How to choose strings for acoustic and classical guitar? How to choose quality acoustic guitar strings.

Friends, in this article we will talk about strings for acoustic guitar, learn to understand them and choose the right kit.

If your guitar sound isn't as bright as it used to be, and it's not very comfortable to play, then it's time to change the strings!

What does a beginner need to know?

So, look at your guitar. Pay attention to the thickness of its neck and the strings that are or were on it before. The neck is narrow and the strings are metal? Now take a look at the guitar in our picture. Does your guitar look like it?

Most likely, you have just such an acoustic guitar. So you can safely take a set of D`ADDARIO EZ900 strings. These strings are suitable for beginners, they are thin, do not cut fingers and are convenient for mastering all playing techniques. By the way, if you got an old guitar from the factory named after him from the closet. Lunacharsky and decided to remember their youth, then this set of strings is also suitable.

If you are still in doubt and you can’t figure out the type of your guitar on your own, then tell the seller (in the Pop Music store;)) the model name indicated on the label under the strings. One of the most common mistakes buyers - ask for "regular" strings for a "regular" guitar. It's like a red rag for a bull :)

And some buyers try to put the first strings that come to hand on the guitar. We want to warn you right away that electric guitar strings will sound very bad on acoustics. You will not hear the sound of a guitar, there will be an unnatural ringing of strings in your ears and nothing more. Nylon strings won't work either, they're too soft and not tight enough to get the right resonance from the body. So, first things first.

What affects the sound of a guitar? Of course, your experience. In addition to it, the wood from which the guitar is made, the quality of the assembly, as well as the parameters of the strings - thickness and material, have an influence. We will consider the last two factors, since we are talking about strings in our article.

When size matters

String size is in inches and can be found on the package. For example, 10-50, where 10 is the thickness of the first string and is equal to 0.01 inches, and 50 is the thickness of the last string of 0.05 inches. The most common sets are six strings, but there are also seven and twelve strings.

Thin strings (10-50) are comfortable on initial stage learning, they are easy to press, the fingers do not get tired even with an aggressive manner of performance, and the guitar sounds and pleases. Thick strings are more difficult to play, but their timbre is richer and they are able to "swing" the body of the guitar. The wood begins to resonate, and the musician manages to extract much more nuances of the sound.

By default, the manufacturer puts strings 11-52, 12-53 on guitars (this is an average value), because their main task is to demonstrate the instrument before selling with better side, and then you decide what thickness to choose, based on preferences. In general, if you change strings, keep an eye on their pitch. Adjust the neck sag if necessary with a truss wrench, or contact a nail technician or dealer for help. Too high - it is difficult to play, the fingers will "get stuck", too low - there will be extra "jingling". The setting is done by experience.

How much material?

Acoustic guitar strings are made of bronze, nickel, phosphorus, steel, silk, and aluminum. Bronze is mainly used with various additives, which allows you to achieve a certain shade in the sound. On the websites of string manufacturers you can find a very handy guide on the brightness scale (bright - mellow). Bronze strings are the brightest. You will be heard in a duet of two guitars. Try, for example, ERNIE BALL 2004.

For guitars with a pickup, the GHS WB-XL kit works well. These strings reduce unnecessary overtones that occur when sliding along the fretboard and unnecessary ringing.

The combination of bronze with nickel or phosphorus will give the sound softness and intimacy. Perfect for guitar + vocal combination. One of the models of such strings is D`ADDARIO EJ16.

Silk and steel give a soft and rich sound for jazz, lounge and similar styles. For all this, the D`ADDARIO EJ40 model is suitable.

In addition to the material, the braid on the strings affects the sound. The most common type is the round wound, which is used to achieve a bright and resonant timbre. Tape wound is suitable for jazz, blues, slide playing (consider D`ADDARIO EFT15 as an option).

Many guitarists choose nano-coated strings to protect them from dirt, grease, and other foreign matter on their surface. For example, ELIXIR's POLYWEB strings are durable and feel like they slide across the fretboard when played. ELIXIR NANOWEB series strings are similar in properties to strings with a standard round braid.

If you are a happy owner of a 12-string guitar, then there are special kits for you. All of the above about material, braid and coating applies to them as well.

How often should the strings be changed?

The main criteria for replacing strings are their wear and dull tone. If you are just learning to play the guitar and spend a lot of time playing scales and chords, then we recommend changing the strings every three months. Many professional musicians change strings before each concert.

Despite the protective coatings, the strings will retain their original tone for longer if properly cared for. Apply special care products and you will extend their life.

As soon as you remove the strings from the guitar, you will see " dark side music": skin particles, fat, metal oxidation. Wipe the neck with PLANET WAVES PW-LMN Lemon Oil. It will also protect the fretboard from drying out. Remember, lemon oil should not get on the strings, otherwise oxidation cannot be avoided.

After each playing the guitar, wipe the strings - use a tissue or special device FORCE ACE 30 BLACK.

Sometimes abrupt change humidity has a negative effect on the coating of the strings, it becomes difficult for the fingers to slide from fret to fret. Sweaty hands before a responsible concert also leave their imprint on the strings. Use the GHS FAST FRET A87 conditioner. Remember, air conditioning will not extend the life of your strings, it will only help you play a concert without "extra graters"

Do not forget to wipe dust and fingerprints from the case with a special cloth. Love your guitar!


To date, there are a lot of different strings on the market, as they say, in taste and color. Amateurs and professionals have plenty to choose from. Before you opens a huge field for experiments with sound. Follow our recommendations and act!

This review will introduce you to different types guitar strings , winding types and materials from which they are made. Let's take a look at what a string is all about. By the way, any stretched thread or metal wire can be called a string. Of course, with the condition that during the game it does not stretch or tear.

And now a little history. Our ancestors, long before the appearance of guitars, used strings made from animal sinews. This type of string is called veined"strings. You can also meet those that have survived to this day" intestinal"strings. They are, you guessed it, made from animal guts. String type, which appeared in - early 19th century was completely different. These were wound strings that were able to improve the timbre of many instruments, in particular guitars. The wrapping helped reduce tension, making it much easier to play. Somewhere at the same time, another type of string appears - with a steel base or core. Although at first they were used on the piano, they later spread to other musical instruments including the guitar. The 20th century, with its technical progress, has fundamentally increased the diversity string types. Next, we can analyze each of them in more detail.

String types.

- intestinal strings The type of strings made of such, to put it mildly, unusual material is no longer produced in Russia. Although sometimes they can be found in the west, but this is already a rarity. Intestinal strings with the advent of synthetic, almost immediately, gave way to them. The main disadvantage of this string type in that they wear out very quickly near the frets and lose their qualities from high temperature or humidity, including from moisture emitted by the hands. In other words, not the best the best option;) .

- Synthetic strings The type of strings of synthetic composition as a whole can be divided into two groups:

1. Nylon strings - They are mainly used for classical guitar. They are quite soft, and are well suited for beginner guitarists. The lower 3 strings of the guitar are made of nylon fishing line, which is made of the so-called monofilament synthetics. The top three strings are made from many thin nylon threads. Such fishing line will be made from polyfilament synthetics. Usually, the winding for such string type they are used from copper in the form of a round type wire with a silver coating (Fig. 1). Silver increases wear resistance and to some extent does not allow you to stain the strings with your hands. But the numbness gradually wears out in the region of the frets. People have found a way out by experimenting with other alloys. Silver-plated brass, pure brass or phosphor bronze outperforms silver-plated copper in wear resistance.

Rice. one

1 2. Carbon strings The material for these strings was discovered in the 20th century in Japan, and it is called fluorocarbon or carbon. The density of carbon is 90% higher than nylon. Therefore, with the same tension, a carbon fiber line can have a smaller diameter. This string type much louder than nylon. Bass strings of carbon sets can be made of both carbon and nylon, as there is no noticeable difference in sonority. Although, let's say for especially sophisticated musicians, this small difference is enough to make their choice in favor of carbon strings.

- Steel based strings

Data string types most often found in pop music, rock, blues, as well as where sonority and richness of sound are preferred. These strings can be pulled three times harder than synthetic strings. In acoustics, they are usually put on guitars with more reinforced construction. These are non-classical acoustic guitars with western, jumbo, dreadnought body types. And, of course, such strings are put on electric guitars. Because magnetic pickups simply won't be able to pick up vibrations from a nylon string. By the way, the winding of metal strings can be found in different ways. Copper-based alloys are most commonly used, but can be found in stainless steel, nickel, brass, phosphor bronze.

Each winding gives its own, unique flavor to the sound of the instrument. We are already familiar with the “Roundwound” winding, it can be seen again in Fig. 1. Such a winding gives maximum sonority and velvety, which is especially noticeable for the first time after installing the strings. There are two more popular type of steel string winding: "flatwound" and "groundwound", they can be seen in Fig.2. Both types of winding "eat up" the whistle and unpleasant sounds that the fingers make when sliding along the strings. This is achieved because the outer side of the winding is flat. Such type of strings very often used by guitarists who record in the studio through a microphone.

Rice. 2

Here, in general, that's all. Now you know, what are the strings for guitar. We conclude that to string selection should be taken quite seriously, since each type of string has its own pluses and minuses, its own characteristics, which can somewhat facilitate or complicate, and maybe even enrich guitar playing. And personally from myself I would like to advise you: experiment!;)

Note to the non-professional guitarist. (and for public education purposes)

The choice of strings is a purely individual matter and it is impossible to say unequivocally which strings to choose, this also applies to instruments. Demanding musicians sometimes spend years picking up strings for themselves, sometimes one at a time from different sets. Even if they finally pick it up, then, you see, the string manufacturers will come up with something new, and the search begins again. good musician, as a creative person, will always look for better and better strings, but for a novice guitarist, when choosing strings, it is important to decide on the main thing; what kind of music and what guitar he will play, then the choice of strings will not be such a painful problem.

First, a little about what strings are. In fact, any thread or wire can be a string, as long as it does not break or stretch from the influence of the player. Once upon a time, when there were no guitars or violins yet, our distant ancestors played sinew (made from animal intestines) and silk strings that did not have a winding. Vein strings have survived to this day, but for a number of reasons now they remain almost only on harps and are sometimes found on violins (mainly when performing authentic music). Only in the 19th century did a metal (copper, silver) winding appear on the core strings, which made it possible to improve the timbre of the bass strings, while simultaneously reducing their tension, which made life easier for the performer and enriched the timbre of his instrument. At the same time, with the advent of the piano, the first experiments in the production of steel-based strings appeared, which later found application for other instruments. The 20th century greatly expanded the range of types of strings, adding many new ones to the already existing ones: synthetic, on a steel cable, multilayer, with a profile winding (not round, but flat or semicircular, etc.), bimetallic (combining two or more materials ), combined, etc. Let's try to figure out what determines the need for such diversity.

String types

gut strings in principle, they do not last long on a fretted instrument, so they are almost out of use (they are not found in Russia).

Synthetic strings– usually used for classical guitar. They were substitutes for unstable vein. The first three strings are a calibrated nylon line, and the three bass strings are made on a polyfilament (consisting of a large number threads) twisted synthetic base. The traditional winding for them is silver-plated copper. The silver coating (several thousandths of a millimeter) improves the sound of relatively dull copper, does not darken when touched by fingers, and looks very nice, however, it wears off over time. Many companies successfully use other copper-containing alloys as windings, which are in no way inferior in sound and far exceed silver-plated copper in their durability.

Strings on a steel mono-base (usually on a hex core) are used very widely in pop music, as well as by those who appreciate sonority (“metal”) in the guitar. These strings have a higher tension than synthetic strings and are placed on guitars of a different, reinforced type. And although there are still strings on a steel base with a winding of silver-plated copper, this is rather their disadvantage, since the steel base does not allow the twisted string to bend around the guitar fret like a synthetic one, which is why these strings serve several times less than those with a winding of bronze, brass, stainless steel, etc.

Guitar strings on steel wire they are not found in Russia, although they probably exist in the West, but not for the mass buyer, because. they should be several times more expensive than the above.

Concerning strings with a flat winding or with a semicircular lying flat side up, these strings have a longer service life and do not have the characteristic whistle of fingers on the winding turns when changing positions. They tend to be a little less bright, but guitarists who have to record in the studio love to put them on.

For all guitar strings, there are many sizes, which is determined by the requirements of the musician and his instrument. Unlike bowed instruments, where the length of the string of a full instrument (4/4) is the same, guitars are different in scale (the length of the working part of the string). There are instruments with a scale from 610 mm to 660 mm and even more, so the same set of strings will have different tensions. For a shorter guitar, heavier (almost always thicker) strings should be used. The standard scale of the guitar is increasingly considered the size of 648 mm.

About string tension

Guitarists are accustomed to determining the tension of strings on a steel base by the number of the first string, indicated in thousandths of an inch, i.e. #10 "medium-light" tension string set is a set where the first string has a diameter of 0.010 inches = 0.254 mm. But few people pay attention to the diameters of other strings, and this is important. American steel-backed acoustic guitar strings are typically sized for large instruments that are primarily played with a pick. These kits provide higher twisted string tension than most traditionally prefer. Russian performers who have instruments of a different design and prefer not the volume of the instrument, but its melodiousness, i.e. pedal (duration) of sound, which can only be obtained on strings with less tension.

The figure shows the string tension for six-string guitar. The upper graph shows the tension of the “loud” strings, the lower one - less loud, but with a larger pedal, i.e. "melodious".

The tension of synthetic-backed guitar strings (for classical guitar) is also determined based on the sections of the strings, but here the difference is in the string tension different size scanty, which is partly due to the fact that the scale of the tool itself is well-established and is about 650 mm. Even 0.002 inches (0.05 mm) deviation in line diameter for the first three strings is no longer significant for string tension, since nylon itself is more than 7 times lighter than steel.


From all of the above, you can already draw some conclusions about which strings to choose. The choice is mainly determined by what sound (timbre) you yourself like, what instrument you have at your disposal and what kind of music you play. For a beginner guitarist, when choosing strings, you can advise the following:

If you like a muffled sound and soft strings, you should opt for synthetic strings, but you should put them only on a guitar. classical type otherwise the sound will be too weak.

For those who want the power of sound and sonority and who has a large, American-style instrument, steel-based strings no lower than No. 11 should be preferred. True, this requires strong fingers.

Anyone who does not want to have calluses on the fingers of his left hand, but who does not like the “plastic” sound of synthetic strings, can be advised to put steel-based strings No. 9 and 10. In this case, you may have to slightly increase the height of the strings above the neck due to the height of the lower nut, since soft (or rather light) strings have a greater range of vibration and can touch the frets when playing.

And finally, one more piece of advice - always tune your strings with a tuning fork, because in addition to the fact that when you overtighten you spoil the instrument itself, the strings can stretch out for a long time with a overtightening and in the correct tuning they will sound worse.

It doesn't matter if you are a professional or just starting to play the guitar, there will come a time when you need to change the strings for your favorite instrument and then the difficult task of choosing them will arise. In order to choose good, and most importantly “correct” strings, you need to know a few things. We will talk about them.

Important!!! Strings of different types, can only be used on the appropriate instrument. The use of strings for other purposes may lead to undesirable consequences, up to the failure of the instrument.

Today we will talk about how to choose, which is very popular in the market. musical instruments, as well as . But before that, I would like to say a little about what a string is. By and large, any wire or fishing line that can not be deformed or torn with repeated use can be taken as a string.

But if all the strings were the same thickness, then the sound of all 6, 7 or 12 strings would be the same. In order to make the sound of each string unique, in the 18th century, windings began to be used, which can be made of various metals:


  • yellow- a bright clanging sound with good percussion, loud, beautiful, but yellow bronze requires care - it quickly oxidizes, the winding acquires a characteristic greenish color. It is better to store in a case in a dry place.
  • Phosphoric- there is no such characteristic clanging, but the sound is more even, deeper, with clear bass.

What kind of bronze to choose is an amateur, but personally I prefer the first option. I want to note that if you choose bronze from good manufacturer you definitely won't regret it. The cost is from 60 - 100 UAH. average.

Copper- a cheaper version of the strings. Although their sound is clear, with a good middle, but there is no such personality as bronze ones. In general, they sound about the same for different brands.

Silver- quite thin in structure. Their sound also has subtlety and clarity. Voiced, perfect for picking performed both with fingers and with a plectrum. But, as for me, they do not have such power when playing in combat, like bronze ones.

And also be of different types:

  • Round winding. Such strings have a sonorous and bright sound.
  • flat winding. These strings have a more matte, slightly muffled sound.

In this regard, the sound of the guitars was filled with great power, which guaranteed the performer an unforgettable success. In the 20th century, the range of strings becomes even more diverse. They are beginning to be made on a steel cable, synthetic, with a profile and multilayer winding, combined, bimetallic.

When choosing strings for your guitar, you should not forget that all strings are divided into 3 types: thin, medium thickness and thick (light tension, medium and strong, respectively)

  • thin strings easier to press, fingers are not so tired, but their sound is quieter
  • Thick sets strings sound richer and richer, but they are harder to play.
  • Average thickness ideal for beginners and combines ease of clamping the strings and a pleasant sound

In terms of thickness, the sets 0.10 - 0.48, 0.11 - 0.52 best transmit sound. Strings 0.12 - 0.56 add volume, but are very hard, so it is advisable to lower the system with them a little.

Synthetic strings are used only for classical guitar, so it is not surprising that such a guitar is recommended for beginners. When playing on such strings, the fingers are not so tired, it is easier to press them to the frets. As a rule, the top three strings are synthetic nylon line, and the rest are made on a polyfilament basis. Often, craftsmen use round wire for winding.

Also, I would like to note that synthetic strings are of increased density. Their inventors are Japanese scientists, who at the end of the 20th century began to use carbon in their work, which has a density higher than that of nylon. For example, the 3rd string of this type has a diameter of 0.85-0.92 mm. Main disadvantage such strings high price, since such material costs 5-7 times more than nylon. But, despite this, high-density synthetic strings will provide you with pleasant guitar lessons that are sure to be effective!

  • Synthetic (nylon) strings. In such kits, the first three strings are made of nylon fishing line, and the three bass strings are made of many threads of the same nylon covered with an external metal winding, mainly copper, sometimes silver or brass (phosphor bronze).
  • High density synthetic strings. These strings are made from carbon fiber, which gives them a higher density and a thinner diameter. Such strings have a sonorous pronounced sound. The disadvantage is the high price.
  • Strings on a steel cable. These strings are relatively soft and have different string wraps: the first three are nylon webbing, and the 4th to 6th are silver-plated copper. These strings stay in tune very well and don't stretch at all. They are not very popular, as the price is very high.
  • Synthal strings. These are strings that, even at the metal level, are characterized by a high brightness of sound and the usual softness, like nylon strings. They are very quickly tuned, the winding wears out much less from contact with the frets, and these strings also make it possible to make “braces”. For several months they keep the system and juicy sound unchanged.

Strings for acoustic (pop) guitars:

  • Strings on a monolithic steel base. It is definitely worth mentioning the strings on a steel monolithic base. They can be seen on acoustic guitars, which are often used in pop music. These strings are based on high strength steel. The winding is most often made of copper or phosphor bronze and it differs in hardness and elasticity. These parameters are reflected in the sound of the guitar and comfort for the fingers.
  • Steel strings wrapped in fine synthetic Americans are known to us not only for the invention of new types of guitars, but also for strings. For example, the creation of steel strings in addition to the synthetic shell of the bass strings. This means that the bottom layer is made of a metallic material coated with synthetic elements. Such a successful selection is ideal for those guitarists who want to practice for a long time. musical creativity on my acoustic guitar.
  • Steel strings with semicircular or flat winding. Such strings belong to a variety of strings on a monolithic steel base. There is no "whistling" when the fingers slide along the string, which is characteristic of ordinary strings. They have a matte sound on the bass strings and are more sonorous on the first three, which are without winding.


  • - on the frequency of winding turns: Once I bought a rather expensive set of phosphor bronze, which has a more frequent winding. As a result, I got a completely different sound - more deaf, with bass and without my favorite clanging.
  • - on the manufacturer: Choose strings more expensive and from famous brands, which have proven themselves in the market - the strings will last longer and you will get more pleasure from playing.
  • If you are a beginner and do not particularly understand the choice of strings and do not see fundamental differences in them, you should consult with consultants in the store. They will be happy to help you choose exactly what will best suit your guitar. Very often, novice musicians mistakenly put strings that are not characteristic of it on the guitar, as a result of which, at best, you will simply get a low-quality sound, at worst, the guitar will fail.
  • If you have an idol in music (it is possible that you have an analogue of his instrument), I advise you to find out which strings he plays. Knowing his preferences, you can always find a lot useful information about the parameters of his strings and make your choice based on this knowledge. For each style of music, you need to select your own set, and who, if not well-known guitarists, knows better than anyone what is needed for a good game.

In general, the choice of strings is a very individual process: see what companies your idols use, try playing on sets of different thicknesses and different manufacturers, because the best experience is personal. Only by trying many options, you can choose the best for yourself.

P.S. After playing the guitar, run your finger along the bottom of the string, from nut to nut. You will see the dirt that has accumulated there, it needs to be removed. Do this every time you finish playing - the strings will last you much longer. I do not advise you to wipe them with a rag that is not intended for the care of strings - the micro fibers that remain on the strings from it accumulate between the turns of the winding and interfere with the vibrations of the string, drowning out the sound.

Good luck!

Every guitarist has to change the strings on his instrument sooner or later, either because of wear and tear, or to get a slightly different sound from the instrument. The acoustic guitar is a wonderful instrument that sounds great even in concert hall, and in a cramped apartment, and in the yard among multi-storey buildings, and, of course, in nature by the fire.

Change acoustic properties, which depend on the type of wood, the composition of the varnish, the quality of the workmanship of the parts, will no longer work. But to achieve the desired timbre and sonority by replacing the strings - this is possible.

Nylon or metal?

If we consider what types of guitar strings are, then they can be divided into two groups, which have their own varieties: nylon and metal. Each has its own characteristics, advantages and some disadvantages.

Speaking briefly about the main properties, then nylon ones are softer, and their sound is muffled. Metal is characterized by a brighter, ringing sound, but they are tougher - it is from them that guitarists form rough calluses on the fingertips of their left hand.

Soft and quiet

As already mentioned, nylon strings softer. In fact, they are nylon fishing line, at least that's what the first three look like. Only the thickness of the fishing line from the first to the third, respectively, increases. Thick basses are made up of a bundle of nylon strands that are wrapped in copper (most commonly), silver, or brass.

There is also such a thing as the degree of tension. For beginners, it is usually advised to choose normal tension - it is very difficult and painful to press High Tension nylon lines to the frets. Playing them, though easier, but some of the nuances of extracting sound, known to masters, will remain unavailable.

Experts believe that if the guitar was purchased with nylon strings, then it is better to choose the same ones when replacing. It's the same with metal ones. Nylon is usually put on the classic Spanish guitar, and for acoustic, a loud, rich metallic sound is more suitable. However, there are exceptions and special opinions among guitarists on this matter.

By the way, it happens that nylon strings are more difficult to attach to the pegs (very slippery), more difficult to tune (it is difficult to “catch” the desired pitch). Professionals advise after tightening and tuning to let the instrument lie down for a day so that the nylon stretches, and then finally tune the guitar.

Loud and loud

This is exactly what is perfect for acoustic guitar. Juicy sounding of chords, sonorous tremolo, bright playing by fighting - only metal is capable of all this. Whatever metal strings were not strung on an acoustic guitar, they will still sound louder than synthetic ones.

There are several varieties of:

    Based on monolithic (piano steel) with a round winding. The first two strings are high-strength special steel wire, the third can look different: either like the first two, or have a thin metal winding. The sound with it is more velvety and pleasant, however, due to the thinness, the braid breaks very quickly. And in this case, a replacement is already necessary.

There is one remark: if one string is out of order, then it is better to change everything at once: the sound of the new one will still stand out from the general timbre. It is better not to skimp and choose to replace the entire tool kit.

    With steel base and flat winding. In this case, the difference from the previous type is only in the winding: it is flat on the outside.

    Steel core with synthetic sheath. The sheath can be a thin Teflon winding, or a steel wire is encased in plastic. Such protection increases their service life: they do not get dirty from contact with fingers, do not wear out, even if the frets on the guitar are not well polished. However, the special iridescent sound characteristic of a metal core with a round winding will not work here.

More about winding

In general, the sound of basses and the convenience of moving fingers over them depends largely on the winding and, first of all, what shape it has. As already mentioned, the metal winding can be round in diameter. In this case, you can get a very sonorous, juicy, iridescent sound. But the sliding of fingers on such an uneven surface is accompanied by a characteristic creak, or, as they say, a whistle, and this extraneous noise is sometimes perfectly audible to the audience.

A flat or semi-circular winding is good because it gives a perfect smooth surface. The fingers of the left hand easily and almost silently glide over it without encountering obstacles. And for beginners, pressing on such a surface is not so painful. However, the sound, although sonorous, is deprived of that special iridescence, which was mentioned above. On the bass, it has a "matte coloration" compared to the richer sound of the thin first strings.

The material from which the outer braid of the bass is made is, as a rule, copper, less often brass, silver or other alloys. Copper, of course, is cheaper, silver is more beautiful. But do not put this expensive miracle on a cheap guitar with poorly polished frets. You won’t achieve a special beauty of sound here, the silver shell will quickly tear, and you just have to change the entire set.

Diameter and tension

On the boxes with the sets, there are always numbers indicating the diameter and tension. At least, reputable companies that produce quality products (such as D'Addario, La bella, for example) must write this data on the packaging. The thickness of the first string can be from 0.08 to 0.15 mm, often this figure is indicated in inches. Thick, low tension basses can rattle when played against the frets. To avoid this, lower the neck.

As a rule, guitarists, experimenting with various parameters and brands of manufacturers, choose for themselves the most successful option (or options) that satisfies them in terms of sound and ease of sound extraction. Knowing the basics and patterns, you can personal experience pick up the most good strings.

We hope this article has helped you choose good strings for your guitar.

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