All the most interesting about the Moon in signs: Moon in Sagittarius. Psychological portrait of a man with the moon in the sign of Sagittarius

The Moon in Sagittarius gives rise to people who are optimistic, cheerful, not discouraged, believing in luck. They are freedom-loving, do not like restrictions in anything. If such children are kept in excessive strictness, they may run away from home. They are inquisitive and mobile, always find an object for study. If the Moon in Sagittarius has no negative aspects, then its owners are endowed with nobility, generosity and kindness. They are humanists and idealists. With their childish soul and sincerity, unshakable optimism and enthusiasm and natural kindness, they easily win sympathy.

They are easily inspired by a variety of ideas and plans, full of dreams, drawing bright pictures of the future in front of them. They can pick up someone else's dream and try to realize it, but often they do not have the patience, endurance, or perseverance to bring the planned and already begun work to the end. Their constant internal excitement, the desire to quickly get down to business, does not allow them to carefully weigh the details, besides, they are hindered by impulsiveness, irascibility, the desire to have a lot at once. Having caught fire with the idea, they fall into a state of passion, it seems to them that what they want will fall into their hands. Not getting it, they get annoyed and offended by the whole world, because they want to be significant, special, distinguished. Impatience and incessant movement can bring them to nervous exhaustion, dissatisfaction often drives them from their native places. It is rare that one of these people does not change their place of residence. Considerable harm, and sometimes irreparable, is brought to them by their excessive frankness, straightforwardness and straightforwardness.

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With a good configuration of the Moon with the Sun, Jupiter or Neptune, they show exceptional intuition, phenomenal or psychic abilities.

A good aspect to Mercury gives resourcefulness, wit, prudence and prudence, as well as a craving for travel and change, commercial activities, philology and languages.

Characteristics of the Moon in Sagittarius

c - neutral.

Feeling + Intimacy = Meditation

Keyword: emotional idealism.

Positive qualities of the Moon in Sagittarius Keywords: mobility, openness, sportiness, ability to be admired, sympathetic creature, optimism, desire for knowledge, idealism, desire for expansion, love of travel, need for change, ability to admire, artistic and philosophical interests, love of nature and animals.

Negative qualities of the Moon in Sagittarius: fluctuating moods, susceptible to influence, haste, tendency to self-deception, nervousness, lack of firmness of character, internal disagreement, restlessness, propensity to waste.

Features in the male horoscope: The Moon in Sagittarius may indicate that you will marry late or remain single but prone to flirting. It can also indicate early baldness.

Features in the female horoscope: a woman with this position of the moon can be too independent and even stubborn.

Health Disorders: diseases of the pelvis, nerves, diseases of the blood.

Moon in Sagittarius in the natal chart:

You are naive and do not notice obvious differences between people. You react to others as if they are part of you. You seek to connect, to become one with them.

You like to do everything in a company. You are open and friendly like a child. You have a strong gift of foresight and a lot of inspiration. You are always looking for something, rushing about, and you often lack constancy.

Your sense organs are more developed than those of other signs. Therefore, your judgments are always correct. But learn to think before you say anything.

You cannot stand confusion and discard everything that is not relevant in this matter. When you focus on something, you think of only one thing to the point that it seems like you are limited. Your mind and body are restless, so you need constant mental and physical exercise. You love sports, both as a participant and as a fan.

You have great psychic and occult abilities. You are more sensitive than it seems at first glance, more sensitive than you show in your frivolous and windy behavior. By nature, you are a teacher and preacher. You have a talent and inclination for religion, philosophy, poetry and music. Always happy to help others.

You are a very independent, freedom-seeking, and sometimes careless person. Curb this carelessness and anxiety by developing tact and discretion.

The moon in neutral contributes to the caring attitude of Sagittarius to distant people, for example, to distant relatives, and not to close ones, or even strangers at all (Jupiter denotes a distant order), gives people of this psychotype the ability to adapt to a foreign culture. Sagittarians have a useful ability to draw positive experiences from their past.

Moon in the decanates of Sagittarius

Discretion, practicality, realism, but at the same time free-thinking, individualism, intolerance to coercion, practicality. Mercy, compassion. Propensity for sports activities. Love for earthly joys, in which extremes are possible. The Moon is in the 10th degree of the sign, having a negative aspect with Saturn - danger from water (drowning) or falling from a height. In opposition to Saturn, danger of murder or suffocation.

Ambition, piety, enterprise, vigorous activity in any sphere of life. Interest in technology, invention, innovation. Increased interest in the opposite sex.

Humanism, religiosity, idealism, often utopianism. Stormy feelings. Wide scope in everything.

Historical figures with the Moon in the sign of Sagittarius

Charles IX, Ludwig van Beethoven, Albert Einstein, Gabriele D "Annunzio, Charles Lindbergh, Yuri Gagarin, M. K. Yangel, Louis de Wohl, Alexander Zaraev.

Moon Transit Through Sagittarius

The Moon in Sagittarius enhances optimism, sharpens the sensitivity to success, which often gives a tendency to exaggerate one's abilities and strengths. There is a propensity for risk, demonstration of one's own courage, people are easily carried away, infected with enthusiasm, but this enthusiasm is short-lived and superficial. At this time, well-being improves, which has a good effect on physical fitness. The need for movement, sports, physical work increases. Any restrictions are badly experienced, especially by children.

Since intuition is increased during this period, prophetic abilities appear in people with a labile nervous system. A sense of justice is aggravated, which gives rise to a desire to stand up for friends, to protect them. People are characterized by swiftness and thoughtlessness of actions, and their statements are sometimes too straightforward. All undertakings are successful (provided that the moon is growing).

They say that the Moon at this time takes away all our energy, therefore it is worth refraining from intense mental work.

It is useful to instruct and teach children so that they behave calmly on the street. Sports activities can be held at the school. Adults should take extra care in the mountains.

good time

(if it is not the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • for starting new businesses, planning work, entering or moving to a new job, taking up a position, recruiting;
  • for cases related to theological and publishing activities, occult studies;
  • for scientific, creative or intellectual work, teaching and lecture work, social activities;
  • to start studying, passing exams, defending theses and dissertations;
  • for litigation, registration of legal cases, resolution of legal issues;
  • for applying to state and public authorities, drawing up documents, applications, applications, petitions and submitting them to the relevant organizations and departments;
  • to strengthen and expand personal authority, reputation;
  • to make new necessary acquaintances and strengthen old ties;
  • for the foundation of parties, societies, inclusion in partnerships, registration of new public organizations, various kinds of unions and associations;
  • for cooperation with foreign firms, investments in foreign banks, enterprises, firms;
  • for long trips, business trips, long journeys (8th, 11th, 14th, 16th, 21st, 25th Lunar day), sea cruises, visiting foreign countries, establishing and strengthening ties with foreigners;
  • for participation in sports competitions, horseback riding, equestrian sports;
  • for artistic activities and other activities related to art;
  • for love affairs, wedding celebrations, banquets, festive evenings with awards, receiving guests;
  • for sending important parcels by mail;
  • for borrowing and lending money;
  • for the sale and purchase of sports equipment;
  • for the purchase of imported items, horses and other large animals, serious and rare literature;
  • for meetings with doctors, healers, clergymen;
  • for planting and fertilizing fruit trees;
  • for pest control.

bad time

(especially if it is the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • for cases related to land, construction, quarries, earthworks;
  • for processing trees and bushes with sharp tools;
  • for operations on the lower extremities, especially in the area of ​​the hips and hip joints, on organs responsible for diseases of the blood and venous system - such as the pancreas, spleen;
  • for the treatment of asthma, sciatica, various luxations and distortions.


  • promise more than it is possible to fulfill;
  • wounds with sharp, piercing and cutting objects;
  • for climbers, rock climbers and for everyone who travels in mountainous places;
  • for the liver, kidneys, stomach due to excesses in food.


  1. Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky - «CLASSICAL ASTROLOGY in 12 volumes»
  2. Marion March, Joan McEvers - « Astrology »
  3. "Training course of the Munich Institute of Parapsychology"
  4. N. Yu. Markina "Interpretation of Astrological Symbolism"

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Consider the astrological compatibility of lunar Sagittarius (when the Moon is in Sagittarius in a person's horoscope). The freedom-loving, cheerful Sagittarius outwardly looks devoid of complexes and prejudices, ardent and even somewhat frivolous.

Moon Sagittarius Compatibility in Relationships

But you need to know that behind his love of freedom lies one characteristic trait for him: he is very afraid of any attachments, he does not like to take responsibility for another person and generally does not really want to take care of someone other than himself. It is these fears that make him so hold on to his freedom, so afraid of losing this freedom.

Therefore, keep in mind that Sagittarius needs a lover who loves freedom as much as he does, and who does not pretend to completely subjugate Sagittarius and make him his property. Connecting your life with an inveterate owner - there can be no greater catastrophe for Sagittarius!

Therefore, before entering into a close relationship with someone, Sagittarius painfully thinks: will there be a trap here? Very often, in this regard, Sagittarius, regardless of gender, is inclined to be the first to take the initiative and choose a partner for himself: it seems to him that if the choice is made by himself, then he is the master of the situation, which means that he will not fall into a trap.

In fact, this is not always the case, but the ability to choose for yourself is very important for Sagittarius: this maintains the illusion of freedom in him. Therefore, when you see a woman frankly caring for a man who is often younger than her, it can be assumed with a high degree of certainty that she belongs to the Moon Sagittarius tribe.

There are many benefits to being a Sagittarius moon partner. If you are as freedom-loving as he is, and are not distinguished by a thirst for power and a possessive instinct, an alliance with the lunar Sagittarius is even pleasant for you, because it does not impose any obligations.

You can feel completely free, know that no one will demand an account from you, torment you with jealousy. And provided that you behave the same way yourself, you will be able to get a lot of joy from the fact that you have a partner with whom you can have a wonderful time, and possibly connect your life, if only you are sure that you have nothing to do with it. under what circumstances will Othello not wake up.

If you are dealing with a typical lunar Sagittarius, tune in to a free, calm, non-binding and non-binding relationship. If something does not suit you in such a relationship and you begin to demand something else from Sagittarius, then you will be surprised at how much conviction he has that it is his behavior that is correct, how easily he can justify the correctness of his lifestyle from the highest philosophical positions .

In this case, you must either come to terms with his theories, philosophies and lifestyle, or part and look for a more accommodating and more domestic partner.

The lunar Sagittarius themselves receive true happiness only from such calm and free relationships. And since they do not require much from a partner, they are happy in love quite often!

Although Sagittarius will not take full responsibility for you, although he will not feel obligated to you, he will bring a lot of joy and sunshine into your life.

After all, he is light and cheerful, and therefore, like no one else, he will encourage you in difficult times, pull you out of a state of despondency and bestow love just like that, completely disinterestedly, without expecting anything in return. Life with him will never be boring.

If you can share his passion for adventure and everything new, your life will shine in completely unusual colors. Do not condemn him for his eternal desire for freedom and risk. In principle, despite all their eccentricities, lunar Sagittarius are very warm, generous, sincere people.

Compatibility with other signs

Lunar Sagittarius - Lunar Aries

If you are a lunar Aries, then your impatience is very attractive to the thrill-loving Sagittarius, although it is somewhat frightening, since in your assertiveness he may see a threat to his freedom. So moderate your ardor, because you really want to have just such a partner as the lunar Sagittarius: unpredictable, prone to play and risk, and at the same time being not only a lover, but also a wonderful friend and comrade.

Lunar Sagittarius - Lunar Taurus

If you are a lunar Taurus, then you really want stability and reliability, which Sagittarius cannot give you by any means ... He can accept your care and warmth, but he himself is unlikely to answer the same. Such a relationship may well suit him, but you will have to seriously break your nature.

Lunar Sagittarius - Lunar Gemini

If you are a lunar Gemini, then you and Sagittarius can become fully compatible soul mates. You are both freedom-loving, fond of everything new, both are fickle and therefore in many ways consonant with each other. Your union can become a union of two "advanced" individuals who respect each other's freedom. For both of you, this is truly a blessing!

Lunar Sagittarius - Lunar Cancer

If you are a lunar Cancer, then Sagittarius is very attracted to you: he is so cheerful, and you miss it so much! But you are very attached to people - and here Sagittarius will disappoint you and even offend you. He will break out of this attachment in every possible way.

At the same time, it is possible that he will be interested in your union being preserved: after all, he likes both your sensitivity and your attachment to the house. If he flutters and flies somewhere all the time, someone must keep home comfort at this time!

Lunar Sagittarius - Lunar Leo

If you are a lunar Leo, then you and the lunar Sagittarius have many common interests. Your union can be cheerful and bright. You both love adventure and fun, which means you won't get bored together. Just keep in mind that Sagittarius cannot be commanded. He will find a way to get out of your dominance, but he will try to teach you how to live, which you, as a Leo, absolutely cannot stand.

Lunar Sagittarius - Lunar Virgo

If you are a lunar Virgo, then the lunar Sagittarius will only annoy you with its desire for freedom and frivolity: these qualities are alien and incomprehensible to you. And his attempts to teach you will only cause a smile: his way of living is absolutely unacceptable for you. Therefore, you will react to all this with criticism and skeptical remarks, and Sagittarius can very soon become bored next to you.

Lunar Sagittarius - Lunar Libra

If you are a lunar Libra, then know that the lunar Sagittarius subconsciously strives for the peace and harmony that you can bring into his life. Just do not put pressure on him, do not force him to immediately give up freedom. However, you will have enough tact and diplomacy to "tame" Sagittarius gradually.

Lunar Sagittarius - Lunar Scorpio

If you are a lunar Scorpio, then if you can somewhat reduce the intensity of your feelings and give up possessive instincts and jealousy, perhaps the union will work out. You are attracted to the optimism and lightness of Sagittarius, and he can really bring into your life the cheerfulness and mobility that are not very characteristic of you.

Lunar Sagittarius - Lunar Sagittarius

If you are a lunar Sagittarius, like your chosen one, then your relationship threatens to turn into a pure formality! Each of you will be busy with your own affairs, have your own social circle, and you will remember each other only occasionally, maybe only on special holidays. However, in the company of each other you will always have a good time.

Lunar Sagittarius - Lunar Capricorn

Lunar Sagittarius Compatibility. If you are a lunar Capricorn, then Sagittarius will be interested in you only if he is already sick of his freedom and he finally wants something stable, stable and serious. This is where you will come in very handy. So wait your turn...

Lunar Sagittarius - Lunar Aquarius

If you are a lunar Aquarius, you can make a very interesting couple, where relationships are built on intellectual intimacy and spiritual understanding, but at the same time, they do not always involve remaining faithful to each other. At the same time, you have enough interest and respect for your partner to maintain such a strange relationship for a long time.

Lunar Sagittarius - Lunar Pisces

If you are a lunar Pisces, you can turn your life with a lunar Sagittarius into an eternal honeymoon. But it’s absolutely contraindicated for you to go to weekdays. You will be together as long as there is romance, exoticism in your relationship and mutual claims have not yet appeared. However, you can stay in this state for quite a long time!

The Moon endows Sagittarius with ardor of feelings and passion. They always behave very naturally, they can react violently to certain events without hiding their feelings.

At the same time, Lunar Sagittarians are active and restless. They constantly need to move, to achieve some goal. At the same time, they are very inquisitive and stagnate in one place is not in their spirit. They ruthlessly destroy any traditions, rebel against the accepted rules. In general, Lunar Sagittarians are self-confident, like to experiment and take risks. At the same time, they are completely fearless and ignore any danger.

Despite all the hardships, Lunar Sagittarians are great optimists. It's hard to see them heartbroken. In addition, they are usually lucky, and they succeed in all endeavors. However, Lunar Sagittarians do not always have the patience. They may not bring their plan to the end, especially if it requires painstaking and meticulous work. In communication, Lunar Sagittarius are open, good-natured, positive. They have a great sense of humor and are always ready to help. Therefore, they develop good relationships with almost everyone.

A distinctive feature of Lunar Sagittarians is their sincerity. They don't know how to lie. And without any embarrassment, they can talk about their experiences and feelings. Sometimes they are so straightforward that they shock or offend others. By the way, because of their frankness, they also do not know how to keep secrets.

In addition, Lunar Sagittarians do not tolerate being deceived. For this they are ready to take revenge. But if you play fair with Lunar Sagittarius, they will be sweet and harmless.

People born with the Moon in the sign of Sagittarius are very amorous. But their feelings pass as quickly as they flare up. They rarely really bond with anyone. Lunar Sagittarius do not like any obligations, they avoid promises, as they can change their mind at any time. That is why they are unstable in relationships and often do not consider the feelings of others.

Lunar Sagittarius male

The Moon endows the male Sagittarius with an attractive force for others. He knows how to make a good impression, easy and direct in communication. In addition, the Lunar Sagittarius male is an interesting conversationalist. It is unlikely that you will be bored with him. He can talk enthusiastically on any topic, always full of ideas and plans. He is extremely versatile, constantly striving to learn something new, loves to travel.

Yes, and the Lunar Sagittarius man himself loves cheerful and noisy companies. He is comfortable around positive people who share his passion for innocent fun. Lunar Sagittarius man has an amazing ability to attract good luck. And those who find themselves in his society also begin to believe in a lucky break.

However, sometimes Lunar Sagittarius men are too frank. They can offend or humiliate without meaning to. Their pathological desire to tell the truth often repels close people from them. At the same time, Lunar Sagittarius men are too trusting. And often fall for the bait of scammers. However, all troubles and mistakes are easily tolerated thanks to their optimism.

In addition, men born in Lunar Sagittarius are independent individuals. For them, freedom is above all. They are not ready to bind themselves with any obligations, as this prevents them from enjoying life. After all, Lunar Sagittarius men can break away at any moment, give up everything for the sake of an interesting activity.

That is why Lunar Sagittarius men avoid marriage. They prefer to change partners often so as not to limit their freedom. Easy connections for such men are enough. They are wonderful lovers, connoisseurs of female beauty and intelligence. And women are not indifferent to them. But Lunar Sagittarius does not require affection from his chosen ones. So, as soon as he realizes that his companion is prone to a serious relationship, he immediately disappears. At the same time, he does not feel any remorse and quickly forgets about his feelings in search of new hobbies.

However, the Lunar Sagittarius-man does not know how to pretend to be in love. He will not make false compliments, flatter or deceive. If he declares his feelings, then they are sincere. Seriously, Lunar Sagittarius men can get carried away by a decent woman. She must be beautiful, elegant, well-mannered, share common interests with him, take part in his affairs and, most importantly, give him freedom.

However, despite all the advantages of their beloved, Lunar Sagittarius may not dare to propose to her. If they create a family, then the initiative most likely comes from a woman.

Lunar Sagittarius is a kind and generous husband, a caring father. He hides nothing from his family. However, do not mind being carried away by a pretty woman. If a spouse can be patient and understanding, unsuspicious and non-jealous, then with such a man she can be really happy.

Lunar Sagittarius Woman

Lunar Sagittarius-woman is distinguished by naturalness in behavior. She is free from prejudice, self-confident, energetic. She prefers cheerful companies and knows how to be a good companion in them. After all, Lunar Sagittarius women are friendly and sincere. They are alien to false emotions. Moreover, they are very cheerful and know how to infect others with optimism.

Lunar Sagittarius women have a strong character. They know how to take care of themselves. Sometimes they are tactless and can infringe on someone's pride. However, they do not set themselves the goal of humiliating or offending anyone. This is due to their innate directness. Women born in the sign of the Moon Sagittarius do not know how to lie. They prefer to say whatever they think without any hesitation.

Lunar Sagittarius women are attractive to the opposite sex. They are sensual and romantic. They delight with their lively mind and spontaneity. In relationships, they are relaxed and do not recognize any conventions. Therefore, sometimes they seem frivolous to others. But Lunar Sagittarius women care little about their reputation, because they are confident in their decency and honesty. However, it is very difficult to win such a lady. After all, Lunar Sagittarius women value freedom and independence. They don't like to stay at home. She is constantly attracted by travel and new achievements. Therefore, such women often do not marry. But they can do well without a family.

However, if a Lunar Sagittarius woman marries, she becomes a hospitable hostess. But here, too, she will show her imagination and ingenuity. She will constantly diversify her home, arrange social receptions, surprise with delicious dishes and unusual outfits. For her children, the Lunar Sagittarius woman will become a real friend. With such a mother it will always be interesting and fun. Lunar Sagittarius women cannot be reproached for infidelity. If the companion trusts her and gives freedom for self-expression, she answers him with sincerity and devotion. She is an inventive sexual partner. In bed, her energy is inexhaustible. With her, a man will get a lot of new impressions.

Lunar Sagittarius child

The Moon gives Sagittarius-children an inexhaustible interest in everything new. They are very inquisitive and constantly ask thousands of questions.

Lunar Sagittarius children are impulsive and energetic. They are not interested in monotonous and monotonous activities. They have a rich imagination. They are always full of ideas. In search of adventure, Lunar Sagittarians like to take risks. They are attracted to dangerous sports, such as horseback riding, boating, etc. They are proud of their achievements and successes and love praise.

Lunar Sagittarius have an excellent memory, a lively mind and a constant craving for knowledge. Therefore, study is given to them without much difficulty. However, if they are bored, they try to go beyond accepted norms and traditions.

A child born in Lunar Sagittarius cannot be alone. He constantly aspires to people or to social activities. They are treated with respect in the team. Lunar Sagittarius children have many friends. They are friendly and cheerful. True, sometimes they are overly straightforward in their statements and assessments. Sometimes they seem too arrogant. Therefore, it is important for parents to teach such children flexibility and tact. But this must be done sincerely, without trying to use cunning. After all, the Lunar Sagittarius child is very vulnerable to the fact that someone may doubt his honesty.

Very early, Lunar Sagittarius children strive for an independent life, especially if they are overprotected in the family. They are generally not too attached to their parents and, having left home, they may not let themselves know for a long time.

Conflicting with the Lunar Sagittarius child, trying to force him to return to the family is useless. He values ​​freedom too much. With such a child, one should communicate on an equal footing, believe in his decency and instruct, resorting to reasonable convictions. You can be calm for him, because he will never get involved in dubious companies or become interested in harmful hobbies. A child born under the sign of Lunar Sagittarius has a highly developed sense of duty, a desire to do noble deeds. However, from childhood, he needs to instill a sense of proportion in entertainment, the ability to handle money, so that he does not grow up as an unrestrained spender.

Moon in Sagittarius increases optimism, cheerfulness, generosity, benevolence, the desire for patronage, as well as the desire to philosophize, expand one's horizons or go somewhere.

Recommended: travel, go on excursions, expand your horizons in every possible way, get acquainted with the cultures of foreign countries, discuss philosophical problems. Effective learning and teaching.

Time favors the solution of legal problems, the beginning of litigation, the filing of reports, applications, as well as the beginning of cooperation with foreign firms.

All activities related to animals, sports (especially equestrianism), dog training are promising. Favorable time for the treatment of lung diseases, all respiratory practices are effective.

Not recommended: surgery in the hip, pelvic region, sciatic nerve, sacrum and femur. Inappropriate time for construction, earthworks, activities related to stone processing.


These days we are acutely aware of the need to recognize our own authority. Even freelance artists at this time feel the need for society, they wake up to understand the importance of social relationships. There is a desire to be an example to follow, to share experience and knowledge.

When Moon turns out to be in Sagittarius, an awareness of one's own significance arises in the soul, and the ability to navigate in the labyrinths of the social structure suddenly manifests itself. The thinking of many people at this time gravitates toward abstractions and generalizations, while specific problems are difficult to solve.

It is good to make acquaintances, communicate with friends, gain authority for yourself. Any cooperation with the opposite sex will be beneficial. Success in love affairs is likely, you can decide on an adventure.

Impact on those born

Moon in Sagittarius gives you the ability to wait for the most unexpected, and a penchant for adventure is a strong point of your intuition. It doesn’t just seem to you that “it’s good where you are not,” you know this, and your intuition helps you live in full force.

The life of the owners Moons in Sagittarius encourages discovery of everything new, and your intuitive sense can only enhance this feeling. Women sometimes prefer the Amazon style, being interested in everything unknown, looking for unfamiliar sensations.

A man is attracted to women who have something extraordinary, exotic, unusual. When a woman is perceived as an equal partner, love relationships contain something of companionship. With disharmonious configurations, prejudice and conformism have a negative effect on the imagination.

Lunar horoscope of health and beauty

It is contraindicated to treat diseases of the blood and liver, as the liver is very vulnerable at this time. Operations on the liver and gallbladder, blood transfusion, donor procedures are prohibited. It is allowed to treat the lungs, perform breathing exercises.

These days you can afford a lot of delicious and healthy food: fruits, meat, vegetables, thick liqueurs, juices, nuts, raisins, grape wine. Women of all signs should not overeat, include too fatty foods in the diet.

New information about cosmetics and anti-aging treatments received on this day will be useful Aries and Sagittarius. Significant costs for cosmetics are coming from Gemini. scorpions will be able to arrange relaxation at home - take a concentrated bath with sea salt and make a nourishing face mask.

For cosmetic masks, women of all signs during this period benefit from natural fat components - mayonnaise, olive, peach oil, egg yolks and tonic aromatic components - oil of fir, sage, lavender.

On such days, an infusion prepared by you with your own hands from herbs that are in harmony with the sign will have special energy. Sagittarius, is St. John's wort, coltsfoot, yarrow and sage. Cancers and Pisces it is better to refrain from exciting physical exercises, massage, visiting the sauna and steam baths for the face.

Lunar calendar for work in the garden, in the country

Sagittarius(the element of Fire, ruled by Jupiter) is a dry, infertile sign. Plants at Moon in Sagittarius extremely sensitive to mechanical damage, so caution in any gardening work will not hurt.

These days, it is possible to plant fast-growing crops of garlic, herbs, but it is better to abstain, do not plant or replant anything. At waxing moon harvesting of cereals, leafy vegetables, fruits, berries, leaves and seeds of medicinal herbs, cutting flowers for bouquets, and when waning- fruits and medicinal roots.

days Moons in Sagittarius- favorable time for cultivation, loosening, weeding and destruction of pests. Good days for drying vegetables, beans, for firewood. Indoor flowers transplanted these days bloom faster, become so tender that it is better not to touch them once again.

In the days of Sagittarius, be careful with all sharp objects.

Sagittarius is a "fiery" sign ruled by Jupiter, a pure and religious planet. Therefore, the Moon in the sign of Sagittarius can indicate an enthusiastic person, pure in his motives, ambitious, striving for great achievement. These are honest people, sincere and frank. They are generous with gifts, have the ability to be creative, are able to follow the plans that they have made for themselves, and are skillful in their speech. Their appearance is an elongated face, large ears, teeth, lips and nose. Such people have strong hands, almost irregular in shape, they are of medium height, have a fair complexion, well-developed shoulders. These people are intelligent, they have a deep mind. They are never compelled, but only treated kindly.
They argue with their relatives and leave their relatives. In other respects, they are generous, faithful, diligent and skillful. They love sports and exercise, but they are also mentally at a high level. They are faithful to their spouses and children. Usually they love astrology and other sciences related to the spiritual. Able to do research well, they make good lawyers. They are quick-tempered and need to avoid making decisions when they are angry. They quickly forgive, forget insults. Their mind is attracted by service to society or service to God. At times they can be restless and easily excitable, timid and indecisive. Their mind is pure, their motives are noble. Usually they are self-absorbed; they are respected by educated people. They spend money on good causes.

Pavel Globa. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

Here the Moon is visiting Jupiter, in a fiery sign.
Therefore, the Moon in Sagittarius often creates pomposity and the need for vanity, pride. Women may experience some "puffiness". Naturally, your perception is most likely unconsciously tuned to all situations that are associated with a sense of authority, hierarchy, social relationships, that is, you can perfectly feel the structure of social relations. You are probably attuned to situations where you can embrace tradition or ideology. You almost always have an unconscious desire to be an example for others, to teach them. You may have a social orientation, a desire to learn in order to teach others later. You tend to be very receptive to tradition. Most likely, you unconsciously tune in to the search for authorities and similar situations that you could perceive, and then become an authority yourself. You often have an unconscious sense of your importance, inner pathos, a need to satisfy your vanity and pride. If you do not find them in yourself, then you usually worry, most likely you would like to have it. Usually, on an unconscious level, you are perfectly oriented in the social environment. Moreover, you may not yet make a conscious decision, but subconsciously already feel a strict social structure, while you can already know who enjoys authority and who does not, you can instantly orient yourself and understand how to behave in order to be respected. In this case, you, as an indicator, feel the changes in the social situation, the change of leaders and authorities. You are probably not usually aware of these points, but by your behavior and relationships, others can always notice it. Among people with such a cosmogram, there are many distributors of knowledge, founders of occult and scientific schools.
Medical contraindications. Moon in Sagittarius can give you diseases of the hips and hips, liver, inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Your lungs and nervous system are affected. When the Moon is aspected, you may be prone to accidents with broken bones.
With the Moon in Sagittarius, it is contraindicated to treat diseases of the blood and liver, since the liver is very vulnerable in this period; accordingly, operations on the liver and gallbladder, blood transfusions, and donor procedures are dangerous. It is allowed to treat the lungs, it is useful to perform breathing exercises (pranayama).

Het monster. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

Extravagance, idealism; musicality. Often "out of this world." Adherence to traditions, views instilled since childhood. They love to travel, change places, often settle in foreign countries or far from their birthplace. With bad aspects - narrowness of views, arrogance, subjectivism. With good - cheerful, optimists.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Manifestations of feelings are shallow, but they are distinguished by immediacy and friendliness. The thirst for adventure is combined with the desire to be decent and faithful. Women sometimes prefer the Amazon style, being interested in everything unknown, looking for unfamiliar sensations. A man is attracted to women who have something extraordinary, exotic, unusual. When a woman is perceived as an equal partner, love relationships contain something of companionship. With disharmonious configurations, prejudice and conformism have a negative effect on the imagination.

Larisa Nazarova. Karmic astrology.

Moon in Fire Signs - gives an impulsive expression of oneself, a tendency to change the world in accordance with one's attitudes, unwillingness to adapt to people and circumstances.
Moon in Sagittarius. Visiting Jupiter. Gives pomposity, the need for vanity, pride. A very strong desire to be an example for others, a desire to learn in order to teach others later. Strong social orientation. Desires are very diverse. He is afraid that he will not be appreciated. Praise does not change the mood. Generous, kind. But your pain will never be understood.

Absalom Underwater. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

Lunar Sagittarius is tuned to some inner, poorly realized and expressed in words high idea, with which he subconsciously measures everything he sees, and on which he builds his ethics; this is the most inwardly noble position of the Moon. At the same time, there is a projection of the inner ideal, quite strong, outward, which makes the perception of the lunar Sagittarius very distorted, the world is seen by him in pink colors (in case of defeat and poor study, absolute cynicism and nihilism is possible as a defensive reaction) and if there are no opposite influences, this very spiritual person; it is warm next to him, he always stands in wide enough positions so as not to condemn you. He often really does not notice meanness in relation to himself or treats it like a noble person, but he will certainly stand up for his loved ones, and here he can become merciless; the feeling of the group (family, clan, nation) and its ethics is strong, but in general, but in specific circumstances, it can be confused, but it will never lose optimism, which, however, may turn out to be inappropriate.
It is very difficult (but also necessary) to study here, because (if there is no strong defeat) roses constantly bloom in the soul (the person himself may not count it, but it can be seen), and there are too good means of compensating for mental trauma and problems that are covered with cotton , are veiled and forgotten, and the protective program switches attention to the next channel.
Big problems in focusing on one idea and activity.

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

You are an open and generous person. You have a lot of friends and acquaintances. You succeed by being able to communicate with people, you are enterprising, you perceive life as a game. You are freedom-loving and always ready to buzz and have a good time. You rarely spoil the mood from obstacles and difficulties. Faith in an optimistic future helps you overcome them. However, when faced with everyday problems or emotional pain, you often try to cheer up those who are hurt, give them general philosophical advice, without paying attention to the feelings that are affected.
Friendship plays a huge role for you. Perhaps even more than physical and romantic love. For your happiness, it is necessary that the one with whom you are intimately close is your best friend and supports you in your expectations and goals of an ideal order. At the same time, you need more emotional freedom and mobility.
Extravagance, idealism, emotionality. Striving for high goals, often not of this world. Attachment to traditions, philosophical and religious views that have been instilled since childhood. Faith in a good outcome, longing for distant worlds, love for all living things (people, animals, plants). They like to travel, change places, often settle in other countries or far from their place of birth. Cheerful and optimistic. Possible diseases of the blood, lungs (tuberculosis), nervous system, sciatica, weakness of the hips and buttocks. Accident prone.

Planets in signs. The art of predicting. Semira and V. Vetash

Optimism, friendliness, propensity to travel, reformism, authoritarianism. The Moon in Sagittarius gives the ability to be a teacher and disseminator of various teachings. In this sense, she looks at the world more broadly than the Moon in Virgo, and she is not so much interested in external forms of relations (morality) as in the internal attitude of a person towards himself (Hugo, Balzac, Dickens, Hemingway). The cognitive mood of the Moon in Sagittarius draws her to philosophy and science (Copernicus, Helvetius, Bacon, Nietzsche, Schweitzer), but also retains a social orientation. The ruler of this sign - Jupiter objectifies feelings, brings them into the world, creates an independent independent existence for them, therefore this position is good for the humanities and art. The position of the Moon in a musical sign is especially favorable for composers (Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Liszt) and singers (Chaliapin). The confidence and independence of the Moon in Sagittarius are similar to its characteristics in another fiery sign - Leo, which can give popularity (for example, to politicians - F. Castro). The planet of the soul in the sign of authority attracts optimism and a fresh look at the world. People with the Moon in Sagittarius often leave their home forever for the sake of a long-term perspective, leave for other cities and easily change the social stratum. The thirst for adventure and the search for unfamiliar sensations in them are combined with sanity and the desire for decency.

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