All about the best white sand beaches in Vietnam. Where are the best beaches in Vietnam?

We have lived in Vietnam for quite a long time, traveled around many beaches, and I will be happy to tell you about some of the most beautiful ones! If you stay in the city of Nha Trang, then do not limit yourself to swimming on the city beach, so you will not see the real one! Rent a motorbike and drive outside the city! The very road to the beach is already a great reason to go there, you will see all the flavor and beauty of Vietnamese nature and its inhabitants! Huge majestic mountains under the green edge of the trees, the beauty is indescribable! Drive about an hour towards the north, about 50 km from Nha Trang. There are very few tourists on the beach, only the guests of the White Sand Doclet Resort. White sand, turquoise water, this is truly a paradise! You can rent sun loungers and eat in a cafe on the beach. If you go to this beach, great emotions and complete relaxation are guaranteed for you!

I also want to talk about Jungle Beach. The name speaks for itself, really the jungle! Nobody knows about this beach, except for local Russians and foreigners. To go to it a little more than an hour also in the direction of the north. Before you opens a large sandy beach for several kilometers, unforgettable views, bamboo bungalows, sheltered in the shade of palm trees and sky-colored water! Be sure to drive along the mountain road near the beach, there is something to see and what to photograph! Seascapes, fishing villages, huge rocks, you will be enchanted by the beauty of nature!

Well, if you can’t get out of the city of Nha Trang, then go to the beach, which is located in the An Vien area. An area with many European standard villas. There is a small private beach. To be surprised, go there at night! Take a dip in the water and you can watch glowing little plankton underwater, a very mesmerizing sight! You are swimming, and luminous waves are radiating from you, you can feel like a fairy or a wizard!

Vietnam has been breathing down Thailand's neck for a long time. Even fierce Thai lovers are increasingly choosing Vietnamese resorts. In Vietnam, it is cheaper, and the climate is the same, and there is a sea! But here's how to find the best Vietnamese resorts and beaches and not miscalculate?

Vietnam boasts a 3,400 km long coastline. Endless seas, sandy beaches, hidden coves, magnificent lagoons and tropical islands attract the thirsty beach holiday by the warm sea. Let's look at the best beaches in Vietnam and maybe choose the best of the best Vietnamese resort. Although it will not be easy, I will say right away.

The climate on the popular beaches of Vietnam

But first of all, before planning a trip, falling in love with a colorful photo, you need to find out what season will be at that time in the resort you like. Otherwise, the picture in reality may be far from what you saw on the Internet or in a magazine. Dirty cloudy water, huge waves and daily rain are not uncommon in Vietnam during the rainy season.

Most of the popular beaches in Vietnam are located in the southern part of the country. There good season when the sky is clear, the sun is hot, there are no clouds and rains from October to February. The rainy season lasts from June to October. It brings regular rains and even typhoons.

But there are wonderful seaside resorts in the north, not far from Hanoi. Best time to visit the Vietnamese northern beaches - from May to August.

Almost every popular southern seaside resort in Vietnam can be easily reached from Ho Chi Minh City. Vung Tau, Phan Thiet, and Mui Ne are all within a few hours drive or bus ride from Ho Chi Minh City.

Vung Tau also has water comets on the Mekong several times a day. The journey takes just over an hour. but the sea there is an amateur - muddy and restless. But all hotels and cafes are cheap, cheap!

And planes from Ho Chi Minh City fly to Phu Quoc Island almost every hour. Therefore, if you are planning to relax in the winter in the south of Vietnam, look for flights to Ho Chi Minh City.

I suggest looking here. You won't find cheaper.

So, a description and photos of the beaches and resorts of Vietnam.

Phan Thiet

Phan Thiet was a fishing village for a long time, known for that the famous fish sauce was made there. Now in the city about 75 thousand people live regularly. In the season, there are much more people due to those who come to rest.

Phan Thiet is today a picturesque fishing town. In the sea you can see every day hundreds of colorful fishing boats sailing nearby. The nearest beach is central, right in the city. And then there are remote beaches, which are located a few kilometers east of the city.

About 20 kilometers from Phan Thiet is located. Therefore, tourists often confuse these two names. In fact, there is no big difference, because the climate and the sea are the same in Phan Thiet and in Mui Ne, and the distance between them is symbolic.

Mui Ne has the most popular schools kiteboarding and surfing Vietnam. Plus there are a few more attractions - sand dunes, palm trees, seafood restaurants. But the main thing for which they go to Mui Ne is kiting and windsurfing schools, of which there are a great many in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet, both with foreign instructors and with Russians.

My opinion is that both the sea and beach resort of Mui Ne is so-so, an amateur.

Vung Tau

Vung Tau is one of the most popular resorts in Vietnam among locals. It is usually very crowded from December to May. To be honest, the beaches of Vung Tau do not compare with other beaches in Vietnam, they are dirtier and not as picturesque. But proximity to Ho Chi Minh City makes Vung Tau the most popular destination of the season.

Most vacationers there are Vietnamese, but there are also foreign tourists. In addition, there are Russian expats in Vung Tau who work at the oil refineries of this city.

Nha Trang is the most popular Vietnamese resort

Nha Trang is called the Vietnamese Riviera. Although, to be honest, in the last few years, the Riviera has become quite polluted. Often the water in the sea is muddy, and a lot of garbage is thrown ashore by the waves, especially in windy weather.

But when the sea is calm and the sky is blue, the sea water is azure and transparent. And you understand that if you look for best resorts Vietnam, you should go straight to Nha Trang.

That's when it's time to take a boat trip. Sea trips are perhaps the most popular view tourism activities in Nha Trang. Most Nha Trang travel agencies offer day tours that include scenic views, swimming in the sea directly from the yacht and lunch with homemade Vietnamese dishes, plus soft drinks and cold beer.

Check out cheap flights to Nha Trang:

Phu Quoc is the most beautiful resort in Vietnam

Phu Quoc is a stunning island located off the coast of Kampot in Cambodia and is also known as the "new Phuket". Although there are still much fewer people there than in Phuket. But in terms of beauty, it is perhaps not inferior to the famous Thai island. Although personally Phu Quoc reminded me more of another Thai island - Koh Chang.

Seasons in the resorts of Vietnam*

Resort/month Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Saint Oct But I Dec

*the best time to visit;
acceptable time to visit;
not recommended time to visit

Nha Trang

Nha Trang beach


The large city of Da Nang in central Vietnam is still an unpopular resort among tourists from European countries, but among the Vietnamese and Chinese, this is one of the favorite vacation spots.

For some reason incomprehensible to us (the authors of the site) in 2005 Forbes magazine Da Nang beaches have been recognized as one of the most attractive in the world. The beaches in Da Nang are indeed very long, wide and very deserted, but, in our opinion, today they can only be called one of the best with a big stretch. After all, it is a large trading and port city with the corresponding pollution in the water, and a non-scenic coastline, mostly a construction site. It is possible that after the construction is completed, the coast will change and become a very developed and beautiful resort area, but there will be no natural attraction with palm trees reaching for the water, just as it is not now.

Danang itself is very spacious and large, with wide roads. It has everything you need for recreation, but there is no separate tourist area yet. There are no attractions in Da Nang, with the exception of the museum and the marble mountains. some interesting places there is outside the city and quite far from it (this is the ancient capital of Hue, Hai Van Pass, Hoi An, My Son ruins). There is entertainment, but mainly focused on local tourists and the Chinese. There are very few European tourists, although the situation is changing every year.

We can advise you to choose Da Nang for those who want to see new places that are still little developed by other Europeans, or if you want to relax away from your compatriots. We did not find other advantages in a beach holiday in Da Nang.

Hoi An

An Bang Beach, Hoi An

The small town of Hoi An is located just half an hour from Da Nang, and unlike its older brother, it is much more chosen by European tourists, especially Russian speakers in last years. Most of tourists from Russia visits Hoi An in the form of an excursion for several days from Nha Trang or Phan Thiet.

Hoi An is better known as a sightseeing place, but there are also beaches here, and not bad ones. The town is very pleasant, included in the list world heritage UNESCO and those who like to see something interesting and historical will like it here. But the best part is that walking along the ancient streets with visits to centuries-old ancestral homes and museums can be combined with a beach holiday.

The beaches in Hoi An are of decent quality, there is even the opportunity to go diving on one of the nearby islands. But the bad thing is that the beaches are a few kilometers from the center. That is, when choosing a place for a hotel in Hoi An, you will have to choose: either be closer to the beach but far from the center, or settle in the center and get to the beach by taxi or rented transport. If you choose a hotel on the beach, keep in mind that outside of it in the evenings you will have nothing to do, and you will only have to go to the city for walks.

There are more than enough sights in Hoi An, besides, you can go on excursions to the ruins of Michon, marble mountains, to the ancient capital of Hue, etc.

Phu Quoc Island

Phu Quoc is located in the south of Vietnam and is the largest Vietnamese island. Its length is about 45 kilometers.

Phu Quoc can be safely called the standard of the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam. If you go anywhere in search of the perfect secluded beach in Vietnam, then here. And here is one of the best diving in Vietnam.

The infrastructure of Fukuoka is quite developed, there is even a conditional tourist area (or rather, almost a whole city). But in general, the island is still calm and underdeveloped. A large part of Fukuoka is occupied by the jungle, here you can still see the rich wildlife.

There are not very many noisy entertainments here, but despite this, active tourists will have something to do here. Trekking walks in the jungle or riding in a rented vehicle around the perimeter of the island in search of the best beach compensate for the lack of a large number of nightclubs and bars.

Con Dao Island

There are not so many wild unexplored places left in Vietnam. One of these conditionally is the island of Con Dao. So far, it is still very little visited by tourists. The inaccessibility of the island and underdeveloped infrastructure play into the hands of this. But if you want to be in a quiet paradise far from civilization, Con Dao is a great option. True, Con Dao is now very actively developing and building up, so you should hurry.

The island is located in the south of the country, 100 kilometers from the coast, and you can get there by a small plane. It is small, a little over 12 kilometers in length, and many more small islands of the archipelago are scattered around. The beaches here are excellent, but what is more attractive is the opportunity to go diving or snorkeling, which are considered among the best here. There are no sights, except for natural beauties.

In general, Con Dao is very good, but if you are not serious about diving or are not a fan of snorkeling, you should not strive to get here for the entire period of your vacation, you will be really bored here.

Cat Ba Island and Halong Bay

Halong Bay is known primarily as an excursion destination and one of the new wonders of the world. But if you really have nowhere to put your time, you can stop for a while on Cat Ba Island in the bay. But we would not highly recommend spending your entire vacation on the island.

The island is the only known and more or less developed beach resort in the north of the country. It seems that there is infrastructure here, and some entertainment in the form of hiking in the jungle, rock climbing, excursions to numerous other interesting islands, but in general, our feelings from the island are monotony and boredom. Perhaps your impressions of the island will not coincide with ours, so if you are in the north of the country and you want to visit the beach, go to Cat Ba.

Vung Tau

The large city of Vung Tau in the south, 125 kilometers from Ho Chi Minh City, cannot boast of outstanding beaches. It is an industrial city famous for oil production. There are very few European tourists here, because there is not much for them to do here.

If you are primarily interested in a beach holiday, then you should not even look in the direction of Vung Tau. To be honest, we did not find any reason to recommend Vung Tau for a beach holiday, it is better to choose Mui Ne, just a hundred kilometers away. Although, there is one reason: if you linger in Ho Chi Minh City, you can go to Vung Tau for another day to swim and see several city attractions. For the entire period of rest in Vietnam, we would not recommend Vung Tau.

The best beaches in Vietnam: beach holiday season in Vietnam. Photos and reviews of the most beautiful beaches.

Any Sand and pebble beach Sandy beach

A significant part of the territory of Vietnam is occupied by beach resorts. Some of them are practically deserted, others seethe night life; most are covered with white sand, but there are also pebbly ones. All Vietnamese beaches are municipal and free, and you will have to pay from 20,000 to 40,000 VND per day for sunbeds and umbrellas. You can bargain for a lower price, especially if you know a few words in Vietnamese.

In the north of the country is one of the most beautiful bays - Halong. For a beach holiday, this place is very conditionally suitable, but here unique nature, grottoes and caves included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The best way to explore the bay is by boat.

Not far from it is the picturesque 15-kilometer Trako beach. Here White sand, mangroves, as well as a rather cool climate for Vietnam: average temperature- +23°С.

On Vietnamese beaches, you can and should bargain. If you know a couple of words in Vietnamese, the chances of getting a sunbed and an umbrella at a significant discount increase significantly.

Lang Co Beach in Central Vietnam is one of the 30 most picturesque beaches in the world and is great for families with children, as the average depth in the coastal zone is only 1 m, and the entrance to the sea is gentle. Adults will also like it here, as there is a village nearby where they trade marine life, which has a beneficial effect on the menu of nearby restaurants. The beaches of Da Nang and Nha Trang are also sandy, there are coral reefs and a diving center, as well as full of bars and discos.

For surfing and other extreme water activities, Van Phong and Mui Ne beaches are suitable. The coast of Condao in the south of the country attracts divers with many coral reefs and an interesting underwater world.

The Phu Quoc archipelago is visited mainly by wildlife lovers, since most of it is a jungle that is part of the territory national park. Of course, there is civilization here, but nature is carefully protected, and pearls are even grown off the coast.

One of the popular tourist destinations for a beach holiday is Vietnam. And this is not surprising, because some of the most beautiful exotic beaches are concentrated here. Some of them are quite crowded, because they have a well-developed entertainment infrastructure, while others are semi-desert and are suitable for a relaxing, comfortable stay.

The top ten included the best beaches in Vietnam according to tourists.

The resort of Nha Trang opens the top ten best beaches in Vietnam. It stretches for seven kilometers along the coast. There is incredibly beautiful sand, which was formed from colorful sea shells. Despite the fact that Tran Fu is located in an urban area, there is no shortage of greenery here. The beach is very beautiful and picturesque. This place is not suitable for those who are used to a relaxing holiday, as there is always great amount not only tourists but also local residents. Fans of water entertainment will definitely find something to their liking on the city beach. Surfing, jet skis, snorkeling, water excursions - this is just a small list of what Tran Fu can offer vacationers. The coastal area is equipped with cafes, restaurants (among which there are Russian-speaking ones), showers, toilets and a first-aid post.

A very popular beach on the Vietnamese island of Phu Quoc. It has everything for a comfortable and unforgettable stay: Sandy shore with evergreen palm trees, clear emerald-colored sea, many water and land activities, cafes, restaurants and nearby hotels. On the beach you can rent umbrellas and sun loungers. Long Beach is not crowded, so lovers of a relaxing holiday can head here.

The best beach in the Vietnamese village of Mui Ne. It stretches for five kilometers along the coast. It's beautiful, clean and comfortable. Rang boasts a well-developed infrastructure. There are many cafes, restaurants, and bicycle rentals. The eastern part of Ranga is considered calm, but the western part constantly attracts tourists who want to go windsurfing. The other two beaches of Mune - Puhai and Ham Tien - are not so popular due to the presence of fishing boats on the coast, which can interfere with comfortable rest and swimming.

A popular beach resort in Vietnam with a developed infrastructure. This is an unusually picturesque place where you can relax quietly and calmly. Here you will not meet crowds of vacationing tourists, as the beach belongs to the elite.

Included in the list of not only the best beaches in Vietnam, but also the most beautiful in the world. It stretches along the sea for 13 kilometers. The coastal zone is covered with fine, soft and clean sand. This place is ideal for relaxation, both for couples in love and families with children. One of the best local hotels - Lang Co Beach is located near the beach within minutes. Here you can find a lot of entertainment for every taste. Those wishing to get acquainted with local attractions can always book a tour.

Luxury beach located on the territory of the three-star hotel complex "Paragon". Here you can relax and rent a sun lounger with an umbrella not only for hotel guests, but also for everyone for a fee. The entertainment infrastructure is well developed on Paragon Beach, but despite this it is not very crowded here, because due to its “eliteness” the prices for beach, but very comfortable equipment, are quite high. This beach is also good because it does not have high waves and strong winds, as it is separated from the sea by a protective dam. The place is ideal for families with children. Snow-white sand, clean coast, gentle entrance to the emerald sea, silence, tranquility, comfort - everything you need for an unforgettable beach holiday.

One of the most beautiful beaches Vietnam, surrounded by jungles and mountains. This is truly a paradise with white sand, crystal clear sea and green vegetation. On the territory of this sparsely populated area there are gazebos and hammocks for relaxation. Jungle Beach is preferred by "wild recreation" people. Here you can rent bungalows, which are small houses with almost all amenities - a bathroom, electricity, fans and lockers. In Jungle Beach, you can find many beach activities: volleyball, frisbee, badminton, etc. You can have a tasty snack in one of the local restaurants or cafes.

The famous Vietnamese beach, located in the city of the same name. Its coastline of white, fine sand stretches along the sea for six kilometers in the form of a crescent. Crystal clear water with an emerald hue, soft and white sand will remain in the memory of vacationers for a long time. This place is quite suitable for tourists who love active water recreation. Nha Trang offers its guests to take a boat trip on a catamaran, ski or boat.

One of the most popular beaches in Vietnam. It is most suitable for people who are accustomed to a relaxing holiday, as the entertainment infrastructure is not well developed here. For this reason, it is not crowded here. This place is good for couples with kids. Bai Dai, which means "long" fully justifies its name - its length is as much as 15 kilometers. There are cafes along the coast of Bai Daiya where visitors can have a tasty snack or drink refreshing drinks. However, vacationers do not even need to get up from their seats to refresh themselves, as sellers with snacks and dishes ply along the beach. The advantage of Bai Daya is also its soft, fine sand and a gentle descent into the water.

Closes the ranking of the best beaches in Vietnam. This is one of the most beautiful and amazing places for relaxing by the sea. Bai Chai occupies a relatively small area: its length is only five hundred meters, and its width is 100 m. Exotic lush green vegetation and snow-white sand will not leave any visitor indifferent. There is also a fairly developed infrastructure. Umbrellas and sun loungers are offered for visitors, and outdoor enthusiasts can use a jet ski, skis or a boat for rent. This area has a large number of grottoes and caves, where it will be interesting to visit vacationers. On the territory of Bai Chay for a comfortable stay of tourists there are bars and restaurants. Animators are also available for guests with small children.

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