Sergei, son of Igor Kondratyuk: “When another novel is attributed to my father, my mother and I burst out laughing!” Igor Kondratyuk

- Sergey, of Igor’s three children, you are so far the only one who delved into his father’s field of activity. When did you first become interested in directing?

The program "Karaoke on Maidan" is in its 15th year, and I often came to film set to my father. In 2003, he started working there part-time: he either brought coffee to his father or looked after the cameras. And later he began working in the “Chance” project, then on film sets, with other people. Although I initially entered Shevchenko University at the Faculty of Economics. And, most likely, this was one of my biggest stupidities...

- Why stupidity?

I'm not good at math, unlike my parents. And he entered economics, rather, “weakly.” Once, when we were choosing a university, my mother said: “Shevchenko has mathematics - you definitely won’t get in!” Although initially there was an option to enroll in Moscow or study at Karpenko-Kary. As a result, I passed the math test, got admitted, but studying turned out to be not even that interesting. There was a kind of hopelessness.

- Hopelessness, perhaps because you continued to search for yourself?

I sat in class and didn’t understand what I was doing here. I felt like I was out of place. When higher mathematics appeared in the program, intertwined with economics, I was completely lost and disoriented. In the end, it all ended with me dropping out of the second year. And out of stupidity - I thought that I had passed the test and went on vacation. Upon returning, it turned out that the test was not given then, and tomorrow the dean is already stamping the expulsion.

- It’s true that with a pretty good financial situation Did you work for your father like a teenager from an ordinary family?

I'm really lucky. Because not every student, having dropped out of the university, can afford not to die of hunger. But my father is quite tough in this regard. In the first month after my expulsion, I couldn’t find a part-time job on television projects, so my father looked askance at my “parasitism.” We practically didn’t communicate with him for two months, but later everything returned to normal. I tried to enroll in culinary courses and was involved in direct sales. As a result, having made up his mind, he entered KNUKiI, the directing department. And now, when I have already moved into a separate apartment and am doing my own business, my father has calmed down. He is even glad that I understood from my own experience what is “good” and what is “bad” in the sense of work (smiles).

"Dad is a gold medalist, I am a silver medalist"

- Your father devoted a significant part of his life to science. Is that why he took your expulsion so hard?

I think yes. He is a gold medalist at school, a candidate of biological sciences, and a member of the club of experts. The only thing I can brag about is a silver medal at school. And then it was received by... the father (smiles). During the award ceremony, they made a mistake, saying that it was not Sergei who received the medal, but Igor Kondratyuk! Dad stood up, silently walked onto the stage, took the medal and left with a smug smile (laughs).

- How often do you see your father now?

Every week on the set of “Karaoke on the Maidan”, where I now work as an administrator, assistant editing director and music editor.

- Have you already encountered bias due to the fact that you are working with Igor in the same project?

- Have you never enjoyed your father’s popularity?

It seems to me that this is my prerogative younger brother Dani and sisters Polina. Now, at the request of my parents, I wedged myself into their educational process. If Danya does not always listen to his parents due to his teenage maximalism, I try to become an authority for him. But for some reason Danya unquestioningly listens only to my girlfriend (laughs). It's a pity that I didn't have an older brother whom I could listen to before committing another stupid thing in life.

“We have plans for a wedding, but we’re in no rush”

- By the way, has your girlfriend already introduced you to her family? (The parents of Olya, with whom Sergei has been dating for two years, live in America. - Author)

Last year I spent the winter holidays there and met Olya’s parents, grandmother and great-grandmother. It seems to me that they received me well. And in Ukraine, my girlfriend only has her grandfather on her mother’s side. Knowing that he is former employee The KGB, I, to tell the truth, was more afraid of meeting him than others. But grandfather turned out to be a very sweet, good person.

- Have you introduced your parents to Olya long ago?

Yes, much earlier than she did me with hers. It’s funny, but dad called Olya by a different name for some time after they met, but he soon corrected himself. I had no doubt that mom and dad, trusting me, would treat my girlfriend well.

-Have you already thought about developing your relationship? Igor told us in October that he was not yet mentally ready to become a grandfather...

To be honest, I’m not going to become a father yet. If we talk about the wedding, then, on the one hand, I want to, but on the other, I understand that this is a rather serious step. Now we just live together. We're in no hurry to get married.

- Various gossips are often started about Igor Kondratyuk. Which one do you remember most and how does your family react to them?

I remember numerous articles “Kondratyuk has an affair with Mogilevskaya!”, “Kondratyuk has an affair with Kuzma”, “... love with an X-factor graduate”... Reading about my father’s next “novels”, my mother and I burst out laughing (smiles).

- Are there any traditions in your family?

My parents are trying in every possible way to ensure that we meet more often as a family: me, mom, dad, Danya and Polina. On weekends we usually go to the cinema and bowling.

- Can you call your father your friend or do you have a more distant relationship with him?

It would be nice if my father was my friend! But I’m only now gradually revealing to him some moments from my past. Knowing my father, I understand that he doesn't need to know everything that happened to me when I was younger.

Komsomolskaya Pravda continues to publish a series of interviews with children famous TV presenters and artists in which star offspring take off the masks from their parents and reveal a completely different side of them.

IN next issue In the “Children of Celebrities” section, read an interview with the son of the popular TV presenter and showman Dmitry Kolyadenko, Philip.


About the secrets of the TV presenter's youth

- Sergey, at 51, your dad looks 35-40! It seems that since the beginning of his career he has not changed in appearance. What is the secret of his youth?

I think that this is still a merit of heredity. He also doesn’t eat everything and doesn’t smoke, and practically doesn’t drink. But I recently installed a treadmill at home, which made the whole family laugh. Although he claims that he runs on it for 10 minutes every day. And he does twenty push-ups. But none of us ever caught our father doing this.

It seems that in addition to all of the above, Kondratyuk is also the only person on the planet who speaks as quickly as Tina Kandelaki. We talked quickly and thoroughly about television, talent, family and simple human joys.

You can’t immediately count how many projects there are on Ukrainian television that search for talent. Apparently, the producers proceed from the fact that Ukraine is indeed full of talent and there is enough for everyone. But the more talents, the less the cost of each individual, the less interest in it - isn’t it?

No I do not think so. I believe that the more talent there is, the more likely it is that there will be talents who will be really cool on a global scale. It's like football in Brazil. As for Russian talent shows, I am not a spectator, but I heard that some people find our program “Ukraine has got talent!” more interesting than its Russian counterpart “Minute of Glory” - not in the sense of the participants, but in the sense of the program itself. We must assume that the participants are always good. This is exactly what I always proceeded from in the “Karaoke on the Maidan” program.

We have successfully overcome the epidemics of intellectual TV shows, glazed reality, and now we are carried away by talent shows...

What does it mean to “get over intellectual shows”?

- They are still running, but for a long time they no longer arouse the former interest and do not give sky-high ratings...

Compare ratings “What? Where? When?”, which celebrates its 35th anniversary, today’s and twenty-five years ago are simply meaningless, because then “What? Where? When?" there were no competitors. Every independent, that is, dependent then, republic had a national channel and there was another national channel on which this program was broadcast. Where could it possibly have competitors? That's why the ratings were crazy. It's not very natural to have such ratings. And now the number of channels far exceeds the number good passes on these channels. But, on the other hand, people have long been watching not the channels, but the actual programs. You no longer watch “Brain Ring” and “What? Where? When?" is that what you mean?

- Yes, that is right.

It is these programs that I consider intellectual, and not “Who wants to be a millionaire?” - this is more of a show, albeit with elements of “non-dancing” and “non-singing”. There are “one and a half” intellectual shows in Ukraine, one of which is “The Smartest”. I believe that you can’t get over this and these shows are needed. Because these shows basically show that some people benefit from reading books, and the more, the better.

But the viewer’s interest in already known formats - intelligence shows, talent shows, reality shows - does not last forever. They're still coming, but...

They are coming, but please note that the third and most successful Ukrainian “Star Factory” can no longer be called a reality, it is the same reality as “Chance”. This is a slightly simplified reality. “Behind the Glass” is a reality show, yes. Although I say that “Karaoke on the Maidan” is a reality show: the program is filmed for 50 minutes, and shown for 40-odd minutes, that is, we are simply throwing out dirt.

What will be the next format that television will try to attract viewers? “Hello, we are looking for mediocrity!”?

No no. Look: it’s clear why people look for singing talents - so they can listen later good songs in their performance. It’s clear why people want to see the sandbox Ksenia Simonova (winner of the first season of the show “Ukraine’s Got Talent!” - approx.) - in order to understand what it is: A - perhaps, and B - maybe later, someday to participate in her creativity, in the sense of seeing the cartoons that she draws. And “Hello, we are looking for mediocrity!” - I want to understand who the customer is. TV viewers cannot be the customers for such a show. The TV viewer already sees a lot of mediocrity, in different guises.

- Looking at Ivanushka the Fool - what’s not the motive?

No, not a motive, because we have Ivanushka the Fools in programs called political shows. There are a lot of them there. These shows can be called “Hello, we are looking for mediocrity.” And, what’s most surprising, they find them. Recently they asked me: do I agree with the phrase: talents need to be helped, mediocrity will make its way on its own. I want to emphasize that mediocrity does not make it on its own, at least not so high that everyone knows them. People who are mediocrity are attracted because it is beneficial to have mediocrity around you.

On the other hand, maybe everything will turn out like with humorous programs. After all, what did their dominance turn out to be? The fact that now in the best and funniest of them they simply read newspapers decorously (I’m talking about ProjectorParisHilton).

There's actually a cool level of discussion there: it's very accurate, very funny and very well acted. There are 4 good actors playing there.

- But they play without masks and red wigs.

I have always been impressed by people who are humorous in life - it doesn’t matter whether they work on a collective farm or they work on the screen. Everything they do is funny, they are at a level of humor that I understand and that I have always liked. In KVN there were also scenes when they leafed through newspapers. And sometimes it was funny, and sometimes it wasn’t. But they manage to make it funny for quite a long time.

- What about KVN! Raikin leafed through the newspaper: “So, where is our feuilleton? There is no feuilleton! Nothing to read."

Yes Yes. Well, there are people who are funny in real life. And when Svetlakov comments on TV in “Our Russia,” not everyone can do that either. “ProjectorParisHilton” is a program that shows that you don’t always need to throw yourself out.

And yet television prefers to be ostracized. Once upon a time (not so long ago on the scale of eternity) people were impressed by the arrival of a train. Now, in order to at least a little interest the television audience, live need to eat spiders.

Television shows people all the positive and negative sides that a person has. Eating spiders and other even more extreme shows could be seen in Thailand for a long time, and in Bangkok - go there, go to nightclubs and see something that just makes your hair stand on end. But since not all people can travel to Thailand, television decided to show them this, so to speak, charm. This is absolutely not mainstream. This is one of the quirks of television, it has the right to it. This is just one of the genres - not the most numerous and not the most rated. I am far from thinking that television will die soon, because television, in principle, is the transmission of pictures over a distance.

- And the only question is what kind of picture it will transmit.

I don't know what it will convey. Playwrights say that there is a certain number of dramatic lines, and that is all. It is possible that television has already shown us everything existing genres: entertainment, sports, infotainment, dry news, TV series - endlessly stupid and simply endless, although not stupid. Will reality TV become more sophisticated? It will depend on life. You can make a reality show “I want to be an astronaut,” but for this you need stations that you can fly to, and flying should be easy and cheap. Until miniature cameras appeared, there was no talk of reality TV. I do not rule out that one day a camera will be implanted in the eye, and reality shows will repeat what you saw in the film “Surrogates” with Bruce Willis.

Despite the fact that the interview began with such skeptical questions, I admit that at talent shows in general and in the show “Ukraine’s Got Talent” in particular, real discoveries happen, touching performances that cause something like catharsis in the viewer - I’m not afraid of that words (I had to watch several episodes in a large company). At these moments, you are truly happy for Ukraine: contrary to popular ideas that Ukrainians are envious and greedy, the viewer does not envy someone else’s success, but rather rejoices. What's the matter - do jokes slander or is the power of art so great?

- “The Ukrainian is greedy and envious” - only people who lived in the same apartment with the Ukrainian could say this. I can list them: Russian, Belarusian, Estonian, Georgian and so on. The Ukrainian is good, sympathetic and very correct. Recently, on a direct line in one newspaper, I heard that there are four thousand people who want to help Lena Kovtun (the blind singer from the show “Ukraine’s Got Talent!”, whom the audience and the jury gave a standing ovation after her first performance - approx.) solve her problems with vision, a bank account has been opened. As for envy, it is good envy if one football player, looking at another, wants to play the same way as him.

Hollywood has long realized that a man from the people who suddenly becomes a star automatically evokes sympathy. Celebrity press secretaries make up carbon-copy stories about how Madonna came to conquer the heights of show business with twenty dollars in her pocket, and Brad Pitt worked part-time as an animator in fast food and wore a chicken suit. Admit it, if during the casting you had to choose between two equally talented participants, but one was the son of a tractor driver, and the other was an oligarch, who would you prefer?

This is a dramatic question. I think we would gather the team of my company and think for a very long time about who would really be more interesting to the viewer. In fact, you can turn it this way or that way. Kozlovsky's father is an electrician. And Assol is not an electrician at all. From the point of view of such a superficial sensation, it is better to write that the daughter of a combine operator is performing at Eurovision. Or that the daughter of a police major, Alyosha, performs at Eurovision.

The phrase “nature rests on the children of geniuses” - it meant not only geniuses (geniuses are generally a single product), but the fact that children famous people are under such an energetic and economic cap from their parents that it is much more difficult for them. Try to become a famous hip-hopper if you are the child of an oligarch. What hip-hop is for an oligarch is street culture, but there are also very talented and absolutely creative people there. The daughter of the famous Russian billionaire Potanin is an terribly independent young lady: she is a multiple Russian champion in water skiing. And this cannot be achieved simply because your dad is an oligarch. And I don’t know which champion was more difficult to achieve such results: the one whose parents don’t care about her because they work for a living 24/7, or the one whose dad can already provide for the whole family for four generations to come.

- And what, I wonder, is the second’s incentive to win? Premiums are clearly not her story.

That's it. It is more difficult for golden youth to show their talents.

- Was your path to fame, popularity, success simple?

I had an absolutely calm and understandable path. The main principle that has always guided me is to do what interests me.

- Apparently, this is the main principle of the oligarch’s daughter, who started skiing.

Yes. And then, she makes a name for herself. And I got to where I got to thanks to circumstances and the fact that in some situations I made a choice. I could have chosen science - and you would never have known me. I'm definitely not a genius, so you wouldn't talk about me as a laureate Nobel Prize. I would be a scientist, one of many, and, in general, I would also enjoy life.

- Was there anything pseudo-Hollywood?

No, I didn't find myself in big city with twenty dollars. I approached everything gradually: I graduated from university, was assigned to the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, and received a salary of not 20 dollars, but 120 Soviet rubles and started working part-time while still a student. This is in Kyiv, and I started working like this after the sixth grade. I always understood: in order to buy myself the books that I loved and love, I need to study, I need to work.

- What have you worked for since the sixth grade?

I always worked during the holidays. After the sixth and seventh - as a laborer on a collective farm, after the eighth - already, in my opinion, as an assistant combine operator. I worked on collective and state farms in the Kherson region, where I am from, because my relatives lived there and it was easier for me to get a job, although in Soviet time Everyone could work on the collective farm.

- It’s a pity that there was no “The Smartest” program back then!

Yes, I like her now and I would have liked her then. But at that time I liked the program “What? Where? When?”, and I got there.

- Do your children want to be stars?

Don't know. Obviously, all children want to be stars. They don’t formulate it that way, but they want the whole family to pay attention to them, then the whole street, then the whole school. But do they want to do something that people will talk about? For the younger ones, only their parents act as admirers and admirers. This is banal, but it is important for me that my children live healthy, in comfort with their conscience and benefit the people around them.

- What does the eldest son do?

Looking at him, I understand that not everything comes easy to my children. Currently historical moment he doesn't do anything at all. He changed jobs, dropped out of university because he didn’t pass his tests and thought he didn’t need it. Now he is trying to enter Karpenko-Kary University, to study television and film production. The other day I tried to get another job, but something didn’t work out.

- Are you helping?

He worked for me and for my friends, in different film crews. But, you see, I want him to learn to be independent. Because... Well, because I have such a vision. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong.

- It seems you don't have to make excuses.

No, but many people say: why don’t you help your son? But I told him a long time ago: I won’t study for you and solve questions. Because this is alien to me, by definition. He also started working after the eighth grade, but then he matured, and employers had other requirements for him... He can carry cassette tapes with me. But I don't want him to be at this level.

- Maybe we should turn from a father into a producer and try to discern hidden talents?

It's hard to be your child's producer. I told Seryozha that I still don’t know where to invest money in him: in the sense, not in which pocket, but in which type of activity, in which of his desires. He needs to sort himself out - anything can happen.

No, it’s difficult for me, like everyone else. What makes this job easier is that we work with a large number of people. And we always have a good and honest excuse: you, of course, are great, but before you they were already better. And it’s good that you don’t work alone, that there is a collective brain of the jury, that the public helps with their reaction.

By the way, have you ever had to seek advice from a psychologist? It is generally accepted that public people recuperate not only in a sushi bar and sauna, but also on a psychoanalyst’s couch.

No, I didn’t see a psychologist. And about sushi and sauna - I don’t understand that either. I can really relax by watching a good Soccer game, just sitting in the office.

- Are you a fan of Dynamo?

For Dynamo, although my last trip abroad was to the game between Shakhtar and Fulham in London. Unfortunately, this did not help Shakhtar, just as my support in Barcelona did not help Dynamo either. I support Dynamo, the national team and all Ukrainian clubs that perform in the international arena. We don’t have the same pain as in Spain, when Real Madrid fans want Barcelona to lose in the Champions Cup. Shakhtar's loss to Fulham hurt me just as much as Shakhtar's fans did. I relax at football, I travel, I can fish outside the city with my children - and that’s enough for me.

“I was going to ask what human joys you miss, but apparently the question is in the wrong place, fortunately.”

I think I have enough human joys. There is no point in complaining about their absence. If you are able to realize that you have some human joy not enough - you are able to organize it for yourself. It is clear that not everyone can afford such joy as a trip to Australia, for example, but here you still need to think hard about whether this is human joy.

- How does your family usually spend the weekend?

For everyone to have joy, we all need to sit down and go near Kyiv - to the Bolivar ranch or an ostrich farm, that is, so that we can be in nature and see something new. We are currently building a house, almost finished - I hope that we will spend weekends outside the city. At least a third of the weekends a year are spent filming the “Karaoke on the Maidan” program. When I play “What? Where? When?" (and this year I will play), I’m flying to Moscow for the weekend. And on such days the wife and children go to the cinema to watch a new children's film.

Igor Vasilievich Kondratyuk – participant of the “What? Where? When?”, TV presenter of Ukrainian television, star of the show “X-Factor”, “Karaoke on the Maidan”.

Igor was born on March 14, 1962 in the village of Prigorye, in the Kherson region, in the family of the chairman of the district executive committee. While studying at school, I became interested in the exact sciences, dreamed of mastering the science of astronomy and learning to play the saxophone. In addition to studying, I attended the section ballroom dancing, sang in the choir. In his last grades, he worked part-time on a collective farm, helping with the harvest. With my first salary of 70 rubles I bought an enlarger for my camera lens.

Having received gold medal, in 1979 he entered the Kiev State University at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. He defended his thesis on the study of solid state optics. In 1984, he joined the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as a junior researcher, where, in collaboration with colleagues, he wrote more than 100 scientific articles devoted to the study of solid state physics. In 12 years, Igor will defend his PhD thesis in biology.

"What? Where? When?"

Introduction to the game “What? Where? When?" took place back at the university. In 1984, at the request of university students, participants in the Moscow program, Nikita Shangin, Marina Govorushkina, Valentina Golubeva were invited to a meeting in Kyiv. A year later, graduates attended a historical filming in Moscow. This event changed the biography of Igor Kondratyuk. In 1985, the young scientist passed the qualifying round for the television project “What? Where? When?".

In December, he already performed as part of a team of newcomers, which included Alexander Zuev, Vsevolod Belkin, Vladimir Molchanov and Alexander Sumarokov. In 1986, Igor’s team already participated in Full game. Kondratyuk became a permanent member of the club and was involved in organizational issues. In the 90s he was a member of Alexey Blinov’s team, and since 2004 he has been part of the team that won the Crystal Owl prize in 2008.

In 2010, Igor Kondratyuk was unable to fly to the game in Moscow. The organizers of the event found a way out: in order not to deprive Andrei Kozlov’s team of a player, Igor was asked to appear on air using Skype.

Igor Kondratyuk did not seek to stay in Moscow, and after the events of 2014 he spoke negatively about Russia, comparing the neighboring fraternal state with “fascist Germany.”

A television

Since 1991, Igor Kondratyuk has been working as a session editor television shows“Love at first sight” and “Brain Ring”. Igor also collaborates with Ukrainian television, where he becomes the host of the “5+1” program. Since 1999, the Inter channel (since 2009 - on 1+1 and STB) began broadcasting the folk show "Karaoke on the Maidan", the author of the idea and the host of which was Igor Kondratyuk.

It was customary to sing songs on the big streets of the city in small homeland Igor, the residents of the capital also liked it. Everyone took part in the show. The participants sang folk and popular Ukrainian songs, and then best performer received a cash prize. On Russian television similar transfer has been produced since 2006 on the TVC channel and was called “Karaoke on Arbat”, which was also hosted by Kondratyuk.

The popularity of Igor Kondratyuk on television forces producers to invite the showman to new projects: the intellectual program “LG “Eureka!””, music shows “Chance”, “ Star duet" and "American Chance".

The Chance program, which started in 2003, was aimed at discovering new talents. The transmission was used as a launching pad group Quest Pistols, performers Alexander Voevudsky, Natalya Valevskaya. and for 5 years led musical show.

In 2009, it started on the STB channel musical competition“Ukraine has talent.” 24 cities of Ukraine provided sites for qualifying rounds, through which thousands of people wishing to participate in the show for the most talented Ukrainian passed through. As a result, the selected 60 people were presented to the main jury, which included the presenters Igor Kondratyuk, Slava Frolova and choreographer Vlad Yama at the first stage. Moreover, both TV presenters remained in the judge’s chairs for 9 seasons of the competition.

In 2010, another music show, “X-Factor,” was launched on the STB channel, in which Igor Kondratyuk was one of the judges. According to the rules of the project, people could participate in the competition different professions, the performances took place live on air. Each judge had a team of competitors that he led throughout the competition. Kondratyuk participated in the filming of the first 6 seasons of the program. The TV presenter's wards became winners of the show twice. In 2013 she won, in 2015 - Kostya Bocharov.

Often the programs produced and hosted by Igor received high ratings from the audience. This happened with the programs “Karaoke on the Maidan” and “LG “Eureka!”,” as well as with the entertainment TV show “Chance.” The author of the projects already has five Teletriumph award statuettes.

Personal life

Igor Kondratyuk is a father of many children. Together with his wife Alexandra Gorodetskaya, an economist by profession, the showman raised three children - sons Sergei, Daniil and daughter Polina. Now Sergei works as an assistant director on the “Karaoke on the Maidan” project, Daniil joined the team of the “X-Factor” program. The daughter studies at the capital’s gymnasium and defended the honor of the Kyiv archery team at the Ukrainian Championship.

The personal life of Igor Kondratyuk is considered impeccable, but journalists are constantly trying to attribute affairs on the side to the respectable family man. For a long time there were rumors that Igor was a member of love affair with a graduate of the X-Factor competition Aida Nikolaychuk. The Kondratyuk family only laughed at the speculation.

The singer also denied the rumors, saying that she was going to marry the sound engineer of the television project, Dmitry. The wedding did not take place. In 2016, Aida began dating racer Nikita Podolsky, who had already proposed to the girl. Photos with the groom and pictures wedding ring the newly minted star posted it on the Internet, on her own Instagram page.

Igor Kondratyuk now

In March 2017, Igor Kondratyuk celebrated his 55th anniversary next issue long-lived program “Karaoke on the Maidan”. The program is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest-running show on Ukrainian television: the 950th episode of the program took place in April.

The next season started in March 2017 music project“Ukraine has talent”, in which only children participate this time. Igor Kondratyuk was invited to the jury of the competition. The winner of the competition was 6-year-old Veronica Morskaya.


  • "What? Where? When?" – 1985
  • “Love at First Sight” – 1991
  • “Brain Ring” – 1991
  • “5+1” – 1992
  • “Program guide for tomorrow” – 1995
  • “Karaoke on the Maidan” – 1999
  • "Chance" - 2003
  • “Star Duet” – 2006
  • “Ukraine has talent” – 2009
  • "X Factor" - 2010

Igor Kondratyuk - biography

Igor Kondratyuk is one of the most famous showmen in Ukrainian show business, a producer, a jury member of several talent shows and the permanent host of the TV show “Karaoke on the Maidan”. How did his career develop, and what Interesting Facts are they still not aware of it? Igor Kondratyuk biography.

Education: Graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Kiev State University. T. Shevchenko, specializing in solid state optics

The popular TV presenter was born in the small village of Prigorye, which is located in the Kherson region. Date of birth - March 14, 1962, Zodiac sign - Pisces. As a child, Igor was a calm and reasonable boy, loved to read, was very hardworking, and even then showed interest in the exact sciences, being interested in astronomy. The future showman had a great desire to learn to play the saxophone, he sang in the choir, and also went to the ballroom dancing section. While studying at school, Igor helped his parents, working as an assistant to a combine operator and receiving a good salary. A love of science and a great desire to learn helped Igor Kondratyuk become a gold medalist. After graduating from school in 1979, Kondratyuk entered the Faculty of Physics of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

After graduating from university, he became a researcher at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine. My television career Igor began in 1985 by participating in the cult intellectual program “What? Where? When?". Since 1991, the popular showman began to actively work on television, starting as an editor on the television shows “Brain - Ring” and “Love at First Sight.” Soon the presenter switched to Ukrainian television - Igor Kondratyuk became the host of the “5+1” project, and in 1999 he began hosting the folk song program “Karaoke on the Maidan”. After the projects in which Kondratyuk became the host and producer, there are more - “LG “Eureka!””, “Chance”, “American Chance”, “Star Duet”. In the TV show “Ukraine’s Got Talent” and the X Factor, Igor occupies one of the judge’s chairs.

Not much is known about Igor Kondratyuk’s wife, since she is not a media person. It is known that Alexandra Gorodetskaya is an economist by training and now works financial director. Future husband and wife met at work. The presenter's marriage is considered one of the strongest in show business. Kondratyuk is the father of three children. His eldest son Sergei worked as an assistant on the projects “Karaoke on the Maidan” and “X-Factor” and continues to build a career in television. Daughter Polina has a wonderful ear for music, and is also interested in sports - at the Ukrainian Archery Championship she successfully competed for the honor of the Kyiv team. Igor also has a middle son, Daniel.

In 2010, the presenter became one of the jury members of the popular talent show in Ukraine “X-Factor”, hosted by Oksana Marchenko. The first lineup of the show looked like this - Igor Kondratyuk, singer Elka, rapper Seryoga and musical critic Sergey Sosedov. At the end of the sixth season, the famous host announced his decision to leave the show. The stages of the show are as follows:

Precasting producers. Telecasting - participants perform in front of the judges and based on the results of the judges' vote, a decision is made whether they will go further in the show or not. Selection of competitors - judges select 12 performers (for four categories) based on the results of the competition. Live broadcasts - each performer performs a song in front of the audience and judges. Based on the results of the judges' vote and the audience vote, the loser is determined and leaves the show. Final – two super finalists are determined, the winner is chosen by the audience during a week-long voting.

Igor Kondratyuk was considered one of the most reasonable, fair and strict members of the jury, for whom the most important thing was how the contestant sings and how much the viewer might like his image. More often than not, Igor’s players reached the Super Final. In the first season, Marina Rak became the super finalist, in the second - Oleg Kenzov, in the third season, his ward Aida Nikolaychuk won, in the fourth, “Trioda” made it to the super final, in the sixth, the victory went to his ward Kostya Bacharov.

Other TV projects

Igor Kondratyuk was also known as a judge of the talent show “Ukraine Has Talent”. The goal of the show is to find the most talented Ukrainian in the country, who will receive a super prize of 1 million hryvnia. The winner is determined by SMS voting.

The television project “Chance” became the first Ukrainian talent show, which launched in 2003. The winner of “Karaoke on the Maidan” became the ward of presenters Natalya Mogilevskaya and Kuzma Scriabin, who were supposed to make him a real star in a few hours.

Few people know about such facts from the life of the popular presenter as:

Igor Kondratyuk - author 105 scientific works in molecular biophysics. In 2008, Andrei Kozlov’s team “What? Where? When?, in which Igor was one of the participants, received the Crystal Owl. Over the years, he received six prestigious Teletriumph awards in Ukraine. An avid fan of the Dynamo football team. Loves to write poetry. He was the producer of famous pop performers Vitaly Kozlovsky, Natalia Valevskaya, Pavel Tabakov, Alexander Voevudsky. He was also a co-producer of the Aviator group.

Igor Kondratyuk remains one of the brightest media personalities, whose plans are to create a unique original musical project.

What do you think about Igor Kondratyuk, we are waiting for your comments.

Igor Kondratyuk son Daniil
Igor Kondratyuk | Karaoke on the Maidan | Fan club Discussion board Discussion2
Igor Kondratyuk

Ukrainian TV presenter, producer, showman

Born on March 14, 1962 in the Kherson region in large family he has two brothers and two sisters. At school he worked as an assistant combine operator. Graduated from Kalanchak with a gold medal in 1979 high school № 1.

In 1984 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Kyiv state university named after Taras Shevchenko (specialization - solid state optics). After graduation, he worked as a researcher in the Department of Molecular Biophysics at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Author 105 scientific works in molecular biophysics, co-authored with other scientists.

On television since 1985 - since gaining membership in the “What? Where? When?".

Since 1990, he worked in Moscow as a showman working with the public, editor and assistant presenter in the programs of the Ostankino television company - “Love at First Sight” and “Brain Ring”.

In 1992-1994, Igor Kondratyuk hosted the TV game “5+1” on the UT-3 channel, and in 1995-1996 - the game “Program Guide for Tomorrow” (UT-1).

He was a co-organizer and presenter of matches between the national teams of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus of the “What? Where? When?" on channel UT-1.

Igor Kondratyuk came up with the “Karaoke on the Maidan” program together with his godfather Andrei Kozlov. Andrei Kozlov baptized his middle son Danila.

Kozlov is a television director and producer, as well as the captain of the “What? Where? When?”, in which Igor Kondratyuk plays.

From 2001 to 2006 - presenter and Chief Editor program “Intellect show LG “Eureka!”.

In 2006 - host of the “Karaoke on Arbat” program (TVC, Moscow). Producer of the “Star Duet” project on “Inter” (production - “Studio V.I.K.”).

In 2009, he was one of three judges of the first season of the talent show “Ukraine’s Got Talent!” on the STB TV channel.

Igor Kondratyuk is the winner of a number of television awards, including 5 awards national award"Teletriumph". In particular, in 2003 “Karaoke on the Maidan” was recognized as the best music program, and “Eureka!” - best project for children. "Chance" is the best entertainment 2004-2006

Igor Kondratyuk is married. Wife Alexandra (Gorodetskaya), sons Sergei and Danila, little daughter Polina.

Igor Kondratyuk saw accountant Alexandra Gorodetskaya at work. She is now the CFO.

Igor Kondratyuk - ardent football fan. On weekends, he and his wife often flew abroad to UEFA Cup matches with the participation of Dynamo Kyiv.

Biography of Igor Kondratyuk

Igor Kondratyuk - famous person, both in the world of Ukrainian television and the country’s show business as a whole. His life path- this is one continuous adventure. The biography of Igor Kondratyuk reveals many interesting facts about his life and work.

Igor was born on the wide expanses of the Kherson steppes in the village of Prigorye, Vysokopolsky district. At school he showed significant progress in his studies and graduated with a gold medal.

The guy was always interested in exact sciences, so for further study he chose the Kiev National Taras Shevchenko University, namely the Faculty of Radiophysics. After graduating from high school, he worked as a researcher at one of the institutes, and even defended his dissertation and received a Ph.D. degree. These are the interesting facts we find in the biography of Igor Kondratyuk. It would seem, how could a man of such a serious profession later become a famous showman?

For the first time, Kondratyuk was able to find himself both on the TV screen and behind the scenes through the TV show “What? Where? When?” Thanks to his extraordinary mind and erudition, he became a member of the club of experts back in 1985 and continues to play to this day as part of various clubs and the Ukrainian national team.

Work directly for Kondratyuk television Igor Kondratyuk biography family in Moscow since 1990, when he was involved in working on some show programs and learned the basic basics of working on television.

The biography of Igor Kondratyuk is replete with the names of the most popular shows on Ukrainian television. From 1992 to 1994, he was the host of the television game “5+1” on the UT-1 channel; in 2001 he began producing the program “LG Intelligence Show “Eureka!”, in which he was both one of the authors and the presenter. This television game, the target whose audience was the younger generation of scholars, was very popular among young people, and brought him great popularity.

But, probably, the most famous fact in the biography of Igor Kondratyuk is his author’s project “Karaoke Maidan”, the first episode of which appeared in 1999 on the Inter channel and continues to exist today, but with registration on “1+1” .

IN last years Showman Kondratyuk has such large-scale projects as “Chance”, “X-Factor”, “Ukraine Has Talent!”. Here he acted not only as an organizer, but also participated in the jury. Here Kondratyuk acquired the image of a strict and demanding, but fair judge. Over the years of the existence of such shows, Kondratyuk has helped many young talents to reveal themselves. And his author’s programs, and he himself, often received various awards. These are six “Teletriumphs”, recognition of the TV show “Eureka” as the best TV show for children, and an award for “Chance” - the best entertainment musical project for the period 2004-2006.

His family occupies a special place in the biography of Igor Kondratyuk. He is an excellent father and an exemplary husband who loves to spend time in a narrow family circle and communicate with his family. He and his wife Alexandra have three children: two sons and a little daughter, Polina.

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