How to get acid color. Getting purple by mixing paints

Getting purple by mixing several colors is far from always the case. As a rule, in school they teach how to mix red and blue to get purple. However, in many cases, a maroon dull tone comes out instead of the expected one. The article will discuss how to get purple when mixing paints - the main secrets and recommendations.

This color in the palette is not the base color. The main ones are yellow, red and blue, mixing which, you can get a wide variety of colors. There is also white and black, which cannot be obtained by mixing.

People involved in painting, painting or applied arts, the color palette consists of three base colors as well as black and white.

To get a result close to purple, you need to prepare:

  • paints;
  • brushes;
  • palette;
  • water or thinner for oil paints.

Regardless of the type of paint, whether acrylic, oil or watercolor, mixing should take place on the palette, not on the painting itself. In this way, you can achieve the desired tone or correct it if necessary.

To make purple using red and blue, you need to know a few secrets:

  • If you add red in the majority, you get a crimson hue.
  • If you mix more blue, the color will look like a rich purple.
  • When mixing pure colors, it is possible to obtain a purple color of different tones.
  • For the desired result, it is better to use cold red. If you take a warm shade, there is a high probability that it will turn brown.
  • In the work, the use of a blue color scheme with a greenish tint is unacceptable.

getting purple

For purple color initial stage you need to combine blue and red in equal proportions on the palette. The resulting color palette may not always meet the desired tone, so it needs to be finalized. This can be done using the following manipulations:

  • To get lighter purple paint, you can add a little white.
  • When working with a mixture of lilac and white paints, you can get purple. The intensity is regulated by the amount of white.
  • A mixture of pink and blue paints will help create a pale lilac palette.
  • If you need a muted tone, black is mixed with cold red.
  • When working with watercolors, saturation is not controlled with white, but with the amount of water.

It is worth remembering that gouache after drying becomes lighter by a couple of shades, so you need to achieve a darker color.

Additional option

Magenta is the main color and cannot be obtained by mixing paints. It mixes with available turquoise or bright blue. Any blue tone or cyan is suitable for this, without a greenish tint and not muted. With the gradual addition of colors, the color palette will acquire the desired shade.

On video: how to get a bright purple hue.

When working with paints, it is useful to follow some rules:

  1. Always use a clean container to scoop up liquid. Otherwise, you can spoil the pure tone, and in the future it may turn out to be an unpredictable color.
  2. Mixing should take place gradually and carefully, since you can always mix the suit, but it will not work to remove it.
  3. The resulting shade must be checked not only on the palette, but also on the surface on which it will be applied.

Confectioners in their work often paint mastic in the desired color. They do it using natural dyes.

Color correction

We have already talked about how to get purple colors when mixing paints. If the shade turned out not the one that was required to be done, it can always be corrected. To do this, you should use the following tips:

  • The color palette can be lightened or, conversely, look brighter with the addition of white. From the resulting shade and the same amount of white, you can achieve a pastel color.
  • To get a rich dark tone, you need to add a little black to it.
  • If you do not know how to make lavender with a grayish tint, you can mix white and black, add the mixture to the main mass of blue and red.

For a successful outcome of the experiment, it is also worth remembering that the brushes need to be washed with each set, which will keep the pure shades and get the purple color.

Being engaged in painting, painting or applied arts, you can often face the problem of a lack of one or another color. That's when an entertaining and very useful science comes to our aid - a colorist. For example, let's talk about paints.

What do you need for this?

  • Paints (we look at what is available from red, blue, black and white may be needed).
  • Tassels (the more the better).
  • Palette.
  • Water or thinner for oil paints.

Whatever paints you paint - acrylic, oil or watercolor, you need on the palette, and only then apply to the drawing. In this case, you can adjust the intensity of the shade you need and correct it if necessary.

Paints, many were told in drawing lessons in elementary school. But when we urgently need to “figure out” such a color, we frantically begin to mix all the shades in a row, getting a kind of dirty mass.

How to get purple color from paints in a few steps?

Purple itself is a secondary color, in order to get it, we need to mix the two main ones, primary colors- Red and blue.

Take some red in the palette and add about the same amount of blue to it. Mix colors thoroughly. You will get the basic one. Most likely, it will not suit you, and you will have to “finish” it.

  • In order to get a lighter shade of purple, you need to add white.
  • If you mix purple paint with white, you can also get purple. Depending on the amount of white, purple shades of varying intensity will be obtained.
  • A soft purple shade of color can be obtained by mixing pink paint with blue.

There is another way to get purple from paints. To get a muted purple color, you need to mix black paint with any cold ones. For example, it can be alizarin red. You will get exactly purple, it will not be very bright and chromatic.

There is one more important point in how to get purple from paints. A large role in this will be played by the saturation of the shades of the outgoing colors. For example, it would look like this: a scarlet shade of red + light blue paint will give you a purple color with a beautiful burgundy hue. Or if you mix red with dark blue, you get a rich purple color, very close to eggplant.

In the event that you work with watercolor and do not use white, adjust the saturation or pallor of the color with the help of the amount of water.

And if you prefer to work with gouache, do not forget that when it dries, it becomes lighter by several shades, and you need to achieve a darker purple color.

Be sure to change, wipe or wash the brushes with each set of paint, then your experiments will delight you.

Well, now you know how to make purple. And the situation will not take you by surprise.

As children, we loved to experiment, creating original images in the process of drawing, decorating them in unusual colors that we did not have in the palette. At the same time, many did not think about the combination of which colors turned out to be one or another shade. In fact, there are a lot of options, the main thing is to know which tones should be mixed in order to achieve the desired result. Let's find out how to get purple when mixing paints.

Even if we assume that we need red and blue tones to get purple, then mixing them will not achieve the desired result. The end result is messy. grey colour, which in some cases resembles purple, and in others - red.

All this is due to the fact that the red color predominates over blue, which is why it appears when mixed to a greater extent. If in blue paint add red or green, then blue will dominate. As a result, the desired purple hue is not obtained.

What to do in such a situation, with which mix to achieve the desired color?

Tip: before the mixing process, make sure that the paint has no additional colors additives - it must be clean, without foreign impurities. If you get a purple tone with gray tint, as previously indicated, the reason lies in poor-quality paints, even if they look clean.

To determine whether you are using high-quality paint or not, we recommend using white. On a sheet of white paper, apply separately drops of red and blue paint. Add a drop of white on top. If red becomes red and blue becomes turquoise, then the paint is of poor quality, since pink and blue should be derivatives of red and blue.

Don't be afraid to experiment

Do not be afraid to experiment, because sometimes even from a combination of standard and primitive colors you can achieve an incredible shade. So, for example, you can get a beautiful purple tone thanks to yellow, brown, red and blue colors. You can replace brown with black. The main thing is to maintain the correct proportion.

Combining various options shades of the original tones, we can get a purple color of various saturation. In this case, it should be noted that the red should have a colder shade, since the warm color is more like orange, so brown may come out as a result.

A large amount of blue paint will allow you to get a darker purple hue, close to purple.

This is far from the only option with which you can get a really beautiful purple color. Alternatively, to achieve the result, you can mix blue, crimson and turquoise colors, etc.

For a harmonious and complete drawing or paintings, artists use a variety of colors and shades, which are often obtained by combining a certain number of colors. This also applies to the purple color scheme, it is quite possible to make it yourself by mixing it in equal amounts, red and Blue colour. Let's take a closer look at mixing options in the article.

What colors of paints need to be mixed to get a purple color from gouache, paints: step by step instructions

There are three main color options, when mixed, you can get one or another shade that you need:

  • Yellow
  • Blue
  • Red

Accordingly, to lighten the color, you need to use white paint. Well, to darken - add black or black to the mixture of primary colors. dark paint, depending on what color you need.

  • The main thing is to use clean paints to get desired color without various contaminants. This is especially true for light shades, which are quite difficult to correct if the color is not quite the same.
  • To get a rich purple color scheme, it is better to use a bright red color, or a bright ultramarine is better, without green or yellow tints, because. the result may be brown.
  • Checking extra shades or pigments is very simple, for this you need to add a few drops of white to the paint.
  • You can mix the shade both on the canvas and on the palette, the main thing is to use a palette of only white colors or the color of the main background, because. on wooden or dark palettes, the resulting color may be distorted.
  • For mixing gouache, it is best to use a ceramic or disposable plate. It is better to change the water you use as often as possible so that the shades are clear and the pictures are clear.

In order to highlight certain details, when mixing, use a minimum amount of water. Before applying gouache to a drawing, it is better to draw a sketch pencil, and erase it with an eraser in the process.

How to make light purple, pale purple from paints, gouache when mixing?

Many artists are quite familiar with the situation when the required color or shade has ended. This problem is quite easy to solve, and you should not immediately go to the store for a new tube, it is worth mixing several colors, mostly 2-3, and you can get the color you need. It is worth, of course, to take into account the presence of those colors, thanks to which the missing paint can be. And to be sure of this, just look at the color mixing table.

Since school days, everyone has known that purple is a secondary color that can only be obtained by mixing red and blue, but difficulties arise if a different shade of this color is needed, for example, soft purple, or light purple. In such a situation, not everyone, even professionals, manages to bring the desired shade to the ideal. Therefore, it is best to gradually introduce additional colors to the main color, and it is advisable not to do this immediately on the canvas, especially if you use gouache.

Mix gouache, paints

To obtain such shades, you need to mix the pink color of paint or gouache with blue. If there are no such marching colors, then to a mixture of red and blue flowers need to add White color. It is better to do this on a palette to make sure that this is exactly the color that you need. For such manipulations, it is best to use red kolbat or ultramarine, and shades of azure or phthalocyanine are more suitable from the blue palette.

If you add cold red to black, you can get a muted purple hue as a result. For such manipulations, it is better to use such shades of red as alizarin or phthalocyanine. And for clarification, use clean white paint or special whites.

Of course, the purple color, as well as its shades, are quite beautiful and are used not only in art, but also for painting walls, creating a new interior design, even for hair coloring. Colors have an important role, and are used in many areas of activity, it is worth knowing how to get one or another shade correctly.

How to get a dark purple color when mixing paints, gouache?

As a result of the combination of red and blue in various proportions, you can get a whole range of purple hues. In order for your new color scheme to be accurate and as intended, it is necessary to thoroughly mix the colors together, because as a result of improper mixing, unwanted streaks or spots may form on the canvas during the process. For such manipulations, artists most often use a palette knife - this is a special thin spatula for mixing colors.

  • Of course, purple, as described above, can be obtained by mixing red and blue, but if you choose the wrong shades of these colors, you can get an undesirable result, for example, with a gray or brown tint.
  • When combining cold shades of red and blue, you can definitely get a rich color, from which a dark shade of purple will turn out perfectly. Of course, to get what you want, you need to add black or dark gray, this is up to you, because. dark shades of purple, there are many.

  • It is desirable, when adding black, to use a deep, rich color, like black resin. The amount of black depends on the desired result that you want, it is best to add it gradually, while mixing the colors thoroughly, because black often absorbs red and its marching colors, so you will not get a purple color with a red or fiery tint.
  • To achieve a vibrant purple color, experienced artists often combine blue or cyan with mangenta. This combination of 100% will give the desired result, while from the resulting color, you can easily make different shades, both light and dark.
  • The color of the sleeve can be compared with the ink from the printer, and in order not to make a mistake when buying, you just need to print an example and choose the right shade in comparison.

It is worth remembering that dark shades absorb red, and therefore often get an "eggplant" shade of purple when mixed with black. This is worth considering if you want purple or red-violet. A similar hue can only be obtained by mixing a deep purple with a small amount of pure white, and a grayish tint can also be observed.

How to get lilac when mixing paints, gouache?

Achieving the desired effect in the process of combining paints seems simple only at first glance, including this applies to purple hues. Most colors can "absorb" others while still dominating the resulting hue, so it's worth introducing new colors gradually, and mixing very well as described above. Professionals perform this work directly on a catfish canvas, but if in doubt, it is better to do it on a ceramic plate or a special palette.

  • Despite the fact that purple is not considered a basic color, it has a lot of pop-up colors, and as a result of introducing additional colors to the main colors or directly to purple, you can get almost 200 different shades of this color, ranging from white-lilac, ending in deep purple. Guessing the correct proportions of the desired colors is the main problem, because. the transition from one shade to another has a very fine line.

  • Traditionally, the lilac shade, as well as the main purple, are considered cool colors, and, of course, the mixing of blue and red colors is considered the initial stage of production.
  • Lilac color is easy to get, for this, white is added to the “ordinary” purple color, which is made from cold blue and cold red.
  • Lilac color belongs to the third group, because. you can get it by combining 2, or even 3 or more colors.

If, as a result of manipulations with tones, you have purple colour, which sets off a red or pink tint, while you need a cold shade of lilac, this problem is easy to fix, just add a small amount of black to the resulting mixture, which, after mixing, will absorb the redness.

How to get purple when mixing paints, gouache?

Of course, the lilac shade is very beautiful, and paints of similar colors are often taken for wall design in the interior of a house. But, of course, in nature you can find a large number of plants that have a purple color. Among them great amount occupy vegetables, berries, flowers. But this color does not apply to the primary, original colors.

  • Lilac, as well as lilac and other marching from purple, is considered a secondary color, because. obtained by combining other colors.
  • If you use gouache, then you should stop your attention on what name the purple color bears. There are 2 categories of this color - these are K and C. In the first case, the red hue is dominant, and in color scheme, be between red and purple. But in the second case, purple has a predominantly blue color scheme, and is between blue and purple in the color scheme.

  • Of course, there are also a large number of shades of purple, and therefore white must be added carefully. The classic "recipe" for a lilac hue is considered to be a combination in equal proportions of red, blue and white.
  • You can go the other way, if you have pink and blue color, they also need to be thoroughly mixed and thus the desired purple color will be obtained. If you don’t have such shades, then you can separately bleach the red color to get pink, and blue to get blue.

If you use watercolor, then in this case you will not need whitewash, and ordinary water plays the role of a clarifier, the main thing is to change it more often for the purity and clarity of the picture.

Shades of purple: palette, color names

Violet color, today, is very popular among interior designers and clothing. Also, various paintings hard to imagine without using at least one shade of such a color scheme. As you know, purple is obtained by combining red and blue, white is needed to lighten it, and black or just a dark color will help to saturate the colors with a darker shade.

In the Pantone palette, there are almost 200 shades of this color, in which you can find not only bright, light, dull shades, but also dark, deep ones, with a blue or pink tint.

The most popular purple colors are:

  1. Deep, dark and rich:
  • Plum
  • Mulberry
  • eggplant

This group includes those colors that do not have red, and blue or gray are dominant.

  1. Light:
  • Lilac
  • violet
  • orchid color
  • Amethyst
  • Pearl
  • Fuchsia (has a brighter color)

These shades have something in common with delicate scarlet tones, have a red undertone, it is thanks to this characteristic that these colors belong to warm shades.

  1. Cold shades:
  • dark purple
  • Indigo
  • Rich, dark silky
  • purple electric
  • black currant color

Here are those colors that predominantly have a deep blue halftone. Classic purple is considered the sixth main color, it has a huge number of shades, while having different tints, the main ones, as mentioned above, are red and blue, there are also gray, pink, blue and even orange.

Today it is considered fashionable to use non-standard colors not only in clothes, but also to create contemporary paintings and drawings. With help various shades you can convey the depth and accuracy of the image, and most often the desired result, many artists, can only be obtained by mixing other colors.

There are chromatic shades that are placed side by side in a circle of color combinations, as well as achromatic ones - located far from each other or opposite, when they are mixed, a shade with a predominance of a gray tint is obtained. Of course, to get the expected result, you need to understand the color scheme, and the correct proportion when mixing, but it is also important to use materials that have a similar chemical composition. This can drastically change the result, or the result will be completely the wrong color that you need.

In order for the result to be as accurate as possible, it is better to mix a small amount of paints, because. with large volumes, you can not guess with accuracy in proportions. The table that we offer allows you to greatly simplify the task of finding the right shade, it is used in various fields life.

Thanks to the knowledge of the correct mixing of colors, you can create real masterpieces. Good luck in creativity.

Video: Mixing paints and getting purple

»we touched on the basics of drawing - what you need to do to draw about what you want. And they did it on the example of a pencil and paper. Why? Because it is easier than learning to paint with paints, because in the case of using paints, in addition to the problem " How can I draw this? the problem "" appears - so that what happens is very similar to what is intended. And in this article we will try to give an exact answer to this question.

How to get the right color? There are two ways. The first is traditional, using the color wheel known to many:

So, there are primary colors:

  • yellow
  • blue
  • red .

which, when mixed, give

  • Orange
  • green
  • violet
  • brown .

Moreover, the shades of mixed colors depend on the proportion of the primary colors. And, using the color wheel, you can get the desired color like this:

  1. Take a certain amount of the main color (for example, blue )
  2. Add some amount of a second base color (for example, yellow )
  3. Compare the resulting green with what you wanted to get
  4. Add one or another primary color to correct the hue.
  5. Or simply take the desired shade of green from a tube jar.

Why does the last paragraph appear - take the desired shade from the jar? Because getting the right color by mixing the main ones sometimes happens difficult.

Basically, to start, you can get the desired color using such a color wheel. However, as skill grows, so does the need for more precise color matching. After all, with the help of the principles described, it often turns out dirt. For example, it is very difficult to get a good violet color by mixing red and blue. Or is it hard to get necessary shades green , orange, brown colors. That is, the principles do not take into account any factors that affect the result when mixing colors.

We are happy to tell you that these factors really exist, and, moreover, with their help you can cope with the problem of "dirt" and still learn to get the right colors not by intuitive mixing, but by ordinary simple sequence of actions. This sequence and the reasons for the “dirty” of the standard color wheel were not discovered by us, but by Michael Wilcox. Who wrote the book . How to get the color you really want". By the way, you can download this book by Michael Wilcox at the link Blue and yellow do not make green.

Naturally, it will not be possible to present all the material of the book in one article, so we will limit ourselves to the main points, and we recommend that you take the details from this very book by Michael Wilcox “Blue and yellow do not make green".

So, how to reliably and accurately get the right color?

To do this, it is necessary to take into account an important theoretical point. Why do we see color? Because different objects (including paint pigment) have different surface, which reflects light differently from the sun or other light source. That is, the surface, for example, of a bathtub, has such a structure that it reflects all colors and absorbs nothing. And all the colors of the rainbow, as we know, form white. Accordingly, the bath appears white. On the other hand, the surface of soot has such a structure that it absorbs all the light falling on it. And soot reflects nothing. As a result, we see black soot.

What happens if you mix white and soot? It will turn out beautiful grey color. Why? Because the light is reflected from the pieces of white completely, as white. And then it is partially absorbed by soot particles. The more soot in the white, the darker gray it turns out - due to the fact that more and more white light reflected by white particles is absorbed by soot particles.

Exactly the same principle works for colored pigments. Thus, red paint is red because it reflects predominantly red color. The blue color looks blue, since the pigment in its composition absorbs all colors except blue. In the same way "works" and yellow color - the pigment absorbs most colors except yellow.

Next, we move on to mixing colors. So, for example, you take blue paint and red paint. mix them up and get dirt. Why? Because the reflected red ABSORBED blue pigment in the same way as the entire incident color. Accordingly, the red pigment absorbs all the emission of blue - because the nature of its surface is so arranged that predominantly red pigment is reflected.

But you may ask: "What nonsense, because mixing blue and yellow we still get green, and according to your theory, dirt should also turn out? Well, if there were really pure colors in nature, then we would see the formation of dirt. But there is one but, which makes it possible not only to mix colors, but also to carefully and reliably select the right shade of color.

So, the pigment reflects not only one light. Light of one wavelength is reflected in greater measure. So, the red pigment mainly reflects red color. However, all other colors are also reflected (for example, violet or Orange). Exactly the same can be said about yellow color - predominantly the pigment reflects yellow, but nevertheless enough in large numbers may be reflected Orange or green. FROM blue same thing - it can carry additional "harmonics" green or purple .

So there is not three primary colors. There is six primary colors:

  1. Mainly reflective paint red and to a lesser but significant extent Orange .
  2. Paint that mainly reflects red and to a lesser (but significant) extent violet .
  3. Pigment that reflects predominantly yellow and in addition green .
  4. Pigment that reflects predominantly yellow and plus additive orange .
  5. Mainly reflective material blue and partially violet .
  6. Material that reflects predominantly blue and partially green .

Well, have you already understood the principle of color formation?

It's very simple: you take yellow from point 3 and blue from point 6, mix these colors. Blue pigment neutralizes yellow, the yellow pigment absorbs the blue color. Which color remains? Correctly, green! And not just green, but beautiful, bright and juicy green.

In the same way: by mixing the blue from point 5 and the red from point 2, you neutralize the blue and red colors, and a juicy and saturated color appears. violet color.

And finally: by mixing yellow 4 and red 1, you get Orange due to the fact that the red pigment will absorb the radiation from the yellow, and yellow - the reflected radiation from the red pigment.

The result is NEW color circle of the six primary colors:

The colors have arrows that point the way for the optimal development of the "blended" color. Respectively, variety of shades is born as a result of some combination of these SIX primary colors. "Incorrect" combinations (eg blue 6 and red 1) produce muted shades of colors (eg muddy purple). The combination of one "correct" color and one "wrong" one (for example, blue 6 and red 2) produces more pronounced shades (for example, a brighter purple). And finally, a combination of the "correct" colors (for example, blue 5 and red 2) produce a clean and bright color(bright and beautiful purple).

Naturally, reading the article is not enough to master getting the right color. It is best to read the book Blue and yellow don't make green» Michael Wilcox Plus Do practical exercises on the selection of colors described in the book. However, our question has been answered.

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