Is it possible to rent an apartment for a month? Pitfalls when concluding a lease agreement and its sample. Reader's advice: How to rent an apartment without intermediaries - an unusual method

Renting an apartment is a whole science, and when you first encounter the search for housing, there is a great risk of falling into the hands of scammers. So, what to look for, what documents to check and what should be alarming when renting an apartment.

Renting an apartment is a whole science, and when you first come across a search for housing, there is a great risk of falling into the hands of scammers. So, what to look for, what documents to check and what should be alarming when renting an apartment.
Study the prices in the rental housing market
Did you find an ad offering an apartment for 25 thousand rubles in the center of Moscow with a good repair? Forget about her, she doesn't exist. You call the specified phone number and there, most likely, they will say that it has already been passed, but you can consider another great option. It will be an apartment more expensive than the indicated price and much worse. So unscrupulous realtors lure customers.

To understand which rental price is adequate and which is suspiciously cheap,. Analyze rental advertisements in the area you are interested in, call the indicated numbers to check the reality of the apartments, and after a few hours you will already understand that for 25-30 thousand rubles within the Garden Ring you will not rent anything decent, but in residential areas it is Maybe.

Don't fall for the tricks of scammers
In 95% of cases, you will still have to deal with a realtor. Even if you are looking for housing yourself, it is almost certain that the agent will be from the owner. There are scammers who, pretending to be realtors, offer to see an apartment for money (the apartment is simply gorgeous and you definitely want to rent it) or they offer you to buy a database of owners who rent apartments (then you can conclude a contract directly and you won’t have to pay a commission to a realtor). Of course, this is all a lie.
Also, do not cooperate with agents who show you fake photos, but in reality the apartments are completely different. If he is unscrupulous in this matter, he can deceive in another.

Check owner documents
When you liked the apartment and you already think that you have found the one, be sure to ask for the documents. You need to check the certificate of ownership of the apartment, passport and utility bills.
- Certificate of ownership
What to look for? Firstly, the data in this document and in the passport must match. Secondly, this way you make sure that you are really the owner of the home. Anyone can show an apartment - a realtor, a neighbor, a relative, but you need to sign an agreement only with the owner, or with a person who has a notarized power of attorney from the owner. Otherwise, the next day after you celebrate the housewarming, the real owner of the apartment will come and simply kick you out. And you will lose all the money already paid.
Also pay attention to the number of owners. If there are several of them, then it is necessary to require written consent from all owners to rent out the apartment. The consequences will be about the same - for example, the ex-wife will come, say that no one asked her, and give one day to move out. This is almost certainly a collusion between them, because they will get all your money.
- Utility bills
Look at the receipts for information about the debt for previous months. If it is, then demand to pay off the debt. At some point, either the owner will want to attribute this amount to you, or, if it is a large debt, utilities will begin to threaten to cut off your services.

Take a closer look at the apartment

This is one more step before the conclusion of the contract. It is necessary to check everything in the apartment - whether household appliances are working, whether the tap is flowing, whether the legs of the sofa or the armrests of the chair are broken. All information about the condition of the apartment must be registered in the act of acceptance and transfer of property. Often, in a hurry, realtors or the owners themselves write the standard wording "in fair condition" or "in good condition." It is better to fix everything meticulously so that later you are not required to reimburse the cost of the initially scratched laminate.

It doesn’t matter if a realtor concludes a contract or you have taken a typical one from the Internet, do not be too lazy to study it carefully. In the contract, you need to check the full name and passport details of the owner of the home, the address of the apartment, indicate the rental period and cost, the conditions for reviewing housing fees, the conditions and procedure for early termination of the contract and penalties, and even the number of visits by the owner. So, if you forget about this item, then the owner will be able to easily come to you at least every day, supposedly with a check. You are unlikely to stand it and decide to move out, which means that sanctions will be imposed on you for terminating the contract. Or, if you verbally say that you will live with a cat, but do not write this down in the contract, one day this can become the reason for your eviction. And do not forget about the most detailed description of the property in the appendix to the contract - the act of acceptance and transfer

Assess the suitability of the owner

Whatever one may say, in any case, you will need to communicate with the owner. Let's say you transfer payment to a card, but ... the tap broke, a letter arrived in the mailbox, the neighbors offer to chip in at the barrier. Yes, and the number of visits can be limited in the contract, but not the number of calls. Some grandmothers who rent apartments consider it their duty to worry too obsessively about tenants. All this can be understood when meeting with the owners and weigh whether you can put up with it.

Pay the first month, deposit, commission

You need to understand that when renting an apartment, you should immediately prepare three amounts - payment for the first month, a deposit and a commission to the realtor.
You pay the deposit to the landlord, usually equal to the monthly rent. Some owners agree to split the payment over two months. A pledge is a kind of protection for the owner, because he can also be deceived. What if you take all the equipment and move out of the apartment or ruin all the furniture? The deposit is either returned at the end of the rental period (if nothing is damaged), or by agreement you can live the last month on account of this amount.
The commission goes to the realtor and you pay it. Usually, only when renting an expensive apartment, the owner pays the agent. The amount can be different - as 10% of the rental price per month, and 100%.

The article will deal with the procedure for renting an apartment. What types of rent exist, what is the responsibility of the tenant, and how to rent an apartment so as not to be deceived - further.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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Many are faced with renting a home. Some want to rent an apartment for a long time, others - for a few days. What to pay attention to when renting a home, so as not to be deceived?

What you need to know

The minimum period for which housing is allowed to rent is 1 day (or even a couple of hours), the maximum is 1 year.

Advantages of a rented apartment:

Before renting an apartment, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • only its owner has the right to rent housing or;
  • a low price should alert you - this may be a trap for scammers;
  • the requirement to pay a deposit for an apartment is an indicator that the tenant can be deceived.

The sequence of actions for renting a house is as follows:

Verification of documents that confirm the ownership of the apartment You need to examine not the originals, but the originals - a copy is easy to fake. This includes or, a certificate of ownership, extracts from the USRR
Checking the owner's passport You can make a photocopy of your passport or take a picture with your phone. Pay attention to personal data - they must be the same as in the title documentation
Inquire about the legal marriage of the owner If the marriage is registered, then housing could be acquired jointly. In this case, you will need. It must be notarized
Ask for a house book and a certificate of family composition Registered family members are entitled to use the apartment. You can discuss this fact in advance and ask them not to enter the accommodation while it is being rented.
Talk to neighbors Gathering information about hosts

  • carefully read the terms of the agreement and compare the data in the contract and the passport of the owners;
  • require a receipt for each payment;
  • do not trust low prices;
  • protect the property of the apartment - in case of damage, you will have to pay for it.

You can rent an apartment on your own or through intermediaries. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Information about apartments for rent can be found on the Internet, from newspapers, from advertisements. When looking for housing, you may encounter the following risks:

In order not to be deceived, when renting a house, it is necessary to draw up a number of documents:

Risks cannot be completely avoided, there are chances to minimize them.

Basic concepts

Rental types

Rental housing is long-term and short-term. In the first case, the agreement is concluded for several months or years.

The advantages of such a lease are:

With a short-term lease, the apartment is rented from 1 day to 1 year. The cost for rent is higher than for long-term.

The legislative framework

The term "rent" was introduced in . It also regulates the relationship of the parties to the lease agreement.

C describes the terms of a short-term lease agreement.

In accordance with, the lease agreement must be drawn up in writing in 2 copies. The conditions for renting housing are provided.

provides for mandatory registration of the agreement:

  • if the agreement is concluded for a period of 1 year and one of the parties is a legal entity;
  • if the contract provides for the subsequent purchase of housing.

Features of renting housing

Features of renting housing through agencies:

  • payment should be made only for those services that have already been provided;
  • you don't have to pay in advance.
  • the data and signature of the agent must be on each copy of the agreement;
  • carefully study the terms of the contract, sign it only after reading all the clauses;
  • use trusted agencies.

To rent an apartment inexpensively, it is better not to resort to the help of intermediaries. You can look for housing either on your own or through special agencies.

Is an agreement required?

The existence of a contract is a guarantee for both the owner of the property and the tenant. The agreement must specify:

  • personal data of the lessor according to the passport;
  • monthly amount;
  • conditions for checking housing and frequency;
  • term for renting an apartment;
  • conditions for terminating the contract.

In the contract, describe in detail the location of housing, the number of rooms, which floor and so on. There is no standard form, it is compiled in an arbitrary, in 2 copies.

By mutual agreement, the parties may introduce other conditions and clauses. The document can be handwritten or printed.

You do not need to register a contract. According to the agreement, the tenant and the landlord have rights and obligations that must be fulfilled.

The homeowner must provide the apartment on time, communications must be in order. The tenant is obliged to pay the rent on time and keep the apartment clean.

The Agreement may be terminated at any time. The grounds are - the emergency condition of the apartment, the use of housing for other purposes, damage, non-payment of rent.

Cooperation with the agency

Working with realtors has both positives and negatives. Advantages:

  • fast work and considerable experience;
  • transaction security guarantee;
  • the rental price is fixed;
  • less likely to fall for scammers;
  • agents will select the appropriate option;
  • saving time.

Among the shortcomings - the presence of additional payments and commissions. The duties of the agent include - to find an apartment for the client, to accompany him to all the apartments he likes, to negotiate, to check the documents of the owners of the apartment.

When choosing an agency, do not rush, you need to pay attention to the following:

To rent a house with the help of an agency, you will need a passport and an agreement for the provision of services.

How to rent an apartment so as not to be deceived for a day

If you plan to rent an apartment for a day, you need to take into account the following nuances:

To rent an apartment by the day, you must do the following:

  • clarify with the owner all the subtleties and nuances of the booking process;
  • book in advance;
  • read reviews about this apartment;
  • before paying a fee, check the details of the landlord;
  • during a meeting with the owner, check his identity according to the documents;
  • overwrite his data.

These tips will help you avoid problems.

In Moscow

The Moscow rental market is full of deceit. It is important to know how they cheat when renting an apartment in Moscow, so as not to fall into the hands of scammers.

The first type of deception is the provision of false data by agencies. For a fee, they give out information about rented apartments, which are actually either already rented out or not rented at all.

Claims to present to the agency will not work - it was provided, no one will return the money.

It is important to remember that money for the service is paid after the desired apartment is found. Another type of fraud - rented apartment is the subject of a dispute.

Video: how to rent an apartment

It happens that over time either the real owner of the apartment or his wife comes. In this case, the tenant is an accomplice in the proceedings.

To prevent this, you should check whether the landlord is the sole owner of the property.

Raising rent is a way to “get rich” off tenants. The landlord may suddenly increase the rent. Residents will prefer to pay extra money so as not to look for housing again.

Scheme of actions for independent search for an apartment in Moscow:

  1. Search options.
  2. Calling the owners of the apartments you like.
  3. Inspection of housing.
  4. Negotiation.
  5. Conclusion of an agreement.

If you use the services of agencies, you will not save money.

In St. Petersburg

Most people move to a foreign city for study, work or leisure. To do this, they need to find housing.

How to rent an apartment in St. Petersburg, so as not to be deceived - this question interests many. Options 2 - find yourself or use the services of real estate agencies.

If you plan to rent a house through an agency, you should not immediately pay money. First you need to inspect the apartment, study and check the documents, sign the contract.

Only after that is the fee paid. If the client is offered to immediately sign the agreement (without inspection), then they give the owner's number, then these are scammers.

They should not be trusted. Rent must be paid on receipt only. Landlord and tenant signatures are required.

How to rent an apartment without intermediaries? What are the features of renting an apartment through an agency? How much will I earn if I rent an apartment or a room for a long time?

Hello to everyone who looked at the light! Denis Kuderin, an expert from the popular online magazine HeatherBober, is in touch.

Today we will talk about how to competently, safely and profitably rent an apartment. The article will be useful to anyone who has additional real estate on which you want to make your small business.

At the end of the article, a guaranteed bonus awaits you - an overview of the most reliable companies in the Russian Federation that will help you rent out housing on the most favorable terms for its owner.

1. Renting out an apartment as a business

If you have an apartment other than the one you live in, and this living space is idle, eating money for maintenance, you can always turn it into a source of additional income.

At the same time, you will have to work hard only at the initial stage - preparing the object for leasing and looking for tenants. And then your task will be only timely receipt of regular rent. An ideal example of passive income is “we sit and the money goes”.

True, you still have to keep track of the condition of the apartment, fix problems and breakdowns in time, control the level of tenant loyalty from time to time. But if you wish, you can delegate this part of the work of a real estate management company.

In this situation, you can rent an apartment and go abroad, to the village to your grandfather or to the southern coast of Crimea for permanent residence. In this case, all rental worries will pass to the trustee, and you will only have to withdraw money from the account and spend it at your discretion.

Read about what a professional is in a separate article.

The main thing in renting an apartment is to correctly assess the profitability of this enterprise. When renting real estate for temporary use, you need to take into account all the factors that in one way or another can affect the cost of rent: only in this case you will be able to set an adequate market price for rent.

And you also need to decide in advance whether you will act on your own or involve professional realtors in the procedure. Both options have their pros and cons.

The basic rule is this: if you need to rent an apartment right now - you are leaving, you urgently need money - it is better to attract agents from a reliable real estate company or with an impeccable reputation. If you have time, do it yourself. The only condition is that you must have at least minimal experience in real estate transactions.

And one more important nuance - you need to be able to understand people. You will have to decide for yourself whether the tenant you have chosen is reliable or whether it is worth looking for another candidate.

Mistakes should not be made: a dishonest tenant means late payments or a complete lack of them, damage to property, complaints from neighbors, floods and fires, perhaps even calls to the police. Do you need it?

The table shows the main advantages and disadvantages of self-renting an apartment and with the help of an intermediary:

Step 3 We are looking for tenants

Where to look, I have already told above. Here I note that although the search for candidates is the most important stage of the process, you should not get hung up on it. 100% perfect tenants are rare.


One of my friends got married and moved into an apartment with her husband. She decided to rent her “odnushka” and thoroughly approached the search for tenants. About 30 applicants were consistently rejected by her.

Some had a cat, others were too young and cheerful, others seemed to her not well off, and so on. As a result, the search for tenants dragged on for many months, and a friend lost sleep, peace, and almost quarreled with her new husband.

Universal advice - give preference to married couples in which both spouses work and have a stable salary.

Step 4 We make an appointment and show the apartment

Before agreeing on a showing, conduct a preliminary conversation, ask the applicant security questions. If something worries you in the answers, do not take risks - say directly: "I'm sorry, but your candidacy does not suit me."

At the meeting, talk to the potential tenant a second time. If the impression is positive - lead and show.

Step 5 We collect documents

Tenants are also not born with a bast. They must be sure of the purity of the transaction and your decency. Therefore, gather documents in case the tenant requires them to be presented.

The required package includes:

  • passport (you can copy);
  • certificate of ownership of housing;
  • receipts confirming the absence of debts for housing and communal services.

If someone other than you is registered in the apartment, you will also need the written consent of these people to rent the apartment.

Step 6 We conclude an agreement

You can rent an apartment informally and officially. In the first case, you will receive more (13% tax will not be deducted), but you will not have any guarantees for the safety of your property.

The contract is evidence of civil law relations between the parties. This is your insurance in case conflicts, misunderstandings and disputes arise. The absence of an agreement can become an instrument of pressure on the part of the tenant - they say, you do not deduct tax from the rent, which means that you can wait for payments.

The contract must specify the conditions under which you rent the apartment, the terms for making the monthly fee, the amount of the first advance payment, if any. Separate points relate to the safety of your property, the responsibility of the parties in case of violation of the agreement, the conditions for early termination of the contract.

For example, if neighbors complain about noise, the owner has the right to evict tenants within 3 days or a week without refunding the rent.

Step 7 We receive an advance payment

The agreement suits both parties, everyone is happy and smiling. It remains only to receive an advance payment - this will be the beginning of a long mutually beneficial partnership. All financial calculations should preferably be documented. So that it doesn’t happen: “But I paid you that week, did you forget?”, “How else 2000, did I give the full amount?”.

If you doubt your abilities or some points are not clear to you, it is better to clarify them in advance. Take advantage of modern digital technologies - get advice online from professional lawyers on the Lawyer resource.

The resource cooperates with thousands of qualified specialists in all areas of law, including housing lawyers. You can contact them via chat or by calling the numbers below.

You can get competent legal support right now - the site operates around the clock.

4. Professional assistance when renting an apartment - an overview of the TOP-5 real estate agencies

The promised bonus is an overview of the five most reliable agencies that will help you rent an apartment quickly and safely.

The oldest capital real estate firm. It has an extensive network of representative offices - only in Moscow it operates according to a single standard of 120 branches. Engaged in any real estate transactions, including the leasing of private apartments.

Experienced agents guarantee to hand over your object promptly, legally competently and profitably. Realtors with many years of experience will help to realize any object - from a room in a residential area to an elite cottage in the Moscow region. The legal purity of the contract is monitored by the company's full-time lawyers.

A specialized real estate agency with many years of experience in the capital market. The firm has an extensive information base and a staff of qualified employees. The main principle of the company's work is a responsible attitude to the implementation of each order.

Realtors are responsible for the competent drafting of a lease agreement and take into account, first of all, the interests of homeowners. By choosing Alma, you can be sure of the safety of your property and timely payment.

3) Incom

One of the largest real estate companies in the Russian Federation. Work experience in the housing market - 25 years. Leader of the Moscow region. It has branches in dozens of Russian cities. The scope of activity covers all areas of the real estate market. It will help to rent an apartment in a new building, in the suburbs, in the business center of the capital. In the state - only proven agents with a large number of successful contracts.

Moscow agency specializing in luxury real estate. The company guarantees that your housing will not be rented to the first comer: employees will check each candidate in order to determine his solvency and decency.

At the same time, the company guarantees to hand over your object in 1-2 days for the maximum market price. Within an hour after the call, a professional photographer will come to you to take a picture of the apartment, after which the specialists will evaluate the property and determine its rental value.

A full range of services in the real estate market. Work experience since 1997. 8 branches in Moscow and dozens of representative offices in other cities of the Russian Federation. Additional services in the field of housing valuation, consulting and analytics.

You can rent an apartment through an agency in 2 ways: call by phone (calls are accepted from 9 to 21) or fill out an online application. The apartment will be rented out at the market price, and the final choice of tenants will be made by the owner of the property. As a gift to each client - insurance of property and civil liability.

5. What you should be prepared for - 4 main risks for the landlord

When renting an apartment, be prepared for certain risks. People treat other people's property not so reverently as their own.

In addition, there are a huge number of scammers in the housing market who are ready to profit at your expense.

We list the main types of risks for apartment owners.

Risk 1. Property damage

This is the most likely risk when renting a property. As a rule, along with the living space, the owners rent out furniture and household appliances. Sometimes this is a very valuable property that you want to get back safe and sound. Yes, and finishing the apartment often costs a lot of money.

Friends! The market for renting rooms and beds is full of scammers. Here are some tips on how not to get caught.

1. Calculate the cost of the entire apartment
Multiply the price for one person by the total number of people in the apartment. If the amount received is less than the market average, then you are dealing with scammers. Who will agree to rent an apartment for several people, and even cheaper than for one? Think :-)

2. Do not pay a deposit for a bed and a walk-through room
When renting a part of a room, a walk-through room, a kitchen or a room that is not locked with a key, you do not have to pay any deposits. Who then will prove that the wallpaper was torn by a neighbor, and not you?

3. Never pay a deposit if the owner lives in the rented apartment
Why does the owner need a deposit if he lives with you in the same apartment? After all, he can at any time go into the room and make sure that everything is in order.

4. Pay only the owner of the apartment for the first month
If you are placed in an apartment, then deal only with the owner. Tenants do not have any right to share, take a fee, a deposit, and even more so a commission from “settlers”, if there is no consent from the owner of the apartment.

5. Check property documents
The landlord receives money from you, and sometimes a deposit. So he should be so kind as to show you the paperwork for the apartment. What they look like - ask relatives or friends.

6. Passport data
Never show your passport to the landlord before viewing the apartment. To questions like "do you have friends / relatives in Moscow?" answer that you have a lot of friends and relatives here, and in extreme cases you can stay with them. Fraudsters need those who have no connections in Moscow, because it is easier to deceive such people without consequences.

Passport data should be exchanged when drawing up the contract, after viewing the apartment. We do not recommend renting housing, the owner of which is a visitor from another region or state.

7. Write a contract
If all documents are checked, you can write a contract. Make yourself a blank (download) so that it is enough to indicate the owner's data and put signatures. When paying, make a receipt, indicating in it the date, amount, address of the apartment (as well as the number of people renting the apartment) and the passport details of the person who took the money from you.

8. Turn on intuition and logic
Do not forget that there are owners who rent a room, take a deposit (and sometimes agent through fake realtors), and then make life in the apartment unbearable or understand the fee at times. So unobtrusively ask future neighbors how long they live in this apartment.

Count the total number of people living in the apartment. Look in the bathroom, count the toothbrushes. By the way, scammers also read this article, so be smart and come up with some of your own ways to find out the number of tenants and other details about the apartment and its inhabitants.

9. Gotcha? Tell us!
Anything can happen, many come across. If you have any information about the scammer, please contact us. We will make a collection and hang it on the site, for everyone to see!

10. These tips are not enough.
There are many ways to shake money out of tenants. Tell us what scams you know about and we'll add them here!

... and remember:
"Free cheese - only in a mousetrap!"

Hiring in the second way implies the participation in the business of any persons facilitating a deal. They may be:

Thus, there may be several options.

However, if you wish, you can conclude an employment agreement yourself.

So, if you decide to rent a dwelling yourself, you should know the important points, risks and possible difficulties.

You can learn about the concept, its rights and obligations from our article.

How to find?

To rent a house on your own, without overpaying for the services of realtors or other intermediaries, you can use several sources:

  • information from relatives and friends. Perhaps one of them wants to rent out the property himself or there is information about such options;
  • classifieds sites. A modern and efficient way to share information and search for housing;
  • newspapers and other printed publications. The ads in them have not lost their relevance yet;
  • self-submission of advertisements about the desire to rent housing. Perhaps the landlord will call himself.

You can learn about how in an apartment, as well as how, from our articles.

Obviously, there are a lot of options where to look for an apartment for rent without intermediaries. To do this, it is not necessary to contact a real estate agency.

If, when trying to rent a living space, it turned out that a realtor was involved in the case, you can try to conclude a deal without his participation. To do this, by agreeing to review of the option you like You need to get there prepared.

You can write in advance on a piece of paper your phone number and offer to negotiate without a realtor. On examination pass it on to the owner.

However, first you need to establish personal contact with him, as inconspicuous as possible for the realtor.

You can stay in the apartment after the departure of the realtor under any pretext.

This is difficult enough to do.

That is why it is important to find an approach to the property owner.


Of course, there are certain risks when looking for housing on your own:

  • incorrect paperwork. with the inclusion of all key points in the text, otherwise, peaceful living is in jeopardy;
  • scammers. There is a great risk of "running into" scammers who rent the same other people's apartments to several clients, and then disappear;
  • increase in accommodation fees. Again, if the contract is drawn up incorrectly, perhaps a disproportionate increase after a couple of months of residence;
  • prepayment. Important about transferring money. If the landlord asks for an advance payment for many months in advance, this is an occasion to think about the honesty of his intentions;
  • unjustifiably private visits by the owner. Rarely this moment is prescribed in the agreement, considering it insignificant. Hence, there is a misunderstanding of the parties on the issue of the frequency of visits by the landlord.

Any risks can be minimized by correctly concluding documents and foreseeing possible scenarios.

In addition, it can tell a lot owner behavior. However, even reputable agencies do not guarantee the absolute absence of risk.

What needs to be checked?

In direct contact with the landlord should be checked:

  • owner documents, identity cards;
  • housing documents. This is necessary so that later it does not become clear that the person who rented the living space does not have any rights to it;
  • presence of other owners. If the living space is owned by several persons, their consent is required in order to rent it out. You should make sure in advance that there is only one owner. This will protect against further problems and premature eviction;
  • condition of the premises. Everything is important: the condition of plumbing, interior, details. If something does not suit you, you need to solve this problem “on the shore” or look for another option;
  • neighbours. It is better to ask in advance about which neighbors live nearby. If they are too noisy or dysfunctional, you should think about the advisability of picking up;
  • property location. Ask the owner about the nearest metro stations, stops, shops, etc.

Thus, it is better to immediately verify the legality of the provision of housing for rent, assess its condition, as well as the situation as a whole.

Making a deal

To correctly and with minimal risks record the fact of the transaction for renting housing with all the important conditions, it is necessary to draw up a number of documents:

  • hire agreement. in writing, is registered in case of employment for more than 1 year. It contains all the rights and obligations of the parties, the essential points of the transaction, the procedure for payment, etc.;
  • . Attached to the contract and indicates that the premises were transferred for temporary use;
  • indoors. Signed by both parties and protects them from misunderstandings in case of damage or loss of property;
  • receipt for receipt of money for rent.

In order to draw up and correctly conclude documents intermediaries may not be needed.

Thus, it is quite possible to rent a living space on your own.

The main thing is to conclude an agreement correctly and competently, get acquainted with the situation, communicate with the owner of the property, paying attention to his behavior. Risks cannot be eliminated, but they can be minimized.

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