Natalya Andreeva - Adam is looking for Eve, or the wild hunting season. Natalya andreevaadam is looking for eve, or the season of wild hunting

Natalya Andreeva

Adam seeks Eve, or the Season wild hunt

©Andreeva N.V., 2013

©Design. Eksmo Publishing LLC, 2013

All rights reserved. No part electronic version This book may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

©The electronic version of the book was prepared by Litres (

We're the same blood

Hooray! A mobile zoo has arrived in a new, newly built microdistrict of Moscow! Yesterday morning everyone saw how a real camel was walking in the wasteland! And today he, and the old gray wolf, and a flock of noisy monkeys, and even a huge hippopotamus - they all sat in tightly shifted cages. There, on the fenced area, the people were drawn from the very morning. The adults took the children to the mobile zoo.

The little girl Alice held tightly to her mother with one hand, and her father with the other. In such a crowd, it is no wonder to get lost! Previously, Alice lived in the center, in a two-room apartment, with her parents and grandmother Lyuba. Grandmother was very kind, secretly fed her sweets until dinner and allowed Alice, in her mother's absence, to climb into the box, where there were magical things: earrings, brooches, bracelets, bright multi-colored beads. One day, Alice accidentally broke one thread, and Baba Lyuba told her mother that she did it.

Yes, my grandmother was very kind, but for some reason mom and dad said that this was not life, but sheer torment: to endure an absurd old woman because of an apartment. It seems that she was Alice's father's cousin, and for a long time they tried to explain to the girl the degree of this relationship. But Alice did not understand how great-aunts can be and why a quiet old woman is called absurd.

And finally it happened! Dad was given an apartment in a new neighborhood! Large, bright, smelling of fresh paint and plaster! And the quiet lonely woman Lyuba remained in the center in an old house with thick walls, in two rooms with high ceilings. Alice was very sorry for her, but the first of September was approaching, she had to get ready for school in the first grade. Such pleasant chores began, behind which the quiet woman Lyuba soon forgot herself, like an old woman. good fairy tale. Yes, she once was, but sooner or later you have to grow up.

The school was also new, Alice passed by it every day and every time she rejoiced inwardly. True, she was a little afraid, because she had no acquaintances in the new microdistrict. What if local children are not at all like those who live in the center?

And Alice, tightly squeezing her sweaty palms so as not to get lost, twisted her head with all her might. Her bright blue eyes were wide open. How many children are here! And they all go to the traveling zoo! I wonder which of them will turn out to be her neighbor or neighbor on the school desk?

She was happy. Mom bought the cherished cockerel on a stick, huge, honey-colored, and dad promised ice cream, Alice's favorite - a chocolate tube for twenty-eight kopecks. Soon she was already standing near the cage with a tired sleepy lion and in a sweaty palm she was squeezing the cherished cockerel candy. Every now and then a little black-haired girl looked askance at this cockerel. Alice hesitated for a long time, but then held out her hand with the cockerel:

- Want? Lick.

The girl pulled out her pink tongue, touched the lollipop. Alice immediately removed her hand.

- Enough. What is your name?

- Regina. - The girl had round brown eyes that reminded Alice of the shiny buttons of her mother's new coat, and a thin, regular nose.

- I'm Alice. How old are you?

And I'm seven. What school are you going to? To the new one?

- Yes. And the girl looked at the cockerel again. Alice licked it first, then handed it to Regina:

- On the. Will you sit at the same desk with me?

- I do not know. What will the teacher say? - The word "teacher" Regina uttered with such reverence that one could immediately suspect a future excellent student and a diligent student in her.

- I'll think something. - Alice looked at the sleepy lion: - Let's wake him up?

"Scary," Regina shook her head. "What if he's faking it?"

- You are a coward! Alice stated. - But I'm not afraid of anything!

And she squinted at the lion: what if he really is pretending? Cunningly narrowed her eyes:

- All right, let him sleep. Perhaps he is sick, and the sick need rest. Let's go see the hippopotamus?

- Let's go to.

And they ran to the next cage. Parents barely kept up with the newly-appeared girlfriends.

... Two weeks later, two girls, fair and dark, were sitting at the same school desk. Both were very pretty, and the teacher looked with pleasure at the two heads bent over notebooks. What lovely girls! Only Regina is much more diligent than her friend, but Alice is much more cunning. No wonder she was nicknamed Fox in the class from the very first days. And the graceful black-haired Regina with light hand the same Alice soon began to be called none other than Bagheera. So they went through life together, hand in hand, for ten whole years, and then continued to be best friends. Although adulthood they formed completely different. And now one began to envy the other with the most real black envy.

Predators are on the warpath

I won't give you money! Never!

Alice huddled in the corner of the only room and from there looked frightened at her husband. He stood with his fists clenched. Yellowish teeth are bared, eyes are burning, like those of a real wolf. This one will tear apart without hesitation. He is taller than Alice by a whole head, broad shoulders, iron muscles. Alice is scared, but she does not get tired of repeating:

- No no no!

- I'll kill you! He said give me money!

- Senya, I don't have that amount! Two hundred thousand rubles! Where can I get them?

- I suggested: let's sell the cottage. She's worth more. We'll repay the debt, we'll invest the rest in the business.

Alice knew this business of his. The husband brings things from Turkey, she herself was the initiator of this, she herself stands in the market, freezes in the bitter cold, steams in the heat. After the military factory where Arseniy worked closed, there was no other way out but to engage in trade. At first, the prospects were very bright. Finally! Work for yourself, not for your uncle! Do not wait for a salary like manna from heaven, wondering if they will give it on time or delay it? If delayed, how long?

©Andreeva N.V., 2013

©Design. Eksmo Publishing LLC, 2013

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

We're the same blood

Hooray! A mobile zoo has arrived in a new, newly built microdistrict of Moscow! Yesterday morning everyone saw how a real camel was walking in the wasteland! And today he, and the old gray wolf, and a flock of noisy monkeys, and even a huge hippopotamus - they all sat in tightly shifted cages. There, on the fenced area, the people were drawn from the very morning. The adults took the children to the mobile zoo.

The little girl Alice held tightly to her mother with one hand, and her father with the other. In such a crowd, it is no wonder to get lost! Previously, Alice lived in the center, in a two-room apartment, with her parents and grandmother Lyuba. Grandmother was very kind, secretly fed her sweets until dinner and allowed Alice, in her mother's absence, to climb into the box, where there were magical things: earrings, brooches, bracelets, bright multi-colored beads. One day, Alice accidentally broke one thread, and Baba Lyuba told her mother that she did it.

Yes, my grandmother was very kind, but for some reason mom and dad said that this was not life, but sheer torment: to endure an absurd old woman because of an apartment. It seems that she was Alice's father's cousin, and for a long time they tried to explain to the girl the degree of this relationship. But Alice did not understand how great-aunts can be and why a quiet old woman is called absurd.

And finally it happened! Dad was given an apartment in a new neighborhood! Large, bright, smelling of fresh paint and plaster! And the quiet lonely woman Lyuba remained in the center in an old house with thick walls, in two rooms with high ceilings. Alice was very sorry for her, but the first of September was approaching, she had to get ready for school in the first grade. Such pleasant chores began, behind which the quiet woman Lyuba was soon forgotten, like a good old fairy tale. Yes, she once was, but sooner or later you have to grow up.

The school was also new, Alice passed by it every day and every time she rejoiced inwardly. True, she was a little afraid, because she had no acquaintances in the new microdistrict. What if local children are not at all like those who live in the center?

And Alice, tightly squeezing her sweaty palms so as not to get lost, twisted her head with all her might. Her bright blue eyes were wide open. How many children are here! And they all go to the traveling zoo! I wonder which of them will turn out to be her neighbor or neighbor on the school desk?

She was happy. Mom bought the cherished cockerel on a stick, huge, honey-colored, and dad promised ice cream, Alice's favorite - a chocolate tube for twenty-eight kopecks. Soon she was already standing near the cage with a tired sleepy lion and in a sweaty palm she was squeezing the cherished cockerel candy. Every now and then a little black-haired girl looked askance at this cockerel. Alice hesitated for a long time, but then held out her hand with the cockerel:

- Want? Lick.

The girl pulled out her pink tongue, touched the lollipop. Alice immediately removed her hand.

- Enough. What is your name?

- Regina. - The girl had round brown eyes that reminded Alice of the shiny buttons of her mother's new coat, and a thin, regular nose.

- I'm Alice. How old are you?

And I'm seven. What school are you going to? To the new one?

- Yes. And the girl looked at the cockerel again. Alice licked it first, then handed it to Regina:

- On the. Will you sit at the same desk with me?

- I do not know. What will the teacher say? - The word "teacher" Regina uttered with such reverence that one could immediately suspect a future excellent student and a diligent student in her.

- I'll think something. - Alice looked at the sleepy lion: - Let's wake him up?

"Scary," Regina shook her head. "What if he's faking it?"

- You are a coward! Alice stated. - But I'm not afraid of anything!

And she squinted at the lion: what if he really is pretending? Cunningly narrowed her eyes:

- All right, let him sleep. Perhaps he is sick, and the sick need rest. Let's go see the hippopotamus?

- Let's go to.

And they ran to the next cage. Parents barely kept up with the newly-appeared girlfriends.

... Two weeks later, two girls, fair and dark, were sitting at the same school desk. Both were very pretty, and the teacher looked with pleasure at the two heads bent over notebooks. What lovely girls! Only Regina is much more diligent than her friend, but Alice is much more cunning. No wonder she was nicknamed Fox in the class from the very first days. And the graceful black-haired Regina, with the light hand of the same Alice, soon began to be called none other than Bagheera. So they went through life together, hand in hand, for ten whole years, and then continued to be best friends. Although their adult life was completely different. And now one began to envy the other with the most real black envy.

Predators are on the warpath


I won't give you money! Never!

Alice huddled in the corner of the only room and from there looked frightened at her husband. He stood with his fists clenched. Yellowish teeth are bared, eyes are burning, like those of a real wolf. This one will tear apart without hesitation. He is taller than Alice by a whole head, broad shoulders, iron muscles. Alice is scared, but she does not get tired of repeating:

- No no no!

- I'll kill you! He said give me money!

- Senya, I don't have that amount! Two hundred thousand rubles! Where can I get them?

- I suggested: let's sell the cottage. She's worth more. We'll repay the debt, we'll invest the rest in the business.

Alice knew this business of his. The husband brings things from Turkey, she herself was the initiator of this, she herself stands in the market, freezes in the bitter cold, steams in the heat. After the military factory where Arseniy worked closed, there was no other way out but to engage in trade. At first, the prospects were very bright. Finally! Work for yourself, not for your uncle! Do not wait for a salary like manna from heaven, wondering if they will give it on time or delay it? If delayed, how long?

But Arseniy turned out to be a bad businessman. And this is at a time when good things are not going God knows how! People huddle, things are reluctant to buy, and they are bargained as if their last day has come. But they can also be understood, Alice herself has been living like this for many years. He also trades hoarsely, and having bought something on the market, he immediately goes to the control scales to check if he was deceived. If not for the inheritance of Baba Lyuba, two-roomed flat in the center, which he and Arseniy are now renting out, it would be very bad. And so many even envy them. Still would! A thousand dollars a month without much hassle! God, where does the money go? Well, they do not hold on to Arseny, and that's it! After all, it would be possible to live, if not luxuriously, then quite acceptable! So no, he has the manners of a millionaire: everything is only the best!

"I hate him"! thought Alice. The husband again managed to make debts, and this time the people were serious. So Arseniy is forcing her to sell the house.

- After all, this is my cottage! My! So that my sick grandmother in the devil’s head in the next world in a frying pan should be properly fried!

Senya, how can you? Alice was horrified by such blasphemy.

- It was necessary to manage it! Give me, your only grandson, a house, and land, forty acres, to my wife! Who needs a house without land?

“She didn't want you to sell the estate,” Alice said softly. “Your ancestors lived in this house for eighty years.

Yes, the late grandmother Arseniy, on the one hand, acted wisely, and on the other, stupidly, having issued a very strange donation during her lifetime. After all, Arseny may well intimidate his wife and force her to sign papers for sale. Apparently, the grandmother hoped for Alisina's intransigence. The old fortune teller's heart told her that not everything was in order between husband and wife for a long time. Since the child has not yet been born, it means that they are not going to live life together, but to get divorced. And in the old country house as there were no strangers, so it should not be. By law, the land belongs to Alice, and that's it. Who needs a house without land? It turns out that Alice was more fortunate with the inheritance, when her father's great-aunt took over and issued all the property to her shortly before her death. And on the site of the Moskva pool, where the windows of her apartment looked out, a majestic temple was built.

- Well, let me sell at least half, - Arseniy slows down, tries to solve everything in peace. - After all, there are as many as forty acres! Grass grows on half the earth! Why do you need all this?

He's right, Alice doesn't need this lot. She grew up in the city village life she didn’t know when she was born, she doesn’t like to dig in the ground, if she likes something, it’s messing with flowers. But for this forty acres is not necessary. Alice just wants to annoy her husband. And then: once you give in, he will put pressure on you. The time will come, and he will get to the woman-Lyubina's apartment. And she feeds their little family. It is the apartment, and not the so-called business of Arseniy.

“And I’ll build a house there!” On their forty acres! Here!

- May you die! Stupid! May you die!

This is not the worst thing that Alice hears from her husband. For fourteen years I got used to scandals. They would have divorced long ago, but this is unprofitable for Arseny. The apartment that feeds them belongs to the wife, and you can’t sell the house without her consent. And who will stand in the market with rags? He himself, right? And wash, wash, clean? Alice bears everything resignedly, only sometimes, like now, she allows herself to strike a pose. At least something, but annoy. Arseny clenched his fists. If she gets stubborn, he doesn't know what he'll do!

"I'm going to burn this house down!" Understood? I'll sleep!

- So what?

- I'll burn it and get insurance. Because I'm a homeowner and I took care of it. Just two hundred thousand! Ha ha!

- When will you be paid? Alice is trying to reason with her husband.

- Nothing, I'll find someone to intercept money from. And then I'll give it all. So that? Will you sign the papers or should I set the house on fire?

- Yes, set it on fire!

- Stupid! I am you now...

Alice rushes to the kitchen with a squeal, tries to close the door. Of course, this will not save her, Arseny is strong and fast, but, having sluggishly jerked the door a couple of times, for some reason he calms down. He swears loudly, dirtyly and returns to the only room. I can hear the sofa creaking there, then my husband turned on the TV at full volume. Out of spite. Alice, falling on a staggering stool, begins to sob loudly.

... But everything started well, not bad at all! True, Alice did not study as brilliantly as her best friend Regina, and after the tenth grade she did not dare to enter the institute. Where to! Practical mom advised:

- Go to the trade college. You will be fed, dressed, shod. God did not give you a special mind, so you will take it by cunning. You are a smart girl.

Ah, mother, mother! If you knew then that a couple of years would pass and the stores would be bursting with goods, and the sellers would literally lure buyers there, and even invent various lotteries, and tasting presentations, if only they would go and buy from them. If you, mother, knew that the time would come and the poor boy, who came from the provinces and was rejected by you as a candidate for son-in-law, would find use for his talents and earn a lot of money. Remember what you said then?

Who is he, Alice? Student? Oh! And where does he study? At MADI? Oh! And what about where are you from? Oh! Does he live in a hostel? Oh oh oh! Well, he will finish his institute, he will be an engineer, of which there are many. Beggarly wages, no age bonuses, apartments too. And where will you live? And for what?

At that time, Baba Lyuba was still full of strength and health, and all Alice could count on was to settle with her chosen one in one of her two rooms. Just like her mom and dad used to. Like many parents, they did not want their only daughter to repeat their fate, and introduced her to Arseny Mitrofanov.

- Here is the groom so the groom! Don't miss out, Alice! He served in the army, graduated from a technical school, works at a secure enterprise, the salary is decent. And there is an apartment. True, one-room, in a panel house on the ground floor, but for the first time you will have enough. Get in line, you see, get a two-room apartment. Just do not rush with the child until the queue for the apartment comes up. Then, Alice, you have to give birth, so that they give you a two-room apartment. Better yet, get a divorce and get two.

Mother persistently, day after day, inspired these thoughts in her daughter, and a drop, as you know, wears away a stone. In addition, Arseny was an extremely handsome guy: tall, broad-shouldered, fair-haired, light brown eyes, with bright dancing sparks. Then it was still a cheerful laugh, and not a hard-to-control fury ...

Alice looked angrily at the old walls. Damn it all! Where are you now, mother, with your advice? You sit in the watchman's booth, earn extra money for a meager pension, knit another woolen sock for your grandson, whom you can't wait for, and watch with one eye at a tiny TV. You have a chest full of these socks, solid and striped, but what is all this for? What for? Mom, why?

For fourteen years now, Alice and her husband have been living in the same one-room apartment on the ground floor, Arseniy is lazy, repairs have long been needed, but he still pulls. They have "Zhiguli" of the fourth model, which constantly break down. And to say "they" would be wrong. Arseniy uses the car alone. Alice has driver license, but, if not for Regina's best friend, she would never drive. Regina sometimes allows her to drive her brand new Peugeot by proxy. Alice can afford little. Arseniy decides everything, and he prefers to keep his wife in a black body.

Alice reaches over to the table, takes up a small mirror, and, looking into it, begins to sob even louder. What has she become! Thirty-five years old, and the figure is far from being as slender as Regina's. Belly hanging, folds on the hips. There is no makeup on the face, I forgot at the hairdresser's already when last time was. But she was once called very pretty! And she wanted to dress up, to please men, to flirt recklessly. Now I just want one thing: lie down and sleep. In a dream, time passes faster, life passes faster. Because Alice has been dreaming for a long time that all this would end faster.

Want to burn down the house? Yes, let it burn! Together they have long been closely on earth.


- Regina, can I give you more money?

- Why, dear?

- Well, maybe you don't have enough?

- I have everything. However, I think. Honey, are you going to have dinner at home tonight?

- Yes, probably.

– What would you like for dinner? I can cook salmon steak. Fish is not as high-calorie as meat, and you need to watch your figure. I think for Last year you've got a few extra pounds. Expensive oh? What are you thinking about?

And Regina jokingly pinched her husband's bulging belly. What a couple extra! It's good that Anton - big man tall. And it would just look fat. But he needs to be careful when talking about it. Why create with a husband extra complexes? They stand in the hallway, Anton hands her a tie:

- Tie it up, please. Do you think maybe I should play tennis again? Or to the pool?

- And tennis, and in the pool. You can go to the pool on weekends with me.

Regina looks at her in the mirror with pleasure. slim figure. After the son leaves for school, you can go to the fitness club. She, Regina Perovskaya, is a permanent member of this club, and it costs mere pennies: a couple of thousand rubles a month. Solarium, massage and beautician services for an additional fee, but this is also not burdensome for her. What, in essence, trifles!

... But how it all began! Not easy, oh not easy! Did Regina, a clever, excellent student, the first student in the class, ever think that she would be an ordinary housewife? Not at all! On the contrary, she wanted to do something extraordinary, she wanted to study, then work, then study again. Postgraduate studies, Ph.D., doctoral ... So smart Regina saw her life path when, after school, she entered not just anywhere, but at the Moscow State University for the philological faculty. And soon one of her classmates brought his friend Anton to the university disco. Regina fell in love with him at first sight, although Anton then liked her friend Alice more. But that parents soon found a groom provided with money and housing, and Anton was left out of work.

Regina was madly in love, she did her best to console the guy. Her parents supported her: get married, you will live with us, in one of the rooms. Anton, apparently, really wanted to become a Muscovite, so he made an offer to Regina. She felt then that she was unloved, but she believed in her own strength. As, however, and always.

Oh what times those were! Together with parents in a small two-room apartment! And soon Alyoshka was born. Now he is almost fourteen years old. Just think: fourteen years! How quickly time flies! Regina looked around the hallway. The husband bought a three-room apartment seven years ago, but they were able to make a European-style renovation in it only three years later. Well, not all at once. There were times when the whole family lived on the salary of Anton, who worked as a junior researcher at a research institute. Regina was on maternity leave with Alyoshka and still believed in herself. Husband fell in love with her not immediately, but fell in love. Regina knows this for sure, because he does not have a mistress. But with his money to have one is not a problem. Not immediately, oh, success did not immediately come to Anton! And he came because there was a sensitive, understanding Regina nearby.

And she knows for sure about her mistress, because she is smart. Subtle observations imperceptible to him, a couple of questions in passing, a visit to a private detective, but in such a way that Anton would not notice anything. True, he rarely shows interest in her as a woman, but trusting friendships have been established between them. And this is much more valuable. And he doesn't have a mistress. So he loves her, Regina. Loves and appreciates.

Regina copes with her tie, hands her husband a jacket. Now its beginning fullness is almost imperceptible. A self-confident, respectable man of thirty-six, the owner of a construction company.

- Well, dear, I went?

- Good luck to you.

Traditional kiss at the door. Now you can take care of your son. Then yourself. There must be order in everything, this is a guarantee of success.

- Alexei! Lesha, it's time to get up! You'll be late for school!

...When she is already finishing her daytime makeup in the hallway, there is a phone call. Regina picks up the phone and hears her best friend Alice sobbing loudly in it.

- Fox? What happened? Stop crying! Fox!

He threatens to kill me!

- Who? Arseny? Here's the bastard! Well, stop it! We'll figure something out. Stop it, Lisa! Do you hear?

A quiet groan in the tube:

- I can’t-u-u ... I’m afraid of him-u-u-us ...

- Come to me. Today, now. We will go to the fitness club, I will buy you an entrance ticket, we will swim in the pool, we will sit in the sauna, we will go to the massage therapist. You calm down, tell me everything. And we'll come up with something together.

- Well-oh-oh-oh ...

Alice is still sobbing loudly. Regina hangs up and sighs. Here's another problem! We need to help Alice. They've been friends for many years!

...After the sauna and massage, both of them, relaxed, sit in the bar and drink coffee. Regina goes over the options in her mind:

“There must be some way out. Maybe you should divorce him?

"He's going to kill me, don't you understand!" He's just crazy! I can't wait for a divorce! Makes me sign papers, wants to sell the dacha. And I don't agree. First the dacha, then he will get to Baba Lyubina's apartment.

“Listen, maybe you should sell it yourself?”

- What to sell?

- An apartment.

“Then you will have money, big money. And money is freedom. You will slowly slip away from your Senka, and that's it. And he will never find you. In the end, you can even buy yourself a new passport. No marriage stamp. And generally start new life.

But how can I sell it? I can be deceived!

- I will help you. All this is done in three days. Paperwork.

“What if he finds out?”

“The first time you have to leave. If you have decided to start a new life.

- Yes. I decided. Because I can't do this anymore! Can you see what I've become? Look!

Regina looks at her skeptically.

- M-yes-ah-ah ... But you once had a great figure! I used to envy you a little.

- Did you envy? You? To me?

“We’re about the same height, but you naturally have a much slimmer waist. And in general you are softer, more feminine. I have an almost boyish figure. I had to do something. Yes you know!

“Now I weigh five kilograms more than you,” Alice remarked despondently.

- For five! Regina smiled skeptically. “You flatter yourself, friend.

Alice shot her an angry look. Of course! He has fun here, swims in the pool, turns his back to a young masseur! If only Anton knew about some of her tricks! Did he give his wife too much freedom? But Alice also has a sin, and her Senka is much more formidable than Anton. Therefore, Alice is still silent about Regina's tricks. This is a mutual benefit. After all, they have been best friends for many years and reliably keep each other's secrets.

- And where should I go? she asks Regina.

- South. There is an excellent boarding house where Anton and I rested several times. It is quite expensive there for ordinary people, so there are always free places. Let's just say that this is quite an acceptable vacation for middle-class people.

- Oh, I'm afraid! Haven't been out for a long time. And besides, I look bad!

- Nothing, a tanned body looks much slimmer. We will go together in my car. Together. You and me. This morning Anton asked if I needed money. I'll probably take a couple of thousand from him.

Dollars, honey. dollars.

"So I'm going to yours?"

- Why? By this time you will already be a wealthy woman. You must have time to sell the apartment.

“What am I supposed to do, take such a huge amount of money with me?!

- No, why not. Hide while in the country.

He's threatening to burn her!

"It's scary," Regina said confidently. What is he, a fool? In any case, when I pick you up, you will take this money and we will hide it. I will consult with Anton and find a reliable bank. You're not going back to your husband, are you? It is so?

"I'm not going to," Alice nodded.

“So we have an agreement?” Be patient for a few more days and secretly prepare for your departure. You will transport some things to one of my good friends. It will also be possible to live with her for the first time, until you decide on housing.

- And how much can the apartment of Baba Lyuba cost? Alice asks carefully.

- A two-room apartment in the center of Moscow? Such a huge area? Yes, if you wish, you can make such a candy out of it! Don't worry, there will be buyers. And instantly. You will make yourself new documents, buy new apartment in a new area, and still money will remain. Put them in the bank and you'll live happily ever after on interest without your Arseniy, since he turned out to be such a freak. You will also give birth to a child from a good man.

- Will I get a job?

- We'll arrange everything. That's why I'm your best friend. It is so?

- Yes. Thanks Bagheera!

Alice felt like a mountain had been lifted from her shoulders! Indeed, the problem has a solution! You just need to think things through. How to think about...

... Regina is preparing for battle in the evening. Anton will have to be left alone for a week, and he does not like it very much. First of all, she sends Alyoshka to spend the night with her parents. Then, humming a trendy song under her breath, Regina puts on fresh make-up, this time evening. Husband doesn't have to explain anything. Carefully examining his wife, he asks only:

- Where is the son?

- I went to spend the night with my grandmother.

- Clear.

Over the years life together he learned this cultural program by heart, since the wife follows the rules established once and for all. Candlelight dinner first, Regina is gorgeous as always. A glass of light wine, a piece of salmon with white sauce, a Greek salad, “dear, did you like it?”. Then the bed. Regina is amazing. As always. Series long kisses, which are getting hotter and hotter, her cautious hands go lower and lower, her clothes are quietly removed, her guiding movements, a brief delight so that he has time to feel like a real man, and the invariable “darling, did you like it?”.

When she returns from the bathroom, he obediently puts his shoulder where his wife's black-haired head comfortably rests. Her short haircut flawless, hair to hair.

- Well, now let's talk.

“About what, dear?”

– What would you like to talk about?

- About Alice.

For a moment, she feels her husband's shoulder tighten. What's the matter? No, relaxed again. And Regina continues confidently:

Yes, about Alice.

- What's the matter with her?

“Her husband turned out to be a real beast.

- Yes, what are you?

He even threatens her! Wants to kill. She needs to get out of town for a while. Alyoshka is already an adult, he goes to a sports camp in the south. Recent times he is making progress in tennis. I want to go there by car. With Alice.

His shoulder is relaxed, Regina already feels complete agreement. So we can continue.

- Expensive oh? How are you?

- Well, of course, go.

“I need money, dear.

- Okay, take it.

- Two or three thousand dollars. And four is better. Yes. I need four thousand dollars.

- So much?

Now his shoulder is definitely tense. Regina is confused.

“You asked yourself this morning if I needed money.

“I didn’t think it would be such a large amount.

- Big? Did you say "big"? Antosha, do you have any problems?

– Do you want to know about it?

- I'm not sure.

- Then shut up.

She carefully considers her husband's words. Well, that was to be expected. Businessmen have problems from time to time, then the Economic Crime Department will run over, then the fire brigade, then competitors will start to put spokes in the wheels, then an influential client will complain to the appropriate authorities, then the co-founders will start a division of property. But Anton is talking about it for the first time. And for the first time he refuses her money. Let not directly, but casually, but refuses.

- Can we go broke?

– Everyone can.

– Can I help you with something?

Remember, I opened your name account three years ago? So that in which case neither you nor your son need anything.

“Maybe I need money. Then, when everything settles down, I will return them to you.

– What actually happened?

- We'll sue.

- To sue?

- Yes. For a while the firm will stand. I'll have to pay employees minimum wage so they don't scatter and somehow stay afloat.

- And what are the guarantees that the company will survive? Regina asks in a tense voice.

- None.

Anthony, I'm serious.

- And I. Dear, well, who in our time can give reliable guarantees? So be moderate in your spending. And I really hope you didn't waste your money.

So can I count on them?

Regina cannot confess to him that there is no money in the account for a long time. And even more so to say where she spent them. She so hoped that Anton would never remember them! Lord, what expenses can you think of to explain the lack of money in her personal account! After all, her husband just a year and a half ago bought her a new car, he also pays for the household expenses, for the child. All these schools, sections, vouchers.

- Honey, are you okay?

So what's up with Alice?

- Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

But you just said...

- Nonsense, dear! Sheer rubbish! A couple of thousand is enough for me.

“I hope you take it from your account?”

- Of course expensive!

“So you won’t be in Moscow for a couple of weeks?”

- This is good. I am going through a very difficult time in my life right now. It's better if neither you nor Alyoshka are around. And when you return, something will already be decided. Well, sleep?

- Yes Dear.

Sleep! Can you sleep here! Regina closes her eyes, turns to the other side. Like this. Let the husband think that she is sleeping. Everything must be well thought out. There must be a way out of any situation. If the conversation turns to the money in her account and you have to explain where they went, it will pull such a chain! Will her husband forgive her? Hardly. She studied Anton well during the years of marriage. He belongs to the category of decent men, of which there are not so many left now. Good family man, a wonderful father, an impeccable husband. And he doesn't have a mistress. Forgiveness is usually mutual. You forgive, they forgive you. What if there is nothing to blame him for? What's stopping him from divorcing her after he finds out the truth? And what a truth! No, this cannot be allowed. She still believes in Anton. He will get out, he will certainly get out, and everything will be as before. A strong family, loving husband, prosperity in the house. We just need to buy time.

Regina listens to her husband's breathing. Really? No, he is not sleeping either, he is thinking hard about something. So, with their backs turned to each other, they lie for a long, very long time. And although they have known each other for many years, neither one guesses the true thoughts of the other.

Alice has been secretly preparing for her departure for a whole week. Regina helps her with everything. Her friend Irina left for a month in a sanatorium in Kislovodsk, left the key. Alice is transporting some of her things to her house. He does it so that Arseny does not notice. There are no problems with the sale of the apartment either. Everything is resolved in the best possible way. Having visited the dacha, Alice leaves her bag there. Well, it seems that everything is ready!

On Friday at five o'clock, when Arseniy is leaving on his incomprehensible business, an unexpected call is heard in the apartment. Alice is sure it is Regina.

- This is Anton.

I heard you have some problems?

- So what?

- Could we meet?

- Today.

- And Regina?

- She has some business. He must be swimming or playing tennis somewhere. Anton's voice is clearly mocking.

- Good. I will come. Where?

– Let's meet in that cafe… Well, you remember.

- Yes. I remember. Does it still exist?

There's a restaurant there now.

- Restaurant?

- I'll be waiting for you there.

- I'm leaving.

- See you.

Can Alice refuse him anything? And this is not at all because he is her husband. best friend. Who knows how life could have turned out for them all, if she had shown firmness then, many years ago?

Alice goes to the mirror, looking lipstick trying to make up her lips. Her hands are trembling slightly. In fourteen years, this is their first meeting alone! What will happen?

The next day, Saturday, Arseniy decides: it's time! Today trading was again unsuccessful. It seems that he is lucky the same as everyone else, but they take from others, but he does not. Or does it just seem that the neighbor's land is fatter and the snow is whiter? At three o'clock he told his wife: roll up! He caught her surprised look, grimaced: what a cow! Dropped, slumped. And there! I got into a pose, and that's it.

The last day of summer 2015 has arrived. For the next 9 months, we will live in memories of warm summer days and dream that the warmest time of the year will come soon. While the cold is inexorably approaching, I suggest that you plunge into the exotic a little and visit the group of islands of French Polynesia, located near Tahiti. It was there that the shooting of the second season of the German reality show took place. "Adam is looking for Eve" (Adam sucht Eva). The show ended at the end of August, I watched it on the Internet in German.

Don't faint! "ADAM IS LOOKING FOR EVE" THIS IS NOT SEXY-EROTIC-PORNOGRAPHIC broadcast. This is a rather innocent and romantic show about fully naked people looking for their love. For more than 10 years, DOM-2 has been on TNT, where they do the same, but only in clothes and in the village of Leshkovo, Moscow Region. "Adam Seeks Eve" season 2 was filmed in the Tikehau Islands. amazing beautiful place- Paradise on Earth. crystal pure water, White sand, sun, palm trees.

Tikehau was discovered in 1816 by the Russian traveler Otto Evstafievich Kotzebue, who named it after another Russian traveler Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern. Tikehau has an almost circular shape with a diameter of 26 km. The width of the atoll varies from 300 to 1000 m. In the center there is a very large lagoon connected by many passages with ocean waters. In the lagoon of the island lives a very big number fish, seabirds nest on numerous motus.

There are three islands: Isle of Temptations (Insel der Versuchung), Love Island (Insel der Liebe) and Nameless. All participants first arrive on Temptation Island.

By gender, everyone is divided into two groups - Adams (men) and Eves (women and transsexuals). The composition can be different - maybe three people, of which two are Eves, or maybe three Adams and one Eve. In each episode, someone comes, someone leaves, and the number of people on the island is different all the time. The main task is to communicate more, look closely at each other, and if you like everything, then why not fall in love, because Nature screams - LOVE!

Leisure of the participants is quite unpretentious - they got up in the morning, washed themselves, had breakfast. We did some work on the hut - they made the bed, swept the floor, patched the roof with palm leaves. During the day we ate, sunbathed, and swam. In the evening we ate and went to bed.

reality show "Adam is looking for Eve" / Adam sucht Eva

reality show "Adam is looking for Eve" / Adam sucht Eva

But the Producers do not allow to stay on the island for a long time, so in each series a task is given that determines the fate of the heroes. For example, you need to do something at speed and whoever wins can remove those who have not shown themselves from the island. And it is obligatory in each issue that one of the Evas (after a certain task) must choose Adam and go with him to the Island of Love to find out whether they are suitable for each other or not.

reality show "Adam is looking for Eve" / Adam sucht Eva

The couple spends exactly 24 hours on the Island of Love - there they again eat, drink, talk and spend the night together in the same bed, and the very next day they leave for an unnamed island with holiday huts and meet each other already in clothes. And then they must decide whether they want to continue to be together or not. If they want, Shaw gives them a vacation in one of the luxury huts, and if not, the heroes go home. That is, in any case, after the Island of Love, the participants are eliminated.

Temptation Island is essentially no different from Love Island. It's just that on Love Island people are left alone with each other - that's the whole difference. Somehow to cheat and stay longer in the show will not work, as the rotation of frames inexorably updates the frames. In the second season, two people (both Austrians) shone their faces the most in the show - the dark-skinned Eva Bahati (Bahati) ...

Bahiti from the reality show "Adam is looking for Eve" / Adam sucht Eva

And blue-blond Aryan Ahi (Achi).

Ahi from the reality show "Adam is looking for Eve" / Adam sucht Eva

Bahati acted like a sly little fox, and Ahi played the role of a fool. All fun and funny - so why not. Well, the bomb of the season is a transsexual Edona from Albania. She amazed everyone with her bust and don't put your finger in her mouth!

Edona from the reality show "Adam is looking for Eve" / Adam sucht Eva

All members of the show are single/single and looking for their love. Age - from 20 to 50 years. Everyone is perfectly built (fat people are not taken there), clean-shaven everywhere, white teeth. Almost all people creative professions: dancers, erotic models, strippers, etc. By citizenship - Germans and Austrians, and the nationalities are very different. The second season had participants from Uruguay, France, Lithuania, Albania, Austria and of course Germany. Smiling, positive, open people. Nice to look at.

reality show "Adam is looking for Eve" / Adam sucht Eva

reality show "Adam is looking for Eve" / Adam sucht Eva

What we liked:

Amazingly beautiful nature against which the show was filmed.

Pleasant participants and the almost complete absence of any negative between them. No one beats anyone in the face because of a woman, or pulls out their hair or scratches their face because of a peasant. Liked - agreed, did not like - well, okay. It is in DOM-2 that they do not respect themselves ...

reality show "Adam is looking for Eve" / Adam sucht Eva

Demonstration of the cult of a beautiful body. The participants are completely different - there are pumped up, there are with ordinary bodies, there are completely made on the operating table plastic surgeon. But there are no flabby-cellulite bellies and thighs, as well as super-thin people.

reality show "Adam is looking for Eve" / Adam sucht Eva

- "Propaganda" of naturism (as it is more correct to call what is meant by "nudism"). I have a positive attitude to the demonstration of a naked body in places intended for this.

The show shows that no matter how a person looks, the main thing is what is in his soul. For example, there was member Andre, who didn't make the right first impression on Ev, but when he started playing guitar and singing songs own composition The girls have completely changed their minds.

At any age, you can find your love - the main thing is to be open and ready to meet your Adam or Eve.

Musical arrangement. German shows are notorious for using a lot of modern cool music in the episodes.

Women learn what men talk about, what they pay attention to first of all and what they value. Men also learn a lot - for example, that size still matters

reality show "Adam is looking for Eve" / Adam sucht Eva

Do not gloss over all the most interesting pixels. For example, in the USA and France there is also this show, but everything is mercilessly pixelated there and the meaning of the show is lost.

reality show "Adam is looking for Eve" / Adam sucht Eva

What did not like:

The speed at which the participants converge and then travel to Love Island. A love story lasts a maximum of two episodes.

Highly short series(slightly more than 40 minutes) and their small number (6-7 per season). Want more...

reality show "Adam is looking for Eve" / Adam sucht Eva

Flies are everywhere. They sit on the face, on the chest and on the most intimate. Sometimes it was unpleasant to look at;

Monotonous leisure on the island - there is practically nothing to watch. Everyone just chats, eats, drinks, sleeps, takes selfies and massages each other. Although I would not mind indulging in such idleness

You can watch the show on the Internet, including on the official website of the RTL TV channel. I hope that in Russia we will someday grow up to something similar. The Middle Ages have already come - it's time to go to the Age of Enlightenment

reality show "Adam is looking for Eve" / Adam sucht Eva

Sincerely, Andy Goldred

Let's say it seems to you a fiend of hell. Well, then read what are abroad.

1. Adam Zkt. Eva / "Adam is looking for Eve"

Netherlands, channel RTL 5

The dating show is filmed on a tropical island in pacific ocean. Two guys and only one girl - who will she choose in the end? The trick is that everyone is naked. True, the audience sees only the naked girlish chest: everything below the waist is either hidden by the details of the landscape, or is shown in fairly general plans. Spain, Germany, Finland and Denmark have already bought the rights and filmed their own versions of the show.

2. Hurl! / "Puke!"

USA Channel G4

In 2008, the show ran for 11 episodes. At the beginning of the program, participants bought food at the supermarket. Then they ate it together and went to exercise: swam in the pool, ran on the track, jumped on the trampoline. The one who vomited first was out. The game had six rounds. The winner received $1000. The release of the contents of the stomachs, fortunately, was masked.

3. Dating Naked

USA, channel VH1

The guy and the girl are the owners, new ones constantly come to their island. After talking and gaining experience of living together, someone is left, and someone will have to leave. All but host Amy Paffra are completely naked, but everything naughty on screen is blurred, including the girls' breasts.

4. De Grote Donorshow / "Big Donor"

Netherlands, channel Nederland 3/BNN

Nederland 3/BNN

The heroine of the only release of the show in 2007 was a terminally ill 37-year-old woman. She had to choose which of the 25 kidney transplant recipients to donate her organ after death. The producer of the show, Endemol, was accused of extreme cynicism. The producers said it was a hoax to draw attention to the donation issue. The dying actress played, among the "awaiting transplants" were three really sick, but they knew about the idea and ardently supported it.

5. AKBingo!

Japan, Nippon Television channel

Participants are busy in a fun show vocal group AKB48 (the name of the program is a pun on the band's designation and the exclamation "bingo"). Each issue has a different challenge. For example, funny game"Blow a cockroach in your friend's mouth" (1). Two girls blow into a transparent pipe with different sides. In the pipe - a huge cockroach. I must say that Japanese TV people are generally big entertainers. With special force they are drawn to the strawberry. Youtube is bursting with fragments of the show “Are Breasts Real?” - the participants feel the breasts of the models with their palms, trying to understand - is it silicone (2), "Show panties" - the girl demonstrates to the guy Underwear(3) and others, which simply cannot be described in a decent magazine.

6. Face Off

USA, Syfy channel

You have probably admired the skill of the make-up artists of the show “One to One” and “Just Like It” more than once. But, having created an image, they fade into the shadows, and the viewer does not even know their names. Another thing - American project"Without a face", in which plastic makeup artists fight for victory. Participants receive a task: in three days to create, for example, a non-existent animal or a fantastic monster, and the jury evaluates their imagination and skill. Season winner receives $100,000, stock cosmetics in the amount of $25,000, sometimes they are given cars and invited to give lectures. I must say, with the imagination of the makeup virtuosos, everything is in order.

7. Spuiten en Slikken / “Spread and swallow”

Netherlands, BNN channel

Holland is the world's forge of television formats, here everyone has seen and got used to everything. But this program still managed to outrage the public and has been doing this since 2005 every Tuesday. The word "swallow" in the title is not about sweets. It means what you immediately thought about and blushed. In a show you won't believe the talk about different ways take drugs and have sex. The program has not yet been closed just because the authors emphasize the consequences of using dope, and all the depravity in the frame is thoroughly blurred. Leading travel around the world - so to speak, for research purposes: visiting drug addict basements, sex dens, porn studios. In general, they have a lot of material.

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