How are acoustic guitar strings different? How to choose guitar strings

Every guitarist has to change the strings on his instrument sooner or later, either because of wear and tear, or to get a slightly different sound from the instrument. The acoustic guitar is a wonderful instrument that sounds great even in concert hall, and in a cramped apartment, and in the yard among multi-storey buildings, and, of course, in nature by the fire.

It will no longer be possible to change the acoustic properties, which depend on the type of wood, the composition of the varnish, the quality of the workmanship of parts. But to achieve the desired timbre and sonority by replacing the strings - this is possible.

Nylon or metal?

If we consider what types of guitar strings are, then they can be divided into two groups, which have their own varieties: nylon and metal. Each has its own characteristics, advantages and some disadvantages.

Speaking briefly about the main properties, then nylon ones are softer, and their sound is muffled. Metal is characterized by a brighter, ringing sound, but they are tougher - it is from them that guitarists form rough calluses on the fingertips of their left hand.

Soft and quiet

As already mentioned, nylon strings softer. In fact, they are nylon fishing line, at least that's what the first three look like. Only the thickness of the fishing line from the first to the third, respectively, increases. Thick basses are made up of a bundle of nylon strands that are wrapped in copper (most commonly), silver, or brass.

There is also such a thing as the degree of tension. For beginners, it is usually advised to choose normal tension - it is very difficult and painful to press High Tension nylon lines to the frets. Playing them, though easier, but some of the nuances of extracting sound, known to masters, will remain unavailable.

Experts believe that if the guitar was purchased with nylon strings, then it is better to choose the same ones when replacing. It's the same with metal ones. Nylon is usually put on the classic Spanish guitar, and for acoustic, a loud, rich metallic sound is more suitable. However, there are exceptions and special opinions among guitarists on this matter.

By the way, it happens that nylon strings are more difficult to attach to the pegs (very slippery), more difficult to tune (it is difficult to “catch” the desired pitch). Professionals advise after tightening and tuning to let the instrument lie down for a day so that the nylon stretches, and then finally tune the guitar.

Loud and loud

This is exactly what is perfect for acoustic guitar. Juicy sounding of chords, sonorous tremolo, bright playing by fighting - only metal is capable of all this. Whatever metal strings are strung on an acoustic guitar, they will still sound louder than synthetic ones.

There are several varieties of:

    Based on monolithic (piano steel) with a round winding. The first two strings are high-strength special steel wire, the third can look different: either like the first two, or have a thin metal winding. The sound with it is more velvety and pleasant, however, due to the thinness, the braid breaks very quickly. And in this case, a replacement is already necessary.

There is one remark: if one string is out of order, then it is better to change everything at once: the sound of the new one will still stand out from the general timbre. It is better not to skimp and choose to replace the entire tool kit.

    With steel base and flat winding. In this case, the difference from the previous type is only in the winding: it is flat on the outside.

    Steel core with synthetic sheath. The sheath can be a thin Teflon winding, or a steel wire is encased in plastic. Such protection increases their service life: they do not get dirty from contact with fingers, do not wear out, even if the frets on the guitar are not well polished. However, the special iridescent sound characteristic of a metal core with a round winding will not work here.

More about winding

In general, the sound of basses and the convenience of moving fingers over them depends largely on the winding and, first of all, what shape it has. As already mentioned, the metal winding can be round in diameter. In this case, you can get a very sonorous, juicy, iridescent sound. But the sliding of fingers on such an uneven surface is accompanied by a characteristic creak, or, as they say, a whistle, and this extraneous noise is sometimes perfectly audible to the audience.

A flat or semi-circular winding is good because it gives a perfect smooth surface. The fingers of the left hand easily and almost silently glide over it without encountering obstacles. And for beginners, pressing on such a surface is not so painful. However, the sound, although sonorous, is deprived of that special iridescence, which was mentioned above. On the bass, it has a "matte coloration" compared to the richer sound of the thin first strings.

The material from which the outer braid of the bass is made is, as a rule, copper, less often brass, silver or other alloys. Copper, of course, is cheaper, silver is more beautiful. But do not put this expensive miracle on a cheap guitar with poorly polished frets. You won’t achieve a special beauty of sound here, the silver shell will quickly tear, and you just have to change the entire set.

Diameter and tension

On the boxes with the sets, there are always numbers indicating the diameter and tension. At least, reputable companies that produce quality products (such as D'Addario, La bella, for example) must write this data on the packaging. The thickness of the first string can be from 0.08 to 0.15 mm, often this figure is indicated in inches. Thick, low tension basses can rattle when played against the frets. To avoid this, lower the neck.

As a rule, guitarists, experimenting with various parameters and brands of manufacturers, choose for themselves the most successful option (or options) that satisfies them in terms of sound and ease of sound extraction. Knowing the basics and patterns, you can personal experience pick up the most good strings.

We hope this article has helped you choose good strings for your guitar.

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For many, both beginners and quite professional guitarists, the process of choosing the best strings for your own guitar becomes real problem. For your own money, you certainly want to get something of very high quality, durable, comfortable and sounding good. And in this material we will try to consider absolutely all aspects of the selection of strings for various types guitars, as well as tell you about the most popular brands and models, the choice of which is always a good decision.

Choosing the Right Guitar Strings

In order to find out which best strings for the guitar will suit you, you will have to experiment repeatedly. It all depends very much on style and preference, as different windings sound very different, and even the gauge of the string plays. great importance. Nevertheless, it is worth starting your search with really worthy and popular models in order to immediately feel the maximum quality and be able to further compare it with products from other famous manufacturers, forming your own unique taste.

What to look out for when choosing strings

Before you choose the best guitar strings, you should pay attention to a number of parameters. Not all of them may be important at one level or another of your game. If you are a beginner, then the comfort and convenience of the game should be at the forefront. This means that thinner strings with traditional windings will suit you without much frills. It is important to understand that in order to extract a unique sound, for example, from thick silver strings on an acoustic, you need to have certain skills and master advanced techniques, such as fingerstyle. Well, an uninitiated young musician with such strings is more likely to face a number of difficulties that are not needed at this level.

Also, do not chase cheapness, making deals with conscience, acquiring conditionally cheap strings from unknown Chinese manufacturers. All this will only lead to the fact that you yourself will be dissatisfied with the sound, and low-quality products will very soon require an early replacement. It is worth remembering that strings are not an element that can be neglected and that can be saved on, because the most important thing in an instrument is sound, and strings play one of the most important roles in its formation.

Best Acoustic Guitar Strings

The acoustic guitar is an extremely popular and widespread instrument, and its sound largely depends on the correct selection of strings. And in the process of choosing them, you should rely on:

  • row specifications and features
  • your current skill level,
  • available budget,
  • preferred play style.

Ernie Ball Earthwood 80/20 Bronze Acoustic Strings

Why this model? For a sonorous, clear and at the same time very warm and deep sound, characteristic of a high-quality bronze winding.

Characteristics. Bronze braided thick strings on a steel core, a wide variety of diameters available.

Pros and cons. Great sound, which you will be very difficult to refuse in the future. Of the minuses, it is worth highlighting the rather rapid wear. With active play, a replacement may be required after a few months.

Strings D "Addario 80/20 Bronze Acoustic

Why this model? For the characteristic rich sound achieved due to the bronze circular braid.

Characteristics. Round bronze braid, large selection of different calibers.

Pros and cons. Classic acoustic sound ideal for a variety of playing styles. Of the minuses, it is worth highlighting not the longest service life. After 2-3 months, the strings will begin to gradually lose their properties.

Elixir NanoWeb Phosphor Bronze Acoustic Strings

Why this model? For a warm and deep bronze sound, and impressive durability, which is achieved using proprietary manufacturing techniques.

Characteristics. Phosphorus bronze wound strings. A wide range of available gauges and a proprietary fluoropolymer coating that prevents any negative effects and does not have any negative effect on the strings in terms of sound.

Pros and cons. Amazing durability, smooth sounding and low maintenance. The disadvantages include a significantly higher cost, for which, however, you get strings that live 5-6 times longer than usual.

What strings to buy for acoustic guitar?

Obviously, when choosing the best acoustic guitar strings, you need to build on such parameters as the thickness of the string, its winding, and its type itself. For beginners, thinner and softer 0.010" strings with flat copper or bronze windings are fine, while pros should take larger gauge round wound models for the most rich sound with good depth and maximum overtones.

Best Bass Strings

Choosing the best strings for a bass guitar is a very responsible process, because they are not changed as often as on ordinary guitars, they are more expensive, and therefore the set you have chosen will become your faithful companion for quite a long time.

Ernie Ball Regular Slinky Bass 50-105 Strings

Why this model? For a distinctive and recognizable sound, chosen by thousands of professional bass players around the world.

Characteristics. Strings with a round nickel-plated steel braid on a hexagonal steel core. Large range of available diameters.

Pros and cons. Signature clear and sonorous sound, high level of comfort when playing. The disadvantages include the average service life and the need to care for the strings with the help of special cleaning solutions at regular intervals.

Strings D "Addario Nickel Wound Bass 50-105

Why this model? For a classic, slightly vintage sound with distinctive accents.

Characteristics. Classical bass strings with a round nickel-plated winding on a hexagonal steel core.

Pros and cons. High quality, excellent balanced sound and affordable price. The disadvantages include the average service life.

Strings Elixir NanoWeb Bass 45-105

Why this model? For amazing durability, great sound that is unaffected by the protective coating, and maximum playing comfort.

Characteristics. Nickel-plated round braided strings on hexagonal steel cores with proprietary fluoropolymer polymer coating. Wide range of calibers available.

Pros and cons. Excellent protection against any impact, and a service life measured in years. The disadvantages include the high cost, which not every novice musician can be ready for.

What strings to buy for bass guitar?

Whatever the case, the best bass strings are the ones that last for many months or even years, so you don't have to change them too often. Of course, this is a matter of taste and skill, but it is better to immediately invest in models with a protective coating, forgetting about replacement for a long time. It is also worth emphasizing that the bass guitars themselves are both 4-string and 5.6-string, and for each of these models, you will have to look for specialized strings.

Best Electric Guitar Strings

The best strings for electric guitar combine quality deep sound, high durability and reliability. But at the same time, they necessarily have some kind of proprietary sound feature that distinguishes a particular model from many other options.

Ernie Ball Skinny Top Heavy Bottom Strings

Why this model? For the unique sound achieved by combining super-thin bottom strings with thick top ones.

Characteristics. Thick nickel wound strings on a hexagonal steel core. Thin strings are made of high carbon steel, which makes them durable.

Pros and cons. Gorgeous and varied sound, great for different styles of music and playing techniques. The disadvantages include relatively quick "aging", and the need to regularly care for the strings with the help of special tools.

Elixir NanoWeb Strings

Why this model? For a pleasantly balanced sound and decent protection, which means versatility of use in any situations and circumstances.

Characteristics. Nickel-plated string winding on a hexagonal steel core. Thick strings have a protective fluoropolymer coating, while thin strings are coated with a special anti-corrosion compound.

Pros and cons. The highest level of durability, almost complete immunity to any negative impacts. The disadvantages include a rather high cost and a slight muffled sound compared to unprotected strings.

Strings D "Addario Nickel Wound

Why this model? For beautiful, clear and balanced sound. It is not for nothing that this model is the most popular in the line of the D'addario brand, and it is regularly chosen by eminent professional guitarists around the world.

Characteristics. Nickel-plated steel round braid around a hexagonal steel core. Large range of possible calibers.

Pros and cons. Great sound and affordable price. The disadvantages include the relatively short life of the string, since after a few months active game you may need a replacement.

What strings to buy for electric guitar?

Choosing the best electric guitar strings is not that difficult. Many famous manufacturers will gladly provide you with their own models, among which you can easily find something ideal for yourself. It remains only to spend a little time and effort on the search itself.

The best strings for classical guitar

Strings for classical guitar traditionally created from polymeric materials, in some cases with the addition of some metal. However, it is interesting to note that even 50-70 years ago such strings were created from animal tendons, soaked and aged in a certain way. Classical strings are very soft, and therefore they are most often recommended for use in the learning process. However, classical and western guitar are actually two completely different different instruments and it's not just the strings that distinguish them.

With the choice of classical strings, there are almost never any particular problems, since there are not so many available options on the market, and the varieties presented vary greatly in price, so the choice is often made precisely on the basis of this parameter.

Strings D "Addario Classic Nylon Normal

Why this model? Due to the stronger and more resonant type of nylon used, the quality silver-plated braid delivers perfect sound with precise picking.

Characteristics. Thicker rectified nylon, wide range of diameters available, medium tension and silver-plated thick strings.

Pros and cons. Excellent value for money, high durability of the model. Of the minuses, it is worth highlighting the specific sound of the winding, which may not please everyone, especially with a certain playing rhythm. The most suitable option for experienced musicians.

Ernie Ball Earthwood Folk Nylon Classic Strings

Why this model? Because of the rich and deep sound, achieved through the use of a bronze winding with a small addition of copper. The model is a true classic, which many musicians have chosen over the years, without changing this bright and characteristic sound.

Characteristics. Thin strings and thick cores are made of nylon. Thick strings have a bronze winding. The model has many diameter options.

Pros and cons. It has a warm and deep sound, well suited for both beginners and pros. Of the minuses, it is worth highlighting the rather rapid wear, due to the fact that bronze is a soft metal, quite susceptible to corrosion.

Strings D "Addario Classical Coated

Why this model? A great solution for those who don't want to change strings too often. Combines high-quality sound and proprietary polymer coating that protects the string from any negative external factors for many months of active play.

Characteristics. Nylon strings with a silver-plated braid and a special protective EXP coating. The model has many diameters, for almost every taste.

Pros and cons. The product has the highest durability, easily lasting 4-5 times longer than conventional strings, and at the same time will delight you with the characteristic deep sound of individual notes. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the higher cost and the fact that the silver winding is not suitable for all styles and types of play.

What strings to buy for classical music?

When choosing the best strings for classical guitar, you should focus solely on your taste and financial opportunities. All of the options presented are great. Some are more suitable for beginners, have an affordable price, but will require regular tuning, while others are made for performances, and therefore will easily give you stability and rich sound, but will also cost accordingly.

I promised that I would tell you about how to choose the right strings for an electric guitar and today we will try to figure it out. After all, for a novice guitarist it will be quite difficult to do, due to the lack of necessary knowledge, skills and habits.

There are also some peculiarities in this issue related to which strings to take first: thin or thick, steel or nickel, which manufacturer to prefer. For professional guitarists, these questions may seem simple. But what should beginners and those who are just starting to learn the electric guitar do? Let's look at this in more detail.


For those who do not yet know how to choose the right electric guitar, I advise you to read the detailed article. I will say right away that the choice of strings is a purely individual process. After some time, you will no longer need any advice, because you yourself will be able to select the strings, their coating and the gauge (diameter) that will be most convenient for your fingers to play. Chances are that only through trial and error will you be able to find the strings that work best for you. Therefore, the advice in this article will be useful only at the very beginning of your creative journey.

But if you recently bought yourself a new inexpensive guitar, then, accordingly, some strings are already on it. I would suggest changing them first. Of course, they can live on your guitar for a while, you can even learn to play them. But be aware that their quality leaves much to be desired. No one will give you a guarantee that these strings will not break or rust in the near future. Now let's deal with the criteria for choosing electric guitar strings.

String manufacturers

The first thing you should pay attention to when you start choosing strings for your electric guitar is the brand (manufacturer). I would advise giving preference to such proven brands as:

- the most expensive, long-playing and my favorite strings, which have a polymer coating, thanks to which they do not lose their original sound so quickly, and they are also soft and quite pleasant to the touch.

D'Addario- the most popular bourgeois strings that our guitarists love.

- quite tenacious and very quality strings. They are in demand mainly among metalworkers. Average price.

- quite affordable and good in quality, I also advise you to try it, you will not regret it, because such strings will last much longer than any fake produced by Petya Ivanov's steel plant No. 3.

- nickel / steel strings of American production at an affordable price. Feedback from guitarists is only positive.

And one more thing, do not really trust the sellers in the store, who will be happy to shove you some stale garbage, especially if they notice that you are not particularly versed in this. So it's better to start by sitting at home "google" or consult with familiar guitarists. Try to decide in advance on the brand of future strings, read the reviews of musicians, and at the same time look at the average price in online stores. And most importantly, the question of choosing strings must be approached purely individually, i.e. decide in advance what sound you want and how comfortable these strings will be for you.

String coating

This is the second and most important criterion when choosing strings for an electric guitar. On the front of the package you can find information about the coating material from which they are made. Regardless of the braid, the core of the string is always made of steel, but its winding can be of several types:

Nickel plating– has a soft sound (ideal for solo performance). Strings with such a coating are considered the most popular today, even despite some of their shortcomings (the winding fades rather quickly, rubs on contact with the frets and loses its original sound in a couple of weeks).

steel coating- has the brightest and sharpest sound, and such strings are made entirely of steel (winding + core). These strings are best suited for metal players and those who want to achieve a harsher and more piercing sound. Not as popular as nickels.

Sometimes, to protect the strings from corrosion, manufacturers apply a special polymer composition to the winding, which ultimately significantly prolongs their life, but the price, as a rule, will also be appropriate for them.

String Gauge

Caliber is the thickness of the string, which is usually expressed in fractions of an inch. As a rule, in sets, the thickness of the 1st and 6th strings is usually indicated, for example: 9 - 42 or 10 - 46. In the jargon of musicians, this sounds like "nine" or "ten". Depending on what style of playing and style of music you prefer, it is necessary when choosing strings to strive for some kind of compromise between richness and loudness of sound, as well as speed and convenience of playing. In practice, it turns out that thick strings have a richer and more powerful sound, but thin ones are the easiest to play, but you have to sacrifice the sound. Here the choice is yours. In general, in my opinion, the most optimal set in terms of thickness and sound is the “ten”.

0,008 - These strings are the softest and thinnest, best suited for beginner guitarists. They don't sound as powerful and tight as thicker kits and are therefore not very popular with experienced guitarists. I wouldn’t recommend staying on the “eight” for a long time, because in the future it will be quite difficult to switch to thick strings, so you need to try to gradually develop your skills and switch to a set of 0.010 or 0.011.

0,009 - "nine", also belongs to the category of soft and thin strings. They are already a little more difficult to play, but the sound will be more dense compared to the "eight".

0,010 - strings of medium thickness. The most popular and widespread among musicians. They combine the best qualities of thin and thick strings: medium stiffness and rather dense sound.

0,011; 0,012; 0,013 - strings of this gauge are considered thick and rather difficult to play. But they have a rich and powerful sound. Such kits are also used for low standing in heavy styles of rock music.

There are also hybrid sets, where the first three tenor strings are of standard thickness, and the 4th, 5th and 6th bass strings can be thicker than the standard. For example, Zakk Wylde plays his signature set in 10-60. Hybrids are created so that the riff sounds the most powerful on the bass strings, and when playing solo there are no difficulties with bends.

Another interesting point. In various sets, the third string may or may not be wound. The third string without winding is most often put by musicians performing rock music, because it is easier to perform solos and bands (braces) on such a string, but for others musical styles, for example jazz, it is the 3rd string that is best suited. Although you should not take this as a rule, experiment!

Winding types

Twisted strings are divided into several types, depending on the winding and material:

Round winding flat winding
Semicircular winding Hexagonal winding

Round winding

Strings with such a winding are considered the easiest to manufacture and the cheapest. They have a round core inside, around which a round wire is wound. The disadvantages include the following:

  • The presence of a relief profile that causes a "whistling" while sliding fingers along the string.
  • A rough surface that wears the frets and fretboard much faster.
  • Winding loose to the core, which can rotate around it after damage.

flat winding

Flat wound strings also have a round core inside, but wound wire has a smoother square profile with rounded corners. This profile reduces whistle, makes the strings more comfortable to play, and reduces fret and fretboard wear. The sound of these strings is less bright than roundwound strings. They are more expensive for the price.

Semicircular winding

Nothing more than a hybrid of the two previous windings. These strings have sound characteristics round along with the sensations of a flat winding. At first, they are made the same as with a round winding, but then the outer side of the wire is polished and pressed almost to a flat state.

Hexagonal winding

The profile of the core is a hexagon with a tightly wound round wire that follows the shape of the core. Thanks to this design, the problem of winding torsion around the core is solved and the sound is significantly improved due to its close connection with the winding. The downside is that sharp ribs wear out the nut and fretboard much faster than roundwrap, and are also less comfortable to play.

  • Do not throw away old strings as they will still be useful to you if any string breaks, and the store is far away.
  • Before buying, explain to the seller that it is for the electric guitar that you need the strings, and not for any other, so that you will not be sold the wrong thing.
  • In order to somehow extend the life of the strings, try to wash your hands before playing so that there is no dirt and grease on them, and after playing, wipe the strings with a special liquid or a dry cloth from above and below.
  • Try to change your strings at least every six months, because even the best ones don't live that long. During this time, their characteristics change: inhomogeneity occurs in thickness, the sound loses its richness, or microcracks may appear.
  • If one string suddenly breaks, then you can purchase it separately, without buying a whole set. In this case, try to select a similar string.

In order to determine if your guitar needs to be changed strings, you should pay attention to the following:

  • dull guitar sound
  • the guitar doesn't stay in tune;
  • the strings are corroded or look dirty;
  • intonation is broken (the same note should sound clearly in different places on the fretboard);
  • the winding shows signs of wear;
  • a lot of time has passed since the last replacement;
  • the strings are too soft/hard.

In conclusion, I want to wish you good luck friends! Now you know how to choose electric guitar strings and you can safely go shopping. I tried to collect as much information as possible in this article, so share it with your friends on social networks below on the page. I will be glad to your comments and additions. All the best!

From time to time, every plucked instrument requires changing the strings. They wear out, in direct proportion to the intensity of use of the guitar. Their service life is affected by the fact how often the guitarist accompanies the vocalists. In order to make a good choice, and the buyer is not disappointed in the purchase, we will take the liberty of publishing some useful tips for choosing strings.

We hope that our work will be appreciated, first of all, by beginner guitarists. It is they, to a greater extent than experienced musicians, who experience difficulties in choosing the strings intended for their favorite musical instrument. Modern e-commerce has the ability to satisfy any needs of potential buyers. The choice of goods is so huge, and sometimes it’s not even easy to determine what to buy. Manufacturers of strings for plucked musical instruments supply trading companies with goods of various prices and quality levels. Dynamically growing business is obliged to develop and constantly offer new products to the markets. Otherwise, you will not be able to compete. For experienced accompanists, no doubt, it is easier to make a choice.

But how not to make mistakes for those who are just rubbing calluses on their fingers, sliding them along the strings?

During the selection of guitar strings, it is necessary to keep in mind a few nuances that can greatly facilitate the process we are covering. We assure you that over time you will gain experience that allows you to independently make purchases of the required accessories. One of the first tasks that can become key to satisfying your need is what kind of guitar you need strings for:

  • acoustic
  • classical
  • electrical
  • bass guitars

Then we need to determine the configuration, and what material the strings are made of. The diameter of their section and the configuration of the winding.

Acoustic guitar strings

For acoustic plucked instruments

The best strings are made from steel and polymers. Metal - from "stainless steel". Synthetic - carbon or nylon. If you recently picked up a guitar, then buy polymer strings. They are softer than steel, and it will be more comfortable for your fingers to learn the technique of playing chords. Carbon strings are more expensive, but they sound much better than nylon strings. Therefore, at this step, the choice is yours. Everything depends on the funds you planned for the purchase. metal strings sounds louder than carbon ones. But they are pulled on guitars of reinforced construction, with a powerful neck.

Diameter and stiffness

The elasticity of guitar strings for acoustic musical instruments directly depends on their section. They are produced and sold in the following sizes:

  • 9/45 - thin and soft, with a quiet "voice"
  • 10/47 - a little harder than the previous ones, recommended for beginner guitarists
  • 11/52 - "golden mean", optimal in terms of rigidity and reproduction of sound power
  • 12/53 - medium tension, recommended for completing new tools
  • 13/56 - these pull hard, for experienced guitarists with a lot of experience

Classical guitar strings

For classic musical plucked instruments, we recommend buying nylon strings. They are soft. It is convenient to sort them out during the accompaniment of a vocalist performing romances or otherwise. musical composition from the romantic repertoire, which is called: "In the circle of friends." The bottom three "classic" strings are made in one strand of nylon fishing line. They are sold polished or sanded. Top: No. 4, 5, and 6 strings are made from multiple nylon strands. They are covered with a thin layer of metal alloys, mainly copper, zinc and silver.

According to the degree of elasticity and tension, they are divided into:

  • normal
  • strong
  • very strong

The only downside to nylon strings is their short life. But on the other hand, they do not rub calluses on the fingertips of guitarists.

For acoustic bass guitars

The prototype of the bass guitar is the double bass. Since time immemorial, animal veins have been used as strings for it. The sound of the instrument could not be called satisfactory until the musicians were offered strings, the sinews of which were wrapped with round steel wire. Loudness and sound quality improved, but another problem arose with the rapid wear of the frets, which degraded acoustic performance. Later, the steel coating was replaced with copper-nickel. The double bass received a soft sound, and the frets became more durable. But the service life of the new, improved strings did not satisfy the musicians, due to their rapid wear. Thanks to the sanding of the coating, which was the final process in the manufacture of bass guitar strings, they turned out to be good, and were able to satisfy the requirements of the most demanding, sophisticated consumers. When choosing strings, you need to know some more little things. In addition to coating, the sound quality of a low tone is affected by the thickness of the core. Thin, she rings louder. Thick - more powerful, the string sounds louder and richer.

Bass strings

For electric guitars

Electric guitars have gained immense popularity among fans. contemporary music, and significantly pressed the acoustic relatives. This type of plucked instruments, in addition to the soundboard and neck, also has pickups and complex electronic filling in its design. Therefore, the strings for them need special ones. The range of sounds extracted from different electric guitars (bass, rhythm, solo) is very wide. Consider some types of strings that can safely be called unique in their kind.

For electric basses

The best interaction in the electromagnetic field formed by the pickups of the musical instrument in question is banal iron. Accordingly, the main material for the manufacture of strings is steel of special grades.

Bass strings

Diameter value

  • 0.008 - the thinnest "eight" guitar strings. Recommended for beginner accompanists who prefer a soft, non-aggressive sound of a musical instrument.
  • 0.009 - they are also "nine". They have a denser sound when compared with the "eights".
  • 0.010 - the classic "ten". The most popular strings among "rockers".
  • 0.011-0.013 are the "heaviest" strings. These are for fans of the deafening heavy metal game.

Electric guitar string diameters

Hybrid string sets will appeal to musicians who tend to play piercing solos while backing up their playing with powerful bass. The first, lower three strings in similar sets of standard sizes. The top three are thickened, for playing the notes of the lower octave in "outrageous decibels". In sales there are also sets in which a third string is inserted with a top braid. Such kits are in demand by guitarists playing blues and jazz compositions.

Coating for EMI strings

In the process of choosing a particular set of strings, you also need to be aware of the nuances associated with the types and types of coatings. Everything is simple with the core: it is always steel. But the braid of the strings is nickel or steel, copper-plated. The nickel-plated string gives the guitar a soft tone. Solo at concerts, performed on an electric musical instrument with such accessories, is especially fascinating. Their only drawback is a short service life, but real professionals will never refuse them. Steel-coated analogs produce a wide range of bright, punchy sounds from electric guitars. They are used by musicians of various styles: from classical to hard rock. The Metallists are in great demand. In order to protect guitar strings from excessive corrosion, manufacturers put a thin polymer layer on the coating. Which will certainly affect the cost of the kits in the direction of their rise in price.

Winding geometry

AT trading network strings with windings of the following configurations are realized:

  • round
  • semicircular
  • flat

String Coating Methods

Types of string windings

The cheapest in terms of cost are analogues with a round winding configuration. They are quite simple to manufacture, do not require complex production lines. A round wire is wound on a classic steel core. During the performance of chords, listeners often hear a "creak" from the movement of the musician's fingers along the frets. The strings are hard and mercilessly erase the separators and the varnish on the fretboard. Semi-circular winding is a hybrid of flat and round technologies. Perhaps, such strings can be safely called the most popular among amateur guitarists. They most carefully treat the wearer's fingertips and his musical instrument. Slightly more expensive are similar flat-wound accessories. Their round core is wrapped with square wire, but with oval ribs. This production technology has almost eliminated the "squeaks" that accompany the movement of the fingers along the neck. Guitarists are much more comfortable playing them than their round analogs.

Popular brands

Introducing the top five most popular guitar string manufacturers.

  • Elixir - products of this brand are coated with a polymer composition on top, which increases the life of the strings, which are considered one of the longest playing. They are soft to the touch. They are pleasant and comfortable to touch with your fingers during performance. musical compositions On guitar.
  • D "Addario is in second place. They are in high demand among most guitarists of various backgrounds.
  • GHS - inexpensive, but perhaps the most optimal in the "Price-quality" segment. A favorite commodity in metalworking circles.
  • Ernie Ball - decent quality coupled with excellent string endurance for a small price.
  • Dean Markley - inexpensive American strings, enjoying some popularity among amateurs and professionals.

When to change strings

Then when they became:

  • soft - hard
  • hard - soft
  • make dull sounds
  • sound different on adjacent frets
  • rattling, with damaged winding

Unfortunately, there are still sellers who are trying to sell anything, as long as it is more expensive. Therefore, purchase goods in stores with an impeccable reputation. Familiar musicians will be able to suggest the address. Feel free to ask them about it. In any case, first decide what strings you need for your guitar. Visit thematic forums or groups on social networks and read reviews about the product you intend to buy. Explore the price range. Ordering in online stores is always cheaper than in real trading enterprises. But do not forget about the cost of shipping your purchase. Do not rush to throw away old strings. They may not have all gone bad. And it may happen that one string breaks, and there will be nothing to replace it. To keep your strings clean, wash your hands before handling the guitar. After playing it, wipe the strings with a rag soaked in a special degreasing solution. Experienced guitarists assure that the strings need to be replaced once every six months if you often play the guitar. To increase the life of the strings, care must be taken. Wipe them regularly with a lint-free cloth. Using a fretboard polish will protect the frets from oxidation and prolong the life of the metal baffles. A shining guitar itself asks for a hand. Take care of your instrument, and it will thank you with excellent sound.

This article will present the strings of the most famous brands, and which ones you will like - decide for yourself, but remember that in order to successfully master the technique of playing the electric guitar, it is important to learn not only the basics this art, but also to clearly determine which specific strings are suitable for you and your instrument. The main parameters that should guide the choice will be described below, as well as the characteristics of the brands of the most famous guitars.

Main criteria

To determine which strings are best for an electric guitar, knowing the three main parameters that should be followed when choosing them will help you. Here is a simple list of them:

  1. The material they are covered with.
  2. The shape of the string winding.
  3. Caliber.

Both the sound and the convenience of playing the guitar depend on the above characteristics.

Coating material

Electric guitar strings are made of either silver or steel. But the braid comes from different materials. Moreover, there are various techniques for its application, which differ in the form of braiding the core.

But what should you choose among today's variety and which strings are best for electric guitar? It’s up to you to choose, and you should start from the braid first. Here are her options:

  • Synthetic nylon coating that makes the strings comfortable for calmer styles of guitar music. Professionals pull them to the limit, and the sound is very clear, but for beginners, this playing technique is not easy.
  • Nickel-plated strings are very widely used for the most popular brands of electric guitars. They sound very warm and harmonious, but, alas, are very impractical, since nickel is soft material. But playing them is easy and simple.
  • Steel-coated strings are not as popular as they are slightly more expensive than nickel-plated strings. But on the other hand, such a winding is the best option, since the sound is clearer, more voluminous and brighter, only the frets suffer from such a neighborhood much more.
  • Nickel-plated steel strings combine the advantages of both. Therefore, they can be regarded as the best option what are the best electric guitar strings to buy.

Winding form

Each of the coating materials is applied to the core of the string in a special way and directly affects the sound production. Here are four winding schemes:

  1. The flat shape is the most gentle on the fretboard. It makes the string very smooth and easy to play. It also gives a muffled harmonious sound, devoid of side effect from moving fingers. They are very fond of jazzmen.
  2. The round shape of the winding is classic, as it is very inexpensive and widespread (because of its simplicity). The downside is that the sills wear out an order of magnitude faster. The sound is characterized by a certain whistle from slipping fingers, which many musicians turn from a minus into a plus, as a kind of expression of the main musical idea.
  3. The semi-circular shape of the winding may please newcomers, as it incorporates elements of the two previous coating schemes. Initially, a round winding is made, which in the next step is subjected to pressure, which gives the tactile sensations of a flat string.
  4. The hexagonal shape of the winding is also a combination of the two styles and wins in terms of sound beauty due to the hexagonal profile. Nevertheless, the sills wear out much faster.

In addition, some string sets are marked FL, which means they have a Floyd Rose tremolation system. They are characterized by the absence of special coils attached to the machine. Therefore (although such strings can be found infrequently), pay attention to such a mark.


Often, when you get into a conversation between two guitarists, you can hear something like: “No, the nine does not sound as cool as the ten! Take it and you won't go wrong!" So what are they discussing? And they talk about the thickness of the string, that is, about its caliber, and the choice of a set should be guided primarily by the diameter of the first and sixth, which are designated as 9-42. In inches, this is reported as 0.009-0.042.

For beginners, thinner strings are suitable, since thick strings are difficult to master for unworked fingers. But the sound thin string fluctuates less intensively, therefore not so juicy and bright. Most musicians use 10-46 or 9-42 calibers, but it's worth starting with 8-38 nonetheless. It’s just not worth getting involved in playing the latter for a long time, because it’s more expedient to switch to a thicker caliber and extract a more voluminous sound. To "cut" heavy metal, you can use strings with a diameter of 11 or 12. But in general, the choice should be made based on your own experience and playing style.

What are the calibers

  1. Thin - from 0.008-0.009, ideal for beginners who learn the very basics of the art of playing the guitar. But over time, it is better to switch to thicker strings in order to improve the quality of sound production.
  2. Medium - 0.010, are distinguished by a balance between the sound of the string and its thickness. This caliber is widely used by performers of various genres.
  3. Thick - from 0.011 to 0.013, are favorites for representatives of metal culture, since playing such strings requires great skill and virtuoso skills. Sound production is very bright, juicy and expressive.

To help you choose the strings that are right for you, here is a list of well-known manufacturers, after reading which you will be much clearer on how to choose electric guitar strings based on your own preferences.

  • Elixir. The company produces high quality strings, which, unfortunately, are not cheap. Of the main advantages, one can single out a deep timbre of sound that envelops every note. The Elixir strings are coated with a polymer winding, which is quite pleasant to the touch. And it is thanks to her that they do not get salted and last longer. In general, choosing disappointed you will not. After all, based on the foregoing, they are practical and pleasing to the ear.
  • D addario. They are a real dinosaur of the instrumental market, as the strings of this manufacturer have proven themselves well a century ago. Moreover, "Dadario" is still ubiquitous and loved by the people. Admirers can be found all over the world, which is not surprising, because D addario are time-tested and can be trusted. Moreover, at a price they are more affordable than the strings of other manufacturers.
  • Ernie Ball. They differ primarily in that they are sealed in foil packaging, and not in a plastic bag. The strings are created using the latest developments in this area. The outer coating is made of a special anti-corrosion alloy, which in itself is a huge plus. In addition, Ernie Ball are reinforced with a special titanium wire, which allows you to better keep the system. But they are much more expensive than their competitors.
  • Dunlop. Strings for electric guitar, also distinguished by an unusual packaging VCI (Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor), which is a special envelope, the manufacturing technology of which allows you to keep the strings in the most favorable conditions. They were produced in North America and versatile for any style of performance.


The electric guitar from this Japanese manufacturer is known worldwide, as "Ibanez" became a pioneer on the way to the US music market. This brand has its own, very complicated history.

Initially, the company was engaged in selling Italian-made guitars. But in the light of tragic events ( civil war) originated in Italy, the instrument-making workshop was destroyed, and the Japanese acquired the rights to manufacture guitars under their own name, setting up their production.

Chip are horned guitars with deep cutouts. With the onset of the 80s of the last century, the Roadster Guitar and Roadster Deluxe models gained popularity, the tremolo of which is Floyd Rose, and the colors are very bright and fashionable.

To date, the Ibanez electric guitar is known everywhere and is quite democratic at a price that varies from $200 to $1500. Therefore, you can safely stop your choice on it.


Electric guitars from this Japanese manufacturer have received recognition from a wide range musicians. At a price they are quite democratic, and in quality they can compete for first place among representatives of the most expensive brands. The history of their production began in the 60s, when the company's acoustic models made a serious sensation among guitarists around the world.

It is noteworthy that, when creating the first electric guitar, Yamaha foresaw the increased interest of the people in a new (at that time) type of instrument, and they were right. Moreover, the affordable price was initially, which is also a kind of marketing ploy.

Today, the enterprising and practical Japanese have a fairly wide selection of models, and, most likely, among them there is “the very option” for you.


It is the most favorite brand among hard rock and heavy metal artists. And it all started with the fact that back in 1946, Leo Fender founded a company for the production of this wonderful instrument. Nowadays, the factory produces personalized guitars, which are made individually, following all the wishes of the customer.

In addition, Fender re-releases old models that have become hits for true music lovers. Stratocaster and Telecaster have long established themselves as excellent instruments, becoming the standard of sound.

Now the company has many models, including: Jaguar, Jazzmaster, Mustang, Roscoe Beck Bass and Prodigy. But, in addition to excellent ones, it produces various devices, amplifiers and other electronics for a cool sound. The price of the tool varies from 800 to 3000 $.

In general, when choosing which strings for an electric guitar are best, trust your hearing, tastes and preferences, and then your heart will tell you.

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