How to draw autumn step by step with a simple pencil. Master class "Learning to draw an autumn landscape" (using natural material)

I dare not tell my story, as i wrote autumn landscape watercolor, a master class ... In my opinion, a master class is when you already masterfully draw some kind of plot, have a clear plan of action and have the right to teach this to others.

I autumn forest I rarely paint en plein air, it’s good if one or two studies a year, so every time for me it’s the same search as for a novice watercolorist.

However, the last etude turned out to be quite successful, on my Instagram it was a success, and I promised that I would show the stages of writing this study. I'm keeping my promise.

Marina Trushnikova "Autumn Forest", watercolor, 22x25 cm

I consider the purpose of this demonstration not only to show you how I painted the autumn forest in watercolor in stages, but also voice your thoughts, why I took this or that step in my work.

I guess understanding "WHY" is more useful than knowing "how the author did it".

I'll start with a description of the materials, because anyway, someone will ask... 🙂

Etude "Autumn Forest". Materials:

I drew on watercolor paper Arshes, 100% cotton, 300 g/m, Grain Fin texture (medium grain).

Paints "Nevskaya Palitra":

  • Indian yellow
  • Indian golden
  • Venetian red
  • Lilac quinacridone
  • Blue
  • Sepia
  • Large round squirrel
  • Medium round with a fine tip, synthetic
  • Fine brush with an elongated bristle (liner brush or needle brush)

What is the difficulty of drawing an autumn landscape with limited space?

That is why I approached the study with caution and a willingness to spoil everything...

Let's see how I managed as a result to maintain the integrity of the perception of the picture and not to dry the watercolor.


Preparing paper for watercolor painting

I consider this moment technologically important.

Empirically, I came to the following option for preparing paper in the open air: moisten reverse side etude, wait for the paper to stretch and attach the sheet masking tape to the tablet. The top of the sheet remains dry.

So the sheet will not go in a wave, the paint will spread evenly inside the paper layer, it will not form sharp borders.

At home, I wet both sides of the paper, but in the open air there is no time to wait for drying.

Autumn landscape drawing

I do easy drawing. In this case, it is not difficult. It is important to find the ground line and place the main tree trunks.

All small parts I paint right away with a brush.

I did not photograph the drawing, because I was not sure of the result. After the first fillings, a work plan matured in my head, and I began to photograph the stages. So there will be more photos.

First fill

  1. I begin to paint an etude of an autumn landscape from a light layer of the sky behind the trees.

I'm doing a very liquid fill with a gradient from pale blue at the top of the leaf to slightly warm near the horizon line.

2. Below is the surface of the earth. I stretch from a pale solution of Venetian Red to its blend with Indian Gold at the bottom of the leaf.

When I paint the ground, I leave gaps between the horizontal strokes of the brush, so that there is a light effect on the lying leaves. This gives luminosity and airiness.

How to paint autumn trees with a splash

Since the trees here are in backlight, against the light, the distant leaves glow more, they are light, and the front ones are dark.

This is very handy when painting an autumn landscape in watercolor, because in watercolor we move from light to dark.

That's why I paint the crown, gradually increasing the tone of the foliage. I start with Indian yellow, then I mix with Indian golden, and in the end I will write the brightest crimson leaves simply with Indian golden.

I love this paint from "Nevskaya Palitra" - it is very juicy and allows you to give both light and dark shades of yellow!

And now, attention, how I drew the crown to get away from detailing!

I sprayed it!

To repeat this trick, take a large soft brush, which takes in a lot of solution, and shaking it, spray paint from it onto the wet surface of the study.

This method does not give you tight control over the image of the foliage, it eliminates the detail.

Ink on wet paper begins to disperse in larger spots.

The second layer of spray is darker and a little thicker, the paint spreads less, the spots are more pronounced:

But cotton paper makes itself felt - it is still wet inside, and the paint spreads quite well.

To restore more gaps between the leaves, I stick a paper towel to the wet layer. She both dries and selects part of the layer:

When the layer is a little more dry, I sprinkle the brightest crimson leaves of Indian golden.

By the way, as you can see above, while I was waiting for the crown to dry out, I painted the ground with fallen leaves.

How to draw the surface of the earth in an autumn landscape

Remember a simple rule that will allow you to depict the earth as a lying, and not standing on end, horizontal surface.

The ground in the foreground should be darker than in the distance.

Those. at the bottom of the study, the color of the earth should be much darker:

I used a mixture of Venetian Red and Sepia to represent the ground. More sepia in the foreground to make the color darker.

Draw an autumn forest in watercolor:

tree trunks

I start painting tree trunks. Peering into the color of birches, I understand that they are shade pink! That's why you need to paint in the open air - no photo will show you such subtle nuances of color!

Therefore, I take Venetian red as the basis of the birch trunk.

For dark markings and other types of trees, I use a mixture of Blue and Sepia.

At the same time, with a paler solution of this color, I paint an array of trees in the distance, in the gap between the trunks.

To separate the tree trunks from the background and show the backlight, I scratch light lines along the outline of the trunk on the left with a map:

In the main color of the trunk, as it dries slightly, I enter black marks.

tree branches

The crown is dry. You can draw branches. To do this, I use a thin brush with a long bristle, which allows you to make calligraphically light flying lines.

Crown of trees. Using spray

Once again I return to the spray.

With a concentrated solution of Indian yellow, I spray on the crown of birches. Now the spots do not blur. So I spray thoughtfully. For this I tap with a large brush with paint on the shaft of another brush.

I add sprayed leaves on the foreground shrub. I use Indian yellow for this.



At the end of the work, it is necessary to step back from it and see if there is any fragmentation, what can be combined?

In my case, I didn't like the rhythm of the trees on the right. (When I was drawing them, a local alcoholic approached me and tried to buy this sketch for 100 rubles. 🙂 I got excited and bumped the trunks as I saw them, without thinking about the composition...)

Therefore, I decide to darken the background behind the trunks and thereby combine the obvious stripes of the trunks into a larger mass. So the viewer's attention will be more drawn to the left side of the study, where you can clearly see sunlight through the trees.

Therefore, in the end, I intensified the dark tones of the black birch branches and marks on the trunks.

(If drawing trees and landscapes with them is difficult for you, check out the master class below!)

So let's recap.

I solved the difficult task of a study with limited space by correct distribution of tone: distant plans are light, near ones are dark. This helped backlight.

In order not to go into detail, most I did the work in a raw way, I used a spray instead of painting the crown with strokes.

For a harmonious perception of the landscape, do not forget about the stage of generalization and the placement of accents in the darkest and lightest colors.

If you found this demo helpful, feel free to leave a comment. This will give me an understanding that I am on the right track.

Autumn is one of the most charming seasons of the year. It was golden autumn that inspired many poets and artists to write their most beautiful works. Therefore, in order to understand how to draw golden autumn, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the paintings of great painters. You can also take a walk in the park or just look at the beautiful autumn landscapes in high-quality photographs.
Before you draw a golden autumn with a pencil in stages, you need to prepare the following stationery:
one). Pencil;
2). Liner (or black pen);
3). A piece of paper;
four). Eraser;
5). multi-colored pencils in a set.

Now that all those things that are listed a little higher are already nearby, you can begin to study the question of how to draw a golden autumn in stages:
1. On the sheet, outline the location of the main objects - Christmas trees, oak, birch and fields in the distance;
2. Draw an oak, depicting its massive branches and a hollow;
3. Draw a birch next to the oak. Mark the grass under the trees and draw a mushroom near the birch;
4. Draw fir branches and leaves lying on them. Draw the fields and outlines of the forest in the distance. Draw grass, mushrooms and leaves that have fallen to the ground;
5. Draw the field in the distance. In the sky, depict cranes flying to warmer climes;
6. Now you understand how to draw a golden autumn with a pencil. Of course, the autumn landscape must be done in color, so do not stop at this stage. Carefully outline the image with a liner;
7. Using an eraser, carefully clean the sheet of pencil lines;
8. Paint over the oak hollow with a black pencil. And with brown pencils, shade the trunk of the oak, as well as its branches;
9. With yellow shades, as well as orange and swamp green, paint over the oak foliage;
10. Paint over the spruce branches with green tones. With yellow and orange pencils, color the leaves lying on the branches of the spruce, as well as on the grass and mushroom caps;
11. Shade the birch trunk a little gray pencil. Draw the stripes on it with a black pencil. Color the birch foliage with yellow and orange pencils;
12. Paint over the legs of the mushrooms with a black pencil, and their hats with red and burgundy pencils. Grass and forest in the distance paint with green pencils colors, as well as shades of yellow and brown;
13. Use brown and black pencils to color the field in the distance. in gray shade the cranes and blue the sky.
The drawing of the autumn landscape is ready! Now you know how to draw a golden autumn.

Our video tutorial "How to draw a golden autumn"! Happy viewing and see you at next lesson drawing!

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We draw an autumn landscape in stages

  • Step 1

    Select the object of the future drawing. Let it be two trees growing on a hillock near a wide river. First of all, we outline the horizon line and perspective

  • Step 2

    The trees are in the foreground, we denote the trunks with two lines.

  • Step 3

    The next step is to designate the left bank of the river

  • Step 4

    We do the same with the right one, draw a winding coastline

  • Step 5

    How to draw autumn as believable as possible? It is important to be inquisitive and attentive, to notice even the smallest details. For example, so that the trees do not hang in the air, you need to "tie" them to the ground with a small mound covered with stunted grass

  • Step 6

    Trees in late autumn lose almost all foliage. So you need to pay more attention to drawing the tree trunk, its branches, the visible part of the rhizome.

  • Step 7

    No matter how hard the wind tries, a few leaves are still holding on to the branches, not in a hurry to fall to the ground.

  • Step 8

    Trees grow on a high hill, show reeds below

  • Step 9

    Cover the hill with hatching of different intensity, so you can show the volume and texture of the bare earth.

  • Step 10

    Using the hatching method, draw a distant plan of the forest on the right

  • Step 11

    In autumn, life practically freezes, with strokes of a pencil, show the unhurried course of the river, the blurry silhouette of the forest

  • Step 12

    This pore is characterized by prolonged rains, cold showers. The sky is covered with solid clouds and lead clouds

  • Step 13

    Birds fly away to warm lands, draw a crane wedge, which, heading south, will definitely return to its native lands in the spring

  • Step 14

    To revive the drawing a little, you can show the remnants of the web, in which he fell asleep soundly, "went into hibernation" the forest dweller - the spider

  • Step 15

    With the help of highlights, we give the picture a cold look, the sun practically does not heat, frost glistens on the fallen leaves

How to draw autumn with colored pencils

  • Step 1

    On the sheet, outline the location of the main objects - Christmas trees, oak, birch and fields in the distance;

  • Step 2

    Draw an oak, depicting its massive branches and a hollow;

  • Step 3

    Draw a birch next to an oak. Mark the grass under the trees and draw a mushroom near the birch;

  • Step 4

    Draw spruce branches and leaves lying on them. Draw the fields and outlines of the forest in the distance. Draw grass, mushrooms and leaves that have fallen to the ground;

  • Step 5

    Draw a field in the distance. In the sky, depict cranes flying to warm lands;

  • Step 6

    Now you understand how to draw a golden autumn with a pencil. Of course, the autumn landscape must be done in color, so do not stop at this stage. Carefully outline the image with a liner;

  • Step 7

    Using an eraser, carefully clean the sheet of pencil lines;

  • Step 8

    Fill in the hollow of the oak tree with a black pencil. And with brown pencils, shade the trunk of the oak, as well as its branches;

  • Step 9

    With yellow shades, as well as orange and swamp green, paint over the oak foliage;

  • Step 10

    Paint over the spruce branches with green tones. With yellow and orange pencils, color the leaves lying on the branches of the spruce, as well as on the grass and mushroom caps;

  • Step 11

    Shade the birch trunk a little with a gray pencil. Draw the stripes on it with a black pencil. Color the birch foliage with yellow and orange pencils;

  • Step 12

    Color the legs of the mushrooms with a black pencil, and their hats with red and burgundy pencils. Color the grass and the forest in the distance with green pencils, as well as shades of yellow and brown;

  • Step 13

    Use brown and black pencils to color the field in the distance. Shade the cranes in gray, and shade the sky in blue.

  • Step 14

    The drawing of the autumn landscape is ready! Now you know how to draw a golden autumn.

Emma Zhavnovskaya

It's golden time autumn- an extraordinarily beautiful phenomenon in nature, but so fleeting, and is given to us, as if as a consolation before a long winter. I so want to keep such beauty in my memory and keep it.

Today we will try draw the simplest,elementary landscape using natural material accessible to older children. We will need watercolor and gouache paints, thick and thin brushes, yarrow inflorescences and different leaves. 1 Wet the sheet with water.

2 On a still wet sheet, draw clouds. different shades blue and purple watercolor fill the sky. Closer to the bottom of the sheet, the sky should be lighter.

We also depict the earth on a raw sheet. Take soft colors, with shades of brown and yellow. Remember, the ground below is darker, closer to the horizon, lighter.

3 On the horizon line, draw a strip of forest.

4 We depict trees. Hold the brush vertically start drawing from the ground,and not vice versa.

5 With a thin brush from the trunk we draw branches, with the tip of the brush we draw small branches, "worms" on thick branches.

6 Mix brown paint with a little black and put a shadow on the trunk.

7 We tint the birch in the same way. We add a drop of black to white gouache, mix it, we get a shade of gray, we also apply a shadow on the trunk and branches.

8 Spread yarrow inflorescences with gouache of red, yellow and a little green. Firmly compress into a bundle and "print" the foliage. Experiment with paints, achieving interesting shades.

9 We also cover the leaves with gouache and apply to the drawing. It turns out the image of small trees or bushes. Draw the trunk and branches. Yes, and do not forget to "print" foliage under the trees.

That's all. Try, create and you will definitely succeed!

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Drawing "Autumn" at least once in a lifetime draws every child - in kindergarten or school, this topic is often present in the lessons visual arts, the surrounding world and literary reading.

Few adults can remain indifferent to the brightness and variety autumn colors, and many of them want to show this palette to children by conducting a master class with step by step photo or step by step building a schematic drawing on the chalkboard.

Before you draw an autumn landscape, you need to choose the materials that will be taken as the basis for the work. We suggest considering a variant of a drawing made with watercolors and colored pencils on plain, but fairly thick, white paper (it is best to use sheets for watercolors or sketches).

With a simple pencil, as usual, we make a sketch of a drawing - a sketch. Our composition will consist of several trees and a small village house. The presence of a hill gives her interest, in the center of which we plant the main thing. Due to the hill, the horizon line, foreground and background looks different.

The autumn sky is filled with color. Using the watercolor technique. This technique is used when you want to get an uneven solid background.

In the same way we make out the crown of the trees in the background. They will turn out blurry and will complement the main details of the picture.

Watercolor Fill - Background

In the same way, fill with color the grass and the line of the bush, which is in the background. We make the shrub darker than the grass. We highlight the tree near the house with a lighter tone of paint, thereby focusing on the house. And it begins to attract attention, although it is located on one of the lines remote from the edge.

Watercolor Fill - Foreground

We are working on large tree trunks, giving them volume using the play of light and shadow: we make one side of the trunk darker than the other. We denote the shadow that the trees and the house cast on the grass, fill the path with color.

Watercolor coloring - step 1

Highlight the burgundy and red bushes in the background. We emphasize dark color descent in the central part of the picture. We emphasize the relief of the tree trunk in the foreground, highlighting its right side with a darker color.

Watercolor coloring - step 2

We draw bushes around the house, fill in the color of its windows. We emphasize the play of color in the crowns of the trees on the right side of the picture, using warm autumn colors. We paint the foreground of the picture with the same warm colors.

Watercolor coloring - step 3

We dry the picture well, after which we begin to work out the details with colored pencils: foliage, shrubs located in the distance. We pay attention to the fact that the closer to the edge of the picture the object is located, the brighter its details should be. The tree in the center - a key element of the landscape - should be as expressive as possible and worked out to the smallest detail. We draw flying birds.

Such a picture will decorate any office or room.

We learned how to draw using watercolor paints and colored pencils, distributing elements of the landscape along lines at different distances.

Drawing autumn (ideas with photos)

Autumn drawing "Birches".

Autumn drawing "Birches"

Children's drawing "Autumn with clouds."

Children's drawing "Autumn with clouds"

Drawing "Autumn with houses".

Look at the video how to draw an autumn landscape with a child 6-9 years old:

How to draw a golden autumn (for adults):

Landscape gouache "Autumn":

Another popular autumn theme for drawing - fruits. Watch the video on how to draw an apple, orange, cherry and watermelon:

Autumn drawing templates and coloring pages

How to draw autumn reviews:

"Very beautiful! I would also like early autumn, sunny, with fruits")) (Dasha)

"Beautiful autumn"!

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