Do you know the meaning of the name Artemy? The meaning of the name Artemia and its detailed characteristics.

The name Artemy came to us from Ancient Greece. Although it is consonant with another, more popular - Artem, the meaning of the first is slightly different. From the Greek Artemy, the meaning of the name is translated as "intact", "perfect". It is dedicated to Artemis hunting.

Name characteristic

The meaning of the name Artemy suggests that in childhood he is a little stubborn and very persistent. Prefers the company of adults, not their peers. For some reason, Artemiev is usually brought up in strictness. Maybe that's why they become good athletes, the boys grow up mobile, hardy and dexterous.

The meaning of the name Artemy for those born in winter suggests that the child becomes an avid debater, often talking for a long time and about nothing. In marriage, he usually has no luck. But Artemy adores his children and tries to save the marriage for their sake. He is extremely responsible and keeps his word, you can count on him, he is very obligatory.

They have few close friends and acquaintances. They are very careful. Before doing something or deciding, they will think it over several times. If suddenly they have even the slightest suspicion of the dishonesty of their partners, they will immediately refuse to cooperate with them.

The meaning of the name Artemy for those born in the summer promises them softer and calmer character traits. They do not treat others so harshly, they are more loyal to others. They like to take care of animals, help the weak and defenseless. Endowed with a poetic gift.

Excellent driving, love to travel to different cities and countries. The “summer” Artemievs have a highly developed intuition. Be calm, if he took up the matter, he will definitely bring it to the end.

Artemia, born in autumn, often join the church and become priests.

Often Artemy takes the appearance from his father, but internally resembles his mother.

Name days are celebrated on July 6 and November 2. July 6 - Holy Righteous Artemy Verkolsky. He lived in the XVI century in the Arkhangelsk region, was the son of a peasant. As a youth, he pleased God with such qualities as modesty and obedience. Artemy Verkolsky died at the age of thirty.

And for another thirty years, his relics were preserved in the church of St. Nicholas. November 2 - Saint He was executed in 363. This saint is supposed to pray for the cure of any hernia.


In the numerology of the name Artemy, the number 8 corresponds. People with this number are characterized by the grasp and ingenuity necessary to run their business. Most Artemievs are very strong and independent natures, who always put profit and material wealth in the first place. Nothing in the life of the "eights" is not easy for them.

They are workaholics, they are always busy with business, work, they do not take vacations. Perhaps that is why there are a lot of successful politicians, officials and businessmen among such people. In achieving their goals, all means are good for them, only the end result is important. And they achieve it without stopping at anything.

The meaning of the name Artemy says that the main thing in their life is work and career, so the "eights" have quite a few friends. In marriage, such people play the role of head of the family.

It means the same as Artem.

Unlike the previous name Artemy sounds a bit dull. Consider the difference between Artem and Artemy.

As a child, Artemias are very persistent, even stubborn. They like to be in the circle of adults more than among their peers. Parents bring them up in severity, almost in a Spartan way. Such boys are very dexterous, mobile and plastic, they make good athletes.

"Winter" - great debaters, they like to pour from empty to empty. In their first marriage, they are unlucky, but for the sake of their children, they patiently carry their cross. Very required. They have few friends, they will not call everyone their friend. They think over their actions well and are wary of partners - if suspicion arises regarding the latter, they will diplomatically refuse them. "Summer" - more calm and tolerant of the opinions of others. They take care of the weak, love animals. Not without a poetic gift. They have good intuition. They drive a car well, like to go on business trips, travel. Everything is going well in their hands, starting a business, they will bring it to the end. Outwardly similar to the father, in character - to the mother. Their character is independent, adapting is not in their habits. Some Artemias born in the autumn months become priests.

The meaning of the name Artemy

Name origin Artemy. Name Artemy Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

Synonyms for the name Artemy. Artemios, Artamon, Artemi, Artsem, Artemio, Artem.

Short form of the name Artemy. Artosha, Artemyushka, Artya, Artyomka, Artyomchik, Tyoma, Artyunya, Tyunya, Artyukha, Artyusha, Tyusha, Artyosha, Artyomino.

Name Artemy- this is the church form of the name Artem. Translated from Greek, "artemes" means "dedicated to Artemis", the goddess of the hunt and the moon. There is also a variant of interpretation as “healthy”, “intact”, “perfect health”.

From early childhood, Artemia prefer to communicate not with peers, but with older children. That's why Artemy always trying to gain the upper hand, so as not to lag behind and not be worse or weaker than others. He tries to cultivate in himself (not without the participation of his parents) a strong will, often this helps him develop physically well, he can even become a professional athlete. His stubbornness (in a good way) and perseverance help him achieve many goals.

Artemy very obliging, thinks through his actions well and does not like to be dependent on anyone. He has a well-developed intuition and imaginative thinking, which helps him to achieve success in business without the participation of partners, but only thanks to his strengths. The owner of the name Artemy everything goes well in his hands, he tries to bring the work he has begun to the end and does it as well as possible. Artemy always tries to get the upper hand, sometimes can argue a lot and often likes to just fray, but prefers not to gossip. The owner of this name is a non-conflict person, his calmness helps to diplomatically resolve the conflict that has arisen.

Artemy patient with other people, but adapting to them is not in his habits. He always has his own opinion. It often happens that his first marriage does not always go well, but for the sake of the children (and this is the only exception), he can save the family. Artemy takes care of the weak, loves animals, travelling.

Name day Artemy

Notable people named Artemy

  • Artemy(abbot of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, one of the ideologists of Russian non-covetousness (died after 1571))
  • Artemy Volynsky (statesman and diplomat (1689–1740))
  • Artemy Antioch ((362) Christian saint, revered in the guise of great martyrs)
  • Artemy Verkolsky (Russian Orthodox saint)
  • Artyom Troitsky (better known as Artemy Trinity; rock journalist, music critic, one of the first propagandists of rock music in the USSR, indie and electronic music in Russia. One of the leading specialists in contemporary music in Russia)
  • Artemy Lebedev (Russian designer, founder, art director and owner of Artemy Lebedev Studio, famous blogger and traveler)
  • Artemy(Harutyun) Ayvazyan (jazz composer, conductor, cellist, leader of one of the most popular orchestras in the Soviet Union. Honored Art Worker of the Armenian SSR (1939), People's Artist of the Armenian SSR (1964))
  • Artemio Franchi ((1922-1983) Italian football manager)
  • Artemio Iglesias ((1943-2010) Cuban politician)
  • Artemio Paludu ((born 1932) Brazilian politician)
  • Demis Roussos (real name Artemios Venturis Roussos, Greek pop singer (born 1946))

Artemy is an unpopular ecclesiastical form of a different name familiar to everyone, the interpretation of which means "honoring Artemis" or "healthy", "indomitable", unharmed".

Name origin

The male address Artemy was invented back in ancient Greece in honor of the goddess of hunting, the beautiful Artemis.

Although many linguists stubbornly claim that this name, which has become Orthodox, is only indirectly connected with the popular Artyom in Russia, such a theory seems doubtful, even based on the comparative characteristics of the personal qualities of the owners of such similar nicknames.

general characteristics

Little Artemy is distinguished by perseverance and stubbornness, loves the company of adults and neglects games with peers. The boy will benefit from an upbringing in "hedgehog" gloves, with minimal comfort conditions - Spartan.

It is great if a child is raised by a family of athletes, because young Artyomushka does not have mobility and plasticity, and a parental example will be an ideal stimulus for conquering the most daring peaks.

Among the owners of the name, there are often unsurpassed debaters and talkers, especially if their birthday falls in the winter. Summer Artemy manages to direct his speech talent along the literary path - he makes a good poet and orator.

People who were lucky enough to bear the "divine" name Artemy were awarded by nature with excellent intuition, tolerance, endurance and the ability to analyze.

Therefore, turning to Artyomushka, adults never use the methods of communicating with young children - they do not lisp and do not try to divert his attention - this guy will appreciate the straightforwardness and clearly expressed remark fairly and without undue offense.

Positive character traits

Artemy is an altruist, he loves animals, takes care of the weak and does not expect praise in return. Work in his hands is arguable, and the ability to correctly allocate responsibilities and plan the stages preceding the achievement of the goal makes a man an indispensable employee and an excellent leader.

In his personal life, Artyomushka will always be the unspoken leader, and his soulmate will never feel unloved or deprived of attention.

Negative character traits

It is extremely difficult to find negative qualities in Artemia. He is principled, has a personal point of view, but he will not impose his ideas on anyone - after all, he values ​​\u200b\u200beach person as a separate person, not like others.

If someone thought that you can ride such a person, you are deeply mistaken. Artemy's intuition never sleeps, if he feels that you want to use him for selfish, unrighteous purposes, he will simply stop communicating.

Zodiac sign

The most favorable fate forecast is given by astrologers for Artemy, born in Libra. The name is also suitable for Taurus and Capricorn.
The distant, bright Venus will patronize the owner of the ancient name.
The color that brings peace and joy is beige.
The talisman stone recommended for wearing is topaz.


Artie, Tesha, Temushka, Artem, Theme, Artem.

Name Variations

The shortened form of the name Artem has become a separate, more popular appeal.

Historical figures

late XIII - early XIV centuries. - military leader, Christian martyr Artemy of Antioch.
1520-1532 - a youth who died after a thunderstorm from hunger and cold, numbered among the saints Artemy Verkolsky.
born 1955 - rock journalist, musician, critic Artemy Troitsky.
born 1975 - Traveler, designer, inventor Artemy Lebedev.
born 1991 - Russian hockey player Artemy Panarin.

Name day

The main quality of Artemy is perseverance, he is characterized by purposefulness and perseverance.

Translated from ancient Greek, the name Artemy means "dedicated to Artemis."

Origin of the name Artemy:

The name Artemy is an old church version of the name "Artyom". It comes from the Greek "artemis", which translates as "dedicated to Artemis." The Greek roots of the word also promise health and longevity to the owner of the name Artemy.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Artemy:

Since childhood, Artemia are quiet and non-capricious. They quickly get bored with the company of their peers, they prefer to communicate with older children or with their parents. It is very important for Artemievs to assert themselves, to prove their strength and independence. They are rarely the first to fight, but are not cowardly and are always physically strong. In studies, they are ambitious and selective, they know exactly what they want. Curiosity in youth often leads them to bold experiments.

Artemiev has a complex and contradictory character. They are subject to inner passions and often suffer from doubts. One part of their nature requires sharpness and risk, while the other strives for professional viability and a quiet life. Artemia usually takes a long time to choose a profession, and often it is associated with travel, communication with people, management and coordination. Artemias are talented creators and successful managers, they are able to guess the mood of society and adapt to them. They often find themselves in art and bring new solutions and bold ideas to it. In their youth, Artemias are especially restless and ambitious; by adulthood, they are already planning to take place in work and start a family.

In dealing with people, Artemia is understanding and accommodating. You should not anger Artemy - he is not vengeful, but one "spacing" from Artemy the leader is enough for a subordinate to never again make mistakes in his work. As subordinates, they are proactive and inquisitive, eager to help and find the best solution to a problem. Focusing on a career, they rarely pay special attention to friendship, are picky and demanding of close friends, but in the company they treat everyone around them equally evenly and friendly. When in the mood, they are able to capture attention and shine in its center, but they do not strive to do this all the time.

Artemiev's love relationships are also greatly influenced by their career aspirations. They often marry young, meticulously choosing their future wife - she must be a fragile beauty. But such early marriages often end in divorce. More stable are the unions entered into by Artemia in adulthood, when they have already taken place in their careers and know exactly what they want from the family.

Artemy is not a supporter of large families, he treats distant relatives coolly, but he is able to adore loved ones. Children are often pampered, compensating for this with overly strict requirements. In everyday life, he is sometimes lax and eccentric, but he is very picky about the cleanliness and beauty of the house. They value a strong rear, they can be spenders, but closer to old age they become stingy.

"Winter" Artemia are quick-tempered and witty, and "summer", on the contrary, are calm, generous and tolerant of people. Those born in spring are restless and sociable, in autumn they are wise, balanced and boring, they often become clergymen.

The marriages of Artemiev with Christina, Angelina, Veronika, Ekaterina and Tatyana are successful, alliances with Lydia, Oksana and Maria can be fragile.

The name Artemy means "unharmed", "healthy", "dedicated to Artemis".

Name origin

Artemy is a male name that has Greek roots. The origin of the name is connected with the Greek word meaning "impeccable health", "intact". Also, some researchers point out that the name Artemy can be translated as "dedicated to Artemis." Artemis is the goddess of the hunt and the moon in Ancient Greece.

Name characteristic


As a child, Artemka stands out among his peers with stubbornness and perseverance. The boy communicates more readily with older children than with his peers. From an early age, he demonstrates an enviable perseverance in achieving the goal. He has an increased need to communicate with his parents. And if adults are able to establish a trusting relationship with the boy, then in the future they will not have any problems with him in education. Often Artemy is engaged in sports sections, showing pretty good results.


He is an independent man who likes to rely on his own strength. He has a well-developed imaginative thinking, excellent intuition, which helps to find the right solutions in different situations. Such a man necessarily brings all his affairs to the end, everything goes well in his hands.

Artemy is a non-conflict person who tries to resolve all contradictions peacefully. Moreover, he always strives to demonstrate his innocence to others. But, as a rule, with the help of arguments and diplomatic methods.

Artemy is characterized by a love of travel, especially distant ones. He prefers to travel behind the wheel of a car, he drives very well. In addition, he likes to do repairs on his “iron friend” on his own, not trusting specialists.


Since Artemy is quite hardworking, any profession will suit him. At first glance, it may seem that he does not seek to make a career. But it is not. Artemy is gradually, step by step, going up. The profession of an engineer, mechanic, lawyer, journalist is most suitable for him. Sometimes he becomes a priest.

Personal life

Often an exemplary husband. He is condescending to the weaknesses of his wife, helps her with the housework. As a wife, he usually chooses a bright, beautiful woman. As a rule, Artemy does not cheat on his wife and also expects fidelity from her.

Name compatibility

The name Artemy goes well with patronymics Borisovich, Yurievich, Nikolaevich, Pavlovich, Danilovich, Glebovich, Konstantinovich.

Successful compatibility with such female names: Akulina, Anna, Maya, Elena, Galina.

Name day

Orthodox name day at Artemy:

  • April - 6;
  • July - 6;
  • November - 2, 13;

Famous people

The most famous people with the name Artemy: Abbot Artemy, Artemy of Antioch, Artemy Volynsky, Artemy Verkolsky.

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