later he will understand that leadership talent can be used for his own benefit, but he will not use it for the benefit of only his own benefit. A team player who works for the team, and this is her dignity, and for this any team will love her.

She is eloquent and easily wins over those around her. Can realize himself in entrepreneurship or in a field where communication with people is required. She lacks firmness and exactingness - she is loyal to all the minuses of her friends and employees, does not want to demand more from people and does not want to communicate from a leadership position, which will often play against her. But she is surrounded only by devoted and faithful people, which is also not bad.

In relationships with the opposite sex, trouble, and all because of gullibility and excessive affection. Too quickly becomes attached to the man he meets, he can confuse affection with love and devote his whole life to the unloved, but he will not go anywhere first, he will not betray, he will not deceive. She will become an ideal wife and mother, attentive, caring, responsible.

However, in many ways, the construction of her personality does not depend on the chosen name, but on other factors ...

Sarah is a beautiful female name, and also very ancient. Many celebrities carry this name - S. Connor, S. Parker and others. Where does it come from and what does it mean?

The name Sarah: origin and meaning

The origin of this In any case, this is how it is now considered, and this is what all bearers of this name say. But if you believe the legends, then Sarah was the name of the wife of Abraham, who was the progenitor of the Jewish people. This means that this name existed even before the Jews even appeared on Earth. Since Abraham and Sarah came from the same family (the Bible says that they were the children of the same father, but of different mothers), and this family was Chaldean, then the name can be called Chaldean. It would be even more correct to characterize it as Semitic and complete the discussion there, since we do not know for sure when and where it first appeared.

As for the meaning of the name Sarah, there are many versions. This is due to the fact that this name is extremely popular not only in Jewish circles, but throughout the world among Christians, Muslims, and also in secular society. Therefore, it is worth talking about it in more detail.

In Judaism, as already mentioned, the name Sarah is associated with the forefather of all Jews. There are two biblical forms of this name: Sarah and Sarah. According to the story, God himself renamed her, commanding to double the “r”, when he predicted to Abraham that he would give him through Sarah (at that time already elderly and barren) offspring, as many as sand in the sea. The literal meaning of the name Sarah is mistress. At the same time, the form with one "r" is understood as "My Lady", and with a double one - as "Mistress of the multitude". The multitude means the people.

As for Christianity, in the Orthodoxy of the Russian and Greek traditions, only the second form of this name is used - Sarah. However, it must be clarified that changing the name by doubling the consonant is only an attempt by the authors of the Septuagint (the ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible) to convey in Greek the very fact of distinguishing names. In the original Hebrew text, both names sound somewhat different. So, the form "Sarah" corresponds to "Shed", and the form "Sarra" corresponds to "Sarah".

In which she did not use the Septuagint, but the Vulgate, that is, the Latin, and not the Greek translation, the name Sarah is completely absent. Therefore, in Western Christian, both Catholic and Protestant countries, only one adapted form with one "r" is known. The meaning of the name Sarah is most often interpreted in accordance with the second form - “Lady of the multitude”. Secular people, however, do not delve into these nuances, and often translate the name simply as “mistress”.

In Islam, as a whole, it corresponds to the Jewish tradition, both due to the proximity of the Hebrew and Arabic languages, and due to the similarity of religious giving. The Arabs, among whom Islam arose, also consider themselves the children of Abraham, but from another woman. Nevertheless, the name Sarah, in memory of the progenitor of the Jews, is quite popular in Muslim circles. There is, however, its own specificity in the field of interpretation of this name. The Arabic language offers two similar-sounding words that are considered variations of the name Sarah. The meaning of the name among Muslims is therefore double. The first - Sara - means "remainder". The second - Sarah - is translated as "rejoicing". The already familiar doubling of "p" in this case does not apply in any way to the Greek Bible. It's just a coincidence.

Other variations of the name Sarah

Transliteration into different languages ​​often distorts the original sound of words and generates many variants. So the name Sarah can sound like Sarah, Seira, Shara, Barn or Sera.

Diminutive and affectionate variants

Addressing Sarah by name, you can make a diminutive and affectionate shade, calling her Sarrushka, Ara, Sasa, Sarita or Zara. In addition, some diminutive forms can be used as a separate independent name, for example, Zara.

The meaning of the name Sarah for a girl

As a child, Sarah shows a remarkable propensity for balanced decisions. Intellectual abilities and memory are what the owners of this name always have in abundance. Morally, Sarah is most often kind and soft-hearted. She will never refuse to help those who need it, provided that the person deserves it.

The meaning of the name Sarah is such that she is prone to independence from others, and sometimes to a heightened sense of self-worth. This is expressed in the fact that Sarah is very nervous when someone tries to impose his opinion on her. Like a real lady, she herself likes to evaluate everything and independently form her opinion about the environment - people, events, environment, and so on.

If Sarah is spoiled as a child and her selfishness is allowed to take root, then later she will have great difficulties in understanding with others. Otherwise, Sarah is a good-natured, sociable misanthrope, prone to frequent emotional swings. If you do not hurt her pride, she will become a wonderful friend and an excellent soulmate.


When it comes to work, Sarah always tries to get her way. She is pragmatic in business. The meaning of the name Sarah determines that in the matter of self-realization, she methodically tries to break through to the very top. At the same time, it is desirable that Sarah not be occupied with financial issues, as this is fraught with the loss of herself. Women with the name in question are prone to creativity, science, but not to business. Sarah will most successfully realize herself as an artist, actress, musician or scientist. But entrepreneurship is not her forte.

A family

In a partner, Sarah appreciates, above all, spiritual harmony and the depth of relationships. Emotional intimacy and mutual understanding for her is always higher than material well-being.

Sarah is a female given name of Hebrew origin. Distributed in Israel, Muslim and Catholic countries - Azerbaijan, Spain, Italy, Norway, France, Sweden, America and Brazil. In translation, it means "noble woman", "lady". In Orthodoxy, it is used with two letters "r" - Sarah. In English, it is pronounced as Saira.

Sarah name in other languages

Years later

Little Sarah thinks and talks like an adult. Has an excellent memory. A quiet, kind girl who loves to sit at home and read books - not only fiction, but also reference books, encyclopedias, instructions. She studies very well at school - she easily manages to master even the most difficult material. Inclined to the humanities. Does not seek to stand out or lead. He is in great need of parental care and protection. He behaves timidly and indecisively, he always looks at the world and people with caution.

Little Sarah is endowed with an amazing maturity of thought for a child, and therefore she is often considered more mature than she really is. You can also note the kindness and responsiveness of the owner of the name. She loves to help others, and therefore will be a great helper for parents. You can also highlight her sociability and ability to avoid conflicts. The girl skillfully communicates with such different people, while not changing her own principles and understanding of good and bad.

Sarah usually excels academically and has a great relationship with her teachers. She is more inclined towards the humanities, but is also not without talent in the exact ones. You can also note the giftedness of the child in creative terms. Often the owners of the name are endowed with excellent plasticity and a sense of rhythm. In addition, Sarah has excellent hearing, which allows her to realize herself in this direction. It is very possible that she will connect her future with a creative direction.

Growing up, Sarah becomes a very pretty, but shy and reserved girl. She develops excellent intuition and flair for people. It is very difficult to make contact with strangers. Her friends are time-tested, but she is in no hurry to make new ones. With a kind and gentle character, she looks more like a mother, and in appearance - like a father, whom she adores.

Possesses painful self-love. The slightest criticism hurts and offends her deeply. Bypasses conflicts, but experiences difficulties stoically and is always ready to fight until victory. Very plastic, has a good ear and a sense of rhythm, which often determines the choice of a future creative profession.

In family life, the most important thing for her is spiritual and emotional closeness with her husband, mutual understanding. Material values ​​are not of decisive importance for her. She needs a strong, wealthy man, for whom spiritual intimacy comes first in marriage.

Adult Sarah gives the impression of a cold and uncompromising woman. But she just learned to perfectly control her emotions. Happiness wants not less, but much more than other women, directing all hopes for its acquisition. Therefore, she constantly tries to prove to others that she is the best and worthy.

A sharp mind and high intellect, irascibility and waywardness are characteristic of Sarah, born in winter. Kindness, kindness and creative talents are distinguished by women with this name, born in spring and summer. And the autumn ones are wise, unhurried and prudent in making important decisions.

Sarah, as a rule, inherits her character from her mother. So, she is characterized by extraordinary kindness, some nervousness, as well as sociability and maximum responsiveness, she often has good musical abilities and inclinations, and besides this, she has quite good plasticity. Her incredible sociability and responsiveness often do not give rise to some imposition of an opinion on her completely from the outside, and of anyone else.

Sarah's character

Despite her apparent shyness, Sarah has a very strong-willed and firm character, which allows her to stoically endure any blows of fate. Very practical, has good intuition. Kind, caring, responsive. Smart, intelligent, creative nature. Responsible and hardworking. An unusually strong will is inherent in her immediately from birth.

Sarah, as a rule, does not tolerate the slightest dictate from someone directly in relation to herself. Also, women with such a sonorous name are the owners of a powerful intellect and are often distinguished by incredible wit and irony. But they simply and quickly climb the career ladder step by step and often calm down only when they definitely get to its very top.

Indecisiveness and excessive caution become obstacles in achieving goals. Sensitivity to criticism speaks of a large amount of self-doubt. Due to the abundance of difficulties, it can become callous towards people. Sarah, who was born in winter, is often distinguished by waywardness, extraordinary impressionability and a sharp temper.

And if suddenly, she is in the heat of anger, then it is at such moments that she is practically uncontrollable, and it is better to try to stay away from her. With her extravagant appearance, Sarah happens to be more like her father, and it must be admitted that she is very attached to him.

Sarah's fate

To succeed, this strong and persistent woman will have to overcome many obstacles. For her, a strong family and a reliable rear in the form of a wealthy husband are very important, with whom she builds relationships very confidentially. Sarah can devote herself entirely to her family or divide her attention between family and creative work, but she will not work out as a careerist.

The work should bring her pleasure and captivate so much that she can abstract from the negative of everyday life. The main obstacle to success in life is doubt and excessive caution, due to which favorable chances are missed. There are a lot of positive traits in Sarah's character, and the possession of numerous talents helps to solve all kinds of problems, of which there are many in her life. Winter representatives are very emotional, wayward and quick-tempered. If she is angry, then it is best to stay away from her. Such women have a very sharp mind, they are ironic. Autumn Sarahs are very wise and balanced. They are always cautious and think through every step. They are hard to please and seem like they don't know what they need. Summer Sarahs are the kindest and gentlest, but their responsiveness can get them into trouble.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

The lack of ambition and prudence excludes the possibility of a career in business for Sarah. She can become a good teacher or kindergarten teacher, but she realizes herself most fully in a creative profession - an actress, singer, musician or designer. Never risks savings for the sake of investments, prefers a solid income.

Success awaits her in her scientific work as a scientist, translator, writer, lecturer. Sarah will also be a good designer, librarian, archivist. But he can also choose the profession of an accountant, a cook or a teacher. The Sarahs move up the career ladder to the very top, rung by rung. Good relations usually develop with colleagues, since Sarah does not tolerate slander and gossip.

Marriage and family

Family for Sarah is of tremendous importance. Having suffered in relations with insidious traitors, she often marries for materialistic reasons. Her husband must be wealthy, decent, generous, considerate, caring and quite obedient, because Sarah likes to command. Feeling secure, she will build relationships on spiritual intimacy and become the best wife, mistress and mother in the world.

In family life, the most important thing for her is spiritual and emotional closeness with her husband, mutual understanding. Material values ​​are not of decisive importance for her. She needs a strong, wealthy man, for whom spiritual intimacy comes first in marriage. In dealing with Sarah, regardless of her character, one should not hurt her pride, otherwise she may explode. You need to speak with her gently and confidentially, and then she will be able to understand everything and not be offended.

Sex and love

Sarah's external data does not differ in features that usually attract men. But she is very sweet and kind. In a relationship, she is jealous, although she does not show her feelings without a reason. But if there are real reasons, then he arranges such a scene that a man will regret his recklessness for a long time.

In love, Sarah opens her soul to her chosen one as much as possible, and this often turns into betrayal. But no matter how many failures she experiences on the love front, she will always open up completely every time. Restrained in sexual relations, but when she meets true love, she becomes sensual and passionate.


It has enviable physical health, which can be maintained until old age, if problems with the endocrine glands can be avoided. But mental health can falter in the form of prolonged depression. It should be noted that autumn Sarah is usually characterized by some wisdom and slowness. So all the actions of Sarah, born in the autumn months, are distinguished by maximum discretion and precise balance.

And, of course, before making an important decision, she will definitely weigh everything and think through almost every step. Also, Sarah will approach the assessment of various people with extraordinarily careful and balanced approach. Sometimes there is even a certain impression that she herself does not know at all what she wants. She is really hard to please.

Interests and hobbies

Her hobbies since childhood are connected with the house - needlework, applied art, cooking. She likes the process of creating beautiful things, so she often becomes a craftswoman in many areas of handicraft. In her mindset, Sarah is a humanist with a phenomenal memory. She has good musical inclinations and plasticity. From childhood, she should be taught to art and creativity, perhaps this will become her future profession. Sarah should not think about money problems, she should be protected from this. It needs to be loaded with a large flow of information, preferably creative. She can work in the art world and become a musician, a museum worker, an artist.

An unusually strong will is inherent in her immediately from birth. Sarah, as a rule, does not tolerate the slightest dictate from someone directly in relation to herself. Also, women with such a sonorous name are the owners of a powerful intellect and are often distinguished by incredible wit and irony. But they simply and quickly climb the career ladder step by step and often calm down only when they definitely get to its very top.

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