Brand firm. most valuable brand

Today, you can see that the brand world is not so small as it might seem at first glance. Below we list the most famous brands in the world of fashion and style.

Topping the list is Louis Vuitton. According to experts, this one is worth twenty-four billion dollars. Thus, since 2010, he has increased twenty-three percent of the total cost.

Further, Hermer leads by a wide margin. It is estimated at twelve billion dollars. Behind him are Gucci, Chanel, as well as other famous brands that are well known to all those who love luxury. Also on the list is a $5 billion Rolex.

In one year, Gucci gained another two percent, and as for Chanel, he managed to increase twenty-three percent in value.

So, the following is a description of the ten most popular brands in the United States.

However, first it must be said that not all of the brands described will be American, although most US residents are so used to them that they consider them their own.

In tenth place is Coca-cola. Only a person not from this planet may not know about such a brand. Its products are widely known all over the world. It is worth noting that the Santa Claus costume was not always red. First of all, this is the merit of the promoters from the Coca-Cola company, because red is usually associated with this particular brand. This drink is no longer even purely American. This is a global phenomenon.

Disney is in ninth place. Despite all the efforts of the domestic cartoon producer, American cartoons are still the most popular, and there is nothing surprising in this. The budgets of Disney cartoons are truly impressive. Nothing bad to say about this product. Disney is well known to both adults and children.

In eighth place is Whole Foods Market. And although this brand is not as well known to everyone as, for example, Coca-Cola among Americans, it is highly popular (not like among the inhabitants of the Russian Federation). In the USA, I know everything about him, from young to old. No wonder he takes the eighth position. In America, everyone knows that Whole Foods Market is the place where everyone can buy everything they need, whether it's fresh fruit or quality meat.

Seventh place belongs to Nintendo. This trading is well known to all video game lovers. Anyone who once played on this console is unlikely to ever forget it. Thanks to a large number of all kinds of sports and entertainment games, this console is qualitatively different from a large number of other game consoles. However, Nintendo does not consider itself a competitor to either the Xbox or the PS3 because of its original design and also because of how it works.

Sixth place went to BMW. Who does not know about this car brand? Everyone is well aware of it and not without reason, because the engineers and designers from this company managed to work well and create a high-quality car that is popular in all countries of the world.

In fifth place is Starbucks, which is engaged in the production of coffee drinks. The company's employees know all the subtleties of the preparation of "Barista", as well as "Frapuccino".

Target, which took the fourth position, needs no introduction. has a very memorable logo, which at the same time is simple and not intricate. The company previously competed with Wal-Marts and KMarts.

In third place is under the name Nike. At one time, he managed to make a splash in the sportswear market. He managed to oust many of his competitors and take his rightful place at the top of Olympus. At the beginning of its activity, the brand tried to work in two directions. He created high-quality and very comfortable sportswear, as well as the necessary accessories for it. In addition, he worked in the field of high-impact advertising, which was designed to popularize his sports products.

The second place belongs to Apple products. Steve Jobs, as well as his like-minded people, managed to create a truly unique company that is currently developing and implementing high-quality digital technology. The designers and developers of this company, no doubt, do not eat their bread in vain. Apple products are not only highly efficient, they also boast unrivaled design performance. This trademark has influenced the development of other companies that are trying in every possible way to copy the appearance of Apple products.

And finally, we got to the long-awaited first place. To whom does it belong? Who is at the top of Olympus? Of course, this is the Google Internet company, which in just ten years was able to go from a small company to a real giant, turning over multi-billion sums and annually receiving multi-billion dollar profits. To date, the developers of this company are not only working on the creation of more and more Internet services, as well as projects, they have gone offline and are working on the creation of many useful devices that, no doubt, can be useful to everyone in this world. So, Google is working on developing its own high-speed smartphone, tablet computer. Not so long ago, the leadership of an Internet company announced the release of an amazing gadget called “augmented reality glasses”, which allows you to fit all the computing power of a personal computer into small glasses.

Famous brands - a list of the most popular brands in the world and America was last modified: February 18th, 2013 by admin

To date, there are a number of fashion brands that have gone down in history forever and have taken their place of honor in the list of the largest manufacturers of clothing, shoes, accessories, and cosmetics. And today we will go on a journey through the world of fashion and style, get acquainted with the most famous brands.

What famous brand?

This is a kind of opinion about the company, formed by the consumer about the goods and services offered by this company. The success of a brand depends on the strength of the consumer experience left after purchasing the product of this brand. In recent years, brand promotion has received much attention. It is a successful brand that is trusted by the consumer that can help owners sell goods at higher prices. This entails prospects for developing and doing business.

Every successful brand, every big name, was not created in one day. The history of the formation of some fashion brands is decades. This also applies to fashion houses. To be global famous brand and win the trust of consumers, the creators had to work all day and night. But the result lived up to expectations.

In today's world, it takes a lot of effort to create something truly unique and original. As a rule, everything has been created before. If a person wants to realize his talent and creativity, then he needs to work hard to create a brand from scratch. Of course, this is a difficult but interesting path, followed by consumer recognition.

But what does a person who wants to do business in the fashion industry do? Finds famous brand, which is in crisis, redeems and restores it, preserving the traditions of this brand, but bringing its own changes and taking into account modern trends.

Today there are not many significant brands in the fashion world. These names will always be associated with quality and style among consumers. Consumers will be ready to give any money for the products of these famous brands.

Undoubtedly, the designers who lead the most famous fashion houses will not let their consumers down and will delight and inspire them with their new ideas and developments.

  • 1. Hermes (Ermes) - Haute couture house, was founded in France in 1837. Today, he specializes in the production of ready-to-wear, leather goods, various accessories, perfumes and luxury goods.

  • 2. Louis Vuitton (Louis Vuitton). This French fashion house specializes in the production of bags and suitcases, luxury clothing and accessories. Today this company is part of the international holding LVMH.

  • 3. Gucci (Gucci) - one of the most prestigious and famous brands in the world. Gucci is owned by Pinault-Printemps Redoute (PPR) and is second in sales to LVMH.

  • 4. Prada (Prada) - a well-known Italian company that specializes in the production of fashionable shoes, clothing and accessories.

  • 5. Chanel (Chanel) - French manufacturer of luxury goods, is one of the most famous fashion houses in the world.

    • 6. GiorgioArmani (Giorgio Armani) is an Italian fashion house that produces women's and men's shoes, clothes, haberdashery, watches, jewelry, cosmetics and interior items. This famous brand jointly with L'Oreal Corporation produces perfumes. The creator of this brand is the talented designer J. Armani.

  • 7. Christian Dior (Christian Dior). Founded by Frenchman Christian Dior in 1946, this company produces clothing, accessories, perfumes, color cosmetics and skin care products.

  • 8. Versace is an Italian fashion and luxury brand. Fashion designer Gianni Versace founded this company in 1978, and after his death in 1997, his sister Donatella took over the company.

Not all of us can buy clothes from expensive global brands. The history of each of the Fashion Houses included in the top 10 of such brands is interesting. The highest target for total annual revenue is $12.7 billion.


The proverb about “a meeting on clothes” has not lost its relevance today - on the contrary, the trend of following fashion is only gaining momentum every year. Many designers have made a name for people's desire to show their style, taste and status. You can find out which brands can be ranked among the most expensive clothing brands by looking at the rating of fashion houses.

List of richest clothing brands

Why do people buy expensive things? The reasons may be different, but such buyers would like to know what place the elite item they purchased ranks in the ranking. Not only the amount of the assessment is interesting, but also the history of each brand that got into the coveted rating.

In today's society, clothing is the defining criterion for success. For many consumers, it is important that the label is included in the top number.

Table 1. Top 10 Most Expensive Clothing Brands Income Ratio


Set Items

Annual income, 2016

  • clothes;
  • perfumery;
  • textile;
  • accessories..

$12.7 billion

  • clothes;
  • accessories.

$11.4 billion

  • clothes;
  • perfumery;
  • accessories;
  • books.

$8.7 billion

  • clothes;
  • specialized things (for yachtsmen);
  • perfumery;
  • cosmetics.

$7.3 billion

  • clothes;
  • shoes;
  • accessories;
  • perfume;
  • flower service;
  • sweets.

$1.8 billion

denim clothing

$544 million

  • clothes;
  • accessories.

$364 million

  • clothes;
  • perfumery;
  • accessories.

257 million euros

$79 million

  • luxury clothing;
  • Underwear.

$22 million

What is the idea of ​​"instant fashion" and how different is it from top brands? Read.

Pedestals of luxury clothes in 2017

278 boutiques - so many sales departments belong to this most expensive brand in the world. Founded in 1921 by designer Guccio Gucci, today, in addition to clothing, it also produces textiles, perfumes, interior items and accessories. What is the difference between the world famous brand? Experts note the presentability of each line of clothing. In every thing, conservatism and adherence to traditions are felt, which does not prevent experiments with materials and styles. Critics complain that each new collection becomes too predictable, but fashion designers object: in order for clothes to be popular, they must be wearable.

2nd place is occupied by Prada, created in 1913. This fashion house is presented in 250 stores located around the world. 979.2 million annual profits ensured their place "under the sun" in the fashion industry. Not the last role here is played by the ability of designers to combine clothes and try to combine fabrics and styles.

Today, the Prada collection includes not only luxurious dresses for social events, but also trendy accessories. The main credo: "Our clients do not have to prove anything to anyone", expressing the whole essence of wealthy people in this. It is wealthy people who can afford to purchase the outrageousness offered by the brand.

The bronze medalist was the Italians, this time the duet of Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, whose work was embodied in the brand of the same name. The company is one of the youngest - the year of foundation was 1985. The bet was made on Hollywood - actresses who put on outfits from designers stood out among their colleagues. The style from the brand is chosen by bright and dynamic people - it is frankly sensual and sexy (“with the suggestion” of designers, lingerie style and torn jeans came into fashion).

In fourth place is Chanel. The brand began its victorious fashion march at the beginning of the last century. The simple little black dress proved synonymous with luxury and propelled its creator, Coco Chanel, to the pinnacle of success. 100 years later, nothing has changed - "comfortable luxury" (the company's creed) continues to excite the minds and along the way devastates the wallets of those who want to buy such clothes.

Today, Coco Chanel products can be bought in 310 boutiques located on all continents. The style of the brand has changed little over almost a century - it suggests minimalism of color and convenience. Most often, this is a clearly defined silhouette, although the clothes have acquired more democratic shades - even shorts have appeared in summer collections.

"Golden mean" goes to the brainchild of another Italian designer - Giorgio Armani. It presents both everyday models and high fashion collections. A distinctive feature of the style is negligence (it's not for nothing that the brand's clothes are popular among young people). The company produces both everyday collections and "high fashion". The fashion designer began with the alteration of classic men's jackets.

Experts distinguish the minimalism of images - Giordio Armani does not like unnecessary details. A simple formula: ingenious simplicity and incomparable elegance helped Giorgio Armani S.p.A. in the opening of 13 factories and 300 stores worldwide. The brand is considered one of the fastest growing and promising.

In sixth place is the Guess company, whose creators tried to convey that you need to live beautifully every day. The brand is relatively young - it was founded by the four Marciano brothers, who became one of the first popularizers of jeanswear in 1981.

How did jeans grow from everyday wear into a real dream? The Guess brand tries to make each of its models bright, fresh and sexy. Competent work of marketing and advertising services helps the brand to stay at the top of the fashion Olympus. A lot of world-famous stars are filmed in advertising - Eva Herzigova, Claudia Slate, Naomi Campbell and Letizia Casta. And to consolidate the success in a series of commercials, the outrageous socialite Paris Hilton was filmed.

Seventh place is occupied by American Marc Jacobs, former creative director of design house Louis Vuitton, whose collection from 2015 was a real breakthrough. The style is distinguished by bold geometric shapes, the use of patent leather and other creative solutions. The brand is very fond of celebrities - at different times it was advertised by Chloe Sevigny, Victoria Beckham and even the Russian group Tatu. Today at this "post" - Miley Cyrus.

Finally, the list of the French - Christian Dior in eighth place in the ranking of the most expensive clothing brands. It all started in the post-war years, when the first collection of women's clothing from this brand was able to revolutionize the world of post-war fashion. It was Dior who came up with the idea that every fashion designer should have his own sign.

After the death of the fashion designer, the Fashion House was headed alternately by Yves Saint Laurent, Marc Boan, Bernard Arnault and Gianfranco Ferre. Each of them tried to preserve the elegance inherent in the style. Trademark designers try to avoid excessive pretentiousness.

Today, this brand employs 56,000 people. The company has more than 160 boutiques around the world. Annual income - 24 billion dollars.

We are nearing completion - the ninth place is occupied by Gianni Versace. This Italian company did not cease to exist even after the death of its founder Gianni Versace - his sister Donatella continued the family business. The very first boutique outside of Italy was opened in 1991 in Glasgow, Scotland. Today the number of stores has reached 80.

The brand is considered luxury - most of the outfits emphasize female beauty well, but without the appropriate accessories they look “on the verge of kitsch”. A large degree of creations are created for girls with a model appearance - slender and tall. The brand does not forget about men either: every Russian is familiar with a crimson jacket from the nineties (also a creation of Versace).

And closes the top ten expensive clothing brands brand Valentino (Valentino). The Italian manufacturer of luxury clothing and underwear was founded by Valentino Garavani back in 1959. Now the brand is part of the Valentino Fashion Group.

Bustiers and red clothes are named as the key signs of the corporate identity of this brand. The master insisted: “Red goes to all women. There are 30 shades of this color - it's important to find yours."

The second priority is white, the apogee of love for which was the dress of Jacqueline Kennedy for the wedding with Aristotle Onassis. Modern trends take a guide to youth fashion. In these outfits, the stars also prefer to walk the red carpet.

Any brand needs to be realized. Such an assistant is, for example, the Wildberries online store.

Potential competitors

Despite confident positions in the top ten, none of the brands presented above can be sure that tomorrow it will not be overthrown from the pedestal. Competitors are very serious:

  1. The international concern Fendi is famous for its high-quality clothing, fur, and accessories. Experts say: bags of this brand will never go out of fashion.
  2. Hermes started working in 1837, but developed its production by 2008. In addition to clothing and leather goods, the brand also produces other items - from jewelry to gloves. The consumer likes it - it affects the annual income of 730 million dollars.
  3. Ralph Lauren has many subsidiaries and more affordable models (Polo Sports line). A striking example is Jennifer Lopez's dress at the Grammy Awards in 2000. Now the brand's designers are dressing the first lady of the United States - Melania Trump. Annual income rose from 776 million dollars.
  4. Burberry specializes in outerwear - the company has been at the peak of popularity for more than a century. Everyone knows the brand's signature trench coats. The brand's revenue is $323 million.
  5. Louis Vuitton is known for connoisseurs of quality accessories and bags. The company has more than 460 stores in 50 countries.
  6. World celebrities are dressed by Oscar de la Renta. Jacqueline Kennedy gave preference to the brand. Today there are no less fans - evening and wedding dresses with this name are so attractive.
  7. A potential competitor is the Italian brand Brioni, which specializes in men's fashion. The brand is named after a fashionable resort - the clothes it produces meet the expectations of elitism and quality.

Even fashion designers once started with a small atelier. It is quite possible to open it at home.

You can learn more about expensive world fashion trends from the video:

Every company wants to stay at the forefront of fashion. To do this, they not only follow the accepted trends, but also contribute their vision, creating Her Majesty Fashion.

1 Apple

Year of foundation: 1976

Industry: IT, electronics

Apple Inc. was created by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. More than once in history, it was on the verge of collapse, but Jobs, who took the failures of the company to heart, did everything for her success. To date, Apple Inc. acquired more than 30 companies.

Brand value:$87.1 billion

Cost dynamics:+129% for 2012

The Apple brand has long been a sign of belonging to the cream of society: it is considered very prestigious to have an image of a bitten apple on a smartphone or computer, and even the heroes of modern films, as if by chance, demonstrate the company's new products on the screens.

It is Apple Inc. the first to mass-produce personal computers and use a graphical user interface. The company's core business was established in 1984 with the creation of the 32-bit Macintosh. iPod audio player, iPhone touch smartphone, iPad tablet computer are the most famous products of the company. The revolutionary design of devices gained popularity among consumers, and a competent PR campaign ensured leadership in the electronics and information technology market. For February, 2012 capitalization of Apple Inc. exceeds the total value of its competitors - Google and Microsoft.


Year of foundation: 1975

Industry: software development

The company, led by two student friends Bill Gates and Paul Allen, began work by creating a Basic language interpreter for the Altair 8800 personal computer. In 1983, Allen left the gradually gaining momentum of Microsoft Corporation. Steve

Brand value:$54.7 billion

Cost dynamics:-2% for 2012

It is no coincidence that the Microsoft brand has taken the top spot in the consumer perception rankings. Respondents note the positive impact of the company on their lives and the fact that its services meet individual needs. Microsoft Corporation is a leader in the software industry: it has developed the Windows family of operating systems, Microsoft Office document programs, and the notorious Xbox, a game console that has become a serious competitor to the Sony PlayStation 2. The company's products are sold in more than 80 countries around the world, and programs have been translated into more than 45 languages.

In recent years, the corporation has been hit by the EU antitrust commission, and Microsoft Corporation has repeatedly paid large fines. However, the company is still the most popular and respected among consumers.

3. Coca Cola

Year of foundation: 1886

Industry: production of soft drinks

The author of Coca-Cola is pharmacist John Stith Pemberton from Atlanta, and his accountant Frank Robinson came up with the name. At first, the novelty was used as a cure for "any nervous disorder" and was sold at the Jacobs drugstore for five cents a glass.

Brand value:$50.2 billion

Cost dynamics:+8% for 2012

Few people know that the United States and the whole world owe the modern image of Santa Claus - a plump old man in red clothes with a white trim - to Coca-Cola. If earlier on Christmas an elf in green stockings came to the Catholics, now thanks to the efforts of the marketing department of The Coca-Cola Company for more than 80 years their brand has been firmly connected in the minds of people with the main holiday of the year.

Coca-Cola is sold in more than 200 countries around the world. Despite the fact that in the United States itself, demand for the drink has declined over the past seven years, it is still the most popular in its segment. In 2011 alone, The Coca-Cola Company sold 26.7 million cases of soda.

More than once, Coca-Cola has been severely criticized for its composition and effect on the human body, but the drink is still very much loved by consumers. The main thing is to observe the measure.

Year of foundation: 1889

Industry: IT

IBM founder Herman Hollerith started out by building an electric tabulator. During World War II, the company produced small arms, and in the 1950s, the SAGE computerized missile defense system was created.

Brand value:$48.5 billion

Cost dynamics:+8% for 2012

“The Blue Giant” is the informal name for IBM, and it lives up to that name. She created the first American Mark I computer, the first Saber air ticket booking system, the development of dynamic RAM and floppy disks, as well as the mass production of IBM PC personal computers, the architecture of which became the industry standard and contributed to the computer revolution.

In the 1990s, IBM found it rather difficult to compete with other companies, but extensive consulting activities improved its business and now generates more than half of the company's income.

IBM owns a huge research base and for 20 years has been breaking records in the number of patents for inventions: in 2011 their number was 6180. Also, its employees have received five Nobel Prizes.

5. Google

Year of foundation: 1997

Industry: Internet

The Google search engine began as a research project of Stanford University students Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The name of the company comes from a corruption of the word googol, meaning "ten to the hundredth".

Brand value:$37.6 billion

Cost dynamics:+26% for 2012

"Google" - this neologism, which means searching for information on the Internet using Google, is so firmly entrenched in modern slang that users often use it in relation to other systems. However, the company itself is categorically against such treatment of their brand and in 2006 demanded “to use words derived from Google only when referring to Google Inc. or its services.

Under the Google brand, using the most advanced technologies, a world has been created in which, once in, any Internet user can easily navigate and find everything they need: here is a search engine, and email, and the popular YouTube video hosting, and blogs, and a social network, and much more. The company also developed the Google Chrome browser, which leads in terms of the number of users.


Year of foundation: 1965

Industry: semiconductors

The company was founded by two talented inventors - Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore. Soon they were joined by Andrew Grove, who later managed to lead the Intel Corporation out of the crisis - a textbook example often cited in business schools.

Brand value:$32.3 billion

Cost dynamics:+12% for 2012

It is the most “masculine” brand: despite the fact that Intel took 6th place in the consumer perception rating, it was on the top line in a survey among men. The vast majority of personal computers run on microprocessors of the x86 family (Pentium trademark) created by Intel Corporation. It manufactures a wide range of electronic devices and PC components, chipsets and more.

The revolutionary developments of the company have influenced today's world, radically changing it. In fact, such giants of the information technology industry as Apple and Microsoft could not exist without Intel Corporation, because it created the heart of modern computers - the microprocessor. Almost from the very foundation, the company has become a leader in its field, and competitors are simply lost against its background.

7. McDonald's

Year of foundation: 1940

Industry: catering

The founders of the company are two brothers - Richard and Maurice McDonald. However, in 1954, Ray Kroc acquired the right to franchise McDonald's from them. Six years later, he became the full owner of the company and developed its activities around the world.

Brand value:$37.4 billion

Cost dynamics:+13% for 2012

Two yellow arches, reduced to the letter "M", have long become a recognizable symbol of McDonald's. Here you can have a quick and hearty meal, while paying little money, which is why there are always huge queues in front of the ticket offices. McDonald's cafes are located in 119 countries around the world, serving about 68 million people daily.

The "McDonaldization" of society has drawn criticism from the cafe's menu and the company's business practices. In 2003, the Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia even introduced the term "macjob", meaning "a low-paying job that does not require special skills and provides little opportunity for development." Previously, this word was used in the novel "Generation X" by American writer Douglas Copeland. Despite negative reviews, McDonald's remains the most popular food service chain in the world.

Year of foundation: 1878

Industry: production of electrical, energy, medical equipment

World-famous inventor Thomas Edison founded a company originally called Edison Electric Light. After merging with Thomson-Houston Electric, it received its current name and organized mass production of light bulbs.

Brand value:$33.7 billion

Cost dynamics:+2% for 2012

It is the world's largest non-financial multinational company. General Electric is engaged in the production of household and lighting equipment, medical equipment, aircraft engines and even locomotives. She was the first to organize the mass production of electric refrigerators and washing machines, and her iconic product is the M134 Minigun multi-barreled machine gun, first used in the Vietnam War.

Despite the fact that in recent years, General Electric's business has deteriorated somewhat, the company is still an industrial giant in its industry. It even launched a cost-cutting program and continues to restructure its business, which allowed it to increase profits by 49% in the 3rd quarter of 2012, to $3.49 billion. In addition, in 2011, GE ranked 16th in the Fortune Global 500.

Year of foundation: 1916

Industry: Automotive industry

Initially, the company was created by Karl Friedrich Rapp for the production of aircraft engines: the blue and white emblem of BMW was interpreted as an aircraft propeller against the sky. The company now claims the colors are taken from the flag of Bavaria, where BMW AG was founded.

Brand value:$26.3 billion

Cost dynamics:+18% for 2012

The popularity of this brand has always been very high, and after the "Bond" interest in it only increased: agent 007 traveled on the legendary BMW. A high-quality, reliable and fast car has long won the love and respect of consumers. The success of the company can be called a foregone conclusion: many records were set on BMW aircraft engines, and Ernst Henne became the fastest motorcyclist in the world on a BMW motorcycle.

Today, BMW AG is the world market leader in the sale of luxury cars. One of the secrets of the company's success, its CEO Norbert Reithofer, called the maintenance of the BMW brand: “For us, this is everything. First of all, a brand is a promise that the consumer will receive a product with a certain set of qualities, and a product under this brand deserves the attitude you expect.”


Founded: 1984

Industry: telecommunications

The company was founded by married couple Leonard Bosack and Sandra Lerner, who worked at Stanford University. The name Cisco comes from the abbreviated San Francisco, and the logo is a stylized image of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Brand value:$26.3 billion

Cost dynamics:+7% for 2012

This is, perhaps, one of those "pillars" on which the entire modern telecommunications infrastructure and the Internet are based. It is Cisco that manufactures the highest quality network equipment, striving to provide customers with everything they need.

At first, the company was engaged in the production of only routers (network computers that forward data packets between different network segments. - Ed.), but since then its range has expanded significantly. Now Cisco also produces universal gateways, cable modems, DSL equipment, video surveillance systems, and servers. You can call Cisco a monopoly in its field, because the world's leading organizations and Internet providers turn to the company for products. In Russia, Cisco plans to participate in the creation of the Skolkovo innovation center by establishing the Academy of IT Professionals on its territory.

The rating is based on the list provided by Forbes magazine in 2012. The criterion for its formation was the assessment of companies' income over the past three years and the share of their profits in their industry. Also, consulting firms Landor and PSB conducted a survey among consumers to create a rating of their perception.

Text: Ksenia Menshchikova

Today you can form a whole army - the length of the lists of names is impressive in its scale, and it seems that there are not so many women who would be 100% useful for all these brands. That is why the fashion business has its own rules of evolution - some brands are superior to others not only in terms of popularity, but also in terms of price, quality of clothing and other parameters.

Clothing brand rating according to BrandZ

BrandZ is a massive brand database with data on over 650,000 consumers and 23,000 brands. Since 2006, BrandZ began to make a rating for assessing the value of brands, in which 100 positions are given and absolutely all brands from different categories take part. Let's find out which clothing brands are included in this global list.

  1. 26th place - the first in the ranking company selling clothes, shoes and accessories - Louis Vuitton. It is in the luxury category and costs $24,312 million. This is not surprising, because the company's bags are the object of desire for women from all over the globe, without taking into account the most remote corners, of course, where the concept of fashion is in its infancy.
  2. 57th place - Nike. People love sports, and Nike helps make it comfortable. Undoubtedly, it is one of the most popular sports companies in the world, and its valuation of 13,917 million dollars is quite justified.
  3. 62nd place - H&M. Not a single reportage about street fashion goes through without the clothes of the Swedish company - fashion bloggers, photographers and models love H&M fashion clothes, and given the rating and price of this company ($13,006 million), it can be said with accuracy that their love is very old and very strong.
  4. Number four on our list of womenswear brands, and number 71 on BrandZ is Hermes. Unique handbags and purses keep women in line for several years, and it is possible that such a long wait affects the company's valuation - only 11,917 million dollars.
  5. 86th place - Zara. The Spanish tycoon, owner of Zara Amancio Ortega, knows how to build a business selling cheap youth clothing. For the budget category, a valuation of $10,335 million is not a bad result.
  6. 90th place - Paff-Dreams. The brand is valued at $9,600 million and is the last brand in the BrandZ apparel category.

The best clothing brands according to Forbes

Forbes has always had its own vision on different aspects of life, and their eyes did not pass by clothing brands. So, the famous clothing brands according to Forbes are represented mainly by the highest ratings:

  1. Gucci.
  2. Louis Vuitton.
  3. Burberry.
  4. Chanel.
  5. Versace.
  6. Prada.
  7. Dior.
  8. Alexander McQueen.
  9. George Armani.
  10. Ralph Lauren.
  11. Hermes.
  12. Dolce & Gabbana.
  13. Salvatore Ferragamo.
  14. Dunhill.
  15. Calvin Klein.

The most famous fashion and casual clothing brands

The list of global clothing brands can also be organized according to a different principle, for example, by style:

  • Zara;
  • Calvin Klein;
  • Dolce & Gabbana;
  • Giorgio Armani;
  • Dior;
  • Prada;
  • Versace;
  • Chanel;
  • Burberry;
  • Gucci;
  • NAF-NAF;
  • Guess;
  • Lacoste;
  • Morgan;
  • reserved;
  • Alexander McQueen;
  • Zara;
  • OGGI;
  • mango;
  • Sela;
  • Colin's;
  • topshop;
  • Chloe;
  • Columbia;
  • givenchy;
  • Kenzo;
  • Kira Plastinina;
  • mexx;
  • miu miu;
  • Monica Ricci;
  • new looks;
  • O'stin;
  • Savage.

Popular brands of inexpensive women's clothing

Inexpensive and fashionable clothes can be bought from the following brands:

  • Zara;
  • OGGI;
  • Sela;
  • Colin's;
  • mango;
  • topshop;
  • new looks;
  • Savage.

The best brands of women's clothing from the category "lingerie"

The list of branded clothing companies specializing in the creation of underwear is as follows:

  • Lormar;
  • Victoria's Secret
  • milavitsa;
  • triumph;
  • Agent Provocateur;
  • Chantal Thomass;
  • Intimissimi.

List of well-known women's sportswear brands

The list of popular brands of women's sportswear in the post-Soviet space looks like this:

  1. Adidas.
  2. Nike.
  3. Puma.
  4. Reebok.
  5. Columbia.
  6. Esprit.
  7. converse.

This list represents all the top brands in the sportswear world.

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