Viking female names. Scandinavian female names and their meaning

The distant past strongly links the history of our homeland with Scandinavian female names. Their sonority, severity and special charm refer to the era of the formation of Russian statehood, plunged into gray times, the images of the first rulers and rulers of the earth are resurrected. Some Scandinavian female names popular in our country and now.

Regions of Scandinavia on the map

Scandinavia is a region in northern Europe that includes three countries - Sweden, Norway and Denmark. In a broader, historical and cultural sense, Scandinavia also includes Finland, Iceland and the islands. North Atlantic. Scandinavian languages ​​(Swedish, Norwegian and Danish) have common origin- Old Norse language, which explains the proximity of many Scandinavian female names, the similarity of their meanings.

Traditions the name of the naming of the ancient Scandinavians

Old Norse belongs to the Germanic language branch, and for a long time, until the 9th century, all the peoples of Scandinavia spoke this language. Most Old Norse literary works was written in Old Norse.

AT early middle ages naming traditions among the ancient Scandinavians differed little from similar traditions among others European nations: there was practically no difference between a nickname and a personal name. One-part names are most often the definition of some quality of a newborn or adult: “strong”, “small”, “beloved”, “hairy”, etc. There were also abstract names - “battle”, “rock”, “bear ”,“ wolf ”, etc.

Most of the Old Norse nomenclature consisted of two-part names. A similar tradition existed not only among the ancient Germanic tribes, but also among the Celts and Slavs. Bipartite Scandinavian names do not differ in structure from the Slavic ones, such as Svyatoslav, Vyacheslav, Vsevolod. The most common Old Norse "bricks" of names: "deity", "wolf", "bear", "eagle", "raven", "heir", "pledge", "protection", "fence", "glorious", "friend ”, “peace”, “beautiful”, “strong”, “forest”, “mystery”, “rune”, “sword”, “helmet”, “spear”.

Constructed In a similar way the names were sonorous and long, consisting of four or more letters. Their meaning strikes with the strength and menacing meanings. Even female names impress with their energy and severity. You can verify this from the list below.

List of Old Norse female names and their meanings:

  • Arnfasta - fast eagle;
  • Arnkatla - eagle + helmet;
  • Arleg - eagle + fire;
  • Arnleif - eagle + heir;
  • Arnora - eagle + Thor;
  • Audhelga - prosperity + wealth;
  • Auda - prosperity;
  • Aldis - elf + maiden;
  • Alev - ancestor + descendant;
  • Astrid - deity + beautiful;
  • Asgerda - deity + protection;
  • Bera - a bear;
  • Bergdis - help + virgin;
  • Borga - protection;
  • Bothilda - medicine + battle;
  • Gerd - protection;
  • Inga - short form on behalf of the god of fertility;
  • Ingeborga - the name of the god of fertility + help;
  • Ingrid - the name of the god of fertility + beautiful;
  • Kata - joyful;
  • Colla - joyful;
  • Luva - dear;
  • Raudi - red;
  • Rune - secret, rune;
  • Saldis - sun + goddess;
  • Sigga - victory;
  • Svana - swan;
  • Tura - Thor, god of thunder;
  • Tobba - Thor + store;
  • Torfrida - Thor + beautiful;
  • Thorgrima - Thor + helmet;
  • Thorhilda - Thor + battle;
  • Labor is a Valkyrie, daughter of Thor and Seth;
  • Una - to be happy;
  • Fasty - strong;
  • Folk - people;
  • Freya is the ruler;
  • Frida is beautiful;
  • Frigga is the name of Odin's wife;
  • Halla - rock;
  • Helga - sacred, holy;
  • Edda is a great-grandmother.

Adoption of Christianity and Names

The father gave the name to the newborn, thereby making the process of naming a recognition of the child's right to life. Two-part names could contain parts of the names of the father and mother.

The Scandinavian name-book was very rich, so Christian names did not take root well. The Scandinavians ignored them even after baptism, they either kept them secret or used pagan nicknames. Christian church could not come to terms with this and tried to displace pagan names using a variety of methods.

The simplest turned out to be the most effective: over time, the church canonized several Scandinavian saints, their names got into the calendar and, accordingly, gradually began to spread widely.

In Iceland, Christianization took place peacefully, so Christian concepts entered the elements of two-part names.

Modern Scandinavian female names

It should be noted that the Scandinavian culture has always stood out for its pronounced originality. There are even special kind crossword puzzle - a crossword puzzle that differs from a traditional crossword puzzle by a large number of vertical and horizontal intersections of words. Images and photographs may be used instead of letters. One of the favorite questions of scanwords is the question of the meaning of Scandinavian female names, which, most often, have a significant number of letters. These are names such as:

  • Agnetha - saint;
  • Adeline - noble;
  • Astrid - beautiful;
  • Birgitta - sublime;
  • Borgilda - benefit + virgin;
  • Brunnhilde - a woman warrior in armor;
  • Vigdis - goddess of war;
  • Wilhelm - protected by a helmet;
  • Gerda - protection;
  • Guda - kind;
  • Goodhild - good fight;
  • Ilva - she-wolf;
  • Ingrid - protection of the king;
  • Inga - domineering;
  • Matilda - strong in battle;
  • Ranghilda - the battle of the defenders;
  • Svanhilda - a slain swan;
  • Sigrid is a beautiful victory;
  • Sigrun - the secret of victory;
  • Siri is a beautiful win;
  • Solveig - a ray of the sun;
  • Ulla - prosperity, power;
  • Ulrika - prosperity, power;
  • Frida - peaceful;
  • Helga - saint;
  • Henrika - housekeeper;
  • Hilda - battle;
  • Hulda - keeping a secret;
  • Erica is the ruler.

See more lists on Wikipedia.

Modern naming traditions in Scandinavia

Meanwhile, in modern Sweden and Denmark, the most common female names are not of Scandinavian origin at all. Their source is either church calendar or other cultures.

In Sweden, the most popular female names are Elizabeth, Margareta, Eva, Karin, Emma, ​​Sarah. Only one name of Old Norse origin - Ingrid - is in the top ten common names.

In Denmark, a similar picture: among the most common are Anna, Kristen, Susanna, Maria, Marianne, Karen, Camille, Charlotte, Louise, Emma, ​​Maya, Isabella, Clara, Laura. From Scandinavian - Inga, Inger, Freya.

In Norway and Iceland the situation is somewhat different, in these countries traditional Scandinavian names are still popular. So, in Norway, out of 10 common female names, they had a “domestic” origin - Inga, Liv, Ingrid, Solveig, Astrid, Bjorg.

In Iceland, the names mentioned in the ancient sagas are still in circulation, and the choice of a name is regulated by the Icelandic Naming Committee. There is an official list of allowed names, and that's all foreign names undergo a rigorous selection process for compatibility with the Icelandic language.

Among the common Icelandic female names of Scandinavian origin are names such as.

The way children were called in Scandinavia has a deep history. Only the head, the father, had the right to name a newborn in the family. He also had the right to refuse the child or to accept it. At birth, children were given names that had a connection with the ancestors of the family.

The Normans liked to combine names from the names of deities and additional words. For example, Ingeborg is under the protection of Ing, the god of fertility. It was believed that a girl named like that would be under the protection of a deity.

The Vikings, throughout life path The name may have changed more than once. Usually, the name was changed to a more suitable one when the child grew up, showed character and hallmarks. There are a lot of Viking names, but they are of two types - one-part or two-part.

One-component: Guda - good, Osk - desired, could characterize any qualities or character traits. Or to speak and external qualities, to designate animals. Two-part more complex in construction. They often consist of the names of gods, mythological characters, or simply characterize a warrior. For example, Ingimurd is the hand of the goddess Freya, and Thordis is Thor's beloved.

The names of the Viking gods were used by their worshipers in the compilation of new names. Such names consisted of two or more parts, where one part was the name of one of the Gods. For example, the main god of the Vikings was Odin. Many names came from the name of God Thor - the Thunderer, like Torborg - protected by Thor. Sif - that was the name of the wife of the Thunderer, and their children: the boys - Modi, Magni and the girl Trud - the Valkyrie. Divine incarnation eroticism and everything magical was Freya.

The girls were popular religious names, which include the word As - God, for example, Astrid - divine power, Asveig - the path of God.

It is unusual that both male and female names were treated almost identically. It was popular to convey in the name such qualities as courage, strength, courage, which was also applicable to girls. For example, Brynhild is a female warrior, Goodhild is a glorious battle. The girls were given the names of the heroines of the Scandinavian epic.

Change History

The mythical culture that took place before the adoption of Christianity in the fifth century BC was strongly reflected in how they called their children in the Scandinavian countries.

The inscriptions preserved on the ancient runes testify to how these or those names were geographically distributed. Many names were found throughout Scandinavia, but some were distributed by region.

Germanic myths spoke of the worship of nature, which is why many names had "animal" designations. For girls, for example, Hrefna is a crow. Other natural aspects, such as elements of the elements, also found use in chastising girls, for example, Una - a wave.

Thanks to the ability to change the name (and more than once), throughout life, it was possible to point to special features person or character. This became possible during the period of growing up or as a result of some unusual act.

If the father accepted the child, he had to give the name. Often born girls gave the names of already deceased female ancestors. This was done in order to strengthen the power of the clan, since it was believed that the whole energy of the ancestors who had the same name would be embedded in the child.

It was fashionable for the ancient Scandinavians to take nicknames for themselves, which were subsequently mixed with their real name. For example, a famous witch had the nickname Kolgrima, which stands for black mask. The name Victoria - denoting victory, perfectly reflected the individuality of its owner.

Religion has left its mark on the formation of ancient Scandinavian names. With the advent of Christianity, new trends appeared in choosing a name for children. Names since Christian motives perceived by the people indefinitely. The name of the child at baptism was kept secret. In everyday life they used a second name, which has a more understandable meaning in Scandinavian society.

Most of all, the need to name the child in a Christian way, people from military families, where such names were given if the child was illegally born, did not suit. Over time, female names were replenished with new variations. Many of them are popular to this day:

  1. Christina is a follower of Christ.
  2. Evelyn is the first woman.
  3. Elizabeth - indicated by the Lord.

The difference between ancient and modern names is as follows. because of huge amount battles, the names of girls for a long time bore a "military" imprint. It used to be popular to give girls the names of characters from legends and fairy tales. In modern realities, choosing a name is guided by other criteria. Now it's in fashion to choose feminine, euphonious names, the meanings of which speak of the best feminine qualities and differences. For example, some popular in our homeland.

Modern Scandinavian nicknames are used today not only in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland, but in other countries around the world. They are beautiful, euphonious and have meanings that many like.

Naming in Scandinavia

The Scandinavian peoples in the period when the territory of their residence was a single state spoke the same language. Of course, this influenced the formation of nicknames and their meaning. Children were named, as in most countries, in Scandinavia, based on the status of their parents, their craft. Sometimes the name is associated with personal characteristics person.

Name formation in this part of the world took place in several ways, the nickname:

  • was derived from the name of the deity;
  • derived from the name of the animal;
  • associated with military operations;
  • determined belonging to one of the peoples.

Several centuries ago, Scandinavian female names did not differ from male ones. However, they did have some features. For example, if they wanted to name the unborn child as they called the goddess of battles, then the boy was called Gann, and the girl, adding the postfix “dis”, Ganndis. There are "divine" nicknames for the fair sex in Scandinavia, which are not intertwined with men at all. So, the girls Hjordis are named after the goddess of the sword, and Martina - in honor of the god of war Mars.

When the name of animals was taken as the basis of the name, strong and revered animals were chosen. For example, Bjorn (bear). In the female version, this nickname sounds like Bera or Virna. You can also often hear girls Ilva (wolf) and Ursula (bear) in Scandinavia.

The most common basis for the nicknames of the Scandinavian region is military affairs. Everything was taken into account here: the direction of battles (sea and land battles), paraphernalia (spears, helmets, etc.) and the concepts of courage, valor and other manifestations of a person. Such beautiful nicknames for the fair sex are known as Alfhild (battle of the elves), Britt (strong), Viveka (warlike), Ingeborg (fortress), Liv (protection), lota (brave, courageous), Matilda, Moa and Tilda (powerful in battle), Nanna (brave), Signi (victory), Sigrid and Syria (mystery of victory).

The name of a Scandinavian could change over the course of life. The new nickname was usually associated either with his character and personal qualities, or was his nickname, which, according to others, suited him much more than the one given to him by his parents at birth.

Christian nicknames also took root in the Scandinavian lands. Usually the father named the daughter, and due to the rich and varied choice of “his” names, they were not often used. But over time, it became very popular among the people to use components that are associated with Christianity when compiling complex nicknames:

  • Christmand - protection of Christ;
  • Kristran - the mystery of Christ;
  • Christzhor - to save, to help.

Popular women's names

Nicknames of Scandinavian origin are incredibly popular. But there are some of them that are used most often. This is mainly due to their meaning. Who will refuse to have his daughter called like a beautiful and delicate flower? This is, for example, Sanna (lily flower).

Usually in the Scandinavian languages, nicknames are monosyllabic. They are often used because they are euphonious and easy to remember:

  • Annie - useful and fertile;
  • Birte - sublime;
  • Astra - divine beauty;
  • Clara - pure, bright;
  • Ase - divine;
  • Bodil - revenge battle;
  • Gerd - strong;
  • Dagny - a new day;
  • Ida - hardworking;
  • Kaya - lady;
  • Liv - life;
  • Tira - warrior of Thor;
  • Trin - pure;
  • Elin is a torch.

Short names most often in Scandinavia became the basis for more complex ones. But they don't lose their charm. And today in many nations you can find such two-syllable nicknames:

  • Elizabeth - confirmed by God;
  • Hedwig - battle of rivals;
  • Stina is a follower of Christ;
  • Sigrid - a beautiful victory;
  • Ragnhild - the battle of the defenders;
  • Wilhelm - protected by a helmet;
  • Astrid - divine beauty;
  • Thordis - female Thor;
  • Gunhilda - military battle;
  • Gudnyo - Good news;
  • Solveig - the sun's ray;
  • Lisbeth - confirmed by God;
  • Ingegerd - fenced by Ing;
  • Tekla - God's glory;
  • Borgilda - useful in combat.

Sometimes the inhabitants of some European countries the love of the Scandinavians for two-syllable nicknames is puzzling, because they are very peculiar. This is explained primarily by their cheerful disposition. The most extraordinary female names that originated in Scandinavia, which are called daughters, are:

  • Igulfrid - a beautiful hedgehog;
  • Byonsk - "To the bottom";
  • Ketilrid is a fine helmet;
  • Kolfinna - Saami coal;
  • Myodveig - the power of honey;
  • Oddbjorg - pinnacle of help;
  • Snelaug - snow bride;
  • Runfried is a beautiful mystery.

Modern names different countries differ in origin, cultural and historical heritage, influence of various religions. In countries such as Denmark and Norway, Sweden and Iceland, as well as Finland, children are called modern names, but more of these names originates from ancient Scandinavia. Some of which go back to legends and myths, some are a reflection of Germanic and biblical names. Rich story reflected in the variety of female and male Scandinavian names.

Features of Scandinavian group names

The names of the Scandinavian group, like those of other peoples, reflected the characteristics of a person's character, described his remarkable sides. But an interesting fact is that the name was not given to a person for life, but could change throughout life, even more than once. The reason for changing the name could be an act that left an imprint on the attitude towards its bearer, or the emergence of new qualities as a result of growing up.

History has left its mark on Scandinavian female names, which reflect the warlike events of a rich past. It is noteworthy that the interpretation and meaning of female and male names are almost the same. The character traits of the conqueror were passed down from generation to generation, and the strength and courage, bravery and courage revered at all times were embodied in the names of the girls. For example, Vigdis is the “goddess of war”, Goodhild is a “good battle”, Swanhild is a “battle of swans”, Brynhild is a “militant woman”.

It is also noteworthy that two-part Scandinavian female names are used, and their meaning is intended to determine objects and abstract concepts, to reflect distinctive features appearance and character traits: “peaceful ruler” - Fredrik, “battle of defenders” - Ragnhild.

How was the name given in the Scandinavian family in antiquity?

In naming, the peoples of Scandinavia had their own traditions, followed by everyone without exception.

Only the father gave the name to the girl and the boy. This was equated with the acquisition by the baby of the right to life, because the head of the family could accept or reject a new member. When naming a child, tribute was paid to glorious ancestors who were to be reborn in a new body when choosing a name for a descendant. Scandinavian female names were given to girls in honor of deceased relatives. These names were intended to strengthen the strength of the clan, which came from all the ancestors who bore this name.

Ancient Scandinavian names and modern ones. What is the difference?

The culture of glorious wars and battles left its mark on the names of girls in Scandinavia. There were no special differences in antiquity between the male and female names. Girls were named after military events and battles, patrons of war and battles, peace and victories. popular in old days used the names of heroes sung in legends and epic works. It was customary to call girls the names of goddesses and heroines of legends.

AT modern world The choice is made in a different way. They now prefer beautiful Scandinavian female names, which are the embodiment of femininity, tenderness, are distinguished by the beauty of sound and grace, they sing the best qualities and virtues of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. For example: Ingrid - "beautiful" and Inga - "the only one", Christina - "follower of Christ" and Letizia - "happy", Sonya - "wise" and Henrika - "housekeeper", Eidin - "slender" and Katarina - "clean" .

Mythological roots of Scandinavian names

The mythology of the Angles and Normans, Danes and Saxons, formed before the adoption of Christianity, from the 5th century BC. BC, is reflected in the names of the Scandinavian countries. German-Scandinavian mythology basically represented the worship of the forces of nature, so a number of names corresponded to the names of animals that were especially revered by the Vikings.

Women's names Scandinavian mythology represented by such options as "Bear" - Ulf or "god of fertility" - Freir. The names of sacred ravens were also popular, which were especially revered by the Vikings and personified military luck: “thought, soul” - Huginn and “memory” - Muginn. The forces of nature are reflected in the names: "rock" - Stein, "protected by Thor" - Torborg, "soul" - Hugi.

Simple and complex names among the Scandinavians

Scandinavian names are divided into two main groups: one- and two-part. If the first group includes descriptions of character traits or belonging to a certain tribe and clan: “spiritualized” - Aud, “strong” - Gerda, “foreigner” - Barbro, then two-part Scandinavian female names and their meaning have their own characteristics.

In two-syllable and two-part names, the components of the names of two parents or the qualities that they want to endow the baby are reflected: “stone, protect” - Steinbjorg, “battle of the elves” - Alvhild, “divine runes” - Gudrun.

Absorbing the culture of neighboring peoples who professed Lutheran and catholic faith, began to give the child two names at baptism, which are designed to protect him throughout his life. In everyday life, only one name is used, and they try to keep the second in the shadows. And in difficult life situations associated with health, it is customary to turn to the second name and actively use it instead of the first, believing that protective forces can change fate for the better.

Nicknames that became names

Initially, for the most part, ancient Scandinavian names, including female ones, were mixed with a wide variety of nicknames, and it was difficult to distinguish between them. Some names contained both a nickname and a proper name. For example, the name Alv incorporates the nickname "elf". The nicknames perfectly reflected the individual characteristics of a person: Raquel - "sheep", Tord Horsehead - a woman of Thor.

The nicknames of famous witches and sorcerers also reflect Scandinavian female names: Kolfinna - "dark, black Finn", Kolgrima - "black mask". Over time, the boundaries between the name and the nickname are erased and become indistinguishable.

viking heritage

The brave conquerors of antiquity - the Vikings - passed through the centuries and gradually turned into modern Scandinavians, and their culture is reflected in glorious names. Warring tribes treated the choice of name responsibly. It was believed that the name is capable of shaking the universe and influencing the entire fate of its bearer. Naming the child, they believed that they were giving it under the protection of the gods and the forces of nature. Some of the names reflecting the rituals of priests and sorcerers have gone forever, and those praising the achievements of a warrior or hunter continue to exist to this day. And among these: Valborg - "saving those who die in battle", Bodil - "battle-vengeance", Borgilda - "fighting, useful maiden."

How did Christianity influence the name?

With the adoption of Christianity, new names began to appear, but their distribution was ambiguously perceived by the Scandinavian peoples.

Christian names given to children at baptism remained secret. They used the second name, which was traditional and understandable for the Scandinavian people. A special rejection of new names was in the families of the military elite, where it was accepted Christian names name only illegitimate children. But gradually new ones joined the Scandinavian female names. They are actively used by modern parents who choose them for their daughters: Christina and Stina - "follower of Christ", Elizabeth - "God-confirmed", Evelina - "little Eve", Anneliese - "gracious, useful, confirmed by God".

Adamina - red, earth.
Adeline, Adeline - noble, noble.
Agnetha - saint, chaste.
Alina is decent.
Anitra, Annie - useful, grace.
Asta, Astrid, Asya - divine beauty.
Aud - spiritualized.

Barbro is a stranger, a foreigner.
Birgit, Birgitta, Birte - sublime.
Brita is sublime.
Brunnhilde is a female warrior dressed in armor.
Wendla is a traveler.
Vigdis is the goddess of battles, war.
Victoria - a furore, a victory.
Wilma, Wilhelm - militant, protected by a helmet.
Vivien, Vivi - mobile, alive.
Gerda, Gerd - powerful, strong.
Gunnel, Gunhild, Gunhild - military battle.
Gunvor is a vigilant female warrior.
Dagny, Dagney - the birth of a new day.
Dorta, Dorte, Dorothea - God's gift.
Ida is diligent and hardworking.
Ilva is a wolf woman.
Inga is unique, one, only.
Ingeborg, Ingegerd - protected by Ing.
Ingrid is beautiful, incomparable.
Jorun, Jorunn is a lover of horses.
Katrin, Katharina - innocent, pure.
Carolina is strong, courageous.
Kaya is the mistress, mistress.
Clara - immaculate, pure, dazzling.
Kristin, Kristina, Stina - a follower of the teachings of Christ.
Letizia - glowing with happiness.
Lisbeth - God confirmed.
Liv, Liva - giving life.
Maya is a mother-nurse.
Margareta, Margrit - a precious pearl.
Marthe is a housekeeping lady.
Matilda, Matilda, Mektilda - strong in battle.
Ragnhilda - the battle of warriors-defenders.
Rune - dedicated to secret knowledge.
Sana, Susanna - lily flower.
Sarah is a noble lady, a charming princess.
Sigrid, Sigrun, Siri - a beautiful victory.
Simone is understanding.
Sonya, Ragna - wise, wise.
Swanhilda - the battle of the swans.
Tekla - Divine glorification.
Thora, Tyra is the warrior of Thor.
Torborg - taken under the protection of Thor.
Tord, Thordis is Thor's beloved.
Thorhild - the battle of Thor.
Tove - thundering.
Trin - immaculate, pure.
Turid is the beauty of God Thor.
Ulla, Ulrika - power and prosperity.
Frida is peaceful.
Hedwig - battle of rivals.
Helen, Elin - flame, torch.
Henrika is the housekeeper.
Hilda, Hilde - battle.
Hulda - guarding a secret, hidden.
Eidin - graceful, slender.
Elizabeth is confirmed by God.
Erica is the ruler.
Esther is a shining star.
Evelina, Evelyn - progenitor, little Eve.

A correctly chosen name has a strong effect on the character, aura and destiny of a person. positive influence. It actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and state, improves health, removes various negative programs of the unconscious. But how do you pick the perfect name?

Although there are cultural poetic interpretations what female names mean, in reality, the influence of the name on each girl is individual.

Sometimes parents try to choose a name before birth, making it difficult for the baby to form. Attempts to use astrology are no longer applicable, astrology and numerology of choosing a name have squandered all serious knowledge about the influence of a name on fate through the ages.

Christmas calendars, holy people, without consulting a seeing, perspicacious specialist, they do not provide any real help in assessing the influence of names on the fate of the child.

Lists of popular, happy, beautiful, melodic female names - in fact, generalizations, and completely turn a blind eye to the individuality, energy, soul of the child.

Beautiful and modern Scandinavian names should first of all suit the child, and not the relative external criteria of beauty and fashion. Who don't care about your child's life.

Various characteristics according to statistics - positive features name, negative traits name, choosing a profession by name, the impact of a name on business, the impact of a name on health, the psychology of a name can only be considered in the context deep analysis character, energy structure, tasks for life and kind of a particular child.

Name compatibility topic(and not the characters of people) is an absurdity that turns inside out on interactions different people internal mechanisms of influence of the name on the state of its bearer. And it cancels the entire psyche, the unconscious, energy and behavior of people. It reduces the entire multidimensionality of human interaction to one false characteristic.

Meaning of the name does not give a full effect, this is only a small part of the effect. For example, Ragna (wise) does not mean that the girl will be happy in family life, and the bearers of other names are unhappy. The name can weaken her health, block her heart center and she will not be able to give and receive love. On the contrary, it will help another girl to solve problems for love or family, it will greatly facilitate life and achieve goals. The third girl may not bring any effect at all, whether there is a name or not. Etc. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics. And the same name. But fates are different.

The most popular Scandinavian names for girls are also misleading. 95% of girls are called names that do not make life easier. You can only focus on the innate character of the child, spiritual vision and the wisdom of a specialist. And experience, experience and once again the experience of understanding what is happening.

The secret of the female name, as a program of the unconscious, a sound wave, vibration is revealed by a special bouquet primarily in a person, and not in semantic meaning and description of the name. And if this name destroys the child, then there would be no beautiful, melodious with a patronymic, astrological, blissful, it would still be harm, destruction of character, complication of life and aggravation of fate.

Below is a list of Scandinavian names. Try to choose a few, the most suitable in your opinion for the child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the impact of the name on fate, .

List of female Scandinavian names alphabetically:

Adamina - earth, red
Adeline - noble
Agnetha - chaste, holy
Alina - noble
Anitra - fertile, useful
Anneliese - grace-filled, useful, confirmed by God
Annie - gracious, useful
Ase - divine
Asta - divine beauty
Astrid - divine beauty
Aud - spiritually rich

Barbro - foreign, alien
Birgit - sublime
Birgitta - exalted
Birte - sublime
Bodil - revenge battle
Borgilda - Useful War Maiden
Brita - exalted
Brunnhilde - a woman warrior in armor

Valborg - rescue of those killed in battle
Vendla the wanderer
Vigdis - goddess of war
Victoria - victory
Wilhelm - protected by a helmet
Wilma - Helmeted
Vivi is alive
Vivien is alive

Gerd - strong
Gerda - strong
Gudrun - divine runes
Gunhild - military battle
Gunhilda - military battle
Gunnel - military battle
Gunvor - vigilant warrior

Dagney - new day
Dagny - new day
Dorothea is a gift from God
Dorte is a gift from God
Dorta is a gift from God

Ida - hardworking
Ilva - she-wolf
Inga is the only one
Ingeborg - protected by Ing
Ingegerd - fenced by Ing
Ingrid is beautiful

Jorun - lover of horses
Jorunn - lover of horses

Catherine - clean
Carolina - courageous
Katharina - pure
Catherine - clean
Kaya - Mrs.
Clara - pure, bright
Christine is a follower of Christ
Christina is a follower of Christ

Letitia - happy
Lisbeth - confirmed by God
Liv is life
Liva - life

Magdalena - Magdalene
Maya is a breastfeeding mother
Margareta is a gem
Margrit is a gem
Marte - mistress, mistress
Matilda - strong in battle
Matilda - strong in battle
Mektilda - strong in battle

Ragna - wise
Ragnhilda - Battle of the Defenders
Raquel is a sheep
Rune - secret knowledge

Sanna - lily
Sarah - princess, noble lady
Sigrid - beautiful win
Sigrun - the secret of victory
Simone - attentive
Siri is a beautiful win
Sonya is wise
Stina is a follower of Christ
Susanna - lily
Svanhilda - the battle of the swans

Thekla - God's glory
Thora is a warrior
Tyra - warrior of Thor
Thorborg - protected by Thor
Tord - female Thor
Thordis - female Thor
Thorhild - Thor's battle
Tuve - thunder
Trin - pure
Turid - the beauty of Thor
Tyra - warrior of Thor

Ulla - prosperity and power
Ulrika - prosperity and power

Frida - peaceful

Hedwig - battle of rivals
Helen - torch
Henrika - housekeeper
Hilda - battle
Hilde - battle
Hulda - hidden, keeping a secret

Eidin - slender
Elin - torch
Elizabeth - confirmed by God
Erika is the sovereign
Esther is a star
Evelina - little Eve
Evelyn - little Eve

Fate is character. Character is corrected, including through thoughts. The most the main idea This name. The name lays changes in the character. Then character changes fate and future. Since all people are different, any generalizations that ignore the individuality of a person are incorrect.

How to choose an absolutely right, strong and suitable name for a child in 2019?

If you want to give a child strong name, which would improve the weak qualities of the child, support in life, protect against birth problems. In general, you want the chosen name to help the child be better, more successful, more efficient and have less problem situations in life.

Find out right now how the name will affect the fate, strength of character and life of the child.
I will make you a free analysis of the 1st name - write to whatsapp +7926 697 00 47
Or come to me in the center in Moscow, at the Red Gate.

Name neurosemiotics
Yours, Leonard Boyard
Switch to the value of life

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