What year was the invasion? Where is the festival "Invasion" - the main musical event in the world of national rock music

Invasion - the main adventure of the summer - this is the slogan of the most promoted and famous rock festival. With a high degree of probability, it can be argued that for many it was so.

I want to make a reservation right away that I am not a big fan of rock music and for the most part I am indifferent to it, with a few exceptions. Before proceeding to the story of the festival, I want to express my gratitude to "Our Radio", for organizing a trip to the Invasion from Tula. Same way say thank you Masha, who persuaded me to go for three days with a Tula group to this festival. The reason for my reluctance to go was the number of days the festival took place during three days July 4, 5, 6 in Bolshoy Zavidovo, Tver region, and as a not a big fan of rock music, it was hard for me to imagine that I would do more than one day there. It turned out that there was no need to be bored.

Thank you Masha

So, what is the rock festival Invasion, as noted above, this is the most famous and promoted event dedicated to rock music. This year the festival gathered about 160 thousand spectators, before whom 4 thousand musicians performed, among which were Alisa, Leningrad, DDT, Bi-2, Lyapis Trubetskoy, Night Snipers, Kipelov and other. There were several stages on the territory of the festival where performers performed. Stars of the first magnitude performed on the main stage, less famous musicians, but by no means can it be said that sadness and despondency reigned on the smaller stages. People came off there no less, and at times perhaps more.

main stage

small stage

An exhibition was organized at the Invasion with the assistance of the Ministry of Defense military equipment armed forces of Russia, as well as the performance of the aerobatic team "Falcons of Russia"

Football and volleyball tournaments were also organized, that is, if you are a drinker, you can drink beer all day long (strong alcohol, sold only in the VIP zone and for a decent amount, a bottle of vodka is about 2000 rubles), and if you like sports, please you can play football and volleyball. There were many different competitions with prizes. Several original exhibitions, such as these, were also organized.

For those wishing to see the festival from a bird's eye view, an opportunity was given to rise in a hot air balloon

To summarize what was written above, it is unlikely that you will be bored with the Invasion and almost everyone will find an occupation of interest for themselves.

How I Spent This Invasion

Our group from Tula set off at about ten in the evening and arrived at the place at about three in the morning, so we had to set up tents in the twilight by dawn, we had already settled in a new place.

The new place is a tent city, tents in which great amount, as a result of which it can be very problematic to find your tent at night. Every night I had to look for my tent for 20-30 minutes. One night I had to look for her with two girls who were just as lost as I was. Their tent was found first, and they kindly offered me to stay overnight with them, as it would be difficult for me to find my tent. As an honest guy, I said that I would look for about five minutes and if I didn’t find it, I would return to them, after five minutes I found my tent, and in the morning I felt like the hero of the movie “Dumb and Dumber”.

Prices and life on the Invasion

After we settled down and had a little rest, we decided to go explore the surroundings, or rather, what and where is located on the territory of the festival. The territory of the festival is a fenced area along the perimeter of which there is a guard. In principle, the territory has everything for life and entertainment. At the same time, life at the festival cannot be called cheap.
Half a liter of boiling water costs 50 rubles, a 150 gram glass of tea also costs 50 rubles.
Half a liter of bottled water 100 rubles, Pepsi 130.
Beer Klinskoe 0.5 150 rubles, Bud 200 rubles.
But it is good that the so-called sale of social water was organized, that is, 5 liter bottles of water for 150 rubles were sold from trucks.

From food as an example, a plate of pilaf is 250 rubles.
By evening, for drunken people, the price of food in many cases increased dramatically. For 1000 rubles, we bought 4 chicken wings, two sausages and chopped half a tomato and half a cucumber. In fact, the seller saw drunk funny guys and decided to deceive them.
How much money to take for the Invasion is a rhetorical question, someone spent 8 thousand rubles, someone 11. Masha kept within three and a half thousand, since she drank very little. Basically most of money is spent on beer, you are constantly on the air, all the time on the move and sing songs, and in order to get more or less drunk in this mode, you need to drink a lot of beer. For me, a big minus was the lack of strong alcohol in the sale, since I am not a beer lover. But some people still manage to get through it. On the very first evening, we were treated to whiskey by a very pleasant couple from Klin, Tanya and Artem. And every subsequent evening we came across kind people managed to carry strong alcohol and treated us. On the one hand, the lack of strong alcohol on sale is a minus, but on the other hand, it is difficult to imagine what would happen at such an event if it were sold. Due to those people who were able to carry it, it still circulated to festivals, but within acceptable limits.
Not a pleasant surprise may be the morning when, after drinking a fair amount of beer, you go to the toilets located near the tent camp and see a queue in which you have to stand for about twenty minutes. In such cases, we went to other toilets located 500 meters from the tents.
Some come to the festival in cars in which they spend the night. I met quite a few hitchhikers, even from Omsk and Vladivostok, who, having put it simply, will ask for beer, well, how to refuse such travelers.

Dancing Music Booze and Airplanes

After visiting the "sights" we decided to go to a concert that was on a secondary stage. Once again I repeat that I am indifferent to rock music in most cases, but when you are close to the stage and among people who light you up with their energy, it really puts you in!

In fact, we spent the entire first day at concerts. From morning to small stage, and in the evening we went to the main one, where we met guys from Klin and met many more good people. Now I will write a subjective thing, in my opinion, in order to completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the festival and be on the same wavelength with others, you need to drink, at least beer)!

They come, even with such babies

Late in the evening after the end of the concert there was a cool fireworks display!

After sleeping a few hours a night in the morning, playing a few games of cards with my friends, we again went to the concert. Maneuvering between tents in a tent city, you have to be careful not to hurt someone, some sleep right on the street in sleeping bags.

The concert on the small stage this time was notable, among other things, for the fact that the Tula group "Zhamki" performed there, which was very warmly received by the public.

Before the evening concert, we visited an exhibition of military equipment, as well as a survival course, where the paratroopers showed how to set traps for animals, build a tent, quickly make a fire, etc. boil a pot of water on it. There were three participants, two guys and a girl. The girl who stole firewood from a neighbor won. In general, it was interesting.

Toward evening again a concert on the main stage, again meetings with old friends and new acquaintances. The concert on the second day was also notable for the fact that during the break between the performances of the groups, the aerobatic team “Falcons of Russia” demonstrated their skills. In fact, it's really impressive when the planes roar over you at low altitude and perform various tricks.

After the performance of the pilots, paratroopers made a landing from a helicopter and landed right among the people.

Well, then again alcohol fun and rock!

The third day, again after a few hours of sleep, concerts, meetings and new acquaintances.

Concert on the small stage in the morning

In the interval between the morning and evening concerts, we came across such a stall.

July 7, 8 and 9 in Big Zavidovo (Tver region) the largest all-Russian music festival will be held under open skyINVASION!

In three days at the festival, you can fulfill all your plans for the summer: take a break from the bustle of the city, spend time with friends, get a tan, go to concerts of your favorite bands and get impressions for the rest of your life. Now it remains to answer main question: how to get to INVASION?

There are several options: by train, by your own car or motorcycle, by bus. Detailed information search on the official website of the festival in the "How to get there" section (http://nashestvie.ru/location/). Remember, for any transport you need to purchase a "Parking" ticket.

Most the right way enjoy the road and get 100% on the main adventure of the summer - find funny fellow travelers with the help of the BeepCar service, which this year has become the official companion of INVASION. Moreover, everyone who used the service will receive gifts!

Traveling with BeepCar is fun and profitable; on joint trips, fellow travelers share the cost of gasoline. The service is convenient for both drivers and passengers.

How to use

With the help of the BeepCar service, the driver can find passengers for empty seats in the car and pay for the trip. And the passenger will find drivers who are on the way and get there profitably and comfortably.

  1. Go to the site beepcar.ru.
  1. Select "passenger" or "driver", indicate the city of departure, and at the point of arrival - "INVASION". After a quick registration, you can book a seat or, on the contrary, offer a trip. The service is free, drivers do not require prepayment.
  2. Connect with fellow travelers and hit the road!


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56.523676 , 36.526012 Festival \"Invasion\"Zavidovo, Tverskaya Oblast, Russia (Calculate route)

Festival information

On July 7, 8 and 9, 2017, the INVASION festival will be held in Bolshoy Zavidovo, Tver region. During the long way of development of the festival, the audience was presented with almost all the most significant Russian artists. INVASION is a multi-format music non-stop, where there is a place for both legendary and young performers.


On the Main Adventure of the Year, in addition to several stages, there is a place for theater, cinema, a museum, lectures, aerobatic teams, competitions, historical reconstructions, registry office and much more. The festival has long ceased to be just a musical event.

INVASTION is one of the most comfortable stays of all similar open events not only in Russia, but also abroad. This is ensured by the creation of a colossal infrastructure in the field. In 2017, one of the main innovations was personalized tickets, which can only be purchased online at www.nashestvie.ru. Living on the territory of INVASTION has become even more convenient - this year not two, but three tent camps will be organized. "Leningrad", "Moscow" and "Sverdlovsk", and free bus service will be established along popular routes.

Since 2009, the Main Adventure of the Year has acquired a permanent "residence permit" - Bolshoye Zavidovo in the Tver region. The vast territory, located in the picturesque places of the Tver region, is located 10 km from the federal highway Moscow - St. Petersburg and 4 km from the Konakovsky Mokh railway platform.

Every year the organizers do everything to make the living conditions for the spectators more comfortable every year, and entertainment- more varied and brighter.

INVASION - the largest all-Russian festival under the open sky, which has been held since 1999, and has become the largest and most visited festival in the post-Soviet space. In 2016 over 200,000 people visited the INVASION.


Our radio- one of the leading Russian radio stations, is part of the "Multimedia Holding" (" national service news”, radio stations Вest FM, ROCK FM, Radio JAZZ 89.1 FM, ULTRA, etc.), one of the largest holdings in terms of the number of broadcasting radio stations of private companies in Russia.

The rock festival "Invasion" is considered the largest open-air festival in Russia. In recent years, the event has been held in the village of Bolshoe Zavidovo, Tver Region, and lasts three days. Dozens of bands perform in front of the audience on several stages. In addition, the audience is offered an extensive cultural and entertainment program of a non-musical nature.

Invasion - the history of the festival

The Invasion festival is held under the patronage of the only rock radio station in Russia, Nashe Radio. For the first time it took place in the winter of 1999 and was timed to coincide with the anniversary of the release of Nashe on the air. As concert venue the legendary “Gorbushka” was chosen - the Gorbunov Palace of Culture, however, it immediately became clear that it was not possible to accommodate everyone in a confined space.

Open-air "Invasion" became in 2000. Then the event was two-day and took place in August at the hippodrome in Ramenskoye near Moscow. The festival has become a real event, and its fame has spread far beyond the borders of Russia. In 2001, the “main adventure of the summer” took place on the same site, and the number of spectators for the first time exceeded 100,000, but a year later the attendance record was broken again: over 180,000 people visited “Invasion” in three days!

2003 was the only year when the "main adventure of the summer" took place in an unusual format. That summer, a terrorist attack was staged at another popular rock festival, Wings, held in Tushino. Due to the threat of a repetition of the attack, it was decided not to hold the "Invasion" in an open area, but to transfer it to the radio. As a result, on August 2 and 3, 2003 in the Nashe Radio studio in live many varying degrees fame.

Invasion - a festival in the Tver region

The move of "Invasion" to the Tver region took place in 2004. Then he went into the field, which was in the village of Emmaus. For the first time, a territory for a tent camp was allocated for the guests of the event. Also, for the first time, in addition to the concerts, the audience was offered a variety of attractions and entertainment.

The relocation of the festival to the Tver region also affected the number of spectators. In the early years, much fewer rock music lovers came here than once in Ramenskoye. Nevertheless, "Invasion" became a rock festival of federal significance, and the audience numbered in the tens of thousands of people.

In 2006, there was another change in the site of the "main adventure of the summer." This time the event was held at Cape Mediterranean on Orekhovy Lake, 160 kilometers from Moscow. In 2007, the "Invasion" did not take place for the first time, and in 2008 it again took place in Emmaus. Since that time, the festival has acquired the significance of a federal scale: residents of 46 regions of Russia, as well as from other republics of the former USSR, came to the Tver region to listen to Russian rock music. Media representatives from 79 regions of the Russian Federation were accredited to work at the festival.

In Bolshoy Zavidovo, the Invasion has been held since 2009. The new site is three times larger than the previous one, which means that everyone can easily accommodate here. The village of Bolshoe Zavidovo is located on the 115th kilometer of the Leningrad Highway.

Invasion - the main adventure of the summer

Members biggest rock festival Russia is dozens and hundreds of groups of varying degrees of fame. Both eminent rock stars and novice musicians come here to perform, for whom getting on the Invasion stage is the same as getting a ticket to life. Their work can be appreciated by tens of thousands of spectators at the same time, and the same number watching the action through the Internet broadcast.

There is already a tradition among fans to take free days and holidays, taking into account the dates of the festival. Many come here not only to listen to music, but also for the sake of communication. On the "Invasion" they make new acquaintances, communicate with like-minded people, participate in contests and attractions. All this gives the right to call "Invasion" the main adventure of the summer.

Among the participants of the festival were such groups as "Aquarium", "Alisa", "DDT", "Splin", "Mumiy Troll", "Time Machine", "Picnic" and many many others. The musicians are happy to perform on the stage of the "Invasion", while some of them prepare special sets. So, for example, the group "DDT" showed its super show "Otherwise" on the "main adventure of the summer", and "Time Machine" celebrated its 45th anniversary. important event there was also a reunion of the Nautilus Pompilius group for the sake of one performance held at the Invasion.

Reading this article:

In 2016, the next, 17th in a row, rock festival "INVASION" will take place. This is one of the brightest and largest events in the musical sky of Russia and neighboring countries.

The invasion has been attracting viewers for many years. different ages wealth and social status.

The list of participants in 2016 is already known. These will be the teams:

Due to the scale of the event, the organizers are always very attentive to the life that awaits the audience and 2016 will not be an exception.

At the service of visitors is the sale of food and drinks, cigarettes and alcohol, various rock and festival paraphernalia, as well as tourist equipment necessary for spending the night. At the very entrance to the site there are left-luggage offices, here you can leave those things that the security will prohibit from admitting to the festival.

There is also a stand with chargers of various formats, which anyone can use, mobile payment terminals, rental of various tourist products is organized and a shower is constantly working.

There is continuous Internet throughout the festival field. In addition to music, the audience can visit thematic exhibitions and enjoy traditional performances of unique aerobatic teams"Knights" and "Swifts".

There are also volleyball and basketball courts, equipped including for children. Of course, such large-scale festival not the most suitable place for a child, but the organizers certainly welcome the presence of children and pay special attention to them.

Tradition recent years prepared the audience the festival will take place on the first Friday-Saturday and Sunday of July, but in 2016 the dates were moved a week ahead and this means that the "Invasion" will take place on July 8, 9 and 10.

Many companies are going to meet the numerous fans of the festival. Russian Railways launches special electric trains to the venue, and car fleets launch special bus routes. The place can also be reached by helicopter! Thanks to such measures, there is no unnecessary crowding in public transport and the safety of people on the road is maintained.

According to forecasts, this year's festival will not yield to the previous ones in scale. But time will tell!

The festival was first held in 1999 in a closed area, but the very next year it went beyond the boundaries of a single recreation center and began to be held in the open. The main organizer throughout the history of the festival is Nashe Radio, and initially the festival was timed to coincide with the anniversary of this station.

By 2005, it became clear that in one day all interested groups did not fit into the regulations and the festival became three days, and it was also decided to build three stages at the same time. On the big one, large invited guests (headliners) perform, and on two small ones, less well-known groups.

The festival is expanding noticeably, capturing groups of different calibers, and the influx of viewers is constantly growing. By 15 summer anniversary the attendance of "Invasion" reached 150,000 people. Throughout its history, the event has changed several venues, faced weather conditions and the unpreparedness of the place.

Since 2009, the festival has settled down tightly in the Tver region, at the Bolshoe Zavidovo training ground. In terms of its format, the festival has finally become an open-air, where spectators live in tents under the open sky. The number of scenes allows you to cover everything modern genres rock music, to present to the audience both venerable performers and beginners.

TASS-DOSIER. On August 3, 2018, the rock festival "Invasion" will open in Bolshoy Zavidovo (Konakovo district of the Tver region).

"Invasion" is one of the largest music festivals in Russia and the CIS. The owner of the rights to the name is the radio station "Our Radio".

History of the festival

For the first time the festival was held on December 10-11, 1999 in the House of Culture. Gorbunov in Moscow and was dedicated to the first anniversary of the broadcast of Nashe Radio. "Invasion" takes its name from a series of compilations Russian music, published by the radio station from 1998 to 2005. In 1999, ten musical groups and performers, among whom were "Bi-2", "Ivan Kupala", "Semantic Hallucinations", Zemfira (Ramazanova) and Dolphin (Andrey Lysikov), groups from Ukraine and Moldova "Ocean Elzy" and Zdob si Zdub. Closing the first festival, the founder of Nashe Radio, Mikhail Kozyrev, told the public that the purpose of the event was "an invasion of vulgarity", an attempt to resist, in his opinion, low-quality music broadcast on Russian TV channels and promoted by most producers.

In 2000, "Invasion" for the first time took place in the summer in the open air - at the hippodrome in Ramenskoye and lasted two days - August 19-20. 40 groups and performers performed at the festival, the number of spectators was 60-70 thousand people. In 2001, the "Invasion" festival was held in Ramenskoye on August 4-5. The number of spectators exceeded 100 thousand people. The event was broadcast live for the first time (TV-6 channel). A year later, on August 10-11, 2002, "Invasion" was visited by more than 180 thousand people.

The next "Invasion" was planned to be held on same place in August 2003, but on July 8 the organizers announced its cancellation due to the terrorist attack on July 5, 2003 at the Wings rock festival in Moscow. Instead, the musicians performed live on Our Radio.

In 2004-2005, "Invasion" took place near the village of Emmaus in the Tver region and gathered about 50 thousand spectators. Since 2005 the festival has lasted three days. In addition to the main stage, performances began to take place also on small stages. In July 2005, the festival "Invasion 130" (named after the sponsor - the brand of beer "130") was also held in Kazakhstan, at the Bayserke airfield, near Alma-Ata. It was visited by 20 thousand people.

In 2006, "Invasion" abandoned the Emmaus site, as local promoters decided to hold their own rock festival. In this regard, the "Invasion" took place near Ryazan on the banks of the Oka (80 thousand people visited). In 2007, it was planned to organize a festival in Vladimir region near the city of Kirzhach, but the authorities of the region refused to agree to the event, after which the "Invasion" was canceled. In 2008, the festival was again held near the village of Emmaus, it was attended by about 100 thousand people.

Since 2009, "Invasion" has been held annually near the village of Bolshoe Zavidovo in the Konakovo district of the Tver region (attendance - from 98 thousand to 205 thousand people).

In 2013, for the first time, a joint action of Our Radio and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was held at the festival. Since that time, the guests of the event have been shown combat vehicles of the Russian army; since 2015, demonstration flights of aerobatic teams have been held as part of the festival.

In August 2015, the "Invasion" festival was also held in Alma-Ata, at which local and Russian musicians performed.

Criticism and incidents

The "Invasion" festival has often been criticized for problems in organization: in particular, due to poor provision of spectators with water and food, inconvenient travel to the venue, mud during rains, and so on. In 2010, the festival took place during a heat wave that resulted in two deaths. Total in hospitals sunstroke and almost 450 people were burned then. In 2016, 1,200 people sought medical care for minor sunburns and household cuts.


The organizer of the "Invasion" in 2018 is "Modern Concert Technologies" LLC. Andrey Matveev is the executive director of the festival.


In 2017, the festival was held from 7 to 9 July. It began with a joint performance by Vyacheslav Butusov and children's choir Academic Ensemble songs and dances Russian army them. A.V. Alexandrova "Young Aleksandrovtsy". Closed the "Invasion" Yuri Shevchuk and the group "DDT". In total, the program of the event included performances by more than 90 artists and musical groups. In total, the festival was attended by about 200 thousand people.


In 2018, the festival will be held from 3 to 5 August. It will begin with a joint performance by Noize MC and the Russian Orchestra folk instruments Belgorod State Philharmonic. The "Invasion" grouping "Leningrad" will close. Musicians will take three stages - "Main", "Our 2.0" and "Vysotsky". It is planned that a total of about 150 artists and groups will perform.

Except concert programs, the festival includes theatrical performances, film screenings, performances by reenactors, games and sport competitions for children and adults, exhibitions of military equipment of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, demonstration flights of aviation groups aerobatics, Mind games and lectures from famous people. In total, over 40 interactive zones and entertainment venues will operate at the Invasion.

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