The theme is the best innovative educational projects. Creative project "innovations in education"

The current stage of the development of society poses a number of fundamentally new problems for the Russian education system due to political, socio-economic, worldview and other factors, among which the need to improve the quality and accessibility of education should be highlighted. Increasing academic mobility, integration into the global scientific and educational space, creating economically optimal educational systems, raising the level of university corporateness and strengthening ties between different levels of education.

One of the effective ways to solve these problems is the informatization of education. The improvement of technical means of communication has led to significant progress in information exchange. The emergence of new information technologies associated with the development of computer facilities and telecommunications networks made it possible to create a qualitatively new information and educational environment as the basis for the development and improvement of the education system.

The task of technology as a science is to identify a set of patterns in order to determine and use in practice the most effective, consistent educational actions that require less time, material and intellectual resources to achieve any result.

Innovation (eng. Innovation - innovation) - the introduction of new forms, methods and skills in the field of training, education and science. In principle, any socio-economic innovation, while it has not yet received mass, i.e. serial distribution can be considered innovations.

The specifics of education at the beginning of the third millennium imposes special requirements on the use of various technologies, since their product is aimed at living people, and the degree of formalization and algorithmization of technological educational operations is unlikely to ever be comparable to industrial production. In this regard, along with the technologization of educational activity, the process of its humanization is just as inevitable, which is now becoming more and more widespread within the framework of the personal-activity approach. The deep processes taking place in the education system both in our country and abroad lead to the formation of a new ideology and methodology of education as an ideology and methodology of innovative education. Innovative learning technologies should be seen as a tool through which a new educational paradigm can be put into practice.

The main goal of innovative educational technologies is to prepare a person for life in a constantly changing world. The essence of such training is the orientation of the educational process to the potential of a person and their implementation. Education should develop the mechanisms of innovative activity, find creative ways to solve vital problems, and contribute to the transformation of creativity into the norm and form of human existence.

The purpose of innovation is a qualitative change in the student's personality in comparison with the traditional system. This becomes possible due to the introduction into professional activity of didactic and educational programs not known to practice, which involves the removal of the pedagogical crisis. The development of the ability to motivate actions, independently navigate the information received, the formation of creative unconventional thinking, the development of children through the maximum disclosure of their natural abilities, using the latest achievements of science and practice, are the main goals of innovation. Innovative activity in education as a socially significant practice aimed at the moral self-improvement of a person is important because it can ensure the transformation of all existing types of practices in society.

Considering the transition to a global information society and the development of knowledge, one can speak about the adequacy of education to the socio-economic needs of the present and future only if its modernization is based not only and not so much on organizational innovations, but on changes in essence - in the content and technologies of personnel training and preparation of scientific research. As a social institution that reproduces the intellectual potential of the country, education must have the ability to advance development, meet the interests of society, a particular individual and a potential employer.

The use of information and communication technologies makes it possible to significantly speed up the process of searching and transmitting information, transform the nature of mental activity, and automate human labor. It is proved that the level of development and implementation of information and communication technologies in production activities determines the success of any company. The basis of information and communication technologies are information and telecommunication systems built on computer facilities and representing information resources and hardware and software that provide storage, processing and transmission of information over a distance.

A modern school should become an advanced platform in terms of information technology, a place where a person receives not only the necessary knowledge, but also imbued with the spirit of the modern information society. Without the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), an educational institution cannot claim an innovative status in education. After all, an educational institution is considered innovative if it widely introduces organizational, didactic, technical and technological innovations into the educational process and, on this basis, achieves a real increase in the pace and volume of assimilation of knowledge and the quality of training of specialists. The word "innovation" (from the Latin "innove") appeared in the middle of the 17th century and means the entry of a new into a certain area, implantation into it and the generation of a number of changes in this area. Innovation is, on the one hand, the process of innovation, implementation, implementation, and on the other hand, it is the activity of growing innovation into a certain social practice, and not at all an object.

Education is the way and form of becoming a whole person. The essence and purpose of the new education is the actual development of the general, generic abilities of a person, the development of universal ways of activity and thinking. The modern concept of "education" is associated with the interpretation of such terms as "training", "education", "education", "development". However, before the word "education" was associated with enlightenment, it had a broader meaning. Dictionary meanings consider the term "education" as a noun from the verb "form" in the sense: "create", "form" or "develop" something new. Creating something new is innovation.

The transition to interactive teaching methods and real-time technologies requires significant telecommunications resources that can provide the necessary interconnection of the participants in the educational process, support for multiservice technologies, high performance of telecommunications equipment and bandwidth of data transmission networks.

Innovations, or innovations, are characteristic of any professional human activity and therefore naturally become the subject of study, analysis and implementation. Innovations do not arise by themselves, they are the result of scientific research, advanced pedagogical experience of individual teachers and entire teams. This process cannot be spontaneous, it needs to be managed.

In the context of an innovative strategy for a holistic pedagogical process, the role of the school principal, teachers and educators as the direct carriers of innovative processes increases significantly. With all the variety of teaching technologies: didactic, computer, problematic, modular and others, the implementation of the leading pedagogical functions remains with the teacher. With the introduction of modern technologies into the educational process, the teacher and educator are increasingly mastering the functions of a consultant, adviser, and educator. This requires them to have special psychological and pedagogical training, since in the professional activity of a teacher not only special, subject knowledge is realized, but also modern knowledge in the field of pedagogy and psychology, technology of training and education. On this basis, a readiness for the perception, evaluation and implementation of pedagogical innovations is formed.

The concept of "innovation" means innovation, novelty, change, innovation as a means and process involves the introduction of something new. In relation to the pedagogical process, innovation means the introduction of something new in the goals, content, methods and forms of education and upbringing, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the student.

In understanding the essence of innovative processes in education, there are two most important problems of pedagogy - the problem of studying, generalizing and disseminating advanced pedagogical experience and the problem of introducing the achievements of psychological and pedagogical science into practice. Consequently, the subject of innovation, the content and mechanisms of innovation processes should lie in the plane of combining two interconnected processes, considered so far in isolation, i.e. The result of innovative processes should be the use of innovations, both theoretical and practical, as well as those that are formed at the intersection of theory and practice. All this emphasizes the importance of managerial activity in the creation, development and use of pedagogical innovations. The point, therefore, is that the teacher can act as an author, developer, researcher, user and propagandist of new pedagogical technologies, theories, concepts. The management of this process ensures the targeted selection, evaluation and application in one's activities of the experience of colleagues or new ideas and methods proposed by science. The need for an innovative orientation of pedagogical activity in the modern conditions of the development of society, culture and education is determined by a number of circumstances.

Firstly, the ongoing socio-economic transformations have necessitated a radical renewal of the education system, methodology and technology for organizing the educational process in educational institutions of various types. The innovative orientation of the activities of teachers and educators, which includes the creation, development and use of pedagogical innovations, acts as a means of updating the educational policy.

Secondly, the strengthening of the humanization of the content of education, the continuous change in the volume and composition of academic disciplines, the introduction of new academic subjects require a constant search for new organizational forms and teaching technologies. In this situation, the role and authority of pedagogical knowledge in the teaching environment increases significantly.

Thirdly, a change in the nature of the attitude of teachers to the very fact of mastering and applying pedagogical innovations. In the conditions of strict regulation of the content of the educational process, the teacher was limited not only in the independent choice of new programs, textbooks, but also in the use of new methods and methods of pedagogical activity. If earlier innovative activity was reduced mainly to the use of innovations recommended from above, now it is becoming more selective and exploratory in nature. That is why an important area in the work of school leaders and education authorities is the analysis and evaluation of pedagogical innovations introduced by teachers, the creation of conditions for their successful development and application.

Fourthly, the entry of general educational institutions into market relations, the creation of new types of educational institutions, including non-state ones, create a real situation of their competitiveness.

Thus, education is inherently already an innovation. Applying these technologies in innovative teaching, the teacher makes the process more complete, interesting, rich. At the intersection of the subject areas of the natural sciences, such integration is simply necessary for the formation of a holistic worldview and worldview, innovations include the introduction of ICT in the educational process, software supplied to schools, interactive electronic boards, and modernization projects.

An innovative project is a complex system of actions aimed at achieving certain goals in the development of science and technology. They are interconnected by the executors of the activities, deadlines and resources. An innovation program is a complex of interconnected innovation projects, as well as projects that are aimed at supporting activities in this area. At the moment, innovative projects in preschool educational institutions are gaining popularity, examples of which inspire the creation of new educational programs.

Level of scientific and technical significance

Innovative projects, as well as technical solutions and ideas that they implement, may have the following levels of scientific and technical significance:

  • modernization (the basic technology is not subject to fundamental changes);
  • innovative (the design of a new product is significantly different from the previous one);
  • advanced (the design was created thanks to advanced technical solutions);
  • pioneer level (new technologies and materials appear that did not exist before).

The level of significance of an innovative project determines the complexity, scale, features of promoting the results of the process and the composition of the performers. This will affect the content of project management.

Classification of innovative projects

Innovation projects can be classified as follows:

1. By the nature of the goals:

  • final;
  • intermediate.

2. By implementation period:

  • short-term;
  • medium-term;
  • long-term.

3. According to the needs that the project satisfies. They can focus on creating new or satisfying existing needs.

4. By type of innovation (creation of a new or improved product, reorganization of the management structure, etc.).

5. According to the degree of decisions made, they can have the following character:

  • corporate;
  • regional;
  • industry;
  • international federal.

6. By the scale of the tasks performed:

  • mono-projects - projects that are carried out by one company within strict financial and time frames, and have an unambiguous innovative goal;
  • multiprojects - complex programs aimed at achieving complex goals;
  • megaprojects are multi-purpose programs that combine a number of multi-projects that are connected by one difficult goal.

Each project goes through certain stages of its development from inception to completion. Their combination forms its life cycle. It is customary to divide it into phases, them into stages, and then into stages. They differ depending on the system of organization of work and the field of activity.

Development of an innovative project

When creating innovative projects, they go through implementation and completion. It is worth paying attention to the main stages:

  • idea formation;
  • opportunity research;
  • preparation of documentation for the conclusion of the contract;
  • preparation of documentation for the design of the project;
  • work on the implementation of the program;
  • monitoring of economic indicators.

At the development stage, attention is paid to the success and effectiveness of the project. At the same time, the details of its existence at this moment are not too important. For them, novelty, competitiveness, license protection and the presence of a patent are especially important. In addition, innovative projects require investment of funds directed to business improvement.

Implementation of innovative projects

Most organizations use internal and external sources of funding at the same time. Internal sources are their own funds, which are mainly formed from the sale of assets or are sums insured and depreciation. External sources of funding include attracted and as well as funding from the regional or federal budget.


Innovation projects are programs with the highest investment risk. For this reason, their creators should realistically assess their capabilities. The most attractive for investments will be programs aimed at promoting ready-made projects. Projects related to the promotion of new technologies are characterized by increased risk, since it is much more difficult for them to create a marketing concept.

Funding problems arise if the project has an unfinished stage of exploratory research. When they are carried out, there is a high probability of obtaining a negative result.

Risk classification

The risks of an innovative project are uncertainties that depend on the decisions made, and their implementation is carried out after some time. Risk assessment is part of entrepreneurial decisions. To classify them, it is advisable to apply the block principle, which provides for the distribution of risks by categories, groups, types, etc. The risks of innovative projects can be classified as follows:

  • Where possible predictability: foreseen and unforeseen.
  • By the presence of intentional creation.
  • Time of detection.
  • Location of discovery.
  • By way of discovery.
  • For reasons of appearance.
  • According to the culprits of the appearance.
  • By duration of action.
  • Possibility of insurance.
  • By methods of elimination of consequences.
  • By stages of the technological process.
  • according to production conditions.
  • At set prices.

To assess the risk of an innovative project, it is required to determine the degree of research work, the compliance of the program with the company's market strategy, as well as marketing. Classification, assessment and study of risks will be required to manage them.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of an innovative project

The effectiveness of a project of this type from the point of view of its participants can be determined by the corresponding indicators of their participation. It is worth considering its assessment by an innovative university, which is responsible for the implementation of the project, and also attracts outside participants and additional funding. Evaluation of the effectiveness of an innovative project is based on the following principles:

  • apply prices for services, resources, goods that are provided for by the project or installed on the market;
  • cash flows must be calculated in the same currencies that are provided for by the program for paying for products and purchasing resources, after which they will be converted into rubles at the current rate;
  • in the calculations, it is necessary to take into account the profit from financial and investment activities, as well as apply the project financing scheme;
  • it is necessary to take into account contributions to additional funds and the income received from them.

In the process of calculating the performance indicators of a company's participation, it is worth taking into account cash, regardless of whether it is own or borrowed. Loan payments will be called outflows, and borrowed funds will be called inflows.

project taking into account the risks of efficiency

It is worth considering the development of an innovative project, taking into account the evaluation of its effectiveness. As an example, you can take the example of the project of EcoZdrav LLC. The company operates in Krasnoyarsk. The project is aimed at the manufacture and sale of reagentless and cartridgeless units, which are designed for the treatment of drinking and waste water. At the moment they have no analogues.

Preliminary market research has shown that the need for these units is quite large. According to estimates, it is 25,000 pieces, which is only a tenth of the possible buyers. Based on this information, the company plans to produce units in the amount of 10 thousand units per year, which will be quite reasonable.

To evaluate the effectiveness, it is necessary to find the net present value (NPV) using prices and the sum of the weighted average cost of capital (WACC). The following formula applies:


where E - equity, D - amount of borrowed capital, K - amount of invested capital, y - expected return on equity, b - estimated return on borrowed capital, t - income tax rate.

For this company, the indicator will be:


If we take the inflation rate of 7%, which was set at the time of project development, we can get a discount factor of 0.340624.

According to the plan, the volume of profit will amount to 448,060 rubles. in the first year, 3229925 rubles. - in the second, and 3919425 rubles. - in the third. Taking them into account, it is necessary to calculate the indicators on the basis of which the effectiveness of the innovative project will be assessed.

Net present value calculated for the next three years (NPV):

NPV1 = 448060/1.340624- 2000000 = - 1665782.5

NPV2 = 448060/1.340624+ 3229925/(1.340624)^2 - 2000000= 131343.21

Return on investment index (PI):

PI = (448060/1.340624+ 3229925/〖(1.340624)〗^2)/2000000 = 2131343.21/2000000 = 1.0656

Internal rate of return (IRR):

IRR = r_1+NPV(r_1)/(NPV(r_1)-NPV(r_2)) (r_2-r_1)

The cost of capital r1 is taken to be 20%.

Then IRR = 0.3+255859.8/(255859.8- 131343.21) (0.340624-0.3)=0.383475

It can be concluded that the calculated rate of return exceeds the value of the cost of capital. Thus, the implementation of this innovative project will be expedient.

Innovative projects in business

Today, innovative business projects are successfully conquering the world market. This is due to the fact that the modern consumer is not so easy to please. If a company repeats its competitors, it will eventually lose its popularity. For this reason, any business needs innovation. It is best if these are really innovative projects, and not updating old technologies, goods or services.

It is actively changing due to the development of the scientific and technical sphere. From this point of view, business requires attention. In addition, innovation must be recognized by society. If they do not accept the developed innovative project, an example of which was demonstrated to consumers, it will not bring any benefit.

Benefits of innovation in business

It should be noted that innovations in business require significant intellectual, financial and labor costs. In addition, you will have to invest not only in the project, but also in the company's employees. Innovations in entrepreneurial activity can be technical, managerial, administrative, economic and organizational.

Computerization can be named among the main innovative projects of this kind. They help create bath databases, carry out calculations using the Internet, use computer programs for work and send e-mails. In addition, the entrepreneur will be able to create a commercial website or online store.

Thus, projects of this kind in business make it possible to improve the procedure for development, provision of services, sales, etc. In addition, the process will be significantly simplified and will take less time. This means that the business will have a greater profitability.

Innovative projects at school

Parents often face the question of where to send their child to a regular school, gymnasium and lyceum. Most of them are identified quickly, but the concept of "innovative school" is rarely familiar to them. Despite this, all modern educational institutions can be called such. This is due to the fact that most curricula are designed with innovation in mind.

It is not at all necessary to send a child to an innovative school, because an innovative pedagogical project is being implemented in a traditional institution. But nevertheless, they will focus on the formation of children's ability to independently acquire knowledge.

The use of innovative technologies in the school allows you to individually select a training program for each child, which has a positive effect on his abilities. In addition, children will have more zeal for learning, as they can be interested. What is an innovative project at school? An example is the use of various programs in the process of education. With their help, you can positively influence the acquisition and assimilation of knowledge.

Innovation project: an example

In order to finally understand what constitutes an innovative project, it is worth considering a specific example. Electrolux Design Lab held a student competition in China in 2013. On it, a graduate of the Animation Institute Qing Ji presented his project, which was aimed at improving human sleep. He developed a cell cushion in the form of a green mass. It is able to provide not only optimal rest, but also protection against harmful bacteria. In this case, the innovative project, the example of which is presented, involves the invention of a completely new and complex technology.

The pillow contains aloe cells that absorb carbon monoxide and release oxygen. For this reason, people who sleep on it do not have breathing problems. Aloe cells are able to eliminate any harmful bacteria around them. This innovative project, an example of which was described, became successful, but if you want to create something new, you can prepare a program that is not so complicated. It may contain an update to existing technology.

Until May 15, inclusive, the acceptance of applications for, which is carried out by the HSE and the Rybakov Foundation with the support of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, continues. Over the past three years, more than 2,000 projects have been submitted to the competition, many of which are now well known in the professional community and beyond.

Individual developers and teams of 2 to 6 people, regardless of professional affiliation, can participate in the competition. The winner of the competition receives a travel grant to present his project anywhere in the world. In addition, the partners of the competition usually award various incentive prizes to the finalists and provide them with consulting support.

So, this year the Far Eastern Federal University has introduced a new nomination - "Educational technologies that compress space and time." “We are six thousand kilometers and seven time zones away from the capital, so we are interested in technologies for the simultaneous presence of users in the educational space, technologies for managing teams of educational projects distributed in space, technologies for remote talent identification,” says Dmitry Zemtsov, Vice-Rector of the University. The winner in this nomination will receive an order for the implementation of their solution in FEFU in the amount of up to 350 thousand rubles.

In the previous three years, KIvO incentive prizes were awarded by the Moscow Polytechnic University, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, the Moscow City Pedagogical University and other organizations.

In April 2017, about twenty project leaders who participated in KIvO in different years were noted on the Map of Innovation Leaders in Education, prepared by the Center for the Promotion of Innovation in Education "SOL" on the basis of interviews with experts. Those whose activities are related to innovations in education, who plan to participate in KIvO, will certainly be able to take into account their experience in their own professional development. Here are some of those projects.

"Lifestyle" (winner of KIvO-2014)

Intensive socialization programs, designed mainly for high school students - vacation camps in the city and beyond, training, working on ideas. The project is based on the idea that people choose not a profession, but a way of life, so they need an environment for life experiments. According to the author of the project, Diana Kolesnikova, KIvO "was the first positive feedback on what I do."

School of digital creativity "Codabra"

Courses for teaching children to create their own computer games, mobile applications and interactive animations. In the classroom, children work in teams, distributing roles among themselves, brainstorming, coming up with ideas for projects, helping each other to implement their plans. There is a format when children study together with their parents. One of the school's slogans is "Stop playing, let's create!"

"Moscow through the eyes of an engineer" (winner of KIvO-2015)

Excursions, lectures and master classes for children about architectural monuments, about how the city works from the point of view of an engineer. Children are taught project work skills and an engineering way of thinking. Since 2014, the project has been at the top of the TripAdvisor rating among entertainment companies in Moscow. The author of the project, Airat Bagautdinov, advises future KIvO participants not to focus on trying to win, but to make the most of the competition environment in order to find a partner or investor.

"Teacher for Russia"

The Russian version of the American program "Teach For All", which is being implemented in dozens of countries, including the UK, India and China. From among the best graduates of universities, primarily non-pedagogical ones, those who are ready to work as a teacher for two years in schools located in the "outback" are selected. The program provides training for future teachers and additional financial incentives.

EduNet crowdsource project "Education of the Future"

An open community of people interested in updating the education system and creating a set of educational resources: a personnel and methodological center, a modern Internet platform, a model of a new type of school, a conglomerate of educational projects and methods. Customers, creators and consumers of educational services interact in a self-regulating network space.

Municipal educational institution -

Secondary school No. 1

Innovation project

"Joint activity of the teacher and parents on the personal development of younger students through research and project activities"

Position held:

Primary school teacher

Place of work: MOU secondary school No. 1

G. Red Kut


  1. Rationale for the relevance of the project. 3
  2. Purpose and objectives of the pedagogical project. 5
  3. Project activities:

I stage – study of literature on research

and project activities. 6

II stage - planning work with students on

Based on the results of psychological

Pedagogical diagnostics. eight

Stage III – description of the obtained results. 9

IV stage - the effectiveness of the project. eleven

IV . References. fourteen

Success in Pedagogy

It is only general.

(folk wisdom)

I. Rationale for the relevance of the project.

The concept of modernization of Russian education has identified the most important task for the activities of teaching staff: the achievement of modernthe quality of education.Currently, there is a new understanding of the main goal of education. The teacher should take care of the formation of a certain set of competencies in the student, the ability for self-development.

The main principles that solve modern educational problems, taking into account the demands of the future, are: the principle of activity and a holistic view of the world, the principle of continuity, minimax and variability, the principle of creativity, the actualization of the subjective position of the child in the pedagogical process.

When solving any educational problem, we cannot do without interaction with the family, without various cooperation with parents. Because the main directions of the reform of the general education school orientate teachers towards strengthening assistance to the family and raising its responsibility for educating the younger generation, towards the widespread involvement of parents in educational work with students.

It is very important to see the teacher and show the parents how their interest in the success of the child affects and how they can manifest themselves, because in practice parents are very often content with a passive role in the educational process at school.

In this regard, research and project activities with elementary school students are currently of great interest, which involves the joint work of the teacher and parents aimed at the personal development of the child.

There is an opinion that research activities are not provided for in the first grade, as this is problematic: children are too small for designing. I believe that this activity is possible, moreover, it is necessary for all participants in the educational process. We all know how hard it is for a first grader and his parents to adapt at school, and for a teacher to interest a student and his parents in joint educational activities.

In my opinion, joint research activities with first-graders and their parents is an effective way to solve the problem.

II. Purpose and objectives of the pedagogical project.

Objective of the project - organize joint research and project activities with students and their parents, and track how it affects the personal development of first graders.

Project objectives:

  1. To study the methodology of joint research and project activities with parents for elementary school and propose an algorithm for joint activities with parents.
  2. Conduct psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the class
  3. Show the educational result of joint research activities of students, teachers and parents.
  4. Show the effectiveness of collective projects to unite the class team of students, parents and teachers.
  5. Develop a children-adult project on the program "Conversation about proper nutrition" throughout the year.

Expected Result:

  1. Implementation of various forms of participation of parents in the project activities of schoolchildren:
  1. motivational - encourages his child, shows his own interest;
  2. informational -assistance in finding the necessary information;
  3. organizational -time allocation, planning the child's activities;
  4. technical - material installation.
  1. Personal development of first-graders, the formation of key competencies of students in solving problems: information and communication, aesthetic and technological, educational and interaction competence.
  1. The growth of the activity of parents in joint activities at school and the style of determining the interaction of the teacher with students, with parents.

III. Project activities.

I stage – study of literature on research and design


Getting acquainted with the literature on the topic, and the works of teachers from different cities of Russia, I concluded that this topic is not only relevant at the present time, but also very popular in the pedagogical environment. A lot of experience has been accumulated, methodological literature has been published, in which one can find answers to many questions.

Teachers from Omsk MOU "Gymnasium No. 140", T.V. Korobeynikova and E.V. Mitryasova lead their story, starting with the history of pedagogy:

“... The idea of ​​using research has been known since the time of Socrates. The organization of purposeful learning, in which the student put in position the study of a certain problem and had to independently find a solution and draw conclusions, appeared in pedagogy at the end of the 10th century.

The representative of classical didactics, K. D. Ushinsky, singled out two main ways of learning: "passive learning" - through teaching and "active learning" - through one's own experience.

And although he did not include elements of future material in the current educational process, he understood the importance of perspective as a whole. This was expressed in one of the didactic rules of teaching "from the known to the unknown, from the close and familiar to the distant and unfamiliar." In my opinion, K.D. Ushinsky was right. Today we rely more on "active learning", as modern children are more open, their curiosity, the desire to observe, to make discoveries on their own - one can only envy.

E.V. Krivobok and O.Yu. Saranyuk, from Volgograd, made thematic planning of extracurricular time by class for the academic year, where special attention is paid to research activities. They believe that

“Research activity contributes to the development of cognitive activity of schoolchildren, teaches them to think and make independent conclusions. The gentle help of the teacher is needed here not only in order to find out the possible reasons for the failure, but also in order to convince the child not to be disappointed and to continue the study.

Very interesting are the works of A.I. Of particular interest is the methodological manual "Methodology of research teaching of younger students." It contains answers to many questions. AI Savenkov speaks convincingly about the importance of the teacher's work in this direction, which is very important, and about the child's readiness for this activity.

“... It is no secret to anyone that the children's need for research is biologically determined. Every healthy child is born an explorer. An unquenchable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, the desire to observe and experiment, independently seek new information about the world are traditionally considered the most important features of children's behavior. He is tuned to the knowledge of the world and wants to know it. It is this inner desire to know through inquiry that gives rise to exploratory behavior and creates the conditions for exploratory learning.”

At the same time, there is not enough material on how research activities affect the personal development of a child of primary school age.

From the first grade, the child, due to his curiosity, has little life experience, which means that there is also the possibility of activating interest in learning through his own experience, also called “research”. An important role in this activity is played not only by the teacher, but also by parents, a psychologist, and a social pedagogue. But there are practically no methodical proposals on this problem. Based on what has been studied, we can propose the following algorithm for joint activities with parents.

Algorithm for working with parents on the project:

  1. Parent meeting "What is project activity."

Choosing a project topic and developing an action plan.

  1. Participation of parents in the children-adult project

"Eating Right Talk"

  1. information search (teacher + student + parents);
  2. counseling parents and children during the project

(increase in personal confidence);

C) discussion and debriefing.

3. Protection of the results of the work of the groups and the direction of the project to

Regional competition under the program "Conversation about proper nutrition".

II stage - planning work with students based on the results of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.

According to the psychological test, they can be divided into two groups - they are phlegmatic (11 a.m.) and sanguine (9 a.m.). Students in such groups show perseverance in bringing their cases to the end. They are the most successful in their activities. The leading hemisphere is the left one (there are 18 left-hemispheric and 2 right-hemispheric children in the class), which means that they need strict work according to the algorithm. And according to psychologists, left-hemisphere children have a very good desire for independence, penetration into the depth of knowledge, a very high need for mental activity. These are the children with whom this work can be successful from the first grade. The statements of psychologists convinced me: such students need to be given new interesting tasks, they need to be constantly included in active work. Creating projects and research is their “horse”, because there is perseverance, an interest in bringing things to the end and a desire for independence, which will serve as a purposeful personal development of younger students. This means that heuristic, problematic, research, design and creative methods are recommended in working with the class.

This is facilitated by the Educational system "School 2100", according to which I have been teaching for ten years. It is focused on the creation of modern personal education in a mass school.

Psychological and pedagogical data were taken into account by me in organizing the work on the project:when forming interest groups. With these recommendations of the psychologist, I began a joint parent meeting with the students of the class.

III stage - description of the results.

It was important to explain to children and parents:

Why is this needed?

What is a project?

What is research?

The discussion took place in two stages:

The children were asked to do this in class in the lessons of the world and technology;

Parents at home (photographing children, visiting the library with the child - in order to search for information).

What can a first-grader, who also cannot read, do? I'm going to argue - all! After all, children in the modern world are much more curious and in the first grade they already have, albeit small, but life experience. They know a lot of vegetables, fruits, berries, which they not only saw in the pictures, but also tasted. They had to find out:

What is the use of them? Why would a person eat them?

At home with his parents, the student cut out pictures of vegetables and fruits from children's magazines. The library collected poems, riddles, articles. Here, not only children, but also parents became interested. Discussions began among mothers and fathers, and their families, (this could be heard when meeting at consultations):

Which vegetable is the healthiest?

How many fruits can our family eat in a month?

What discovery did they make for themselves when they were looking for the most useful vegetable

Or a fruit for a person?

Interesting discoveries were made by the first-graders themselves:

  1. all vegetables and fruits are healthy;
  1. many vegetables and fruits were imported from other countries a long time ago for further cultivation in our area;
  2. in one vegetable or fruit several vitamins;
  3. an apple must be eaten completely, since there are seeds in the very core, and they contain iodine, which is necessary for a person;
  4. in order for our body to work like a “clock”, you need to eat pumpkin, etc.

When a lot of information had accumulated, everyone sat down at the negotiating table together to figure out how to arrange it so that it was not only interesting, but also useful. The result is a visual"encyclopedia", handmade by first graders and their parents.

Stage IV - project performance.

Each family made a contribution to the common cause. Someone acted as an organizer, someone as a performer, which means that they became independent and responsible. Many families began to communicate, share advice. The children saw themselves and their classmates as a good and knowledgeable friend. Parents began to go to school more often, they became interested not only in how their child studies, but also what he does after school. Parents realized that for the growth of a healthy and intelligent child, you need to consume vegetables and fruits. Many families have changed their home menu, all children receive hot meals at school every day, as this is actively supported by parents. The result of activities within the framework of the project ""Vegetables and fruits are useful products for a first grader",is school attendance by students - 98% of students attend school without passes (we are talking about passes for a good reason). They are healthy, which is very good.

Through conversations with students, parents; observing their activities in the course of collective work; Upon completion of training in the first grade, a number of conclusions were made. More than 50% of the students in the class were able to plan their actions, reflect on their own behavior, and felt the need to receive recognition from their classmates. Working in the conditions of the project allowed to expand the relationship between the students. They took their work seriously, mastered the rules for working with books, explanatory dictionaries, and encyclopedias. Children included family members in the work, which allowed parents to look at their child from a different perspective; to see what he wants, what he is interested in, what he aspires to.

The final conversations with students and parents were interesting. This is not only an opportunity to exchange opinions, but also to sum up the results of the study, to systematize the knowledge gained, to see mistakes; predict future work. For a more accurate result of the study, each student answered what he learned or where else difficulties arise.

- Was it difficult to do research during the project?

Children answered by naming specific difficulties, for example:

  1. It's hard for me because I don't read much, sometimes I don't understand the meaning of words. And you also need to be careful and observant.
  1. And I’m even interested, because you can make a discovery that is very close to you.

We all know perfectly well that successful joint work with parents is possible with a common understanding of goals and objectives. After all, it is necessary to form a unified image of the world of the child. Based on the results of the work, questionnaires were conducted and the opinions of all parties involved in the educational process on uniform issues were analyzed. The results were studied, and it was proposed to discuss them at the parent meeting. The successes of each of the children and the problems that we need to work on together were identified.

The analysis was carried out individually for each child, then a generalization was made for the whole class. In the form of a table "Formation of skills". (see Appendix 1).

The conclusions of the psychologist are also interesting (testing was carried out in March 2009 according to the methodology of S.R. Nemov “Socio-psychological self-assessment of a group as a team”). The class, as a team, is a close-knit, friendly team. Students try to be together, all the tasks assigned to the class are solved together, together. Children work in a coherent and organized way, whatever they start and bring it to the end. The interests of the class as a whole are put first, not their own. In 80% of students, a cheerful tone of mood always prevails. They are full of energy, active, feel a sense of pride in the team. An atmosphere of care and trust reigns in the class, each of the guys in the team is confident in himself, knows his own merits, and is free to express his own opinion. All these facts indicate a favorable psychological climate in the classroom.

The children-adult project was sent to the Regional competition under the program "Talk about Proper Nutrition". As a result of the competition, our friendly team became a laureate and as a reward we received a Diploma from the Ministry of Education of the Saratov Region.

The first teacher and family should become a strong support for the child for further success. Along with the dynamics in the formation of personal characteristics in comparison with the first year of study, I note the development of the child's need for recognition of the surrounding not only classmates, but also children from parallel classes; manifests a creative attitude to reality.

Research and project activities create conditions for the cognitive development of children; fosters a sense of sympathy for peers and interest in their actions; promotes the mastery of various methods of action in order to develop independence; promotes the development of imagination and creative manifestations of younger students. This means that it influences the purposeful personal development of younger students.

A student can learn to act only in the process of the action itself, and the daily work of the teacher in the classroom and after school hours, the educational technologies that he chooses, form the functional literacy of primary school students.

In working with parents, “understanding” is incredibly important, union and understanding with parents give unlimited opportunities to the teacher.

“In ancient times, there lived one family, and peace, love and harmony reigned in it. The rumor about this reached the ruler of those places, and he asked the head of the family: “How do you manage to live without ever quarreling, without offending each other?” The elder took a piece of paper and wrote something on it. The ruler looked and was surprised: the same word was written a hundred times on the sheet -"understanding".


  1. Gospodnikova M.K., Polyanina N.B. Project activity in elementary school. - Volgograd. Publishing house "Teacher", 2007.
  2. Krivobok E.V., Saranyuk O.Yu. Research activities of younger students. - Volgograd. Publishing house "Uchitel", 2008.
  3. Potashnik M.M., Levit M.V. How to prepare and conduct an open lesson. Modern technology. - Moscow. Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2003.
  4. Savenkov A.I. Methods of research teaching of younger schoolchildren. - Samara. Publishing house "Educational literature", 2004.
  5. Feldstein D.I. Priority directions for the development of psychological and pedagogical research // Educational system "School 2100" - Moscow. Balass, 2006, p.14
  6. Feldstein D.I. Personal development is the most important factor of social progress // Educational system "School 2100" - Moscow. Balass, 2006, p.38


    THE MAIN IDEA OF THE MODEL CONCEPT OF THE INNOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM OF THE INSTITUTION Our purpose is to give each participant in the educational process the opportunity to determine the area of ​​their success and realize their personal potential, satisfy educational needs, expectations and requests. The main priority of the model of the innovative educational model of the educational institution "School - the territory of success" is the formation of a personality fully prepared for successful functioning in the conditions of the modern socio-cultural situation, striving and able to influence the change in this situation in accordance with its socially significant life principles and values . A successful person is, first of all, an active person, able to realize his creative and personal potential in the most preferable area for him, freely adapting in society.

    THE KEY IDEA ON THE BASIS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROJECT There are no untalented, and, therefore, people who are not gifted by nature, and with skillful influence it is possible to develop these talents and bring up gifted children. Giftedness is manifested in success, in any activity, and therefore it is important that the child develops in an environment conducive to the development of his talent. It is necessary to give the child the belief that he is unique and can do a lot - this is an important step in order to see the giftedness, first of all. And having seen, not to lose and try to develop, direct in the right direction. The most important thing is to decide that this, first of all, is necessary for the child himself, his parents, mentors, and to provide all possible assistance in this.

    MODEL (IMAGE) OF THE SCHOOL A school that develops together with the city, region, state The territory that is a social institution and is open for effective interaction with the society of success where conditions are created for maintaining and strengthening health that forms the civic consciousness of the individual where they study actively and with dignity in which it is interesting to study children, to work as creative educators in collaboration with parents and social partners, in which every student is successful, where everyone is helped to realize their potential

    Involvement of all students in socially useful activities with the aim of their successful socialization Creation of a developing complex in the form of research laboratories, creative workshops, leadership platforms, sports sections that provide students with the opportunity to identify and develop their inherent abilities Creation of a model of a competitive school that provides quality educational services in in accordance with the requirements of state education standards. Improving the structure of innovative activities of the school, which ensures the formation of key competencies of students. Modernization of the state-public management of the school, ensuring the investment attractiveness of the school. Project Objectives

    PRIORITY DIRECTIONS - SUB-PROGRAMS "Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of the II generation" "Development of the system of extracurricular activities and additional education" "Healthy school" "Individual curriculum as the basis of self-determination of the senior student" "Gifted children" "Must be a citizen". "The system of school children's self-government". "Ensuring the state-public management of the school." "Family" "Preschool"

    A SYSTEM OF DETECTION, FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS "ZONES OF SUCCESS" Individualization of the educational process Creating a situation of success Organization of collective activities and work in cooperation groups Designing individual educational routes Development of project and research activities of students Development of extracurricular activities and systems of additional education Active forms and methods of the educational process Organization specialized training of high school students based on individual curricula Providing psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process Socialization of students

    DEVELOPING COMPLEX NOO Design workshops Creative sites: Theater studios; "Musical drops" Sports sections: "Magic ball"; Sports games Research laboratories: "Clever and clever"; "I live in Russia"; "ABC of health"; "Entertaining English"; "My friend is a computer"; Lego

    Developing complex LLC Clubs: Local history club "Istoki" Project sites: "Names of heroes on the map of the city"; "Chemistry around us"; "The ABC of Health" "Green Path"; "Starry sky" Labor workshops: "Live, my friend book" Research laboratories: "In the world of words"; "Journey into the world of the English language"; "Entertaining experiments in chemistry"; "Medicinal herbs" Research laboratories: "In the world of words"; "Journey into the world of the English language"; "Entertaining experiments in chemistry"; "Medicinal herbs" Sports sections Creative associations: Theater studios; "Musical drops"; Art Studio "Rainbow"

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