How to open a museum with exhibits? How to open a theater agency.

Museum space.

The first step is to find a room in which the museum will be organized. The theme of the museum plays a decisive role here, which exhibits will be put on display, their size, storage conditions and accessibility of the review.

For example, if you have small exhibits in your museum, such as dishes, jewelry, household items and all kinds of antiques, then perhaps a small room or section in the shopping center will be enough for you, where everything can be accommodated. If your exhibits are of considerable size, be it cars, sculptures, garden items, then of course you need to think about your own building with a local area.

Through a real estate agency, you are looking for the right room for rent, unless of course you own your own. The price will depend on the area, the location of the building, the infrastructure of the territory. The most economical option would be to rent a section in mall. But here it should be noted that entertainment topics or small items that do not require long-term guided tours of the curator are best suited, or you plan to combine a museum and an exhibition and sale of exhibits.

For example, opening a museum children's creativity, exhibit the most interesting exhibits created by children different ages, and invite visitors to take part in the replenishment of the exhibition-collection. For example, you offer for sale a set of plastic for modeling, from which a child can immediately create a craft with his own hands.
A more serious theme of the museum will not be entirely appropriate in a shopping and entertainment center.

For the museum, it would be optimal to have its own premises, for example, commercial real estate located on the ground floor of the house. Ideally, the theme of the museum should correspond to the location of the rented premises. For example, an exotic insect museum should ideally be located next to an amusement park or zoo. Museum theatrical costumes, for example, it would be more appropriate to open near operating theaters in the historical center of the city.

If the exhibits of your future museum take up quite a lot of space, then you can think about museums under open sky or in a separate building.
For example, in an open area, you can organize a museum of unusual garden interiors or sculptures. Here the best option there will be a plot in a landscape gardening area or in the nearest suburbs.

Museum staff.

After you have decided on the premises, you need to think about the staff. How many employees do you need. Here the main ones are the organizer-manager, accountant-cashier and guides-consultants. If the exhibition collection long years was going by you personally, then no one can talk about it better than you, and for the first time as a tour guide, apparently you will be, taking one employee to help.

Having the premises and deciding on the staff, it's time to open the museum. All you need to open is to arrange a collection of exhibits, prepare a description for each item of the exhibition, decorate the facade in an original way and you can open.
To attract visitors, you need a bright, enticing sign. think over advertising company by analyzing the location, degree of traffic and the theme of your museum.

Financial plan.

The main investment in your business will be the rental of premises, and based on the cost of rent, you will need to calculate ticket prices and determine the payback period for yourself.

For example, consider a variant of a section in a shopping center:
Section rental - from 100,000 rubles / month.
Museum attendance is 60 people per day (an average figure, as there are more on weekends and holidays, and less on weekdays).
Ticket price - 150 rubles.

Total per day: 150 rubles. x 60 people = 9,000 rubles / day;
Monthly income: 9,000 x 30 days = 270,000 rubles.

We subtract the cost of rent from income: 270,000 -100,000 \u003d 170,000 rubles.
We subtract the salary of employees (on average 40,000 rubles), so your profit will be 130,000 rubles per month.

The figures presented in the example are indicative and may differ significantly from your data, since the rental amount can be 50,000 rubles / month, or you can rent a building for 500,000 rubles / month.

So the ticket prices can be from 50 to 1000 rubles, depending on the theme of the museum.
Perhaps you own the premises from which you plan to make a museum, then the costs will be associated only with the repair of the premises and its conversion into a museum.

It remains to solve some bureaucratic procedures. Decor legal entity, obtaining permission to this species activities, coordinating the necessary inspections. If this seems too complicated for you, then you can contact the agency for registering new companies, they will prepare everything Required documents to open your museum.

Now everything is in your hands, make a profitable museum business out of your hobby.

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Do you have a business idea? On our site you can calculate its Profitability Online!

Traveling around different countries and cities, sometimes we do not see the treasures that lie in front of our very noses. Historical Museum on the Red Square of the capital - the very place that Muscovites pass by hundreds of times, but not everyone has been here. Thousands of tourists pass by, run to the Armory and other museums, and all past the Historical. I want to share here a review about visiting the Historical Museum in Moscow.

One day while planning our cultural visit program interesting places Moscow, a friend threw in an idea: should we go to the Historical Museum? Even as a child, I heard the stories of my grandfather, a history buff who once visited this museum. According to his stories, he spent at least 5 days here, studying the halls in detail. But she herself, to her shame, has never been to the museum.

Building of the Historical Museum

The Historical Museum on Red Square is more than 100 years old - it was opened in June 1883 during the solemn coronation of Emperor Alexander III. A magnificent building erected according to the project of V.O. Sherwood and A.A. Semenov are rarely bypassed by any of the tourists - it is in all the photographs! The museum's collection is truly huge - more than 4.5 million exhibits, of which about 21,000 are on display. If you examine each item for a minute, then even a week will not be enough for inspection. The total route through the museum is about 3 km, impressive?

In general, we urgently need to fill the gap in education, and go to the Historical Museum. No sooner said than done. Planned, gathered, met. We go to Red Square, wrinkling our nose nervously: "Oh, how many tourists are here."

The main entrance to the Historical Museum is closed. Tourists enter here from the eastern side, from the Ascension Gate.

Surprisingly, on this day, at the entrance to the Historical Museum, there were no thugs in the form of archers on duty - the favorites of foreign tourists. This did not upset us much, as we hurried inside.

The box office is right next to the entrance. Before turning to the ticket office, we also saw information stand, announcing that there is an opportunity to join the tour, but the time of the tours was not indicated. At the checkout, we also did not see any information about excursions and decided to walk around the museum on our own.

At the box office, we took a complex ticket (price 350 rubles per person) and went to the cloakroom. Highly big mistake was that we didn't buy the scheme of the museum (because it's really huge!). We saw that the map of the halls was being sold in the book kiosk when we were already leaving the museum.

It must be said that in permanent exhibition 35 halls. It’s unlikely that it will be possible to examine everything in detail at a time (for example, it took us 3 hours to explore the museum at a gallop), so it’s best to plan the route in advance, study the museum map, choose topics of interest, for example, only the Ancient World, or only the New time, look at the site when tours of the museum are held. It should also be noted that the museum also has an audio guide, but you can rent it not at the ticket office, but directly in front of the entrance to the main exhibition (there is no information about this at the ticket office). The audio guide is paid, a deposit is also required.

At the entrance to the museum, visitors are carefully inspected by guards, checking bags. In addition, it is necessary to hand over things to the wardrobe. Having finished with all the formalities, we finally go to see the museum.

First of all, we found ourselves in the Front Hall, decorated in the Russian style. On the ceiling you can see the "Family Tree of the Romanovs". Interesting fact that this fresco was plastered in 1937, and the panel was restored and opened only in 1997.

Front entrance

Lions at the front door

Romanov tree

English breakfast

After numerous "ohs" and "ahs" about the beauty of the Front Hall, we went to see the exhibition "English Tea Party", where various pieces of porcelain were exhibited. Here we managed to take plenty of photographs of the same English Wedgwood porcelain, which was strictly forbidden to be photographed at a temporary exhibition.

Wedgwood porcelain

Wedgwood porcelain

Ceiling in one of the rooms.

Ceiling in one of the rooms

After visiting the exhibition, we again ended up in the Front Hall.
Having mentally prepared for the main exhibition, we decided to check with the caretaker where the inspection began. We were advised to first see the exhibition of gold items, and then move on to the halls where culture is presented. ancient world. "It's all so confusing here," exclaimed the caretaker.

Exhibition "Gold-Metal of the Gods and the King of Metals"

Products from precious metals two large halls were dedicated. What is there just not here: caskets, dishes, trays, icons! More than 800 items from the museum's storerooms are presented here, all of them are made of gold or decorated with it. For many years, these items were kept in the Special Storeroom of the Museum and were not presented to the general public.

Gold-metal of the gods

Golden Collection

Golden Collection

Golden Collection

And if you raise your head - you can see the amazing beauty of the ceiling!

Ceiling in the Historical Museum

After a thorough inspection of two exhibitions, we were already tired ... But there were 35 more halls ahead!!!

Rooms 1-7: Ancient History

Each hall that appeared before our eyes was more interesting than the previous one. It should be noted that each of the halls was originally decorated in accordance with the concept of the exposition.

In the center of the 4th hall, for example, there is a real dolmen.

Room 4. Bronze Age

Deity. Hall of the Bronze Age

Rooms 8-14: Old Russian State

In the design of the next hall, elements of the 12th-century cathedrals of Vladimir are clearly traced.

In the 11th hall there are treasures of the XII-XII centuries, monuments of Russian literature.

culture ancient Russia IX-XIII centuries

Rooms 15-21: The Rise of the Centralized State

One of the most beautiful halls is hall 18 "Gosudarev yard" and management XVI-XVII centuries.

Hall 20, dedicated to the Russian culture XVI-XVII centuries. In the center of the hall is a unique globe made by Dutch masters.

After inspecting the first floor, we went to the second. Such an interesting carriage was presented in the foyer.

On the second floor, the halls are dedicated to history Russian Empire in the XVIII-XIX centuries.

Second floor

The style of the second floor is radically different from the first - light and classicism reign here. exhibited a large number of costumes, carriages, dishes, awards.

winter wagon

Masquerade sleigh.

Masquerade sleigh

In one of the halls, I was struck by a porcelain composition, which was supposed to be a table decoration for Catherine II.

Porcelain decoration for a festive table

Sailboat layout

In the center of hall 32 there is a mock-up of the speaking room in A.S. Khomyakov's house.

talking room

In one of the last halls, a unique exhibit is presented, which has practically not been preserved in Russia - a restored children's carriage of the children of one of the emperors.

Children's carriage

In the last room one could also see works of art by famous artists, such as Vrubel's garden bench.

Garden bench Vrubel

We descended to the first floor by another staircase, decorated in red tones.


On the ground floor, there is also a carriage, as well as on the first staircase.

In general, for our three-hour trip, we received general idea about the museum and outlined topics for further study.

This museum is definitely worth a visit, but according to a pre-planned plan.

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As one of the ways of income from the category "for the soul" can be called organizing your own museum and on a variety of topics.

Let us immediately state that private museum can become a commercial project only under certain conditions:

1. Unique unhackneyed theme;

2. Location in tourist areas; The most profitable are private museums in places of recreation for tourists; For example, in small villages on the Black Sea coast. This is explained by the fact that tourists are attracted to these places by the opportunity to relax on the sea, but since the villages are small, the entertainment package for tourists is usually very modest. In fact, only on vacation are people ready to fully enjoy every minute and, accordingly, spend a lot of money on leisure; One disadvantage of this orientation of a private museum is seasonality.

3. The museum must be part of another commercial project; For example, you are engaged in some kind of craft, making unusual souvenirs. In this case, you can organize a museum of your work, combined with a craft store. Or are you the owner guest house on the sea coast. In order to attract guests to yourself and provide them with quality leisure, you can completely organize an original museum on the territory of your hotel. There can be many variations. The accompanying income part of the museum, in addition to paying for visits, may be charging for photos with exhibits.

4. You can make the museum a part of a commercial excursion program and collect payment from the organizers of the excursion route.

5. On certain days (eg Friday, Saturday and Sunday) it is possible to arrange spectacular thematic performances (on your own or with guest actors). For example, a museum of medieval weapons and armor can organize impromptu jousting tournaments, etc. In a museum of ancient musical instruments you can play the hurdy-gurdy with a parrot on your shoulder before the visitors leave, collecting "donations". You can actively involve visitors in performances.

6. To attract visitors, it is imperative to create his online business card, otherwise no one will simply know about him, and residents at his location are unlikely to visit him regularly. The fact is that a museum is a specific entertainment facility, which is quite enough to visit only once, in some cases once a year. Thus, in order to receive income from museum activities, museum owners must take care of a constant influx of new visitors.

7. Ideally, to start such a project, you already own a suitable premises, since the business is not stable, and the rent will need to be paid constantly.

Ideas for organizing private museums:

1. Fairy tale characters;

2. Museum of Folk Crafts;

3. Thematic museum of some era or people;

4. Product Museum: Museum of chocolate, handmade soap, etc.

5. Museum with exhibits made of unusual materials (ice sculptures, museum wax figures etc.)

6. Museum of inventions and technical innovations;

7. Museum of private collections (paintings, records, bells, shells, etc.)

If you seriously intend to engage in this business, your activities should be registered in the appropriate organizational and legal form.

Suitable for registration of museum activities OKVED code 92.52"Museum Activities and the Protection of Historic Sites and Buildings".

The most optimal system of taxation for conducting museum activities would be simplified taxation system at a rate of 6% on income.

In order to start applying it, you must submit an application for the application of a simplified taxation system when registering with the tax authorities.

In addition to ensuring a minimum tax burden, the simplified taxation system is also attractive due to the absence of the obligation to maintain accounting and delivery in deadlines financial statements (no need to draw up a balance sheet, income statement, etc.).

Furthermore, museum activities are classified as privileged activities for application reduced rates of insurance premiums in PFR, MHIF and FSS (not 34% as for other organizations, but 26%).

Reduced rates of insurance premiums for the period 2011-2012 as part of:

  • PFR - 18%,
  • FFOMS - 3.1%,
  • TFOMS-2.0%,
  • FSS - 2.9%.

We remind you that insurance premiums calculated from wages museum staff.

The main conditions: the use of the simplified tax system, income from museum activities must be more than 70%.

25. Te Papa Tongarewa National Museum (Wellington, New Zealand)


The National Museum of New Zealand focuses on the history of the island nation and the culture of its indigenous population - the Maori. Nature lovers will be pleased with the huge collection of dinosaurs, birds, fish, insects and even mythical creatures- for example, orcs. And all because it was in New Zealand that Peter Jackson filmed the famous film trilogy "The Lord of the Rings".

24. Museum of Latin American Art (Buenos Aires, Argentina)


The exposition of the museum is devoted mainly to works of Latin American art of the 20th century: on the first floor there are works contemporary masters, and on the second - more early painting. Almost all exhibits are owned by the Argentine philanthropist Eduardo Constantini.

23. Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses (Xian, China)


The Great Wall and the Terracotta Army are one of the most recognizable symbols of China, the construction of which took place during the reign of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the united Chinese state. In them, the powerful ruler saw the bulwark of the security of his country and the continuation of personal power in afterlife. It is noteworthy that among the figures there are no identical warriors: they all differ in rank, weapons used and facial expressions.

22. Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial (Jerusalem, Israel)


The Holocaust Memorial Complex is located on Mount Herzl in the western part of Jerusalem. Everlasting memory about the catastrophe and a tribute to all the fighters against fascism.

21. National Gallery of Art (Washington, USA)


The complex consists of a sculpture garden and two buildings connected by an underground passage. The museum collection demonstrates myriad works of art from different eras and styles. By the way, a considerable part of the exhibits are masterpieces of the Hermitage, bought by American connoisseurs of beauty from the Soviet authorities.

20. Inhotim (Brumadinho, Brazil)


Art objects under the crowns of primeval forests? Why not! Items in the Brazilian park-museum contemporary art placed directly under the open sky. Of course, there are also closed exhibition centers of the different nature. Bright Inhotim is often called "Disneyland for adults."

19. Ricardo Brennand Institute (Recife, Brazil)


The cultural center is owned by the Brazilian collector Ricardo Brennand and includes a museum, art gallery, library and park. A considerable number of exhibits are dedicated to the colonial era of Brazil. Of particular interest to tourists is an impressive collection of weapons.

18. National Air and Space Museum (Washington, USA)


The Smithsonian Institution Research Center is a real outlet for those who, for whatever reason, cannot become a pilot or. Under the high vaults of the museum, unique specimens of real aircraft and spacecraft are collected.

17. Getty Center (Los Angeles, California)


The Getty Complex will delight its visitors with amazing architecture with stunning views of Los Angeles. The museum presents the work of European photographers, sculptors and artists. The adjacent park is famous for the unique murmur of its waterfall. In the walls research institute training sessions and exhibitions.

16. Pergamon Museum (Berlin, Germany)


The exposition of the museum is divided into three blocks: the Antique Collection, the Museum of Islamic Art and the Near Asian Museum. Here are monumental works of architecture, sculpture, mosaics, relief and writing with a very difficult fate. The fact is that the bombing of Berlin during the Second World War touched the Pergamon Museum, as a result of which part of the collection was transported and has not yet been returned.

15. National World War II Museum (New Orleans, USA)


The opening of the museum was timed to coincide with the 56th anniversary of strategic operation on the landing of troops in France in 1944. The atrium of the building displays military equipment that contributed to the Allied victory in World War II.

14. Academy of Fine Arts (Florence, Italy)


Within the walls of the first academy of painting in Europe, you can see world-famous art objects, for example, Michelangelo's David. Don't like sculpture? All the same, do not pass by: tourists, who adapt themselves to the naked stone bodies in an original way, will amuse you pretty much.

13. Vincent Van Gogh Museum (Amsterdam, Netherlands)


The beautiful has no price, but we have heard more than once about the fabulous sums for which the paintings of the famous Dutch post-impressionist artist are sold. In addition to the works of the master himself, the museum exhibits works of his no less famous contemporaries: Paul Gauguin, Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso.

12. British Museum (London, UK)


For centuries, colonists from the British Empire discovered the most hidden corners of the planet and grabbed interesting “souvenirs” from there, which later became exhibits of the second most visited museum in the world. Huge collection covers most different eras, cultures and arts.

11. New Acropolis Museum (Athens, Greece)


The complex, costly and lengthy construction of the museum was due to two interrelated reasons. Firstly, Greek history accumulated an excessive number of artifacts. Secondly, the British did not want to return the stolen historical and cultural values, referring to the fact that there was nowhere to exhibit and store them. I had to give up in the end.

10. National Museum of Anthropology (Mexico City, Mexico)


The culture of the indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica is shrouded in a haze of fantasy, ideas about their bloodthirstiness and unprecedented wealth. How true all this is, you can appreciate in the main museum of Mexico, which presents the ancient values ​​​​of such powerful civilizations of the past, such as the Maya or the Aztecs.

9. Vasa Museum (Stockholm, Sweden)


Scandinavia's most visited museum was built around the 17th-century Swedish ship, the Vasa. This is the oldest warship that has survived to this day. And, oddly enough, a very quick crash during his first voyage helped him to withstand the test of time. Having plunged into low salinity waters, the ship was not eaten by sea worms.

8. State Museum (Amsterdam, Netherlands)


The central place in the exposition of the museum, founded in 1808 by Louis Bonaparte, is occupied by paintings by Dutch masters of painting of the 15th-19th centuries. For example, Rembrandt's "Night Watch" is placed here - a canvas measuring 363 by 437 cm, which is famous for its difficult history with attempts at destruction, a lot of mysteries and several mentions in the cinema.

7. London National Gallery (London, UK)


The art gallery annually receives about 6.5 million tourists. More than two thousand paintings exhibited in chronological order, which helps the unprepared viewer to follow the development of Western European painting since the 13th century.

6. State Hermitage Museum (St. Petersburg, Russia)


Mecca for all guests northern capital Russia, with a mind-boggling number of exhibits, unimaginable decoration, as well as representative offices throughout the country and beyond.

5. Louvre (Paris, France)


Trying to guess the smile of the Mona Lisa through the lens of a smartphone is the sacred duty of every visitor to Paris. To do this, you have to look into the most popular art museum in the world. However, before your date with the painting by Leonardo da Vinci, you will have a photo session with a glass pyramid - the main entrance to the Louvre.

4. National Prado Museum (Madrid, Spain)


Along with bright works art belonging to the masters of the Flemish, English, German and French schools, the museum, of course, keeps the richest collection of paintings Spanish painters. Admirers of El Greco, Velazquez and Goya will be delighted.

3. Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago, USA)


The museum is concurrently the highest artistic educational institution USA, where such creators as Walt Disney were educated. Of course, among the exhibits there are many examples of American art.

2. Musee d'Orsay (Paris, France)


The museum collection is located in the building of the former railway station. In addition to a rich collection of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist works, visitors can enjoy wonderful views of the Parisian Seine here.

1. Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, USA)


In the "Big Apple" and so there is nowhere for an apple to fall, and then there are millions of visitors running from one attraction of the city to another in order to get acquainted as soon as possible. The Metropolitan Museum of Art will not work quickly: even a cursory acquaintance with some of the "motley" exhibits will take many hours.

Had to be in interesting museum? Tell us about it in the comments.

This incredible underwater museum with dozens of sculptures life size used as artificial coral reefs for local flora and fauna.

2. Hermann Boerhaave Museum. City of Leiden, Netherlands

Before it became a museum dedicated to human mutations, before mutation became a great discovery in medicine, botany and physiology, this building was a simple hospital. Now in it you can see the collection of Sebald Justinus Brugmans, which includes jars, test tubes and different kind mutations in them.

3. Museum of instant noodles Momofuku Ando. Osaka city, Japan

5. Divorce Museum. City of Zagreb, Croatia

Each item in this collection - be it Wedding Dress or even an ax - has its own history in the final stage of a failed relationship.

6. Museum of bad art. City of Beston, Massachusetts

This museum displays works famous artists, where everything went awry, as well as strange copies of paintings by other artists.

7. Sewer Museum of Paris. City of Paris, France

Believe it or not. But this museum dedicated to the sewers of Paris was founded in the Paris sewers in 1800, and it is still active today. It presents many historical exhibits and not necessarily on the theme of its name.

8. Mutter Museum. City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

This museum boasts hundreds of specimens of skulls and skeletons showing numerous pathologies in the human structure.

9. Museum of dog collars. City of Kent, England

This museum contains accessories for best friend man for five centuries.

10. Museum of death. City of Los Angeles, California City of New Orleans, Louisiana

According to its creators, the museum was founded in 1995 "so that visitors can find out the whole truth hidden from them in the media regarding some events related to the death or murder of people." The museum does not conduct tours. Each visitor can independently examine everything, which will take about an hour.

The museum itself, in addition to numerous autopsy documents, videos and photographs from crime scenes, also contains the head of Bluebeard, a French serial killer.

11. Vent-Heyvan Museum. City of Fort Havan, Kentucky

This museum has collected incredible collection posters and photographs that describe the history of talking dolls. It is worth a visit if you are not confused by the sight of hundreds of dolls watching you from the very beginning to the end of your visit to the museum.

12. Museum of paintings "Cat's House". City of Amsterdam, Netherlands

This museum has collected an incredible collection of sculptures, paintings and other utensils about cats. All of them indicate that these hairballs are an integral part of human life.

13. Museum of Bread Culture. City of Ulm, Germany

Despite the fact that this museum has collected 16,000 relics related to bread baking, there are almost no examples of baking or recipes for it in this museum.

14. House of Winchesters. City of San Jose, California

In 1884, the house was purchased by Sarah Winchester, widow of William Winchester, son of Oliver Winchester, inventor of the famous rifle.

After her husband's death, Sarah had an audience with a medium in Boston who "communicated with the spirit of her late husband." The spirit of the deceased allegedly reported that Sarah's misadventures (the death of her only daughter shortly after birth, relatively early death William) are related to the fact that the family is cursed with deaths from the rifle created by his father. In order to avoid further problems, the woman must build a special house in which the spirits cannot harm her. The widow bought the house and spent almost all of her millions on rebuilding it.

15. Museum of British lawn mowers. City of Southport, England

Not only does this museum have 200-year-old lawn mowers, but visitors are also allowed to try out the lawn mowers used by Princess Diana and Prince Charles.

16. Jurassic Technology Museum. City of Los Angeles, California

The name of the museum has nothing to do with dinosaurs. Here is a whole collection of scientific and artistic rarities.

According to the head of the Smithsonian Institution, "Museums like this one, unlike most others, are very important because they show the history of the development of scientific technology, which kindle people's interest in science."

Despite the fact that some of the exhibits, such as the decaying bones of the Russian dogs Belka and Strelka, are fake, the guides still show them as genuine. Visitors have something to discuss among themselves.

17. Barney Smith Art Museum. City of San Antonio, Texas

Retired plumber Barney Smith has created over 1,000 works of art on toilet lids. At first, for 10 years, he collected his works in his old garage, but when journalists found out about his collection and crowds of people began to come to him, the garage was rebuilt into a real museum.

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