Who received the golden mask of the year. "Golden mask" holds the face

“Governor”, ​​Bolshoi Drama Theatre. G.A. Tovstonogov, St. Petersburg.

BDT artistic director Andrey Moguchiy staged a play based on the story of the same name by Leonid Andreev. In 1905, the Governor-General of St. Petersburg, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, gave the order to shoot a crowd of striking workers. His retribution was death at the hands of the SR militant Ivan Kalyaev. When the duty of a state person goes against the dictates of conscience, personal tragedy can grow to universal proportions.

“Kuzmin. Trout breaks the ice”, “Gogol-center”, Moscow

Photo: Ira Polyarnaya

The play by Vladislav Nastavshev is part of a cycle dedicated to the poets of the Silver Age. The name is borrowed from the last collection of the poet and composer Mikhail Kuzmin. The life of the artist, refracted in his work - the torments of same-sex love, creative throwing, the search for the meaning of life - turned into an aesthetic surreal spectacle in the best traditions of this theater.

"Oedipus Rex", Theater. Vakhtangov

Photo: Valery Myasnikov

This is a joint production of the theater. Vakhtangov and the National Theater of Greece. Rimas Tuminas staged the performance, observing the canons of classical ancient tragedy: the choir, as expected, comments on what is happening, and in the original language - in Greek. The director managed to prove that the ancient myth can, retaining all its architectonics, turn into a more than modern story about the nature of power and the vicissitudes of fate.

"Drums in the Night", Theater. Pushkin, Moscow

Photo: Galina Fesenko

The play of the same name by Bertolt Brecht will be exactly 100 years old this year. It is not often staged on the Russian stage. Perhaps because the playwright himself did not have a very high opinion of his first dramatic experience. Yuri Butusov, to whom Brecht is very close with his rebellious worldview, decided to turn the “shortcomings” of the play into the merits of the performance, choosing for this a genre of rock cabaret that is rare today. Chamber at first glance, the story of a soldier who escaped from the battlefield under the skirt of his bride, turned into a manifesto of a person who does not want to become a hostage to the system.

“Crime and Punishment”, Alexandrinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg

The Hungarian director Attila Vidnyansky is convinced that this novel by Dostoevsky is of paramount importance for the entire Western civilization today, when a person realized that, having abandoned faith, he did not find anything to replace it, and therefore did not become happier. Why do scoundrels enjoy all the blessings of life, while good and noble people are forced to drag out a miserable existence? This question in our time is much more acute than a century and a half ago, and the theater cannot but try to find its own answer to it.

“Antigone”, Bashkir Drama Theater named after M. Gafuri, Ufa

Photo: Roman Shumnov

Ancient mythology has become one of the leitmotifs of this competition. Antigone is a young girl who dared to go against the order of the ruler of the country and bury her rebellious brother in the way that the laws of her ancestors command. Director Farid Bikchantaev shortened the distance between the myth and the realities of today, but did not make a play on the topic of the day - about the crisis of power and the inescapable confrontation between the ruler and subjects. He is concerned about a much deeper problem - the immutability of universal, not momentary values, which alone can stop humanity, which is on the verge of chaos. For this production, the famous play by Jean Anouilh was translated into the Bashkir language. The performance comes with Russian subtitles.

“Democracy”, RAMT, Moscow

The play by English playwright Michael Frein is not a docudrama in the full sense of the word, but it is based on a real political scandal that erupted in 1974 around German Chancellor Willy Brandt. His assistant Günther Guillaume, a man privy to almost all the secrets of the state, turned out to be a spy for the Stasi, the political intelligence of the FRG. For the artistic director of RAMT Alexei Borodin, the lessons of history are not an empty phrase, his “political theater” is a space for an equal dialogue in which it is important to hear and try to understand a point of view that is different from your own.

Ivanov, Theater of Nations

Timofey Kulyabin - this enfant terrible of the Russian theater - having kept the text of Chekhov's play intact, changed the living conditions of the characters, modernizing everything he could reach. Chekhov's characters fry kebabs and listen to pop music that is now fashionable, managing to tear their own and other people's lives to shreds with despair, which, in general, is not characteristic of us today. From the director's point of view, Ivanov's tragedy is not that he does not know why he lives, but that he cannot spit on this question and live for his own pleasure.

“Warrior Girl-Dzhyrybyna”, Olonkho Theatre, Yakutsk

Photo: Vasily Krivoshapkin

Director Matryona Kornilova transferred the ancient epic of the Sakha people to the dramatic stage, thereby demonstrating the simple truth about the new, which in fact is a well-forgotten old. An ordinary girl receives an unusual, invincible power as a gift in order to protect her world from evil and deceit - the performance is solved in the fantasy genre that is so popular today, but relies on the language and symbolism traditional for the Olonkho epic.

Photo: Yulia Kudryashova

Another work by Yuri Butusov, nominated for the country's main theater award. The play about the collapse of hopes, about the fall of idols, a rather harsh comedy, gaining the height of tragic hopelessness by the end, became for the director material for a tragic farce about the impossibility of happiness for people, allowing his life to pass them by.

“Fear Love Despair”, Maly Drama Theater - Theater of Europe, St. Petersburg

Photo: Viktor Vasiliev

Little people in the whirlpools of great History is a theme in which Lev Dodin is looking for more and more new angles and turns. The composition of two Brechtian texts - "Fear and Despair in the Third Empire" and "Conversations of Refugees" - is based not on a fascinating plot, which is not in it, not on dynamic action, which is also completely absent, but on the internal drama of tiny confessions of tiny characters, life who grind the unstoppable millstones of Life.

Nomination “Performance of a small form”

"Suchilischa", Drama Theatre. A.P. Chekhov, Serov

Photo: Ekaterina Chizhova

The play by Andrey Ivanov is seemingly simple, like an arithmetic problem: a girl from the bottom, selling fish in the market, plus a “high-browed” vocational school teacher equals ... not at all what the viewer implicitly expects. A standard melodrama with a lining of profanity is immersed by director Pyotr Shereshevsky in a multi-layered cultural context - from Greek tragedy to Lermontov and from a medieval picaresque novel to a Boccacia erotic novel. Which will not prevent someone from seeing in it just a modern variation of the already completely not scandalous “Little Faith”.

“Thunderstorm”, Youth Theatre, Krasnodar

Photo: Marina Bogdan

To look not just at the classical, but at the textbook, memorized to the holes of the play with a fresh look is a task that is as fascinating as it is difficult to accomplish. The young director Daniil Bezsonov, a student of Sergei Zhenovach, found the courage to do this. Perhaps because even today there are people who are dying to find out why people still don’t fly.

“A Month in the Village”, Theatre, Perm

The weightless lace of Turgenev's most famous play is essentially materialized by Bach's music: a lady bored in a country estate is turned into a retired opera diva, and in the most dramatic places the action is slowed down by violent mass waves. Well, the element of music is something akin to female passion, the indomitability of which the director Boris Milgram so admires.

“King Lear”, theater-studio “Gran”, Novokuibyshevsk

In this theater, they prefer not to modernize classical texts, trusting in the timeless wisdom of their authors. Shakespeare's heroes, balancing on the verge of reason and madness, themselves bridge the gap between always and today.

"Exile", Theater. Mayakovsky

Photo: Evgenia Babskaya

Director Mindaugas Karbauskis and playwright Marius Ivashkevičius tried to elevate a completely “documentary” everyday life plot to the heights of a philosophical parable. A person who has left his homeland, but has not yet managed to take root in that “paradise”, where he desperately aspired, feels like a stranger on both banks of the river of his own life. And not to perish in its unsteady depths is possible only if you find the strength not to become a stranger to yourself.

“Shop”, Tatar Drama Theatre, Almetievsk

Photo: Evgeny Mikhailov

The play by Olzhas Zhanaydarov is based on real events: the owner of a grocery store on the outskirts of Moscow turned her saleswomen, who came to work from Central Asia, into slaves. Director Eduard Shakhov takes the viewer through all the circles of this almost endless hell, and he himself decides that in front of him is a hyper-black horror story or a psychological drama.

“Chuk and Gek”, Alexandrinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg

Photo: Anastasia Blur

The story of Arkady Gaidar (published in 1939), a recognized classic of Soviet children's literature, was intertwined by director Mikhail Patlasov with the memoirs of prisoners of Stalin's camps. The local history of two kids who went from Moscow to Siberia to their father, who works in a geological expedition, turned out to be embedded in the global history of the country on the basis of a common time.

“Tartuffe”, Stanislavsky Electrotheatre, Moscow

Photo: Olympia Orlova

Philip Grigoryan turned the caustic, sharp, victorious Molière comedy into an apotheosis of hopeless hopelessness. It is impossible to defeat his Tartuffe, and if it is possible, then there is no one to do it anyway. And the fact that the old plot is placed in the realities of the Russian Empire of the epoch of decline does not alleviate the feeling of helplessness engendered by the performance in the face of overwhelming evil. Giving negative answers to questions that have a positive answer is perhaps the main feature of postmodernism on the Russian stage.

“Breath”, Theater of Nations

The British playwright Duncan Macmillan called the play "Lungs". The director Marat Gatsalov called his performance "Breath", shifting the focus from the object to the process and conveying the main meanings with the help of plastic, almost plastic drama. He and She, having lost themselves, each other and any connection with the real world, do not live, but talk about life, imitating in words actions that they are no longer able to perform.

“Man from Podolsk”, Theatre.doc, Moscow

Photo: Aizhan Zhakipbekova

A man from Podolsk, whose name is of no interest to anyone, is detained without explanation, dragged to the station and started a lengthy interrogation, from which a normal person's head will spin. No, not from the cruelty of the interrogators, but from the absurdity of the questions they ask. A docudrama wrapped in shreds of the theater of the absurd, a satirical pamphlet and non-committal banter about the depravity of the punitive system, which stifles any sprouts of free thought. And all in order to try to prove to the viewer the meaninglessness of his one and only life.

"Rosencrantz and Gildernstern", theater for young spectators named after. Bryantsev, St. Petersburg

Photo: Natalia Korenovskaya

The famous play by Tom Stoppard, who took it into his head to look behind the scenes of the life of Shakespeare's characters, was rethought by Dmitry Volkostrelov in the realities of the Soviet 80s, or more precisely, as part of the duel for the chess crown between Karpov and Kasparov, which, in anticipation of Perestroika, was perceived by many as a confrontation between the “old” and "new". The match, which had lasted five months, was stopped for the fortieth draw. Stoppard's characters sitting at the chessboard don't know this.

“I am here”, the theater “Old House”, Novosibirsk

Photo: Victor Dmitriev

Freedom in the realities of the totalitarian system in the current "ZM" has become meaningful. Director Maxim Didenko assembled his performance from the texts of the poet-conceptualist Lev Rubinstein. The meditative action, the genre of which is designated as a “program of joint experiences”, is not an illustration of the original source, but conducts a sophisticated aesthetic dialogue with him about how the suppression machine works.

“Life”, Drama Theatre, Omsk

Photo: Andrey Kudryavtsev

Vladimir Nabokov considered the story "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" the most striking and complex work of Tolstoy. An unremarkable little man lives his unremarkable life - director Boris Pavlovich turns a simple collision at first approximation into a multi-way game that Death plays with every person.

“Childhood”, Theater for Young Spectators, Khabarovsk

Photo: Natalia Ivatsik

Tolstoy's story became the starting point for a joint immersion into the depths of the memory of a childhood gone forever. Director Konstantin Kuchikin pushed off from the sacramental “we all come from childhood” and intertwined in one space the memories of Tolstoy's heroes with the memories of the people who created this performance.

"London", Drama Theatre, Novokuznetsk

Photo: Frol Podlesny

A plumber from a small town, by the will of fate, ends up in ... London. The journey, like an odyssey, is equated by director Sergei Chekhov with initiation, since it changes the hero's attitude not so much to life as to himself. Homesickness will bring him back, but he will return home not as a frightened provincial, but as a citizen of the world.

The famous play by Henrik Ibsen “Ghosts” has been turned into a promenade performance. The viewer finds himself in a 19th-century mansion, in which a certain respectable family “lives” and gets the opportunity to become a witness to the life that is usually hidden from prying eyes.

"Galileo. Opera for Violin and Scientist” Stanislavsky Electrotheatre and Polytechnic Museum, Moscow

Photo: Olympia Orlova

Boris Yukhananov invited not an actor, but a real scientist to play the role of Galileo, and spun a mystery around the play by Bertolt Brecht on the theme of martyrdom for science. And the musical score of the opera was created by five composers at once.

“Alien Invasion Museum”, Mutual Action Theatre, Moscow

Photo: Dmitry Blueglass

“Science” fiction is a rather rare genre on the theater stage. The landing of aliens in the Tomsk region in 1989 is presented as an intricate intellectual attraction for fans of conspiracy theories.

Lesosibirsk Loys, Poisk Theatre, Lesosibirsk

A performance for those who are sure that with the Internet, the theater is not needed. Schoolchildren living in the city, which is 400 km from the mainland, themselves told the playwrights about their life, places and fears. Director Rodion Bukaev transferred all this to the stage. And the viewer has the opportunity to “enter” the performance from his mobile device.

“I am Basho”, “Upsala Circus”, St. Petersburg

Photo: Vasily Ostroukhin

The play by Yana Tumina, last year's ZM laureate, is woven from the haiku of the Japanese poet and thinker Matsuo Basho, which are performed not so much according to the canons of drama theater, but according to the principles of the so-called “new circus”. The production involves circus performers and children with special needs.

The theater festival "Golden Mask" has started in Moscow, which for the 24th time will show the most significant performances of Russian cities of all genres of theatrical art - drama, opera, ballet, modern dance, operetta and musical, puppet theater. This year, about 60 performances have been announced as nominees for the award. TASS has selected the best performances that you can't miss.

One-act premiere ballets at the Bolshoi Theater

February 9th three one-act ballets by Harald Lander, Jerome Robbins and Jiri Kilian will be shown on the New Stage of the State Academic Bolshoi Theatre. it "Etudes", "Forgotten Land" and "Cell" respectively.

"Etudes" is the most famous work of the Danish teacher and choreographer Harald Lander. According to the press service of the Bolshoi Theater, he staged this plotless ballet in 1948 to the music of the 19th-century Western composer Karl Czerny, taking as a basis the development of classical ballet movements.

The performance "The Forgotten Land" staged by the Czech master Jiri Kilian is being staged on the Moscow stage for the first time. The ballet was created by Kilian in 1981 for the troupe of the Stuttgart Ballet to the music of Benjamin Britten's Requiem Symphony.

The Cage is a one-act ballet to music by Igor Stravinsky staged by the outstanding American choreographer Jerome Robbins, created in 1951. "To the daring music of Stravinsky, The Cage plunges into the world of insects, the world of natural selection, where a cruel instinct forces a female to perceive her partner as a victim," the Bolshoi Theater press service said.

Akhmatova at the Gogol Center

"Gogol-center" will present the performance "Akhmatova. A poem without a hero" on February 27. This is a performance by Alla Demidova and Kirill Serebrennikov, who is currently under house arrest. "A Poem Without a Hero" - a work by Anna Akhmatova, on the creation of which the poetess worked for more than 20 years; during the life of the author in the USSR, this work was not published.

Demidova in her book "Akhmatova Mirrors" notes that the more she delved into the work, the more clearly she understood that "it is probably not necessary to literally decipher it." “Specific persons are not so important in the Poem, the flavor of the time is important, because the Poem, among other things, included a huge layer of culture of an entire era, which for many of today's young people has become a long-gone story,” Demidova wrote.

Alla Demidova, Svetlana Mamresheva, Alexander Boldachev, Daniil Zhuravlev and others are involved in the performance.

Voronezh Opera and Ballet Theater in Moscow

Musical Theatre. K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko will present on March 13 the play "The Motherland of Electricity" by the Voronezh Opera and Ballet Theatre.

This opera by Gleb Sedelnikov based on the works of Andrei Platonov tells about the events taking place at a power plant in the small village of Rogachevka near Voronezh. Platonov himself participated in the construction of the power plant and reflected his observations in the story "On the extinguished lamp of Ilyich."

The performance was directed by Mikhail Bychkov, artistic director of the Platonov Arts Festival and the Voronezh Chamber Theatre.

"Our production was born in the year of the centenary of the revolution of 1917. The spirit of revolutionary hopes, expectations that life would somehow miraculously turn to happiness, accompanied the early Platonov. But then he had his own internal evolution, which took place simultaneously with how it was transformed in the country the idea of ​​building a new world," says the director.

"Opera for violin and scientist" at the Center. Sun. Meyerhold

On the stage of the Center Sun. Meyerhold on March 13 will present the performance "Galileo. Opera for violin and scientist". This is a joint project of the Stanislavsky Electrotheatre and the Polytechnic Museum staged by the artistic director of the Electrotheatre, Boris Yukhananov.

The score, consisting of five parts dedicated to various aspects of the work of the legendary scientist Galileo Galilei, was written by five composers: Sergei Nevsky, Kuzma Bodrov, Dmitry Kurlyandsky, Kirill Chernegin, Pavel Karmanov. Each of them, through music and words, broadcasts a fragment from the life of Galileo, whose role is played by the famous Russian physicist Grigory Amosov. Feeling through the centuries the scientist's faith in the power of insight, the audience will see how academic science and the humanism of art meet on the territory of Galileo, the press service said.

Turgenev at the Theater. Evg. Vakhtangov

On March 14, the Perm Academic Theater-Theater will present on the stage of the Theater. Evg. Vakhtangov's performance "A Month in the Village" based on Turgenev's play.

Written in the first edition in 1848, the play was published only in 1855, while changing two names: "Student", "Two Women" and, finally, "A Month in the Country". Turgenev himself noted that this comedy was never intended for the stage. Nevertheless, many theaters still turn to this work today.

The director of the Perm version of Turgenev's play, Boris Milgram, has been looking for an approach to this play for many years: "I have been thinking about this play all my life. All the time I was looking for its codes and ciphers. And at some point I realized that this play could do amazing things with the audience - excite the sensual nature of everyone, - notes Milgram, - In our performance we want to place everyone in an atmosphere of love, or rather, in the atmosphere of the emergence and birth of a feeling of love, when a person finds himself in a situation where feelings begin to grow so clearly that they control actions and thoughts."

The performance runs for 2 hours and 20 minutes with one intermission. The performance features compositions by Bach.

Alexandrinsky Theater on the stage of the Moscow Art Theatre. A.P. Chekhov

Moscow Art Theater A.P. Chekhov on the Main Stage on March 17 will present the performance of the St. Petersburg Alexandrinsky Theater "Crime and Punishment".

The production based on the novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky is the first work on the Alexandrinsky stage by the artistic director of the Hungarian National Theater Attila Vidnyansky. As the director himself noted, for Hungarians this novel is the main work of foreign literature.

“We are close to the questions that are raised in the novel, and the answers that Dostoevsky gives here very powerfully and very unambiguously,” the director notes. “These are the eternal questions of existence, the destiny of man. "I don't know how relevant this is for Russia. In the West, this is the most pressing problem. Dostoevsky writes it so subtly, so many-sidedly revealed,<…>that in one way or another the novel concerns virtually everything essential in human life. You can read it all your life, and each time it will sound a little different."

Stephen Sondheim at the Taganka Theater

On March 22, the Taganka Theater will show the play "Sweeney Todd, the Maniac Barber of Fleet Street" based on the play by Hugh Wheeler. This is a production of one of the most striking works of the world-renowned classic of contemporary musical theater Stephen Sondheim on the Russian theater stage. Alexei Frandetti, winner of the Golden Mask National Theater Award, worked on the premiere of Taganka.

The director notes that in the mid-70s, Stephen Sondheim showed incredible creative courage when "against the backdrop of unbridled Broadway fun, he created a musical that destroys all the usual canons of the light genre. This production is the first immersive musical in Russia, where the viewer is not only an observer, but and a full-fledged participant in the action, a performance where immersion in the events of the play takes place as realistically as possible, the press service of the theater noted.

The play premiered on January 27th. The performance was immediately awarded five nominations for the Golden Mask - 2018 award.

Molière at the Electrotheatre Stanislavsky

"Electrotheater Stanislavsky" will present the play "Tartuffe" based on the play by Molière on March 22. The great comedy of Molière is one of the key texts of the world theatre, a play with a grandiose stage history and a turbulent background, including a scandal and a double ban, the press service notes. Philip Grigoryan used Mikhail Donskoy's translation and invited Olga Fedyanina as a consultant playwright.

Actors instead of "sliding along convenient verses" have to talk "documentary", the press service noted. Choreographer Anna Abalikhina invites them to see the real space around - not the abstractness of the stage, but the duration of their movements, their physical presence in these walls and on these stages. "The absurdity, the painfulness of the situation, seemingly obvious to outsiders, should be reliable, not fantastic," the press service stressed.

Performance "Ivanov" at the Theater of Nations

Sergei Petrov/Theater of Nations

The first and second capitals are constantly ahead of the rest of Russia in terms of both the number of Golden Mask nominations and the number of prizes received. This year the situation has not changed - and why? - and out of fourteen contenders for the victory in the category "Drama / performance of a large form", twelve productions were created in the theaters of these two cities.

Of course, the most eminent ones are represented - for example, the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater with The Dragon, Oedipus Rex of the Vakhtangov Theater, the Governor of the Tovstonogov Theater or Crime and Punishment from Alexandrinka. However, it is very difficult to single out someone specific - in this nomination, Akhmatova. A poem without a hero" and "Kuzmin. Trout breaks the ice”, staged at the Gogol Center, Ivanov by the Theater of Nations, Uncle Vanya by the Lensoviet Theater and Democracy by the RAMT.

Among opera and ballet performances, the competition is not weaker at all, but Moscow and St. Petersburg found themselves in a dominant position here too.

So, out of nine opera productions, six are presented by the theaters of these two cities, primarily Bolshoi and Mariinsky. However, Helikon-Opera has two performances in the category, Turandot and Chaadsky. The situation is the same in ballet, but here everything is more harmonious - out of seven performances, only four will come from Moscow and St. Petersburg. The Mariinsky Theater (The Seasons) and the Bolshoi Theater (The Cage) as well as the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theater (Second Detail and Suite in White) presented their productions.

Rest of Russia

Performance "Warrior-Dzhyrybyna" in the theater "Olonkho", Yakutsk

Theater "Olonkho"

In the category "Drama of the big form" only two performances not from Moscow and St. Petersburg got to the "Mask". These are “Antigone”, staged at the Gafuri Bashkir Drama Theater, and “Warrior-Dzhyrybyna” by the Yakut theater “Olonkho”.

Most of the regional theaters are presented in the nomination "Drama / Performance of a small form" -

groups from Krasnodar (“Thunderstorm” of the Youth Theater), Khabarovsk (“Childhood” of the Youth Theater), Omsk (“Life” of the Drama Theater), as well as from Almetyevsk, Perm, Novosibirsk and other cities are noted here.

As already mentioned, there are almost no regional theaters in the opera - the performances "Cantos" of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater and "Passenger" of the Opera and Ballet Theater from Yekaterinburg participate in the competition. Other cities of Russia played a little bit only in ballet - here is Cinderella from Perm (which has a total of eight nominations for the award), and two productions of the Yekaterinburg theater - Naiad and the Fisherman. Suite" and "Snow Queen".

"Akhmatova" Serebrennikov staged himself, giving the main and only role. In addition, for his work on Akhmatova, the director was also nominated in the Drama/Director's Work category. But "Kuzmin", which is based on the last, 11th book of poems by the poet of the Silver Age, is the work of the Riga director Vladislav Nastashev, who has three more performances on his account at the Gogol Center: "Mitina's Love", "Medea ", "Without fear".

Director Anatoly Vasilyev at the closing ceremony of the A.P. Chekhov Theater Festival at the Vakhtangov Theatre, July 2017

Vladimir Vyatkin/RIA Novosti

Anatoly Vasiliev's play "The Old Man and the Sea", the result of cooperation between the Chekhov Theater Festival and the Vakhtangov Theater, was presented in several "Masks" nominations at once - for example, in "Drama / Large Form Performance" and "Best Director of a Dramatic Performance".

But immediately after the announcement of the festival's shortlist, Vasiliev wrote an open letter in which he refused the nomination.

The director also pointed out that since 2008 he has not participated in the cultural life of the city and has been in "voluntary exile", but works mainly abroad - in France, in Italy. In addition, Vasiliev recalled that he was never returned to the studio on Povarskaya - although they promised.

“Another reason not to mention at all! Forgive me, but Kirill Serebrennikov needs not the Golden Mask, but freedom! He deserved it, ”Vasiliev wrote.

As a result, The Old Man and the Sea remained on the list of Golden Mask 2018 nominees, but, as the press service of the festival explained to Gazeta.Ru, this only means that the performance was nominated for an award. But the production will not claim victory, the jury will not watch it within the framework of the festival, and no shows are planned during the Golden Mask.

In Moscow, on the New Stage of the Bolshoi Theater, the award ceremony of the 24th Russian National Theater Award "Golden Mask" took place. Winners in 37 categories were announced. "Oblastnaya Gazeta" was at the scene.

This year, Yekaterinburg residents have four "Masks".

Awarded for Best Actress in a Musical Anastasia Ermolaeva, Sverdlovsk Theater of Musical Comedy. Receiving the "Mask", Anastasia thanked the whole team and the director of the musical - Alexei Frandetti. In the nomination "Best performance in modern ballet" won "Imago-trap", "Provincial dances". Opera "Passenger" of the Yekaterinburg Opera and Ballet Theater received two "Masks". In the nomination "Best Musical Theater Conductor" the winner was Oliver von Donany. Another "Mask" received Nadezhda Babintseva in the nomination "Best Actress in a Musical Theatre". Nadezhda surpassed itself in this nomination Anna Netrebko!

22:00 DRAMA / The best performance of a large form - "Fear, love, despair" Maly Drama Theater - Theater of Europe ", St. Petersburg.

Lev Dodin receives the "Mask". Photo: Natalia Shadrina

21:55 Well, next in line - Best Drama Performance.

Of the 14 outstanding dramatic works, of course, special attention should be paid to the performance of the Bolshoi Drama Theater. G.A. Tovstonogov "Governor". This is a director's Andrew the Mighty by story Leonida Andreeva.

The performance was presented at the awards this year in five nominations. As for other competitions, critics have already given him many awards. Thus, The Governor was awarded the Golden Soffit, the highest theater award of St. Petersburg (2017), in the nominations: “Best work of an artist” ( Alexander Shishkin), "Best Actor" ( Dmitry Vorobyov).

This theatrical work was created for the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution. Recall that the story "The Governor" is the response of the Symbolist writer to the murder of the Moscow Governor-General, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich by the Socialist-Revolutionary Kalyaev. In terms of the volume of meanings, the density of the narrative, this is not even a story, but an existential micro-novel. The protagonist, the mayor, who ordered the execution of a crowd of striking workers, rethinks what happened and anticipates his own death.

By the way, excerpts from several works by Oleg Karavaychuk, as well as from Arseniy Avramov's Symphony of Hoots, were used in the musical design of The Governor.

21:52 DRAMA / Best performance of a small form - "Chuk and Gek", Alexandrinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg. The creators of the play ask for silence

"We need to look at each other and understand that we are strong."

21:51 The award for the best performance of a small form is approaching. We are rooting for the Sverdlovsk team - the Serov Drama Theater. A.P. Chekhov with the play "Suchilischa". In 2016, this theater also had several nominations for the Golden Mask, but the prizes did not come. We hope that this time luck will be on the side of the troupe from Serov, especially since their performance is really very, very worthy.

"Suchilischa" - a production based on a play by playwright Andrei Ivanov, who writes and works in Moscow. This is a strange and even scary story-shifter about the paradoxical nature of human relations, in which everyone is both a victim and retribution. The production was directed by Moscow director Pyotr Shereshevsky.

21:50 DRAMA / Best Director.

Performance "Uncle Vanya"

21:45 There are a lot of contenders in the nomination "Best director's work" - 29. The competition is more than serious. Just read the names: legendary Rimas Tuminas, twice, Andrey Mighty, Alla Demidova in tandem with Kirill Serebrennikov,Konstantin Bogomolov. And in this company will fight for the award Pyotr Shereshevsky with the performance of the Serov Theater "Suchilischa".

Separately, let's talk about the performance of Rimas Tuminas for the production of "Oedipus Rex" at the Theater. Evg. Vakhtangov.

"Oedipus Rex" by this director is devoid of sharp signs of the new time, post-dramatic layers. The images are so intelligible in their tragedy that when the performance was played in Greece, the audience, who approached the director to thank for the performance, said that they understood many scenes even without translation.

We think that such a presentation and great attention to the author's text also bribed the expert council of ZM this year.

21:40 DRAMA / Best Actor - "Exile".

He sings the Queen song - it is in this performance. Great! This is how you get Golden Masks!

21:35 DRAMA / Best Actress. "Akhmatova. A poem without a hero". Hall rises again.

Piercing words from the legendary actress - "The theater has lost its spirituality, we are to blame for this, the Theater has become a service, entertainment."

Alla Demidova with the Golden Mask. Photo: Yana Belotserkovskaya

Alla Demidova receives the "Mask" from the hands of Igor Kostolevsky and Ingeborga Dapkunaite. Photo: Natalia Shadrina

21:29 We are approaching the main nominations of the evening! So, more about the contenders for the nomination "Best Actress"

Among the nominees - Chulpan Khamatova and Elizaveta Boyarskaya, which are noted for their work in one performance - "Ivanov" of the Theater of Nations.

Also among the contenders is the daughter Sergei Ursulyak- actress Alexandra Ursulyak, and also presented twice - for work in two performances. We will be rooting for Karina Pestova from Serov - she played Tanya in the play "Suchilischa". And the fact that she has such a stellar nomination company does a great honor to this actress.

21:28 DRAMA THEATER / Best Supporting Actor - Dmitry Lysenkov, play "Crime and Punishment", Alexandrinsky Theatre.

Dmitry thanks his teacher Yuri Butusov and your family. A very touching speech.

21:26 Drama Awards Presented by the President of the Awards Igor Kostolevsky and a great actress Ingeborga Dapkunaite.

DRAMA THEATER / Best Supporting Actress - Anastasia Lebedeva, "Drums in the night", Theatre. Pushkin. The hall bursts into applause!

21:22 DRAMA THEATER / The best playwright. So, now the best playwright will be awarded. In this nomination, Andrey Ivanov who wrote the play "From School". But the reward is gone Dmitry Danilov, a play based on which was staged at the Theatre.doc. The hall rises again - in memory of the deceased Mikhail Ugarov.

21:19 And the second prize - again a special jury prize - goes to the Gogol Center. And again, the talk turned to the injustice in the situation with Kirill Serebrennikov - Almost everyone who receives awards today speaks about this.

21:13 Special jury awards will now be given in the drama and puppet theater.

Both decisions were taken unanimously - so, the special prize is awarded to the Khabarovsk Theater for Young Spectators. Congratulations!

21:09 PUPPET THEATER / Best performance - "And the day lasts longer than a century", Museum of the history of the Gulag and the creative association "Taratumb". A very unusual topic for this genre, but this experiment turned out to be very, very successful - to the note of theaters throughout the country.

21:00 And now the awards will be presented in the Puppet Theater category.

PUPPET THEATER / The best work of an actor is the team of the Tomsk Puppet Theatre.

PUPPET THEATER / The best work of the artist in the puppet theater - Emil Kapelush and Julia Mikheeva, play "The Snow Maiden" Puppet Theatre, Kostroma.

PUPPET THEATER / Best director in the puppet theater - Vladimir Biryukov"Parrot and Brooms" Theater "Doll's House", Penza. The director thanks our Ural playwright Nicholas Kolyada who allowed the theater to stage this play. Congratulations!

20:59 On the stage Maxim Isaev and Pavel Senchenko- one of the main experimenters in the national theater.

They award the play "I am Basho", "Upsala Circus", St. Petersburg. This is a social project in support of difficult, special children. And it's great that such bright experiments appear in this direction.

20:50 And on the stage explode ... a vacuum cleaner, a juicer and a toaster. This is part of the presentation - this is how the organizers presented one of the most interesting nominations for the "Experiment" award in an original way.

Before the presentation of awards in the nomination "Experiment". Photo: Natalia Shadrina

20:47 DRAMA THEATER / Best Art Direction in Drama - Ksenia Peretrukhina"Breath", Theater of Nations. Ksenia asked to honor the memory Oleg Tabakov. The hall stood up and burst into applause.

For me it was the easiest job, - Ksenia told us. - I immediately saw this performance, I immediately understood how it should be! And everything worked out.

20:45 DRAMA THEATER / Best Lighting Design - Stas Svistunovich"Governor", BDT im. Tovstonogov.

20:41 DRAMA THEATER / Best Costume Design in Drama. Here was presented Alexey Unesikhin from Serov, the play "Suchilischa", but received an award Elena Solovieva, theater-studio "Gran", Novokuibyshevsk.

20:40 Well, let's start talking about the drama theater!

20:33 MUSICAL THEATER /Best Lighting Designer - Alexander Naumov, Mariinsky Theatre, the play "Salome".

MUSICAL THEATER / Best Costume Design - Tatyana Noginova"Cinderella", Perm.

MUSICAL THEATER /Best work of the artist - Paul Steinberg"Billy Budd", Bolshoi Theatre.

20:30 MUSICAL THEATER / Special Jury Prize - awarded to the Perm play Cantos.

A special prize for a unique duet is given to Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov for the performance of the Bolshoi Theater "Manon Lescaut"

20:25 While we are having a short break, in the lobby of the theater we talked with Nadezhda Babintseva, who had just received the "Mask". Her hands are still trembling with excitement! “The main thing now is not to drop the Mask,” Nadezhda smiles.

Nadezhda Babintseva

I was nominated for the fourth time for the "Mask" ... It's very nice to be a nominee, but it's very hard not to receive the award itself from year to year. But "Mask" is not just a prize. Not just a prize that is hung on the wall. This is an assessment of "ours", an assessment of the country's most creative and theatrical community - that is, it is an honest and complex assessment. That is why this award is so valuable. Evaluation is important for any creative person - do not believe those who say that they do not care. This is what an artist takes to the stage. Today I went on stage for such a long-awaited mask.

Nadezhda, you received the "Mask" for a very difficult performance, which received very mixed ratings - for "The Passenger". This is a difficult work to perceive and to perform. Was there a feeling that there would be a "Mask"?

I think we hit the top ten. First of all, they got hit by the topic ... Now Russia is being attacked from all sides, now such a difficult situation, such an acute situation in the world. What can help us unite and endure? I think historical memory. With this performance, we touch those strings in the soul that every Russian has. I have seen tears from the audience so many times ... I thought that there would be a "Mask" - not just for me, but for the performance, especially since it is presented in several categories. Such powerful work could not go unnoticed. The performance is really non-trivial, difficult, but interesting.

20:23 MUSICAL THEATER / The best composer. The award is presented Leonid Desyatnikov. So, the best composer - Alexey Syumak, opera "Cantos", Perm. He dedicated the mask to his daughter, who will be two months old tomorrow.

20:19 And now there is a musical and dance break before the awarding of the award to the best composer.

In this nomination, Artyom Vasiliev, who wrote the music for the performance of the Yekaterinburg Opera and Ballet Theater "The Snow Queen". Recall that Vasiliev is the author of the music for the film "Crew".

20:18 MUSICAL THEATER / Best performance. "Billy Bud", Bolshoi Theatre.

Not everyone in the hall agrees with the jury's choice.

20:15 MUSICAL THEATER / Best Conductor. The winner was Oliver von Donany - "Passenger", Yekaterinburg.

He thanked everyone in Russian. Hello, congratulations!

"Passenger", a fragment of the play

Oliver von Donany:

I love working in Russia, I really like it, - he said after leaving the hall. They are not afraid to experiment here. "Satyagraha", "Passenger" - all this is bold and unusual, all this causes ambiguous assessments! But this is art.

Oliver von Donany. Photo: Natalia Shadrina

20:14 MUSICAL THEATER / Best director's work. Awarded Kirill Serebrennikov, performance "Chaadsky". There was a long and stormy applause in the hall, of course, he himself could not accept the award.

20:13 MUSICAL THEATER / Best Actor. Awarded Evgeny Stavinsky"Faust".

20:12 MUSICAL THEATER / Best Actress. The award was given to Nadezhda Babintseva - "Passenger", Yekaterinburg! Third mask.

I thank the creators of the performance, I am glad that they are in the hall. I thank my parents and teachers, including Nikolay Golyshev. And hello to my husband!

Just think Nadezhda Babintseva surpassed Anna Netrebko in this nomination.

Nadezhda Babintseva. Photo: Natalia Shadrina

20:04 MODERN BALLET / The best ballet. The winner was the production of "Suite in White", Musical Theater. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich - Danchenko. Congratulations!

20:03 MODERN BALLET / Best Performance. So, the best performance in modern ballet was Imago Trap, Provincial Dances, Yekaterinburg. Hooray!!! We have a second mask!

Tatyana Baganova receives the "Mask". Photo: Natalia Shadrina

20:02 MODERN BALLET / best choreographer. Prize gets Alexey Miroshnichenko for the play "Cinderella", Perm.

20:01 MODERN BALLET / The best conductor in ballet. Receives the award - Theodor Currentzis. We think this famous Perm conductor needs no special introduction.

Teodor Currentzis:

I want to thank everyone who loves what I do, and especially those who don't - they make us stronger. I dedicate this mask to my father, who passed away the day I received my first mask.

19:59 MODERN BALLET / Best Actor. The prize is leaving Nurbek Batulla from Kazan, he thanks the audience and the jury in Tatar. It is a pity that two artists of the Yekaterinburg Opera and Ballet Theater were left without a prize. But the ceremony has just begun!

19:58 MODERN BALLET / best female role. Here are three of our nominees. But... the prize goes to the Bolshoi Theater and Anastasia Stashkevich. And how nice it is for her to receive an award on the home stage, she is very happy. Congratulations to the artist!

19:57 And we are preparing for the awards in the "Modern Ballet" section, where many of our teams are represented.

19:56 Irina Apeksimova:

The ceremony has just begun, and I'm already with the "Mask"! This is an amazing result, for me, for our entire team, this is a very valuable award.

19:55 NOMINATION OPERATOR AND MUSICAL / Best operetta. The work was recognized as the best operetta Alexei Frandetti"Sweeney Todd", Taganka Theatre. The award was received personally by the director of the theater Irina Apeksimova.

What can I say, it's a pity that not our theater got the main prize in the operetta, but the "mask" for the best female role is already an amazing result.

19:50 NOMINATION OPERATOR AND MUSICAL / Best Conductor. Our Anton Ledovsky for his work in the production of "Mikado", but the prize again went to Novosibirsk and the conductor Alexander Novichkov.

19:46 NOMINATION OPERATOR AND MUSICAL / Best director's work. Twice nominated in this category Alexey Frandetti- for work in the Sverdlovsk Theater of Musical Comedy and for work in the Taganka Theater, and he receives an award for the latter.

Alexey Frandetti: This is a very important festival, extremely important for our country. It is important for any creative person to see each other.

19:45 NOMINATION OPERATOR AND MUSICAL / best supporting role. There were two of our applicants, but the award went to Novosibirsk - Evgenia Ognevoy, the play "Nameless Star"

19:40 NOMINATION OPERATOR AND MUSICAL / Best male role. The award went to the artist of the Taganka Theater - Peter Markin.


We have the first mask - the best female role in the musical Anastasia Ermolaeva, Sverdlovsk Theater of Musical Comedy!!! Anastasia thanked the whole team and the director of the musical - Alexei Frandetti

Anastasia Ermolaeva. Photo: Natalia Shadrina

19:35 The theme of this year's ceremony is the city of the future, so the nano-assistant Nulina helps the presenters today.

19:30 Award Director Maria Revyakina congratulated all those present on the festival. She also thanked the expert council for their hard work - they watched more than 200 performances throughout Russia.

Maria Revyakina also touched upon the issues of freedom in art, mentioning the Kirill Serebrennikov, which is presented today in several categories.

19:20 Started!"Only 20 minutes delayed," the theatergoers are surprised. Usually the creative audience is very difficult to gather in the hall. Still: they are rarely on this side of the curtain.

18:55 Ekaterina Andreeva- lover of social events. She didn't miss the Golden Mask ceremony either.

18:50 Before the ceremony, President of the Golden Mask Award, People's Artist of the RSFSR Igor Kostolevsky noted the very high level of this year's theatrical work, especially regional theaters. Kostolevsky also spoke about a very large number of nominees in the category "best director" - there are 29 of them this year.

18:45 One of the first to arrive at the ceremony was the star married couple Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev. Elizabeth appeared in a chic evening dress and immediately got into the lenses of video and cameras. Today she is presented in the nomination "Best Actress" in the play "Ivanov" by the Theater of Nations. In the photo zone, journalists had to work hard to beg Maxim to take a picture with his wife! For a long time he did not succumb to the requests of journalists, until Elizabeth was able to persuade him.

18:40 The hall is still empty, the guests are talking in the lobby. They smile, meet, hug... But the atmosphere is electrified. However, everything that can be done has already been done. Envelopes are sealed... It remains only to wait.

18:37 In the meantime, the guests are gathering, let's talk a little about what is happening in the foyer now. Everything is ready to meet the golden-masked actors. Immediately after receiving the mask, the laureate goes to the foyer, where he is also given a badge that is exactly the same as the mask itself, and they will also pack the priceless award in a box.

18:35 Today, the entire theatrical elite of the country is on the New Stage of the Bolshoi Theatre. Now it is the center of the theatrical life of the country.

18:30 Now the hall of the New Stage of the Bolshoi Theater is gradually filling up, artists, directors and other theatrical figures are taking their places. By the way, we already saw some of them today - in the morning we flew on the same plane with the troupe of the Yekaterinburg Opera and Ballet Theater. They were in great spirits, looking forward to the awards ceremony. We hope that this year they will take home the maximum number of “masks”!

This year, Sverdlovsk theaters have a record number of nominations - 33.The last record was in 2015, when Sverdlovsk residents applied for the award 21 times.

The second time I got to the competition "Golden Mask" Serov Drama Theatre. A.P. Chekhov. This time the troupe was awarded for the play "Suchilischa" - as many as six nominations, including for the best performance of a small form. And this is the only theater in the region, seen in the "Drama" section.

As for the musical theater, the most nominations (as in the past few years) belong to Yekaterinburg Opera and Ballet Theater- 15 (ballet - 6, ballet "Naiad and the Fisherman" - 5, opera - 4).

By the way, look in Yekaterinburg.

"The Snow Queen" claims 6 awards. Photo: Alexey Kunilov

Has six nominations for the award Sverdlovsk Theater of Musical Comedy for a performance by a Moscow director Alexei Frandetti.

As always, Sverdlovsk residents have a lot of nominations in the "Modern Dance" section - these are four nominations in the asset Dance company "Zonk'a" for the production of "Essence" and two nominations from the theater "Provincial Dances" for the play "Imago Trap".

Forming the list of nominees, drama and puppet theater experts watched 555 performances in theaters and on video recordings, musical theater experts watched 277 performances in Moscow, St. Petersburg and more than a hundred Russian cities.

About experts

Nominees for the Golden Mask Award 2018 were determined by the Expert Councils:

Drama and puppet theater– Natalia Kaminskaya (Chairman), Polina Bogdanova, Irina Boikova, Oksana Efremenko, Anna Konstantinova, Oksana Kushlyaeva, Ekaterina Ryabova, Gleb Sitkovsky, Tatiana Tikhonovets, Tatiana Tkach, Nadezhda Khmeleva, Alla Sheveleva.

Musical Theatre– Marina Gaikovich (Chairman), Anna Gordeeva, Leila Guchmazova, Sergey Konaev, Maya Krylova, Ilya Kukharenko, Dmitry Renansky, Alla Tueva, Olga Fedorchenko.

Photo by Dmitry Dubinsky

For almost a quarter of a century, the Golden Mask award has been bearing its cross. In 1995, the first presentation of prizes took place - then still at the Moscow level. Literally a season later, "Mask" became an all-Russian, and soon turned into a festival, in which performances-nominees toured in the capital, around the country and abroad. In 2019, the Golden Mask will be awarded for the 25th time.

It's hard to be a mask

Like any competition, the Golden Mask exists on a minefield: you can’t hand out awards in such a way that there are no offended and dissatisfied people left. On the one hand, even the nomination for "The Mask" is an enviable line in the resume; on the other hand, there is still a residue from the fact that the cherished porcelain face did not go to you or your favorite.

One can also find fault with the institutional status of the Mask, since its co-founder and main source of funding is the Ministry of Culture. For theatrical figures, cooperation with the Ministry looks like a difficult choice. Nevertheless, it is justified: not even for the sake of the award as such, but for the sake of the existence of the festival, which over the years has developed into a large-scale complex of events. Performances-nominees from the provinces come to the capital, and go get tickets for some of them; Moscow and St. Petersburg productions go to Ulyanovsk and Cherepovets; people get acquainted with the Russian theater in Lithuania and Estonia. The Mask organizes, among other things, film and Internet broadcasts of performances, and if this is not a precedent for the opera and ballet theater in Russia (there is the Bolshoi Ballet in Cinema, there is Mariinsky TV, there are film screenings of the Perm Opera), then dramatic performances now go to a remote audience only as part of the "Mask".

Learning is light

Golden Mask is actively engaged in the development of the professional community from within. Since 2012, under its auspices, there has been an educational project "Institute of Theater". This is a set of activities aimed at the development of young theater specialists, the exchange of experience, the study of modern theater and the development of its new forms and practices.

Within the framework of the Institute there are laboratories and conferences for theater critics, theater managers, theater practitioners of all areas - whether it is dance, set design, theater education, puppet theater, and so on. Not only intrashop issues are raised, but also, for example, the problem of audience development; issues related to the social responsibility of the theater are discussed: for example, whether it should and whether it can resist violence in society.

For the projects of the "Institute" "Mask" attracts not only domestic, but also prominent foreign practitioners: for example, in 2018 they included Bernard Foccroul, intendant of the festival in Aix-en-Provence, and Stefanie Karp, intendant of the Ruhr Triennale.

International Theater Festival "Golden Mask 2018". Theater Institute. Conference "Artistic idea as a business strategy". Photos by Dmitry Dubinsky

Not a single mask

The status of the Golden Mask as the main theatrical award of the country today is unshakable, and the scale of festival activities is unprecedented. Such centralization is expectedly compensated by centrifugal currents.

So, since 2016, with the support of the Ministry of Culture, the festival of the Association of Musical Theaters “See the Music” has been held, which is very similar in format to the masked one in its musical part: theaters from the provinces bring their productions to Moscow, and Moscow theaters declare their performances as festival ones. No prizes are awarded - it's just a review. Of course, this festival does not encroach on the dramatic and experimental theater covered by the "Mask", but it's a start. They are also trying to blur the status of The Mask as an award: in 2016, the Onegin National Opera Prize was established. So far, the scale of these phenomena is not comparable to the "Golden Mask", but any of them can be used, if desired, in order to divert attention from it.

The problem is that in the perception of all these events, the last one counts. While select performances are brought to the "Mask", then to "See the Music" - any that the participating theaters want to present. And the low level of competitors devalues ​​the achievements of leaders and lowers expectations from them. As a result, the scale of what the Golden Mask does is no longer perceived adequately: this is just one of all these festivals, there are so many of them.

iron mask

Be that as it may, the Golden Mask continues to defend its values. At the awards ceremony held on April 15, 2018, everyone was united by one theme - solidarity with Kirill Serebrennikov, Alexei Malobrodsky, Sofia Apfelbaum and Yuri Itin. The director of the festival, Maria Revyakina, who opened the ceremony, and Pavel Kaplevich, who came out to receive an award for the best work of a director in an opera instead of Kirill Serebrennikov (Kaplevich produced his Chaadsky), and Ksenia Peretrukhina, who received a special prize along with the rest of the creators of the play "Cantos", and Zinovy ​​​​Margolin, who presented awards for the best work to artists.

Lighting designer Stas Svistunovich also talked about freedom when he received an award for the performance "The Governor" - this happened exactly in the middle of the ceremony, and by this moment it was already possible not to explain what kind of freedom was meant. But the mention of Serebrennikov and Malobrodsky sounded especially good in the mouth of Roman Romanov, director of the Gulag History Museum and producer of the puppet show “And the Day Lasts Longer than a Century” staged there, and the director of this performance Anton Kalipanov. “And longer than a century…” became the best puppet show of the season.

Drama/Small performance: Chuk and Gek, Alexandrinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg. The creators of the show. Photos by Gennady Avramenko

Alla Demidova, receiving an award for the best female role in a drama, burst into a peremptory monologue in which she connected the loss of freedom by Kirill Serebrennikov with the loss of influence on the minds of the theater.

“We are all confident that this terrible injustice will soon be corrected,” said Alexei Bartoshevich, presenting a special prize to the staff of the Gogol Center. The general director of the theater Anna Shalashova, receiving this "Mask", delivered a heartfelt speech and stressed the importance of consolidating the theater community. There is no doubt that the community is united, just as there is no doubt that it is helpless. Best of all, this helplessness was heard in the request addressed to nowhere to release Alexei Malobrodsky, uttered by Yuri Butusov, when he received the award for the best work of a director in a drama for the play "Uncle Vanya" at the Lensoviet Theater, and in the words of Lev Dodin, obviously no longer hoping for anything - Director of the best dramatic performance of a large form "Fear Love Despair".

The entertainment part of the ceremony, staged by director Nina Chusova and stage designer Zinovy ​​Margolin, on the contrary, was an idiotic and cheerful description of the theater of the future - a kind of futuristic performance-educational program for primary school age in line with the Soviet strategy to infantilize the viewer. It was difficult to suspect Chusova of an attempt at irony, since in 2018 too many people practice optimism and glee with or without reason. But the hurray-optimistic holiday did not work out: the theater responded with a theatrical gesture. Mikhail Patlasov, the director of the best dramatic performance of a small form "Chuk and Gek", did not squeeze loud words into the half-minute allotted to the laureates, but called for silence and immersion in oneself - but this silence turned out to be not so much meditative as mourning.

Golden Mask Awards Ceremony 2018 Photographer Dmitry Dubinsky

Quotes about "The Mask"

“…The presentation of the national theater award "Golden Mask" lined up in an integral plot - you can call it civil, political or the plot of the unity of the theatrical community" (Pyotr Pospelov, Katerina Vakhramtseva, Anna Gordeeva, Vedomosti).

“The main Golden Masks this year were given to Kirill Serebrennikov, Alexei Malobrodsky, Sofia Apfelbaum and Yuri Itin” (“Vedomosti” on the Facebook page).

“The main leitmotif of the ceremony was the words of support from its participants to their colleagues, who today are defendants in a criminal case on embezzlement of public funds and are under house arrest” (RIA News).

“The main theme of the award ceremony of the 24th Golden Mask theater award, which was won by Kirill Serebrennikov, Teodor Currentzis, Lev Dodin and others, was support for the defendants in the Seventh Studio case” (Interfax).

“This year the jury of the musical theater in the “Opera” section showed not only wise diplomacy, but also the ability to hear the era” (Maria Babalova, Leila Guchmazova, Irina Korneeva, Rossiyskaya Gazeta).

Many of the awardees found it necessary to thank the members of the expert council of the award - those who traveled around the country during the previous season and watched the performances, from which long and short lists were then compiled.

Chairman: Marina Gaikovich- music critic, head of the culture department of Nezavisimaya Gazeta, candidate of art history

Anna Gordeeva- ballet critic, author of the Lenta.ru online publication, Musical Life magazine, Petersburg Theater Journal

Leyla Guchmazova- music and ballet critic, author of Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Sergey Konaev- theater critic, ballet critic, expert of the archive of the Bolshoi Theater Music Library, senior researcher at the State Institute of Art Studies, candidate of art history

Maya Krylova- ballet and music critic, columnist for the Internet publications Gazeta.ru, Lenta.ru, Musical Seasons, Inspector General

Ilya Kukharenko- musical critic

Dmitry Renansky- music critic, editor of the online publication "Colta"

Alla Tueva- theater critic, head of the literary part of the theater "Moscow Operetta"

Olga Fedorchenko- ballet critic, columnist for the Kommersant newspaper. Saint-Petersburg”, Senior Research Fellow, Russian Institute of Art History, Candidate of Art History

Except for the Petersburgers Renansky and Fedorchenko, all the experts are from Moscow. In addition, at that time, in the 2016/17 season, the expert could still be affiliated with a potential participant in the award (the example of Alla Tueva, who is involved in the musical theater): the current Regulations on the Golden Mask festival, adopted on March 13, 2017, stipulate that the theatrical a critic who is in an employment relationship with the theater cannot be a member of the Expert Council due to a conflict of interest.

What the Regulations do not take into account and can hardly take into account is the personal attitude of experts to the material that they are called upon to evaluate. Even a critic known for his partiality to a particular theatre, director or conductor can get into the expert council of the Mask.

If you look at the expert council in the drama theater and the puppet theater, consisting of 12 people, you can see that there are much more people associated with professional theatrical education: there are none at all in music. This is not surprising: musical education in Russia does not include a deep study of musical theater, and therefore does not allow it to be critically comprehended later, as is required from experts.

Who are the judges

The laureates vying with each other thanked those who perform the most thankless job at the competition - the members of the jury. In fact, 12 people can select for each nomination three, five, ten performances or people out of several hundred, and 9 people in the musical theater. But in order to choose from these three to ten the only one who should receive an eyeless face with wings, you need at least fifteen.

Jury in musical theater:

Chairman: Pavel Bubelnikov- Chief Conductor of the St. Petersburg State Children's Musical Theater "Through the Looking Glass", St. Petersburg

Maria Alexandrova- ballerina, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Ekaterina Vasileva- chief director of the Chelyabinsk Opera and Ballet Theatre, head of the KoOperation laboratory, Chelyabinsk-Moscow

Anna Galayda- ballet critic, leading editor of the literary and publishing department of the Bolshoi Theater, columnist for the Vedomosti newspaper, Moscow

Manana Gogitidze- soloist of the St. Petersburg Theater of Musical Comedy, St. Petersburg

Ilya Demutsky- composer, laureate of the Russian National Theater Award "Golden Mask", St. Petersburg

Sergei Zemlyansky- choreographer, director, Moscow

Mikhail Kislyarov- musical theater director, Moscow

Evgenia Krivitskaya- music critic, professor of the department of the history of foreign music of the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky, editor-in-chief of the Musical Life magazine, Doctor of Arts, Moscow

Yuri Mazikhin- musical actor, producer of the Open Musical project, Moscow

Irina Muravieva- musicologist, music critic, columnist for Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Moscow

Vyacheslav Okunev- chief artist of the Mikhailovsky Theatre, production designer of the Mariinsky Theatre, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

Natalya Petrozhitskaya- soloist of the Moscow Academic Musical Theater. K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, Moscow

Kirill Simonov- choreographer, artistic director of the ballet of the Children's Musical Theater. N.I. Sats and the Musical Theater of the Republic of Karelia, Honored Art Worker of Karelia, Petrozavodsk

Elena Cheremnykh- musicologist, music critic, columnist for the Business Online publication, author of the Vedomosti newspaper, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Musical Life magazine, Petersburg Theater Journal, Moscow

Pavel Bubelnikov, Maria Alexandrova, Manana Gogitidze and Yuri Mazihin are themselves laureates of the Golden Mask. Bubelnikov already headed the Mask jury in 2010, and was a member in 2005 and 2016.

Again, life is concentrated around two capitals. And again, if we look at the drama, we see a completely different coverage of the regions - Yekaterinburg, Voronezh, Krasnoyarsk, even Elista appear. Of course, the number of musical theaters cannot be compared with the number of drama theaters, but they are not limited to Moscow and St. Petersburg. It must be hard even for Maske, despite its all-Russian level, to go beyond a certain circle of handshakes.

Best Opera Performance

  1. Cantos Opera and Ballet Theatre. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Perm (7 nominations, 1 win, special award)
  2. "Billy Budd", Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow(8 nominations, 2 wins)
  3. Manon Lescaut, Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow (6 nominations, special award)
  4. The Passenger, Opera and Ballet Theatre, Yekaterinburg (4 nominations, 2 wins)
  5. "Motherland of Electricity", Opera and Ballet Theatre, Voronezh (5 nominations)
  6. Salome, Mariinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg (6 nominations)
  7. Turandot, Helikon Opera Theatre, Moscow (8 nominations)
  8. Faust, Novaya Opera Theatre. E.V. Kolobova, Moscow (7 nominations, 1 win)
  9. Chaadsky, Helikon-Opera Theatre, Moscow (6 nominations, 1 win)

A scene from the play "Billy Bud". Photo by Damir Yusupov

On the wave of solidarity, it would be logical to give the "Golden Mask" to "Chaadsky", staged by Kirill Serebrennikov. But the winner was "Billy Budd" - the verified work of his international team is still several goals higher than what the domestic theater is capable of doing. At the same time, "Billy Budd" is a performance about the absence of freedom, openly touching on a number of topics inconvenient for the establishment: from abuse of power to homosexual relationships.

But a good decision for the "Mask" could be the award of two performances at once. This could create a resonant precedent for the same Chaadsky. The “Mask” had to refuse to award an award in one category or another at one time. Or the main theatrical award of the country can afford only stinginess, but not generosity?

However, de facto the second award was also given, and received it - in the form of a special jury award - the opera "Cantos": "for artistic integrity and the creation of an innovative form of musical performance by an ensemble of authors and performers." "Cantos" really fascinates with its form: from the passage along the dark corridor to the stage, turned into an auditorium, to the exit from the theater to the bonfires burning in the night. This is how it should be, because only the form affects the viewer in this performance.

Best Performance by a Conductor in an Opera Performance

  1. Yuri Anisichkin, The Motherland of Electricity, Opera and Ballet Theatre, Voronezh
  2. Oliver von Dohnany, The Passenger, Opera and Ballet Theatre, Yekaterinburg
  3. Felix Korobov, Chaadsky, Helikon-Opera Theatre, Moscow
  4. Teodor Currentzis, Cantos, Opera and Ballet Theatre. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Perm
  5. Jan Latham-Koenig, Faust, Novaya Opera Theatre. E.V. Kolobova, Moscow
  6. William Lacey, Billy Budd, Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow
  7. Vladimir Fedoseev, Turandot, Helikon-Opera Theatre, Moscow
  8. Philip Chizhevsky, "Galileo", Stanislavsky Electrotheatre and Polytechnic Museum, Moscow

Opera/Conductor: Oliver von Dokhnanyi, The Passenger, Opera and Ballet Theatre, Yekaterinburg Photographs by Gennady Avramenko

The newly discovered Weinberg continues to excite the minds - nothing else can explain the victory of Oliver von Dohnanyi over everyone's favorite Currentzis and over William Lacey with his phenomenal fine work on Britten's score. Although it is possible that the jury wanted thereby to encourage the opera The Passenger itself, with its theme of freedom and lack of freedom and resistance to oppression.

Best Direction in Opera

  1. Dmitry Bertman, Turandot, Helikon-Opera Theatre, Moscow
  2. Mikhail Bychkov, The Motherland of Electricity, Opera and Ballet Theatre, Voronezh
  3. Ekaterina Odegova, Faust, Novaya Opera Theatre. E.V. Kolobova, Moscow
  4. David Alden, Billy Budd, Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow
  5. Kirill Serebrennikov, Chaadsky, Helikon-Opera Theatre, Moscow
  6. Adolph Shapiro, Manon Lescaut, Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow
  7. Tadeusz Strassberger, The Passenger, Opera and Ballet Theatre, Yekaterinburg

Kirill Serebrennikov

In this nomination, Serebrennikov's victory, in principle, balances the "Mask" that Chaadsky did not receive for the best performance: the director's work is of decisive importance in the success of the production today.

Best female and male role in opera

Among the ladies who competed were Anna Netrebko (the title role in Manon Lesko at the Bolshoi Theatre) and Mariinsky supernova Elena Stikhina (the title role in Salome). But “The Mask” went not to the dazzling divas-sopranos in the roles of objectified women, but to the mezzo Nadezhda Babintseva, who played the ambiguous role of a camp warden in “The Passenger”, who is in a difficult relationship with her conscience.

In the men's competition, three of the eight soloists were from "Billy Budd", but if too many performers from one performance are declared in the nomination, then none of them will receive the "Mask". So it was with the "Rodelinda" last year, so it happened with the "Billy" now. And if there are only two, as with Faust from the Novaya Opera, then nothing else - so the award went to Evgeny Stavinsky, who sang Mephistopheles.

Yusif Eyvazov, who sang in Manon together with his wife, was also a contender for the Mask. And although both lost in their nominations, the jury considered it necessary to present them with the "Mask", issuing a special prize "for a unique creative duet in the performance of the Bolshoi Theater" Manon Lesko "". That is, in fact, in the nominations for the best roles, there were also two winners each.

Thus, among the main favorites of the award, only "Turandot" of "Helikon-Opera" and Voronezh's "Motherland of Electricity" did not win in any of their nominations - but the fact that the performance of the regional Platonov Festival in Voronezh, thanks to the director's work of Mikhail Bychkov and the set design of Nikolai Simonov and Alexey Bychkov was shown in Moscow.

Best Ballet Performance

  1. The Four Seasons, Mariinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg (4 nominations)
  2. "Second Detail", Musical Theatre. K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, Moscow (1 nomination)
  3. Cinderella, Opera and Ballet Theatre. P. I. Tchaikovsky, Perm (8 nominations, 3 wins)
  4. The Cell, Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow (3 nominations, 1 win)
  5. Naiad and fisherman. Suite, Opera and Ballet Theatre, Yekaterinburg (5 nominations)
  6. The Snow Queen, Opera and Ballet Theatre, Yekaterinburg (6 nominations)
  7. “Suite in white”, Musical theater named after. K.S.Stanislavsky and Vl.I.Nemirovich-Danchenko, Moscow(3 nominations, 1 win)

Scene from the performance "Suite in White", choreography by Serge Lifar, MAMT im. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko. Photo by Mikhail Logvinov

Awarding the prize to Serge Lifar's abstract white tunic "Suite" breaks the chain of decisions behind which one wants to see a hidden political meaning. Perhaps the jury thought that Miroshnichenko's "Cinderella" recalls the cannibalistic Soviet times too fondly.

Best Contemporary Dance

  1. “Memoriae”, Project by K. Matulevsky and S. Gaidukova, Moscow
  2. “The Call of the Beginning (Alif)”, the Cultural Initiatives Foundation “Creative Environment” and the Theater Project “Stone. Cloud. Bird, Kazan
  3. Imago Trap, Provincial Dances Theatre, Yekaterinburg
  4. "Collector", House of Dance "Kannon Dance", St. Petersburg
  5. "Object in the distance", Dance company "Air", Krasnodar
  6. "Silk", Contemporary Dance Theatre, Chelyabinsk
  7. "Essence", Dance company "Zonk'a", Yekaterinburg

A scene from the play "Imago Trap". Theater "Provincial Dances", Yekaterinburg

The modern dance presented in the nomination, with all the desire, cannot be pulled onto the political agenda. The victory of "Imago-traps" is a recognition of a worthy level of development of the genre in the regions.

The best work of a conductor in ballet

  1. Alexey Bogorad, "Naiad and fisherman. Suite, Opera and Ballet Theatre, Yekaterinburg
  2. Igor Dronov, The Cage, Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow
  3. Pavel Klinichev, The Snow Queen, Opera and Ballet Theatre, Yekaterinburg
  4. Felix Korobov, "Suite in White", Musical Theatre. K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, Moscow
  5. Teodor Currentzis, Cinderella, Opera and Ballet Theatre. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Perm

Ballet/Conductor: Teodor Currentzis, Cinderella, Opera and Ballet Theatre. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Perm Photographer Dmitry Dubinsky

Since Teodor Currentzis did not receive the "Mask" for the opera, it is expected that it was awarded for the ballet. At the ceremony itself, Currentzis’ speech did not touch the main line of solidarity with the defendants in the Seventh Studio case, but we remember that Currentzis officially supported Kirill Serebrennikov after his arrest, posting a corresponding appeal on the website of the Perm Opera and signing an international petition in defense of the director.

Best Choreographer

  1. Tatyana Baganova, Imago Trap, Provincial Dances Theatre, Yekaterinburg
  2. Yuri Burlaka, Naiad and fisherman. Suite, Opera and Ballet Theatre, Yekaterinburg
  3. Riccardo Buscarini, "Silk", Contemporary Dance Theatre, Chelyabinsk
  4. Ilya Zhivoi, The Four Seasons, Mariinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg
  5. Konstantin Matulevsky, Sofia Gaidukova, "Memoriae", Project by K. Matulevsky and S. Gaidukova, Moscow
  6. Alexei Miroshnichenko, Cinderella, Opera and Ballet Theatre. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Perm
  7. Ksenia Mikheeva, Collector, Kannon Dance House, St. Petersburg
  8. Marcel Nuriev, "The Call of the Beginning", the Creative Environment Foundation for Cultural Initiatives and the Theater Project "Stone. Cloud. Bird, Kazan
  9. Vyacheslav Samodurov, The Snow Queen, Opera and Ballet Theatre, Yekaterinburg
  10. Oleg Stepanov, Alexey Torgunakov, "Object in the distance", Dance company "Air", Krasnodar
  11. Anna Shchekleina, Alexander Frolov, "Essence", Dance Company "Zonk'a", Yekaterinburg

Where the experts inflated the list, including everything from Yuri Burlaka's neat reconstruction to Marcel Nureyev's breakdancing experiments with the Tatar alphabet (it seems that he is not a relative after all), the jury settled on the typical neoclassical Alexei Miroshnichenko.

Best Female and Male Role in Ballet/Contemporary Dance

Competed mainly artists from the Perm "Cinderella", Yekaterinburg "Naiads" and "Snow Queen". "Masks" were given to Anastasia Stashkevich for the role of the New Girl in Jerome Robbins' ballet "The Cage", staged at the Bolshoi Theater, and Nurbek Batulla, the only performer in Marcel Nureyev's Kazan performance "The Call of the Beginning."

In general, this time the topical agenda was much less reflected in the dance. Whether it will be next year, when "Mask" will have to deal with "Nureyev" by Serebrennikov.

Poor Relatives: Operetta and Musical

In the light genre, the traditional lack of fish: the musical does not take root in Russia, for the life of me. Something organically lacks both the public and the audience. As a result, only two performances by the young director Alexei Frandetti from different parts of the country compete with each other: the classical operetta by Gilbert and Sullivan "The Mikado", staged at the Musical Comedy Theater in Yekaterinburg, against the classic Broadway musical "Sweeney Todd" by Stephen Sondheim at the Moscow Theater on Taganka.

As a result, "Sweeney Todd" took "Masks" for the best performance, the best work of the director and the best male role (Peter Markin), "The Mikado" won in the nomination for the best female role (Anastasia Ermolaeva), and the other two awards went to the "Nameless Star" staged by Philipp Razenkov at the Musical Theater of Novosibirsk: Alexander Novikov was awarded for the best work of a conductor, Evgenia Ogneva - for the best supporting role. In total, the expert council shortlisted only five performances; without "Masks" were "The Ugly Duckling" of the St. Petersburg theater "Carambol" and "Princess of the Circus" of the Moscow Musical Theater. The work of the composer in the musical theater: Alexei Syumak, "Cantos", Opera and Ballet Theater. P.I. Tchaikovsky, the Prize is presented by Leonid Desyatnikov. Perm Photographer Dmitry Dubinsky

There has never been such a crowd of composers at the Golden Mask award ceremony: even The Drillers, “an opera series in five evenings and six composers,” were nominated in 2016 for individual episodes – and far from all.

It is difficult to say that some work was stronger and brighter - the top selection of composers participated in the Electrotheatre project, Manotskov and Vasilyev also worked very hard. In general, The Mask could make a separate nomination for musical performances for children: this subgenre lacks visibility, it comes to the attention of serious criticism only when such masters as Artem Vasilyev and Vyacheslav Samodurov take it - and after all, new children's performances regularly and everywhere.

Aleksey Syumak, who defeated such strong competitors, wrote, strictly speaking, not an “opera for choir and violin solo”, as Cantos is entitled, but rather a cantata or a work of the “experimental” category. But today there is an opinion that belonging to the opera genre is established by the composer himself.

Best Art Direction in Musical Theater

  1. Ethel Ioshpa, "Faust", New Opera. E.V. Kolobova, Moscow
  2. Monica Pormale, Salome, Mariinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg
  3. Ksenia Peretrukhina, Cantos, Opera and Ballet Theatre. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Perm
  4. Alona Pikalova, Cinderella, Opera and Ballet Theatre. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Perm
  5. Nikolay Simonov, Alexey Bychkov, The Motherland of Electricity, Opera and Ballet Theatre, Voronezh
  6. Paul Steinberg, Billy Budd, Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow
  7. Evgeny Terekhov, "Sweeney Todd, Maniac Barber of Fleet Street", Taganka Theatre, Moscow
  8. Alexey Tregubov, Chaadsky, Helikon-Opera Theatre, Moscow

The Music Review analyzed Paul Steinberg's set design in Billy Budd in detail: nothing pretty, nothing ugly, nothing random; in fact, the ideal work is the stage embodiment of a floating Gulag. In general, the trend among the nominees is meaningful, multi-valued scenography: this was the case in Chaadsky, Manon Lescaut, Salome, and Turandot.

Best Musical Theater Costume Design

  1. Yulia Vetrova, The Motherland of Electricity, Opera and Ballet Theatre, Voronezh
  2. Kamelia Kuu, Turandot, Helikon-Opera Theatre, Moscow
  3. Lesha Lobanov, Cantos, Opera and Ballet Theatre. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Perm
  4. Oleg Molchanov, The Ugly Duckling, Carambol Theatre, St. Petersburg
  5. Tatiana Noginova, Cinderella, Opera and Ballet Theatre. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Perm
  6. Kirill Serebrennikov, Chaadsky, Helikon-Opera Theatre, Moscow
  7. Maria Tregubova, Manon Lescaut, Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow
  8. Elena Turchaninova, The Nameless Star, Musical Theatre, Novosibirsk
  9. Constance Hoffman, Billy Budd, Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow

Constance Hoffman with her prison uniforms and guard breeches would have been given here, but the jury preferred to encourage the titanic work of Tatyana Noginova, who created a kaleidoscope of costumes for the Perm Cinderella.

Best Lighting Design in Musical Theater

  1. Semyon Aleksandrovsky, Cantos, Opera and Ballet Theatre. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Perm
  2. Konstantin Binkin, The Four Seasons, Mariinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg
  3. Alexander Naumov, Salome, Mariinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg
  4. Alexey Khoroshev, Cinderella, Opera and Ballet Theatre. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Perm

“Salome” won one of its five potential nominations, but thereby Alexander Naumov stood on the same board as Robert Wilson, who received the “Mask” for light in 2017.


  1. “Away. Europe”, Festival “Territory”, Moscow, and “Rimini Protokoll”, Germany
  2. Returned, YBW Theater Company, Moscow
  3. "Galileo. Opera for Violin and Scientist”, Stanislavsky Electrotheatre and Polytechnic Museum, Moscow
  4. Lesosibirsk Lois, Poisk Theatre, Lesosibirsk
  5. Museum of Alien Invasion, Theater of Mutual Actions, Moscow
  6. “I am Basho”, “Upsala Circus”, St. Petersburg

Two immersive performances, an opera by five composers, a chat performance, a horizontal excursion performance and a social project competed. The public good won: the Uppsala Circus, which employs difficult teenagers and children with special needs, received the Mask.

What a drama

What a drama

As can be seen from the description of the Masks award ceremony, there were enough winners in the drama theater whose topicality was striking.

The best performance of a large form was the work of Lev Dodin's "Fear Love Despair" at the Maly Drama Theater in St. Petersburg, based on Brecht's texts about pre-Nazi Germany.

The best performance of a small form - "Chuk and Gek" by Mikhail Patlasov at the Alexandrinsky Theater, dedicated to the repressions of 1937.

"Mask" for the best female role went to Alla Demidova for her work in Serebrennikov's play "Akhmatova. A poem without a hero" at the Gogol Center.

Stas Svistunovich received the award for the best work of a lighting designer for The Governor Andrei Moguchy in the BDT: the performance is dedicated to the relationship of power with itself, but power that has not lost its fear and conscience; he is a mirror in which today's government will not look.

The best work of a playwright was done by Dmitry Danilov in Theatre.doc's The Man from Podolsk. This is a utopian performance about good police officers, but the Theatre.doc, which exists under a state of siege, has to deal with completely different law enforcement officers.

Of the two special jury awards in the drama, one of the wording was streamlined: the Khabarovsk Theater for Young Spectators - "for a subtle and scenically expressive reading of Leo Tolstoy's story" Childhood "by means of a holistic ensemble of actors"; but with the help of the second jury, they said what they wanted: to the staff of the Gogol Center Theater under the direction of Kirill Serebrennikov - "for creating a space for creative freedom and a bold search for the language of theatrical modernity."

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