How to draw a cat with a black pen. Cheerful animation cat

In this lesson I will tell you how to draw a cat in stages for a child. Quite often, children are faced with a problem when they are just starting to develop their Creative skills, and the drawing object is very complex. In our lesson we will easily draw a simple but beautiful cat step by step.

We get this drawing:

And at the very end of the lesson we will draw such a cutie:

Let's start drawing the cat. If you are drawing with a child, explain to him what parts the cat consists of. In our case, we start drawing from the head - it has a round shape, slightly elongated to the sides.

After the circle is drawn, start drawing the body of the cat. We draw two curved lines from the head, and on the side - two semicircular lines denoting the cat's hind legs.

What cat is without ears? So tell your child that ears are a must. We draw a pair of ears on top of the head in the form of triangles.

In the lower part of the cat's muzzle, draw a nose in the form of a triangle, and from it - two curls denoting the cat's mouth.

From above, draw cat eyes with the child - they are not round, but pointed to the corners and slightly slanted. The pupil has an elongated shape.

Now draw the paws of the cat as shown in the picture below. On each paw we will draw three fingers, and if your cat is angry, advise your child to draw claws.

And of course, any cat simply needs a tail - draw it on the side.

We add fluffiness to the kitty by drawing fur on the chest and on the paws.

Our cat is almost ready, it remains to add a few details - fur on the ears, mustache and bow. Your child can add some of his own details at his own discretion - for example, draw a bowl of milk next to it or a mouse.

I hope you liked the lesson and you learned how to draw a cat with a child in stages. If you like to draw with children, I advise you to visit my website.

Let's try to draw some more cute and cute kitties with step-by-step schemes. First, let's draw a realistic cat in full height by using walkthrough with pictures.

In the first step, I mark up the sheet to indicate the proportions of the cat. Our base will consist of several figures - I draw the shape of the head, body, the triangles of the ears are located on top. Look, it's already starting to resemble a painted cat! Try to keep the base lines barely visible, this will allow us not to be distracted by them in the future. Next, I begin to draw the face of the cat. It is somewhat pointed, in the lower part of the muzzle there is a nose and a mouth. Just above the nose, draw the shape of the cat's eyes.

Now we start drawing the ears of the cat. I add vertical pupils as well as whiskers. The next step is drawing the paws. Pay attention to how they are located in the figure below.

Now we need to draw the back, hind legs and tail of the cat. I also add touches that will make the kitty more detailed. We remove unnecessary lines, outline the contours and, if desired, color our beauty. Here we managed to draw such a cat!

Now let's try to draw a cute cartoon kitten. The drawing is very simple, even a kid can handle it!

Let's draw a big oval. Kittens always have a big enough head for cartoon drawings, we will also use this trick. Next, I draw lines - they will mean the body and tail.

Next, I will draw the ears of our kitten, give shape to the tail. It turns out pretty cute! Now our cat needs to draw a muzzle - I draw two big eyes, and between them I add a spout and a mouth. A couple of lines on top and on the ears.

Let's draw the pupils of the cat shifted to the right, add the antennae and take on the paws. First the front and then the back. Now I want to add stripes to the cat's head and tail.

On the final stages you can circle the sketch and get rid of extra lines. I decided to draw a cat in purple and pink tones, and made the eyes green. The cat looks a bit unusual, but that doesn't make it any less wonderful. And what happened to you?

The next cat will be a little more difficult to draw, but believe me - it's worth it. First, mark the sheet with such figures. Practice on a draft, after a few attempts you will definitely get it nice and neat. Also actively use the eraser, removing unnecessary uncertain lines.

Let's draw a figure located under two triangles. In the very center where our lines intersected, draw a nose and a mouth. The cat's eyes are closed - it seems that she has warmed her sides in the sun and just glows with pleasure!

Ears need to be detailed. Shade the side parts with parallel strokes.

We begin to shape the muzzle. We draw over the sketch, but now the lines are smoother. I also drew a mustache.

Now we begin to draw the body of the cat. She lies with her back to us, so there is no need to draw paws. I add some strokes to the place where the spine will be located, this will allow you to immediately understand in what position the drawn cat lies.

Step 1. First you need to define the shape of the face. To do this, draw a large circle, and below draw horizontal line- this will be the chin. Draw a vertical line exactly in the center so that both halves of the face are symmetrical.

Step 2 Here you have two options: use a ruler or freehand. Line is easier. Lay it next to your sketch and mark the center line, top and bottom edge. Connect the marks with a vertical line and divide it into eight equal segments. Continue the guide lines that are marked in the picture.

Step 3 Make four strokes on the center horizontal line. The eyes should be about here. But don't be afraid to lean higher or lower.

Step 4 We draw a nose. Draw a vertical line from the inner corner of each eye: from them you can determine the width of the nose. Then repeat according to the drawing. It is best to start with a small circle between the first and second lines.

Step 5 Draw two lines from the bridge of your nose above your eyes. Make them very thin first. Then take soft pencil(4B) and add volume.

Step 6 Draw a vertical line down from the center of each eye - this is how you define the borders of the lips. From the tip of the nose, draw two more lines to make a triangle. With a smooth stroke, mark the lower lip.

Step 7 The distance between the center line and the second line is the boundaries of the ears.

Step 8 Draw a hairline between A and B depending on how high forehead you want to depict in this picture.

Step 9 Erase the guides and the drawing is ready.

Step 1. First, set the dimensions and draw two ovals: a larger one for the torso and a smaller one for the head. Add a line dividing the smaller oval in two.

Step 2 Draw connecting lines between the two ovals.

Step 3 Add guide lines for the legs, eyes, nose and mouth.

Step 4 Draw some more guides for the nose and paws.

Step 5 Draw the nose and toes.

Step 6 Draw the eyes and complete the bear shape.

Step 7 Add details.

Step 8 Erase the guides and trace around the drawing. Add shadows and strokes to imitate the fur of a bear.

Step 1. Mark the width and height of the drawing and sketch out two ovals: the torso and head of the penguin. Draw a small horizontal line for the beak.

Step 2 Draw a few lines to more accurately outline the shape of the torso and neck. Add another line for the tail.

Step 3 Add guide lines for the legs, wings and beak.

Step 4 Draw them.

Step 5 Draw the tail and add a few more lines on the head.

Step 6 Add claws, feathers and a few more details.

Step 7 Refine the sketch by changing the thickness of the lines. Add details with strokes. Then erase the guide lines.

Step 1. Mark the width and height of the drawing. Add two ovals: the head and torso of the dog. And a line to mark the center of the head.

Step 2 Circle the ovals to indicate the shape of the dog's head and torso, and draw another smooth line - the tail.

Step 3 Add guide lines for the legs, eyes, ears and mouth.

Step 4 Draw the shape of the legs, paws, ears and jaw.

Step 5 Add details and sketch out the guides for the collar.

Step 6 Pay attention to the lower jaw, tongue, collar and paws of the dog. Finish the shape of the ears and eyes.

Step 7 Take another look at the figure and add details.

Step 8 Outline the outline, controlling the thickness and saturation of the lines. Erase all guides.

Step 1. Draw an oval - the head of the future owl - and outline the outline of the branch.

Step 2 Add another oval, partially overlapping the first one. Draw a short line approximately in the center of the smaller circle. This guide will help you eyes.

Step 3 In this step, add the ears and two more guide lines for the head. Work on the outline of the branches.

Step 4 Draw a guide line for the wing. Connect the head and body of the owl with a stroke.

Step 5 Add details on the head and mark the second wing with a line.

Step 6 Draw the eyes and beak, part of the tail and paws.

Step 7 Continue to work on the details and shape of the eyes, beak, torso. Draw a few straight lines on the wings - there will be plumage.

Step 8 At this point, add the feathers. Work on the thickness of the lines. Paint over the eyes and erase the extra guides.

Step 1. As you probably already noticed, most animals can be easily drawn using two ovals. Again outline the boundaries of the drawing and sketch out the body and head.

Step 2 Draw connecting lines, and continue one to the edge of the drawing - this will be the guide for the tail.

Step 3 Draw lines to help you draw the muzzle and four guides for the cat's paws.

Step 4 Give your feet correct form. Draw the ears.

Step 5 At this stage, add the eyes and the lower part of the muzzle, finish the tail and fingers on the paws.

Step 6 Work on the details of the head: give the ears a more realistic shape, draw the eyes and nose.

Step 7 Work on the outline of the cat's shape.

Step 8 On the final stage add hatching, stroke the path and erase the guides. The drawing is ready.

Step 1. Mark the width and height of the image. Draw the head and torso of Homer.

Step 2 neck and upper body.

Step 3 Add guides for arms and legs. Draw lines for the eyes and mouth.

Step 4 Draw the shape of the sleeves of the shirt, trousers and donut. Keep working on the character's face.

Step 5 Draw Homer's shoes, palms, eyes and mouth.

Step 6 Pay more attention small details: draw the fingers and ears more carefully, add the ears, pupils, fingers and shirt collar.

Step 7 At this point, continue adding the missing details.

Step 8 Outline the drawing, watch the thickness and saturation of the outline. Erase the guide lines and finish the floor. Ready!

Hi all! In this tutorial I will show you step by step with a pencil and then color it with colored pencils. We will draw a Maine Coon cat.

If this is your first time on a blog site, then a lesson from the drawing course with colored pencils ““ will be useful to you.

You will need:

  • a blank sheet of paper (it is better to use not White color, but sandy);
  • simple HB pencil;
  • eraser;
  • colour pencils.

Step 1. To draw a cat, you first need to sketch out the basic proportions on clean slate paper. Divide by simple figures the body and head of the cat, mark the paws and tail with ovals, and the ears with triangles. Also highlight the rounded neck and the central line of the muzzle, outline the main features of the face. Now you need to check the proportions, make sure that the turned head is located correctly. Step 2 Now we need to work out the details. Erase the extra lines with an eraser. Now draw some short lines on the face to indicate the direction of the hair growth. Then add lines around the eyes and continue them all the way to the nose. Draw the pupils, they will look like the shape of an American football. Mark the whiskers, white areas on the front legs and the texture of the coat on the whole body.
Step 3 Using a dark gray color, shade the whites of the eyes and pupils. Then, with short lines and varying pressure from medium to hard, create dark areas on the head and body, following the direction of hair growth. Please note that the hair on the tail is longer than anywhere else, so the strokes should be longer.
Step 4 Now apply dark pink color to the nose and paw pads. Then add a light layer of dark brown to the head and torso areas. Emerald green paint over the irises of the eyes. Fill the pupils with black, leaving white reflections on each of them.
Step 5 We continue to color cat. Apply some jasmine color to some parts of the body, ears, nose and around the mouth. Then - French gray on the muzzle and body areas, using short lines and following the direction of hair growth. Using medium pressure, add a layer of chartreuse to the iris, then apply black to the sides of the nose and mouth. Next I apply the henna color to the paw pads and use short lines dark gray to highlight the fur on the paws. Then use medium pressure to apply cool gray to the underside of the chin, belly and paws, marking the shadows. On the paws, I make a stronger pressure. Apply a layer of burnt amber in short lines over jasmine on the head and body to deepen the color. Add long strokes of burnt ocher and French gray to the tail, and some French gray to the fur inside the ears.

Draw cat eyes

The shape of the cat's pupil changes depending on the lighting. For example, in the dark, the pupils become larger and take on a more rounded shape, as in the example below, while in daylight hours pupils may look like tiny vertical slits. When you draw a cat or a cat from the front, make sure that the pupils are directed straight ahead. Also keep in mind that the whites of a cat's eyes are much less visible than a human's, as the cat's pupil occupies a much larger area.

Step 6 Apply cool gray to sides neck, making sure that the mustache is not painted over; then apply the same color all over the body to darken the fur. Add little blue specks to the pupil reflexes, and then blend it into the white. Next, apply bright yellow over the chartreuse on the iris, making the eyes more expressive. Shade the sternum and neck areas, and the mustache with a cold light gray, they stand out more. Apply the same color to the lower abdomen.

After that, look at the drawing from a distance to determine what other areas need more color. For more contrast, add some more burnt ocher to the same areas, and black to the dark areas of the coat. Then use a hard brush to blend and soften the colors. Do this very carefully, as overdoing it can smear the entire drawing. Eyes should not be shaded, it is better to leave them clean and luminous.

Here we have such a beautiful Maine Coon cat. Drop your work in the comments or share them in

A cat tattoo can be found mainly on girls. Guys, on the other hand, prefer cat tattoos, although even such wearable pictures among the stronger sex are rare. A cat tattoo is suitable for a feminine and soft girl who wants to emphasize her warmth and care. Girls love to depict cats on their bodies, who are fond of everything mysterious and unusual. Cats are popular among lovers of esoteric teachings.

Symbolism and meaning

Multi-symbolism is one of the features of a cat tattoo. This animal personifies a variety of meanings in different cultures. In particular, Egyptian culture displays a cat in the rank of a deity. In Thailand, cats and cats are considered the living embodiment of kindness and warmth. It is also interesting that cats lived in many Buddhist temples, which supposedly guarded Holy place from evil spirits.

Europeans in different times treated these animals differently. The Middle Ages, for example, was marked by the persecution of cats as diabolical creatures. Over time, attitudes towards these animals have changed in better side. Many European navigators took a cat on board as a symbol of good luck.

Today, cats and cats personify kindness, independence and dexterity. It is these qualities that a person who decides to fill himself with a cat tattoo should have. But the meaning of a tattoo can be just the opposite, because it all depends on the idea, sketch, chosen style and many other factors.

If you are interested in kittens, a tattoo of this format, of course, is suitable only for girls, and even then not for everyone. What do these underwear drawings mean? First of all, they personify carelessness and playfulness.

Where to stuff

  • Wrist. Little cat with inspirational words in the form beautiful lettering will complement the image of a young independent girl.
  • Lower abdomen. It is this zone that is associated with warmth and motherhood. Is there a better place to get a cat tattoo?
  • Between the shoulder blades. This option is good because such a tattoo can only be shown to a limited circle of people. From this tattoo becomes an even more intimate decoration of your body.

If wearable pictures depicting a cat are more related to a female tattoo, then representatives of the stronger sex may consider the option of filling a tattoo with a cat. Independent and self-confident guys can safely start looking for the appropriate sketch. Photos of beautiful male tattoos depicting a cat can be found on our website. At the same time, we also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the mass of other interesting tattoo variations depicting more aggressive and courageous felines. We are talking about lions, tigers and cheetahs.


Among the stars who stuffed a cat on their bodies, we highlight the following:

  • Singer Maxim;
  • Pop star Miley Cyrus;
  • Actress Alison Green.

Top ten most popular drawings among children and adults, the image of a cat is included. Consider how to draw a cat from a cartoon or favorite book, how to draw cats in profile and full face, lying, sitting, in motion. It will take a little patience, attention, the desire to create and experiment. The schemes proposed below will differ in complexity and will require certain skills and abilities.

Drawing, like other activities (roller skating, music lessons, reading), requires training. Beginning artists should be aware that:

How to draw a cat with a child 5-8 years old

Children older than five years old repeat the actions of an adult well. The parent (teacher) explains each element of the scheme slowly, encourages the child, and in difficult moments shows an incomprehensible action in his personal drawing.

Circle cat

Sleeping cat.

If a young artist has not yet achieved accuracy in drawing figures, they suggest that he use a ruler. Further:

  • draw a large circle, and inside - a small one. They try to observe proportions of 1: 2, respectively;
  • two triangles (ears) are attached to a small circle, inside they designate eyes, a nose (an inverted triangle), a mouth. Add a mustache;
  • paint on the tail.

Cat sitting on its back.

Depict two circles on top of each other (proportions 1:2). Add ears and mustaches to a small circle, a tail to a large one. Shade the back, tail, back of the head with a pencil.

How to draw a happy cat

They offer the child to draw the whole cat. Instruction:

  • two circles (for the body and head) of different sizes are marked with a dotted line;
  • the small one is circled entirely, two ears are added. The large one is partially circled (to a small one), two semicircular paws are added;
  • claws are drawn on the paws, a tail is added to the body. Draw a muzzle: eyes with pupils, nose, antennae, smile.

Stripes are hatched on the tail and back.

Draw a sad cat

Consider how to draw a cat from a triangle. For this:

  • outline a triangle, divide it in half with a dotted line. Ears are outlined at the top;
  • circle the triangle, while the corners are rounded. Add a nose, mouth;
  • erase the extra dotted line. Draw eyes, mustache, front paws.

Two dashes are added on each paw. Draw a tail.

Next, move on to the image of more complex cats.

Draw a sitting cat

Realistic cat

The body is drawn in the form of an oval, stretching vertically. Further:

The cat is being painted different colors, use the hatching technique, so the skin will look more like a real one.

Cheerful animation cat

First, draw a vertical axis of symmetry. Following is the diagram:

  • draw the lower part of the cat's torso in the shape of a heart;
  • add a small circle (upper body) and a large round head;
  • designate eyes, ears, nose, paws;
  • add a smile, a mustache, an inverted number "3" - it will serve as the basis for the front legs.

Draw the front and hind legs.

Consider how to draw a cat sitting in profile.

According to the diagram, draw an oval torso, a round head. Add ears, paw, outlines of the muzzle. Draw eyes, nose, mouth. Designate front legs, tail. Erase auxiliary lines.

How to draw a realistic cat head

For more experienced lovers of drawings, diagrams describing the process of creating a cat's head or the entire animal are suitable.


With the help of a soft blunt pencil give "fluffiness" to the muzzle. To do this, hatching is carried out in dark places. Allocate the frontal part, eye sockets, draw the pupils. You can practice and draw the cat's head in profile (see diagram).

How to draw a cat that sits sideways with its head turned

Try starting with a simple scheme:

Colorize as desired. As you gain experience, move on to the image purebred cats: Himalayan blue, Burmese, longhair pied. Follow the suggested schemes, use simple pencils different hardness, eraser.

How to draw a cat in motion

A compositional arrangement of the drawing is made on the sheet. For this:

Clarify details. Get the cat on the move.

Kitten in motion

Step-by-step instruction:

Honing the skill, using different schemes, get cats in different angles and movements.

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