Beautiful female short names. Beautiful female names are modern (list)

When choosing a name for a girl, family disputes and even some disagreements most often occur, because the most important criterion for such a choice, as a rule, is beauty, and, as you know, everyone has different ideas about beauty. Beautiful euphonious female names, as a rule, these are the names of beloved women or names that are associated with some unusual, something that struck us beautiful women! It is precisely such names, according to the willfulness of our consciousness, that may seem to us unusually attractive and harmonious.

It happens that foreign female names, we do not always know and understand the global meaning of names, can fascinate us simply by their sound and melody. Do not be afraid or restrain yourself, feel free to call! But, of course, only in those cases when the name you have chosen for the girl can be perfectly combined with your surname and patronymic. Even if your daughter, when she grows up, marries a man with a not so euphonious surname, she will always have the opportunity to remain under her surname. And of course, be sure to try to find out in advance the meaning of such a great-sounding but unfamiliar name. Otherwise, your girl may later find herself in a funny situation, say, if her name is translated from mother tongue would mean something not entirely poetic.

Sometimes, parents simply reduce the choice of a name for a girl to the study of the most famous popular or fashionable ones. this stage names. However, think about whether it makes sense to follow fashion if ever in a group kindergarten or will it turn out at school that most of the girls will have exactly the same names? But of course, you shouldn’t go to extremes and choose a name for your daughter from extremely rare or even exotic names. Do not forget that your girl will have to live a wonderful, but still very difficult period of childhood, in which any unusual or non-standard may well give an extra reason for sometimes malicious ridicule.

One of the most successful ways out of a too difficult situation of choosing a name for your girl can be a beautiful, unusual, and independently invented female name. Agree, absolutely all modern parents have such an opportunity in accordance with the legislation existing at this stage Russian Federation! However, to begin with, do not be too lazy to familiarize yourself with those beautiful female names which will be presented on our page. Be sure, you will definitely be able to find exactly what will suit absolutely all members of your family and will be beautiful both in its sound and of course in meaning and meaning!

(18 ratings, average: 3,33 out of 5)

From time immemorial, a person's name was given a huge sacred meaning, it was believed that it bears the imprint of fate. So, at birth, a whole direction of life was chosen.

Male names were supposed to reward the owner with strength, courage, power. Women's, on the contrary, were supposed to bring femininity, beauty, harmony, higher patronage and family happiness to the owner.

How to choose names for girls

The choice of a name for a girl often turns into a dispute among relatives. Sometimes you have to resort to the help of lots, the church calendar and even astrology.

And here it is preserved
subconscious desire to choose the most favorable fate for the girl, along with the name.

Female names are popular today - modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare and unusual. See the list and their meanings below.

What names should not be given to children

In choosing a name, it is most reasonable to be guided by an understanding of how comfortable the child will live with him in a social environment. It is desirable that the name correspond to the traditions of the given area, nationality, and customs.

The absence of prohibitions caused a tendency in society to give the most unimaginable names to their offspring. And yet, you should not name the child so that later he becomes the object of ridicule in society.

The most popular female names

  • Sophia or Sophia;
  • Anastasia;
  • Darina or Daria;
  • Victoria;
  • Pauline;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Kseniya;
  • Barbara;
  • Maria;
  • Veronica;
  • Alyona;
  • Alexandra;
  • Ulyana;
  • Alina;
  • Margarita;
  • Arina;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Milan;
  • Kristina;
  • Alice;
  • Kira;
  • Diana;
  • Anna.

These names are statistically found in 75% of all registered newborn girls.

Songs with female names

Love for a woman has inspired poets and composers at all times, and as a result, a huge number of beautiful songs with female names have appeared. They have always been loved all over the world.

The most famous Russian songs of different times:

  • "Pink roses (Sveta Sokolova)" (Funny guys);
  • "Katyusha" (Blanter - Isakovsky);
  • "Ksyusha" (Alena Apina);
  • "A stewardess named Zhanna" (Vladimir Presnyakov);
  • "Alexandra" (from the movie "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears");
  • "Natalie" (Mikhail Shufutinsky);
  • "Olesya" (Syabry);
  • "Faina" (Na-Na);
  • "Lisa" (Andrey Gubin).

In Russia, songs dedicated to women have always been very loved, and not only here. There are also many songs with female names in the world. This is the most favorite theme among songwriters.

The most famous foreign songs in English:

  • "Michelle" (The Beatles);
  • "Carry" (Europe);
  • "Nikita" (Elton John);
  • "Maria" (Blondie);
  • "Susanna" (Adriano Celentano).

Female names: modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare, unusual. List and values

Slavic beautiful female names

Among the Slavs, the main purpose of a woman was motherhood and family. This main meaning was invested in the name of the girl: in the future she was to become the guardian of the family hearth.

Women's names: modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare, unusual, the list and meanings of these names cannot fully accommodate more than one dictionary of names, they are countless.

Female names: modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare, unusual, ancient - the list and their meanings are very extensive.

Female names Russian modern

Modern Russian female names are mainly of Slavic, Greek, Jewish, Latin and Germanic origin.

Greek, Jewish and German names appeared in Russia with the advent of Christianity from Byzantium in the 10th century, some Latin ones - during the period of Peter's transformations.

Slavic names are the most ancient, but some of them are still popular:

  • Arina or Yarina - dedicated to the sun god Yarila;
  • Bozhena - gifted by God, divine or blessed;
  • Bronislava - glorious protection;
  • Faith - knowledge, faith;
  • Vlad, Vladislav - owns fame;
  • Darina is a gift of the Gods;
  • Zlata - golden;
  • Lada - good, kind;
  • Love or Lyubava - giving love;
  • Lyudmila - dear to people;
  • Milana - she is cute;
  • Miroslava - glorious in the world;
  • Hope is hope;
  • Radmila - caring, cheerful, sweet;
  • Snezhana is cold and snowy.

Interesting fact! The name Svetlana, very popular since the second half of the 20th century, has a controversial origin. According to some unconfirmed versions, this is a Slavic name. But the version is closer to the truth, according to which the name Svetlana was coined in the 19th century. Russian poets Vostokov and Zhukovsky.

After the release of Zhukovsky's ballad "Svetlana", the name gained tremendous popularity. Gradually, girls began to be called them, and it became firmly established in everyday life.

With the advent of Christianity in Russia, new female names took root. which we now consider primordially Russian. Today they are familiar to our ear and are quite common throughout Russia.

But their Greek origin not entirely clear. The fact is that the name book was formed on the basis of cultural and trade relations, therefore, in Byzantium itself, there were not only Greek, but also Syrian, Latin, Egyptian, Persian, Germanic, Babylonian and other names.

The most beautiful and common Russian names that came from Byzantium:

  • Alexandra (Greek) - human protector;
  • Alena (Greek) - light;
  • Alice (German) - protector;
  • Alla (Greek) - next;
  • Anastasia (Greek) - resurrection;
  • Anna (Hebrew) - God's mercy;
  • Antonina (Latin) - rushing into battle;
  • Valentina (Latin) - healthy and strong;
  • Valeria (Latin) - strong and strong;
  • Barbara (Greek) - foreigner, barbarian;
  • Vasilisa (Greek) - majestic, regal;
  • Galina (Greek) - serenity, silence, sea surface;
  • Daria (pers.) - possessing a blessing;
  • Catherine (Greek) - pious, immaculate;
  • Elena (Greek) - bright, chosen;
  • Eugenia (Greek) - noble;
  • Elizabeth (Hebrew) - a vow to God;
  • Jeanne or Yana is a variant of the name John (Hebrew) - God's mercy;
  • Zoya (Greek) - living, life;
  • Irina (Greek) - calmness and peace;
  • Inna (Latin) - a stormy fast stream;
  • Karina (Latin) - dear, dear;
  • Xenia (Greek) - a wanderer, a stranger;
  • Christina (Greek) - dedicated to Christ;
  • Larisa (Greek) - seagull;
  • Maya (Greek) - mother, nurse, goddess;
  • Margarita (Greek) - a pearl;
  • Mary (Hebrew) - desired, serene, bitter;
  • Marina (Latin) - marine, living in the sea;
  • Natalia (Latin) - native, bestowed by God;
  • Nina (Georgian) - queen, mistress;
  • Olga - (has Scandinavian origin from Helga) sacred;
  • Sophia or Sophia (Greek) - wisdom, science;
  • Tatyana (Latin) - mistress, organizer;
  • Tamara (Hebrew) - date palm, fig tree;
  • Taisia ​​(Greek) - wise, late;
  • Ulyana, Julianna, Julianna and Julia (Latin) - belonging to the genus Julia;
  • Evelina or Eve (Hebrew) - life force;
  • Emilia (Latin) is an unyielding rival.

Interesting fact! The name Victoria - victory, is of Latin origin. It firmly entered Russian use after Russia's victories in the northern war (1700-1721).

Orthodox Russian female names - saints

Russian Orthodox Church has its own unique name book - these are the saints who came to us from Byzantium. They contain the names of Orthodox saints, each of which is associated with martyrdom and righteous deeds.

Until 1917, the church gave names to newborns at baptism. Some of them are actively used today. The rest are rarely used or have fallen into disuse. Each name in the calendar has its own day in the year, sometimes more than one.

Here is some of them:

  • Agnia - immaculate;
  • Anisiya - accomplishment, success;
  • Anfisa - blooming;
  • Evdokia - goodwill;
  • Euphrosyne - joy;
  • Zinaida - divine;
  • Ilaria - clear, joyful, quiet;
  • Kapitolina - born on the Capitol;
  • Claudia - lame;
  • Nonna - dedicated to God;
  • Paraskeva, the Russian version of Praskovya, is Friday, the eve of the holiday;
  • Raisa - carefree, light;
  • Rimma is a Roman;
  • Rufina - reddish;
  • Seraphim - fiery;
  • Faina - light;
  • Fotinia, Fotina (analogue of the Russian Svetlana) - light.

It is interesting! The name Polina or Paulina, popular today, originates from male name Paul, which in turn is the French version of the biblical name Paul.

this name in Orthodox saints no, but there is Apollinaria (Greek) - dedicated to God Apollo.

Old Russian female names

Old Russian names were formed not only on a Slavic basis. The cultural ties of our ancestors contributed to borrowing from the traditions of neighbors. This also affected the names, some of which were of Scandinavian origin.

Not all today Old Russian names forgotten, some very relevant. Recently, due to the undying interest in their roots, many call their children according to old Russian tradition.

There are such names more and more often, especially:

Ukrainian female names

Most Ukrainian female names have common roots with Russian ones. This is related to Slavic origin both peoples, common history, as well as with the Orthodox tradition.

The lion's share of names in the Ukrainian name-book coincides with Russian ones. The only difference is their spelling and pronunciation.

For example, some Russian names in the Ukrainian tradition are written through "o" -: Olena, Oleksandra, Orina. And also there are differences in the spelling of the letter "i", in the Ukrainian language its Latin analogue "i" is used. This is due to the influence of Polish culture.

Some Ukrainian names with peculiarities of pronunciation:

Belarusian female names

Belarusian female names are similar to Russian and Ukrainian ones. Here, too, “i” is used instead of “and”, and the letter “y” also has its own pronunciation features.

Writing Features:

There are also traditional Belarusian names, very loved by the people and having their own meaning:

  • Alesya, Lesya, Olesya - forest;
  • Alena is a wonderful torch;
  • Ulada - fine, peaceful;
  • Yana - God's grace;
  • Yarina, Yarina - sunny.

Czech female names

The Czechs, although they are a Slavic people, their traditions are somewhat different from Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian.

The Czech Republic is a predominantly Catholic country. Therefore, Czech female names are a mixture of Slavic, Catholic and European. They are very unusual and interesting.

Some of them have their own unique features and meaning:

  • Abena - the one who was born on Tuesday;
  • Bara, Baranka, Barbara, Barka - a strange foreigner;
  • Branca is a great defender;
  • Power - power;
  • Daska - soul;
  • Willow - a good God;
  • Cape - a small stork;
  • Libena, Libus - love;
  • Otili - rich;
  • Radka - happy;
  • Sarka - forty;
  • Stepanka - crowned;
  • Hedvika - wrestling;
  • Tsjenka - originally from Sidon;
  • Evika - life;

Bulgarian female names

The most popular in Bulgaria are traditional Slavic names. Although, since the 20th century, the Bulgarian name book has been enriched with various Western European borrowings.

Traditionally, children are named after their ancestors. There is one more feature: the names are universal for both boys and girls, for example, Spaska and Spas, Zhivka and Zhivko.

Some traditional Bulgarian names and their meaning:

  • Vasilka - queen;
  • Yordanka - flowing down;
  • Mariyka is an analogue of the biblical name Maria;
  • Rositsa - Rosa;
  • Stefka - crowned;
  • Parking is standing.

Polish female names

In Poland, children are traditionally given Latin, Slavic and Greek names. Here, too, there are peculiarities of pronunciation that make these names unique.

For example, popular names are:

  • Agnieszka - immaculate;
  • Beata - blessed;
  • Wanda - from the Wend tribe;
  • Wojciech - the consolation of soldiers;
  • Wenceslas - more glory;
  • Casimira - peacemaker;
  • Malgorzata is a pearl;
  • Francisca is French;
  • Jadwiga - battle of rivals.

Rare female names

Beautiful rare names are very popular now. They come from other cultures, movies, songs, etc.

Some of these rare names are:

  • Bella (European) - beautiful;
  • Venus (Latin) - the Roman goddess of love;
  • Helium (Greek) - solar;
  • Daniela (Hebrew) - divine judge;
  • Ida (Greek) - fertile;
  • Oia (Greek) - violet;
  • Carolina (German) - queen;
  • Liliana (Latin) - lily;
  • Melania (Greek) - swarthy;
  • Nelly (Greek) - new, young;
  • Olympics (Greek) - Olympic;
  • Palmyra (Latin) - palm tree;
  • Regina (Latin) - queen;
  • Stella (Latin) - star;
  • Elina (Greek) - Hellenic, Greek;
  • Junia, Yunna, Juno (Greek) - the goddess of marriage and love;

Unusual female names

A large number of modern Russian children are called very unusual names. Some of them belong fairy tale characters, part comes from the names of cities, countries, historical events, animals, plants, etc.

Here is a short list:

  • Byzantium;
  • Moon;
  • Russians;
  • Cherry;
  • Fox;
  • Joy;
  • Ocean.

Elvish female names

Elvish names are quite common today. These are the names of the elves from wonderful world created English writer John Ronald Tolkien.

Invented heroes gave a new fashion for names that have a wonderful sound and secret meaning.

Some of them:

  • Amanael - daughter of Haman;
  • Anariel is the daughter of the sun;
  • Eariel is the daughter of the sun;
  • Lairiel is the daughter of summer.

The ending -iel denotes daughter.

There are also names consisting of two words, for example:

  • Arvel - a noble maiden;
  • Irvil - sparkling shine;
  • Nimloth - White flower.

Funny female names

At all times, people have shown imagination in the matter of naming. Now this is a very common occurrence. But sometimes fantasy leads to a frankly ridiculous and ridiculous choice.

Some funny names:

  • Aria;
  • Blandina;
  • Villa;
  • Kazdoy;
  • Nunehia;
  • Scandulia.

The happiest female names

Parents always want to give their daughter a name that will bring her happiness. Everyone has their own criteria for lucky names, but there are common views on this issue.

Most people are of the opinion that Russian names Tatyana, Natalya, Elena, Olga, Irina and Ekaterina are the happiest.

Although no one has proven this, and no studies and observations have been conducted. Probably, the favorable sounding of these names fills them with light energy for many centuries.

Biblical female names

Bible stories contain a large number of beautiful female names. And many parents are inclined to name their daughters after the pious biblical heroines.

The most beautiful of these names and their meaning:

  • Sarah is the ancestor;
  • Rebekah is a faithful wife;
  • Leah - heifer, heifer;
  • Rachel is a sheep;
  • Dina - avenged;
  • Delilah - curly;
  • Susanna - lily;
  • Magdalene is a resident of Magdala.

The most common female name in the world

From all the variety of names the most common and favorite name in the world - Anna.

It sounds different in every language, and yet it is the same name. Anna can sound in different languages like Ann, Annette, Anita, Hanna, Ankhen, Hanna, Anika, etc.

Mythical female names

myths, especially ancient greece and Rome, are full of a huge number of magnificent female names. These are the names of goddesses, queens and beautiful maidens.

The most beautiful names and their meaning:

  • Aphrodite - Greek goddess of love;
  • Artemis - Greek goddess of the hunt;
  • Grace - the Roman goddess of beauty;
  • Diana - Roman goddess of the hunt;
  • Cassandra - Trojan princess and soothsayer;
  • Muse - the Greek patroness of art and science;
  • Selena is the goddess of the moon.

Strange female names

There are also completely strange names which, as a rule, are the result of the creative thinking of parents. Their popularity peaked at Soviet era when working professions and revolutionary ideas were glorified.

some strange and amazing names that era:

  • Tractorina;
  • Pravdin;
  • Railcar;
  • Stalin.

Among foreign bohemians, there are also parents with imagination, who called their children rather strange names.

Translated from of English language they sound like this:

  • Apple is the daughter of Gwyneth Paltrow;
  • Hazelnut - daughter of Julia Roberts;
  • The bell is the daughter of the Madonna;
  • Ireland is the daughter of Kim Bassinger.

Strong female names

It is believed that some names have a special energy of strength and are amulets for the owner. Basically, these are names, in the decoding of which there is strength, and fortress, and health, and protection, and victory.

It is believed that Russian names bear the highest patronage to the owner:

  • Alexandra;
  • Victoria;
  • Valeria;
  • Valentine;
  • Evgenia;
  • Olga;
  • Faith;
  • Catherine;
  • Daria.

Invented female names

In the creative Soviet era, parents created with the help of their imagination a very interesting names. They were half-hearted abbreviations formed from the names of leaders and revolutionary slogans.

Some of them:

  • Gertrude - heroes of labor;
  • Velira is a great labor force;
  • Vilena, Vladlena - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin;
  • Krarmia - the red army;
  • Raytiya - district printing house;
  • Dazdraperma - long live the first of May;
  • Dinara is a child of a new era.

Women's names of the peoples of the world

English female names

In England, children are often given a double name, which gives scope for parental imagination. However traditional names are also popular.

The most common female given names in England are:

  • Olivia - olive tree;
  • Deborah is a bee;
  • Scarlet - fabric saleswoman;
  • Jennifer is a sorceress;
  • Kimberly - born in the royal meadow;
  • Britney is little Britain;
  • Monica is a counselor.

In England and the USA, short Russian female names are very popular, and even some male names that have become female there. For example: Sasha, Natasha, Nikita, Misha, Tanya.

Irish female names

The traditions of the Irish are rooted in Celtic culture, so they give the name of the girl great importance. It reflects both beauty and piety, and all the beautiful qualities of a woman.

The most interesting traditional Irish names and their meaning:

  • Abiagil - pleasing father;
  • Aerin - the world;
  • Brida - exalted;
  • Kaoilinn - fair and slender;
  • Morrigan is a big queen;
  • Orleith is a golden princess.

German female names

There is an opinion about dissonance German language, and yet, German female names sound very beautiful.

In Germany, it is customary to give names that are complex in composition, their number can reach up to 10.

The most beautiful German names and their meaning:

French female names

By tradition, French female names have always been considered very beautiful. They are popular far beyond France. Indeed, the French language caresses the ear with its pleasant nasal pronunciation.

This people gave the world the most beautiful female names, such as:

  • Adele - giving goodness;
  • Blanche - white;
  • Vivien is alive;
  • Brigitte - majestic;
  • Jacqueline - chasing;
  • Emmanuel - God is with us.

Hebrew female names

The traditions of the Jewish people are closely connected with Christian culture. European and Russian names are partly derived from Jewish culture. But there are also primordially national names.

Most beautiful:

Italian female names

Italians are extremely emotional and passionate people. This feature is manifested in everything and even in names.

The most interesting of them:

  • Adriana - a resident of Adria;
  • Bianca - white;
  • Gabriella - the power of God;
  • Ornella - blooming ash;
  • Lucrezia is rich.

Tatar female names

Of the Tatar names are in demand:

Swedish female names

Swedes often call girls by these names:

  • Agnetha - chaste;
  • Botilda - battle;
  • Greta is a pearl;
  • Inger - body;
  • Frederica is a peaceful ruler.

Lithuanian female names

Popular names in Lithuania:

  • Laima is the goddess of life;
  • Yumante - insightful;
  • Saule - the sun;
  • Gintare - amber.

Greek female names

Beautiful Greek names:

Spanish female names

The Spanish people often call women by such names:

  • Dolores - sadness;
  • Carmen - dedicated to Our Lady of Carmel;
  • Pilar - column;
  • Leticia - joy;
  • Consuela is persistent.

Georgian female names

In Georgia, you can often hear such variants of names as:

  • Aliko - omniscient;
  • Dariko is a gift from God;
  • Mgelia - wolf;
  • Nani is a baby;
  • Salome is peaceful.

Turkish female names

Variants of names are popular in Turkey:

Armenian female names

In the corners of Armenia, you will often hear girls called:

  • Anush - sweet;
  • Gayane - earthly;
  • Siranush - love;
  • Shushan - lily;
  • Eteri - ether.

Korean female names

In Korean villages, parents call their daughters:

  • Mi - beauty;
  • Jung - love;
  • Mei is a flower;
  • Kim is golden;
  • Yuong is brave.

Japanese female names

Interesting Japanese names:

Chinese names for women

Among the Japanese young ladies you can hear the names:

  • Venling - refined jade;
  • Jieying - household;
  • Xiu - graceful;
  • Meirong - self-control;
  • Xiangjiang - fragrant.

Scandinavian female names

Scandinavian girls are often called like this:

  • Asgerda - protection of the Gods;
  • Ingeborg - fertile;
  • Alva is an elf;
  • Astrid - divinely beautiful;
  • Brunnhilde is warlike.

Azerbaijani female names

Variants of such names can be heard among the girls and women of Azerbaijan:

  • Aishe - alive;
  • Diamond - beautiful;
  • Billura - crystal;
  • Zulfiya - curly;
  • Layla - night.

Arabic female names

Arabs often call their babies with similar versions of names:

  • Lamia - radiance shine;
  • Aziza - dear, valuable;
  • Fatima - the daughter of the prophet;
  • Daliya - grape wine;
  • Khalida is immortal.

Egyptian female names

The Egyptian population in its female part often has the following names:

Chechen names for women

Interesting variants of Chechen names:

  • Amira is the leader;
  • Jamila is beautiful;
  • Nazira - equal;
  • Ruvayda - smoothly walking;
  • Salima is healthy.

Kazakh female names

Such names are popular in Kazakhstan:

  • Aigansha - moon-like;
  • Balbala is a smart child;
  • Dilara - beloved;
  • Karlygash - swallow;
  • Marzhan is a pearl.

Indian female names

Picturesque India is famous for such female names:

Uzbek female names

You will often come across such names in Uzbekistan:

  • Asmira is the first princess;
  • Guldasta - a bouquet of flowers;
  • Intizora - long-awaited;
  • Olma - an apple;
  • Farkhunda is happy.

Gypsy names for women

The fervent gypsy people christen their girls like this:

  • Mirela - admiring;
  • Lala - tulip;
  • Luladja - the flower of life;
  • Esmeralda - emerald;
  • Jofranca is free.

At all times, parents, giving the name of their daughter, wanted to give her beauty, love, happiness, wealth, fertility, protection together with him. This desire is reflected in the names of almost all peoples of the world.

From this video you will learn modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare and unusual other female names, their list and meanings.

Interesting article. I would still like to make some clarifications. About Georgian names. “Mgelika” (“wolf cub”), or “Mgelia” (wolf), is a non-baptismal, pagan name; now used in the form of "Gela"; this is a male name. Popular female names: Tamari, Nino, Ketevan, Khatuna, Khatia, Nateli (“bright”, a synonym for Svetlana), Mariami ... By the way, “Tamari” is Georgian for “temple”.

A beautiful name - Maayan .... I would call it, although I am a grandmother, but brave))

"What's in a name?" the poet asked an unknown interlocutor. Over the same question, but in a broader sense, humanity has been struggling for centuries, but the names are in no hurry to reveal all their secrets. Even notorious materialists and skeptics do not choose the first names that come across for their children, thereby recognizing that the name becomes calling card a person in society, a part of himself. Many people are sure that an individual name not only contains information about its owner, but is also able to participate in the formation of its character, influence later life. In this regard, it is often mentioned famous phrase"Whatever you call a yacht, that's how it will float." What can we say about a man - a living being and connected with the universe by thousands of threads!

Personal names are the object of study of anthroponymy - a branch of the science of onomastics. Within its framework, researchers study their origin, evolutionary development, laws and features of functioning. Each name, whether it is originally Slavic or borrowed from other languages, for example, Greek and Jewish, has its own history, its own meaning. The original meaning of many names was lost in the thickness of the centuries, erased, no longer taken literally. In addition, not all people are interested in the meaning of their name, thereby missing the opportunity to learn more about themselves and their life prospects. Meanwhile, the research of modern anthroponyms is aimed at compiling psychological portrait typical representative of one name or another, because even earlier it was discovered that the same named people have much in common in character, fate and even appearance.

Of course, one should not exaggerate the role of the name in shaping the personality, but nevertheless it deserves the closest attention. The choice of a name for a child should be conscious, thoughtful, taking into account various factors. In the life of an adult, a name change is also possible, so the information presented on our website is useful not only for those who are looking for a name for a newborn boy or girl. For people who are not going to change their second “I”, a closer acquaintance with the meaning of names can also bring a lot of benefits - in particular, suggest directions for working on themselves, on compatibility with others and fruitful interaction with them.

In this section of our site you can find not only the meanings of names, but also a variety of related information, for example, about name days, lucky days, useful practical advice, excursions into history and much more.


Augusta - regal, regal, sacred (lat.)

augustine see augustus

Avelina - see Evelina

Aurelius - golden (lat.)

Aurora - morning dawn (lat.)

Agatha, see Agafia

Agafya (Agatha) - kind, good (Greek)

Aggul - white flower (Turk.)

Agida - faith (arab.)

Aglaida - shining, magnificent, beautiful (Greek)

Aglaya - shining, magnificent, beautiful (Greek)

Agnia - pure, immaculate sheep (lat.)

Agrippina is a Roman generic name (lat.)

Ada - elegant (other Heb.)

Adelaide - noble, high-born (other German)

Adeline - fragrant (dr. germ.)

Adele - pious, noble (other German)

Adina - holiday, Friday (arab.)

Adriana - a resident of Adria (Greek)

Aza - consolation (Arabic) or strong, strong (Other Heb.)

Aziza - bearer of God (arab.)

Aida - benefit, reward (arab.)

Ayante - violet (Greek)

Aina - a mirror (pers.)

Aita - living (Azerb.)

Akulina (Akilina) - eagle (lat.)

Alana - the most significant (arab.)

Alva (Alva) - rich (lat.)

Alevtina - rubbing with incense, alien to evil (Greek)

Alexandra - protector of people (Greek)

Alexandria - protector of people (Greek)

Alena - see Elena

Aleshan - high dignity (arab.)

Alima - knowledgeable, scholar (Azerb.)

Alina - noble (German)

Alice - noble (German)

Aliya - sublime (arab.)

Alla - another (Greek) or noble (German)

Alma - nursing (lat.), Feeding the first apple (Kazakh)

Almos - diamond (Tatar)

Alberta - brilliant, famous (German)

Albina - white (lat.)

Alpha - first (Greek)

Amanda - sweet, worthy (lat.)

Amata - beloved (lat.)

Amelia - flattering (Greek)

Amilia - see Emilia

Amina - safe (arab.)

Anastasia - resurrecting (Greek)

Anatolia - Eastern (Greek)

Angelina - messenger, angel (Greek)

Andromeda - courageous (Greek)

Angela - messenger, angel (Greek)

Angelica - see Angela

Anika - invincible (Greek)

Anita - sweet (German)

Anisia (Anisya) - performer (Greek)

Anna - pretty, pretty (other Heb.)

Antonina - opponent (lat.). Roman generic name

Anfisa - blooming (Greek)

Anfia - flower (Greek)

Apollinaria - belonging to Apollo (Greek)

April - April (lat.)

Araminta - imperious, savior (Greek)

Ariadne - attractive, beloved (Greek)

Arina - see Irina

Artemis - the name of the goddess of the hunt (Greek)

Asima - protector (Azerb.)

Asiya - comforting, healing (Azerb.)

Asta - city dweller (Greek)

Asteria - stellar (Greek)

Asya - resurrecting (Greek) A shortened form of the name Anastasia, which has become independent

Atina (Athena) - the name of the goddess of wisdom (Greek)

Aurika - golden (lat.)

Athanasia - immortal (Greek)

Athena see Athena

Aphrodite - born from the foam of the sea wave, the name of the goddess of love (Greek)

Aelita - airy (Greek). The name of the heroine of the novel by A.N. Tolstoy

Bavu - mistress (arab.)

Bavkhar - gem(Persian.)

Balimat - feast, treat (arab.)

Baliya - holy (arab.)

Barbara - see Barbara

Bahar - spring (arab.)

Baharat - good news (arab.)

Bakhti - happy (Uzbek)

Basharat - a rare flower (pers.)

Beatrice, Beata - happy (lat.)

Belina - white (glor.)

Bella (beauty)

Benedicta (Blessed)

Bereslav - protecting (other Russian)

Bertha - bright, shiny, magnificent (other German)

Beersheba - see Bathsheba

Bogdana - given by God (glor.)

Bogigul - garden flower (taj.)

Bozena - given by God, divine (glory.)

Bonata - pretty, sweet, graceful (lat.)

Borislav - fighting for glory (glor.)

Bronislava is a glorious defender (glor.)

Valentina - healthy (lat.)

Valeria - strong (lat.). Roman generic name

Walimat - see Balimat

Valiya - holy (arab.)

Wanda - brave, fearless (Polish)

Varaka - crow (muzzle)

Barbara - foreigner (Greek)

Vasilina - see Vasilisa

Vasilisa (Vasilisa) - Queen (Greek)

Vassa - desert (Greek)

Wenceslas, Vyacheslav - the most glorious

Veda - mermaid (Bulgarian)

Wengana - crowned (gr.)

Venus is the name of the goddess of beauty and love (lat.)

Wenceslas - crowned with glory (glory.)

Faith - faith (Russian)

Veronica - victorious, bringing victory (Greek)

Veselina - cheerful (Bulgarian)

Vesta - the name of the goddess of the hearth (lat.)

Victoria - victory (lat.)

Vilena - V.I. Lenin (owl)

Vilora is an abbreviation for "V.I. Lenin is the organizer of the revolution

Viola - violet (lat.)

Violetta - violet (lat.)

Virginia (Virginia) - virgin (lat.)

Virineya - green, blooming, young (lat.)

Bathsheba - daughter of an oath (dr. Heb.)

Vita - life (lat.)

Vitalia - vital (lat.)

Vlad - owning (glory.)

Vladilena - V.I. Lenin (owl)

Vladislav - owning glory (glor.)

Vlasta - motherland (Czech)

Gaia - cheerful

Galima - prevailing (arab.)

Galina - calm, serene (Greek)

Galya - marten, weasel (Greek)

Ganna - mercy (Western Slav.)

Gayane - beauty (Turk.)

Helena - see Helena

Helium - solar (Greek)

Hella - sunny, shining (Greek)

Henrietta - noble beauty (dr. germ.)

Dahlia - from the name of the flower

Gerda - Protector (Scand.)

Hermine - warlike

Gertrude - warrior (Scand.) or heroine of labor (Sov.)

Gaia - earth (Greek)

Gila - flower (Azerb.)

Gilyara - soothing, comforting (Tatar)

Glafira - graceful (Greek)

Glyceria - sweet (Greek)

Gloria - glory (lat.)

Gorislava - bright glory (glor.)

Hydrangea - blooming (lat.)

Grazhyna - graceful, beautiful (Polish)

Greta - pearl

Gulnara - beautiful flower(Arab.)

Gutfia - kind woman(Arab.)

Dayna (Dina) - avenged (other Hebrew)

Dalara - beloved (arab.)

Damira - persistent, iron (Tatar)

Dana - given, bestowed (glor.)

Danara - gold coin(Arab.)

Danaë (Greek)

Daniela - "God is my judge" (heb.)

Darina - owner of wealth (pers.)

Daria - strong, victorious (Greek)

Deborah - bee (dr. Heb.)

Jamila - beautiful (arab.)

Jana - beloved (Azerb.)

Jannat (Jannam) - Paradise (Arabic)

Gemma - precious stone, jewel (Italian)

Julia - see Julia

Juliet - see Julia

Diana is the name of the goddess of the hunt (lat.)

Dina see Dina

Dita - people (germ.)

Diya - divine (Greek)

Dobroslav - good glory (glor.)

Share - fate (glory.)

Dominika - mistress (lat.)

Domna - mistress, mistress (lat.)

Dona - grain (taj.)

Dora - see Theodora

Dorosita - dew (Greek)

Dorothea - gift of God (Greek)

Eve - living, life (dr. Heb.)

Eugenia - noble (Greek)

Evdokia - favor (Greek)

Eulalia - eloquent (Greek)

Eulampia - pleasant light (Greek)

Eupraxia - happiness, prosperity (Greek)

Eusebius - pious (Greek)

Eustolia - elegant (Greek)

Euphalia - luxuriant (Greek)

Euphemia - pious, sacred (Greek)

Catherine - pure, immaculate (Greek)

Elena - shining (Greek)

Elizabeth - “I swear to God” (other Heb.)

Emilia - see Emilia

Yesenia - prosperous (Greek)

Euphemia - pious (Greek)

Efrosinya (Eurosinia) - joy, fun (Greek)

Jeanne - the grace of God (dr. Heb.)

Zhilit - beauty (Kazakh)

Josephine - God will multiply (heb.)

Juliette - see Julia

Fun - fun (other Russian)

Zabira - hard, strong (Arabic)

Zara - gold (arab.)

Zarema - scarlet dawn (Turk.)

Zarina - golden (arab.)

Zarifa - witty, graceful (arab.)

Zafor - victory (arab.)

Zahra - shiny, light (azerb.)

Zemfira - recalcitrant (lat.)

Ziba - beauty (Kazakh)

Zilite - tit (Latvian)

Zilla - shadow (other Heb.)

Zinaida - belonging to Zeus (Greek)

Zinia - hospitable (Greek)

Zenobia - life given by Zeus (Greek)

Zita - girl (pers.)

Ziyada - returning (arab.)

Zlata - golden (glor.)

Zoreslava - illuminated by glory (other Russian)

Zoya - life (Greek)

Zulala - transparent, pure (Arabic)

Zuhra - brilliance, beauty (arab.)

Ivanna - see John

Yvette - shamrock (fr.)

Ida - fertile (Greek)

Isabella (beauty)

Isolde - glitter of gold (dr. germ.)

Ilaria - cheerful (Greek)

Ilona (Ilyana) - light (Hungarian)

Inga - winter (other scand.)

Indira - lunar (Sanskrit)

Inessa - see Inna

Inna (Inessa) - a stormy stream (lat.)

John - given by God (other Heb.)

Iolanta - see Viola

Ipollita - unharnessing horses, the name of the mythical queen of the Amazons (Greek)

Iraida - hero's daughter, heroine (Greek)

Irene - see Irina

Irida - the name of the goddess of the rainbow, the patroness of women and marriage (lat.)

Irina - peace (Greek)

Isidora (Isadora) - gift of Isis (Greek)

Spark - light (Russian, Bulgarian)

Iya - violet (Greek)

Kaleria - hot, ardent (lat.)

Kalisa - beautiful (Greek)

Camilla - a girl from a noble family (Greek)

Capitolina - from the name of one of the seven hills in Rome (lat.)

Karima - generous woman (arab.)

Karina (Karine) - looking ahead (lat.)

Carolina - queen, royal (germ.)

Kasima - distributing (Tatar)

Casinia - servant (lat.)

Cassandra - hunter of men (Greek)

Kira (Kiriena) - mistress, mistress (Greek)

Kirien see Cyrus

Cyril - mistress, mistress (Greek)

Claudia is lame. Roman generic name. (lat.)

Clara (Clarissa) - clear, bright (lat.)

Clementine - vine(Greek) or merciful (Lat.)

Cleopatra - glory of the father (Greek)

Concordia - consent (lat.)

Constance - constant, faithful (lat.)

Kora - virgin, girl (Greek)

Christina (Christina) - dedicated to Christ (Greek)

Xenia - a stranger, a guest (Greek)

Lavinia - traitor (lat.)

Lada - sweet, good (glor.)

Larisa - a seagull or from the name of the city of Larisa (Greek)

Laura - crowned with laurels (lat.)

Leda is a mythical heroine who captivated Zeus with her beauty (Greek)

Layla - night (Arabic)

Leonida - lion, daughter of a lion (Greek)

Leonila - lion, like a lioness (lat.)

Leontina - daughter of a lion (Greek)

Leah - heifer, heifer (other Heb.)

Lydia - a resident of Lydia - a region in Asia Minor (Greek)

Lika - sweet (Greek)

Liliana - lily (lat.)

Lilith - night (dr. Heb.)

Lily - see Liliana

Lina - mournful song (Greek)

Linda - beautiful (Spanish)

Liona (Leona) - lioness (lat.)

Leah - see Leah

Lola - weed (lat.)

Lolita - sorrow, sadness (Spanish)

Lorna - abandoned, disappeared (other germ.)

Lyubava - beloved (other Russian)

Love is beloved (Art. Slav.)

Lyudmila - dear to people (Art. Slav.)

Lucia (Lucina, Luciena, Lucia) - light, luminous (lat.). Roman generic name

Mavji - radiance, brilliance (taj.)

Mavra - dark, matte (Greek)

Magdalene - from the city of Magdala in Palestine (other Hebrew)

Madina - city (arab.)

Maya - in Indian mythology the name of the progenitor of the Universe, in Greek - the goddess, the mother of Hermes

Malania see Melania

Malika - queen (arab.)

Malvina - weak, tender (German)

Manana - merciful (gr.)

Manefa - given, bestowed (other Heb.)

Manush - sweet (arm.)

Margarita - pearl (lat.)

Mariam (Maryana, Maryam) - rejecting, bitter, tart (other Hebrew)

Marianna - sea (lat.) Perhaps a portmanteau of the names Maria and Anna

Marietta - see Maria

Marina - sea (lat.)

Maritza is the Hungarian version of the name Maria.

Mary - desired, sad (other Heb)

Marceline - see Marcellus

Martha (Martha) - mistress, mistress (aram.)

Martina - under the auspices of Mars (lat.)

Martha see Martha

Marcellus - hammer (lat.)

Masuma - protected (arab.)

Matilda - dangerous beauty (other German)

Matrena - lady of honor (lat.)

Medea - sorceress (Greek)

Mei - May or hawthorn flower (eng.)

Melania (Malania) - black, dark, swarthy (Greek)

Melissa (Milica) - bee, honey (Greek)

Melitina - see Melissa

Mila - dear (glory)

Milada - sweet, good (Bulgarian)

Milena - sweet, gentle (glory.)

Militta is the name of the Babylonian goddess of fertility (Greek)

Milica is a South Slavic version of the name Melissa.

Milica see Melissa

Minna - love, tenderness (German)

Minodora - gift of the month (Greek)

Mira - see Mirra

Miroslava - peaceful glory (glor.)

Mirra - myrtle tree (other Hebrew); "world revolution"

Mitrodora - mother's gift (Greek)

Mlada - young, younger (Yuzhnoslav)

Modesta - modest (lat.)

Monica - lonely (Greek)

Muse - female deity patronizing the arts (Greek)

Hope - hope (glor.)

Nail (Nailya) - a gift, a gift (Turk.)

Naina - innocent (other Hebrew)

Nana - small, younger (gr.)

Nargyul - pomegranate flower (Turk.)

Natalia (Natalia) - native (lat.)

Nelly - light (Greek)

Neonila - young, new (Greek)

Nika - victory (Greek)

Nymphodora - gift of a nymph (Greek)

Nina - on behalf of the founder of the Syrian state Ninos (Greek)

Nira - beautiful (other Hebrew)

Nisa - woman (Arabic)

Novella - brand new (lat.)

Nonna - ninth (lat.)

Nora - soothsayer (other scand.)

November - in honor of the victory of the revolution (Sov.)

Odette - fragrant (lat.)

Oiguna - moon (Kyrgyz)

Oksana - Ukrainian form of the name Xenia

Octavia - eighth (lat.)

Oktyabrina - in honor of the victory of the revolution (Sov.)

Olesya - forest (Belarusian)

Olympias - singing the sky (Greek)

Olbia - happy (Greek)

Olga - sacred, holy (other scand.)

Pavla (Peacock, Paulina) - small, small (lat.)

Palmyra - pilgrim (lat.)

Patricia - aristocrat, noble person (Greek)

Pelageya - sea (Greek)

Pinna - mother-of-pearl shell (Greek)

Polyxena - hospitable (Greek)

Polina - belonging to Apollo (Greek). Abbreviated form of the name Apollinaria, which became independent

Praskovya - Friday (Greek)

Pulcheria - beautiful (lat.)

Rada - cheerful, joyful (glory.)

Radmila - sweet, joyful (glory.)

Raisa - light (Greek)

Rachel - see Rachel

Rachel - sheep (other Heb.)

Rebecca (Rebecca) - a faithful wife who takes captives (heb.)

Regina - queen, queen (lat.)

Rema - rower (Greek) or "revolution-electrification-mechanization" (Sov.)

Renata - resurgent (lat.)

Rimma (Roman)

Rita - see Margarita

Rogneda - sad (other scand.)

Rosa - rose, red flower (lat.)

Rosalia - rose (lat.)

Roxana - soothsayer (Greek)

Rostislav - multiplying glory (glor.)

Rufina - red, golden (lat.). Roman generic name

Ruth (Ruth) - friend (other Heb.)

Sabina - Sabine (dr. Heb.)

Saida - happy (arab.)

Sakina - calmness, silence (arab.)

Salmaz - unfading (azerb.)

Salome - peaceful, calm (other Heb.)

Saltanat - power, rule (Kazakh)

Sarah - see Sarah

Sarah (Sarah) - the ancestor, the mother of many people (other Heb.)

Safa - clean, contented (Tatar)

Svetlana - bright, pure (glor.)

Severina - serious, strict (lat.)

Sevil - beloved (azerb.)

Selina (Selena) - moon (Greek)

Semira - loving pigeons (pers.)

Sepphora - songbird(other Hebrew)

Seraphim - fiery, fire Angel(other Hebrew)

Sibyl (Sibyl) - prophetess (Greek)

Silva (Sylvia) - forest (lat.)

Simone - obedient, heard by God (heb.)

Simcha - joy (other Hebrew)

Sirush - beauty (arm.)

Sitara - star (arab.)

Siyana - strong (Bulgarian)

Slavyanya (Slavena) - glorious (glorious)

Snezhana - snowy (Bulgarian)

Sozia - protective (Greek)

Sona - pheasant (Azerb.)

Sosanna see Susanna

Sofia (Sophia) - wisdom (Greek)

Stalin - from I.V. Stalin (owl)

Stanislav - pinnacle of glory (glor.)

Stella (Estella) - star (lat.)

Stepanida - crowned (Greek)

Stephanie - see Stepanida

Stojana - straight (Bulgarian)

Susanna - see Susanna

Susanna see Susanna

Sulu - beautiful (Tatar)

Susanna (Sosanna, Susanna, Suzanna) - white lily (other Hebrew)

Sufi - pious (Tatar)

Tabitha - chamois, roe deer, gazelle (heb.)

Taira - pure (Arabic)

Taisia ​​- fertile (lat.)

Thalia - cheerful (Greek)

Tamara - date palm (other Heb.)

Tamila - tormentor (other Russian)

Tatyana - the organizer who sets the rules (Greek)

Thekla - see Thekla

Tekusa - giving birth (Greek)

Theodora see Theodora

Teresa - protecting, protecting (Greek)

Tryphena - living in luxury (Greek)

Ulyana - see Juliana

Ursula - bear (lat.)

Ustinya (Justina) - fair (lat.)

Faina - shining (Greek)

Farida - pearl (arab.)

Fatima - Weaned (Arabic)

Fevronia - radiant (Greek)

Thekla - glory of God (Greek)

Felicia (Felitsa, Felisa, Felix) - happy (lat.)

Theodora (Fedora, Theodora, Fedotia, Theodora) - God's gift(Greek)

Theodosia (Fedosya) - God's gift (Greek)

Theon - divine understanding (Greek)

Theophila (Theophylla) - kind, beloved by God (Greek)

Fivramna - born in February (lat.)

Fidelina - devoted (lat.)

Fiza - emitting light (arab.)

Philippi - horsewoman (Greek)

Philothea - God-loving (Greek)

Flavia - golden (lat.)

Flora - blooming, the name of the Roman goddess of nature of flowers and spring (lat.)

Florina (Florentina, Florida) - dotted with flowers, blooming (lat.)

Fortunata - happy (lat.)

Photina - bright, radiant (Greek)

Frida - faithful (German)

Hava (Havva) - see Eve

Khavronia - see Fevronia

Halianta (Helianta) - sunny flower(Greek)

Harisa (Kharita, Kharitina) - graceful, charming (Greek)

Helga - see Olga

Henrietta - see Henrietta

Hina (Chiona) - snowy (Greek)

Khiona - see Hina

Chloe - delicate flower, greenery (Greek)

Chris - golden (Greek)

Chrysana - golden-colored (Greek)

Chrysia - see Chris

Christina - see Christina

Humar - bird of happiness (pers.)

Tsarina - queen (Bulgarian)

Tsvetana - blooming (Bulgarian)

Caesarina - cutting (lat.)

Celestine - heavenly (lat.)

Cecilia (Cecilia) - blind (lat.)

Chara - charming (glory.)

Shirafa - sacred (arab.)

Shelomokha - peaceful, friendly (other Heb.)

Evelina - hazelnut (st. fr.)

Eurydice - found (Greek)

Edina - sublime (other scand.)

Edita - giving orders (lat.)

Electra - shining, radiant (Greek)

Eleanor - God is my light (Heb.)

Eliza - the grace of God (other German)

Elina - light (germ.)

Ella - light (germ.)

Elvira - protector of people (German)

Elga see Olga

Elsa - restless (other German)

Elmira - star (arab.)

Emilia - zealous (lat.)

Emma - flattering (other German)

Enigma - a riddle (Greek)

Enida - life, soul (other German)

Era - era (lat.)

Erica - rich, powerful (other scand.)

Erna - storyteller (other scand.)

Ernestina - see Erna

Esmeralda - emerald (Spanish)

Esther - star (dr. Heb.)

Esther - star (dr. Heb.)

Juvenalia - young (lat.)

Juventa is the name of the Roman goddess of youth (lat.)

Judith - Jewish (other Heb.)

Yuzhana - southern (owl)

Jozefa - God will add (Polish)

Yuliana - see Ulyana

Julia - curly, fluffy. Roman family name (lat.)

Yumru - round, full-bodied (Azerb.)

Yuna (Una, Yunna) - the only one (lat.)

Junia is a Roman female name (lat.)

Juno - forever young, the name of the Roman goddess - the wife of Jupiter, the patroness of marriage (lat.)

Justina (Ustina) - fair (lat.)

Jadwiga - warrior (Polish)

Yana (Yana, Yanina) - given by God, the grace of God (other Heb.)

Yaroslav - bright glory (glory.)

The question of what beautiful female name to call a girl born in Russia in 2018 excites all future parents. Usually, the choice of a name takes place during all 9 months of pregnancy, and sometimes even after the birth of a baby. Disputes, disagreements, the study of meanings and even lots await the young couple and their entire family.

In the process of choosing a name for their child, parents are guided by the following principles:

  1. Meaning. Almost the most important thing for moms and dads is the meaning of the chosen name. Unfortunately, not every name carries some wonderful meaning. For example, Marina is translated as "sea", and Tamara from the Greek "palm tree".
  2. Prevalence. This is also an important factor when discussing this issue, because no one wants all the daughter's girlfriends to be called Katya or Masha, like herself.
  3. National affiliation. If any other nationalities are represented in the family besides Russians, the choice can be made in favor of international name convenient for each member of the family. Beautiful international female options: Alexandra, Diana, Julia, Maria, Milana, Tatiana, Violetta or Sofia.
  4. Year and month of birth. For those who believe in astrology, the stars will help in this matter. It is extremely important for such people what year the child was born and under what sign of the zodiac.
  5. Compatibility. Almost all mothers and fathers try on the names they like under the surname and patronymic of the baby. Although people like Petrova Evangelina in our time also do not surprise anyone.
  6. Family tradition. Sometimes they decide to name a child like all the girls in the family, in honor of their grandmother or some beloved relative.
  7. Saint's Day (name day). When the child is already born, some mothers look at the church calendar and see which Saint was born on that day.

Everyone knows that the name of a person in a certain way affects his character and destiny. To give a child a name that he will be proud of all his life, you should refer to the list of names and their meanings. Each of us has been asked at least once in our lives what our name means. That's why beautiful meaning embedded in this word will give us the opportunity to show ourselves with better side. Girls especially like to answer that their name translates as "moonstone" or "fiery flower."

Some couples prefer traditional female names such as Dasha, Katya, Nastya, Varya or Anya. These options do not lose their relevance at all times.

Others, when deciding how to name a girl, are looking for something original, but in the end they call the child a fashionable name for their time. In recent years, Alice, Milana, Eva, Milena, Kira and Darina have been very popular among girls.

Those who want their child to be one in a million, to be remembered by every teacher, and perhaps even become a star, call their daughters rare names such as Kvita, Valencia, Rodina or Ophelia. Someone names their daughter, like the Egyptian queen (Cleopatra) or the Greek goddess, while others simply in honor of their favorite singer (Rihanna or Beyoncé).

Modern beautiful Russian names for girls 2018

If you pay attention to the coming year, it is worth noting that 2018 is the year of the yellow earth dog, which has a faithful character and good disposition. It is believed that people born this year are talented, friendly and self-confident. So what is the name for such a girl? Consider the female names of 2018.

The names Victoria, Daria, Vasilisa, Margarita and Elizabeth remain relevant and beautiful in 2018. Many mothers also choose to change traditional names, thus standing out from the crowd. This is how Daria, Alesya, Sofia, Natalia and Olena appear.

Another theory, not related to the calendar of the Saints, distributes the names according to the characters of the seasons. Winter girls are quite strict and strong, they are called Lyubov, Asya, Snezhana, Yaroslava, Lesya, Mirra, Nika, Polina and Svetlana. Spring children have a softer character, so they are called Ruslana, Stella, Stanislav, Claudia, Irina, Sabina and Sophia. Those born in the summer are active and persistent, such girls are called Margarita, Valeria, Elizaveta and Antonina. For autumn, calm and patient natures, Zlata, Zoya, Olga, Nastasya, Kapitolina and Vera are suitable.

Choosing a female name according to the Saints

In deciding what to name the baby, you can turn to the Saints ( church calendar names), which is a list of names distributed over all 12 months.

If parents choose this way of choosing baby name, they should contact a priest or priest who will tell you how to name a child born on a certain day. January girls are recommended to be called Ulyana, Anastasia, Nina, Emilia, Evgenia and Nina. If a girl is lucky to be born on January 25, then she can be called a beautiful female name Tatyana. Suitable names for February babies: Inna, Ksenia, Maria, Anna, Svetlana and Rimma.

If a woman gave birth to a daughter in the first month of spring, then she should pay attention to Vasilisa, Nika, Christina, Marina and Kira. In April, a little lady can be called Daria, Alexandra, Lydia, Galina or Larisa. For May, the calendar of church names offers Martha, Tamara, Pelagia, Julia, Irina or Taisia.

For those who have to celebrate their birthday on a hot June day, the names Elena, Ulyana, Akulina, Antonina and Valeria are suitable. July is Margarita, Marina, Julia, Angelina, Agrippina and Valentina. Girls born in early August can be called Maria, Ekaterina, Anna and Anfisa, and at the end - Maria, Nonna, Seraphim and Evdokia.

Autumn beauties born in September are called Natalia, Anfisa, Anna, Rufina, Elizabeth and Iya. October girls - Irina, Sofia, Ariandna, Veronika, Zinaida and Praskovya. For November, the Saints offer Anastasia, Maura, Matryona, Alexander and Stephanida.

If the child appears in December, then attention can be paid to the names of August, Catherine, Barbara, Angelina and Zoya.

It is also allowed to change a male name suitable for the date to a female one. For example, Alexander to Alexander, Darius to Darius, Oles to Olesya. All the proposed options are relevant among the female names of 2018.

Whatever name the parents choose, the main thing is that they like it and harmoniously combine with the surname and patronymic.

The mystery of the female name is one of the most mysterious and exciting human imagination. It displays the fate, character traits and temperament of the lady. Therefore, in preparation for the appearance of a daughter, parents begin to study women's names in advance. Modern couples They name their babies differently. Someone is looking for a good sound, someone - a way to stand out, and someone - hidden meaning. Let's see which female names are the most popular right now.

How to choose a name for a girl

Despite the importance of how the chosen name will affect the fate of the baby, it is important first of all to pay attention to its euphony. Check how harmoniously it will be combined with the surname and patronymic. A simple rule: make sure that two consonants do not form at the junctions of words. This can make it difficult to pronounce the name and patronymic or the same name and surname.

Next, take care of the correct sound. Long surnames do not go well with multi-letter female names. Modern short options sound very melodic and beautiful. It is equally important to pay attention to the semantic combination of the name and surname. It should be harmonious and not cut the ear. So, if the girl has a simple Russian surname (for example, Ivanova), then call her exotic name, such as Angelica or Amelia, would be completely inappropriate.

Female names of Slavic origin

Many parents strive to stand out by naming their children the most in unusual ways. However, despite this, the vast majority of mothers and fathers do not dare to such experiments and choose the usual Slavic female names. Russian modern anthroponyms are represented by such options as:

  • Ludmila;
  • Tatiana;
  • Natalia;
  • Elena;
  • Irina;
  • Svetlana;
  • Olga.

However, the popularity of recent times received ancient Slavic names. Now you can often meet babies named Varya, Ulya, Frosya, Marfa or Tonya.

Muslim names

In the Muslim community, it has always been customary to name daughters in such a way that the chosen name reflects the whole essence of the fair sex - tenderness, kindness and generosity. In Islam, unusually melodic and pleasant to the ear female names are common. Muslim modern families they call their babies in such a way that the chosen name not only sounds soft and pleasant, but also carries a positive meaning. Therefore, it is better to avoid options with a pronounced negative coloring in every possible way. It is believed that they can affect the fate of the baby. It is preferable to call girls by such names as:

  • Alsou is kind and accommodating, a good hostess;
  • Amira - outwardly impregnable, but in her soul sensitive and compliant;
  • Varda - beautiful as a rose;
  • Gulnara - pomegranate flower;
  • Rashida - not deviating from the right path;
  • Fatima - understanding, always ready to help;
  • Hamira is loyal and patient.

These are far from all existing Islamic female names. Muslim modern girls may be named differently. However this list presented you the currently most popular options.

Names with Tatar roots

Parents who have not yet decided what to name their daughter can pay attention to the names Tatar origin. They are interesting and diverse, so new moms and dads will have plenty to choose from. Some of the names are somewhat similar to Slavic, and some contain exclusively national Tatar motifs in their sound. So, the girl can be called:

  • Adeline;
  • Asia;
  • Dana;
  • Zalia;
  • Irina;
  • Liana;
  • Mayan;
  • Emilia.

For those who lack sharpness and brightness in Slavic traditional options, the above female names will be an excellent choice. Tatar modern anthroponyms combine pleasant sounding and some exclusivity.

Names for girls in French style

The “highlight” of the baby can be her exquisitely sounding name. After all, nothing compares to the beauty of the French language. The names that came to us from this country can recently be heard not only in the cinema, but also in many families. Now young parents, striving to be resourceful in everything, call their babies like this:

  • Angelica;
  • Amelia;
  • Gabriella;
  • Julia;
  • Inessa;
  • Emma.

Name for a girl according to the Saints

Despite the special interest of many parents in foreign culture, it was and remains a popular opinion that only Slavic female names are beautiful. Modern Russians, ungrouped by months (or Saints), name options allow you to name a girl in accordance with her date of birth. This is explained by the fact that religious beliefs, each day of the year corresponds to one or another saint. This narrows down the options for how to name the baby, so it is much easier for parents to make a choice. In addition, according to church beliefs, the name, given to the child according to the Saints, will bring him good luck and prosperity in life. AT old times such a choice was not just a decision of the parents, but an obligatory tradition.

January: names for babies born this month

It is believed that the "January" representatives of the fair sex are endowed with incomparable luck. Certain female names can strengthen it. Beautiful modern Russian names for girls born in the first month of the year:

  • Anastasia;
  • Aglaya;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Irina;
  • Evgenia;
  • Maria;
  • Nina;
  • Pauline.

Girls named by one of these names will easily achieve what they want, and will also become faithful wives and complaisant mistresses.


Women who are born at the end of winter usually become bright and creative people who love to be the center of attention. Often they have two marriages, the last of which turns out to be the happiest. According to the Saints, girls born in February are usually called like this:

  • Aksinya;
  • Valentine;
  • Veronica;
  • Kseniya;
  • Kristina;
  • Inna.

March: modern female names according to the Saints

The young ladies who were born at this time have an unusually developed mind. With their amazing intelligence, they attract influential and respectable people, whom they often marry later. Most suitable names for girls March:

  • Antonina;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Galina;
  • Kira;
  • Kristina;
  • Nika;
  • Regina;
  • Ulyana.


The main trump card of the fair sex, born in April, is their calm nature and prudence. Such ladies often get jealous husbands, but, thanks to their peaceful nature, they manage to keep happy family. "April" girls are suitable for a variety of female names. Beautiful modern Russian options for babies who were born in the middle of spring:

  • Alexandra;
  • Anna;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Lydia
  • Svetlana;
  • Tamara.


Such women are not only beautiful, but also very smart. They are good at negotiating, although sometimes they say a lot of unnecessary things. As a rule, these ladies have a lot of envious friends, so they have to carefully filter their social circle throughout their lives. It is better for parents to name their daughter one of such names as:

  • Evdokia;
  • Euphrosyne;
  • Claudia;
  • Kristina;
  • Tamara;
  • Faina;
  • Julia.

June: modern female names, list of options

In such a girl, a noticeable lightness and disinterestedness is manifested. It is enough for her to simply make friends, as well as useful acquaintances. The only drawback that others notice is a short temper. Babies born in June are named like this:

  • Akulina;
  • Alyona;
  • Antonina;
  • Valeria;
  • Kaleria;
  • Elena;
  • Sophia;
  • Ulyana.


In the middle of summer, passionate and temperamental women are usually born who know what they want from life. These young ladies do not have to suffer from loneliness - they skillfully use the skill of seduction, and therefore there are always a lot of admirers around them. Such women like to look bright and noticeable, which often causes anxiety among their life partners.

Below is a list of female names. Russian modern anthroponyms for "July" ladies may be as follows:

  • Alevtina;
  • Angelina;
  • Irina;
  • Marina;
  • Margarita;
  • Olga;
  • Rimma.


The fair sex, who saw the light in August, are extremely calm and non-conflict people. They are pretty hard to please. If you ask such a young lady for help, then she will gladly agree. The most suitable female names in this case (Russian modern):

  • Anita;
  • Maria;
  • Milena;
  • Nonna;
  • Susanna;
  • Seraphim.


Girls whose birthday falls just in time for the velvet season do not need to borrow enthusiasm from anyone. They are always ready to act, even if they have already missed once. An optimistic outlook on the world gives such women the opportunity to reach heights. Despite the love of noisy companies, over time, these ladies acquire a strong family. Female names, modern and old, that suit babies born in September, according to the Saints:

  • Anfisa;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Faith;
  • Love;
  • Martha;
  • Hope;
  • Sophia.


If your daughter was born this month, then she is destined to live in deep love. Girls born in the middle of autumn are suitable for certain female names. Russian modern, months-separated options for complaints include a list for representatives of October:

  • Ariadne;
  • Veronica;
  • Gold;
  • And she;
  • Marianne;
  • Taisiya.


A characteristic feature of such women is inconstancy. They often change their minds and do not like to stay in one place for a long time. Because of this, they may be judged by others. They are suitable for such variants of names:

  • Alyona;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Euphrosyne;
  • Zinovia;
  • Nellie;
  • Nataliya.


The last month of winter usually patronizes romantic natures. They are somewhat melancholic, but at the same time they strive for independence, which leads to some contradictions in their relationship with a life partner. Parents can name their daughter like this:

  • August;
  • Angelina;
  • Barbara;
  • Catherine;
  • Ulyana.

Recently, it has become very popular to call daughters unusual names, and, as a rule, foreign ones. This makes the baby special, distinguishes her from the rest. However, not only foreign female names are beautiful, modern. Russians, by months (or, as they say, by Saints), ungrouped options are now no less common. They allow you to give the girl a name that will not only sound good, but will also become her lucky talisman.

How to name a daughter is a purely personal decision of the parents. The most important thing is that the name should be given to the child with love.

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