Validity period for driver's license training. Frequently asked questions about driving school documents

A certificate of completion of a driving school, like a matriculation certificate, has no statute of limitations. Be sure to save it along with the rest of your education documents. The certificate is useful when replacing rights, or if lost driver's license and it has to be restored.

2. Do the prescription and validity of the certificate of completion of a driving school matter when passing an exam in the traffic police?

No, you can pass on the rights and a year or 5-10 years after the end of driving courses. But the medical examination in two years will have to be repeated - this is exactly the validity period of the medical certificate. And remember: traffic police inspectors love discipline and may be interested in why a person was delaying the exam.

3. Do driving school documents from another city be recognized at the exam in the traffic police?

Since November 2014, you have the right to take an exam in any department of the traffic police. The main thing is to present Required documents, including a certificate certifying the completion of a driving school.

Previously, it was allowed to be tested and pass driving only at the place of permanent or temporary registration, today the choice of a unit is up to you.

4. Are documents issued for traffic police without passing an internal exam?

Previously, an alternative to courses was the delivery of "external". Since November 2014, driving education has been de facto equivalent to professional education. And today, the most important basis for admission to the examination test is a document on completed courses, including the required number of hours of theoretical training and practical exercises.

5. What documents must be issued at a driving school to receive a tax deduction?

The school needs copies of three documents: a contract for training, a license from a driving school to provide educational services and payment documents confirming that you have paid for the courses.

What you need to know about documents from a driving school and?

  • upon completion of training, all Russian driving schools must issue driving school certificate+ applications necessary for passing the exam (driver's card, examination sheet, medical certificate, etc.);
  • according to educational standards, without a positive passing of the internal exam, the training is considered incomplete, and driving school certificate are not issued;
  • various references, certificates, diplomas, etc. cannot serve as a substitute driving school certificate, since they are never stamped by the traffic police, confirming the fact of official training;
  • cadets who decide to "pass on the rights" on their own can pick up the documents (this is not driving school certificate) not earlier than the group goes to the exam in the traffic police;
  • having on hand driving school certificate, you can take exams, firstly, together with a driving school, secondly, territorially at the place of registration, and thirdly, at the traffic police at the place of temporary registration;
  • driving school certificate does not have a statute of limitations;
  • in the absence of documents on the completion of a driving school (i.e., and a driver's card), you can take exams as a person who has completed self-training, i.e. external;

Students who pass the internal exam receive a Certificate of completion of driving school standard pattern and are allowed to pass exams in the traffic police to obtain a driver's license. can be seen below. By law, each driving school can provide its own sample school graduation certificate. Provided sample school graduation certificate is always and everywhere valid.

Certificate of graduation from driving school

School graduation documents

Questions are often asked about what kind of evidence or driving school graduation papers must be issued by a driving school after graduation. Do they give the right documents, certificate of completion of driving school to rule vehicle? This question can be answered by referring to paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the Law Russian Federation"On Education".

Thus, the driving school itself develops the form driving school certificate or purchase ready-made driving school certificates and documents. Naturally, in such driving school certificate the subjects studied in the driving school must be listed in accordance with exemplary program training of drivers of vehicles of the corresponding category and the results of the final certification. In the same driving school graduation certificate after obtaining a driver's license, an appropriate entry is made, certified by the signature and seal of the MREO traffic police that issued the driver's license. Certificate of graduation from driving school is driving school graduation certificate, and not a document for the right to drive a vehicle is not. Very often such a record is made at the bottom of such evidence.

Sample driving school certificate must be on the documentation board at the driving school and anyone should have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with it.

Upon completion of training, a potential driver receives a document confirming the very fact of this training - a certificate of completion of a driving school. It contains information about the institution that organized the classes, the number of subjects and hours of theoretical training, data on the intensity of practical classes and the name of the category, which is assigned in accordance with the course completed. The certificate is a kind of admission for passing exams at the traffic police, however, in itself, this document is not a permit to drive a vehicle.

Conditions for obtaining a document
In accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 487 of 05/20/2009, a certificate of completion of a driving school is issued as a result of successfully passed final tests. As a rule, in order to confirm the certificate, the driving school organizes practical testing of the student and the passage of internal examination tests. The expediency of internal exams also lies in the fact that representatives of driving schools are interested in training competent drivers, and if poorly prepared candidates are allowed to test in the traffic police, this can harm the reputation of the training center. According to the norms of the State Traffic Inspectorate of Ukraine, theoretical exams in the traffic police can be retaken repeatedly, and to confirm driving practice, the candidate has only three attempts. In case of failure to confirm the driving technique, it is necessary to take a training course again, and submit a certificate from the driving school to the traffic police.

How long is a driving school certificate valid?
Many graduates of driving schools who have successfully received a certificate, for one reason or another, cannot pass the exam in the traffic police, do not receive a driver's license on time, and often wonder how long the certificate of completion of a driving school is valid. This certificate is valid for 10 years from the date of issue, during this period a citizen of Ukraine has the right to apply for an exam in the traffic police without an additional course in a driving school.

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By law, a driving school graduation certificate has the same legal status as other graduation documents. educational institutions- diplomas, diplomas and certificates. All of them give a legal basis and the right to obtain permission to perform work and obligations for certain profession and specialties. In particular, this document is the first step in obtaining the right to drive vehicles.

This is what a driving school certificate looks like

Features of the certificate of completion of a driving school as a legal document

Unlike other documents, a certificate of completion of a driving school does not make it possible to immediately drive a car. Therefore, at the bottom of the certificate there is a special mark saying that the certificate does not serve as a document granting the right to drive a car. However, a certificate of completion of a driving school is the basis for obtaining a driver's license, which gives the legal right to drive vehicles. Without it, no one can be allowed to pass the state exams in the traffic police to obtain their first driver's license.

Another feature of this document is that there are problems with the question of the validity period of a certificate of completion of a driving school. Often in life there are situations when a student of a driving school after graduation, without passing the exams in the traffic police, leaves the question of passing the exam to obtain a driver's license until better times. Or he may postpone the issue of passing exams until the purchase of a car. This situation could drag on for years. As a result, when he finally arrives at the traffic police with documents for passing exams, he is surprised to find that his certificate is not accepted, requiring confirmation of its authenticity.

The reason for this is simple. The Internet is teeming with offers to sell fake driving school certificates. The inspector is forced to require confirmation of the authenticity of documents with a long release date, since he cannot verify this in any other way. Another thing is when graduates come to take the exam as part of a group with a representative of the school, who has with him an extract from the school's order for admission to exams in the traffic police with an attached list of students and a class journal. Here he has no questions.

A fairly common situation is that a person studied at a driving school, but did not receive a driver's license, leaving school or exams at some stage. A few years later, he again returns to obtaining a driver's license and the question immediately arises of what can be done here, you need to study at a driving school again or you can update the abandoned training.

Graduated from a driving school, received a diploma-certificate of graduation from a driving school, but did not take the exam in the traffic police

The theory here is simple - the diploma-certificate of graduation from the AS is indefinite, but the driving school school may disappear, the traffic police will consider that the diploma is not the same and does not fit.

I know people who graduated from AS in 2008 and received a driver's license at the beginning of 2016 (moreover, in one place a person was refused to take exams, but in another REO they accepted).

The first step is to check if there is a driving school in the database of existing traffic police driving schools on their website. For the Moscow region, this can be done at (link), for other regions, select your region on the site or simply substitute its number in the address. If a driving school is present on the traffic police website, then this is very good and simplifies a lot, collect documents (a driving school diploma-certificate, a current driver's medical certificate, a passport plus a fee (2000 rubles)) and apply to any traffic police REO (in this moment, the exam is not tied to permanent or temporary registration).

If there is no driving school in the traffic police database, then you may have to figure it out and the process may become more complicated and lengthy. In this case, the traffic police may pretend that the diploma is not relevant, but this is not so. If suddenly in one REO of the traffic police you are categorically denied, and they do not sign up for the exam, try another REO.

Received a diploma-certificate of graduation from a driving school, began to take an exam in the traffic police, but did not pass and quit

The situation differs minimally from the previous one. It is critical here to have a fixation of the fact of passing exams in the traffic police, usually these are documents from the traffic police. If you have such documents, then this unequivocally confirms that your driving school diploma-certificate is up-to-date (it is very useful if, at the moment, there are some problems with the driving school or it no longer works). The traffic police keeps documents for 3 years (I did not find official confirmation of this period, but I have met references more than once). If you have not taken the documents from the traffic police, then you need to go there and sign up for the theory exam.

Studied at a driving school, but did not pass an internal exam or dropped out at some stage

This situation is not regulated in any way, therefore, everything is at the discretion of the driving school, you need to communicate with it and study the documents that you signed before and during the training. You need to be persistent, but not demanding (driving school does not owe you anything). Often driving schools go to a meeting, sometimes you can get by with a small payment.

If there are no traces of a driving school, then apparently you will have to study first.

Passed the exams in the traffic police, did not receive a driver's license

This also happens, the reasons are different, sometimes it’s difficult to sign up for a receipt, sometimes people need to leave or just chaos in their heads;) ... As they say, the period of storage of documents in the traffic police is 3 years, respectively, if less than 3 years have passed, then there are no problems, if more, then how lucky, in any case, you need to contact the REO where you took the exam.

Diploma-certificate of driving school lost

If a driving school exists, then you can get a copy of how long the driving school keeps the document, what regulates it is not clear

How to take an exam in the traffic police in this situation (if you have a diploma)

You can take exams at the traffic police both with a driving school and on your own (not everywhere is true, but in many places).

And I advise you not to delay, the process is being reformed and will be greatly complicated in 2016, it was announced that the new regulation will come into force on September 1, 2016. As of August 2016, it is clear that the theory under the new regulation will most likely be accepted from September 1, the situation driving is incomprehensible, there is some likelihood that it will be possible to pass according to the old rules for some time. If you have an AS diploma, then pass at least theory, then there will be six months to pass driving. .

Published on 6.8.2016, version 1.1 of 7.8.2016
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