Musical portraits of the main characters of the opera. Musical portrait

It turns out that a person can sound .... In notes, musical phrases, melodies, his character is revealed, his “face” is depicted. It is known that a portrait painted by an artist is able to convey the essence of a person, leaving some mystery. Every part of the face, every curve of the body on the canvas resurrects us as a person, while maintaining something intimate.

Music, like any other art form, embodies something beautiful. It conveys the mood, charging a person with positive. Very often we look for ourselves in the lines of songs, trying to catch any note and match it with our personality.

Imagine these two the greatest kind art together - painting and music! Portrait of a man in music. Interesting?

Musical portrait- this is…

First of all, it is art that reveals your soul, musically conveys the emotions and character of a person. It is yours, personal, unique, like the person himself. With the help of a musical portrait, you view yourself with different parties, revealing ever deeper facets of your inner world. The melody written off actually from your “I” contributes to the improvement of the spiritual state - there is no arguing with that! After all, listening to certain music, you experience emotions. And if it is the music of your soul? Did you have to look at it from the outside? This is an indelible impression - reality takes on a different shape: love, beauty, infinity ...

How is a musical portrait composed?

Have you ever wondered what peace is? Sometimes, at certain moments, you feel some peace of mind. You don't care about anything, you walk on endless paths, there, deep inside. When thoughts are lost, and you are immersed in something more that cannot be described. This something rises from deep within, from the most secret chambers of the heart.

How many people are able to read the unknown world?
A musical portrait can only be created by a genius, a genius of the soul. He can not only read, but also play it into music, feel, understand your thinking, consciousness, open your will. Play the music that plays inside you.

All the fullness of the art of creating a musical portrait lives in a unique environment of the intuitive world. In order to create it, the composer needs personal contact with a person or a personal photograph or video recording. When all the information about a person is collected, the musician records a portrait in the studio, providing the melody with high-quality sound. In practice, it also happened that the composer writes down a musical portrait in the presence of the person he writes about. But in any case, with or without a personal meeting, the quality will not change. In any case, this will be what is called - musical image inner world.

Do you want to hear how a musical portrait sounds?

A musical portrait has two types of creation:

1) Improvisation (impromptu) is the re-creation of the author's feelings immediately into the recording

2) A written piece is a complex, elaborate composition in notes. This kind of composition can later be arranged. This melody has the appearance of a work on which you need to work for a certain time.

Musical portrait - historical heritage and exclusive gift

Modern man is very hard to surprise, isn't it? Imagine that you receive yourself as a gift - your inner world, long-familiar and dear to you feelings and experiences?.. Only clothed in the language of music. This is not only relevant and new to our world, it seems incredible and unimaginable!

By ordering a musical portrait, you can make a gift to your loved one. After all, the author can write a musical portrait of you personally or, for example, express your feelings for your loved one - portray him the way you see him! A musician can paint a portrait about love, friendship, and so on. In a musical portrait, you can embody all the versatility of a person!

You can learn about the service and order a musical portrait

Lesson #8 Musical portrait

It is interesting to compare the features of recreating the appearance of a person in literature, fine arts, music.

In music, there can be no resemblance to a specific person, but at the same time, it is not by chance that it is said that "a person is hidden in intonation." Since music is a temporary art (it unfolds, develops in time), it, like lyric poetry, is subject to the embodiment of emotional states, human experiences with all their changes.

The word "portrait" in relation to musical art, especially to instrumental non-program music, is a metaphor. At the same time, sound writing, as well as the synthesis of music with the word, stage action and non-musical associations expand its possibilities. Expressing the feelings, moods of a person, embodying his various states, the nature of the movement, music can cause visual analogies that allow us to imagine what kind of person is in front of us.

RERICH. Sketch of the scenery for the opera "Prince Igor"

Character, lyrical hero, narrator, narrator - these concepts are important not only in literary work but also in music. They are necessary for understanding the content of program music, music for the theater - opera, ballet, as well as instrumental symphony.

The intonation of the character more clearly reproduces external signs, manifestations of a person in life: age, gender, temperament, character, unique manner of speaking, moving, national characteristics. All this is embodied in music, and we kind of see a person.

Music can help you meet people from another era. Instrumental works create images of various characters. F. Haydn admitted that he always composed music, bearing in mind the characteristic types of a person. “Mozart’s themes are like an expressive face… One could write a whole book about female images in instrumental music Mozart” (V. Medushevsky).

GOLOVIN. Stage design for the opera "Boris Godunov"

Artistic and creative task

Listen to excerpts from the works of various composers: V.-A. Mozart and S. Prokofiev, A. Borodin and B. Tishchenko, J. Bizet and R. Shchedrin, A. Schnittke and V. Kikta. What kind of people did you “see” in music? What means of expression give you the opportunity to present the features of the characters of the heroes and characters?

Sketch portraits of characters you love musical compositions Give them a verbal description.

Creative works of students:

Vorontsova Anastasia

After listening W.A. Mozart Symphony No. 6", I imagined the image of a tender, kind and affectionate girl. But suddenly, she is worried and worried about something, but now she finds out something sad and sad. She is upset and silent.

Peace of mind

Somewhere on the edge of this life

My heart will be lighter...

And the dormant thoughts groan...

Leave, leave soon...

I break through the window of the heart,

Where my soul now flies ...

Finding peace in anxiety...

So the soul is resurrected again ...

After every line

I only remember you...

After the phrase - three eternal dots ...

And like a candle I'm burning down...

You can barely hear the beat of life...

I just don't understand why...

And any movement is deadly...

I'll take it for granted...

Lorchenko Sergey

After listening to Prokofiev's "Dance of the Knights" I imagined a dry meadow in the evening, where there is a lonely old dried tree, and a large stone nearby. And here in this clearing two knights meet, they incinerate each other with evil looks, and now they take out their swords from knives and a long and deadly fight begins. And the knight wounded his opponent right in the shoulder, he slowly falls to the ground, but the wounded knight finds strength and bravely becoming he did death blow in the heart. Wounded in the shoulder, the knight returned home to his children and wife.

Vorontsova Ekaterina

After listening W. A. ​​Mozorta Serenade No. 13, I had an image of a restrained and determined person who shows some kind of sympathy for another person, but tries not to show it. There is a poem about this feeling:

I hide my love for you at the bottom of my soul,

But still you can't hide it,

It seeps through everything

And people notice

And they even ask: "What are you sad about?"

Kanemori Taira

Uliana Lomakina

AT Symphonies No. 40 by W. A. ​​Mozart"Bold Style" I "saw" a portrait of a child who never sat still. He jumps, has fun, jumps, runs, frolics. After listening to the work of S.S. Prokofiev's "Waltz", I saw a portrait of a man, also a very provocative person. This melody captures him, he dances.

Of all the portraits, I would choose a portrait of a child. In this portrait (“Symphony No. 40 by W. A. ​​Mozart”), I see a little girl, 5-7 years old, who is playing. A smile does not leave her face, she is very cheerful and sincere. Her eyes seem to fill the surrounding gray world with fun, her eyes seem to invite us to play with her, to forget and return for a second to childhood.

Lena Novoselova

After listening, the work Mozart "Cry for Love", I imagined the image of a couple in love, who are in a quarrel, but love each other very much. It seems like they are arguing: the girl is crying, the guy, holding back tears a little, is trying to explain the whole situation to her. But she doesn't seem to hear him. And so they decide to leave. They are having a hard time with this separation. But, when the feelings seem to have passed and thoughts about him or her have ceased to wander constantly in their heads, they try to find a replacement, but they understand that there is no such or such in the world anymore. In the hope that he or she will forgive each other, they talk again and make up! In the future, I just want to imagine them happy and with several kids!

You can part and love,

The pain will dissipate little by little

But only by deceiving yourself,

We cannot deceive God.

These are lines from Talkov's song "My Love" ....

Danya Vershinina

After listening to the work Mozart "Turkish March", I saw a parade, a large bright crowd of people, with drums, pipes, horns and other musical instruments. I imagined one young soldier standing at the end of the formation, stammering, eerily positive, cheerful, trying to play an instrument. And another, completely opposite to a man, introduced himself, sitting in the stands, a grandfather, a grandfather of about eighty, sitting and tears flowing from him, he looks at a young soldier and sees himself .... sees himself in his youth .... I imagined an ordinary parade, an ordinary parade for our time, for that young man, but very bitter and touching for that sick veteran who defended our Motherland.

Anya Ivashina

After listening to the song W. A. ​​Mozart "Allegro", I imagined some kind of cheerful court ball, many noble people dance there, they have fun, talk and eat. I see" young guy who liked the girl. He did not dare to approach. But, daring and gaining confidence, he approached her and asked for her hand. And then .. this very moment .. she agrees. Everyone congratulates them, everyone is happy for them.

When I listened to the song S. Prokofiev "Ballet Romeo and Juliet. Dance of the Knights" I imagined the area where the very dance performed by the knights takes place. At first there was some tension, and then everything "slept". It became calmer.

Of these two portraits, I would choose about knights. This graceful violin playing and delightful organ playing. Compatible here is amazing! As I already wrote, there is a dance of knights. Clear field. Two knights, before the battle, start dancing. Starting rough and hard, but continuing slowly and calmly. Their grace, their style of performance. I really liked it!

Danil Kalachev

I listened to the piece Prokofiev "Dance of the Knights" I felt vague war time in the Middle Ages, columns of knights in heavy forged armor with swords and spears move into battle with foreigners. Horses pull huge weapons behind them. The spirit of martial law is represented by the heavy musical instruments: drums, trumpet. The tension of the situation can be understood by the disturbing violin playing. In the middle of the work, heavy music is replaced by a calm lyrical melody at that moment I imagined women, old people and children who, with anxiety and love, see off their heroes to the war.

Aleshina Katya

listening to music V.A. Mozart's "Requiem for a Dream", I had a situation: when you go to your cherished dream, overcome all the difficulties on your way, but suddenly ... everything collapses, your dream never came true, it seems this is the end, because it was your life purpose. But sooner or later, every dream either comes true or does not come true, but we should not be upset if something does not work out for you. After all, when a dream has come true, you are looking for a new dream, and you do everything to fulfill it, although you can even do nothing, the dream can suddenly come true, because everyone has different dreams.

Malkov Felix

I listened to music Rodion Shchedrin for the ballet "Anna Karenina" (last act). I imagine a woman who rushes about in despair, making a choice between life and death, with which her mental suffering, her shame and condemnation in society will instantly end. Something is brewing in Anna Karenina important decision, and this is emphasized by the orchestra, in which a real disaster is brewing. The strength of the music grows, creating an oppressive feeling, foreshadowing something terrible. I imagine a woman pushed to the limit and desperately walking towards death, another moment, and she will take this irreversible step. The music perfectly conveys the approach of the train and, accordingly, the inevitable approach. tragic denouement. And it happens: the last sounds (the rattle of a departing train) make it clear that Anna Karenina's life was cut short.

Music made a big impression on me. Alfred Schnittke "Flight", written for the film "The Tale of Wanderings". I imagined a man floating above the earth, free, in love, wishing to achieve his bright and pure dream. He seems to be waving to us and inviting us to follow him, arguing by his example that every person can fly if he wants, everyone who has kindness, hope, sincerity, philanthropy and compassion, in a word, who has a soul! The piercing (sound of violins) and disturbing (bells) music of A. Schnittke, like a magic wand, leads to a world where goodness reigns, and our hidden desires come true.

Safronova Natasha

Listening to the oratorio "Nagasaki" by A.G. Schnittke before my eyes pass the terrible consequences of the war, the losses that filled the hearts with indescribable sadness of the loss of a close and dear person.

For this composition. In my opinion, the poems of V.S. Vysotsky "Common Graves" are the best suited:

On the mass graves don't put up crosses

And widows do not weep at them,

Someone brings bouquets of flowers to them,

And the Eternal Flame is lit.

Here the earth used to rear up,

And now - granite slabs.

There is no personal fate here -

All destinies are merged into one.

And in eternal flame a tank is visible,

Burning Russian huts,

Burning Smolensk and burning Reichstag,

The burning heart of a soldier.

There are no weeping widows at mass graves -

Stronger people go here.

Crosses are not placed on mass graves,

But does that make it any easier?

And to admit, I cry reading these lines, listening to this oratorio.

Date: 12/09/2017 Date: 12/13/2017 Date: 12/23/2017

Class: 6 "B" Class: 6 "A" Class: 6 "B"

Theme: "Musical portrait"

Lesson type: deepening the topic, developing, problematic

The purpose of the lesson: To expand and deepen students' understanding of the many-sided connections between music and painting.

Lesson objectives:


To form an idea of ​​the genre of musical portrait;

To acquaint with the creative community of composers of the "Mighty Handful";

To teach children to feel poetry, musicality and picturesqueness artistic images.


Development of research skills;

The development of inner hearing and inner vision as the basis for development creative imagination

Deepening students' ideas about the visual properties of music with the help of comparative analysis music - "Songs of Varlaam" by M. Mussorgsky and fine arts - paintings by I. Repin "Protodeacon";

Developing the ability to reveal the properties of "picturesque music" through the masterful use by composers and performers of the colors of musical speech (register, timbre, dynamic, tempo-rhythmic).


- education of a sense of beauty on the example of works of world music and artistic culture;

Formation of the aesthetic taste of students;

Education of moral and patriotic qualities in students through history home country, musical heritage native people.

Pedagogical technologies used in the lesson: problem-based learning technology, information and communication technologies, critical thinking technology, group technology

Knowledge, abilities, skills that students actualize, acquire, consolidate during the lesson: During the lesson, students acquire knowledge about the genre of musical portrait, the ability to analyze works of music and painting, the skills of comparing works of musical and visual arts, research activities, work with modern electronic teaching aids.

Equipment: computer, speakers, screen, presentation about the composers of The Mighty Handful.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Hello guys! I am glad to see you all healthy and beautiful. With what mood did you come to my lesson? (…) I hope that after the lesson it will become even better. So we continue our journey through the musical art gallery.

II. Repetition of the past and setting a new problem.

Guys, before moving on to a new section, let's remember theme III quarters.

(Sk.1. "Can we see the music?")

What is the purpose of this quarter's lessons? What do we need to find out?

(The connection of music with the visual arts)

Guys, in what, on what examples and topics have we already traced this connection?

(Music is capable of depicting movement, various life images)

That's right guys. And in these lessons, we were convinced that music and fine arts can depict movement, all kinds of images by different means of expression, complementing each other.

And the topic of our today's lesson is "Musical Portrait". (W.2)

Guys, tell me, what is the meaning of the concept of "portrait" in the visual arts?

(Display of the visual characteristics of the model; this is a repetition in the lines and colors of a living face, where through visual image the artist reveals the inner world of a person)

And what do you think, based on the topic of our lesson, that we will find out today, what is the purpose of this lesson?

(How can music paint a musical portrait)

Yes guys. Today we will try to answer the question, can a musical portrait exist? ( problematic issue) (W.3)

And we will consider this concept on the example of the music of the Russian classical composer Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky.

IV. Outcome.

Guys, can you call "The Song of Varlaam" a musical portrait?

What did the music represent to us?

(The character of a person, his inner world.)

So what is a musical portrait?

(A musical portrait is a character portrait of a hero.)

That's right guys. In music, unlike painting, the image of the character and mood of the hero comes to the fore, and appearance can be imagined through imagination and fantasy. In a pictorial portrait, the opposite is true. So, a musical portrait is a portrait of the hero's character. (Dp. 26)

Are music and visual arts really so closely related to each other?

- Is music visual?

- Can we see the music?

v. Creative activity students.

Guys, now let's try to become creators ourselves. Try to understand your internal state, hear the music of your soul and write a syncwine on the topic of our lesson. In it, try to reflect your attitude to what you saw and heard in the lesson. Recall the scheme of syncwine. (Dp. 27)

(To the "Walk" by M. Mussorgsky they compose a syncwine.)

Well, now read to us all what you got.

(Reading your syncwines.)

And now let's try to draw with our performance a musical portrait of the hero of the song that we learned in the last lesson "The Song of the Little Trumpeter".

(Performance of "The Song of the Little Trumpeter" by S. Nikitin)

VI. Reflection.

Guys, did you feel like creators today?

So you managed to express your feelings, emotions, fantasies?

What did you like the most about the lesson?

Guys, you have emoticons on your desks. As you leave the classroom, write your mood on the board.

(Students leave the class, sticking emoticons on the board.)

>>Musical portrait

Musical portrait

It is interesting to compare the features of recreating the appearance of a person in literature, fine arts, and music.

In music, there can be no resemblance to a specific person, but at the same time, it is not by chance that it is said that "a person is hidden in intonation." Since music is a temporary art (it unfolds, develops in time), it, like lyric poetry, is subject to the embodiment of emotional states, human experiences with all their changes.

The word "portrait" in relation to musical art, especially instrumental non-program music, is a metaphor. At the same time, sound recording, as well as the synthesis of music with the word, stage action and extra-musical associations, expand its possibilities. Expressing the feelings, moods of a person, embodying his various states, the nature of the movement, music can cause visual analogies that allow us to imagine what kind of person is in front of us.

Character, lyrical hero, narrator, narrator - these concepts are important not only in a literary work, but also in a musical one. They are necessary for understanding the content of program music, music for the theater - opera, ballet, as well as instrumental symphony.

The intonation of the character more vividly reproduces external signs, manifestations of a person in life: age, gender, temperament, character, unique manner of speaking, moving, national characteristics. All this is embodied in music, and we kind of see a person.

Music can help you meet people from another era. Instrumental works create images of various characters. F. Haydn admitted that he always composed music, referring to the characteristic types of a person. “Mozart's themes are like an expressive face… You can write a whole book about female images in Mozart's instrumental music” (V. Medushevsky).

Listen to excerpts from the works of various composers: V.-A. Mozart and S. Prokofiev, A. Borodin and B. Tishchenko, J. Bizet and R. Shchedrin, A. Schnittke and V. Kikta. What kind of people did you “see” in music? What means of expression give you the opportunity to present the features of the characters of the heroes and characters?

Artistic and creative task
Make sketches of portraits of characters in musical compositions you like, give them a verbal description.

Lesson content lesson summary support frame lesson presentation accelerative methods interactive technologies Practice tasks and exercises self-examination workshops, trainings, cases, quests homework discussion questions rhetorical questions from students Illustrations audio, video clips and multimedia photographs, pictures graphics, tables, schemes humor, anecdotes, jokes, comics parables, sayings, crossword puzzles, quotes Add-ons abstracts articles chips for inquisitive cribs textbooks basic and additional glossary of terms other Improving textbooks and lessonscorrecting errors in the textbook updating a fragment in the textbook elements of innovation in the lesson replacing obsolete knowledge with new ones Only for teachers perfect lessons calendar plan for a year guidelines discussion programs Integrated Lessons
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