Why dream of a big theater. Modern dream book theater

Hall in a dream - symbolic image your body and health, oral cavity.

To see a vaulted hall with children playing is a premonition of a toothache.

A hall full of dirty, unpleasant things is a stomach ailment.

The Hall of Columns is satisfaction in love, friendly unity, the union of many hearts and a strong family, a kind of harmonious and lasting unification in general.

A hall in which there is a lot of furniture in covers - a boring time is ahead in your life.

To be alone in a monstrously huge hall - you undertake research at your own peril and risk.

Wandering around a huge hall in a crowd of people - feeling lonely, wasting time, an important meeting is coming.

To measure a large hall - to dream of grandiose enterprises.

To be alone in the hall of mirrors is to feel insecure in your abilities.

Unusually luxurious hall - the world of art.

A hall with a grandiose dome - to have a simplified view of the world, to justify oneself with its insignificance.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Hall

Eating lamb in an open hall in a covered part of the yard is happiness.

To enter the high halls is the arrival of a noble and rich person.

There is a coffin in the large hall - portends joy and peace.

Interpretation of dreams from

It is quite interesting to explain what the theater is dreaming of. One dream book predicts new acquaintances, the other - the need for change. There are quite a few predictions. If you need to predict your future in as much detail as possible, treat everything you see in a dream with close attention.

New acquaintances, successes

Seeing yourself on the theater stage in a dream means making useful acquaintances. Modern dream book prophesies the favor of superiors and all support on their part in solving significant problems.

If you dream that you are playing on the stage of the theater leading role then you can manage own life and quite successfully. To be an artist and hear the thunder of applause - to receive a well-deserved award.

Did you dream that you were sitting in the theater on the balcony and listening to opera singing? Aesop's dream book prophesies a meeting with interesting person. Friendship with him will last long years and will bring a lot of joy and happy moments.

Interpretation of sleep by Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself in a dream as a participant in a theatrical production means, in reality, to be in harmony with your inner world. Now is the time when you do not experience internal doubts and torments, but simply lead a measured, peaceful life, rejoicing in the little things and the dawn of a new day.

Miller's dream book is sure that to see yourself in night dreams backstage - lucky sign. To be involved in a theatrical performance in a dream is fortunate. But this state will not last too long. It will take only a few days to enjoy success. Do not get lost, seize the moment and recharge with positive for the months ahead.

Interpretations for women

To be in the theater behind the curtain and wait to go on stage - for a quick marriage. Now you are not very popular with the representatives of the stronger sex, but pretty soon the situation will change dramatically. You will meet the only one with whom you decide to tie the knot.

If in a dream you were in a theater hall and applauded the speakers, it means that in reality, because of a momentary desire, you will sacrifice your own reputation. Women's dream book recommends that you first seriously consider whether the goal is worth such sacrifices, and only then decide on a dangerous adventure.

Watch your money

I dreamed that you were given a pass to Grand Theatre? Fate will bring a pleasant surprise. The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation prophesies monetary profit. If you are late to the theater and are very upset because of this, then you will not be able to earn money.

Buy tickets to puppet showgood sign. The dream means that some kind of adventure will help replenish your wallet for a decent amount. Universal dream book promises easy profit.

Buy tickets to a popular theater performance in a dream and not find a place - to futile attempts to improve your financial situation. Freud's dream book recommends leaving attempts to change your social status for a while. Just wait for a pause, and in time you will be able to achieve what you want.

dreamed Theater dream book

If in a dream you see yourself in a theater, it means that soon you will make new good friends. After such a dream, your business will also go well. If you dream that you are one of the actors involved in the play, it means that the joy ahead of you will be short-lived. Seeing yourself in a dream in a variety show means that by stupidity you can lose your wealth. If you see yourself in the opera, then all your desires and dreams will come true. If you see yourself in a dream in a theater, laughing and applauding, it means that soon you will give up honor for the sake of satisfying an empty whim. If in a dream you are fleeing from a burning theater, it means that in reality you will allow yourself to be persuaded to participate in a risky business.

Sigmund Freud

the meaning of sleep Theater dream book

A visit to the theater symbolizes imminent marriage or marriage. The theater, like the building, symbolizes a woman. See dream book Palace.

Medium Miss Hasse

why dream theater dream book

Your life will be rich in accidents

Modern dream book

see in a dream Theater dream book

If you dreamed of visiting the theater, then you will have pleasant impressions in the company of new friends. After such a dream, your business will go well. If you yourself play on stage, then your pleasure will be short-lived. A dream in which you visit a variety show warns you that you may lose property due to frivolous pleasures. If you enjoy the opera, then in reality you will succeed in fulfilling your desires and aspirations. Applauding and laughing at the performance is a sign that in real life You will give up debt for the sake of your whims. If you dreamed that you were running away from the theater during a fire or natural disaster, then you will be involved in some kind of risky enterprise.

Esoteric dream book

what does it mean if you dream about Theater dream book

The building of the theater and its lobby - a wide field of activity opens up before you, requiring imagination and ingenuity. You are in the theater as a spectator - waiting for you tempting offer, but it is better to be firm and stay away. Actions on the stage without your participation - you will be drawn into someone's game, and your role is identical to the scenes in a dream; with your participation - you yourself draw someone into your games, but you can outplay and pay for it. Destroyed - your fantasies and dreams are at stake, disappointment. Old, dilapidated - you have not discovered anything new, all your tricks are sewn with white thread.

Yuri Andreevich Longo

why dream theater dream book

To visit a theater in a dream - you will soon have to go through a meeting with extraordinary, extraordinary people who will make an indelible impression on you. Sitting alone in the auditorium - in real life, you suffer from loneliness, which you yourself once chose as your fate, naively believing that you will get along just fine. To be in the theater and not hear anything - your dream indicates that in real life your pleas and cries for help often go unanswered. The people around you don't seem to hear you.

Do you know why this happens? Most likely, you attach so little importance to your person and value yourself so little that others are used to sharing your views. Performing on stage in a dream - thus your unsatisfied vanity makes itself felt. You sincerely believe that all the blessings of the world are created exclusively for you, and you are so bright personality that in this world it is difficult to find a worthy place for the application of your talents and abilities. Has anyone ever told you that you have a highly developed conceit?

How many events can happen to us in just one short night! We manage to go around the world, fly to other planets, communicate with animals - and this is all thanks to dreams.

The theater is also not inferior in terms of the number of events in a short moment, because it is in the theater that there are a lot of heroes, colors, events, impressions, emotions. In general, this is an incredible cycle that takes with it a huge auditorium, where people, with bated breath, follow the lives of the heroes.

The theater is not an easy symbol, at all times this type of art has had a special relationship, so if this image has visited your dream, then you should know: this is not in vain. So, let's try to figure out what the theater is dreaming of. As the dream book says, the theater is a symbol of transformation, change, as well as certain roles that you have to play.

What a dream will mean specifically for you can be understood based on the details that appear in your dream. Also an important role will be played by the plot of the vision, and the main characters and, of course, your personal feelings.

  • The exterior and interior of the theatre.
  • What's the show?
  • Played or sold tickets?
  • Full or empty auditorium?

Scene in a dream

So, in order to find out what the theater is dreaming of, you first need to remember how it looked both outside and inside. . So, if a theater of royal beauty appeared in front of you, with columns in the Empire style, and inside its decoration was no less luxurious, then soon you will receive interesting offer that can turn everything in your life upside down. But be sure: it will only benefit you, because you will finally be able to realize your old dreams.

If a appearance was truly rich and chic, but there were wooden benches inside, and the paint on the walls was peeling, which means that someone will want to fool you. Do not despair, because "forewarned is forearmed." Do not give money to crooks, do not get involved in scams - and then everything will be fine.

A dream, in which the theater was unsightly in appearance, in an old and rickety house, and inside it struck with beauty and decoration, suggests that at first glance a frivolous enterprise or person can open you new world in every sense of the word. Therefore, you should trust people and situations, or better, trust the world, and then everything will turn out the way you want.

Well, if you dream of an old and abandoned theater both outside and inside, then this means that you are not setting the right goals. What you want is achievable, but you will spend a lot of time and effort on it. Try to think and understand what your purpose is, what you really want to do.

  • Child performance means that you need to reach out to your inner child and please him. Also, as Miller's dream book says, such a vision may portend replenishment in the family.
  • Comedy, farce on stage suggests that you are too serious about some situations in your life, and most importantly - about yourself. Try to "breathe" and become a little easier, then you will feel the fullness of life.

  • Drama, a heavy theatrical performance suggests that you are a person who is inclined to indulge in strong feelings. Remember that feelings and emotions are good as long as they don't work against you.
  • A concert, some kind of musical performance symbolizes a holiday that you will soon be able to attend.

Play on stage

To find out all the secrets of what the theater is dreaming of, you need to turn to your role in this dream. So, if you dream that you are sitting in the auditorium and watching the performance with inspiration, this suggests that now in a certain situation you are acting as a third person and just watching how events unfold. But remember: if any of your friends or relatives need help, you will need to step out of the role of a spectator.

If you were a supporting actor and occasionally went out to amuse the audience, this indicates your lack of self-esteem. You do not believe that you can play a major role, and yet you have absolutely all the data for this. Therefore, believe in yourself - and the whole world will believe in you!

Playing a leading role in the theater means that you believe that you are capable of much, but the following should be noted here:

  • If you played a role, but did not feel that it came from the heart, grimaced and faked, then this means that you are deceiving yourself in some way in life. So you're trying to play a role, not be yourself.
  • If you felt that you were literally one with your character, or you played yourself, then this means that you are well aware of your needs and try to follow them.

If you were selling tickets for a performance in a vision, then this suggests that you will soon make many people happy. You will be able to organize an interesting and exciting event that will win the hearts of many.

But if you dreamed that you were a director or owner of a theater, then you will soon be seriously lucky. It is important here not to miss your chance and follow your instinct and intuition.

And the last thing you should pay attention to if you dream of a theater is the auditorium. A lot of people in the hall, and you are among them, indicates that you feel like a part of something big and serious, you know how to be among people and maintain good relations with them.

A theater hall filled with people, and you are on stage - as Miller's dream book says, means that you like to be in the spotlight, but do not forget: sometimes you need to "go into the shadows" in order to accumulate strength.

If during the presentation you were the only spectator in the hall, then this indicates your tendency to introversion. You know how to feel yourself and listen to your feelings. If you performed, and there was an empty hall in front of you, then, as Miller's dream book says, you need time to spend it alone with yourself.

Dreams will reveal and tell you more than you can imagine, because they contain great amount hints. Be open to new things and your life will change!

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations assess your emotional state? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about the Theater in dream books famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Theater

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why does the Theater dream in a dream?

Being in the theater is an improvement in business, new friends. If you are busy in the theater as an actor - joy, but short-lived.

Participate in an organization theatrical performance- to loss, ruin, talking with someone in the theater - to joy; to be behind the scenes is an unexpected act even for oneself. Seeing the theater building is insincere friends and buddies. Watching a variety show - due to frivolity, stupidity, you can lose your fortune, suffer significant damage. Listen to opera - to the implementation of plans and desires. Watching a comedy in the theater, laughing and applauding around - the risk of sacrificing honor due to a whim. In the theater, a fire - participation in a risky operation, if you ran out of it - successfully avoid big trouble, if not - you will suffer losses, this means a dream that you had a dream.

Presentation (performance). Watching a performance in the theater - someone will seek you out, try to get to know you, attract your attention. For a young woman to be present at the performance, a pleasant man with serious intentions will be interested in you. I dreamed that in a dream you were experiencing the events of a performance in the theater - to surprises, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had, for more details on why the Theater is dreaming, see below.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

What is the dream of Theater for a woman:

The actors you see on stage reflect certain traits of your character. To play on stage is to draw someone's attention to yourself. Look at the stage in the theater - in life you will try to play new role. Watch the play in drama theater- There will be many accidents in your life. Comedy portends irresponsible business conduct

Old grandmother's dream book

Why does the sleeping Theater dream?

Participate - ruin; talking with someone in the theater is a joy; being backstage is an accident, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had, read on if you want to know what the Theater is dreaming of.

Modern dream book

What is the dream of the Theater in a dream book?

Having been in a theater in a dream, in reality you will make good friends and arrange all your affairs. If you saw yourself as an actor playing in the theater, the upcoming joy will be short-lived. I dreamed that you were dancing in a variety show - see how not to lose your fortune. They sang at the opera - all your wishes and dreams will come true. If you saw yourself in the auditorium laughing and applauding - do not sacrifice honor for the sake of satisfying an empty whim. Fleeing from a burning theater - do not let yourself be persuaded to participate in a risky business.

Amphitheater - success in society, joyful events; wealth, profit, good news.

Why do props dream - to deceit.

Representation in the theater - A girl who saw in a dream that she was present at some kind of performance will have to successful marriage. If the play excites her, then she has pleasant surprises ahead.

Summer dream interpreter

Auditorium - To see the auditorium of the theater filled with people - to go to the theater.

Rehearse - Rehearse to plot against you.

Prompter - Soon that's to no need to keep your mouth shut.

Summer dream interpreter

I dreamed at night that you were sitting in the theater - to get acquainted with a subtle connoisseur of art.

To sing with bass in the theater - Dreaming about how someone sings in bass in the opera or listening to records with Chaliapin's voice means that the soul asks for a holiday, you need to get out to the theater.

Overture - Someone will come to tell bad news, but will leave without daring to tell.

Egyptian dream book

What is the dream of the Theater according to the dream book:

Listen to something in a dream theatrical production in a wonderful performance - to join the world of art.

Hearing a theater overture in a dream - to the beginning of new achievements.

Spring dream interpreter

To be at the opera, to listen to the opera to people who, pursuing their goals, will "sing" to you what is beneficial for them, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.

Slavic dream book

I dreamed about the Theater in a dream, what is it for:

Theater - to be on a performance in a dream-waking performance is being played in front of you. Do not trust new acquaintances. Moon in Leo.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

I dreamed about the Theater in a dream, interpretation:

Theater - to consider your thoughts; acquire new connections. Watch the tragedy on stage - dramatize your own experiences; obsess over them; to flee from a burning theater - participation in a risky business.

Dream interpretation of Artemidor

I dreamed at night Theater, interpretation of sleep:

You dreamed of the Theater - Watching a performance in the theater A dream that you had a dream on Monday night - to a hobby that will not last long; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to a joyful event; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to the fulfillment of desire. To come to the theater, leaving tickets at home - to unwillingness to take part in some business or some kind of entertainment. Such a dream should not be ignored.

Dream Interpretation of E. Erickson

Dreamed in a dream Theater, interpretation:

What does the Theater mean in a dream - a dream about the theater portends intellectual relaxation and pleasure from it. A visit to an operetta is a sign of frivolous and cheap pleasures. Opera - meeting bohemian people who will take you up a notch. Applause - addiction to any hobby. Laugh a lot - allow yourself different quirks. Work in the theater - life will be rich in various accidents and surprises.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

I dreamed about the Theater - what does a dream mean?

You dreamed of Theater - New friendships. Imagine a theater full of spectators. An exciting performance takes place on the stage, thunderous applause is heard.

British dream book

Dreamed in a dream Theater - what does it mean?

Theater - Whatever is shown on the stage, theaters have two aspects that unite them: they provide entertainment and people play roles in them that can be completely at odds with their real selves. | backstage or observed? In life, do you prefer to be on stage, in the limelight, making sure everything runs smoothly, or do you just enjoy watching what others are doing? See also Actor, ; A speech you're not ready for

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

I dreamed about the Theater, why:

Theater - You buy a ticket to the theater - you will face deception. It’s as if you are coming to the theater - a dream suggests that your affairs are in order, you can afford to relax; perhaps in the near future you will find reliable friends. You like the play and you applaud - for the sake of a little momentary pleasure - a mere whim - you will jeopardize your honor; you observe morality not because they are a consequence of your beliefs, but because you are afraid to go against society; fear forces you to lead a decent life; but if you are sure that no one will notice, then you are like an actor engaged in a play - a short joy is also a joy. It is as if you are writing for the theater or about the theater - a case will help you get rid of debts.

Phoebe's big dream book

Had a dream and what does the Theater mean in a dream?

What does the Theater mean in a dream - you will have many new friends. Imagine big beautiful building theater. You go inside, enter the auditorium. It is completely filled with spectators. You take your seat in the front row. The play begins. You see your favorite actors. You like the show very much. When the performance is over, you and the other spectators applaud the actors bowing on the stage.

Dream Interpretation of E. Erickson

The dreamer dreamed of a theater, what is it for?

Theater - see also Scene 1. The interpretation of the theater in the dream depends on which part of it is illuminated. If this is a scene, then this refers to the specific situation in which the dreamer is. If it's a hall, it's important to hear it. The play that we create in our dream on the stage is especially important. If we ourselves are not involved in the action, then we can stand in the shadows and work out objective point vision. 2. - The dreamed theater is important in the relationship of people with each other. On stage, they seem to be illuminated. Being in the beams of spotlights, for example, expresses our need to be noticed. Being under the dome means we have a clear view of the situation. 3. From a spiritual point of view, dream games illuminate the idea of ​​the microcosm in the macrocosm - the small within the big.

Russian dream book

I dreamed about the Theater in a dream, why:

What does the Theater mean in a dream - false friends.

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