Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Karina. What does the name Karina mean and should they name a child

Like many other names, the name Karina has several meanings. Of course, the meaning of the name directly depends on the theory of origin, and there are usually more than one.

The most popular theory of the origin of the name Karina claims that the name Karina (in Latin Carina) comes from the word Carus, translated as "Love". So, according to this theory, we can safely say that The meaning of the name Karina is "Love". But as you understand, this is not all.

The second most popular can be called the theory of the origin of the name Karina on behalf of Catherine. It is believed that this is one of the short forms of this name. But the meaning of the name Catherine, see the link.

But even that is not all. The name Karina has several more interesting hypotheses of origin, but more about it in the article "origin of the name Karina".

The meaning of the name Karina for a girl

The girl grows up as a rather unusual child. It has two diametrically opposed qualities. Karina is both phlegmatic and active at the same time. It does not let those around you get bored. If something came to Karina's mind, then it is unlikely that anything can stop this girl. These character traits are characteristic of both Karina's childhood and becoming an adult.

The same activity both helps and hinders Karina in her studies. If she liked the subject, then her activity can be envied, but if this did not happen, then you will see "the most unfortunate person in the world." She is prone to displaying her phlegm if what is happening is not interesting to her.

Karina's health is unfortunately weak. Against the background of her activity, she is prone to overexcitability. Karina's overexcitability affects the work of her nervous system. Karina is prone to neuroses and rashes on a nervous basis. Another girl has a tendency to frequent sore throats and liver problems. Karina's health requires attention from her parents so as not to provoke her deterioration in her lifestyle.

Abbreviated name Karina

Diminutive names

Karinushka, Karinochka, Karinka, Karishka, Karisha, Rinochka, Rinushka, Rinonka.

Name Karina in English

In English, the name Karina is written as - Karen, Kareena.

Name Karina for passport- KARINA.

Translation of the name Karina into other languages

in Hungarian - Karina
in Spanish - Carina
in Chinese - 卡利娜
in Latin - Karina
in German - Karin
in Norwegian - Karine, Carina, Karina, Carine
in Polish - Karina, Karina
in Ukrainian - Karina
in Finnish - Kaarina, Carina, Carin
in Czech - Karina, Karin

Church name Karina(in the Orthodox faith) is not defined. The name Karina is not a church one. When baptized, Karina will need to choose a church name.

Characteristics of the name Karina

If you try to briefly characterize Karina, then she is active and prone to expressive behavior. Karina loves attention, which sometimes borders on narcissism. These character traits make her a noticeable and usually successful person. She has a great sense of style and looks great. This allows her to be not only the center of attention, but also to achieve success in life.

Karina's work is usually related to art and people like it. She finds herself in communication with people, and her charm and beautiful appearance help her in this. Karina is usually successful at work, but for her it is a matter of course. With difficulty tolerates any activity associated with monotony.

The family in Karina's life is important, but far from the first place. For Karina, family is another way to look good. She will do everything possible to turn the family into a "picture". Outwardly, Karina's family is the most friendly and happy, but no one should know how it really is.

The secret of the name Karina

Karina's secret can be called her life priorities. Her personality traits make her a very unreliable friend. She always makes friends for her own benefit. If Karina loses the benefit of such a friendship, then the friendship ends quickly. It is useful to remember this for both Karina's friends and herself.

The second secret of Karina can be called her jealousy. She should be the only one in the spotlight and therefore cannot stand competitors. Everyone applying for a place on Olympus of universal admiration needs to be careful in dealing with her.

Planet- Moon.

Zodiac sign- Fish.

totem animal- Walrus.

Name color- Dark green.

Wood- Fir.

Plant- Calceolaria.

Stone- Jade.

Choosing a name for a child, we involuntarily make some changes in his fate. After all, one way or another, the name has a certain impact on the character of a person, on his fate, relationships with people and position in society. Therefore, you need to think carefully about the future name of the child, study his history and characteristics. But the name is also not to be blamed for all the problems. Much depends on the person himself. After all, it is not the name that makes decisions, takes risks, builds relationships with others.

Back in 1934, the Chelyuskin steamer was drifting on the high seas. And it so happened that one woman who was a member of the expedition, a daughter was born right on board. They decided to call her Karina in honor of the Kara Sea, along which they drifted. This is how this name came to Russia, but its history goes much deeper.

There are several versions of where the name Karina could come from and what its meaning is. Some argue that it translates as "sweetheart", "dear", while others say that "Carina" means "the keel of the ship." There is even a legend that in ancient times sailors called their daughters that. This was considered a tribute to their ship.

According to another version, the name came from ancient Greece and means "girl". And the Scandinavian countries have their own view of its origin. They are of the opinion that this a new form of their baptismal name Katharina, in Russia full Ekaterina. The Russians also offered their own version of the meaning - "mourner". In Russia, they believed in a goddess with that name, who always accompanied funeral rites.

This name is widespread in Armenia, where it has the form Karine. This name is also found among Muslims, whose law often prohibits the use of certain names. It is difficult to reliably establish the original origin of the name.

Now this name is widespread in many countries, and Russia is no exception. There are many famous women named Karina in our country. Karina is not in the Orthodox calendar, therefore, for these girls, other names are chosen that are consonant, most often Catherine. On March 24, Catholics celebrate the memory of St. Karina.

Here is such a historical portfolio for long millennia that this beautiful name has collected.

The secret of the name Karina

The name, like its owner, is very attractive. The girl Karina is very active, sometimes capricious, demanding of others, resolute and has a little high self-esteem. She is accustomed to acting according to a premeditated plan. Moreover, she does not just think of something, but clearly calculates her actions two steps ahead. Sometimes Karina does not hear the voice of reason, and the reason for this is her capriciousness and self-confidence.

A girl with that name is endowed with a rare ability to understand people. Thanks to this, she easily finds a common language with new people. Talking to this girl is always very interesting. She knows how not only to listen, but also to hear, which is a rare quality in a modern girl. Because this girl is very wise often come to her for advice. But Karina is alien to the feeling of empathy, she can listen, advise something, but she is unlikely to sincerely worry about you. She has no real friends. Most often, she needs friendship with a certain person for something. And when the need for something disappears, then the need for this person also disappears.

The activity of the girl does not allow her to sit still. She strives to always be the center of attention. Ordinary life depresses her. To be successful, Karina must overcome her narcissism and healthy egoism must triumph over her. This girl really does not like when she is criticized. Although he often tries to specifically attract attention to himself, and not always with positive actions. Can become depressed if no one pays attention to her.

Karina always acts directly and openly, does not weave intrigues. In life she chooses only short paths to the desired regardless of their complexity. This is also due to its increased activity. She does not like to think for a long time, but always makes decisions quickly. In case of failure, she does not say that someone other than her is to blame. The owner of the original name always admits her mistakes and works to ensure that they do not happen again.

From all of the above, we can conclude that Karina has the following character traits:

  • originality;
  • acts as a wrestler;
  • whole person;
  • always trying to learn something new;
  • having achieved one goal, he immediately sets himself another;
  • by nature has an attractive appearance.

Little girl Karina

Since childhood, this girl has been stubborn and often shows her whims to her parents. Mom and dad should not show weakness and follow her lead. Otherwise, the egoism developed in childhood will play a cruel joke on an adult woman.

At school, Karina studies normally, she earns little fives, but she has a solid four in most subjects. The reason for this is her laziness, which will accompany the girl throughout her life. In general, the girl is purposeful and often goes on all sorts of adventures.. She is on good terms with her classmates, some of the guys from the class are even a little afraid of her.

Much in her future depends on the position of her parents. If they indulge her whims, then Karina will grow up to be a very spoiled person, who will find it difficult in adulthood. But if the parents are more persistent, then the fate of the girl will be good. It is in the family that she must learn patience and self-control, which she so lacks.


Karina cannot boast of good health. Ever since kindergarten, she will often get sick with all sorts of colds, which can cause asthma. And also often this girl has an allergy. All these diseases greatly undermine her immunity. Therefore, in an older age, you need to protect your health. When Karina grows up, her increased activity and emotionality can lead to a nervous breakdown or neurosis. And you should control the use of sweets, because the love of it leads to extra pounds.


The emotionality of this girl is transferred to almost all areas of her life. She is in bed very active and prefers to dominate. As partners, he usually chooses a weaker man, whom he can easily command. Moreover, she does not do this on purpose, such a choice is made at the subconscious level.

From the topic of sex, it is not closed. He always talks about it with ease, tells his partner about his desires and asks what he would like. Does not see anything good in physical intimacy without love. An emotional connection with a partner is important to her, all these cute kisses, hugs, affectionate words and gentle touches. In bed, she tries not only to enjoy herself, but also to deliver it to her partner. Happy to try something new.

A family

Karina's first marriage is rarely her last. At a young age, she has a rather bad temper, which causes problems. She is trying to "crush" her husband, make it the way it needs and is convenient for her. But even the weakest man in spirit will not want to completely submit to a woman. Closer to the age of forty, Karina becomes wiser and calmer and finally finds her female happiness.

A calm, but domineering person who will not “bend” under her heel will suit her as a husband. He must be silent and patient. Loyalty is of great importance for this girl. She will not tolerate even a glance of her husband in the direction of another woman.

Perhaps, in an emotional sense, Karina will make a good wife, but it’s difficult for her to become a good housewife. She does not like to run a household and does not try to fall in love.

He can find his happiness with such men:

  • Vladimir.
  • Igor.
  • Oleg.
  • Evgeniy.
  • Michael.
  • Anton.
  • George.
  • Basil.
  • Nikita.
  • Ilya.

Business and career

The owner of this name loves to work, but only if this work brings her pleasure and respect from others. She will not work where her efforts will not be appreciated or they will go unnoticed at all. Through her work Karina expresses herself and draws attention to herself.

This woman can make an excellent leader. And if a high position spoils some women, then she will need it. Karina is an excellent organizer, she can make decisions quickly. Emotions have no power over her, when she does something, she is guided solely by logic. A leadership position will give her self-confidence, patience and generosity.

Success awaits Karina in business. As already mentioned, she is well versed in people, which means she can easily determine deception, the desire of a partner to set her up. And her logic will help her manage the business. She will always sensibly assess the situation, will not make rash decisions and make risky transactions. And he will never go to the violation of the law, which is so common among businessmen.

Karina is a big travel lover, so a job where business trips will often be organized is just right for her. In general, this is a woman with great ambitions, but the question is whether she will be able to realize them. It all depends on the self-control of the girl and her desire to succeed in life.

Talismans for Karina

  • It has two patron planets - Mars and the Moon.
  • This name is recommended to be given to girls who were born under the sign of Aries or Pisces.
  • The auspicious day of the week is Thursday, and the season is summer.
  • Lucky colors include red, yellow, brown and green.
  • Has two totem plants - cedar and fir.
  • A talisman stone that you always need to carry with you is jade and carnelian. These stones can bring good luck to Karina.
  • The church calendar says that name days are celebrated on December 8th.

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The owner of the name Karina, of course, can be proud of her beautiful and harmonious name.

The name is an integral part of the personality of every person, therefore it is so important to know what this or that name means, the history of its origin, as well as the fate of people who previously had it.

The female name Karina has a rich history, but its origin is difficult to determine unambiguously, since it could have arisen at different times and among different peoples. The name Karina, which has become widespread in all European countries, according to one version, goes back to the Roman cognomen (personal or generic nickname) Carinus, which comes from the Latin word carus - “dear, dear”. This word has survived almost unchanged in modern Italian, where the words carino / carina mean "cute / sweetheart." According to another version, the name Karina is a phonetic variant of the ancient Greek name Korinna, derived from kore - "girl". And in the Scandinavian countries, the name Karina is an abbreviation of the baptismal name Katarina (from the Greek kataron - “cleanliness, decency”), in the Russian tradition known as Catherine.

The popularity of the name Karin in Scandinavia is associated with an old Norwegian legend about the navigator Floke, who lived in the 9th century. He had a slave named Karina, who had the fame of a "sea witch", that is, it was believed that she not only predicted bad weather at sea, but also knew which of the sailors would die and who was destined to return from sailing. Once, at the insistence of Karina, Floquet, contrary to the existing superstition "a woman on a ship is a symbol of misfortune", took her on a voyage. It was on this journey in 867 that the navigators, guided by the prophetic gift of Karina, discovered a new land called Iceland, that is, the “land of ice”. When the sailors returned to Norway, Karina was not with them. According to their stories, she gained freedom by turning into a raven and flying away.

The name Karina is included as a baptismal name in the Catholic church calendar in memory of St. Karina (Katarina) Wadstenskaya-Ulfsdotter (1381), one of the daughters of St. Brigid of Sweden (the founder of the order of Brigitte, patroness of Europe), who brought the foundation of the order to the end. The memory of St. Karina is celebrated by the Catholic Church on March 24.

In Asia, the name Karina originated as a phonetic variant of the Muslim female name Karim, which is of ancient Arabic origin. The name Karima is translated as “generous, noble, generous, merciful, with a broad soul, honest”, as well as “respected, very dear, close”. However, some researchers consider it to have originated in Armenia and translate it from Armenian as “rejoicing”.

There is also a young Russian name Karina. In 1934, during the heroic ice drift of the Chelyuskin steamship, a daughter was born to the members of the Vasiliev expedition on board, named Karina in honor of the Kara Sea. Parents, not knowing about the existence of this name, created it again.

Today, the name Karina is consistently included in the names of different peoples, and parents are happy to call their daughters this gentle and affectionate name.

Sources: Kryukov M.V. Systems of personal names among the peoples of the world. Kublitskaya I.V. Names and surnames. Origin and meaning. Superanskaya A.V. Name - through centuries and countries. Leontiev N.N. What's in a name? Gafurov A. Name and history. Dictionary. Acharyan R. Dictionary of Armenian Personal Names.

The meaning of the name Karina: this name for a girl means “friend”, “beloved”, “kind”, “beloved”. Another meaning of the name Karina is "dear friend".

Origin of the name Karina: latin.

Diminutive form of the name: Karinka, Kara, Rina, Ina.

What does the name Karina mean? This girl is admired by everyone, she wears beautiful outfits and bright makeup. An energetic and beautiful girl can choose a career as a dancer, singer or actress, for this she has all the data. Wealthy men pay attention to Karinochka, but often the marriage breaks up because of her waywardness.

Angel Day and patron saints: the name Karina does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox saints.


  • Zodiac - Pisces
  • Planet - Moon
  • Color - dark green
  • Auspicious tree - fir
  • Cherished plant - calceolaria
  • Patron - walrus
  • Talisman stone - jade

Characteristics of the name Karina

Positive features: She is distinguished by determination and expansiveness. Usually a woman is self-confident, energetic and proud. A girl with this name knows her own worth, but in most cases her self-esteem is somewhat overestimated. In the manifestation of feelings, the girl is restrained, she has enough strength to be able to control feelings, only her imperious nature inclines her to control not her own, but other people's feelings.

Negative Traits: In most cases, Karina is in a hurry, preferring to achieve what she wants in such a way that she can make up for her lack of patience with an excess of energy. Undoubtedly, this quality could ensure success in case of emergency, but in real life, little is solved in one minute, and a slightly different approach is needed.

The nature of the name Karina: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Karina? She has an inexhaustible need to attract attention to herself in any way, to be in the center of events. She has a wonderful intuition, she knows how to penetrate into the psychology of a person and play on his most secret strings.

Karina and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: Favorable alliance with Abram, Adrian, Arkady, Valentin, Valery, Gury, Did. The name Karina is also combined with Kim. Difficult relationships are likely with Averyan, Elizar, Kapiton, Labuta, Pakhom, Terenty, Us-lad, Khariton.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Karina promise happiness in love? Family is very important to her. A woman named Karina must invariably be the head of the family, otherwise there will be no peace in the family. She is selfish and jealous; as a rule, she is attractive in appearance: she loves big money and handsome men.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: She stands for peaceful coexistence and strives to come to a reasonable agreement, but if Karinka has become someone's opponent, she is dangerous and ruthless. The girl, as a boss, always tries to ensure that all employees fully understand the orders of the management and the main goals of the company, appreciates initiative and diligent employees, knows how to take advantage of an opportune moment to solve problems. In general, the scope of activity consists in leading or organizing work.

Business and career: A woman named Karina attaches great importance to her career. She is usually successful in business, especially when she listens to the advice of authoritative people.

Health and Energy

Health and Talents: The meaning of the name Karina from the point of view of medicine. Born a restless child, sleeps poorly, eats little, but often. The young woman who owns the name is naughty, worries her parents with her behavior, they are looking for the reason in her health. And the reason is that Karinka is unbalanced, it is difficult for her to be at rest. In the "December" and "February" her character does not change even in adulthood. She has a weak nervous system, many have neuroses. She often suffers from tonsillitis, various viral diseases. Some girls are prone to dermatitis, which is associated with poor liver function. Chocolate and oranges can cause allergies in Karinochka.

"January" - is located to laryngitis, scoliosis may develop. At the "July" - at the age of three to five years, problems with the psyche. She is especially capricious, stubborn, uncontrollable. You should see a psychiatrist. Everything gets better with age.

The "March" girl very painfully endures the period of the appearance of the first teeth. The temperature rises, appetite disappears. The body is weakened, and during such a period there may be colds, infections easily affect. It is necessary to protect her at such a time from drafts and excessive communication with strangers. Such

A girl named Karina may be late with speech, starts talking late, and pronounces many sounds poorly. The "December" girl also has problems with speech, but the reason is different: she is a fidget, she always rushes somewhere, she has no time to repeat the correct pronunciation of sounds after adults, she does not listen to them. And often just lazy. The "December" Karina has a very difficult relationship with her mother.

The "October" - there are violations in neurology, she is excessively irritable, rude to adults. Karina's parents should remember that she is physically weak throughout her childhood and adolescence, and requires increased attention from specialists. Located to respiratory diseases, often follicular tonsillitis. The girl needs vitamins. Angina can give complications, and most often in the name this affects the lungs and heart. The girl is also allergic, she needs to be given less sweets and minimize the use of butter.

By old age, arthrosis develops, blood pressure rises, the pancreas worries, but if you take care of yourself from a young age, then problems with the pancreas can be avoided. Diabetes mellitus can be inherited by Karina, so it is necessary to periodically take a blood test for a percentage of sugar.

The fate of Karina in history

What does the name Karina mean for female fate?

  1. In the ninth century in Norway, the navigator Flokko (or Floke) was known. Having heard stories about a new land that had just been discovered to the northeast of Scotland and called Gardarzolm, Flokko in 865 decided to go there. The compass was not yet known at that time, and Flocco took three ravens with him to guide the course of the ship along their flight. This was advised to him by his wife Karina. Everyone knows that a woman on a ship brings bad luck, but Flokko was forced to take the girl with him on a voyage: she was a prisoner from somewhere in the south and was known as a sea witch. She was threatened with death, it was better to go sailing! After leaving the ship, she never returned. When in 1934 the Soviet ship "Chelyuskin" crashed in the ice and the crew was forced to live in a tent city on an ice floe, one of the passengers had a daughter. They named her Karina.
  2. Karina Lisitsian - Soviet, Russian and Armenian singer, music teacher. People's Artist of the Armenian SSR (1987), Honored Artist of Russia (1997), professor.
  3. Karina Razumovskaya is a Russian theater and film actress.
  4. Karina Khodikyan is an Armenian statesman and public figure.
  5. Karina Bagdasarova - Russian circus artist, trainer, Honored Artist of Russia (2003). Daughter of trainer Mikhail Bagdasarov.
  6. Karina Sarkisova - Russian and Austrian ballerina, prima ballerina of the Vienna Opera.
  7. Karina Zampini (Sampini) is an Argentinean actress who appears mainly in telenovelas.
  8. Karina Smirnoff is a famous American dancer of Ukrainian origin. Winner of numerous prizes and titles in ballroom dancing competitions, including a five-time US champion.
  9. Karina Movsisyan is an Armenian pop singer.
  10. Karina Aznavuryan is a famous Russian fencer, two-time Olympic champion (2000, 2004), world champion (2003) and European champion (2004). Honored Master of Sports (1996).
  11. Anna Karina - (born 1940) she is also Hanna Karin Blarke Bayer; Danish and French theater and film actress, film director)
  12. Karina Dymont - Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia (2003).
  13. Kareena Kapoor is an Indian actress.
  14. Karina Moritz - (1967 - 2007) Russian actress.
  15. Karina Lombard is an American film and television actress, singer, and musician.
  16. Karina Koks - former soloist of VIA "Cream".
  17. Karina Enke - also known under other surnames - Kania, Bush, Enke-Richte; famous East German speed skater, world leader in women's speed skating throughout the 1980s, three-time Olympic champion.

Karina in different languages ​​of the world

The name in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English it is translated as Caren (Karen), in German: Karina, in French: the name Carine, in Spanish: Carina, in Portuguese: Carina.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

Karina is a demonstrative person, likes to attract attention to herself, to be in the center of events. In addition, she is an incorrigible romantic who creates various male images in her imagination, makes plans, the common feature of which is absolute unreality. As a child, Karina was fascinated by fairy tales, and she continues to live in this fairy-tale world that has nothing to do with reality. Her first acquaintances are sweet, delicate, indecisive romantic boys, with a not quite conscious sexual desire. I must say that among these women there are others who are the complete opposite of the first. Instead of a gallant and romantic lover, in their imagination, a rude man is more often unrestrained in his desires, with whom, if he appeared in reality, they would willingly enter into a relationship and, probably, would be happy.

However, all Karinas, as a rule, avoid strong, confident, one hundred percent men, feeling safer among men who are psychologically weak, in need of guardianship and indulgence.

"Winter" Karina establishes strong ties with a man who does not have a too violent temperament. As a rule, she lives with him happily ever after. "Winter" Karina is tempted in sex and in the sexual process seeks to take the initiative. With a partner, she likes to discuss the details of their intimate relationship, during intimacy she devotes him to all her feelings, says tender words to her lover, encouraging and exciting him. Physical pleasure in itself, without a flair of romance, does not give Karina complete satisfaction. She is somewhat nervous, reacts sharply to the sexual behavior of her partner, but tries to stay independent. There are many times in marriage.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: "ship manager", "keel of the ship" (lat.). In Russia, this name reappeared during the years of the development of the North, when polar explorers gave it to a girl born in the winter in the Kara Sea. Hence the new meaning: Karina - "Born on the Kara Sea"

Name energy and character: Karina is distinguished by decisiveness and expansiveness. Usually a woman with this name is self-confident, energetic and very proud. One could say that Karina knows her worth, if only her self-esteem in most cases would not be overstated. What to do, a sonorous, beautiful and rare name, one might even say - a romantic name, attracts attention, deepening pride, and expansiveness makes this pride too active. Speaking in Russian, Karina has a lot of chances to become an overly selfish person.

At the same time, it cannot be said that Karina's energy does not imply restraint, no, this woman has enough strength to be able to control her feelings, only her imperious nature inclines her to control not her own, but other people's feelings. Well, based on this, she is already trying to adjust her state of mind accordingly. However, this does not happen often, in most cases Karina is in too much of a hurry, preferring to achieve what she wants in such a way that she can make up for her lack of patience with an excess of energy. Undoubtedly, this quality could ensure success if Karin served in the cavalry, but in real life, where little is decided in one day, a slightly different approach is needed.

In addition, no one in history has ever been made happy by the idea that happiness can be achieved by subjugating others. Happiness is the essence of an internal concept, and it is impossible without mutual understanding, and therefore powerful people are mostly unhappy due to their internal loneliness.

The fate of Karina is most favorable when she gains the patience she lacks and directs her energy to work on herself. God is with them, with relationships, if you do your job, relying primarily on your strengths, then real success can come, and relationships will improve.

Secrets of communication: Karina's excessive demands on people often overshadow communication with her. However, if you withstand her first onslaught, then the second is unlikely to be as decisive. Often she is powerless in front of well-aimed humor, but, perhaps, only sincere sympathy for her, which she needs quite badly, can calm her down, although you can’t tell from her appearance.

The trace of a name in history:

The Legend of Karina

Among the many famous women of the past, Karina, the wife of the famous Norwegian navigator Flokko, is one of the most enigmatic and mysterious figures. On the one hand, she is a very real historical person, on the other hand, almost nothing is known about her: neither where she comes from, nor how she died. It was as if Karina appeared from nothingness only for a brief moment in order, as Flocco's wife, to help her husband discover a previously unknown land.

It was said that she was almost a witch - in any case, there were rumors that someone was stubbornly looking for Karina in order to, as was customary in those days, put her on fire. Probably wanting to save his wife, Flokko took her sailing with him, even though the woman on the ship is far from the best sea talisman. The purpose of the voyage of the navigator was a certain land discovered to the northeast of Scotland.

On the advice of Karina, in order not to get lost, the traveler took three ravens with him on a voyage, believing that they could help him find a distant land. However, as soon as the first raven was released into the wild, he flew back to the shores of Norway. The second bird did not fly anywhere at all, remaining calmly sitting on the mast. And only the third raven led the sailors to previously unknown shores, which Flokko called Iceland. Two years later, the traveler returned to Norway to report on his discovery, but his witch wife was no longer with him. Nobody knows what happened to Karina, and only legends say that it was she who was the very third raven who, having shown Flokko the way to Iceland, flew south to warm countries.

By Higiru

Since childhood, a very mobile, stubborn and touchy creature. Often sick, and parents, in order to please their emotional child, indulge her in everything. Although the girl is lazy, she likes to sleep longer in the morning, nevertheless she studies well at school, studies music, choreography. Outwardly similar to her father, the character went to her mother. He knows how to perfectly, almost professionally "pretend" when he wants to achieve his goal - and almost always achieves his goal. Karina retains this habit as an adult.

Karina is a "demonstrative" person. Her need to draw attention to herself, to be in the center of events, truly knows no bounds. People around often take this trait of Karina as a desire to be recognized, appreciated, especially since Karina undoubtedly has dignity. However, her “demonstrativeness” most likely manifests the usual incontinence. She is selfish and jealous. She gets married early, out of passionate love, but the first marriage rarely goes well. Many Karinas are simply not adapted to family life, especially the “winter” ones - they are always dissatisfied with everything, a rare man can withstand their endless claims.

"Summer" Karinas, on the contrary, are benevolent and patient. They are warm to people, sociable, their house is wide open for guests, and these advantages more than outweigh the small disadvantages of such Karins: they have a big sweet tooth and can not stand washing dishes.

Karina is usually attractive. She loves big money and handsome men. She has a wonderful intuition, she knows how to penetrate into the psychology of a person and find the right tone of communication. Such women can work especially successfully in pedagogy, in the service sector - where they have to deal with people.

The name Karina is quite common, and among different nations - it can be said to be international.

1. Personality: determined women

2. Color: green

3. Main features: sexuality - susceptibility - sociability - activity

4. Totem plant: cedar

5. Spirit animal: swallow

6. Sign: scales

7. Type. Since childhood, the family has been given an extraordinary pace of life. Both active and phlegmatic at the same time, their main feature is the ability to resolve any problem in a few minutes. Very mobile, cannot sit still. Like their totem, the swallow, they love the sun and adore travel.

8. Psyche. They want to know everything and experience everything, they do not like to be in the shadows. They are prone to spiritual striptease, and if you refuse to listen to their confession, then hit in the heart.

9. Will. Is it their ambition, the desire to simply assert themselves? Only they can answer this

10. Excitability. Often caused artificially, in other words, they know how to act out emotions and believe in them themselves.

11. Speed ​​of reaction. They do not like it when something is done without their knowledge and participation, they need to play an important, if not the main role in the comedy called life. Such women like to surround themselves with a cheerful company of friends, failures do not unsettle them.

12. Field of activity. This is not to say that they enjoy learning, they learn as they go. They make reporters, travelers, their profession should be related to travel.

13. Intuition. More often they use their own conclusions than intuition.

14. Intelligence. Smart, think globally. They have golden hands, they can do everything, at least they say so themselves.

15. Susceptibility. These women need love and want to be told that they are loved.

16. Morality. Firm, capable of heroic deeds, understand other people's weaknesses, but intolerant of their own mistakes.

17. Health. Gourmands, and hence all their problems. From childhood, you need to follow the diet.

18. Sexuality. Nothing is denied to those whom they love, they have a loving heart.

19. Activity. These women have great potential.

20. Sociability. They love to receive guests, they love their family, they are often simply obsessed with their love for children, but the role of a wife is understood somewhat unusually. Their husbands need a big dose of stoicism.

21. Conclusion. These are charming devils who will angelically persuade you to marry.

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