The most effective rituals to attract love on New Year's Eve. The best conspiracies for a quick marriage from leading healers and sorcerers

Since ancient times, young girls have used omens to marry happily and for a long time. And those who used to resort to such methods really on the new year, even on a leap year, received an opportunity and an offer from a pleasant young man, despite the fact that there were no prerequisites for marriage before. This means that the results of the sign are completely dependent on the one that will resort to such superstitions. Life circumstances in the everyday life of every girl in some cases require a little push to activate the positive energy for marriage. It is this impetus that will be special rituals and signs for marriage, helping the girl to put on a white dress and a veil next year, and in a leap year.

Types of signs for a wedding

Previously, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, in their dreams of a white dress and a ring, came to the help of magical powers, conspiracies, prayers for a speedy marriage. Most often, such conspiracies and rituals were held on New Year's Eve or Christmas.

And depending on what goals the future bride will pursue in her actions and wedding desires, the rituals used for this will also depend:

  1. Signs and superstitions of a general nature. The girl has not yet decided who her future groom is. However, there is a desire to guess at least out of the corner of the eye who it might be, as well as to bring closer the fateful meeting on Christmas or on the new leap year. With this kind of rites and traditions, it is very good to use special wedding prayers that need to be read for the new year, even on a leap year or Christmas. In such prayers, a young girl can ask for a groom for herself and a speedy wedding next year.
  2. Signs and conspiracies for a single person. This kind of sign should be used if the girl already has a stable and long-term relationship with a young man, but no movement for the wedding is foreseen. In this case, you need to give impetus to marriage with the help of rituals at Christmas or in a leap year.
  3. If a young woman is already married, then in the new year, together with her unmarried friends, she can perform magical rituals for Christmas, which will attract happiness and prosperity in family life in the new year, even on a leap year.

When a girl has decided which of the categories of superstitions she will accept and expects to use, she needs to prepare early to perform certain actions. For some time, you should give up the use of alcoholic beverages and nicotine addictions. Also, one should prepare mentally, namely, to clear the mind of evil thoughts. Belief in a positive result that will be obtained after a magical rite and a conspiracy on Christmas is also an important component of proper conduct.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Baba Nina: "To escape from lack of money once and for all, make it a rule to wear simple .." Read article >>

Conspiracies to meet a man

In order to perform a ritual to attract a man into her life, a girl must get up early in the morning. When the new year has already arrived and go to the nearest place with water. You need to draw some water into the bowl and pronounce the plot:

Bring female happiness and health into my life.

After that, you need to wash yourself with this water three times and go to church in order to pray in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. This kind of Slavic conspiracy is actually very strong and you can expect a very quick result and the appearance of a groom on the horizon. However, it can only be performed once, on the new year. And such rituals always give an effect, even if they are performed in a leap year.

The ability to look or draw the desired future has always attracted girls

Sign using honey

Another ritual that helps attract the groom, which is also performed only once a year, is a sign using honey. For the purposes of performing the ceremony, you should stock up on a small jar of natural honey. At dawn, you should read a conspiracy over this product:

Honey is fragrant and sweet! For a speedy marriage, make life sweeter and richer! I read the magical sentence. Help me find a groom to take me and the sweet honey life. Amen!

Such charmed honey should be taken every day, one teaspoon, on an empty stomach in the morning. When on the way you meet a young man who will be the prospective groom, then only you need to stop taking honey. Most often, the meeting takes place a couple of months after the ceremony.

Conspiracy on the rings

If the girl has not yet met her betrothed, then such a conspiracy on the rings will also suit her. The day of the ceremony should coincide with the new moon, when the month will not be visible in the sky. To perform the ceremony, you should prepare a ring, a white candle and holy water in a glass. When performing a magical action, the ring is placed in a glass of water, a candle is lit nearby. The girl should say a prayer:

Betrothed find me! Bring our love and our happiness. Our wedding and our children! As I said, so be it! Amen!

The words must be spoken three times. After that, the girl should get the ring, put it on, while going out to the middle of the room. And let him pour holy water on his head. After it, she can calmly go to bed and sleep after waking up, the ring can be removed and hidden in a secluded place until a young man meets on the way.

The Christmas rite will allow you to see the betrothed

Christmas rite

This category of ritual is one of the most powerful. It should be performed on Christmas, if the girl already has a young man in mind with whom she could marry. For the best effect, it is best for the girl's younger sister to help perform the ceremony. On the Orthodox holiday of Christmas, all magical actions acquire a special power and energy effect. To carry out the ritual, the girl's sister must prepare the props, and this is a clean white cotton cloth, two white candles, a photograph of a young man and one that depicts an older sister.

The New Year is a truly magical holiday, on which the most cherished dreams can come true. In order for the wish to be fulfilled for sure, simple New Year's ceremonies and rituals will come to the rescue. The magic of the New Year is magic. There are many rituals and conspiracies for the New Year. Many of them are aimed at ensuring that the bad remains in the old year, and the new one brings happiness, luck, love and prosperity. The time of New Year's celebrations is filled with the strongest energy and magical powers. Do not be afraid, all rituals have good intentions and will not bring harm to anyone.

It is a couple of hours before the New Year and under the chiming clock that people try to conduct as many rituals as possible. You should not miss such a chance.

Many people know a simple but effective ritual for the fulfillment of desires. It is most often held at midnight. To do this, you need a pen, paper and a glass of champagne.

When the chimes start to beat, you need to quickly write your desire on paper, burn it, and dissolve the ashes in a glass, and then drink its contents to the bottom.

The content of the article:

Few people thought that by decorating the Christmas tree, you can thereby perform light rituals:

  1. If you have your own farm, you need to hang apples on the Christmas tree. There will be a big harvest in the new year.
  2. Candy symbolizes a "sweet" and carefree life. When the clock strikes 12, you need to remove the candy from the tree and eat it.
  3. The more coins and banknotes on the Christmas tree, the richer the coming year will be.
  4. White bells are hung for health.
  5. Red toys, especially in the shape of hearts, should be hung on the spruce for lonely halves. Most likely, it is in the new year that there is a chance to meet your love or legitimize an existing relationship.

New Year's rituals to attract wealth

Who wouldn't want the new year to be better in terms of money than the old one? In this case, there is an effective ritual.

The day before the New Year, you need to go to the store and choose the most beautiful wallet and gold-colored ribbon for yourself.

It is important that the wallet is brand new and that its buyer really likes it. A couple of minutes before the chiming clock, you need to put a large bill in it.

When the clock starts to strike, you should take it in your hands and quickly say the words:

“Let the bill attract money, multiply it and make me rich.”

After that, this wallet must be kept as a talisman. You should not carry it in your bag and save money for everyday purchases.

It should be used as a piggy bank, putting money into it for better times. By the end of next year, the accumulated money should be spent on something worthwhile and useful.

The main thing is that it is not a pity to spend the accumulated amount, but on the contrary, it is easy and pleasant. Thus, in a year, even greater financial condition awaits.

Also, to attract well-being, it is worth doing a few simple rituals.

  1. When the chimes start to beat, money should be in your pocket, the more the better. If desired, you can hold the coins in your hand or put them in shoes or socks. It will not be superfluous to put more nuts and sweets in pockets, bags and purses. They must lie there until the next evening.
  2. In order for luck and prosperity to accompany any undertakings, a bill should lie under the tablecloth.
  3. An equally good option is to glue coins under the bottom of each candle and put them on the table as decoration. In the morning, peel off these coins and put them in your wallet. Let them lie there all year round and attract wealth.
  4. You need to celebrate the New Year in at least 3 new things. Since the upcoming 2019 is the year of the Yellow Boar, it is better to buy things in bright colors: yellow, red, orange. On the morning of January 1, you need to put on everything clean and ironed.
  5. On the festive table there should be as many different delicious dishes as possible (at least 12) and drinks. At the table should be the closest relatives and friends. It is worth inviting to the table everyone who comes to congratulate on the new year. Then financial well-being will not pass by your doorstep.
  6. If there are debts, it is worth distributing them in the outgoing year. Otherwise, in the coming year, you definitely won’t pamper yourself with money.

Rituals for love and marriage in the new year

Undoubtedly, every person wants to love and be loved. And most importantly, it should be mutual. But not everyone is given such happiness.

There are several rituals that can help you meet pure and true love sooner, perhaps even in the new year.

In any case, it's worth a try. The main thing is to believe in what you are doing and do it right.

  1. You will need to take 2 glasses of champagne and more tangerines. Of these, you need to lay out the shape of a heart under the tree. When the chimes start to beat, it is necessary to fill two glasses of champagne, put one in the middle of a tangerine heart, and hold the other in your hand and say the words: “I pour champagne into glasses, I rather call for love. One glass is mine, the other is my favorite. Drink one glass to the bottom, saying: "I poured champagne, thereby inviting my dear." After midnight, pour the contents of the second glass into an open window.
  2. On a festive night, before going to bed, you need to put a crystal bowl over the headboard and put various goodies (sweets, nuts, fruits) in it. After that, you can sleep peacefully. In this way, you can attract the attention of men, among whom, perhaps, there will be the same one.
  3. A very simple ritual that will be easy for any girl who dreams of meeting her love. Before the New Year, you need to buy beautiful men's slippers. Arriving home and holding them in your hands, you need to tell them what kind of man you dream of, what character he should have, facial features, figure, nationality, hobbies, work and everything that comes to mind. After that, say 3 times: “I already love you, I’m looking forward to it, come quickly, put on new slippers.” After that, slippers should be under the tree until it is removed. Then you can put slippers in your hallway. You will certainly be amazed if in the new year a man who matches the description crosses the threshold of the house.
  4. This rite is intended for those who were lucky enough to meet true love and now want to get married. Sometimes you need to push your chosen one to a serious step. New Year's magic can help with this. Shortly before the New Year, you need to put in your pocket a photo of your boyfriend, facing you. Put a gold ring in the same pocket. Having met the New Year and going to bed, the ring with the photo should be shifted under the pillow. Then you can expect an offer from your loved one.
  5. Another no less powerful ritual to attract long-awaited love. You will need 2 figures: male and female. If you have talent, you can do it yourself. Otherwise, purchase in a store or look at home. It can be Barbie and Ken, Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, etc. A few days before the holiday, put the female silhouette under the Christmas tree, and hide the male figure from prying eyes. On January 1, you can get a hidden figure and put it next to the female one under the tree. With each subsequent day, substitute the figures closer to each other. There is a belief that when the figures stand close to each other, then the same man is already there and the long-awaited meeting will take place very soon.

New Year's rituals for the fulfillment of the desired

There are rituals that help the desire come true faster.

Seven candles

The colors of the candles should be different. They need to be placed in such a way that a circle is obtained. This can be done on the floor, table, or other flat surface.

Alternately light candles and say out loud desires.

It can relate to anything convenient: family, children, love, health, work, etc.

The main thing is that it be kind and does not imply anything bad, otherwise it will not bring any result or even turn in the direction of the performer of the ritual.

If all the wishes are made, and the unlit candles are still left, you can invite one of the family members to make their wish.

Or, on the remaining candles, you can re-make a wish that you most want to fulfill.

This should be done 10 minutes before the new year. All candles should be lit at midnight and burn until you go to bed.

Whisper to desire

Exactly at New Year's midnight, you need to whisper a cherished desire for food or drink. Then eat everything that was poured into a plate and drink a glass to the bottom. Despite the very simple rite, the result will certainly amaze.

Desire before sleep

Sometimes it happens that on New Year's Eve, for some reason, a person goes to bed without waiting for the chiming clock. This can be beneficial, as it is possible to perform a ritual on desire. You just need to go to bed, make a wish and fall asleep before midnight.

Rituals for happiness

A few minutes before the New Year, you need to open the doors and windows for a couple of minutes so that all the bad things leave the house. When the clock strikes, doors and windows must be closed. And when the New Year comes, open them again, but already luring all the good things into the house.

It is advisable to finish all the difficult work before the holiday, so that the first two weeks of the new year until January 14 can enjoy the rest and have fun.

Every day you need to do something pleasant for yourself: buy something, cook goodies, have fun with family or friends, watch an interesting movie, etc.

Be sure to take care of gifts for loved ones, they must please them.

The considered rituals are quite easy and not at all scary. With a great desire and faith in their power, you can easily attract happiness, wealth, health and love into your life.

Which of the girls does not dream of a lasting and happy marriage with a loved one? But not all ladies can make this dream a reality on their own. Sometimes the second half has to wait a very long time. Yes, and having married a loved one, not everyone can boast of a cloudless union. Conspiracies for marriage and for the love of a husband have been considered effective since ancient times. With their help, they attracted worthy young people and put things in order in existing families.

Unbreakable rules of marriage conspiracies

In order for the plot to fully fulfill its mission, when reading it, a number of rules must be observed. It is the observance of the rules that will help you quickly marry a good guy or save an existing family, so:

  1. Pronounce each phrase of the conspiracy as clearly as possible, especially clearly pronounce the name of your lover. There is an opinion that the frequent pronunciation of the name of a loved one during a conspiracy significantly increases the chances of a successful outcome of the ceremony.
  2. Carrying out a magical ritual, believe with all your heart in the fulfillment of what was planned.
  3. Absolutely all love conspiracies are carried out in complete solitude and in a calm atmosphere.
  4. When making a conspiracy for a quick marriage with the desired person, fully concentrate on his physical image. You need to think about your beloved both during the reading of the prayer and during the ritual itself. If you are still unfamiliar with your soul mate, but really want to meet that one, feel free to draw in your imagination a picture of an ideal man and images of your happy life.
  5. Do not talk about the magic ritual even to the closest people. If a second person finds out about a marriage conspiracy, he will not have force.
  6. To strengthen your energy, and therefore the power of your words, you need to endure a three-day fast before the magical action.
  7. Conspiracies for a successful marriage are read only for a growing month.

Conspiracies for a successful marriage and a happy family life

In fact, there are many rituals aimed at finding a good husband. We suggest you try the most effective of them:

Conspiracy for a silver ring

The rite on the ring is held at midnight, in complete seclusion, when the moon is hidden behind the clouds. Father-in-law, you should be absolutely alone in the room and nothing should distract you. Light a wax candle, lower the ring into a non-translucent bowl. Fill the cup with clean water and cross yourself three times, say this prayer:

“I throw the ring into the water, I whisper the cherished word: the servant of God (Name), on me, the servant of God (Name), marry, but do not hesitate! As she said, so be it. Amen"

When the last word of the prayer is said, pour some water on your crown, and put the ring on the ring finger of your right hand.

Conspiracy on a new broom

Young ladies who want to have the right to choose a partner, that is, to attract several good suitors at once, can make a conspiracy on an unused broom. For this ceremony, you will have to stock up:

  • new panicle;
  • homemade trash bag;
  • yellow scoop.

At midnight, notice the floor in the kitchen, collect the trash with a dustpan and put the rubbish in a cloth bag. While doing these manipulations, pronounce the following words:

“I drive the good fellows to my house. Not idlers, not greedy, not thieves. Hurry, come, my grooms. From their own or even other people's yards. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

The bag of garbage must be put away in a dark corner, inaccessible to the eyes of others, and once a day, read the Our Father next to it.

Conspiracy for the feast of the Resurrection of the Lord (Easter)

If a young girl wants to find a good and reliable life partner, going to church at Easter, she needs to put some grains of wheat in her bosom. When leaving the service, the girl can not talk to anyone. And when you get home, you need to scatter the grains at the threshold, saying:

How many burning lights I saw in the temple, so many, God grant me, suitors. How much wheat was in a handful, let so many dear ones knock on my house. Amen".

Conspiracy for Baptism

On Epiphany morning, a girl who wants to get married needs to weave a red ribbon into her braid. With a ribbon in a braid, you need to walk all day. Before going to bed, you need to undo the braid, and burn the ribbon and scatter the ashes, while pronouncing the following words:

I light a candle, I throw a girl’s ribbon into the fire, I order the servant of God (name) to marry the servant of God (name), to call her my dear wife. Forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for marriage during the wedding ceremony

If suddenly you witnessed the wedding ceremony of a couple in love, this can help you get married as soon as possible. To do this, you need to learn a special prayer and read it to yourself at the wedding:

“Just as these newlyweds got married in the church, they exchanged gold rings before the Lord, so I, God’s servant (name), will soon get married with God’s servant (name) and exchange gold rings. Amen"

Conspiracy on the shoes of the bride

This plot can be done on wedding shoes of any of the relatives or close friends. But remember that it is impossible to divulge the secret of a magical action, so everything must happen incognito. With wedding shoes, for example, sisters, everything is easier. But you can ask a friend for shoes, referring, for example, to a very important date.

And there is nothing complicated in the magical ritual itself. On the growing moon, you need to wash the bride's shoes, it is advisable to do this in the light of the moon, pronouncing the following words:

Shoes, stomp, clap for me, so that I myself will quickly get married. Mouth to the castle, everything is silent. Amen.

This conspiracy is very effective and within a few months after it is carried out, the girl will get married.

Conspiracy to love a spouse

Anything can happen in life, and it happens that even in the most exemplary family, dark times come. Having lived together for several years, a woman suddenly begins to notice that her beloved is becoming a stranger to her. There may be several explanations for this. One of them is the appearance of a third person in a relationship, and the other is that the husband simply fell out of love with his wife.

But our great-grandmothers knew a lot about love affairs and left us a powerful conspiracy to save the mistress and return the love of the spouse as a legacy.

For a magical rite, you will need the following items:

  • a candle from the church, matches;
  • salt;
  • water consecrated for the holiday.

The ceremony is performed at night in complete solitude. Pour water into a bowl and dilute some salt in it. Place a lit candle and water in front of you. Read a prayer on the salt solution exactly 12 times:

Then leave the candle to burn out, and sprinkle water on the four corners. When the bowl of water is empty, leave the room without looking back. And going to bed, read the Our Father prayer 3 times.

For the return of her husband to the family

This is a very powerful conspiracy, and if everything is done correctly, the husband will return in the very near future. The plot is done on a full moon. At midnight, a woman should go out onto a road with four intersections and read a prayer three times for each of them:

For the love of a young husband

A conspiracy to love a husband should be read for the new month. To fulfill the plot, you will need a candle from the church, a new white tablecloth and a few strands of your spouse's hair.

At 12 o'clock at night, close all windows and doors in the room. Place a clean tablecloth on the dining table, sit down at the table and carefully connect the hairs to the candle without destroying the shape of the candle. Then slowly roll the candle into a circle shape. Next, open one window and look at the month through the formed circle of the candle, and whisper the following prayer:

After the ritual, wrap the candle ring in a piece of cloth and hide it in a safe place.

Loyalty Conspiracy

This plot is done for a gift. You can talk about a gift for any holiday, or make a pleasant surprise for your loved one just like that. You can give anything as long as there is a deck of cards in the gift set. Above the gift, read the following conspiracy:

After that, give your sweetheart a gift, and keep the deck for yourself. Cards should not be shown to anyone, and every time for a growing month you need to read the same prayer on it. This simple ritual will allow you to save your family. And your spouse will not even have thoughts about going to the left.

How to maintain fidelity and love of a husband

It has long been known that a man's heart can be easily reached through the stomach. Well, if the food is still flavored with a special conspiracy, devotion and passionate feelings of your loved one are provided to you. The dish over which the prayer is read must necessarily be in the top rating of the favorite food of the faithful. Often, men prefer meat, so it is better to read the conspiracy for meat food.

Talking about food is pretty easy. You just need to read a special prayer seven times while cooking:

“The mighty beast was overcome by longing-dryness for the menagerie, he came to Nikola Ugodnik and prayed: “Let me go, Nikola Ugodnik, calm me down, put me to sleep. Nikola waved his stick, the beast fell to the ground, as if knocked down. Crows are circling over the beast, they want to peck the meat. Do not give, grandfather, meat to the crows, but give the servant of the Lord (the name of the spouse). Let the servant of the Lord (your name) remember, she dries up with fierce longing. To be this according to my word, neither conversation nor cross. “The blood boils from the heat, black smoke pours. Whoever eats this meat will burn for me all his life, and no one will cool him to me until the end of time. Words - in a casket, a casket - on a lock, a squelch in the water, only they saw him.

And if you decide to speak a sweet dish or pastries, then you need to read such a conspiracy:

“As from the appearance of the rich, it is sweet, so from me, the servants of God (name in full form), the Servant of God (name) will be sweet. And if he doesn’t come to me, any food will be bitter to him. Key, mouth, lock. “Likhov Forest stands up to heaven. The winds in the forest are icy, the trees in the forest are stone, the grasses are prickly, the animals are biting, they are hungry for human blood. In the middle of that forest is a mountain, and on the mountain is my hut. The hut is light, warm, satisfying and calm. The oven itself bakes the bread, the tablecloth itself sets the table, the bed spreads itself. Come to me, light-Nikitushka (replace the name), stay forever and never know Liha. Amen, amen, amen."

Pamper your soul mate with such food more often and be always loved and the only ones!

How the clairvoyant woman Nina helps to change the line of life

The legendary clairvoyant and prophetess, known throughout the world, launched an accurate horoscope on her website. She knows how to start living in abundance and forget about money problems tomorrow.

Not all zodiac signs will be lucky. Only those born under 3 of them will get a chance to get rich unexpectedly in July, and 2 signs will have a very hard time. You can go through the horoscope on the official website

On New Year's Eve according to the old calendar, you have a unique opportunity not only to look into your future, but even change it slightly. For example, if you didn’t have enough money this year, or perhaps you still haven’t met your fate, you can try to fix the situation.

The Old New Year is a magical time for the fulfillment of cherished desires, for significant changes in life, and in order for the desires to be effective, conspiracies for the Old New Year will help you. Of course, magic happens only under certain conditions, which are quite feasible. Firstly, you must firmly believe in miracles, and secondly, never use them to commit an evil deed.

In this article:

How and why do conspiracies for the New Year work?

Too many circumstances led to the fact that on the night of the 13th to the 14th you can not only find out your fate, but also speak it for happiness, luck and love. At first, when the inhabitants of the earth lived according to the Julian calendar, the celebration took place from December 31st to January 1st. But let's be consistent.

Even in pagan Russia, our ancestors dedicated this day to the sun god. In winter, they needed much more solar support, they asked for warmth, for a good future harvest. It was from here that he went, as people generously showered each other with grain, asking for even more in return. Yes, that's right, the law "Giving, you get" was not invented by the developers of positive psychology and far in the 21st century. With the advent of Christianity, people continued to turn to the sun, but without a name.

But this day had other patrons - Basil the Great and Saint Melania, who protected from troubles and helped with the new harvest. And with the advent of the Gregorian calendar in our country, the date of the celebration has also changed. Now in Russia and the former countries of the USSR they celebrate two New Years, one of them is really new, but the other is called old. The proximity of Christmas and Epiphany added magic to this event, and now on the night of the old New Year you can make wishes, guess and speak your destiny.

How to attract money and wealth to the house?

There are many conspiracies and rituals for the old New Year in order to attract money. We will present the most effective and efficient to your attention.

Cleansing words for the appearance of money

You will need a green candle and a red piece of fabric. In the evening it will be necessary to wash the whole apartment, especially the corners. Dismantle cabinets, get rid of unnecessary trash, because money loves space and airflow.

At midnight, you should go around the entire apartment, illuminating, “burning through” in a figurative sense, every corner and wall. Be careful with gas and nylon curtains, do not bring a candle very close to them, remember that they are flammable. When cleaning an apartment, you should say:

“Heavenly flame, Divine flame, cleanse my house of all evil: from insults, from fierce hatred, from black envy, from bad desires. May the soul of my house be as pure as the corners, as well as the walls of the house. Let him be ready to accept the innumerable riches that are already rushing into my possessions. My words are light, my words are strong!

The procedure must be repeated three times, then wrap the cinder in a red piece and put it in the closet until the next Old New Year.

Ritual with coins

You will need:

  • cast iron pot,
  • Holy water,
  • green candle,
  • yellow coins,
  • beans,
  • red bag (or purse).

Pour holy water into the cauldron, wash yourself with it. Put gold coins and beans in it, you can throw a couple of gold earrings, rings with stones and try to completely fill the surface of the water with wax, in a chaotic manner. In the process of pouring, you need to read the plot:

“As our old year goes away, so it will take away everything with itself, money problems will take everything away from us! As our New Year comes, so money with wealth will enter my house! And for fidelity, I will lock up that wealth under seven seals so that it grows, grows and brings happiness to the house of the servant of God (name)! Amen".

Blow out the wick and leave for three days, then put all the coins, gold and beans in the purse, clean it deep and far away from prying eyes.

Conspiracy to fire

You will need:

  • cast iron boiler,
  • broom,
  • gold coins,
  • paper,
  • matches,
  • twigs,
  • red cloth
  • full concentration.

Scatter coins around the room, then sweep them up and collect them in a red bag with the words:

“I’ll save every coin, put it in my pocket!”

Kindle in a pot with paper and a few small fires, literally for a minute. Place a lit candle in front of you. The following spell should be pronounced over the fire:

“As the sun burns in the sky, so does my hearth burn, here on earth in my house! As living and non-living things reach for the sun, so riches would reach into my house! As every living sun in the sky loves, so would wealth here on earth love me! Three times I will bow to the fire, three times I will pray to the fire! My words are strong, Amen!

Simple conspiracies for money

For those who have no time to carry out complex manipulations, we have selected the simplest ones that can be carried out on the go.

On the beans

In order for money to be found in the wallet, you will need to put a few beans in the wallet with the words:

“I, the servant of God (name), collect the grains, attach one to the other so that the money is spent, never withdrawn! Amen".

For gold

In order for the house to be full of wealth, you need to take a beautiful transparent bowl (vase), put all the gold that is in the house into it (in the modern world, you can put many, many beautiful stones, they are easy to find in a needlework store). On Satron's New Year's Eve, at exactly 12 o'clock, say:

“A bowl full of good, brought me gold to my house! How good shines in the cup, adds wealth to me! My need will go away, looking at such beauty, prosperity will come in its place in full force!

And, do not forget - the main thing is to believe in miracles.

Love is the most beautiful feeling on earth. Everyone needs love, big and small. The second goal for some people is marriage, especially for girls. Marriage for many representatives of the weaker sex is the roots of their existence here on earth, but the top will be children. That is why they so often turn to magical conspiracies, the strong words of which help in matters of love.

Magic rituals for love on a wreath

You will need:

  • a wreath of wild flowers (today it can be purchased even in winter or ordered at a flower shop),
  • Red thread,
  • Holy water,
  • paper,
  • pencil.

If you have already decided on your beloved and do not know how to bring the moment of your mutual happiness closer, then in the process of this spell, say: servant of God (name). For those who just want to meet their soul mate, the conspiracy is carried out without a name.

Put the wreath on the table, put a lighted red candle in the center. As you look at him, say the following:

“A wreath for a girl is like a ring for marriage! Round like the sun, beautiful like life, desirable like love! As soon as a young wreath is put on her head, so the heavenly forces will take her under the arms, they will bring her to the side of her beloved, and on the other side they have long been waiting for her to marry! Let my words be strong, let my words be tenacious for love.

After that, the girl should put a wreath on her head and say it again and a third time also with a candle in the center. The wreath must be kept until meeting with your loved one, then, after waiting for spring, throw it into running water (river or stream).

For marriage

Get the following:

  • gold or red candle
  • two wedding rings (can be homemade from foil, can be decorative),
  • holy water,
  • red thread,
  • Piece of paper,
  • coal,
  • pen, red ink.

The candle must be lit. Tie two rings with red thread and put in front of you in a saucer with church water. In a note in ink, write and read the following words:

“Betrothed, named, come to me on a white horse, call with you, give me a wedding ring! What is written with a pen cannot be broken with an ax, burned with a flame, or blackened with coal! My words are strong, my words are eternal!

Then roll the note into a tube and, tying it with a red thread, put it next to a lit candle. Concentrate on the wedding rings by saying:

“Come narrowed, take away in marriage”, exactly seven times seven.

After that, burn the note and eat some ashes with holy water. All that is left, remove from prying eyes.

To strengthen relationships

In order for the family to have strong relationships, on the old New Year, buy a new, solid broom, tie a lot of satin red ribbons on it in a circle, saying spells for each:

“Our family is strong and inseparable like a broom! Our family, like a broom, cannot be broken, not torn apart, we are a single whole, a twig to a twig, a stick to a stick taken in one ring, knitted with a single elm! The thread is red, like fire surrounds our family, it doesn’t let anyone bad into it, our love protects! Amen".

The spell must be spoken just after midnight.

Simple conspiracies in the old New Year for love

If there is no time to carry out complex magical actions, you can get by with very simple manipulations.

On the picture

If you don’t have a photo of your beloved man, you can take a clipping from a beautiful magazine and put it under your pillow on New Year’s Eve and say:

“My mummers are narrowed, come to me, take me in marriage! In the girls, the servant of God (name), I sat up, I was waiting for you! Saint Basil, help me meet my beloved this year, take a walk at my wedding! Amen".

To the track

At midnight from the 13th to the 14th, in front of the front door or in front of the entrance, say:

“Powers of heaven, consecrate the path to my house for the betrothed, he got lost, winding, will not find me! May your stars illuminate his path, and he will come to my doorstep this year! I believe in your help! Amen!".

beauty spells

Beauty is important for every girl or woman. For the sake of beauty, they are ready for a lot. These ancient New Year's conspiracies can help you multiply your beauty.

Hex with flowers

For this ritual, take church water and a beautiful flower. With a lit candle at exactly midnight from January 13 to 14, wash yourself with holy water with the words:

“Holy water, pure water, give unearthly, radiant beauty! Like a flower in my hand blooms, so would my beauty, the servants of God (name) would bloom day by day, would never fade! So be it, Amen."

The flower cannot be dried, it must be thrown out in the cold. If there is no frost outside, put it in the freezer. You can throw it away after seven days.

Hex on the mirror

Buy a beautiful small mirror especially for this occasion. Bring home holy water and seven golden candles. Place them in a semicircle and light them, put seven bowls of consecrated water in front of them, into which you will lower the mirror in turn, while saying:

“Seven waters wash my reflection, seven waters cleanse it, the reflection will become a hundred times more beautiful than before! As I look into my reflection, so will its beauty pass to me. I'll look a hundred times, go over a hundred times, look two hundred times, go over two hundred times! My words are strong and light, guarded by seven fires. Amen".

Easy conspiracy for beauty

Every time, washing her face in the morning, the girl should repeat:

“How clean and bright the water is, so my face would be clean and bright, noticeable in everything! Water, water, grant me its beauty, may it cleanse my face from all evil! Amen!".

Conspiracies for happiness and good luck

In order for our ancestors to settle in the house with happiness and good luck, various conspiracies were read on the old New Year. We have chosen for you the simplest but most effective magic rituals.

Hex on a stone that brings good luck

They have been preparing for this slander since the summer: they look for the smoothest and most beautiful stone in the river, and 9 clover leaves in the meadow, dry them.

You should purchase 9 golden candles and holy water. At midnight from the 13th to the 14th of January, candles must be placed and lit around. Place two bowls on the table, fill one with consecrated water, the other with ordinary water. Put the stone in the usual one and say:

“Let the dead water wash the stone, so that all my spiritual wounds heal, all bad things leave the house.”

Place the stone in the consecrated one and say:

“The stone, let the living water wash, so that luck and happiness enter the house forever and ever, settle, do not rush to leave. My words are like a stone, solid and indestructible! Amen".

Put iron utensils and burn dry clover with paper, saying:

“Burn a four-leaf clover so that my cherished desires come true. Bring me a four-leaf clover to the house, what you asked for! Amen!".

Good luck with chicken bones

You will need a cast-iron cauldron, dried chicken bones from a common, festive dinner, green candles. Before magical manipulations, you should collect chicken bones, dry them in the oven.

At midnight of the old New Year on the street, use paper to set fire to chicken bones with the words:

“As the fire consumes the ashes, so luck would have completely taken over my house!”

After that, you need to go to the crossroads of roads that are better not rolled into asphalt and scatter the ashes (or what is left) in the wind with the words that must be repeated exactly 9 times:

"Ashes to the wind, luck to me!"

On fir branches

To make you lucky all year round, you can also arrange spruce legs with red satin bows, which will need to be consecrated in the church. While the process of sanctification is taking place, say this speech to yourself:

“As the spruce aroma triumphs in the walls of the temple, interrupts other aromas, so luck would triumph in my house, I would not let any troubles into the house! Amen".

Conspiracies for the old New Year come true, the most important thing in any magical process is your huge, endless, childish faith that all your desires will come true.

When your friends have been married for a long time, and your betrothed has not yet shown up, casual relationships do not bring either an engagement ring or confidence in the future, do not despair! You have a chance to successfully marry! You can entrust your fate to an experienced psychic and very soon hear those very three cherished words: “Be my wife!”.

"And they lived happily ever after!". This phrase is the dream of any unmarried girl. Everyone wants to be a happy wife. You can sit by the open window and wait for the prince under a scarlet sail or on a white horse, or you can take fate into your own hands and turn to a professional for help - clairvoyant Rimma, whose experience and gift helped hundreds of single girls find their betrothed.

- Both girls and young women come to me with a request to help them get married successfully. Someone is hindered by shyness or excessive modesty, but more often the road to a happy family life is blocked by damage imposed by someone on loneliness or a curse, including a generic one. I help to remove the negative impact, for each specific case - for each woman I select my own individual rite. I open the way for marriage so that the man destined for her by fate will come into her life.

New Year - the time of fortune-telling for the fulfillment of desires

- Now the most favorable days for divination and magical rites begin. Including a happy marriage. On New Year's Eve, before Christmas, at Epiphany - boldly decide on fundamental changes in your destiny! Come to me and I will help you find family well-being and restore relationships with your loved one, remove the crown of celibacy, restore self-confidence, feel the joy of motherhood, put individual magical protection on you and create a personal amulet or talisman.

Rites and conspiracies performed during the change of year have special power. It is no coincidence that since ancient times, New Year's, Christmas and Epiphany fortune-telling have been considered the most faithful.

- I can do a lot. Fortune telling on coffee grounds, on Tarot cards, on candles, along the line of the hand, I will tell you what awaits you in the future from the photo, in appearance. I don't ask questions - I tell you myself about your past and future! And you have the power to change your future!

Happiness in every home!

- In Russia there is such a saying: “To get married - do not attack, no matter how married you are not to be lost!”. Unfortunately, family problems are not uncommon these days. Difficulties at work, in business, outside interference when one of the spouses starts an affair on the side ... All this as a result can cool even the most ardent relationship and lead to divorce, smashing the family boat to smithereens.

You need to find the strength and courage in yourself and ask for help before it comes to absolute collapse.

- I clearly define: are there love affairs on the side, betrayal, betrayal, which of the people around creates problems in the family or at work! I will help restore the family, return peace and tranquility to the house, improve relations with your soulmate. I will bring happiness to every home!

The joy of motherhood!

- It happens like this: both husband and wife are absolutely healthy, they dream of a baby, but they cannot conceive a child. Doctors just shrug: “Incompatibility. This happens ... ”This diagnosis sounds like a sentence for many couples. But do not despair! I will help to increase your sexual strength at times, which will increase the percentage of the likelihood of a long-awaited pregnancy. It is in my power to conduct a ceremony for the conception of a child. You can even calculate the gender of the baby, guess who will be born to you: a boy or a girl! Remember: on the eve of the upcoming New Year, the magic of words and rituals is stronger than ever!

The coming year of the Fire Rooster will be especially successful both for marriage and for replenishment in the family. Seven, under the sign of which the new year will pass, is a number filled with “family magic”. Therefore, right now it is worth conducting rituals, conspiracies and rituals for Love, Creating a family, Having children.

New Year's ritual for a successful marriage - on the last page!

Rimma: clairvoyant, fortuneteller in the fourth generation!

The gift in the family is passed down through the female line. Rimma, he passed from his grandmother - a strong witch. From her I also learned the secrets of conducting a variety of rituals, creating an individual talisman and a protective amulet. From childhood, Rimma saw how her grandmother treated people with the help of magical rituals, conspiracies, healing herbs, helped those who were suffering to solve problems in their personal lives, in business, in the financial sphere.

- What lies ahead is of interest to many. I determine the source of the problem, I will help get rid of ailments, enemies, ill-wishers. I'll tell you what to watch out for. How to protect yourself and your loved ones in various life situations.

Just one call can change your life!


What I can:

♠ Put a powerful protection against the evil eye and damage, love spells and all kinds of witchcraft. Charge your own individual amulet, create a talisman, a charm for good luck.

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