What is interesting in the theatre. Russian classics: in which theaters to watch performances of great works

There is no other city in the world where theatrical life so saturated ... In New York or London, for example, there are at most 2-3 good dramatic productions for the entire theater season, and they go like entreprises, every day during the season, and then they are removed from the theater repertoire. In some theaters in Moscow there are performances that have been going on for years and which, like fine wine, only get better, honed to an impeccable performance ... If you love the theater, and Workshop of Peter Fomenko is not an empty phrase for you, then the list of performances offered by me below is definitely for you. If you watched some of the performances recommended below and liked them, then the rest with high probability will also be to your taste, and then this is a guide to action. If you watched all these performances and liked them, then you and I will probably just be pleased that our tastes converge.

If you have never been to the theater but decide to fill in the gap or impress a girl or young man then this list is also for you. Feel free to go to any of these performances, and you will have strong impressions and topics for discussion for the rest of the evening. Perhaps someone will find the choice too "classic", and you are right - these are my personal preferences: outrageousness in theatrical art is not close to me. And I also love it when everything is strong in a play: directing, acting, set design, and the play itself with dialogues and a storyline.

So 35 best performances for 9 theater venues Moscow city.

I'll start with my favorite theater - PETER FOMENKO'S WORKSHOP. The founder of the theater, Pyotr Fomenko, died in 2012, but as a true visionary (“ seer”, English. - ed.), he not only prepared a replacement for himself (Evgeny Kamenkovich), but also 3 generations of actors, thereby ensuring continuity in high-quality productions for years to come ... In this theater you can watch everything, but there is something that is absolutely must-see.

Performances with the participation of the 1st generation of "fomen" (Polina and Ksenia Kutepova, Galina Tyunina, Madeleine Dzhabrailova)

1. "Wolves and sheep". 5 hours of Ostrovsky's classics, and you won't want the performance to end. I still don’t understand how Fomenko managed to stage the classics in this way ...

2. "War and Peace". Beginning of the novel. It is not easy to stage Tolstoy, but you will truly enjoy the performance.

3. " Family happiness» . Another performance based on Tolstoy... It is watched in one breath.

4. "Theatrical novel". Acquaintance with the biography of Bulgakov, or at least with the history of the relationship between his "White Guard" and the Moscow Art Theater, is a must for a complete understanding of the performance! Only then will you understand the plot completely and laugh the whole performance. Performances with the participation of the 2nd generation of "fomenok" ("singing" Polina Agureeva)

5. One absolutely happy village. This is probably the only performance that has been going on for years, and there are still no free tickets for it ... Polina Agureeva is incomparable.

6. Dowry. Worth a look, if only for Agureeva's singing... If you liked « Cruel romance”- you will definitely like this version of Ostrovsky. Performance with the participation of the 3rd generation of "fomenok"

7. Russian man on rendez-vous. Turgenev looks like an exciting romantic drama in a movie... Critics in this performance pay attention to Serafima Ogareva, the performer of the role of Gemma, but I personally see a great future for another main character and actress who plays her, Ekaterina Smirnova. There is so much drive and life in this red-haired actress!!!

Oleg Tabakov, like Pyotr Fomenko, is also trying to provide theater venues for various directors and actors of different venerability. And although most female roles performances of the main stage is given to his wife Marina Zudina, my choice falls on performances without her participation.

8. New American. Lovely and funny performance staged by Pyotr Stein based on "assorted" works by Dovlatov, where Dmitry Brusnikin plays the title role, and the ensemble is complemented by Alexander Semchev, Daria Yurskaya, Igor Vernik, Evgeny Kindinov.

9. Gentlemen Golovlevs. To watch because of the amazing performance of Yevgeny Mironov - the performance, because of which I consider him the best live actor in our country. This is the only performance staged by the "outrageous" Kirill Serebryannikov on my list.

10. White Guard. Good staging good play with good actors. The director is Sergey Zhenovach, who, due to having his own theater (Theatrical Art Studio), now rarely stages somewhere outside it, so watching his work with a whole galaxy of wonderful actors is a great pleasure.

11. Kreutzer Sonata. Best Job Mikhail Porechenkov in the theater. In my humble opinion.

12. Flying goose. Get your handkerchiefs ready. Everyone is crying. A very sad performance staged by the sad Marina Brusnikina. If you have Bad mood, after viewing it will deteriorate even more ... For me personally, the productions of Marina Brusnikina are basically forbidden - they are too depressing and sad ...

13. №13. Insanely funny English comedy. If you want to watch a comedy, then number 13 - the best choice from the entire list. Have fun in the company of the beautiful Evgeny Mironov.

14. Little Humpbacked Horse. A great musical performance with Irina Pegova as the Tsar Maiden. Children and adults will love it!

In this theater, any performance created by the tandem Kama Ginkas (director) and Sergey Barkhin (scenography) is already worth watching. If the composer Leonid Desyatnikov also joins the tandem, the impression is even more intensified. Start with the Chekhov trilogy of Black Monk-Lady with Rothschild's Violin-Dog in any order.

15. Lady with a dog. A lyrical and familiar story. Ideal for dates. Separately, it is worth noting the scenography.

16. Black Monk. The best of the trilogy. The acting duet Sergei Makovetsky - Igor Yasulovich received a state award for this performance. Deservedly. The performance excites and “does not let go” for a long, long time.

17. Rothschild violin. I was a little less impressed than the Black Monk, but worth a look. Barkhin's scenography is beyond praise, Igor Yasulovich's acting is no less impressive.

18. K.I. of Crime. Performance by one actor. Or rather, one actress. Katerina Ivanovna performed by Oksana Mysina is a perfect "explosion of the brain and perception" - an incredible intensity and level of skill ...

19. Medea. Playing the role of Medea, unknown to me, was a revelation. It is better not to watch for very young mothers.

20. Meek. Igor Gordin received in 2011 for his role in this performance " golden mask for Best Actor. I watched him in a dozen other performances, and it doesn’t seem to me a good stable, but “nothing special” actor ... I went to watch the performance with curiosity. Perhaps the director of the play did a good job with him, perhaps he accumulated a critical mass of skill, but with his performance in this performance, for me, he entered the galaxy of actors for whose sake it is already possible to go to see performances in the future ... Dostoevsky's play was new for me, and together with an amazing performance, Gordina made such an impression on me that after the performance for some time I could not speak at all ...

I do not like this theater very much, but masterpieces are staged in it from time to time.

21. Autumn sonata. Strongest Game best actress Theater of Marina Neelova, who, due to permanent residence in France, rarely appears on Russian stage. The performance (Bergman's play) will provide the strongest experience for those women who have problems with mutual understanding with their mothers or adult daughters.

22. Five evenings. At the same time, the performance was staged in several theaters in Moscow, but I liked the performance of Sergei Garmash the most. Worth going for his acting and Evgenia Simonova as a “supporting actress” ( supporting actress - English, ed.)

23. Hidden perspective. Chulpan Khamatova in the title role already provides the status of "mustsee" to any performance. The success of this performance based on the play "Timestandsstill" is complemented by an interesting director's work by Israeli director Yevgeny Arye and the performance of Alexander Filippenko. If you want to go to a performance, after which discussions, discussions, disputes on a “given topic” are provided, then this performance will definitely provide you with such an opportunity.

24. Pygmalion. Classics performed by Sergei Makovetsky. What could be more beautiful and more stable?

The theater itself would not be worth a mention if not for the opportunity to look at the wonderful work of the young rising star Yulia Peresild.

25. Warsaw melody. male leading role Daniil Strakhov plays well, but Yulia significantly outplays him.

The theater not only received Yevgeny Mironov as a director, but also a new beautiful venue. Now in this theater Mironov can be seen more often than in others ...

26. Shukshin's stories. Expectedly good duet of Evgeny Mironov and Chulpan Khamatova. I believe that the play itself may not be very interesting for the “young generation” who are not familiar with the Russian life of the Soviet times ...

27. Caligula. Added the play to the list, she has not yet seen it. But Caligula, performed by Yevgeny Mironov and staged by the consistently good Lithuanian director Nyakroshus, seems to me a win-win option. Mironov received in 2012 for this role the "Golden Max" in the nomination "Best Actor".

28. Grenholm Method. Mafia lovers, HR employees, psychologists, as well as those who love unusual methods the interview is a must! For a long time I have not seen in theaters a combination of an exciting plot (it looks like a psychological thriller) and an excellent game of actors. The whole acting "quartet" plays wonderfully, Chonishvili stands out in particular. Pretty unexpected twist.

The theatrical reform also gave a new artistic director, Mindaugas Karbauskis. Look to the future in the posters of his production, and they are guaranteed to be good.

29. Dead souls. Surprisingly wedged among the mediocre productions of the pre-Karbauska era of the Mayakovsky theater, this best production"Dead Souls", which I have ever seen anywhere. The accents are arranged in such a way that one is amazed at how nothing changes in Russia...

I haven’t been to this theater for probably 10 years, before that I had reviewed almost everything there. But neither “Passion for Bumbarash”, nor a few more performances with Yevgeny Mironov and Vladimir Mashkov are going on anymore ... Together with you I will try to return to the good old Snuffbox in the new year ...

30. Devil. Another performance that I personally have not yet seen, but the play itself, the director (they say, a talented student of Sergei Zhenovach), the actors promise the strongest impression from the performance. It is especially interesting to look at the game of Maxim Matveev, whom we have already seen on movie screens.

STI (the theater of Sergei Zhenovach and the only completely "private" theater in Moscow) was a discovery for me last year. Before that, I saw many performances by Zhenovach, but did not know that he had his own stage. In, as in the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop, you can watch everything or almost everything, but I will complete the list with the five best theater performances in my opinion. Pay attention to the "star" of STI - actor Alexei Vertkov.

31. Players. The directing and scenography are impeccable. Everything is thought out to the smallest detail, including the bust of Gogol that comes to life at the end of the performance.

32. Boys. So, apart from Zhenovach, probably only Pyotr Fomenko could “decompose” not the most exciting topic from Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov…

33. seedy kind . And in this performance, it is obvious that Zhenovach is a student of Pyotr Fomenko and learned from him to stage the classics in such a way that the performance lasts 4 hours, and you don’t want it to end ... Leskov’s work itself was unfamiliar to me, which made the performance even more interesting.

34. Potudan River. Before the performance, they are fed with baked potatoes in uniform. The only theater performance for which it is really difficult to buy tickets is sold only “in person” only on the 3rd Sunday of the month. The performance is defined by the director as a "secret conversation", played in a small hall for 30 spectators.

So, when visiting theaters about once a week, this list enough just until the end of 2013, taking into account the summer holidays. Happy viewing!

Alexandra Matveeva

The 2018-2019 theater season is in full swing! Therefore, we have prepared for you a rating of the best theaters and performances in Moscow.

Visiting one of these performances will be an interesting adventure, even if you are not a sophisticated theatergoer. In addition, theater tickets are one of the best gifts for the holidays to colleagues (an idea for a corporate party) and other people close to you.

1. Bolshoi Theater

The well-deserved first place among the best theaters in Moscow is occupied by the Bolshoi Theater.

It has been operating since 1776 on the initiative of Empress Catherine II. Built in the architectural style of classicism. In November 2002, the New Stage was opened. From 2005 to 2011, the historical stage was reconstructed.

The best performances of the Bolshoi Theater 2018-2019:

2. Lenkom Theater

The Lenkom Theater began its activity in 1927 with the Worker Youth Theater (TRAM) on the initiative of the Moscow Komsomol. At that time, the theater was characterized by the features of a classical theater, the literary part was headed by Mikhail Bulgakov, Isaac Dunaevskoy led the musical part, acting skills- Nikolai Batalov, dancing - Natalia Gran.

The best performances of the Lenkom Theater 2018-2019:
1. The performance of Juno and Avos - modern rock opera in 2 parts 16+.
2. The play Crazy Day or The Marriage of Figaro is a bright comedy in 2 parts 16+.
3. Performance The Lioness of Aquitaine - a medieval drama in 2 parts 16+.

Lenkom is one of the milestones theatrical art, a magnificent combination of actors of different generations, brought up by Alexander Zakharov. Tickets to the Lenkom Theater are always in great demand.

3. State Academic Theatre. E. Vakhtangov

Theatre. E. Vakhtangov is one of the best theaters in the capital. It originates from 1914, when a group of young Moscow students, carried away and interested in the Stanislavsky system, decide to organize a student drama studio. E. Vakhtangov agreed to be the head of the group, because from the very early childhood dreamed of his own theatre.

The best performances of the Vakhtangov Theater 2018-2019:
1. The play Mademoiselle Nitush is a comedy in 3 acts 16+.
2. Performance Evgeny Onegin - "Whom to love? Whom to believe?" 16+.
3. Performance False note - Detective story, drama 16+.

The E. Vakhtangov Theater is the embodiment of bright performances with deep meaning, classical tragedies, the enthusiasm of the artists and the director, the good feelings of the viewer, and most importantly, creative longevity. You will definitely feel it if you want to buy tickets to the Vakhtangov Theatre.

4. Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov

The Chekhov Moscow Art Theater is one of the oldest theaters in the capital. It was opened in 1898, and the founders were K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. Since 2000, the theater has been working under the direction of Oleg Tabakov. And during this period, in addition to classical productions, a lot of modern performances which are still staged by young directors today.

The best performances of the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater 2018-2019:
1. Performance Number 13D - a new version legendary performance by Vladimir Mashkov "No. 13", 16+
2. The performance Double bass - about the death of talent and the petrification of the soul, 16+
3. The performance of the Little Humpbacked Horse is one of the brightest and most magical fairy tales played on the stage of the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, 6+

The productions of the Moscow Art Theater named after Chekhov have received many awards and prizes, but despite this, ticket prices for the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater remain affordable.

5. Vladimir Mayakovsky Theater

The Vladimir Mayakovsky Moscow Academic Theater began its activity on October 26, 1922. Initially, the theater's repertoire was based on scenes, sketches, poems, ditties that were different in genre. Moreover, the speeches were satirical in nature, touching on political topics.

The best performances of the Vladimir Mayakovsky Theater 2018-2019:
1. The play Oblomov - the premiere of the play "Oblomov" based on the novel of the same name by Ivan Goncharov, 12+
2. The performance of Pygmalion - one of the most long-awaited events of the 95th season was the premiere from director Leonid Kheifets
3. Performance Marriage - sparkling comedy in 2 acts, 12+

Currently, the repertoire of the Mayakovsky Theater includes performances designed for absolutely any audience - these are classics and modern productions, comedies, dramatic performances, and there is always a fairy tale for children.

6. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theater

It began its history in 1918 as the Opera Studio of the Bolshoi Theater under the direction of Konstantin Stanislavsky. It was formed in its final form in 1941 after merging with Music studio Moscow Art Theater of Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko.

The best performances of the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Theater 2018-2019:
1. Ballet Nutcracker - Christmas story, symphony about childhood, 6+
2. Ballet The Snow Maiden is one of the few ballets by Tchaikovsky, which is ideal for audiences of all ages, 6+
3. Opera Macbeth - the first of three operas written by Verdi based on Shakespeare, 18+

In the repertoire of the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Theater one can see not only classical works, known throughout the world, but also productions based on scripts by contemporary writers.

7. Pushkin Moscow Drama Theater

Moscow Drama Theatre. A. S. Pushkin traces its history from Chamber Theater A.Ya.Tairova. This is one of famous theaters Moscow. The activity of the theater began on December 12, 1914.

The best performances of the Pushkin Theater 2018-2019:
1. The performance of Gedda Gabler - "My heroine does not want to be a particle of evil" - Alexandra Ursulyak, 16+
2. Performance This Wonderful Life is a classic sitcom in 2 acts, 16+
3. The performance Profitable place - about the conflict of principles and circumstances - one of the most acute-sounding at the present time, 12+

The repertoire of the Pushkin Theater includes psychological dramas, musical productions, colorful fairy tales.

8. Russian Academic Youth Theater (RAMT)

The Russian Academic Youth Theater began its history in 1921. At that time, the theater was called the theater for children, and it was the first theater that staged children's performances.

The best performances of the RAMT theater of the season 2018-2019:
1. The performance Flowers for Algernon is a sensual experiment in the field human relations, drama, 18+
2. Performance Deniskin's stories - if after leaving the theater you suddenly feel that you have begun to understand your child better, it means that we have succeeded. 6+
3. Performance Rabbit Edward - “My heart beats, it breaks - and comes to life again. I have to go through the darkness, going deeper into the darkness, without looking back", 6+

The uniqueness of the theater lies in the fact that viewers of any age can find a performance here: kids with parents, teenagers and adults. Poster of the RAMT theater for 2018-2019.

9. Sovremennik Theater

The Sovremennik Theater was founded in 1956 by graduates of the Moscow Art Theater School. The founders of the theater were young actors - Oleg Efremov, Galina Volchek, Igor Kvasha, Lilia Tolmacheva, Evgeny Evstigneev, Oleg Tabakov, Viktor Sergachev.

The best performances of the Sovremennik Theater 2018-2019:
1. Performance Amsterdam with Oleg Efremov - Clash of worldviews, values ​​and, of course, generations, 16+
2. Performance Happy New Year! - New Year's play in 2 parts, 18+
3. The play Pygmalion is from the category of fairy tales for adults, where relationships between adults are revealed. 16+

To date, theatergoers are not always able to buy tickets to the Sovremennik theater, because. tickets sell out very quickly. A rich repertoire, a superbly selected acting troupe - all this makes it one of the most famous and popular theaters in Moscow.

10. Moscow Provincial Theater of Sergei Bezrukov

Completes our rating of the best theaters and performances in Moscow theater MGT Sergei Bezrukov - the youngest theater of the above. Its creation falls on 2013, when the Chamber State Theater with the Drama Theater named after A.N. Ostrovsky. His artistic directorNational artist Russian Federation Sergey Vitalievich Bezrukov.

The best performances of the Moscow Provincial Theater Sergei Bezrukov 2018-2019:
1. Performance of Mowgli - premiere! This story will captivate both children and adults. 6+
2. The performance of Pushkin by Sergei Bezrukov - “I would like the audience to experience the death of Pushkin once again at our performance, to feel the loss.” 16+
3. Performance Christmas. Mystery. Ball - children's, musical New Year's comedy, 6+

The playbill of the Provincial Theater of Sergei Bezrukov is replete with various performances taking place both on the Big and on the Small Stage.

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There are many theaters in Moscow, among them there are drama, opera, experimental venues, musical and other venues. Every season they delight the audience with repertoire performances, as well as bright premieres and festivals. The repertoire of Moscow theaters for 2017 will be rich in bright events, both classical and modern.

In addition to performances, operas, ballets and musicals, you can visit and theater festivals in Moscow 2017.

Playbill for June 2017 in Moscow will also be rich. Will pass international competitions and festivals. The repertoire of Moscow theaters for June 2017 will be rich, despite the fact that the main season will start later. The summer theater season in Moscow provides opportunities for interesting intellectual recreation for those who stay in the capital in the summer. If you have not found a suitable event for yourself, you can always take full advantage of our website.

Do not miss the opportunity to visit the capital's theaters in summer time. The Bolshoi Theatre, the Moscow Art Theater, the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya and many others will present you the best theatrical performances Moscow 2017. The repertoire of Moscow theaters for June 2017 can be found on this page online. You can buy tickets for the summer theater season in Moscow online.

An outstanding opera by Rimsky-Korsakov based on a work by Alexander Ostrovsky will appear in Bolshoi Theater. In the performance will unite mythical creatures, ancient customs, pagan rites, fragments of folk life, Slavic folklore. The performance promises to be one of the brightest and most colorful, and you can order tickets for the Snegurochka opera on this website.

If you want to see the bright premiere of this season and if you love ballet art, then we advise you to buy tickets for the ballet "The Lady of the Camellias" at the Bolshoi Theater. This ballet was staged by one of the greatest contemporary choreographers, John Neumeier. The ballet was first shown at the Bolshoi in 2014, and now you have the opportunity to see this story of life and love again!

The Bolshoi Theater in Moscow invites connoisseurs of opera art to a bewitching performance about the power of love and its tragic aspect. The stage director of the opera Alexei Borodin created a sensual story on stage that keeps the viewer in suspense. Tickets for the Opera Carmen will appeal to those who want to see this masterpiece of opera art on one of best scenes countries.

The premiere of a grandiose ballet about the great Rudolf Nureyev will grace the posters of the Bolshoi Theatre. A spectacular performance about a world-famous star of the 20th century will capture the attention of the audience from the first minute and give vivid memories. Unconditional ballet star continues to delight thousands of people, and you can learn more about the fate of the artist by ordering tickets for the Nureyev ballet at the Bolshoi Theater on our website.

"Giselle", undoubtedly, should be attributed to the world ballet classics. The mystical performance based on ancient legends, wrapped in the enchanting music of Adolf Adam, each time appears before the audience in an updated version, because the plot is conducive to changes and additions. You can buy tickets for the Giselle ballet at the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Theater on our website.

The dynamic and cheerful ballet will delight with the updated choreography of Alexei Chichinadze and the marvelous scenography of Leventhal.
Several hours of bright choreography, wonderful music and simply harmonious atmosphere are waiting for you if you buy tickets for the Don Quixote ballet at the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Theater on this website.

A cult performance captivating with the magic of music and the beauty of choreography, " Swan Lake» is waiting for you at the theater of K. S. Stanislavsky and Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. Buy tickets to Vladimir Burmeister's original production and find out why Swan Lake was named calling card troupes.

A masterpiece of the classical art of choreography is the ballet "La Sylphide", which marked the beginning of the era of romantic ballet, when ballerinas put on pointe shoes. Today, the ballet "La Sylphide", which tells about romantic love fabulous creature- the nymph and the Scottish peasant James, again captivates the viewer with its charm and aesthetic beauty.

One of the brightest domestic actresses, a sought-after director and screenwriter, and simply a charming woman, Renata Litvinova, is ready to present the performance “Northern Wind” at Chekhov's MXT. The performance is being developed by designer Gosha Rubchinsky and singer Zemfira. You can buy tickets at attractive prices for the new performance "Northern Wind" on this website.

On the stage of the Moscow Art Theatre. Chekhov in Moscow it will be possible to watch the play "Primadonnas". This funny story about the adventures of two adventurers will not leave anyone indifferent, especially considering that cast The performance will be truly stellar. On the stage you can see the play of such eminent actors as Dmitry Dyuzhev, Yuri Chursin, Svetlana Kolpakova, Natasha Shvets, Mikhail Trukhin and others.

An updated version of the beloved performance. The essence of the performance is as old as the world: love intrigues, secrets, comical characters, each of whom had his own skeleton in the closet. Cast: Igor Vernik, Sergey Ugryumov, Paulina Andreeva, Kristina Babushkina, Stanislav Duzhnikov, Leonid Timtsunik, Irina Pegova and others. Come and give yourself and your loved ones a wonderful evening with good mood and unforgettable impressions.

The performance "The Gamblers", masterfully staged by the famous and talented director Oleg Menshikov, is an eccentric story about real swindlers who would be the envy of all the schemers of our time. The performance is filled with contagious energy, which is transmitted by the "players" who play "Players" so recklessly and attracts attention with the magic of a real game!

The story about the collision of the system of values ​​and worldviews will demonstrate once again: in any situation it is necessary to remain human, not to lose spirit and optimism. It will not do without social issues, philosophical reasoning, witty disputes, spectacular monologues. However, the comedy "Amsterdam" will not only make the audience think, but will greatly amuse them. Cast: Mikhail Efremov, Alena Babenko, Olga Rodina, Shamil Khamatov and others.

Sovremennik Theater and stage director Yevgeny Arie invite you to plunge into the atmosphere of New York in the 50s and enjoy the most interesting performance Enemies. Love story". The performance will give you a lot of the most unexpected emotions. This story is capable of shaking hearts and human consciousness, it is saturated with love, sincerity, anxiety, expectation, all the feelings that a loving person experiences.

In June at the State academic theater them. Yevgeny Vakhtangov, you can see the play "Mademoiselle Nitush". This is a cheerful, perky, light, energetic performance, and lively voices, funny jokes and a wonderful game of actors will not leave anyone indifferent. They play in the operetta the most talented actors, such as Alexander Oleshko, Maria Aronova, Viktor Dobronravov and others.

The Krause Family is a witty production that can be seen on the stage of the Pushkin Theater in Moscow. In one work, satire, melodrama and detective genre. In the production of "The Krause Family" there will be something to smile about and something to think about. The main roles are played by Natalya Nikolaeva and Vera Alentova. You can buy tickets for the upcoming performance "The Krause Family" in Moscow on our website online right now.

The events of the play take place in America in the 1930s. opera house, where the famous tenor Tito Merelli is to perform, whose voice seems to have bewitched everyone. The theater is in anticipation of a full house, all tickets are sold out, fans are looking forward to singing their favorite. But on the eve of the performance, Merelli suddenly "leaves the race", something happens that is the real intrigue of the performance ...

A fresh play by Briton Peter Morgan has reached Russia and will be presented in the capital's Theater of Nations. The complex role of Elizabeth II will be performed by Inna Churikova. To see one of the loudest premieres of the 2017 season, buy tickets for the performance "The Audience" on our website.

Alexander Ostrovsky's poignant play "Thunderstorm" can rightly be considered a classic of Russian dramaturgy. In his new production Eugene Marchelli will weaken the dark places and put at the forefront light feeling love. The performance will touch upon issues of honor and sincerity, the lust for power and money, kindness and humanity. Modern interpretation a long-standing story will be relevant and relevant to every viewer. images characteristic characters will be embodied by eminent artists, famous for their complete merging with the role.

This work for entire epochs excites the hearts of people, makes you sympathize, reflect on love, the mores of society and fate. A real surprise awaits residents and guests of the capital - the musical "Anna Karenina" will be presented in Moscow. The musical Anna Karenina was produced by Alexei Bolonin and Vladimir Tartakovsky, who are already known for such musical productions as Monte Cristo and Count Orlov.

You can purchase tickets for theater events in Moscow in the summer on our website online. The theater poster Moscow July 2017 is presented on our website.

Comedy is one of the oldest and most popular genres in the world theatrical art. It has also long been known this direction and domestic viewers.

Comedy appeared in literature and on theater stage in ancient times. Back in the days ancient rome and Greece people liked to watch comedy performances. They are attractive to the public in that they not only cheer up and tune in to positive, but also perfectly ridicule the vices of society, tell through laughter about how to live and not make serious mistakes in various fields life. At the same time, initially such productions were played around the world, both by professional and amateur troupes. The Russian people have also loved to watch comedies from time immemorial. To them, with some stretch, can be attributed folk street performances. And real comedy art began to develop in the country, when foreign and Russian troupes began to stage plays by major European playwrights here in tsarist times. And over time, numerous artists began to work successfully in this genre. Russian authors. Russian comedies were very quickly in demand not only at home, but also abroad. This is due to the fact that they are sincere, kind-hearted and instructive. And their images are clear to all people. Moreover, such great playwrights as Ostrovsky, Griboyedov, Gogol and others worked in this genre. But even today's domestic authors create magnificent creations. this genre. But at the same time, the current Russian audience is also happy to try to book tickets for a comedy performance based on plays by contemporary foreign playwrights. For all this time given art has undergone some changes. Today's comedies have become sharper. Now they can laugh at what was previously not customary to speak from the stage. In addition, not so long ago, along with dramatic, musical productions of this direction appeared.

Today, in almost every theater in Moscow, you can always see performances of this genre on posters. Among them there are especially popular events. At the same time, high-profile comedy premieres often take place in the capital. It is often very difficult to get into such performances. But by contacting our company, in most cases you will be able to get to such a performance. At the same time, our experienced specialists are ready to select for you a suitable date for the event and convenient places.

For everyone who has not visited the theater for a long time, of course, it is better to choose a performance in advance, study the reviews of the audience so that the cultural trip does not discourage the coming years. There is a wide variety of genres and types of productions in the capital's theaters. We have collected in the review best performances Moscow, which, according to the audience, aroused great interest. The performances involved famous artists, whose game does not leave anyone indifferent.

Interesting performances in Moscow. "Triptych" (Workshop of Pyotr Fomenko)

True connoisseurs of theatrical art gather in the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop. His large-scale production of "Triptych" once opened at the Maly Hall Theatre. The basis of the play literary works Pushkin "The Stone Guest", "Count Nulin". Scenes from "Faust" are included here. The performance consists of three parts. Two intermissions.

The first part of the production seems light and airy, in the director's spirit: sentimental poems, swings and even anecdotes in poetic form. The second part takes the viewer into Spanish stone city. Spectators are confused by non-obviousness: prayer, a monastery, tombstones and bars. The third part is unusual in its denouement. The audience plunges into the most realistic sea, and at the end, along with the actors and the stage, silk waves cover them. Such illusions, metaphors will impress, excite the viewer's imagination. Pyotr Fomenko invites those present in the hall to "descend from heaven through earth to hell."

When choosing the best performances in Moscow, pay attention to this production. In the reviews, the audience emphasizes the talented play of the actors: Galina Tyunina, Kirill Pirogov, Karen Badalov.

"Eugene Onegin" (Vakhtangov Theatre, director - Rimas Tuminasov)

The best performances in Moscow should definitely include the play "Eugene Onegin", which is shown on the stage of the Vakhtangov Theater. The director is the talented Rimas Tuminasov. The director and his production are famous for the fact that on the stage the stereotypes of lyricism, the rhythmic construction of phrases are completely broken. The performance can be called the author's. He reveals to the viewer new facets and sides in the plot and character of the characters. This is a performance-thinking-impression. A foggy haze is constantly present on the stage, so the scene seems to the viewer the most fantastic. Here the virtue becomes obvious, and the vices of the Russian soul shine through. Life on stage is more tangible, and its negative aspects are perceived with humor. The main actors make the acting on stage impeccable, this is the backbone - S. Makovetsky, M. Sevrinovsky, V. Dobronravov, Yu. Borisova, V. Vdovichenkov, M. Volkova, I. Kupchenko, L. Maksakova, N. Vinokurova.

"Suicide" by Sergei Zhenovach

The theater arts studio in Moscow is directed by Sergei Zhenovach. Here the theatrical power has a special power, and, of course, the best performances of Moscow are staged in this place. According to the audience's feedback, it is clear that they have already appreciated the performances of "The Seedy Family", "Moscow-Petushki", "The Potudan River". The attention of many was attracted by the performance based on Erdman's play "Suicide".

The topical plot is daring, funny, ironic in nature. The production is a Golden Mask nominee. The performance is another reflection on the image of " little man”, in the play it is the unemployed Podsekalnikov. He was tired of being a dependent in the family and decided to finish his life path. The most interesting thing is that others treat such a decision with sympathy.

The main role is played by Vyacheslav Evlantiev. His performance in this production was awarded the Stanislavsky Prize. Three hours, during which the action takes place on stage, fly by unnoticed. Everyone, leaving the hall, feels a certain "theatrical aftertaste" in their souls.

"Who should live well in Russia" Kirill Serebrennikov

The rating of performances in Moscow, according to the audience, included the performance, which last season was the premiere in the Gogol Center. This is “Who should live well in Russia” according to Nekrasov. The head of the center, Kirill Serebrennikov, is distinguished by the spirit of rebellion and freedom, a great love for creativity. All his works evoke genuine, sincere emotions in the viewer. Many people remember the high-profile premiere of his Muller Machine. Its main task - not to leave the viewer indifferent - the theater performs perfectly. Staged according to Nekrasov, the author investigates main question- who is happy in Russia? The play is featured in different genres, stunning choreography and mise-en-scenes, extraordinary female vocals, luxurious costumes, constant dialogue - not a single spectator remains indifferent.

Cavalry by Dmitry Brusnikin

Another masterpiece of the Brusnikin Theater - the performance "Cavalry" - was also included in the rating of performances in Moscow. The director this time was Maxim Didenko. Brusnikin's workshop is an ambitious and young theatre. The play "Cavalry" was created based on the stories of Babel, the theme is Civil War. It is not easy to talk about the war, especially from the stage of the theater, but the Brusnikins managed to do this beyond all praise.

Maxim Didenko is already known for being constantly in search of something unusual, he experiments with a variety of directions. Cavalry is a ballet-oratorio. The main emphasis in the production is on dance and music. This unusual performance about the war has an impeccable visual part. It perfectly combines music, pictures and stage movement. Each viewer noted the extraordinarily beautiful scenes with the game in scarlet! The actors showed a high-class performance and proved once again that this is one of the most difficult professions in the world.

"Boris Godunov"

The playbill of performances in Moscow also includes an amazing production that took place on the stage of the Lenkom Theater. Pushkin's "Boris Godunov" was interpreted by director Bogomolov in his own way. It turned out to be a topical, at the same time funny and desperate trolling, where it is shown modern Russia. It turned out to be a kind of blockbuster in the style of Bogomolov's performances "The Karamazovs", "An Ideal Husband".

The staging caused mixed reviews viewer. On the stage, Alexander Zbruev (Boris Godunov) chews gum, shoots his subordinates at point-blank range. The character of Igor Mirkurbanov - Grigory Otrepyev - turns into a reclined prisoner here. Despite the extraordinary interpretation, the play looks fantastic and funny at the same time. Maria Mironova, Viktor Rakov, Alexander Lazarev, Natalya Schukina also play in the performance.

"Hamlet collage"

All Shakespeare's heroes on the stage are played by one actor Yevgeny Mironov, this production was called "Hamlet Collage". Canadian director Robert Lepage is considered a star in the theatrical field. It was he who managed to combine two arts on stage - theater and circus. His troupe Ex Machina is a modern technological theater. The poster of performances in Moscow presents Hamlet Collage as one of the most fantastic productions. Extraordinary emotions evoke complex scenery. A large cube rotates above the stage, its walls are open on both sides. They close and then open. Main character descends along the circus lounges from it to the stage. Mironov miraculously transforms into Shakespearean characters: Gertrude, Hamlet, Claudius, Horatio, Ophelia, Polonius and the Ghost. According to the reviews of sophisticated theatergoers, the performance evokes amazing emotions.

Children's performances in Moscow theaters

For children, the theater is an extraordinary, living world of a fairy tale. Even Stanislavsky said that they need to play even better than for an adult audience. It is not difficult to buy tickets for performances in Moscow, you can organize a theater trip during the holidays with the whole class or with your family. The best children's performances on Moscow stages, as shown by the feedback from young viewers:

  • "Peter Pan" by James Barry. The performance takes place on the stage of the Vakhtangov Theatre. Director Alexander Koruchenkov staged a performance with young actors - students of "Pike". The performance was a success. Young viewers are delighted.
  • "Pippi - Long Stocking". Performance in the theater The Cherry Orchard". For many generations, the red-haired little mischievous girl amuses kids who do not stop believing in miracles.
  • "The Wizard of Oz". Staging on the stage of the TCC Meyerhold. The theater is directed by Lev Ehrenburg. Children's performances in Moscow theaters have always enjoyed great success at the audience. A wonderful, magical performance based on Baum's fairy tale is liked not only by children, but also by many adults who have not lost faith in miracles.
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