Declaration of love to your husband on his birthday. How to confess your love to your husband? Touching confessions in prose that bring you to tears

How many years! But it feels like yesterday
We met. And the memory is so fresh.
I keep our first kiss to myself,
And the heart says: “I love you! I love!".

And now, children, home! And day after day
It goes on as usual.
But that fire inside will not go out.
My favorite person and husband is you!

And early in the morning I pray for us.
Let's sit down together. I'll cuddle up to you.
And we will talk about everything
Until late this evening.

I'm ready for my beloved husband
Talk about love every day
Come up with dinner every night
Whatever you want, tell me!

Thank you for your concern, my dear,
I don’t feel sorry for tender feelings at all,
Very strong, but you're cute,
I love it, I'll tell everyone this!

And I’m not afraid of problems, even if it kills me!
The best man is next to me!
I'm happy, believe me,
So thank you, my hero!

Not for big words
We love our loved ones.
Next to my husband
There are no problems that cannot be solved.

If something suddenly happens to me
It will frighten, disturb,
I'll press myself to your chest
A heartbeat will always help.

Your kindness is strong
And your strength is reliable.
Like behind a stone wall
For your love, darling.

My dear, you are the most wonderful,
With you I feel so calm and safe,
You are kind, you are caring, attentive,
It was not difficult for me to fall in love with you!

Let our happiness become stronger,
After all, I love you, dear husband!
You are very, very dear and important to me,
You are the best husband, my lover and friend!

My beloved, dear husband,
You are the best friend in the world,
Lover, best suitor,
Happy life director!

You have become a support and a wall,
I feel calm with you, dear,
I love you madly, passionately,
After all, my life with you is wonderful!

Beloved husband, the best,
After all, it’s not in vain that we live with you,
I love you my darling,
You are irreplaceable for me!

I feel supported in you,
Reliable and strong shoulder,
It's always easy for me with you
And I'm not afraid of anything!

I appreciate every moment with you,
And there is confidence in everything.
I'll tell you; "Love you",
Together we don't care about troubles.

My beloved husband, dear
All your merits cannot be counted.
With you I'm like behind a wall
Thank you for existing!

You have become a beloved husband,
Which is needed day and night.
Forever my other half
The best man in the world.

Nothing in the world is scary with you,
Strong and mighty like strong armor.
Dear and dear all over the planet,
The only and true one for me.

I envy myself
After all, I have such a husband!
And to be with such a man
All the women around want it.

I'm always happy with you!
My darling, I love you.
Because I'm your wife
I thank my fate.

Years pass, and I still fall in love with you.
What was sent to me - I thank fate.
I am proud and admire you.
I give myself all to you without reserve.

Please, dear, don’t be surprised at my tears:
They are from women's happiness and love.
With me I want you to be happy and smile more often,
I can't live without your tender eyes.

Absolute happiness for a married couple is support, attention and mutual respect for each other.

If for a large number of years a married couple has managed to maintain good feelings, then the marriage union promises to last a long time.

You shouldn’t wait for a reason to confess to your loved one - you can do this while at home, when your loved one is on a trip, or at work.

Touching options will help stir up the emotions of a married couple, bringing back the former sparkle.

In the age of technological development, writing a letter to your beloved guy is already considered an outdated action.

It is much easier and faster to talk about feelings using a smartphone or social networks.

It is enough to compose a short SMS and send the text to your husband or boyfriend. The text should contain the love from the wife experienced at the time of separation.

The more sincere the message, the more your spouse will like it.

If your imagination doesn’t want to come up with beautiful and fluffy phrases, use ready-made short options, and also compose new SMS messages based on them.


  1. Many people are in constant search of human benefits, trying to arrange their lives in a better way.

    For me, the most important thing is you and your well-being! – suitable for sending to the one and only young man.

  2. A minute of hugs, a whole hour of tenderness and an eternity of love - this is what I want when you are near - a touching confession from a girl.
  3. My hands are clenched to the point of pain, my heart is beating wildly. I tried to find a cure, but all the roads in my brain lead to you.

    I want to be with you all the time - a sincere and beautiful confession for the man I love.

  4. For a month now I have been seeing the same dream: the two of us dancing under the stars. Your arms gently hug my waist, I snuggle and don’t want to wake up.

    Please let this dream come true! – an option for recognition at a young age.

  5. A frank declaration of love is difficult, but I want you to know: all the blessings of the world around you, as well as my heart, belong to you! – a recognition option for any age.

An important point when writing a text is to convey feelings to your partner.

A man is pleased to hear words of tenderness, love, kindness, especially when he is separated from his wife or girlfriend.

Cool pictures with poems

A good option, along with a short confession of the message, is the use of a variety of color pictures.

They are made independently, using a graphic editor, and they also use ready-made pictures with text in verse.

Today, on the Internet there is an unimaginable number of cool images on a love theme, from among them the appropriate option is selected.

Note! If you are planning to make a picture yourself, think about creating a collage, which contains a joint photo of people in love, and around it there is an inscription from the heart in verse.

In addition to pictures, videos are widely used to convey to the other half the full breadth of existing feelings.

Funny videos are popular; they will cheer up your husband and allow him not to forget about the wonderful feeling.

A selection of popular images with poems and confessions will help you make a choice:

Picture Text
A teddy bear holding a beautiful soft heart in its paws, with a poem written on it You are the most beloved miracle!
I will always love you.
After all, night or day,
You light us on fire!
Image of a couple in love against the backdrop of a sunset. Girl hugging guy holding bouquet of flowers I don't need much
And I need you to be near,
And so that early in the morning
He hugged me, kissed me, loved me!
A well-fed kitten hangs on balloons outside the window I once felt the breath of love
Since then there has been no peace for my heart,
And every day I want to be with you
I will live many, many years!
Couple in love against the backdrop of sunset by the sea In your hands I felt a woman's happiness,
Never loved so much before.
You come - all bad weather disappears,
You give me love and hope
Postcard: two small hamsters, one of them holds a bouquet of tulips in his paws Punishment or heavenly gift
Falling in love with you so much
I will build our happiness, love hangar
Just to hug me

Touching confessions in prose that bring you to tears

There is no need to say pleasant words exclusively on a marriage anniversary or a wedding - you can do this every day, thereby demonstrating to your beloved husband your emotions, experiences and feelings.

Short but tender confessions will awaken all the emotions in a man and remind him that sometimes it is necessary to talk to his partner about love.

Options for confessions in prose will bring you to tears and will show your loved one’s true feelings:

  1. The madness that you give me allows me to instantly fly up to the highest clouds, dissolve in them, dreaming about us!
  2. We may have difficulties, but when I catch your gaze, my heart begins to pound wildly in my chest. There is no greater feeling in the world that can also set my heart on fire.
  3. When I see you, thoughts flash through my head about how you will hug, caress, become a support and reliable protection in difficult times. I want to love and give myself completely, just so that you are happy!
  4. In a dream, I see how we are sitting on the bank of a stormy river called life.

    Only coherence and mutual feelings will help us build a raft to reach our cherished life goal and achieve happiness together.

  5. When I think about what you are like, it becomes scary. You are the best, kindest, sincere, resourceful, cheerful and will always support me. I love you and want to give you the whole world.

Such options in your own words will help you briefly express your experiences. Based on this text, you can independently compose a song for your husband, performing it at a celebration or in solitude.

Important! If your loved one is constantly at work, you shouldn’t bombard him with messages.

It’s better to wait until evening, cook delicious dishes and talk about the confession over dinner.

Don’t forget to give each other warm words, emotions, and talk about your experiences: conversations always lead to solving long-standing problems.

Useful video

I love you so fiercely and passionately
You, my best husband.
Time has no power over feelings,
When the community of souls was bound.

I admire you, my dear,
I am proud of you, my beloved,
I enjoy every moment
I share my dream with you.

I immediately melt from your caresses,
I surrender easily into your sweet captivity,
I'm burning with fiery passion,
I'm only yours, my superman.

More than once, I know, my husband, I said
And I’m ready to repeat it hundreds of times,
That from the second I fell in love with you,
You cannot find a happier woman than me.

My whole life is like a boundless ocean of love,
And I endlessly want to sail along it,
My beloved husband, the most devoted and gentle,
How lucky I am to be your wife, dear.

You are my man, my strong half, a reliable fortress, my life! What a joy it is to count the stars in the night sky with you, to reveal my secrets to you, to share dreams, to raise children and just to drink coffee in the morning. Let it be eternal, let your heart always belong only to me, just as my life and love belong to you, my beloved husband.

I love waking up from sleep
And to see you nearby.
Touch with tender passion
And hug, my joy.

You are relaxed, your forehead is smooth,
At this moment you are only mine.
It’s very important to me, my love.
Start the morning with you.

The day brings love and happiness,
Meeting eyes, smiles, hands.
You alone have power over the heart,
My precious husband.

I confess, I love you, I love you
Just like our honeymoon that month!
I catch every friendly glance,
Every breath and kind word.

During the day it flutters in the hearts of the depths
A whole swarm of uncontrollable dreams.
And, as before, you wake up in me
A storm of daring sensual desires.

I love you. You are an indispensable program for the correct operation of the server in my life. Therefore, I bought a license for lifetime use, putting a stamp in my passport, and secured the entrance for unauthorized users with the wedding ring on your finger.

I love you, my husband, like ice in a hot summer,
Like a breeze on a stuffy night, heated by heat,
I love you like the birds that adore the heights,
After all, it is in it that they live and fly,

Sometimes, performing miracles of pirouettes
In the depths of the azure of a beautiful planet!
I love, like life, that I admire
And this love intoxicates with might and main!

The best man in the world, I am glad to give you all the exciting tenderness, warm care and sincere enthusiasm! I am infinitely happy that we are a strong, friendly family that is not afraid of any adversity, that love for you has settled in my heart forever!

3.8 / 5 ( 36 votes)

All psychologists who have devoted themselves to relationships within the family all claim that the key to a strong family and relationships.
These are timely actions that speak of love.
How to make a declaration of love to your husband in prose that will touch your soul?

Confessions are an important part of these actions; any beautiful gesture, decorated with a declaration of love, takes on completely different shades.

We make a beautiful declaration of love to our beloved husband

How to make a declaration of love to your beloved man? Some women think that their brutal men do not need declarations of love, they say, she said it once and that’s enough.
But even the most hardened man will be pleased to hear that he is desired, dear, loved.

Everyone remembers the fairy tale about beauty and the beast.

From time to time it is necessary to say tender and romantic words to your husband; regularity of confessions is recommended, this means that tender words should be heard on a birthday or on Valentine's Day.

Recognition should be affectionate and unobtrusive.

The most beautiful confessions are written in verse

Poems can be sent in the form of SMS declarations of love to your husband on the phone or in any other way of sending messages.

A short and beautiful declaration of love to your husband in verse is a great way to remind him of yourself.

There are funny or cool declarations of love for your husband in poetry, with the help of which you can remind him of yourself and cheer him up.

"I breathe you"

How you need air in your lungs, darling,
Ever since you became a husband!
I hasten to please you,
And I say: “I breathe you”!

You only sleep and I’m exhausted,
Wake up and hug me, I dream so much.
And tenderly in my heart I whisper,
My dear, I love you!

"Love like crazy"

It happens, and sometimes we quarrel,
You can be rude to me
And I get offended - it happens
But I don’t want to think sadly!

I want to talk about love
Find such a wise man
Only I in the white world could
I love you madly!


And even if I scream -
You know that I scream in love!
And all I promise is
All just for you.

You are my soul's favorite,
One for my whole life,
My dear, dear, beautiful,
I love you to infinity.

“I want to confess”

Like waiting for summer in spring,
And in the fall everyone is waiting for spring
So at home, I'm waiting for you.

And again I want to confess,
Beloved husband, my unearthly one,
That I love you,
And I will be with you until the end.

"How magical love is"

Oh, love is magical if everything is shared with you,
My soul sings like a spring bird.
I will give you something dear and sacred,
And moments, and soul and sky flight!

“2 saxophone hearts are beating”

Melody 2 hearts - saxophone -
This is reality, don’t think about it, it’s not a dream.
My confession to you -
This is my life's wish.

You are my life and you are my husband,
There will be no freezing colds in life.
I love you, dear -
We walk the road alone.

Beautiful words to a man in prose or in your own words

It goes without saying that not everyone can write poetry, so you can make a declaration of love to your beloved man in your own words or in prose.

Confessing to your beloved husband in your own words will sometimes be more effective than in poetry. Not all men love poetry.

There is no model or stereotype for confession, but there are outlines that will help you formulate your tender declaration of love to a guy in your own words to the point of tears:

  • My dear, you are my life. I appreciate it, respect and cherish you. Sometimes I am mischievous and capricious, but I am only your girl and you are responsible for me, you have tamed me))))
  • I love you. There are so many people in the world who exhaust each other with abuse, but I want to spend with you all the lives that God would give us. I will always be your neck, my beloved and dear, curly head =*
  • Darling, I often remember the day when you first approached me, I will never forget your kind, gentle eyes and enveloping voice. You won me over immediately.
  • For me, you are everything that surrounds me: you are my home, my hope, my joy and my smile. I always want to tell you how much my heart yearns for you.
  • Beloved, you filled my life with awareness and love. It was only thanks to you that I felt my heart beating in my chest, I love it when you call me little chick and soy queen. I promise, with my whole life I will prove how much I love you.
  • My sweet, the sweetest boy. You are my husband, I am luckier than anyone in the world, because I am married to the most wonderful, handsome, intelligent, courageous and brave man. All the girls at work are jealous of me.
  • Only thanks to you, my love, I realized that love has no boundaries and limits. My love for you is endless like the ocean. I just want to tell you: I love you, love you, love you
  • When you fall asleep and I'm still awake, I start missing you. I always hug you and hold you tight, even though you grumble. Just a beloved husband.

Confessions in prose always have the character of sincerity, lyricism and those words that come from the heart.

Sometimes it is better to say in prose what is difficult to express in poetry.


Sometimes any action can say better than any words.

Confessions are especially important for men; all men love clarity, not sound.

Such characteristic actions-recognitions include:

  • You can buy beautiful lingerie, decorate your bedroom with candles and rose petals. And simply give yourself to your husband, but from a slightly different perspective, which will be devoid of everyday life;
  • The option to order congratulations to your husband on the radio or TV has not yet lost its relevance;
  • You can prepare an interesting charade or slightly “torment your husband” by playing a game of “fun search”, when, using the hints, he will have to find you in a crowded place, where you will say everything you wanted;
  • Any husband is pleased to hear confessions in front of someone, although they say that it is better face to face, but this is not so. A woman's love has always been a man's opportunity to show others how excellent he is. So, you can gather guests, make a toast and confess your love to your husband;
  • , which will say everything that the heart says.

Confessions are the cement that prevents the huge edifice of love from falling into disrepair.

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