Chechen names and their meanings. Traditional Chechen names

A correctly chosen name has a strong positive impact on the character and fate of a person. It actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and state, improves health, removes various negative programs of the unconscious. But how do you pick the perfect name?

Despite the fact that there are interpretations in culture of what male names mean, in reality, the influence of the name on each boy is individual.

The phrase about the meaning of the name is not yet an understanding of the real impact.

For example Said (happy, blissful), this does not mean that the young man will be happy, and the bearers of other names will be unhappy. The name can block his heart center and he will not be able to give and receive love. On the contrary, it will help another boy to solve problems for love or power, it will greatly facilitate life and achieve goals. The third boy may not bring any effect at all, whether there is a name or not. Etc. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics.

The secret of a male name, as a program of the unconscious, a sound wave, vibration, is revealed by a special bouquet primarily in a person, and not in semantic meaning and description of the name. And if this name destroys the child, then there would be no beautiful, melodious with a patronymic, astrological, blissful, it would still be harm, destruction of character, complication of life and aggravation of fate.

Below are more than 200 male Chechen names. Try to choose a few, the most suitable in your opinion for the child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the impact of the name on fate, .

List of male Chechen names alphabetically:

Abdurrahman - servant of the Merciful
Abdurahim - servant of the Merciful
Abdulmalik - slave of the Lord
Abdusalam - servant of the Perfect
Abdulaziz - slave of the Mighty
Abdulkhalik - the servant of the Creator
Abdulgaffar - servant of the Forgiving
Abdulvahhab - servant of the Giver
Abdurrazak - servant of the Giver of food
Abdulalim - the servant of the All-Knowing
Abdulbasit - servant of the Generous
Abdullatif - servant of the Good
Abdulkhalim - servant of the Patient
Abdulazim - slave of the Great
Abduljalil - Slave of the Glorious
Abdulkarim - servant of the Magnanimous
Abdulhakim - servant of the Wise
Abdulhamid - slave of the Praised
Abulvahid - the slave of the One
Abdussamad - slave of the Eternal
Abdulkadir - servant of the Almighty
Abdurrashid - Slave of the Prudent
Abbas - stern, gloomy
Abu - father
Abulkhair - doing good
Adam - made from the dust of the ground
Adl - fair
Akram - generous
Ali - Exalted
Alvi - exalted
Alkhazur - eagle
Alyauddin - nobility of faith
Amir - ruler
Arzu - eagle
Ashab is the friendliest
Akhmat - glorified
Anzor is the most caring
Ayub - repentant

Bagauddin - the height of religion
Bashir - bringer of joy
Bekhan - chief prince, head
Bishr - joy
Borz - wolf
Bula - bison
Bulat - steel

Wadud - loving
Walid - father
Waha - live
Wahiita - let him live
Wisiyata - let it stay

Ghazi is a warrior
Gazimagomed - warrior of Muhammad

Daud - beloved, dear
Denis - god of wine
Jabrail is the name of one of the archangels
Jamal - handsome
Jamaldin - the beauty of faith
Dika - good
Dukhwaha - live long

Zaid - Abundance
Zakiy - pure
Zaman - time, era
Zahid - abstinent
Zelimzan - healthy, long-lived, real
Ziyad - greatness
Ziyauddin - the radiance of faith
Zuhair - bright, light

Ibrahim - father of nations
Idris is the name of the Prophet Idris
Izuddin - the greatness of faith
Ikram - honor, respect, reverence
Inal - lord
Isa - help of God
Isam - obedience
Ismail is the name of the Prophet Ismail
Ishaq - the name of the Prophet Ishaq
Ihsan - sincerity

Kais - hard
Kura - falcon
Kuyra - hawk

Lema - lion
Lecha - eagle
Lou - roe deer

Magomed - on behalf of the Prophet Muhammad
Majid - glorious
Myrsalt - brave
Makkhal - kite
Malik - owning, ruling, king
Mansur - protected, victorious
Mahdi - guide
Murad - desiring, striving
Musa - pulled out of the water
Mustafa - the chosen one
muslim is a muslim
Muhammad - glorified, glorious
Muhsin - doing good
Mukhtar - the chosen one

Nazir - warning
Nal - boar
Najmuddin - star of faith
Nasruddin - help of religion
Nokhcho - Chechen

Ovlur - lamb
Olkhazar - a bird

Pasha is the owner
Peel - elephant

Rajab is the seventh month of the Islamic calendar
Ramadan is the name of the holy month
Rahman - merciful
Rahim - merciful, compassionate
Rashid - conscious, prudent
Ruslan - lion

Said - blessed, happy
Sai - deer
Sayyid - Mr.
Saifuddin - the sword of faith
Sayfulla - the sword of Allah
Salah - justice
Salih is the name of Prophet Salih
Salman is a friend
Suleiman - living in health and well-being
Suli is a Dagestan
Sultan - ruler
Sutarbi - greedy

Tagir - pure, sincere
Turpal - hero

Umar - the name of the second Righteous Caliph Umar
Osama is a lion

Fazl - venerable

Hamid - praiseworthy, praiseworthy, praising God
Haris - plowman
Hoza - sparrow

Tshogal - fox

Cha - bear
Chaborz - bear and wolf

Shamsuddin - sun of faith
Sharif - noble
Shahid - testifying to monotheism in the face of death

Emin - faithful

Yunus - stream

Yakub is the name of the Prophet Yakub

Each nation has its own tradition of forming personal names. The Chechens are no exception. Their surnames are based on the names of birds or animals, proper names, they have Chechen origin or are rooted in Persian or Arabic languages.

Chechen surnames - list

Have you ever wondered where your family came from? Sometimes it happens that a person does not suspect who his relatives are or does not attach much importance to this. But knowing what name his family had, you can learn a lot about your ancestors in the male or female line. If you want to know popular Chechen surnames, the alphabetical list of them is given below. Look, maybe one of your great-grandfathers was a mountain dweller.

  • Azanaevs;
  • Aidamirovs;
  • Albagaevs;
  • Amiev;
  • Bogaevs;
  • Borshaevs;
  • Burgalaev;
  • Valuevs;
  • goyim;
  • Daurbekovs;
  • Dudayev;
  • Zavgaevs;
  • Zakaevs;
  • Ismoilovs;
  • Kalakoevs;
  • Kutaevs;
  • Lorsanovs;
  • Makhdaevs;
  • Melardoevs;
  • Omaevs;
  • Rakhimovs;
  • Rashidovs;
  • Solgiriev;
  • Sulimovs;
  • Supurovs;
  • Turaevs;
  • Khadzhievs;
  • Khidievs;
  • the Tsugiyevs;
  • barrows;
  • Shovkhalovs;
  • Yusupovs.

Chechen names and surnames

Chechen names and surnames can have both original origin and be borrowed from other languages. From Arabic and Persian, Chechens, like other Muslims, use such male names as Ali, Magomed, Shamil, female Aliya, Leyla, etc. Chechen names have much in common with Ingush ones, the only distinguishing feature of which is the predominant use of the sound “ai”.

Russian-language versions are widespread. Women's diminutives names can act as full forms(Dasha, Zina). The original names are full of variety. Their meaning is based on nouns (Borz - "wolf", Ruslan - "lion"), adjectives (Daud - "beloved, dear", Zelimzan - "healthy, living long"), verbs (Toita - "stop").

Surnames of the indigenous population of Chechnya have ancient origin. Their spelling as well as their pronunciation can be different depending on the dialect. In the days of the Soviet Union, to unify the spelling, many of them added the endings “-ov”, “-ev”, and the declension occurred according to the rules of Russian grammar. Now a large group of people are inclined to return to their original forms, which shows their respect for their roots, especially among the male population.

Beautiful Chechen surnames

For carriers different languages their perception of the sounds of someone else's alphabet, so the same word is perceived differently by their ear. hallmark phonetics of the peoples of the Caucasus is a large number of deaf and solid sounds, a sequence of several consonants. Beautiful Chechen surnames for our ear can be called those in which there is a sufficient number of vowels, and the consonants are mostly voiced. For us, such surnames of Chechens as Azizovs, Umaevs, the list of which can be continued, will be more harmonious.

Famous Chechen surnames

Caucasians are related by blood great importance. Even if your relative many centuries ago committed a significant act for his people, then his family will be honored and respected. In addition to blood ties, Chechens are proud of their compatriots. Therefore, famous Chechen surnames can be considered those that had prominent people of the country - Magomedov, Kadyrov, Visaitov, Yamadayev, Khasbulatov, etc. Among them there are people different professions: politicians, military, artists, athletes, doctors.

Fate scattered the Chechens around the world. Some of them fled during war times, a large number were deported during Soviet Union(the lists number hundreds of thousands of people), some left the country on their own, leaving for the Arab states or Europe. Many of them have achieved fame outside of Chechnya, but they are still honored and respected, because they do not forget about their roots.

Video: Chechen female names

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b) The most popular female names today:

c) "Complete" dictionary of modern Chechen names:seven thousand names and variants

2200 male names (together with 4700 variants), 1200 female names (with 2500 variants)

Most significant books and scientific publications about Chechen names:

1) The secret of names. Vainakhs, Arabs and Islam (Bagaev M.Kh.)

// The book with this title was written in 1994 and was published in a small edition the same year. Only a few copies have survived to this day. In 2015 Chief Editor popular magazine "Nana" Lula Zhumalaeva decided to publish on the pages of the magazine (in print and electronic version, No. 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 / 2015) an abridged version of the book.

2) The history of Chechnya in a mirror reflection of proper names (Ibragimov K.Kh.)

3) Arabic names in the Chechen language (Almurzaeva P.Kh.)// The article "Names-Arabisms in the Chechen language" was published in the journal "Philological Sciences. Questions of Theory and Practice. Tambov, Gramota Publishing House, 2016, No. 9 (63), part 2, pp. 63-66, ISSN 1997-2911 // The author of the article is the deputy dean of the faculty foreign languages Chechen state university, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Almurzaeva Petimat Khalidovna.

Names oriental origin. Etymology (N.S. Bibulatov)// We offer you an excerpt from the book "Chechen Names", published in 1991. The author of this book is Candidate of Philological Sciences Bibulatov Nurdin Saipudinovich. In it you will find almost 40 names popular among peoples who profess Islam.

4) Gender studies in Chechen linguistics(Bakhaeva L.M.)

// The article was published in the journal "Bulletin of the Stavropol State University: Philological Sciences. - 2007. - No. 53, pp. 111-117). It is posted on this site in an abbreviated form (only parts I and IV). Author Bakhaeva Leila Muharbekovna, Senior Lecturer, Department of Russian and Chechen Language, Grozny State Oil Institute.

5) Reflection of anthroponymy in the life of the Chechen people(from the dissertation of T.M. Shavlaeva)

// Shavlaeva Tamara Magamedovna - Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies of the Chechen State. university, candidate historical sciences// Here are some fragments from her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “From the history of the development of culture economic activity Chechen people (XIX-early XX centuries). Specialty 07.00.07 Ethnography, ethnology, anthropology, 2017

6) Chechen and Ingush national traditions naming(Khasbulatova Z.I.)

// Khasbulatova Zulay Imranovna - Professor of the Chechen State University, Leading Researcher of the Department of Ethnology of the Institute for Humanitarian Research of the Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic// Here are some excerpts from her doctoral dissertation: traditional culture upbringing of children among the Chechens (XIX - early XX century). Specialty 07.00.07 - Ethnography, ethnology, anthropology, 2015

7) Big factual material by original Chechen names and surnames is concentrated in the monograph "Chechens in the Mirror of Tsarist Statistics (1860-1900)".// Its author Ibragimova Zarema Khasanovna. The book was published in 2000, republished in 2006, Moscow, Probel Publishing House, 244 pages, ISBN 5-98604-066-X. .

You will also find a selection of original Chechen names in the book "Chechen Weapons"// Author Isa Askhabov, pdf, 66 pages male names(Khazbolat, Jambolat, etc.)

8) Structural-grammatical types of personal namesoriginal fund of the Chechen language

// Article "Structural and grammatical types of personal names of the original fund of the Chechen language", published in the journal Bulletin of the Institute of Educational Problems of the Chechen Republic, Issue. 7, 2009, Grozny// Author Aldieva Zura Abuevna - candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the Russian language department of the Chechen State Pedagogical University.

9) Section "Names of Nakh languages: Chechen and Ingush names"(p. 364-382) in the "Directory of Personal Names of the Peoples of the RSFSR"// Ed. A.V. Superanskaya, Moscow, Publishing house "Russian language", 1987, first edition, 1979, section authors Yu.D. Desheriev and Kh. Oshaev, based on materials from the Chechen-Ingush Research Institute).

10) Collection "Consolidated Dictionary of Personal Names of Peoples North Caucasus". Moscow, publishing house "Nauka" / "Flinta", 2012// author of the project and head of the team of authors Roza Yusufovna Namitokova, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Adyghe State University. University. // of greatest interest to us is the section "Vainakh: Ingush and Chechen names"(pp. 133-157) and section "Personal names of the eastern origin of the peoples of the North Caucasus"(pp. 399-484). Whole book - .

11) most a large collection Chechen personal names - 5000 names and variants were collected by Bibulatov Nurdin Saipudinovich(philologist, specialist in grammar and anthroponymy of the Chechen language). The book "Chechen names" was completed by him in 1990, and the next year - printed. For obvious reasons, only a few copies have survived to this day. Today you can get acquainted with the book only here, on the site "Thousand Names". Just keep in mind that many of the names are "obsolete" and are practically not found today. Read a book.

Be sure to go to the "Muslim Names" section of this site - you will find a lot of useful information.

Chechens are a heroic, proud people who value their foundations and history. Chechen male names reflect the strength and spirit of the people, personify male power and honor. Among the names and nicknames of this people you will not find diminutive formulations and translations, each name reflects the meaning of masculinity and stature.

For example, Chechen male names often mean representatives of the animal world with pronounced strong-willed characteristics.

Animal world

  • Bula, or Bull - from Chechen is translated as "bison".
  • Borz, or Buorz, is a wolf respected by all the Chechen people.
  • Scrap, Lomma - a lion and some derivatives of this word.
  • Tskhogal is a cunning fox, this name personifies a person who is inclined to dodge responsibility.
  • Kuyra is a hawk, a name for proud and keen-eyed men.
  • Makkhal is a kite, warlike and well-aimed warrior.
  • Lecha is a falcon, a proud, arrogant bird.
  • Arzu - an eagle, a man of high flight.

Often, Chechen male names in translation mean a guide to action, like parting words from parents and a good wish. This is especially true for examples of the birth of weakened babies, whose lives are in danger. They are given names with wishes for a long or healthy life.


  • Waha - in translation - "live".
  • Dukhavaha - "live long"!
  • Wahiita - "Let this baby live."
  • Visiyata - "Let him stay."

There were also cases when a newborn was given some characteristic in a name.

Character score

  • Masa - means "fast, frisky".
  • Dika - "that's a good guy."
  • Myrsalt - "brave boy (man)".

It is a pity that many Chechen names are forgotten today. Although they carry such valuable and interesting speech turns from mother tongue people.

Also, many Chechen male names carry a symbolic Muslim meaning. They are borrowed from the Arabs and history. These are the names that belonged to the companions and contemporaries of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

Names from the Sunnah of Muslims

  • Muhammad (Mohmad, Mahmud, Muhammad, Magomed, Magamat) - the name of the Prophet Muhammad, translated means "glorified" or "glorious."
  • Abbas is the name of the uncle of the prophet. Meaning - severe, gloomy gloomy.
  • Abdulrahman - this name means "servant of the Merciful Lord." Favorite name Muslims, an attribute of any true believer.
  • Ali is the name of a friend and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad, the fourth Islamic world. And its meanings are "exalted", "leading", "supreme".

Chechen male names, borrowed from the Arabs before the emergence of the history of Islam

According to customs, the names of Chechen boys are given with a certain attitude and parting words. It is believed that the name reflects the character, will, spirit of its bearer. Therefore, most of all with a strong-willed and courageous orientation.

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