Nyusha family. What is the real name of the singer Nyusha

Description of the page: Nyusha parents biography from professionals for people.

AT recent times the name of Anna Shurochkina, or rather, Nyusha, is increasingly appearing on television screens and on the air of radio stations. The young performer is gaining momentum and attracting more and more attention to her person. So, what is Nyusha, the biography of the girl and her success story, attractive to the viewer? How are things going for the singer personally?

Nyusha: biography. Height Weight

The singer's fans, in addition to her work, are often interested in more mundane questions: for example, what are Anna's parameters.

Nyusha, whose biography is as in demand as information about the volume of her breasts, has not admitted in any interview how tall she is. But some sites, such as IMDB, report that Anna looks at her fans from a height of 167 cm.

As for weight, here Nyusha reports approximately the following figures: from 50 to 54 kg.

The volume of the diva's chest is 86 cm, the waist is 58 cm, and the hips are 87 cm.

Since Nyusha was born in August, she is Leo according to the sign of the Zodiac. And behind the short pseudonym "Nyusha" Shurochkina Anna Vladimirovna is actually hiding.

Family of Nyusha Shurochkina

Moscow is the city where Nyusha was born in 1990. Biography, the girl's family is one hundred percent musical.

Vladimir Shurochkin - the singer's father - was once a member of the Tender May group. He was not only listed as one of the soloists, but also did a great job writing lyrics and music for the project.

Anna's mother, Irina, was also close to the music world. Before she met the girl's father, she performed with a rock band.

In 1992, Anna's parents divorced. But the girl always claimed that her father devoted more time to her than even she could count on.

Anna also has half sister Maria, who chose the career of an athlete. The girl became a two-time world champion in synchronized swimming. The younger brother of the singer also gave preference to sports - he is seriously interested in the sports movement of tricking.

The second wife of Nyushin's father, Oksana, is in close contact with the singer. Since Oksana is a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, she is engaged with Anna in plastic and dancing.


Singer Nyusha (biography, family is proof of this) could not choose a different path for herself, not a musical one. Music surrounded her since childhood and it is quite logical that the girl decided to become a famous pop singer.

The father actively participated in the musical development of his daughter. Nyusha from the age of three loved to sing songs. Vladimir Shurochkin went to meet his favorite and, when she was five years old, brought Nyusha to a recording studio. The little girl was delighted with what she saw. She was especially struck by the headphones, which, compared to her head, seemed just gigantic. First musical recording the future artist is "Song of the Big Dipper".


Nyusha, whose biography is filled with bright events, knew from childhood that she wanted to make music. But the girl did not receive the appropriate education. According to her, she speaks the piano poorly. And she studied solfeggio for only a year and a half with a teacher who was found for her by her father.

But Anna attended the Thai boxing section for some time.

Children's Music band"Grizzly" is the first experience of Nyusha's work on big stage. The funny group managed to go on tour not only in Russia, but also in Germany.

Like many young people, Anna was fond of the work of Western superstars, so she wrote her first songs in English.

At the age of 14, Shurochkina rushed to conquer the Star Factory. But, as you know, such young performers are not accepted there, and Anna could not convince the jury of the seriousness of her intentions.

When the girl turned 17, she officially entered her pseudonym - "Nyusha" in her passport - and made another attempt to break into show business.

Carier start

The show "STS Lights a Star" changed the fate of the young singer, Nyusha herself does not hide this. The biography of the girl as a pop singer began precisely in 2007 with her participation in this project. More than a thousand people came to the casting for the show. Nyusha not only passed the selection - she won the project. Most bright numbers in her performance - the composition "There were dances" (Bianca), "Dancing on glass" (Maxim Fadeev), "I loved you" (Ranetki), London Bridge (Fergie).

The following year, Nyusha went to win the hearts of the audience at the contest " New wave". Here she took seventh place. Immediately, she received an offer to record the soundtrack for the dubbed version of the Disney cartoon Enchanted.

In 2009, Anna finally managed to release her first single. It was called "Howl at the Moon". Nyusha wrote the text herself. When asked what inspired the creation of the composition, Anna replied that parting with a guy.

Moreover, the release of the single has become almost a family affair - the list of creators includes the names of three members of the Shurochkin family. A video clip was shot for the song, and, of course, it got into rotation on the radio.

First album

The main achievement of 2010 was the release of the first solo album. Nyusha has been waiting for this event for many years. The biography of the singer and her musical career were built progressively and methodically.

On the eve of the release of the album, the song "Do not interrupt" appeared in the radio rotation. Its creator is the artist herself. With this song, Nyusha was nominated for the MUZ-TV award.

Then the composition "Choose a Miracle" got into the rotation of radio and television. And so, in the fall of 2010, the goal was achieved - the label Gala Records signed a contract with Anna.

Work on the debut album was completed in November. In general, reviews of the work of the young singer were positive.

In 2011, Nyusha continued to release singles that advertised her debut album. And already in October of this year, the work of the young performer was noted at the MTV Europe Music Awards 2011, and her releases were included in the ratings of iconic musical events 2011.

Second album

In April, the second saw the light studio album, which was released by Nyusha. The biography of the singer was supplemented by another significant event. Anna again acted as the author of all the compositions included in the release. The album was called "Unification".

The second studio release included 18 tracks. Among them, the hits “Recollection”, “Only” and “Alone” have already become famous.

See also: Nyusha's husband Igor

In the track "Memories" Nyusha tried to get as close as possible to Western sound quality. The track is written in the synthpop genre and is ideal for dance floors. In addition, the composition was released on the eve of summer, so it quickly turned into a "resort" hit.

Then, one after another, the songs “Alone”, “This is the New Year”, “Only”, as well as remixes of these songs, began to fall into the rotation.

In general, all critics noted that Nyusha is growing in a professional sense, so her best songs may not have been written yet.

Success and prospects

If in general to draw conclusions about the success of the singer in the period from 2012 to 2014, then it is clear that the singer was moving towards her goal with confident steps. After the first songs that Nyusha released into rotation, Shurochkina's biography and personal life began to change rapidly before our eyes.

In 2012, the video for the song "Above", which took first place in some charts, made the face of the young artist recognizable. And a couple of months after its release, Nyusha showed her first show in one of the most prestigious Moscow concert halls - Crocus City Hall.

Every year, Anna Shurochkina is presented in one category or another at the MUZ-TV music awards. Repeatedly, Nyusha took the treasured figurine home.

In addition, TV channels are interested in cooperating with a girl as a presenter. Anna has been hosting Top-Hit Chart on MUZ-TV for a long time.

In 2013, Nyusha took part in the show " ice Age". The figure skater Maxim Shabalin became her partner.

Every now and then the young star appears on the covers of magazines and gives interviews.

When the singer is asked about the secret of her success, she says that in her songs and at concerts she tries to create as many diverse atmospheres as possible so that she can mourn and dance.

Theater and cinema

Singer Nyusha, biography, whose personal life is now worried large army fans, does not stop there and is also trying to conquer the film industry.

In 2011, she appeared in episodic role in the series "Univer". In 2013, she again appeared in a serial film - "He's People".

In 2014, Anna got a slightly more serious role. In the film Friends of Friends, she played the girl Masha, with whom one of the main characters falls in love.

In addition, in 2014 Nyusha participated in the musical " Peter Pan". The production was shown on the stage of the Olimpiysky sports complex. The role that the singer got is the Tinker Bell fairy.

Participation in cartoons

Most often, the voice of a young performer can be heard in children's cartoons - she voiced four animated characters: Priscilla from Rango, Smurfette from The Smurfs, Gerda from The Snow Queen, and Gip from The Croods.

Singer Nyusha: biography. Personal life

Anna talks about her career very willingly, but she does not cover her personal life.

Nyusha, a biography whose personal life is in the spotlight, officially confirmed the existence of a relationship with only two men. The girl's first boyfriend was Alexander Radulov. The young man starred in her video "It hurts", after which their relationship allegedly began. Anna's second friend was the rapper ST, whom she dated during 2011. No more information was released to the press.

But fans and journalists carefully monitor who Nyusha meets. The biography, the husband and the date of marriage, which have not yet appeared, do not suit the fans. Therefore, they themselves begin to compose facts from the life of the singer.

For example, in 2014, Nyusha, a biography whose photo was partially covered on social networks, shared her new pictures on Instagram. But contrary to her habit of dressing in tight clothes, Anna this time appeared in front of the camera lens in a hoodie. Immediately, a rumor was started that the singer was pregnant. Nyusha had to publish a series of new photos in which she flaunts in a bikini and shows a flat stomach.

Following this, in order to cool the ardor of journalists a little, the singer admitted in an interview with Woman magazine that romantic dates happen regularly in her life. Once she was struck by a young man who arranged a romantic party right on the roof of a high-rise building.

Beauty secrets from Nyusha

Anna Shurochkina, of course, has a bright appearance. At her performances, she shines in revealing costumes, and you can find a flaw in her figure only if you find fault with it very much.

Anna explains her wonderful physical shape with regular workouts in the gym, as well as high loads during concerts and performances. Nyusha prefers to refuse flour and confectionery products and, of course, does not eat before going to bed. At the same time, the girl regularly takes care of her skin and drinks plenty of water.

In the conditions of the modern stage, there is hardly a single person from younger generation who would never have heard of the singer Nyusha. Recently, more and more often this name can be heard in the list of speakers at charity concerts. Also on radio and TV programs. This really beautiful young woman is exciting men's hearts, and many girls, especially from among her fans, want to be like her.

Nyusha is not only a very talented performer, but also an actress, host of some shows on television, but also the author of her own repertoire, which cuts into the brain for a long time, making her constantly hum fervent motives.

Height, weight, age of Nyusha Shurochkina

Looking at this bright and beautiful singer for the first time, most people become interested to know what Nyusha Shurochkina really is, how old she is. And girls and young women are mainly interested in the height, weight, age of Nyusha Shurochkina, and also whether she has a husband. Among other things, you can often see requests about the parameters of the performer's figure on the network.

Currently, Nyusha is really as young as she looks. She is only 27 years old. Therefore, considering the information at the request of Nyusha Shurochkina photo in his youth and now, you will not see much difference.

Interestingly, the singer never even hinted at how tall she really is. But looking at the girl, one can only assume that her height, without heels, varies in the region of 160-170 centimeters.

As for the most sensitive issue for all girls in general, Nyusha does not hide her weight at all - 54 kilograms.

Biography of Nyusha Shurochkina

Anya Shurochkina - this is the real name of the beauty - was born on August 15, 1990, in the Russian capital. Both of her parents belonged to the musical caste, because the girl from childhood was immersed in the atmosphere of a noisy backstage and bright performances.

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Her father, Vladimir Shurochkin, and her mother, Irina Shurochkina, were both singers. In addition, the girl has a sister - Maria and a brother - Ivan. Both combined.

The biography of Nyusha Shurochkina from the very beginning was connected with music. The girl began to make her way onto the stage at a surprisingly young age.

Anya's parents divorced when she was only 2 years old. But the girl does not consider herself unloved at all. Despite the divorce, Vladimir always found time to be with his daughter.

Anna started singing at the age of 3. She took singing lessons from Viktor Pozdnyakov, and in just a year she was able to develop an ear for music.

Little Anya was able to record her very first song at a real recording studio at the age of five, after which she began to sing absolutely everywhere, and it doesn’t matter if there were people there or not. To further develop musical talent daughter, her father bought a synthesizer for her and hired professional teachers.

Already at 8 Anechka performed her debut single, which, moreover, was sung in English. And at 12 Anna Shurochkina performed in Cologne. She delighted the audience not only with her perfect English pronunciation, but also with songs that she composed herself, also in English.

In addition to vocals, the girl was very fond of sports. For example, Thai boxing. This and good way keep fit, and the opportunity, in which case, confidently rebuff the offenders.

At the age of 9, Anya went to children's theater fashion, and already at 11 went on tour as a member of the children's musical ensemble"Grizzly". Anya even went to the casting of "Star Factory", but did not pass only because she was only 14 then.

But already at 17, the girl was cast in the TV project "STS lights up the Superstar." By the way, it was there that she received her stage name - Nyusha. An interesting fact: when it came time to change the passport, the girl changed her native name to a pseudonym - Nyusha.

Young at the age of 18 talented singer was able to take a place in the top ten on the "New Wave". And a year later I was able to write my own debut song- "Howl at the Moon." Thanks to her, Anna received a nomination for the Song of the Year award. Some time later, Nyusha released an album - "Choose a Miracle", which received a variety of reviews.

2011 was a period of dizzying takeoff. She recorded new songs, received a nomination for the Muz-TV award, won the MTV EMA award, and also became one of the twenty main musical events of this year.

2014 is notable for the fact that Nyusha not only released new album but also got movie roles! So, for example, she can be seen in such popular youth series as Univer or Friends of Friends. Among other things, the girl voiced the characters of some cartoons. For example, she gave her voice to Gerda, Priscilla and Smurfette.

It is impossible not to mention that Nyusha does an excellent job with figure skating, because she managed to show herself perfectly in the popular TV show "Ice Age", where she paired up with Max Shablin. The singer also happily took part in the program of Ivan Urgant, called "Nine Lives".

And finally, last year, the girl was able to present herself as a mentor on the popular program “Voice. Children ", becoming a replacement for Pelageya. To own pride, the performer was able to demonstrate her professionalism, showing herself to be an excellent instructor, able to transfer her personal experience to small contestants.

Personal life of Nyusha Shurochkina

In most of her interviews, the talented beauty enthusiastically shares her plans for the near future, information about upcoming performances and songs not yet written. But it is noteworthy that the girl does not like to talk about personal things at all and prefers to avoid these topics.

That is why the personal life of Nyusha Shurochkina is carefully hidden from the fans. Although, certain points can still be found out.

Even at the dawn of his musical career Nyusha began dating actor Aristarkh Venes, but she herself did not consider this relationship to be something serious. There were rumors about a romance between Anya and Vlad Sokolovsky, with whom she allegedly spent time on Maldives. But these rumors were started by their managers.

Nyusha herself calls her first lover Alexander Radulov, a hockey player who starred in her first music video. At the same time, it could have been a simple ploy to add popularity to the song.

In 2014, the girl began dating the young singer Yegor Creed. And although Nyusha's father was the reason for the break in relations, she herself mentions that she and Yegor looked at life differently.

Some time later, Anna announced her engagement. Nyusha's fiancé Igor Sivov, whose photo is easy to find on the net, turned out to be connected with politics.

Family of Nyusha Shurochkina

As mentioned earlier, both of Nyusha's parents are also associated with music. The singer's father played in the previously popular group "Tender May", wrote some texts and music for them. Now he is the producer of his own daughter. Mother was a rock singer. So it seems that Nyusha combined all the talents of her parents.

The family of Nyusha Shurochkina is also a sister and a brother. It is noteworthy that both connected their lives not with the stage, but with sports.

Maria is a professional swimmer who was able to earn the title of champion of Russia, Europe and the world in the junior category.

Ivan is mastering tricking. This is a rather interesting and peculiar sport that combines several varieties of martial arts at once.

Children of Nyusha Shurochkina

Currently, the young performer devotes herself to the development of her own career, not only as a singer, but also as an actress and host. Although the girl is already married, the children of Nyusha Shurochkina are so far only one of the projects.

At a time when Anna was still in a relationship with Creed, the singer mentioned several times that he was not opposed to having children. But the couple broke up before that happened. For some time, gossip circulated on the network that Nyusha was pregnant, but the singer said that this was not so.

At the same time, even when Nyusha was a mentor at the Voice. Children”, fans have repeatedly noticed the manifestation maternal instinct performers. So she is ready to be a mother.

Husband of Nyusha Shurochkina - Igor Sivov

Nyusha Shurochkina's husband - Igor Sivov - holds the position of chief adviser to the president of the ISSF. They've known each other for quite some time. We met back in 2016.

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About them romantic relationship there were vague rumors until, finally, in January 2017, Nyusha announced her engagement, posting a photo of an engagement ring with a corresponding caption on her Instagram profile. After that, the media began to literally thunder that Nyusha was marrying Sivov. A photo of the groom is easy to find on the Internet.

It is known that Igor Sivov already has two children. In joint photographs with Anna, the man began to appear only in the summer. And in August of the same year, the couple finally officially legalized the relationship.

Photo by Nyusha Shurochkina in Maxim magazine

Photos of Nyusha Shurochkina in the magazine "Maxim" appeared in December 2010. Nyusha was then only 20 years old. Moreover, her photo session was printed immediately by both publications - Russian and Ukrainian.

We can say that they did not turn out too much candid photos. Which, however, is only a plus for Anna. The girl appeared before the camera in the classic image of a young temptress in a schoolgirl costume. Those who expected to see that Nyusha is naked or at least in a swimsuit will have to be disappointed. Given the beauty of the singer's body, it is not surprising that "Nyusha Shurochkina in a bathing suit" is one of the most popular Internet queries among readers of Maxim magazine.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nyusha Shurochkina

Instagram and Wikipedia Nyusha Shurochkina allow fans to keep track of all the most important events in the life of their favorite.

Wikipedia is filled with only reliable information about the life of Anna Shurochkina, including personal information. Also, only there you can get acquainted with the most complete audiography of the singer. And through her Instagram, the singer not only uploads various photos, but also shares important information with fans, for example, release dates for new albums, previews of new clips, and so on. Or, for example, gives advice on how to keep fit.

Nyusha Shurochkina is a popular singer who, through her own efforts, has arranged her successful and prosperous career. There is some special spirit in it that makes you move on, not sit in one place and rely only on your own strength. And, probably, this was facilitated by a wild desire to achieve something in this life, to show and prove to yourself, parents, people around you that with the help of perseverance you can reach many peaks.

Childhood and youth

Anna (real name of the singer) Shurochkina was born on a hot August day in 1990. Also in early childhood When Anya was only 2 years old, she suffered a difficult event - the divorce of her parents. And even though this happened at an unconscious age, it later brought a lot of emotional experiences.

The girl's family was very musical: her father was a member of the Tender May group, had not only a pleasant voice, but also composed lyrics, came up with melodies for future hits.

The father did not lose touch with his daughter, on the contrary. was always there, took care of it musical development, because he wanted Anna to follow in his footsteps. And so it happened, in some 8 years the baby wrote her own song. Seeing how her father works at a recording studio, she decided that in the future she would definitely become popular singer and will look like her beloved dad. And the father, Vladimir Shurochkin, supported his daughter in every possible way and became her producer.

Anna began to realize her musical potential at the age of 12, performing on stage with English songs. The girl even went on tour to Germany, and it was there that she was noticed by one large production company, which offered cooperation.

The offer was profitable and very interesting, but Anya decided that it was better to succeed in her home country. After 2 years, Shurochkina went to the casting for the popular at that time show "Star Factory", but was refused, since the participants had to be much older.

The beginning of a creative career

Her creative career began with participation in the project "STS lights up a superstar", in which Anna Shurochkina became the winner. So the whole of Russia learns about the young singer and her incredible voice, which opens all the doors for Anya. It was at this moment that Shurochkina thinks about a stage name and calls herself Nyusha.

The first hit "Howl at the Moon" was recorded in 2009 and literally blew up all the radio stations. The song was so successful that it was nominated in various categories at serious competitions.

Just a year later, the singer delighted the audience new composition"Do not interrupt", which was already over high level. The song became the hit of the month, and Nyusha won the Breakthrough of the Year nomination, participating in the MUZ-TV channel award.

The first success and further development of a musical career

The singer began her career with fruitful work. The period of 2010-2011 was very generous for the release of singles. The songs "Above", "It hurts" again won many awards and received a good assessment from listeners and critics. And the composition "Howl at the Moon", which was the very first, was recognized as the best musical work in 20 years.

Nyusha is the owner of not only a gentle and pleasant voice, but also a fantastic figure and appearance. She was even invited to show off on the cover of Maxim magazine. The singer was not embarrassed that it was necessary to take part in a candid photo shoot, and pleased the male half.

2012 was also a good year for my musical career. The released composition "Recollection" led the first positions on the radio for 19 weeks in a row. After 2 years, the singer recorded a whole album called "Unification".

It included such melodic compositions. like Don't Run, Tsunami, Flashback, Alone, It's a New Year. Singer Nyusha also recorded colorful videos for her songs. The album was warmly received by the audience, and the compositions can still be heard on the radio and music channels.

Other areas of activity

Nyusha Shurochkina is a bright and versatile personality who took place in life not only as a singer. She managed to try her hand at various interesting projects and definitely not going to stop there.

Filming a movie

The girl began her career as an actress by participating in the series "People He" and "Univer", performing small minor roles. Shooting in the New Year's film "Friends of Friends" became a serious work. Nyusha appeared in the form of a rather wealthy girl Masha, who wants to show and prove to her father that she herself is worth something and does not need his condition. To further show her independence from money, Masha accepts the courtship of a student who is madly in love with her.

The singer admits that she worked with great pleasure for film set, because the role was close to her. She herself strove to always be independent, to achieve everything with the help of her own strength, to overcome obstacles and difficulties.


In 2014, Nyusha Shurochkina took part in the play "Peter Pan", playing the role of the kind and merciful Tinker Bell fairy. it interesting story about the world of magic, about a boy who nobly comes to the aid of his friends and fights for the restoration of justice in the world.

Read also: Nyusha's sister

Voice over for cartoons

The pleasant voice of the singer Nyusha can be heard not only on the radio, but also in films. The girl voiced some cartoons: "The Snow Queen", "The Snow Queen 2: Refreeze", "Rango", "The Smurfs". But surely many more popular characters will speak in Nyusha's gentle voice.

TV presenter career

Nyusha Shurochkina did not limit herself to cinema, theater and cartoon dubbing. I wanted to try myself and my strength in new areas. So the girl became the host of several musical programs: "Russian chart on MUZ-TV", "TopHit chart". As well as the host of a major TV channel RU.TV.

This work brought Nyusha a lot of experience and acquaintance with new, interesting people. prophesying about musical news, the girl every day got closer and closer to the music.

Awards and nominations

For her rich creative experience and extensive career, Nyusha Shurochkina received many awards. Their list is so impressive that you wonder how at such a tender age you can get so many victories.

The most important and largest are the following awards:

  • victory in the nomination Best Female Artist» on the awards of the MUZ-TV and RU.TV channels;
  • laureate of the Golden Gramophone, Song of the Year awards;
  • MusicBox music channel award winner;
  • laureate of the contests "Song of the Year", "New Wave", "20 Best Songs".

And the list does not end there, because Nyusha has the same rich and successful career ahead of her.

Personal life

Nyusha never particularly spread the details of her personal life, which caused many rumors. Someone attributed to her an affair with the actor of the series "Kadetstvo" Aristarkh Venes, and someone talked about a relationship with the famous hockey player Alexander Radulov. Probably because the athlete starred in the video "It hurts", where he played the role young man singers.

Only one relationship of Nyusha Shurochkina was known to all those who follow her work. The young rapper Yegor Creed became the girl's lover. However, this connection was not on public display. Photos, videos of the couple on the network appeared quite rarely, apparently, Nyusha took the motto "Happiness loves silence" as the basis of her personal life.

The close circle of the two stars believed that this relationship would lead to a wedding, the creation of a family, since Yegor and Nyusha had been dating for 3 years. But it came to an end, which many still cannot believe.

For a long time, none of the singers commented on the topic of the gap. Later, Yegor Creed gave a short interview in which he said that the reason for the breakup was the girl's father. It turned out that Vladimir Shurochkin did not want a guy like Yegor to be next to his talented and beloved daughter. Perhaps the father did not see a worthy couple in him, but, as you know, all parents wish a better future for their children.

After some time, Nyusha herself decided to speak out about this. For her, the reason for the breakup was the views on life, which began to diverge more and more often. Indeed, it is very difficult to build a relationship with the prospect of starting a family if the priorities of one do not coincide with the priorities of another person.

Nyusha Shurochkina now - latest news

Although not much time has passed since the termination of such a serious and long-term relationship, the singer Nyusha has found her true happiness. On the vastness of Instagram, the girl shared with her subscribers the incredible news about her marriage.

The chosen one was Igor Sivov, a sports official who is 9 years older than Shurochkina. A small, cozy wedding took place in the Maldives, surrounded by a crystal clear ocean and scorching sun.

Not so long ago it became known that Nyusha was expecting her first child. Photos of the singer in position appear on the network, and listeners fill up with congratulations and pleasant words.


Nyusha is that singer who, by her own example, proves that if you really want something and at the same time make incredible efforts, you can reach your goal. It was through thorns that the girl got to the stars and inspires her listeners to do so.

Nyusha - biography

Anna Vladimirovna Shurochkina (Nyusha) is a young Russian artist. Her songs have repeatedly occupied leading positions in the Russian charts, foreign cartoon characters have been voiced by her voice, and famous music magazines called Nyusha "the most memorable singer of recent years."

  • Full name: Anna Vladimirovna Shurochkina
  • Stage name: Nyusha
  • Date of birth: August 15, 1990 (age 26)
  • Place of birth: Moscow, Russia
  • Zodiac sign: Leo
  • Height: 170 cm
  • Weight: 50 kg

Nyusha - childhood

Little Anna with dad

Anna Shurochkina grew up in a family of musicians. Nyusha's father, Vladimir Shurochkin, in the early 90s was a soloist in the group "Tender May", and after he began solo career. Irina Aleksandrovna Shurochkina, mother of the future singer, performed with a rock band.

Nyusha's mom

From early childhood, Nyusha did not part with the microphone. From the age of three, the girl took vocal lessons from Viktor Pozdnyakov. The producer stated that the girl perfectly succeeded in developing an innate ear for music in just 1 year of classes.

At the age of five, little Nyusha first appeared in a recording studio, where she sang "The Song of the Big Bear". The girl experienced such vivid emotions from participating in the recording that she began to sing everywhere: at home, in the car with her parents, in the village with her grandmother. Supporting her enthusiasm, dad gave his daughter a synthesizer, hired a solfeggio and piano tutor. Anya recorded her first "real" song at the age of 8. The composition called "Night" was performed in English. Later, when 12-year-old Anna performed at a concert in Cologne, singing this and several other English-language compositions of her own composition, the audience was amazed by her impeccable pronunciation without an accent.

Growing up Nyusha

At the age of 9, little Nyusha attended the Daisies children's dance and fashion theater. Together with the group, she performed at the largest concert venues in Russia, including the Kremlin Concert Hall. But pretty soon the girl broke up with the Daisies team, deciding that she liked making music more. At the age of eleven, the aspiring artist joined the Grizzly group. The team lasted 2 years, in a month of performances traveled half of Russia and went on tour in Germany. This was Anya's first serious tour, with which the girl coped well, withstanding all the difficulties of a nomadic life.

Shortly after the collapse of the Grizzlies, at the family council it was decided to send Nyusha to the casting of the Star Factory. The girl did not want to compete with other performers, saying that such a format deprives the music of a “live” component, its individuality and emotions. But the father convinced his daughter that the "Factory" is the best suited for a career start. However, the trials ended unsuccessfully due to young age Ani.

Star Trek of Anna Vladimirovna Shurochkina

A year later, Nyusha took seventh place in international competition in Jurmala "New Wave" and recorded the final song main character in the movie Enchanted.

The singer's first single "Howl at the Moon" was released in early 2009. Nyusha said that the composition was written during a depression after breaking up with a young man. In the same year, the song brought the girl a victory at the "God of the Air" award in the "Radio Hit - Performer" nomination and was nominated for "Song of the Year".

How did Nyusha change

Singer Nyusha is only 26 years old, but during this time the star Russian show business managed to change great amount beauty images that Madonna could envy.

After reviewing hundreds of photos of Nyusha over the past five years, we came to the conclusion that the star urgently needs to change her makeup artist! Well, or at least give up thick tonal textures ... Recently, the image of Nyusha has become more natural, but we offer to see all her transformations.

Nyusha's business card is an active make-up, an emphasis on her cheekbones and shiny straight hair. It sounds good, but in fact, this image makes a young girl visually older.

A high sloppy tail is always fashionable, and the hairstyle would be like that if it were not for 2 broken strands. Reminiscent of the styling of graduates - of course, Nyusha was old, but still ...

Nyusha (singer)

Nyusha Vladimirovna Shurochkina (nee - Anna Vladimirovna Shurochkina). Better known as Nyusha. She was born on August 15, 1990 in Moscow. Russian singer, composer, actress, TV presenter.

At the age of 17, Anna officially changed her name to Nyusha.

Father - Vladimir Vyacheslavovich Shurochkin, a former member of the Laskovy May group, a producer.

Mother - Irina Vladimirovna Shurochkina, in her youth she sang in a rock band.

Stepmother - Oksana Shurochkina, master of sports in artistic gymnastics.

Half-sister - Maria Shurochkina, Olympic champion and eight-time world champion in synchronized swimming.

The younger brother - Ivan Shurochkin, is engaged in tricking.

Anna's parents separated when she was two years old. At the same time, she continued to communicate closely with her father.

At the age of 5 she recorded at the studio the composition "Song of the Big Dipper". As a child, I studied with a solfeggio teacher for a year and a half, but did not receive a musical education. Plays the piano a little.

AT school years practiced Thai boxing.

From the age of 11, she began performing on stage as part of the Grizzly group. The team toured in Russia and Germany.

She began writing her first songs as a teenager in English. Then, with the help of her father's second wife, Oksana Shurochkina, she mastered dancing and stage skills.

At the age of 14, she did not pass the age limit at the casting of the Star Factory.

In 2007, she won the television competition “STS lights up a superstar”, performing the song “There were dances”, Maxim Fadeev’s composition “Dancing on Glass”, a cover version of the song by the Ranetki group “I Loved You”, the song “London Bridge” by singer Fergie .

In 2008, Nyusha took seventh place at the New Wave international competition, and also recorded the final song of the main character in the dubbed version of the Walt Disney Pictures film Enchanted.

In 2009, she released her first single "Howl at the Moon". In the same year, she became a laureate of the "God of Ether 2009" award, received an award in the "Radio Hit - Performer" nomination for the composition "Howl at the Moon". For the same composition, Nyusha became the laureate of "Song of the Year - 2009".

Nyusha howling at the moon

At the Europa Plus LIVE 2009 concert, Nyusha presented two new compositions - the Russian-language "Angel" and the English-language "Why".

In 2010, the single "Do not interrupt" was released, which became the most popular Russian-language hit in April, the singer was nominated for the MUZ-TV 2010 award in the "Breakthrough of the Year" nomination.

In September 2010, the singer signed a contract with the Gala Records label.

In November 2010, the debut album "Choose a Miracle" was released.

In 2011, the singer released three new singles: "It hurts", "Above" (the fourth and fifth singles from her debut album) and "Plus Près (We Can Make It Right)" - a duet with French DJ and producer Gilles Luca.

In October 2011, Nyusha won the vote for the "Best Russian artist» European MTV Europe Music Awards 2011. The editors of the Russian edition of Billboard magazine included the singer's victory in the list of "20 major musical events in 2011".

April 28, 2012 in the concert hall "Crocus City Hall" in Moscow, the first big show of Nyusha "Choose your miracle!" During the concert, the singer presented three new songs: two solo songs (“Remembrance” and “Unification”) and a duet with dad (“You Are My Life”).

In the same 2012, Nyusha won the nomination " Best Song» MUZ-TV awards.

Since April 2012, the singer has become a permanent host of the TopHit Chart program on the MUZ-TV channel.

In 2012, Nyusha took 17th place in the final list and 2nd place in the "audience interest" nomination in the Forbes magazine's annual list of 50 Russian celebrities at the end of 2011.

On the TV channel "RU.TV" in 2012, according to the results of voting, Nyusha won in the nomination " Best Female Singer". In the same year, she won the Golden Gramophone award from Russian Radio (for the song Remembrance), and the diploma of the Song of the Year 2012 festival (for the song Higher).

On November 27, 2012, the premiere of the video "This New Year". The song became the soundtrack to the cartoon "The Snow Queen", in which Nyusha voiced Gerda.

In the fall of 2013, the singer, paired with figure skater Maxim Shabalin, took part in the Ice Age 2013 show on Channel One, but at the 12th stage, the couple left the project.

On April 22, 2014, her second album "Unification" was released, and on April 26, its presentation took place at the Arena Moscow club.

In the same 2014, at the RU.TV channel award, Nyusha won the Best Singer nomination.

She filmed a cameo in the sitcom "Univer", played Masha in the film "Friends of Friends". The voice of the artist is spoken by the characters of many popular cartoons - Priscilla, Smurfette, Gerda and Gip.

In November 2016, the premiere of her show "9 Lives" took place, on the eve of which the artist launched social project#nyusha9 lives. These 9 stories are taken from the life of Nyusha, they tell about the emotions and feelings experienced by the performer.

In February 2017, Nyusha became a new mentor in season 4 of the Voice. Children".

In November 2017, Nyusha became a member of the jury vocal show"Success" on the STS channel.

Nyusha's height: 167 centimeters.

Nyusha's personal life:

The singer had a relationship with an actor, the star of the series "Kadetstvo".

In the summer of 2012, the singer had a relationship with a singer and actor. True, there were rumors that their romance was a PR in order to promote the performers.

Since 2014, she began an affair with a singer. It continued until February 2016, when the couple broke up. At the same time, the fact that he was promoting on his daughter.

The scandal began after the rapper added a quatrain to the song “Only”, which Nyusha allowed Yegor Creed to use (and the author of which is her father): “I stuffed your name on my left hand. But in fact, weeks flew by "Everyone told you that he had no money. What the hell is love - your dad's opinion is stronger." Vladimir Shurochkin asked the Youtube administration to remove this video.

In January 2017, it became known about the engagement of Nyusha with Igor Sivov, adviser to the president of the International University Sports Federation. The man has two sons from a previous relationship.

In July 2017, Nyusha married Igor Sivov, and in August. They divided the holiday into three days, and each event took place in different restaurants. At the pre-wedding dinner, all the guests and the spouses themselves appeared in white outfits, the company enjoyed rolls and fresh fish in a Japanese restaurant. The day after the wedding, the newlyweds with friends and family threw a beach party at the Fish, Crab & Shark restaurant.

Filmography of Nyusha:

2008-2011 - Univer - cameo
2013 - Friends of friends - Masha (in the credits - Nyusha Shurochkina)

Nyusha voiceover:

2011 - Rango (animated)
2012 - Snow Queen (Snow Queen, The) (animated)
2014 - Snow Queen 2: Refreeze (Snow Queen 2: The Snow King) (animated)

Nyusha's vocals in the cinema:

2007 - Enchanted (Enchanted)
2008 - Bride to order - Angel
2011 - Univer - Do not interrupt
2011 - Yolki 2 - Choose a miracle
2012 - Diary of Dr. Zaitseva - Angel, Hello, Why
2013 - People He - Choose a miracle
2013 - Jack Ryan: Chaos Theory - Flashback
2014 - Fizruk - Alone
2014 - Sweet life- Memory

Composer's works of Nyusha in cinema:

2008-2009 - Redhead

Discography of Nyusha:

2010 - Choose a miracle
2014 - Unification

Singles by Nyusha:

2009 - Howling at the Moon
2010 - Do not interrupt

2010 - Choose a miracle
2011 - It hurts
2011 - Above
2012 - Remembrance
2012 - It's New Year
2013 - Alone
2014 - Lady N
2014 - Only
2014 - Don't You wanna stay
2014 - Tsunami
2015 - Where are you, there I am
2016 - Kiss
2016 - To love you
2017 - Always Need You
2017 - I'm not afraid
2018 - Night

Video clips of Nyusha:

2009 - Howling at the moon
2010 - Do not interrupt
2010 - Choose a miracle
2010 - Plus Pres (We Can Make It Right)
2011 - It hurts
2011 - Above
2012 - Remembrance
2012 - It's New Year
2013 - Alone
2014 - Lady N
2014 - Only / Don't You Wanna Stay
2014 - Tsunami
2015 - Where are you, there I am
2016 - Kiss
2017 - To love you

Anna Vladimirovna Shurochkina (Nyusha) is a young Russian artist. Her songs have repeatedly occupied leading positions in the Russian charts, foreign cartoon characters have been voiced by her voice, and famous music magazines called Nyusha "the most memorable singer of recent years."

  • Full name: Anna Vladimirovna Shurochkina
  • Stage name: Nyusha
  • Date of birth: August 15, 1990 (age 26)
  • Place of birth: Moscow, Russia
  • Zodiac sign: Leo
  • Height: 170 cm
  • Weight: 50 kg

Nyusha - childhood

Little Anna with dad

Anna Shurochkina grew up in a family of musicians. Nyusha's father, Vladimir Shurochkin, was a soloist in the Tender May group in the early 90s, and then began a solo career. Irina Aleksandrovna Shurochkina, mother of the future singer, performed with a rock band.

Nyusha's mom

From early childhood, Nyusha did not part with the microphone. From the age of three, the girl took vocal lessons from Viktor Pozdnyakov. The producer stated that the girl perfectly succeeded in developing an innate ear for music in just 1 year of classes.

At the age of five, little Nyusha first appeared in a recording studio, where she sang "The Song of the Big Bear". The girl experienced such vivid emotions from participating in the recording that she began to sing everywhere: at home, in the car with her parents, in the village with her grandmother. Supporting her enthusiasm, dad gave his daughter a synthesizer, hired a solfeggio and piano tutor. Anya recorded her first "real" song at the age of 8. The composition called "Night" was performed in English. Later, when 12-year-old Anna performed at a concert in Cologne, singing this and several other English-language compositions of her own composition, the audience was amazed by her impeccable pronunciation without an accent.

Growing up Nyusha

At the age of 9, little Nyusha attended the Daisies children's dance and fashion theater. Together with the group, she performed at the largest concert venues in Russia, including the Kremlin Concert Hall. But pretty soon the girl broke up with the Daisies team, deciding that she liked making music more. At the age of eleven, the aspiring artist joined the Grizzly group. The team lasted 2 years, in a month of performances traveled half of Russia and went on tour in Germany. This was Anya's first serious tour, with which the girl coped well, withstanding all the difficulties of a nomadic life.

Shortly after the collapse of the Grizzlies, at the family council it was decided to send Nyusha to the casting of the Star Factory. The girl did not want to compete with other performers, saying that such a format deprives the music of a “live” component, its individuality and emotions. But the father convinced his daughter that the "Factory" is the best suited for a career start. However, the audition ended unsuccessfully due to Ani's young age.

Star Trek of Anna Vladimirovna Shurochkina

In 2007, a seventeen-year-old girl tried her luck by auditioning for the TV show STS Lights Superstar. Having sung to the jury two songs by Bianchi and Christina Aguilera, she passed the selection and got on the program. During the competition, a pseudonym was born, known to every fan of Russian pop music, the sonorous and concise word "Nyusha" - a derivative of the real name of the singer.

A year later, Nyusha took seventh place at the New Wave international competition in Jurmala and recorded the final song of the main character in the film Enchanted.

The singer's first single "Howl at the Moon" was released in early 2009. Nyusha said that the composition was written during a depression after breaking up with a young man. In the same year, the song brought the girl a victory at the "God of the Air" award in the "Radio Hit - Performer" nomination and was nominated for "Song of the Year".

How did Nyusha change

Singer Nyusha is only 26 years old, but during this time the star of Russian show business managed to change a huge number of beauty images, which Madonna could envy.

After reviewing hundreds of photos of Nyusha over the past five years, we came to the conclusion that the star urgently needs to change her makeup artist! Well, or at least give up thick tonal textures ... Recently, the image of Nyusha has become more natural, but we offer to see all her transformations.

Nyusha's business card is an active make-up, an emphasis on her cheekbones and shiny straight hair. It sounds good, but in fact, this image makes a young girl visually older.

A high sloppy tail is always fashionable, and the hairstyle would be like that if it were not for 2 broken strands. Reminiscent of the styling of graduates - of course, Nyusha was old, but still ...

We will not comment on the "Babylons" on Nyusha's head, but we still want to say a few words about makeup. This is a great lesson on "How to make your eyes smaller": more light concealer, white shadows and bold eyeliner on the upper eyelid. Voila! Your eyes are almost gone!

And here it’s the other way around - Nyusha’s makeup artist tried to turn her into Cleopatra. Thin eyebrows, arrows to the temples, bronzer, curls and earrings… The star of a rural disco!

And again a failure ... This time there is a problem with self-tanning - Nyusha is no longer even bronze, but almost black. Maybe she wanted to be like Rihanna?

This is what happens when you trip and fall face first into bronzer. We cannot find another explanation for this catastrophe on the face of the young singer.

Or curls, or straight hair - you should not combine them in one styling, but Nyusha's stylist for some reason came up with just such a strange hairstyle.

And again a face with a mask effect! The contouring is so aggressive that the dark corrector looks like dirty spots on the cheeks. And all this is complemented by lipstick, the tone of which "argues" with a hint of blush.

Even Kim Kardashian does not make such unnatural makeup, but for Nyusha it was a common story ...

However, since 2015 there have been some glimpses. We are still against brown cheeks, but still, compared to what it was before, Nyusha's makeup seems almost natural!

It seems to us that such hairstyles in combination with red lipstick will “forgive” Nyusha very much - it’s better to refuse braids.

But classic images, on the contrary, they suit the singer very much! If not for the mask-like tone, we would have given this output a solid "five".

No, this is not the mid-90s and not even the beginning of the 2000s ... Nyusha did such a make-up just a year ago! To see, to be horrified and to forget...

Fortunately, now the singer has finally realized that she is young and attractive, which means that you can not sprinkle her face with sparkles and bathe in bronzer. Nyusha is much more light skin tone, and red lipstick against its background is more appropriate.

Nyusha - Personal life

Popular pop Russian singer Nyusha is one of those modest celebrities who prefer not to advertise the details of their privacy. However, rumors about novels still reach the press from her lips. former lovers or acquaintances.

Sometimes these flings turn out to be fictional and fabricated by PR managers. Until now, the girl refused to comment and avoided this sensitive topic in interviews.

Colleague, protege and lover - Yegor Creed

Egor Creed and Nyusha

Yet once she allowed herself such a liberty. Circumstances forced her to do this - the singer was literally drawn into an awkward situation. Her close friend in the past, an affair with which was carefully hidden from the public for almost two years - famous musician from Penza, Yegor Creed, allowed an unforgivable, from the point of view of Nyusha, trick.

At the combined concert, the artist, who is gaining popularity, performed it very touchingly. famous song"Only". But at the end he made a surprise by adding the author's verse to it. It briefly talked about the sad reasons for their separation. No one expected such a revelation, and such a thing was not provided for by the agreement between former lovers. In the text, Yegor made it clear to the public that the decision to part with him was influenced by the pressure of the despotic father of his beloved. "What the hell is love - your dad's opinion is stronger" - such words were heard in the verse.

Judging by the emotions in the interview with the Russian rapper, he suffered a quarrel painfully and cannot come to terms with the breakup. This gave food for conversations and discussions.

As for Nyusha - this time she made an exception and explained everything step by step - yes, they broke up, as the relationship had exhausted itself. She helped him get back on his feet, and now she has other interests. In the course of communication, she realized that they were completely different people, and his ugly act once again disappointed her.

According to the singer, it was a well-thought-out PR move that helped the artist attract attention on the eve of a solo concert.

Contract with father

The yellow press warmed up the news with spicy speculation that the singer actually has a tough contract with her own father. The businessman invested a lot of capital in his daughter and set the bar high. The girl’s schedule is strictly prescribed in the documents, and, most likely, there is no place for serious feelings and personal life in the near future.

Recall that he has produced it since childhood and is still an authority for a rising star. Russian stage which she refuses to obey.

AT creative biography Nyusha has not only a career as a singer, but also shooting on television, which she really likes. Thanks to her multifaceted activities, the artist has the opportunity to express herself, change images and communicate with interesting people.

Songs written by Nyusha quickly find their listeners who admire the talent of the singer.

Children's performances on stage

Anna Shurochkina was born in 1990 in Moscow. Her parents are creative people: her father, Vladimir Shurochkin, was once a member of the Tender May pop group, and now he is his daughter's producer. Mom, Irina Shurochkina, also has a musical education, former soloist one of the rock bands. The girl's parents divorced quite early, but her father always communicated with her and took an active part in her upbringing. He started a second family, and his new wife was the master of sports in gymnastics, Oksana. The singer has a half-sister, Maria, who has chosen a sports career. The girl took up synchronized swimming and is now an Olympic champion and 8-time world champion. The younger brother of the singer, Ivan, is engaged in tricking.

In the photo, Nyusha in childhood with her father Vladimir Shurochkin

Their singing ability Anechka revealed in early childhood, and when she was 5 years old, she sang "The Big Bear Song", which she recorded in the studio. Since then, the girl dreamed of being on the stage as a singer. Already in school age she became a member of the Grizzly group, with whom she often toured with concert program. At that time, Anna was a very well-fed girl, but her father's second wife decided to change her. The girl began to eat right, go to the pool and the gym, and dance, as a result of which she was able to lose weight. At the age of 17, Shurochkina got on the project "STS lights a superstar", where she won. She soon took creative pseudonym- Nyusha.

Singing career and other projects

The next step on the path to success was the New Wave contest, in which the girl was able to reach the final. At the beginning of her career, her father wrote songs for her, and then the singer began to write her own compositions. Her first single "Howl at the Moon" won several awards and was nominated for Song of the Year in 2009. The debut album "Choose a Miracle" reached the sixth position in the Russian hit parade. It drew controversy, but was received positively by many. Real success and popularity came to her in 2010, when the girl performed the song “Choose a Miracle”.

Simultaneously with her singing career, she tried her hand as an actor, starring in various TV shows, and was also engaged in dubbing cartoons. Nyusha also coped with the role of a TV presenter, appearing so far in the TopHit Chart program on the MUZ-TV channel. During her career, she recorded 13 clips, released 15 singles, many of which were awarded the MUZ-TV and Golden Gramophone awards. In 2017, the performer was on the jury of the show "Success" on the STS channel, during which she had a desire to help talented participants.

In the fall of 2017, Nyusha presented to her fans a new video for the song "I'm Not Afraid", where she appeared in a daring and seductive image of a girl from another planet, waiting for love. In order to maintain excellent figure parameters with her height (161 cm), the beauty sometimes has to limit herself in nutrition, go in for sports, dance, thanks to which excess weight she is not threatened.

Changes in personal life

Nyusha always preferred to hide her personal life from prying eyes, however, journalists often gave rise to rumors about her relationship with men. In 2011, they started talking about an affair with hockey player Alexander Radulov, who starred in her video. And then the girl began to be noticed in the company of rapper ST. Later, Vlad Sokolovsky appeared in her life, but her father told everyone that they were just friends. In the spring of 2014, she appeared at the presentation of Yegor KReeD's video, with which the girl exchanged loving glances. Soon the couple stopped hiding their romance, however, two years later their relationship ended.

In the photo Nyusha Shurochkina with her husband Igor Sivov

At the beginning of 2017, Nyusha's personal life changed: she got engaged to 36-year-old Igor Sivov, who is the president of the International University Sports Federation. And in the summer of 2017, it became known that the lovers got married in the Maldives, which was also attended by Paris Hilton and Leonardo DiCaprio as guests. After the wedding, the singer and her husband seriously thought about children, and already in early April 2018 there were rumors that Nyusha was pregnant. The artist herself has not yet confirmed these speculations. Mutual understanding and harmony reign in their family, which pleases the artist herself.

How years Nyusha: a topical issue for pop fans. August 15, 2016 Nyusha is 26 years old, and she was born on August 15, 1990. Nyusha Shurochkina is so young, but she has reached incredible heights in Russian pop music. Many of her peers never dreamed of such a career.

The future star of the Russian pop industry was born in Moscow in August 1990. The singer's parents were directly related to the music industry.

Mother in her youth was fond of rock music and was a member of one of the groups. My father had a more fruitful career as a musician - he is one of the participants in Tender May, the flagship of the emerging pop industry in the 80s.

It was the knowledge and skills acquired in "Tender May" that allowed Shurochkin Sr. to become a competent producer and open Nyusha to the modern pop scene.

Parents divorced when Anya Shurochkina was 3 years old. Then I didn’t imagine how many years Nyusha would have to wait stage success. Shurochkina still maintains a relationship with her sister Masha (multiple champion in synchronized swimming) and brother Ivan.

At the age of 17, Anna decided to change her name to "Nyusha". Like most celebrities, Nyusha prefers to hide facts from her personal life. It was rumored that at the dawn of her career she had a relationship with the actor Aristarchus Venes.

One of Shurochkina's boyfriends was Alexander Radulov, a KHL superstar. Radulov starred in the video for the song "It hurts." For two years, from 2014 to 2016, Nyusha met with rapper Yegor Creed.

Carier start

  • At the age of 5, her father brought Anna to a recording studio to record a children's song. Later, Nyusha began to study in the profile educational institution but never completed her musical education.
  • Nyusha's stage debut came in 2001, when she made her debut as part of the Grizzly group. At 14 future star is trying to pass the casting for the "Star Factory", but this is not possible due to the age limit of the project.
  • Later, in 2007, Nyusha tries herself in a competition held by the STS channel, where she performs several covers of songs by popular artists at that time - Bianchi, Ranetok, Fergie.
  • A year later, Nyusha performs on the New Wave and takes 7th place in the competition. In 2008, Shurochkina took part in the dubbing of the animated film "Charmed", recording the Russian version of the main character's song.
  • A year later, the first single "Howl at the Moon" was released. The song became a phenomenon of the pop scene and brought Nyusha the awards "Song of the Year" and "God of the Ether - 2009". This was followed by two more singles - "Angel" and "Why".

How many years did it take Nyusha to reach the peak of popularity

2010 became fruitful for the singer - then the album "Choose a Miracle" was released. The label "Hala Records" signed a contract with Nyusha. Singles from the album for a long time held the top positions in the country's leading radio charts. A little later, one of the most popular compositions, “Above,” came out.

In 2012, Nyusha was nominated for the MUZ-TV channel award and won the Best Song nomination. After the victory, the channel invited Shurochkina as the host for the Top Hit show.

In the summer of 2012, the single "Memories" was released, which held the leadership of various charts for more than twenty weeks. In August, Nyusha was awarded the title of "Best Singer" according to "Ru TV".

In the same period, Nyusha takes part in recording the soundtrack for the animated film " The Snow Queen". In December, the singer was awarded two Golden Gramophone and Song of the Year awards at once.

In 2013, Nyusha released the second studio LP "Association", which was presented as part of the show of the same name at Crocus City Hall. In 2013, Nyusha tries herself in a new incarnation - a dubbing actress, voicing the role of Gip in The Croods (in total, there are 7 films in the filmography in which Shurochkina dubbed various roles).

In the summer, Nyusha received the second MUZ-TV channel award for her career for the song "Association". The release of the album of the same name became a notable event in the Russian I-Tunes - the disc became one of the most downloaded on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In 2015, the single "Where are you, there I am" was released; a clip of the same name was soon released.

P.S. This article - how old is Nyusha A new rubric has been opened.

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