Analysis of the poem by Nikolai Gumilyov “The Magic Violin. "Magic Violin", analysis of Gumilev's poem

Analysis of Gumilyov's poem "The Magic Violin"

The poem "Magic Violin" is the key to all of Gumilyov's work. He valued this poem so much that he did not even include it in the collection “Romantic Flowers” ​​in order for the poem to be published for the first time in such an authoritative magazine as “Scales”.

The poem is an appeal of a sophisticated poet to a young one who knows only about the happiness of creativity. without seeing the other side of the coin. This reverse side of the medal is shown by a sophisticated poet.

In the image of the violin, we see a poetic talent, which is both a deadly spell and the highest bliss. The lyrical hero tells the young poet that a true poet has no right to rest, he must always create, otherwise “rabid wolves in a bloodthirsty frenzy will bite their teeth in their throats, stand with their paws on their chest.” He also believes that he should serve poetry without hope of recognition, no hope of being understood, no hope of fame. Nothing frightens a true poet. He will go his own way and die "a glorious death, the terrible death of a violinist."

The poem is very musical due to the combination of consonants ”vl”: “own the magic violin”

The poem is written in anapaest pentameter together with trochaic eight-foot. Rhyme is used both male and female, rhyme is cross. Gumilyov uses epithets (“dark horror,” “a mad bow”), inversions (“Immediately, rabid wolves in a bloodthirsty frenzy will grab their teeth in the throat, stand with their paws on the chest”), comparison (“cold will wrap around the body like a cloth”), personification (“One must forever sing and cry to these strings”), an oxymoron (“Do not ask for this happiness that poisons the worlds”)

These figurative and expressive means give expressiveness to the work.

In this poem, the lyrical hero proclaims creativity as a form of self-immolation. I think that Gumilyov himself believed in the fateful destiny of the poet and was ready to accept death with his inherent heroism.

The theme of the poet and poetry is one of the eternal, cross-cutting themes in world literature. Almost every poet at one time or another expressed his own point of view on the problems of creativity: why he creates, what makes him write, where does poetic talent come from. And, of course, such a bright poet, N.S. Gumilyov - the theorist of acmeism - could not help but leave his thoughts on this topic.

The poem is written in the form of a dedication to Valery Bryusov. And although the poem is about a violin and a violinist, that is, about music, the reader can easily guess this allegory. Bryusov is a poet of symbolism, for whom music is a special supernatural force that embodies the element of "pure movement", the fundamental principle of creativity. And the image of the violin is closest to the image of the lyre - the symbol of poetry.

The violin, that is, creativity in Gumilyov's poem, is contradictory in essence. Creativity combines two sides: an enthusiastic beginning, embodied through the image of a boy and a sweet, cheerful teacher; and the dark side, embodied in the outside world, where the "spirits of hell" and "rabid wolves" live. Gumilev describes the process of creativity with the help of antitheses and oxymorons: “dark horror”, “happiness that poisons the worlds”,

"royal sounds", "sing and cry". Creativity is a cross that the poet voluntarily accepts and must bear, for he lives only when he creates:

You will get tired and slow down, and for a moment the singing will break through,

And you won't be able to shout, move and breathe, -

The motive for the continuity of creativity is important: the teacher passes the “magic violin” to a cute boy. The image of the poet himself is secondary in comparison with the description of creativity, the life of the poet, which is impossible without poetry. The motive of death from creativity is strong:

Here, play the magic violin, look into the eyes of monsters And die a glorious death, the terrible death of a violinist!

The image of the road is clearly visible - the path through the dense forests. To recognize oneself as a poet, according to Gumilyov, therefore, to enter the road full of dangers with only one “magic violin” in hand.

The world of Gumilyov's poem is the Old Russian world, the world of myths and secrets, the world of "happiness that poisons the worlds." The world is ruthless, but free and proud, which is why wolves are chosen as one of the leading images of the poem. The wolves in the poem are precisely werewolves who did not pass the road and could not stand the test, went into the forest and avenged their failures in life:

Immediately rabid wolves in a bloodthirsty frenzy Cling their teeth to the throat, stand with their paws on the chest.

You will understand then how viciously laughed everything that sang,

A belated but powerful fright will look into your eyes.

All artistic and expressive means (and epithets: “a mad bow”, “terrible death”, and metaphors “the serene light of the eyes has disappeared forever”, “mortal cold will wrap around”) serve to reveal the main idea of ​​​​the poem: we are talking about the tragedy of poets, about the disastrous creativity , but at the level of rhythm, emotions do not splash out. Slowness, fluency of speech is created through the use of long non-traditional lines from the eight-foot trochaic. The rhythm of the poem is in conflict with its content. This combination creates the impression of fatality, the inevitability of fate: the death of the poet is inevitable.

The general ideological and philosophical concept of Gumilyov, given in the poem, can be expressed as follows: "The poet lives only as long as he is able to create."

Analysis of Nikolai Gumilyov's poem "The Magic Violin" contains the disclosure of metaphors and ideas touched upon by him.
Russian poet Nikolai Gumilyov, one of the founders of acmeism, an explorer of Africa, was shot in 1921 as a revolutionary. Many of his works carry a touch of romance of exotic countries or emotional experiences. He wrote many beautiful poems that brought him fame. Despite the fact that Gumilyov died before reaching the age of forty, like many other talented poets, he forever inscribed his name in the minds and hearts.
"Magic Violin" carries a veil of mystery and inspiration of the creator. The first impression after reading this poem will most likely be a keen interest in the fate of the lyrical hero who narrates and the boy who fell victim to art. The very process of playing the violin is described by very vivid epithets, such as: “sing and cry”, “beat-curl a mad bow”. The metaphorical audience is referred to as "hell spirits" and the critics as "rabid wolves". The hard fate of a musician is demonstrated as a duel not for life, but for death with oneself, with others. In the finale, it is shown that the violinist is aware of his future, but is not able to resist fate, and the narrator (whoever he is) decided to risk giving away the magic instrument and see how the talent will blossom and what will happen to the player.
If we take the text of the poem literally, then we get an exciting and tragic story of a man who challenged an enchanted instrument.
No matter how you look at it, the work is worthy of the name of the author, with its unique style creating an atmosphere of striving for a brighter future, even if otherwise is destined.

Analysis of Gumilyov's poem "The Magic Violin"

The poem "Magic Violin" is the key to all of Gumilyov's work. He valued this poem so much that he did not even include it in the collection “Romantic Flowers” ​​in order for the poem to be published for the first time in such an authoritative magazine as “Scales”.

The poem is an appeal of a sophisticated poet to a young one who knows only about the happiness of creativity. without seeing the other side of the coin. This reverse side of the medal is shown by a sophisticated poet.

In the image of the violin, we see a poetic talent, which is both a deadly spell and the highest bliss. The lyrical hero tells the young poet that a true poet has no right to rest, he must always create, otherwise “rabid wolves in a bloodthirsty frenzy will bite their teeth in their throats, stand with their paws on their chest.” He also believes that he should serve poetry without hope of recognition, no hope of being understood, no hope of fame. Nothing frightens a true poet. He will go his own way and die "a glorious death, the terrible death of a violinist."

The poem is very musical due to the combination of consonants ”vl”: “own the magic violin”

The poem is written in anapaest pentameter together with trochaic eight-foot. Rhyme is used both male and female, rhyme is cross. Gumilyov uses epithets (“dark horror,” “a mad bow”), inversions (“Immediately, rabid wolves in a bloodthirsty frenzy will grab their teeth in the throat, stand with their paws on the chest”), comparison (“cold will wrap around the body like a cloth”), personification (“One must forever sing and cry to these strings”), an oxymoron (“Do not ask for this happiness that poisons the worlds”)

These figurative and expressive means give expressiveness to the work.

In this poem, the lyrical hero proclaims creativity as a form of self-immolation. I think that Gumilyov himself believed in the fateful destiny of the poet and was ready to accept death with his inherent heroism.

Analysis of Nikolai Gumilyov's poem "The Magic Violin" contains the disclosure of metaphors and ideas touched upon by him.
Russian poet Nikolai Gumilyov, one of the founders of acmeism, an explorer of Africa, was shot in 1921 as a revolutionary. Many of his works carry a touch of romance of exotic countries or emotional experiences. He wrote many beautiful poems that brought him fame. Despite the fact that Gumilyov died before reaching the age of forty, like many other talented poets, he forever inscribed his name in the minds and hearts.
"Magic Violin" carries a veil of mystery and inspiration of the creator. The first impression after reading this poem will most likely be a keen interest in the fate of the lyrical hero who narrates and the boy who fell victim to art. The very process of playing the violin is described by very vivid epithets, such as: “sing and cry”, “beat-curl a mad bow”. The metaphorical audience is referred to as "hell spirits" and the critics as "rabid wolves". The hard fate of a musician is demonstrated as a duel not for life, but for death with oneself, with others. In the finale, it is shown that the violinist is aware of his future, but is not able to resist fate, and the narrator (whoever he is) decided to risk giving away the magic instrument and see how the talent will blossom and what will happen to the player.
If we take the text of the poem literally, then we get an exciting and tragic story of a man who challenged an enchanted instrument.
No matter how you look at it, the work is worthy of the name of the author, with its unique style creating an atmosphere of striving for a brighter future, even if otherwise is destined.


P.S. Sometimes, when you observe nature, you get the feeling that this is an embodied, higher form of poetry. Maybe that's why many Russian poets and writers loved autumn so much. And I like to mess around in the country with my small plants and equip the garden. Good, sale of plants today carried out in all markets, and almost all plants and flowers can be purchased in specialized stores, as well as through online stores. A vivid example of this is the excellent Florium store. There is a very large selection of flowers, planting material, seedlings, plant seedlings, indoor plants and much more. In general, there is something to see and from which to choose.

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