Levitan autumn day falconers description of the picture. History and description of the painting "Autumn Day

Autumn mood, the mysterious depth of the forest, the harmony of nature and a woman - we see all this in the painting “Autumn Day. Sokolniki by artist Isaac Levitan. What mood did the famous author want to convey?

How was the painting created?

Levitan painted mostly landscapes. The painting "Autumn day. Sokolniki" he wrote when he lived in the countryside. At that moment, he felt loneliness, longing, which he conveyed in all the colors of autumn. When Isaac Levitan showed the picture to his friend Nikolai Chekhov, he advised the artist to finish painting a woman walking along the road, and not only advised, but also persuaded him to do it. So, in the beautiful autumn landscape of Levitan, a charming young woman appeared, already completed by Chekhov.

Painting «Autumn day. Sokolniki"

Whether the picture has benefited from this is to be judged by connoisseurs of this work.

The painting measures 63.5 by 50 cm.

Description of the picture

In his painting “Autumn Day. Sokolniki ”Isaac Levitan conveyed a wonderful Russian autumn. A winding path goes into the distance, showered with autumn leaves. Centuries-old trees frame the road, mysteriously bending over it, all whispering the mysterious song of autumn; at the same time, young trees with golden crowns convey the sound of a breeze that drives the clouds hanging over the road. Clouds are flying somewhere, driving away sad, disturbing thoughts. On the side of the road there is a lonely shop, it seems to be waiting for a traveler who wants to sit down and take a break, think, maybe reflect on life or dream.

A woman in a black dress walks lonely on the road. She seems to personify sadness, loneliness, sadness, thoughtfulness, evokes philosophical thoughts. It harmonizes with the deep mood of the landscape itself, complementing it with its own image and at the same time dissonant with it. Or maybe it is she who will stop near the bench, sit down and think about how she can continue to go along the path of life. But we can only guess about this.

With the help of blurry colors, the artist conveyed the silence of the park, autumn dampness, sadness, beauty, melancholy, sadness. Looking at the picture, you can even smell the leaves and the rustle of the wind, catch the movement of the clouds, which seem to be about to rain.

Painting «Autumn day. Sokolniki" became the hallmark of the young artist Levitan. It was exhibited at the student opening day and attracted the attention of connoisseurs, artists, and spectators. Tretyakov, seeing the picture, was impressed and wanted to buy it. So the picture ended up in his gallery and became its pearl. It was with this picture that Pavel Tretyakov's gallery began.

In this picture, the author not only depicted the autumn landscape, but conveyed his mood and feelings. And he painted so skillfully that the viewer could feel and understand him. It became an inspiration for musicians and writers who wrote poetry, composed melodies, conveying all the colors of the mood, the gamut of feelings, the charm of autumn.

Description of the painting by Levitan “Autumn day. Sokolniki"

It is impossible not to recall the famous painting by Isaac Ilyich Levitan “Autumn Day. Sokolniki.
He wrote it in 1879 and to this day it is in a place of honor in the Tretyakov Gallery.
Two aspects make this picture famous and exclusive, the fact that this is the only landscape in which the artist depicted a human figure, and the fact that this lonely lady walking in the park was painted not by the author himself, but by his friend, brother of the famous writer, Nikolai Pavlovich Chekhov .
The time of writing the picture was very difficult for our author.
After the decree forbidding the stay of a Jew in Moscow, Levitan was forced to move to Saltykovka.
All his landscapes of that period are sad and nostalgic.

In the picture we see dark tall pines.
They evoke some melancholy and feelings.
Small trees grow along the path.
Yellow leaves, barely hanging on small twigs through the raging wind.
The same wind nailed a shock of leaves to the edges of the path, as if freeing the passage for a mysterious lady.
And what is this woman? Maybe it's just a random passerby, walking in the park on an autumn day.
And perhaps this is not an accidental woman.
Maybe she meant something to the author.

Looking at the picture, you can understand the mood of the author.
These dull colors, the overcast sky, the trees fluttering from the strong wind and the dark figure of a woman speak of his longing.
And the very fact that the woman was not drawn by the artist himself gives her even more mystery and mystery.

Probably a great achievement for Levitan was the recognition of his painting and its place in the Tretyakov Gallery.
And although many more works of the author have found their home there, but it is the dark figure of a woman that will always be the first.
Many of his landscapes are called musical, lyrical, poetic.
So is the picture “Autumn Day.
Sokolniki has become an inspiration for many poets and musicians.

Autumn day. Sokolniki

The picture shows autumn and a woman in black. She walks along the path of the park, which is surrounded by golden young trees (the leaves have already begun to fly around), and dark trees are already behind them with a high wall. They are tall and old, powerful at the same time. There are no flower beds.

There is a bench near this well-groomed slightly ornate path. (This is a park, after all!) But, of course, no one sits on it anymore - it's cold. It is possible that it has rained not so long ago, the boards may be damp.

This day is not sunny at all. The sky is gray, the clouds - the sun is not visible. Most likely, it is cool, as the woman cringed a little, as if from cold and dampness. She walks, judging by the flowing dress, quite quickly - this is not a walking step. In general, walking people are no longer visible. Maybe it's just a weekday. The grass is still greenish. There are no birds, no flowers. More precisely, there are darker spots in the grass. They appear to be dried flowers.

The woman's gaze is distracted. She looks sideways. The black dress suggests that she is a widow. For example, she walks in the park with her sad thoughts, with memories of how, for example, she walked here with her parents. However, she has white sleeves and an ornament around her neck. Perhaps this is not mourning, but simply a tribute to fashion. The woman is young, there are no gray hairs in dark hair. She still doesn't have an umbrella and some kind of cape, that is, it's not so cold there.

This park is more like a well-groomed forest. The path is quite wide. Here you can ride a horse. The path repeats the gray sky. The same strip at the top of the picture. The road goes somewhere in the distance, turns.

The picture is somewhat disturbing. Calm on the outside, but restless on the inside. Very autumnal: both in colors and in mood. It does not cause rejection in me, rather, curiosity.

Description 2

With this picture began the recognition of Levitan as a talented artist. It was bought by Tretyakov for his gallery. And at that time, getting into his collection was tantamount to getting the Nobel Prize now.

The picture shows an autumn park. We see a high sky with large white clouds floating across it. They give the picture a cloudy feel. It's about to rain.

The grass is still green, but not as lush green as in summer. But the path is strewn with yellow withered foliage falling from young trees growing along the path. They stand out strongly against the background of tall pines with their yellowness. Pine trees, like evergreen giants, stand behind the young growth.

A lonely girl walks along the path. This is so unlike Levitan. On his canvases, people are extremely rare. The girl was painted by a friend of the artist, brother of the writer Chekhov.

The picture is written in sad colors. It reflects the inner state of the artist at the time of painting. The artist was Jewish by nationality. In Moscow, police terror began against them. And the artist was evicted from the city. He began to live near the city in a place called Saltykovo.

He indulged in memories, and reproduced his favorite places on canvas. Upon closer examination of the picture, you can see distinct strokes with which the path and pine crowns are written. And if you move away from the picture a little further, then the strokes are no longer visible. Everything merges together, the picture seems airy.

The brush is sensitive to the mood of the artist. She conveys his anxious state, uncertainty about the future. It feels like you are looking at the picture from the bottom up. Therefore, the sky seems high, and the pines are huge, leaving in the sky.

And the path seems so wide for a lonely figure. This is the path along which the artist himself goes. Where he is going he does not know. Like the woman in the picture. The wind flutters the hem of her dress. It makes her feel even more alone and defenseless. So I want to feel sorry for her.

If you fantasize a little, it seems that you can hear the rustle of leaves on the path, the wind plays with them. The tall pines creak. You can even hear the girl walking through the leaves. They crunch under her feet. And there is nothing comparable to the smell of autumn leaves.

Composition description of the painting Autumn day. Sokolniki Levitan

A real artist is capable of seeing and feeling the beauty of nature, displaying it on the canvas. So did one of the outstanding masters of painting - Isaac Levitan. His painting - Autumn Day showed autumn in all its glory. As if the wings of a bird opened its horizon above the trees. An autumn day has driven white smoky clouds over the treetops, where in some places gray shades of a slightly overcast sky are visible.

A dense array of fir trees seems to guard the path, rushing into the distance, located on both sides of it. And only tall pines, as if slightly swaying their branches, giving out the mood of autumn. And the path between them is surrounded by them, almost evenly seated not far from the curb. Quite along the outskirts of the walking path, small trees grow, already completely with yellowed leaves, densely covering their branches. And alone with nature, a lonely figure of a woman hurries somewhere, or maybe takes a walk, driven by a light breeze fluttering her attire.

In time with this, it is as if the golden trees are waving their branches after her and are greeting her in this park area. They grow on a lawn covered with dense lush green grass with a rare yellowness, which remained in that color when it was still warm, reminiscent of the end of summer. A tidy path, with fallen golden leaves, frame it around the edges. They are so skillfully drawn by the master and give the impression of a golden fringe. The general background of the picture sets the viewer to the perception of autumn as one of the favorable seasons for reflection and quiet walks in nature.

Perhaps this landscape was painted by the author after such walks in the autumn park, where he saw all the beauty of real autumn. A small path in the foreground on the right creeps imperceptibly into the dense forest thicket. The golden beauty of autumn does not at all overshadow the mood accustomed to a cheerful summer. This is what Levitan wanted to express, leaving the right for autumn to be one of the favorite seasons.

The choice of such a plan will not leave indifferent those who love the art of real artists, revered for their tireless work and real reflection of reality, when their work will be admired and admired forever. Just standing and looking at the picture is enough to mentally visit this park and agree with the artist with the charm of autumn.

It is impossible not to recall the famous painting by Isaac Ilyich Levitan “Autumn Day. Sokolniki. He wrote it in 1879 and to this day it is in a place of honor in the Tretyakov Gallery. Two aspects make this picture famous and exclusive, the fact that this is the only landscape in which the artist depicted a human figure, and the fact that this lonely lady walking in the park was painted not by the author himself, but by his friend, brother of the famous writer, Nikolai Pavlovich Chekhov . The time of writing the picture was very difficult for our author. After the decree forbidding the stay of a Jew in Moscow, Levitan was forced to move to Saltykovka. All his landscapes of that period are sad and nostalgic.

In the picture we see dark tall pines. They evoke some melancholy and feelings. Small trees grow along the path. Yellow leaves, barely hanging on small twigs through the raging wind. The same wind nailed a shock of leaves to the edges of the path, as if freeing the passage for a mysterious lady. And what is this woman? Maybe it's just a random passerby, walking in the park on an autumn day. And perhaps this is not an accidental woman. Maybe she meant something to the author.

Looking at the picture, you can understand the mood of the author. These dull colors, the overcast sky, the trees fluttering from the strong wind and the dark figure of a woman speak of his longing. And the very fact that the woman was not drawn by the artist himself gives her even more mystery and mystery.

 Probably a great achievement for Levitan was the recognition of his painting and its place in the Tretyakov Gallery. And although many more works of the author have found their home there, but it is the dark figure of a woman that will always be the first. Many of his landscapes are called musical, lyrical, poetic. So is the picture “Autumn Day. Sokolniki has become an inspiration for many poets and musicians.

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