Quiz competitions for adults. Scenario entertainment program for adults

The stage is decorated in the style of a Russian hut

1 Presenter: Good evening, dear grandparents, all guests. We start the program and invite you to an evening of relaxation.

2 Presenter: Since the evening is dedicated to the older generation, I wanted to make it warm, sincere, leave the hustle and bustle of our days, remember something forgotten, look back and go back to the old days.

1 V.: A little bit of fantasy and cheerful music will help us in this.

Russian folk, perky music sounds

2 V.: Our program today is called "Traditions of Russian antiquity."

Children in Russian costumes enter, one child has bread and salt in his hands.

1 child: We got the role to start

We brought you bread and salt

Russians for gatherings.

2p.: That memory of old is alive

From the older generation

Rituals and words are important

From our past.

3rd: And so please accept

The one who came to the gatherings

On this festive plate

From our hands and bread and salt!

Let bread, salt around

1 child: The party rolled

Night looked into the yard ...

The beginning has a warm-up

Like a thread, cobweb,

The one that keeps the conversation going.

2 child: As once in the old age,

In those distant years

Quizzes were held

Like what, where and when.

How then, friends, for you

Let's run it now.

AT.: I will ask questions, but for each of your questions, you give me an answer. Do not shout in unison, raise your hand. So let's start.


AT.: Oh, and in the old days there were a lot of sayings about bread. Everyone knows them now.

(Children and guests call proverbs and sayings about bread.

“Bread is the head of everything”, “Lunch is thin, if there is no bread”, “Eat cabbage soup

With meat, but no, so bread with kvass")

AT.: 1. But tell me now, what was called “second bread” in the old days? (turnip)

2. About what cabbage soup did the peasants, as if angry, say: “Schi, at least whip with a whip”? (empty, i.e. without meat)

3. Which of the Russian holidays received in folk sayings such vivid epithets as "honest", "wide", "funny"? (Pancake week).

4. When were carols arranged in the village? (At Christmas)

5. What does the expression mean: “You are welcome to our hut!”. (The hut is such a small log cabin, its front wall was unlocked, leaned back and trade was conducted through it at fairs). And fairs in the old days were held with games and jokes.

Fervent "fair" music sounds, buffoons appear

1 Buffoon: Oh! Naro-Odu!

2 Buffoon: Wow! People-y!

They go, they all look, they collide with their backs

1C: Where are you?

2S: Where are you?

1C .: I'm here!

2C: and I'm here!

Together: Here, where fun is always waiting!

1C.: Hey, hurry everyone here! The buffoon has arrived!

2C.: Become bolder in the circle, hold hands tight!

All children and guests stand in a circle,game "Skomoroshina"

1C.: I'll ask you for order:

Is everyone exercising?

2C.: I believe! But I'll check now!

We will call the days of the week in chorus

And all together low-low squat!

1C.: But first remember the words:

Funny buffoon,

Skomorosina is a friend,

Come to the circle soon!

Well, now we're all together!

Well done! What days of the week do you know?

2C.: Wonderful! And now we play, but just do not forget to squat!

And we will squat on the names of all the days of the week!

The buffoon is cheerful, the buffoon is a friend,

Come to the circle soon. On Monday!

On Tuesday! Wednesday, etc.

1C.: Well, well done! And now we will squat on the words "buffoon" and the names of the days of the week! Deal?

AT.: You showed your skills - to our surprise, to everyone's feast for the eyes!

Guys, who knows what they traded in the old days at fairs.

That's right, all those that people themselves have grown in the garden or made with their own hands.

AT.: Well, now our hosts will tell you what they have grown in their garden.

Children come out with a project that they themselves have prepared

"What grows in the garden"

AT.: And who knows the riddles about vegetables, fruits, mushrooms?

Riddles competition

AT.: Well done! Guys, in the old days they also sold cattle at fairs, let's see how it was.

A scene based on the cartoon "A man was selling a cow in the market ..."

1C.: Now folks, look around! Look at the cow!

Buffoons take out a cow without a tail

2C.: And the cow, ha ha! A cow without a tail!

"Pin the Tail on the Cow" game

Soothing music plays softly

V .: Well, when evening came, everyone gathered for the evening.

Any old song sounds

Boy pops out

Boy: Make way, honest people, Do not dust the path.

Good fellows go, play a little bit.

Boy: So girls, are you bored?

Shall we dance?

Girls: Let's dance!

Performing a Russian dance

An adult boy comes out: Guys, girls, why did you come to the gatherings, aren't you too small?

A little boy:Small spool but precious.

Big boy:What is your name?

M.: They call me my name, but they call me Fedya.

B.: (As if teasing) Oh, Fedya, you ate a bear, you wanted a wolf, but it’s embarrassing, you wanted a goose, but I’m afraid!

M.: And you, Vaska, Vasenek, a stubby pig, legs bend, paws drag, bought pigs, tails hang!

A fight begins (children, hiding their hands behind their backs, and standing on one leg, try to push each other out of the circle with their shoulders)

Game "Cockfight"

Girl : Guys, stop fighting, since you came to the party, show your skills.

M. boy jumps out: Chastushki!!!1

  1. We start to hum 2. You guys come out

First initial. For a merry dance

We want to cheer, let all the audience watch

The public is sad. They will love us.

  1. You, listen, guys, 4. There is a cart on the mountain,

I will sing awkwardly: Tears drip from the arc.

“A pig grazes on an oak, A cow stands under a mountain,

A bear is steaming in the bath. Puts on boots.

  1. I dance such a master, 6. If you went out to dance,

I can do that, I can do that, then let's prove it

And I'm under a talyanochka Forty times one knee

I'll send you a gypsy. Nothing to show.

All the boys squat and run to their seats

One girl gets up

7. Let's become girls in a row,

Let's sing ditties.

The girls get up, get ready to sing ditties, at this time a little boy jumps up

8. Yes, and we, perhaps, will get up,

Let's not leave our friends.

  1. Oh, girlfriend, sing, 10. Dove gray, silver

I love how you eat. Doused with water

You sing and smile, I have long wanted

How the sun blooms. Get to know you.

11. Brown eyes like strollers, 12. Do not scold us, mothers,

Just don't ride. For high heels

Behind such eyes, we will be big on them,

the boys are racing. Suitors will fall.

  1. Grew up, grew up, not grown up, 14. Their-ha-ha yes their-ha-ha,

Was born small. Why am I a bad girl

Sorry girls, burgundy skirt

I hurried. I myself am black.

  1. On my legs 16. Cutie Rusa has braids

I would need boots. Curled below the belt

On my frisky braids

It should be iron. We fought with a friend.

  1. Girls, whites, 18. Yesterday we milked cows,

Where did you get white? Washed with milk.

  1. Lured, lured, 20. Why did you lure,

It wasn't me who lured me, when I'm not nice to you,

Enticed saying, You would have said in the fall,

My smile. I wouldn't go in winter.

21. Oh, enough, we sang, 22. We sang ditties to you,

Give me a new one. Is it good or bad

Oh, thank you, accordionist, And now we will ask you,

For a fun game. For you to give us a clap.

All children sit down, except for four boys

1m.: Like our neighbor

It was a fun conversation!

Geese in the harp, ducks in the pipes,

Tap dances in rattles,

Seagulls - in balalaikas!

Cuckoos in mallets!

2m: Bullfinches red-breasted

Stuck in boxes!

3m.: The flute-pipes in the flute,

Cuckoos in mallets!

4m.: Starlings in bells.

Two Tits Babes

Played with spoons!

All together: Play, play, amuse everyone!

An ensemble of Russian folk instruments performs

AT.: We played great!

And everyone is pretty tired!

Thank you all for your participation!

Here are some souvenirs for you!

Children give grandmothers handmade souvenirs

AT.: Well, what are gatherings without tea!

Child: We welcome guests and loved ones

We fragrant sweet tea.

From all adversity, from all diseases

Our Russian tea is always healthier.

Our guest, don't be bored today

Drink hot tea!

The song "Samovarnaya" is performed

1 to. Sit at the samovar Chorus: The samovar sings - buzzes,

Everyone is happy for sure. He just looks angry.

Bright solar fire To the ceiling lets steam

His sides are on fire. Our handsome samovar!

2k. The samovar puffs, sparkles

Generous, round, golden.

Lights up our faces

He is his kindness.

3k. Better than any factor

Treats boredom and longing.

A cup of delicious, cool,

Samovar seagull.

Children invite and seat guests at the tables

Natalya Amelchenko

Musical arrangement: "fell hat» ("On-on")

Vedas: Hello, dear friends! So the blizzards stopped, the frosts fell. The sun shines brighter, warming us with its warm rays, the snow turns black, the birds sing their cheerful songs. Nature is starting to wake up from its winter sleep. Spring is already on the doorstep.

Today the sun at least for an hour

Peeking out from behind the clouds

Today each of you

Looks like a queen!

The world is getting brighter

With your beauty

The world is getting kinder.

With your kindness.

Vedas: Friends! And now I want to introduce you to those for whom we have gathered here today - these are the participants competitive game program"Everything in the bag» .

Vedas: Meet: Beauties of the world marvelously, blush, magnificent.

In every dress they are beautiful, in every work they are dexterous.

1 participant enters

Song to the motive "I got drunk drunk."

Oh, I'm tired, tired, I won't get home.

The distant path brought me to my native threshold.

The boys are bored there, and they are waiting for me.

Macaroni and salads are expected of me.

2 members enter

Oh, how tired I am during the day, all the work, work, work.

I washed, cleaned the dishes, I swept the floor in the group.

And I changed my underwear, oh, I'm tired, tired.

But there were times when she was a girl,

And jumped and jumped (jumping rope) dreamed of growing up.

3 members enter

To this day, in business, care, I'm like a bee at work,

And home, like a turtle, I barely trudge.

But I will never give up this profession.

Includes 4 participants

Hello! What? Urgently to work, need to replace someone?

Okay, do you have to? Help! I'm running, running, running!

5 participant enters

All day I'm with this children's company

Like a squirrel in a wheel I always circle

In the group I have only worries,

It's such a difficult job.

Includes 6 participants

And work for me is like a second family.

Children, chores, friends - they meet me here.

In sorrow and in joy, I hasten here.

And I find great happiness here.

Vedas: There are five participants in front of us. At first glance, these are ordinary people: They go to work, teach the younger minds, read newspapers, fashion magazines about their peers. But today they are extraordinary. In their story about themselves, they will tell us something that neither appearance nor photography can tell us.

Vedas: The nanny removes the dirt - this is the time!

Wipes off the table - that's two!

He will come to class - he will always tell everyone.

Fresh butter will spread the sandwich from the heart.

She will bring dinner, wash the dishes.

And must be in time everywhere, and must be everywhere.

First of all, the health and well-being of each child depends on the quality of your work. Cleanly washed floors and dishes, arranged toys, hung towels, straightened beds. Can you list everything? The work of a junior educator requires competent possession of all tools and devices of labor (participants standing)

Vedas: Today, for the first time in the history of our kindergarten, hat battle!

I will command the battle! To not do anything slip up, I appoint my assistants - the jury, which, in combination, will perform the functions of a computer. And we begin our battle with a parade "Hats" (participants prepare for competition) .

Vedas: going on competition, each of the participants prepared a luxurious hat. For it has long been believed that hat- the finishing touch in the toilet of any woman. Remember the lines of the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", where the hero comes to a social event and, not recognizing Tatyana Larina, asks:

Who is there, in a raspberry beret,

Is he talking to the Spanish ambassador?

Onegin drew attention precisely to the headdress of the heroine, and yet he was a connoisseur of female beauty. Our participants have prepared their own version of the headdress. And while they are preparing to demonstrate it, I suggest you study hat theme.

Q&A for fans

What kind of hat would you like to wear?

A. S. Pushkin? (Cylinder)

Charlie Chaplin? (Bowler)

Vladimir Mayakovsky? (Wide-brimmed hat)

Maksim Gorky? (cap)

Yuri Luzhkov? (Cap)

Eldar Ryazanov? (Knitted hat)

What did Papa Carlo make Pinocchio's headdress from? (From a sock)

What state can be worn on the head? (Panama)

What kind of hat can not be drawn? (invisible)

Headdress of the postman Pechkin? (Hat with ear flaps)

Headdress "Scattered from Basseinaya Street"? (Pan)

Hobby of Valdis Pelsh? (Helmets. Word "helmet" came to us from Spain and means "splinter", "scull", "shard").

Vedas: All old, and more young,

Keep your golden hats,

Keep to the end and this is the salt

On the stage- the best hat!

(song sounds "fell hat» ).

The contestants show off their hats, all together move around the hall to the rhythm of the music.

Vedas: Blimey! Excellent update. Everyone would love to wear it! Novelties in the fashion world, original, new, fashionable. You can go out in it or put it on for a birthday. All liked the hats because you all tried so hard! (sit down)

Vedas: Next competition called "Who is faster?". You need to listen carefully to the question and quickly, quickly give .... correct answer.

What were the names of the three little pigs?

Where is the seventh kid hiding? (in the oven).

What did Carlson love the most? (Jam and cookies).

Where did the woman get the flour for Kolobok? (Broomed in the barn, scratched in the bottom of the barrel).

What did the fairy make Cinderella's carriage out of? (From a pumpkin).

What was the position of Freken Bock? (Housekeeper).

Who defeated the Cockroach? (Sparrow).

How did Thumbelina get into the land of elves? (on a swallow).

Name 2 fairy tales where the swans are positive and negative characters. (“Wild swans”, “Geese - swans”).

What word did Kai make out of the ice cubes? (Eternity).

The tallest hero of Sergei Mikhalkov? ("Uncle Styopa").

Who are “Winged, furry, but oily?” (Sparrow, mouse and pancake).

Which fairy tale contains a warning about not drinking raw water? (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”).

What is the most famous version of the Italian fairy tale retold by Alexei Tolstoy? (“The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”).

Vedas: Our members are adorable. They, like Cinderella from the wonderful fairy tale by Charles Perrault, do a wide variety of housework every day. And they cope with everything. Of course, secretly hoping that the Fairy would one day reward them for their efforts and kindness. Our next competition called "The most economic." Dear ladies, in front of you are knives, potatoes, bowls for waste, you must peel the potatoes and cut them into rings.). AT competition all participants participate at the same time.

Vedas: And now we will check your physical fitness. The contest is called"Transfer to hat» . I suggest splitting into two teams. ( Relay race: the participants carry the balls to hat from one circle to another)

Vedas: I suggest to play. Show game. The conditions of the game are as follows, everyone will receive a task, you need to quickly and clearly, and most importantly, silently complete it, using only facial expressions and gestures, and the fans must guess what you have depicted. (Each participant in turn is given a card on which the task is written)

1. Build using fans and contestants:

Fans at the stadium

Letter "U"

bird school


2. Line up all participants on:

hair color

The alphabet of names

Foot size.

Vedas: While the participants are resting, I suggest that the fans solve riddles.

And shines and shines, it does not flatter anyone,

And he will tell the truth to anyone - everything will be shown to him as it is. (Mirror)

All day long he dances, dances, he is glad to dance on the floor,

Where he dances, where he waves, not a speck can be found. (Broom)

Many friendly guys are sitting on the same pole.

As they begin to frolic - only dust swirls around. (Broom)

Twisted, tied, impaled,

And he dances down the street, and waves his hem. (Broom)

The old grandmother snoops around the yard, keeps cleanliness. (Broom)

The troublesome Egorka took up cleaning:

He went dancing around the room, looked around - a clean floor. (Broom)

He walks and wanders on carpets, leads his nose in the corners.

Where he passed - there is no dust, dust and rubbish - his dinner. (A vacuum cleaner)

He willingly inhales the dust, does not get sick, does not sneeze.

Eats a lot of dust to keep you healthy. (A vacuum cleaner).

It looks like a hedgehog, but does not ask for food.

It will run through the clothes - the clothes will become cleaner. (Clothes brush)

Vedas: And last competition"The Luckiest" (scissors, candy, rope). AT competition everyone participates in turn. Each blindfolded participant must cut the candy from the string with scissors.

Vedas: On this wonderful evening, for you, our dear colleagues, lovely women, we have prepared memorable souvenirs.

For the presentation of certificates and gifts, the floor is given to the head of the kindergarten.

Vedas: Well, that ends our competitive game program"Everything in the bag» ! Everyone showed themselves today as a real team of like-minded people, hard workers, and just funny people. I invite everyone to sing a song.

Song to the motive "Team of our youth"

1 : Let it be difficult for us, everything is not easy,

Let there be thousands of problems at work.

But if childhood is laughing loudly,

We will say directly: we can handle everything!


And to give purity to children,

2 : Talents work in our garden,

We all know how to dance and sing.

We are all together - a close-knit team,

And that's why we all live together.

Chorus: Search, teach, manage, create,

And to give purity to children,

Do not lose heart, but surprise, remember everyone, do not forget about anyone.

Equipment: 3 tokens, 2 toy buckets, cocktail straws, 2 stools, 2 frog pumps, 2 balloons.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! The results of a survey of women in 37 countries showed that more and more claims are being made to a man: a sports figure, a desire to spend time in the company of a loved one, a lack of interest in other women, a good social position ... But it has long been known folk wisdom that a real man is the one who planted a tree, raised a son and built a house. And now we will try to find out if there is a real man in this room, among our very kind and friendly company. Men shuddered, women started! Let's start from the very beginning, with planting a tree. The last person to name a tree that can be planted in their summer cottage will be eligible to compete for the title." A real man". Only men answer.

The last person to call receives a token with the number 1.

The second requirement is to raise a son. Which of the men present in the hall raised more boys?

Presentation of a token with number 2.

And now we come close to the requirement of building a house. A man who has a lot square meters living space receives a 3rd participant token.

Awarding a token 3.

By the way, folk wisdom about a real man received modern interpretation from the lips of Nikolai Fomenko: a real man must “plant” a liver in his life, grow a stomach, “build” a wife. And which one is the real one? modern man we will find out now. And so, the first one, the owners of tokens with numbers 1 and 2 participate in it.

Participants of the competition go to the playground.

In order to "plant" the liver, you need to "drink in buckets." Whoever drains a bucket of beer faster with a straw will continue the fight, and the loser will receive a consolation prize.

Participants are given toy buckets filled with beer and straws. A competition is being held.

The next contest is for the holder of token number 3 and, of course, the winner with the planted liver. The next step on the way to the title of "Real Man" is growing the belly.

The exit of the contestants. In front of each, a frog pump with a reinforced balloon is placed on a stool.

Your task: for certain time grow huge tummies. And to do this is very simple - as often as possible sits on frog pumps.

Holding a competition.

Our winner in the next competition will compete with the one who first answers the question: "Where are the most wives?" That's right, in the harem!

The correct answer and the winner of the previous contest go to Playground.

The task before you will be set difficult - to "build" a wife. Or rather, wives, because all the weak half of humanity present in this hall will be glad to become your wives. And we will "build" them as follows: on command, you will rush into the hall and the one you kiss will have to stand behind you. Thus, we should have two trains. Whoever has more "built" wives in the train will receive the title of "Real Man". Competition. Rewarding.

And now you can safely start dance program. I think you are ready for this.

travel compass

Competitive game program.

All words belong to the Leader.

Equipment: metal pans, a rubber band, painted horses of various colors, microcalculators, envelopes with "money", hoops covered with fabric, "islands" made of cardboard, pins, two ropes, bottles of beer tied to each, cocktail tubes, two skewers, " game" - a large piece of thin foam rubber, dyed in the color of an appetizing meat dish.

A compass with a moving arrow is mounted on the stage. Four marks on the compass - drawings indicating the "course" - the topic competitive tasks. This is a horse; banknote"Euro"; any island; glass with a straw.

The soundtrack of the song performed by A. Pugacheva "Summer, oh summer ..."

So, the long-awaited summer is in the yard. It's time for vacations, travel, new experiences and discoveries. Let's travel with you today! Let's make an original, unforgettable voyage... Moreover, this year, passing under the sign of the Horse, is closest in spirit to travel lovers. After all, on trains, planes, cars, a person travels a little more than a century. And on horseback - five thousand years! It's a paradox, but there are as many horses in the world today as there were a hundred years ago. So to speak, "horse fever" began. Let a little "polychoradit" today and us!

A horse neighing sounds in the soundtrack, the compass needle, having made a turn, stops or is strengthened by the leader under the sign-drawing of the Horse.

No one knows who was the first daredevil to jump on a horse. When the Greeks first saw the Scythian horsemen, they decided that it was a single creature, a mixture of a man and a horse, otherwise a centaur. Over time, the delusion passed, and the Greeks brought their own cavalry. Alexander the Great conquered half the world with the help of cavalry. His faithful horse, probably the most famous in history, was called ... Let's try to remember?

The correct answer is Bucephalus. The one who first gave this answer is invited to the stage, the participant passes to the rhythmic music Playground.

A long horse story takes us to the "hussar" days. By the way, the very name "hussar" comes from the Hungarian word "huss" - which means a number. What do you think? That's right, "twenty", or rather, "twentieth". Indeed, by decree of the king, every twentieth Hungarian man had to serve in the army. Let's try and use counting - recounting to determine who will rise to us next!

In the hall in any way - from the last row to the first, or vice versa, from left to right in a row or otherwise - we find the "twentieth", to the music he Passes to the stage.

Let's move from Hungary to Russia and remember that main symbol of our country - not a dashing hussar and not even a formidable Cossack, but a free "troika bird" that flies at full speed across the Russian expanses. Let's try to name what speed a good greyhound can develop?

The correct answer is 45 km/h. The one who first called this figure passes, at the invitation of the Host, to the stage under a rhythmic background Music.

We have our first travelers. We have chosen with you the "cheapest" way to travel. And, as we agreed, the theme of the competition-journey will be a horse. Now, in an era of breakneck speed and high technology we cannot do without horses - unbridled, beautiful and trusting. It is rightly said: "There is nothing more beautiful dancing woman, a ship under sail and a galloping horse. "By the way, the saddle first appeared in 340 AD, and stirrups and horseshoes - even later! Instead of horseshoes, the Romans put wooden shoes on horse legs, which were tied with leather straps above the hooves. This is not just an excursion into history, this is already an indication to action! We called the first test for our travelers "Horseshoe for luck!" You should now attach horseshoes to yourself. Here they are - two for each (metal pans with handles). And you will fasten them with the help of these belts. (the clothesline that the players willThread pots through the handles. For complexity, you can turn the "vessel" upside down, but it is more stable and easier if the leg is inside the "vessel"). To whom the "horseshoe" will really bring good luck and happiness, we will find out by watching you. Who will quickly be thoroughly "savvy"? Ready? Then - on the horses!

Rhythmic music sounds, the participants perform, the first one who copes with the task receives a distinctive sign - a ribbon "in the mane". But it is necessary to give the opportunity, even after the competition, to the other players to also "shoe" - this will need to be in the next Contests.

And in order to make sure of your "savvy" we invite you to take part in the auction and remember a variety of horse-drawn vehicles. Whoever delays in answering for more than three seconds loses the right to answer again. Begin!

An auction is held - who will name more - the players answer Alternately. Ancient arba, cart, carriage, stagecoach, cab, Phaeton, kibitka, landau, tarantass, chaise, droshky, ruler, cabriolet, Carriage, cart, etc.

Remember childhood golden

Game program for adults.
Host: Good evening, dear friends! Think and tell me, please, when were you truly happy? Think well. And if you really thought well, you will understand that you were truly happy, of course, in childhood. Then the trees were big, and the sun shone brighter, and the summer was longer, and the girls were more beautiful. So let's remember this today Golden time And let's try, at least this evening, to become as carefree and happy again as we were in childhood. Do you agree? Then let's divide into kindergarten groups: "Karapuz" and "Baby". Let's try to have an equal number of "boys" and "girls" in each group. (The players are divided into two groups.)
Host: And now, to really feel like babies, put on this. (The host puts on the heads of the participants: children's caps, caps, scarves, bows; ties children's "bibs" on the chest, etc..)
Leading: Now you are not kindergarten, but nursery groups. Remember these crumbs when they go for a walk on the street. In pairs, they still do not know how to walk. Previously, the teacher took the end of the rope in her hand, which the kids clung to. Our first competition "Rope". At my signal, the first participant takes the rope in his hand and one runs the entire distance. He returns to the start, the second "baby" from the group grabs the rope. Now I run the whole distance for two, then three, etc., until the whole group holds on to the rope. Whichever group reaches the finish line first wins. (Holding a competition)
Host: Well done! Better remember your small age Group….
Leading: Dear friends, remember your childhood birthdays. Probably, many parents liked to brag about their gifted child. To do this, they put you on a stool or chair and asked you to recite a poem loudly and with expression. Choose from your group the best reader for our next competition. copyright - http://website Now we'll see which of you has gone deeper into your childhood. And so, ... (for example, Tanechka), stand on a chair so that all the guests can see you and tell us your poem loudly, with expression.
An example of a poem for "girls":
I have polka dot panties.
Good, so good!
All the boys are coming -
Show me, show me!
Well, you are a big fool,
Why don't you come?
I have polka dot panties.
Do not you know?
For boys":
The drum was bought by Vita,
You look at Vitya!
The drum is very happy
He walks like a soldier!
(Contest. Announcement of results.)

A WOMAN IS ... Any number of people can play this game. For example, line up all the men of the evening (although they may remain in their places). After the Leader says the words "a woman is this", each of the participants, in the order of the established turn, must name any association with the word "woman". The elimination of participants occurs by itself. You can not repeat and think for more than 5 seconds. For example, a woman is a temptation, a woman is a passion, a woman is a snake, and so on. Such a competition can also be held under the name "A MAN IS ..." (women participate here). Recently, at the bottom of the student, I held a competition "A student is ..." Also, any variations are possible with a fiance, a birthday boy, a boss, and so on.

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Fish is a source of nutrients necessary for the life of the human body. It can be salted, smoked,...

Elements of Eastern symbolism, Mantras, mudras, what do mandalas do? How to work with a mandala? Skillful application of the sound codes of mantras can...

Modern tool Where to start Burning methods Instruction for beginners Decorative wood burning is an art, ...

The formula and algorithm for calculating the specific gravity in percent There is a set (whole), which includes several components (composite ...
Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
First mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...